I forgot to show you all Antone and Prue.
Also, here is Antone's museum room,
I know she has already had the baby, but I think these are funny. First, sis announces to Antone she is pregnant which in itself isn't funny,
What happened next is hilarious. Antone wished to move in with Melinda. Uh dude you have been married to her and living with her the last couple days. I'm aware that he has been visiting the clubs, maybe he forgot?! Haha.
Sis was mad. She is a 5 star celebrity like me, but where as I got a free $7,500 package, she had to pay $4,000!
Everyone knew Vic had his adult birthday right? Well, Melinda sculpted his sculpture,
And it was put in his room.
Here is dad and Bianca,
Mom and Bianca
Me and Bianca
Vic and Bianca
Antone and Bianca
Antone put Bianca in the other crib. I guess it's a good thing mom kept them!!
Last pic is of Bianca and her mommy. Just like my baby was with me, Melinda has her baby with her as well!