Edit by Pam on June 4, 2013:
Rules for This Thread1. No more than 10 images per post.
2. If the images are moved or deleted from the hosting site (like Photobucket), the post will be removed with no notice.
3. No third party content is allowed in the makeovers. It must all be done with standard Sims 3 clothing, makeup, and hair.
4. Only townies can be shared here. A townie is a Sim who lives in town at the start of the game. No CAS made Sims, no NPC Sims, and no newcomer Sims.
5. Identify the townie with the Sim's name and the name of the town where he/she lives.
I read on Wikapedia that those sims that
look ugly are actually quite pretty/handsome once you send them to the gym and give em' a makeover, so I decided to try Claire Ursine:
Man, she IS pretty!
Post your makeovers, too!