I'm curious if mutiple births and mixed genders are possible on a townie who's pregnant, but not visible at the start of the game, (I'm talking about Claire Ursine, Juanita Blanco, Imogen Pelly, Jazlyn Parrot, Jenni Jones-Brown) type. I asked this because quite a few times, I would force Claire to binge on apples until her head exploded (not literally), and she had a boy, which tells me the pregnant Sims that start out in their first trimester aren't fully locked in (birth and gender wise). One time when I played with Jenni, she ended up with twins, (and she only listened to the kids station for literally five Sim seconds), pre-pets. Jenni has the Family Oriented trait if this helps to my little theory based on the increased amount of multiple births, and more common sets of mixed gender twins.