Ok, I'm having all sorts of weird issues here.
I created a handsome male sim for my female sim to meet and fall in love with. I placed him in China because that's where she is currently visiting. I figured he could be an explorer also and they could meet and fall in love.
Anyway, so because of the fact that they only get $16,500 to start off with, he obviously could not afford a home of his own, so I moved him in with an existing Chinese family by the name of Wan. (they live in the center of town) So I had her go visit the house and she met him......they hit it off and things have progressed and I added him to her family so I could control him too. Well I've been working on his skills too since his lifetime wish is to be a martial arts master and he got a challenge to spar with this sim and he took the challenge.
I did the map view thing to find the guy he was supposed to spar with and saw the guy's picture and went to the house. When I went to click on the door to visit, it said, "Visit the Peterson Household." I thought, "What the heck? My guy is named Peterson and there are NOT any Chinese Peterson families!" So apparently, the guy he was supposed to spar with was at this house, but there was a clone of MY sim who lived there and he seemed very upset that my sim and the sim he was supposed to spar with was at his house and he told us to leave. <so confused>
I have NO idea how a clone of my sim ended up living in that house which was fully furnished on the amount of money he had and I did not put him there. I just went into Edit Town mode and took him out of the house so there's only ONE Alan Peterson in the neighborhood. LOL
This game is SO weird! It's almost as if the game is spawning humans along with all the other things it spawns in the game. (rocks, gems, bugs, etc.)