Well, I've been playing Sims 3 about 3 months or so, and I'm just now playing my first rich family, and it's my dynasty family, and it's really fun. My Sims have been taking opportunities and jobs for generations, and I looked at my money and it said 2.5 million, I looked at my house, and it said 'People that rich would never live here,' so I went onto the remodel rebuild section, and more specifically samoht04's Landscaping help topic, and got inspired, then spent the next 3 hours and I don't know how much money rebuilding the outside of my house. I don't know if it's because I've played for so little time, but I'm never bored with my family, my postings are only barely 3rd gen but the game is in 5th, and there always seems to be too much grabbing for my attention. "Oh no, I missed another party!" "Oh wait, I wanted to send you to the Art museum today!" or "Oh my god, I didn't know I could do that" are more familiar to me so far than "I'm bored."
But then again, my computer runs this game really well, I don't know what it would be like if I had to wait for things to render on other lots, or experienced stutter lag once I had loaded my house up with crazy landscaping fun. Or if my family bugged out, or things kept going wrong like I've read about. My only bug was when a meteor landed on the house of my fourth (and unwritten) dynasty attempt and my mailbox stubbornly refused to respawn as anything but a broken mailbox.
I guess what I, in my wandering and verbose way, am trying to say is I look at the aspects I find fun, read the forum about what other people are doing with them, and then I copy them in my new unique way, and it is super fun to have the means at hand to do it when I want to.

So my family has a chef, a painter, a fireman, a doctor, a writer, a sculptor, and all the other things I wanna be, *sigh* but can't. I wonder if I'll be bored by 8th gen, strangely I can't wait to find out LOL Of course as soon as my dynasty is done I install world adventures, and it won't just be Bridgeport, I'll party all over the world Woo!
Edit: Actually thinking about it, the only thing I did find boring was playing my poor start to my dynasty for the fifth and sixth times, so I guess I'm just not one who likes playing poor Sims,or repeating the same part of something over and over, I'm not sure which.