Madeline Jade:Age: Adult
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Good, Neat, Artistic, Friendly.
Lifetime Wish: Swimming in Cash.
Favourites: Classical, Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches.
Sign: Scorpio.
Madeline is the Spare of the Second Generation, she was born to make Gabriella's Elder Portrait and now that she has she is living the high life, what more could a girl want apart from a Sprinkler and a Hot Tub! Madeline was the Original Designer of the Cherrywear Clothing Range.
Contains Content from Ambitions and Late Night.Full Wardrobe plus an Extra Everyday:
(Everyday1+2, Formal, Sleepwear, Athletic, Swimwear)Other Images
Relatives: To find all of the Jade Dynasty Members follow THIS LINK.
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