Well I guess two is better than none right? hahaha
Yes, that would take forever! I don't have that much patience nor the time but I'll trust you and Salty that it's a great show
I wished we could move, I hate having to be creative and build houses sometimes..haha right now Their house is just thrown together cause they are still poor. Bailey will marry rich so I can actually build them a nice house!
Thanks me too!!
Actually yes! Two is
much better than none! If someone asks me if I follow the rules, I can honestly reply "Yes I have followed
two rules to the letter." Which sounds so much better than "No I broke every rule!"
It is an awesome show! Mine are underground, and I just build more when I need it. Like I add rooms as needed. I don't
need a kitchen, living room or bathroom right now but what house doesn't have those things?