Ok, she's fought 7 mummies now and has won every single fight. I was hoping that she'd get cursed anyway, because I think that you can get the curse even if you don't fight and even if you beat them. I'm not sure....but I think that's the case. The teen girl I was playing a week or so ago, got the curse and she didn't even fight the mummy....she just encountered him.
Anyway, I think it's funny how there are fat mummies and skinny mummies. And there's one mummy that she encountered the other day who is now a friend of hers and shows up in her friends panel. LOL I think that was the one that really liked her.
Thought you all might like to see some of my fights.....some of them are really funny!
What I ended up having to do was to use the "buydebug" cheat so that I could simply give all the sarcophagi a 100% chance of producing a mummy so that she'd have more opportunities to encounter them and more of a chance of getting the curse. There really aren't that many mummies so in order to complete this challenge, I needed to have a lot of mummies. Problem is....she's still too strong for them and beats them all anyway. I think I may have to do what Carl suggested and have her go in while she's very tired and hungry.
Fight #1 (Pyramid of the Sky)
Fight #2 (Pyramid of the Wind)
Fight #3 (Pyramid of the Wind)
Fight #4 (Pyramid of the Wind) I know this looks similar as fight #3, but notice that this mummy is fatter. LOL
Fight #5 (Pyramid of the Burning Sands- I think)
Fight #6 (Pyramid of the Burning Sands)
Fight #7 (Pyramid of the Burning Sands)
I always have her sing "Oh Where is My Mummy" every time she sees one. LOL
This one cracks me up because she has him in a head lock!
So off she goes.....looking for more mummies to fight.....