I was actually going to put a couple of videos in my last update and totally forgot. When I viewed them, I had to share them. The first one, was just before the wedding and Amanda got Chris's picture in the top left corner. I always mouse over it, because I want to make sure no one is flirting with someone they shouldn't. Anyway, it said "chat with Christopher". She sat down on the couch next to him and they were talking up a storm. This is freewill at it's finest, because I had to finally tell her to change clothes for the wedding. I only added it, because I had never really seen a sim, just sit and visit about anything and everything with another sim and I thought it was really neat. You can see that Jessica changed into her formal wear behind them.
This video was of the wedding. I wasn't going to post it, but when I viewed it, I heard, what sounded like crying in the background, I don't think it actually was, but it sounded like the normal noises you would actually hear at a wedding. People had started to go outside, just before I clicked on Nathan to "get married" and then everyone headed back inside. Then you can see little Chad's thought bubble of his toy box as he crawled by. Thought it was kinda cute.