Author Topic: Mixed Gender Twins - It's True!  (Read 141029 times)

Offline jeanamariex3

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Re: Mixed Gender Twins - It's True!
« Reply #45 on: September 14, 2011, 07:27:50 PM »
So which gender is born first of the mixed gender twins? Would it be the gender Geoffrey Landgraab determined Carina was having, or would it be the opposite gender?

Like, in your case, Geoffrey determined Carina was having a boy, was the boy born first?

EDIT: I am asking the question, because I want to try this for the immortal dynasty I'm starting. If the question doesn't make any sense I will try to reword it best I can.  :)

Offline AStephens1971

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Re: Mixed Gender Twins - It's True!
« Reply #46 on: September 15, 2011, 12:18:32 AM »
that's good to know… I have a family (the Johnsons) whom I have been trying to start off with mixed gender twins (I'd like the first one to be a boy, since I always envision him being the oldest)... so I guess what I might have to do is have mom Michelle see the doc (I know it's Geoffrey Landgraab in Sunset Valley, but I'm not sure who it is in Twinbrook--Nick Knack?)... find out then eat some of the opposite gender's fruit. She will have one more, a girl, so I guess by then I'll have to break out the watermelon to ensure it... :)

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Re: Mixed Gender Twins - It's True!
« Reply #47 on: September 15, 2011, 12:22:19 AM »
Nick Knack is in Twinbrook. I think you can also try Jamie Jolina if you attempt mixed gender twins in Sunset Valley. I've gone to Jamie a few times.

Offline Saltypaws

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Re: Mixed Gender Twins - It's True!
« Reply #48 on: September 15, 2011, 12:41:15 AM »
Come to think of it, usually the first child born is the gender of what the doctor said it was.  I was just remembering the mixed gender twins and triplets I have had and that is what has been happening. I can't say it will always be 100 percent, but so far that has been the case as of now. :)
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Re: Mixed Gender Twins - It's True!
« Reply #49 on: September 15, 2011, 04:20:31 AM »
Yeah, I can confirm what Salty says. I have a pregnant woman, ask for gender, if the doctor says boy, I eat 10 watermelons and a few days later, I have a first-born boy and 1-2 girls.

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Re: Mixed Gender Twins - It's True!
« Reply #50 on: September 15, 2011, 02:05:41 PM »
Thank you guys. So it sounds to me like the gender of the baby is basically a surprise without the apple or watermelon binging? Like there's no other way to tell if you're going to have a boy or a girl, other than the food most binged on/consumed?

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Re: Mixed Gender Twins - It's True!
« Reply #51 on: September 16, 2011, 05:54:04 AM »
Thank you guys. So it sounds to me like the gender of the baby is basically a surprise without the apple or watermelon binging? Like there's no other way to tell if you're going to have a boy or a girl, other than the food most binged on/consumed?

Right.  If you don't eat apples or watermelon, the gender is random.
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Re: Mixed Gender Twins - It's True!
« Reply #52 on: November 02, 2011, 11:05:59 PM »
I didn't want to start a whole new topic, so I thought I'd write it here instead. I've found since the pets patch (or maybe it was the generations one, seeing as I haven't played any family but my dynasty one until after both patches came out), my Sims have been having mixed gender twins and triplets without the apple and watermelon trick.

I was so happy to find that change!
At first I thought it was a glitch, but it's happened in three files to three separate families (can you tell I always get the fertility treatment LTR? ;)).


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Re: Mixed Gender Twins - It's True!
« Reply #53 on: November 02, 2011, 11:20:26 PM »
Three is all that I have found is needed, also I think I read that same thing in a guide somewhere...

Offline Pam

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Re: Mixed Gender Twins - It's True!
« Reply #54 on: November 03, 2011, 01:06:12 AM »
Three is all that I have found is needed, also I think I read that same thing in a guide somewhere...

I doubt you read it in Carl's Guide.  If you did, I'd like to see the link so I can ask him to change it.  It's been a rumor since Sims 3 was released that it only takes three of the appropriate fruit to produce the desired gender, but it's been documented many times that three isn't enough.  I recommend up to 10 of whichever fruit, or just letting the mother eat nothing but the fruit during the entire pregnancy.  That's the best way to really make sure you get what you want.
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Re: Mixed Gender Twins - It's True!
« Reply #55 on: November 03, 2011, 01:10:33 AM »
This is what it says on the guide:
A Simple Cheat for Choosing the Gender of the Baby: For Having a Boy Eat Apples or Eat Watermelons to Have a Girl
The second 'pregnancy cheat'. Before a Sim is visibly pregnant, you should have them eat one of two fruit in order to have the baby be a boy or girl. If you want to have a boy, eat apples. For having a girl baby, eat watermelons. Head to the supermarket and buy the chosen fruit. Buy about ten, that should do the trick. Have your pregnant Sim eat all 10 of them (click the little arrow on the apple icon to queue up individual apples). This is the only way to choose between boy or girl, as there are no console cheats to affect pregnancy.
I see no mention of three in there.

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Re: Mixed Gender Twins - It's True!
« Reply #56 on: November 03, 2011, 01:13:27 AM »
This is what it says on the guide:I see no mention of three in there.

Excellent, Sportsfan.  Thank you.
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Re: Mixed Gender Twins - It's True!
« Reply #57 on: November 03, 2011, 01:59:32 AM »
I doubt you read it in Carl's Guide.  If you did, I'd like to see the link so I can ask him to change it.  It's been a rumor since Sims 3 was released that it only takes three of the appropriate fruit to produce the desired gender, but it's been documented many times that three isn't enough.  I recommend up to 10 of whichever fruit, or just letting the mother eat nothing but the fruit during the entire pregnancy.  That's the best way to really make sure you get what you want.

Sorry no it wasn't Carls guide, I believe it was the small book guide that came out the same time as the base game...

Offline Hosfac

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Re: Mixed Gender Twins - It's True!
« Reply #58 on: November 03, 2011, 02:46:04 AM »
Sorry no it wasn't Carls guide, I believe it was the small book guide that came out the same time as the base game...

I have read what you wrote in other guides on the internet, but it's not accurate.  I can attest to that personally.  Before I found Carl and Pam's, I've tried this method many, many times, and it fails as much as it succeeds.  Since finding this guide, I have never failed to have a child of a specific gender when I followed the procedure laid out here.  Not once.

The popularity of this inaccuracy is likely due to the writers of the first internet guide engaging in a bit of "copy-pasta" in an effort to be the first to get the information up (possibly even from the book you mentioned).  Thus, the inaccurate information gets propagated as the copy-pasta gets copy-pasta'd on other guide, and on and on, ad nauseum.  It wouldn't be the first time that incorrect information has gone viral like this.  And it probably won't be the last, either.

We have a thing about accuracy on Carl and Pam's...almost to the point to where it borders on an obsessive/compulsive disorder.  We do not post anything in the guide unless it has been thoroughly tested and checked.  More often than not, our members report typos and notify us of poor wordings in the corrections forum more than they do inaccuracies.  This is not to even mention that you'd be hard pressed to find someone with more nooboo experience than Pam.  She's the Dr. Spock of the Sims world.  ;)

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Offline Seabody

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Re: Mixed Gender Twins - It's True!
« Reply #59 on: November 03, 2011, 02:53:09 AM »
This is not to even mention that you'd be hard pressed to find someone with more nooboo experience than Pam.

Except maybe a winner from a Baby Boomer challenge. Maybe. I don't know (I haven't gone to the Graveyard to see who won them recently).

I can also confirm the fact - if you use only three apples/watermelons, you will get a chance to have a baby of the desired gender, but that chance isn't 100% - nowhere near, in fact. I never force babies (always au naturale for me). I used to, and I used the widely publisiced "3 fruit does it all!" method - failed several times. I wanted a boy so badly... then I got a girl. As always, if you're unsure, the best way is to blatantly overdose on it - if you really, really want a girl, and you have the time to spare, eat up 50 watermelons - then there'll be no chance whatsoever for a boy.
And Pam once said somewhere something like this: "it's a requirement for the Immortal Dynasty challenge for the seventh generation to be a girl.  If you eat three watermelons and get a boy, it's game over." So always make sure you've eaten plenty of watermelons Dynasty players!

Hehe. Copy-Pasta'd.