Author Topic: How do you play rich families?  (Read 97499 times)

Offline Slingsby

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Re: How do you play rich families?
« Reply #15 on: February 06, 2011, 12:59:10 PM »
I wish there was a way to send gifts to other sims too! And maybe receive gifts from other sims on birthdays and promotions. My sculptor sim keeps getting wishes like sculpt XXX and I wish that I could give those statues to the person who posed for it. (:

We used to have gifts in TS2 [or was it TS1?] ... a nice and realistic bit of gameplay.

I agree with others, though ... really rich Sims can be very boring.

Offline ratchie

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Re: How do you play rich families?
« Reply #16 on: February 06, 2011, 03:25:49 PM »
To be honest I never take much notice of how much money my Sims have. It is nice to have a bit of extra cash flow at the beginning of a dynasty it just makes life that bit easier.
I don't really spend a lot of money in my games I am on the fifth generation of my current dynasty and I haven't bought any of them a car(most of them are level four celebs and get driven everywhere in limos so they don't need a car. and the house has one computer and one television. Plus I could furnish a house with all the free stuff they have been given.
I never feel guilty or bad that my Sims are rich in most cases they start of with the bare minimum and have earned it(or married someone who has it)

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Re: How do you play rich families?
« Reply #17 on: February 06, 2011, 03:32:34 PM »
About the gift thing, that was once introduced in The Sims Hot Date, the third expansion for the traditional Sims, which was released somewhere in 2002 or 2003. The subject of an more 'open world' was created than and your sims could go to a downtown area for the first time. Sims where stil 'bounded' in the lots and outside of the lot everything was gray, but the subject of buying and giving other people gifts has started than. They could buy jewerly and other stuff to effectively buying friendship. Not so realistic was that the more expensive the ring was you where giving to another sim, the more he or she would apreciated it. Spend §5000,- on a ring for the girl next door and you could considering yourself as not being single anymore.
I don't have §5000,- dollars, otherwise I would knew a girl or two on this forum and maybe twice as much in real life to test this on. Pitty...
The subject of giving gifts has returned in The Sims 2 which was aired in 2004 and sims could give each other presents, which where white as collour and the sim who reseived it would accepted it, thankyouing for it and the present will disapear.

I think this will return in The Sims 3 once again but when that happend I really hope it will get more deph.
If this will be something for rich sims to spend their life in I sure will resurect this topic if it has gone than to see what people will do with that possibility.
I like the idea of Samoth so let's just pray that some EA guy will read this.

Offline DeNile

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Re: How do you play rich families?
« Reply #18 on: February 07, 2011, 02:42:02 PM »
By the time my sims get rich , I usually am moving one of them out and starting again.

(also Ratchie you have 999 posts! Awesome!
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Re: How do you play rich families?
« Reply #19 on: February 07, 2011, 02:51:47 PM »
Nicely done Rachi! Another member ready to step into the 1000 posts sirqui. ;)

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Re: How do you play rich families?
« Reply #20 on: February 13, 2011, 11:33:01 AM »
I've had the Sims 3 since it first came out, although, I've been playing the Sims since the original Maxis version.  I've only just recently got the LN expansion, and that is what I'm still familiarizing myself with. 

However I owe a lot of my creative thinking to true geniuses:  architects and engineers who realize that there is no other way to think than outside the box.  There are no more beautiful works of art than buildings designed by people who didn't think:  "it cannot be done," but instead thought:  "how can I do it?"
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Offline Juxtaposition

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Re: How do you play rich families?
« Reply #21 on: February 18, 2011, 04:01:54 AM »
Well, I've been playing Sims 3 about 3 months or so, and I'm just now playing my first rich family, and it's my dynasty family, and it's really fun.  My Sims have been taking opportunities and jobs for generations, and I looked at my money and it said 2.5 million, I looked at my house, and it said 'People that rich would never live here,' so I went onto the remodel rebuild section, and more specifically samoht04's Landscaping help topic, and got inspired, then spent the next 3 hours and I don't know how much money rebuilding the outside of my house.  I don't know if it's because I've played for so little time, but I'm never bored with my family, my postings are only barely 3rd gen but the game is in 5th, and there always seems to be too much grabbing for my attention.  "Oh no, I missed another party!" "Oh wait, I wanted to send you to the Art museum today!" or "Oh my god, I didn't know I could do that" are more familiar to me so far than "I'm bored."

But then again, my computer runs this game really well, I don't know what it would be like if I had to wait for things to render on other lots, or experienced stutter lag once I had loaded my house up with crazy landscaping fun.  Or if my family bugged out, or things kept going wrong like I've read about.  My only bug was when a meteor landed on the house of my fourth (and unwritten) dynasty attempt and my mailbox stubbornly refused to respawn as anything but a broken mailbox.

I guess what I, in my wandering and verbose way, am trying to say is I look at the aspects I find fun, read the forum about what other people are doing with them, and then I copy them in my new unique way, and it is super fun to have the means at hand to do it when I want to.  ;D  So my family has a chef, a painter, a fireman, a doctor, a writer, a sculptor, and all the other things I wanna be, *sigh* but can't.  I wonder if I'll be bored by 8th gen, strangely I can't wait to find out LOL  Of course as soon as my dynasty is done I install world adventures, and it won't just be Bridgeport, I'll party all over the world Woo!

Edit: Actually thinking about it, the only thing I did find boring was playing my poor start to my dynasty for the fifth and sixth times, so I guess I'm just not one who likes playing poor Sims,or repeating the same part of something over and over, I'm not sure which.
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Re: How do you play rich families?
« Reply #22 on: February 18, 2011, 12:15:05 PM »
I guess what I, in my wandering and verbose way, am trying to say is I look at the aspects I find fun, read the forum about what other people are doing with them, and then I copy them in my new unique way, and it is super fun to have the means at hand to do it when I want to.  

Well said, Juxtaposition.  That's what I like best about this game - the many different ways it can be played.  And of course, having this forum to learn from our fellow simmers.  Thanks for sharing that.
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Re: How do you play rich families?
« Reply #23 on: February 18, 2011, 12:53:07 PM »
I guess what I, in my wandering and verbose way, am trying to say is I look at the aspects I find fun, read the forum about what other people are doing with them, and then I copy them in my new unique way, and it is super fun to have the means at hand to do it when I want to.

So, that goes deep! :D I really have nothing to add to this besides that I just simply do agreed.

Offline Katluvr

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Re: How do you play rich families?
« Reply #24 on: February 18, 2011, 02:44:22 PM »
My only experiences so far with rich sims were when I once used the motherlode cheat for a sim that I'm no longer playing and having one of my sims marry Jon Lessen in Riverview, move in with him to have control over his furnishings and stuff, and then move with Jon to a new house of my own design (keeping all the good stuff and selling everything else - I think the couple ended up with over $200k in cash and top of the line everything to build their dream house with.

I stopped playing my 'motherlode' sim almost immediately because there was no real fun or challenge for me if she got whatever she wanted as soon as she wanted it.  I still have Jon and Kat, but don't play them very often.  I have refurbished a property from the bin for them that I'm really proud of and will upload it to the exchange one of these days.  Kat works on her career (ghost hunting) and adventuring.  Jon mostly plays concerts and for tips and is starting to learn to paint and sculpt in his spare time.  Because money isn't an issue for them I can use them to try out various aspects of the game (such as tomb raiding, etc.) before I incorporate it into a legacy or dynasty family - thus avoiding costly mistakes when it really counts.

The thing that appeals to me the most about the game is aquiring the nicest house and car with the best furnishings, but I want my sims to work for it.  I also really enjoy it when my sims are famous enough to start getting freebies - it's like winning the lottery and makes me insanely happy - well except for the one who kept getting stuffed fish plaques to hang on the wall...  ???


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Re: How do you play rich families?
« Reply #25 on: February 18, 2011, 06:46:09 PM »
I've obviously never played a super rich Sim family before. My Dynasty has recently broken the $1,000,000 mark and nothing has changed. They go to work, make their own food, clean their own toilets, and take the cab into town. I agonize over redecorating and buying new furniture, wonder if I can landscape the back yard, limit my good Sim to donating $250, sell my fish and produce at the Consignment shop because the pay-out is the highest.

Apparently my brain doesn't know their bank account has more than $1,000,000! I keep thinking I have to save it for something. :P
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Re: How do you play rich families?
« Reply #26 on: February 18, 2011, 11:20:30 PM »
Those are sims who can truly say that money hasn't changed them.  ;)
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Offline athena

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Re: How do you play rich families?
« Reply #27 on: February 19, 2011, 02:05:06 AM »
I have Sim families who are very rich.  I am not bored playing my wealthy Sim families because they have very specific stories to live out. Some of these families started with nothing but the 20,000 CAS simoleons and built their way up, while some were born with a silver spoon (depending on the story I set them to do).  When I play the very rich Sims, I look out more for personality development, as against the working class Sims who focus more on goal achievement, mostly material gains.  There's a family I created of handsome and talented three brothers, called the "Prince" family who were born extremely wealthy and who were meant to rule Sims society, they originated from my TS2 story and was recreated in Bridgeport - no ready-made mansion in BP was beautiful nor big enough for them - I had to create their own modern glass, concrete, and natural wood mansion.  They were the first family to have a butler, simply because it fit their lifestyle (not that he is so useful). The eldest brother "Sam" a commitment-phobe charismatic workaholic became the youngest CEO in my Sim play and hence as a result be the youngest Sim to have achieved a platinum lifetime wish (CEO), all by himself -- I say, all by himself, because I try not to interfere too much with the Sims lives when they are very rich and I like to watch their free will set high unfold --. Now he is busy becoming a super celebrity in BP, driving around the city in his platinum "Empire Eidolon" sports car, every girl wants to become his girlfriend.  I am watching how his two brothers will fare out with their lives (they're nice, they let the paparazzi reporters in the house).

The other very rich Sim family of mine is the father-daughter "Stark" family based on my favorite TV show "Shark", I so loved their modern glass and wood home that I recreated it in both TS2 and TS3. Again, the father Sebastian Stark (James Woods in the show), topped his career all by himself "Leader of the Free World" and achieved his platinum lifetime wish to live in the lap of luxury. His daughter, the beautiful red-headed girl named "Julie" also topped her Science career. She now has two daughters who will soon move out to have their own house and a child son. Sebastian drives around town with a Classic convertible (he can bring it with him in France!) - and Sebastian is busy achieving a level 3 visa to get a country villa in France for the family.

There is another family whose aim is to become wealthy, the Cushings (three beautiful sisters whose lifetime wishes are: Live in the Lap of Luxury, Be a Gold-digger, and Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous). I have started their story in this forum. They also come from humble beginnings, their father is a doctor; and each of them aim to marry the richest Sims in town to fulfill their destinies, but if they will be happily married with happy families remain to be seen. It will be fun to watch them outdo each other in the glam life! ;D

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Re: How do you play rich families?
« Reply #28 on: February 20, 2011, 06:47:17 AM »
I LOVE playing rich families! My current sim, Katy Roberts, has about 28,000,000 in funds, maxed out nearly all skills, and has Visa level 3 in China and Egypt (next coming France). Money is very helpful when buying things and remodeling the house. She's currently pregnant with a pizza appreciator sim, who's going to become a mummy. Her other 'child' is a SimBot, who can salute. I'm currently planning on supermaxing every skill and the adventure journal, after that I'm going to set her funds to 100$ and then get her a work. Want something? Use your skills and work for it! No more laying on the couch for you  :) Of course, I have static needs on all the time, plus familyfunds and teleporting, aging is off. Her LTW is Seasoned Traveler, which is the most rewarding and the most difficult in my opinion. She's going to be immortal, and I plan on having at least 30 generations in the house. Even more. Time will show. This project is nearly impossible for a simmer like me (I play Sims just once-twice in a week for max 4 hours each time, school, you know) but I want to achieve it by December 2011. Summer holiday will be the main time focusing on this. Just some 3 months...  ;D Oh, yeah, I also want Katy to max every career and try out every opportunity. I wanted to do this with one of my other sims, but I started badly that time, as I was not an experienced simmer then. Katy, I believe in you & me!
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Re: How do you play rich families?
« Reply #29 on: February 20, 2011, 07:28:14 AM »
Right now, my dynasty has over 2,000,000 and that is the most a sim family has had without using any cheats.  I can proudly say, that money was hard earned.  I just play normally and if they want something, they can have it. :)
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