Author Topic: The Starr Immortal Dynasty - The Final Chapter *happy dance, happy dance*  (Read 266277 times)

Offline Katluvr

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I've been playing for about a month now and I'm ready to have a go at this challenge.  I may crash and burn, but hopefully this will be somewhat entertaining no matter if it is successful or not.   ;D

Table of Contents
In the Beginning
Agnes Speaks
From the Desk of...Jessica
Postcards from Egypt
A Mummy, A Wedding, and A Divine Meal
Jessica Redecorates
A Grim Reminder
Two for the Price of One
Beginnings and Endings
Sam Starr, Intrepid Explorer
Teenagers Kick Our Butt
Jori Looks Good in Black
Jessica Immortalized
A Brief Update from Jessica
Birthdays, A Wedding, and Romance in the Air
To Everything There is a Season
Sam's Dream Realized
Welcome Jasmine Starr
Jori on Motherhood
Brawls, Birthdays, Romance, and a Divine Meal
Decisions, Decisions
So You Think You Had a Bad Day?
Just an Ordinary Day
Keeping Grim Busy
The Immortals are Misbehaving!
Birthdays, Beaus, and 'Brosia
The Wedding That Almost Wasn't
Evening the Odds
And Now a Word From Our Sponsors
Immortals Like to Party All the Time
Cutting It Close
A Starr is Born
Toddler Antics
Not Quite the Girl Next Door
Another One Bites the Dust
The Best Laid Plans
Twinkle Twinkle Little Starr
Toddler Daze
Birthdays and Their Opposite
One Step Closer
Ambrosia Time
Go! Go! Jo!
The Final Chapter

For The Record Books

~~~~~~~~~~ Cast of Characters ~~~~~~~~~~

L to R:  Jackson (G1), Jessica (G2), Jorianne (G3), Jasmine (G4), Jocelyn (G5), Jameson (G6), Jenni Carmen (G7), Joanna (G8 )


I'm a man haunted by my past and running from my future.  I landed in Sunset Valley with a talent for larceny and cooking.  The former provided me with a tidy nest egg, large enough to buy myself a fresh start and not so big as to draw unwanted attention from law enforcement.  I plan to use my culinary skills to make an honest living.  My name is Jackson Starr and if I choose to fulfill my destiny, I will be immortal.  Most people would think this a blessing, I think it's a curse.  Watching all but the firstborn of each generation age and die, trapped in the purgatory that is my birthright.  I will do what I must to meet my obligation but I will turn my back on love and happiness in the process to dampen the pain that I know will come.  

The first order of business is to buy some land.  I found the perfect spot but didn't have two simoleons to rub together after I bought it.  From there it was off to pay visit to a wealthy widow who will bear my heir.  Since this is a marriage of convenience, I value her money and artistic skill above all.  I feel a twinge of guilt that I am dragging an innocent into this, but I harden my resolve and ring the doorbell.

We start talking - she will be my bride before the day is over.  She suspects nothing.  If I play my cards right I will steal that hot sports car parked in her driveway and a few other valuables before we marry.  Kleptomania runs in my family and I'm good at it.  Even though I
am going to be a top chef, the urge to take what catches my eye is too strong to resist.  And so I begin wooing the fair Agnes Crumplebottom.


It's just like taking candy from a baby.  She's lonely and I'm attentive - what an easy mark she is.  I try to ignore my conscience, but when the afternoon sun caught Agnes's golden hair and warm, brown eyes I almost lost my nerve.

When the time is right I drop to one knee and propose.  She quickly agrees to be my wife.

'Oh Jackson, I never thought I'd feel this again after losing Erik.  You've made me the happiest woman alive!'

All I could do was press my face into her hair so she couldn't see the tears in my eyes at the life I was condemning her to.

We were briefly interrupted by a visit from her sister, Cornelia.  This was my opportunity to snatch the car and a couple of other things to add to Agnes's already ample dowry.  I made my move while the sisters were occupied.  When I was done I told Agnes that I couldn't bear to be apart from her and that we should marry on the spot while Cornelia was there to witness our good fortune.  From the look on her face I think she suspects something.  I'll have to be sure to become friendly with her.  Who knows, if she's as wealthy as Agnes, my sticky fingers might do some walking at her house, too.

With the proceeds from the sale of Agnes's house and furnishings we have quite a bit of money.  Add to that some wedding gifts and the cash I got from selling her stolen car, and I was able to build us quite a comfortable home.  Our wedding night is quite busy...

...and the next morning my bride seems a bit under the weather.

She settles in to paint a portrait of me, but takes a break to go to the salon for a makeover.  

I'm stunned when I see her, she's beautiful, and for a moment I'm not sure I can go through with my plan.  Then she tells me that she is pregnant and all the feelings that I've been trying so hard to avoid come rushing in.  I'm in trouble now...I never planned on falling in love!

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Re: The Starr Immortal Dynasty *gulp*
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2011, 08:58:57 PM »
That's a great start, Katluvr!  You've taken a very common beginning and made it very interesting with your writing style and the little twists.  This is very well done.

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Offline Saltypaws

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Re: The Starr Immortal Dynasty *gulp*
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2011, 10:03:36 PM »
Yes, I agree.  What a great start.  I will be reading this one and you have such a good way with words.  I am so glad you decided to write a story. :)
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Offline kattiq

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Re: The Starr Immortal Dynasty *gulp*
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2011, 10:12:42 PM »
Great beginning! It is very intriguing..I can't wait to see more devious pursuits by Jackson!

Offline Alexandria_

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Re: The Starr Immortal Dynasty *gulp*
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2011, 12:37:01 AM »
I really like the way you write. Great start!

Offline Katluvr

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Re: The Starr Immortal Dynasty *gulp*
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2011, 01:25:53 AM »
Thank you for all the kind words and support!  I decided to try the kleptomania trait with my founder just for fun and it has actually been more profitable than his day job.  Otherwise he has good traits (natural cook, green thumb, loves the outdoors, and friendly) - I don't want him to be a total skunk, just a tormented man who feels things too deeply for his own comfort and puts on a 'bad boy' exterior to avoid his feelings.  I think Agnes might break him of that habit, though.  :)

Offline Lilygirl

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Re: The Starr Immortal Dynasty *gulp*
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2011, 03:29:15 AM »
Great start, Katluvr.

Jackson sounds like he needs a good dose of Agnes loving! It's best taken in the morning iced in Garters, served with Stroke Cheek and Massage, followed by baked-just-right Try for Baby. Allow 3 days for rising before adding a heavy dose of Freak Out and Take to Hospital. Enjoy!
You've played too much TS3 when ... your 13 month old's babble sounds like Simlish!

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Offline ratchie

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Re: The Starr Immortal Dynasty *gulp*
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2011, 06:24:02 AM »
You have a lovely writing style I look forward to reading more.

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Offline Katluvr

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Re: The Starr Immortal Dynasty *gulp*
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2011, 02:55:37 PM »

Despite my best efforts to the contrary, I find myself completely enchanted by Agnes.  I find myself rushing home from work to be with her.  Now with a nooboo on the way I'm doing my best to keep her happy and comfortable.

Pregnancy suits her, she's glowing.  We were talking in bed the other night and she told me how she wished for a daughter.  Even though I hoped for a son, I kept my thoughts to myself and the next morning it is off to the market to stock up on watermelon.  After all, if everything goes as planned, this child will be my companion through eternity.  The least I can do is give my beloved wife this wish.

The days are an endless blur of work, followed by visits to some of our wealthier neighbors for a little 'shopping'.  In this way I can make sure Agnes wants for nothing.  I've even managed to save enough to build a basement to house the Starr Family Museum.  The portrait Agnes painted is its first and only piece, but that will be changing soon.

I ran into my sister-in-law, Cornelia, at the consignment store where she works.  Imagine my surprise to learn that she is also expecting!

I find her husband a bit odd, but I behaved myself and didn't ask if Gunther was the father.

Agnes has been spending more time at home as our baby's birth approaches.  Good thing I happened to have the night off from work...

We made it to the hospital with not a moment to spare.  

Meet Jessica Starr.  She is artistic and friendly, and she will grow up to be painter like her mother.  I love her more than I have ever loved anyone.  I only pray she will forgive me when she learns our family secret.  I quickly put those thoughts out of my head.  For now we will be a normal family.

Offline Alexandria_

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Re: The Starr Immortal Dynasty *gulp*
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2011, 08:35:06 PM »
Welcome baby Jessica :)

Offline Filly

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Re: The Starr Immortal Dynasty *gulp*
« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2011, 08:46:57 PM »
Bookmarked and cant wait to see more. How about some picture of their house?

Offline Lilygirl

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Re: The Starr Immortal Dynasty *gulp*
« Reply #11 on: February 10, 2011, 10:00:42 PM »
Good luck with young Jessica! Looks like she can grow up with a cousin and perhaps best friend for life.
You've played too much TS3 when ... your 13 month old's babble sounds like Simlish!

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Re: The Starr Immortal Dynasty *gulp*
« Reply #12 on: February 11, 2011, 03:36:20 AM »
Great story Katluvr! Welcome to the world Jessica!

Offline Katluvr

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Re: The Starr Immortal Dynasty - Take Two
« Reply #13 on: February 11, 2011, 11:39:13 AM »
First off, let me apologize in advance for the length of this post and it's appalling lack of pictures.  You'll understand why if you read on.

So I was reading another dynasty and learned that you can marry Agnes with her car in her inventory, thus starting out with just over $100k.  Apparently I did not play my cards right, because no matter what I did, Agnes just left that car sitting in her driveway.  After much research on the forums I finally figured out that because Jackson married Agnes at her house she did not have the car in her inventory.  In the interest of full disclosure, I decided to end my first attempt at this dynasty last night so that I could start again and take full advantage of all of Agnes's assets.

Instead of marrying her on the evening of Day 1 at her house, Jackson proposed on Day 1 and spent the night there (much better than the fire station - it also gave him an opportunity to put his kleptomania trait to good use - he tried for a top of the line refrigerator, stove, and shower of power but ended up with a cabinet, a food processor, and a toilet - good thing he is not planning on a criminal career!)  The next morning he went out collecting and ended up at the consignment shop.  He called Agnes and invited her to meet him there - and sure enough, she showed up with her car.  Ever the opportunist, he married her at the consignment shop - who says romance is dead!  Unfortunately it was before Cornelia showed up, so she did not get to witness her sister's wedding this time.  The first thing Jackson did was sell off Agnes's car - which brought the couple's cash on hand up to $108k.  He was so happy I think he would have woo hooed Agnes right there on the spot but there was no bed around so that had to wait.

The newlyweds did a little shopping before going home to build their love nest.  They were especially lucky and found a really good camera, trampoline, and several skill books for dirt cheap - the camera was under $700 and the trampoline was under $800 - I think those may be the best bargains I've ever seen and Jackson had the moodlet to prove it.  Yay, now we can have photographs in the family museum!   Then it was back home to spend some money building and furnishing their home.  I refined my home design a bit.  It is the same shape/size as before but I think the layout is more visually appealing and better set up for future expansion.  I was also able to splurge on a really nice bed, a sculpting station for Agnes, and a fireplace (I know it doesn't serve any useful purpose, but it adds so much to the feel of the place).

Agnes got pregnant as soon as the building and decorating was finished.  She painted Jackson's YA portrait straight away and is working on her photography and sculpting skills.  Hopefully she will level up quickly.  I would love to get toddler photos/sculptures of Jessica and, if I'm really lucky, maybe YA ones of Jackson since he doesn't age up for another 13 days. 

Jackson is working on cooking (his supermax skill), gardening, and fishing.  I plan for him to max gardening, but only fish enough to stock a pond with deathfish.  Since money is no longer an immediate issue, he is not spending as much time stealing things (although Nick Alto's car is now sitting in Jackson's driveway).  He starts his new job at the Bistro today.  Since he already has 3 levels in cooking and the Office Hero LTR, I hope he will get a promotion right away.  He also bought his 2 properties.  The book store is now 'Aggie's Book Nook' in honor of his wife.  Too bad she doesn't seem to get a discount there for being the owner!  He also bought the property across the street.  The addition of restrooms and a couple of picnic tables brought it to level 2, but further upgrades have to wait for more money.  In the meantime he's going to work on stocking the pond.

I wrapped up the night with the arrival of Jessica Starr.  Since Jackson was so attentive to Agnes's needs during her pregnancy, he got to pick 2 traits for his daughter.  Jessica is artistic and friendly.  Painting will be her supermax skill and her career.  Initially I had planned to pick Swimming in Cash for her LTW, but since I have a sculpting station and a good camera, I may pick Renaissance Sim.  That way Jessica can meet all future museum needs and I only have to have her future husband take care of her museum pieces after Agnes meets Grim.

In other news, Cornelia doesn't appear to be pregnant (yet?), so I may have to rethink my choice of a husband for Jessica.  She has some time yet, and besides, marrying your first cousin is kind of creepy!

I'll post pics of Chateau Starr and Jessica as a toddler tonight. 

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Re: The Starr Immortal Dynasty *gulp*
« Reply #14 on: February 11, 2011, 11:55:39 AM »
You had to start over already? Ohhh that bites! Sorry, good luck with the restart though!