It seems like the days have just really dragged on since Agnes death. We all have gone about our daily lives, watching the children grow and being a family. Monica seemed more restless than usual, but maybe that is how this vampire thing works. She still has her times when the evil comes out, but she is totally devoted to Joslin, or so it seemed. I finally decided to invite Amanda over and I told her to bring Chad, I think that was probably kind of a given that she would bring him with her.
When she arrived, I finally got to hold my son and he had grown up into a handsome little guy, must take after his dad.
I dug out some toys of the girls and Chad and I played on the floor, for what seemed like hours.
I couldn't neglect Amanda, I think Chris was talking her ear off from the sounds of it.
I took Amanda in my arms and told her I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her and that I would do my best to make her as happy as she had made me.
I felt like a teenager again and it just felt right. I saw Monica out of the corner of my eye, sort of giving us that look and I though, uh oh, what is she up to now.
She turned around and left the room, but little did I know, that was the last time I would see her. The next morning, I awoke and something did not feel right and I knew in the pit of my stomach something was wrong. The house was still quiet and I went downstairs to talk to Monica and she was not in her room. There was a letter on the bed and this is what it read, "Dear Daddy, I know I have made this family miserable and I am so sorry for that, but as long as there is this many in the house, you cannot be with the woman you love and your son. This is not good bye, this is me wanting you to have a life, because face it dad, since mom has been gone, you have been lonely and you deserve someone like Amanda. I watched you last night and this is the right thing to do for now. I love my family, in my own way. Don't worry, I have saved enough money from my job, I will be fine. Now, go get Amanda and Chad and be happy. Love Amanda." Well, I know I love Monica and I will miss her, but I think she forgot something or should I say someone, Joslin. I am not quite sure why she didn't mention this, but this is kind of a big thing to forget. We love Joslin and she will be well taken care of, but, now it is time to plan a quick wedding. You see, I am almost 90, but I decided to keep a death flower in my bag, because I am not ready to go just yet. I have a son and future wife to look after and they need me, just as much as I need them.