Author Topic: How do you play rich families?  (Read 95845 times)

Offline Lisa46

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Re: How do you play rich families?
« Reply #120 on: May 18, 2014, 02:22:56 AM »
In the sims, I just build insanely huge homes for my sims and have them explore the game without worrying about money.

Offline ManiSims

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Re: How do you play rich families?
« Reply #121 on: May 18, 2014, 02:50:36 PM »
In most of my saves, I use motherlode once at the beginning so I can build my Sims a really nice house (building a house is usually the longest and one of the most fun parts for me).   After that, I don't use it, but my Sims end up being rich anyway...  Most of my games are modeled after TV Shows/books I like and stuff like that. I never get too bored because I spend most of the time focusing on the story and the relationships between Sims, but that's just me. *shrug*  :D
I do have a save where I started from the ground up, like a normal, non-cheaty person does, and I did enjoy it much more than I thought I would. It was fun watching the family work and gradually build up their house, getting that sense of accomplishment when it was done,  and I think I'm going to do it more often.

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Offline Lisa46

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Re: How do you play rich families?
« Reply #122 on: May 18, 2014, 03:11:50 PM »
ManiSims I totally agree with you! Building saves off of TV shows and books is really fun. I tried doing a hunger games character save, etc. My favorite part of it is building an imaginative home and creating the sims- including picking traits for them.

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Re: How do you play rich families?
« Reply #123 on: May 19, 2014, 04:51:34 PM »
Yep, I love modeling Sims off of the actual shows, but still putting my own little twists.  The home building is fun too; I like building an awesome fancy mansion and giving each character a unique room that represents their personality and stuff.   I don't have any expansions so the game gets a bit boring at times, especially if my Sims have a lot of money, but normally these kinds of story-based things keep me occupied.  ^-^

Offline Mahmeya

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Re: How do you play rich families?
« Reply #124 on: July 05, 2014, 03:38:17 AM »
I just became so fed up on my sims being absurdly rich that I've done "testingcheatsenabled true" -> "familyfunds [familyname] 25000" (from almost 3 millions) and now it's much better! Well, I guess not for long, gonna find some money sink anyway. Or repeat the cheat in worst case.

Offline AnnDruvez

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Re: How do you play rich families?
« Reply #125 on: July 22, 2014, 02:02:06 AM »
I usually challenge myself to build weird houses. I had a vampire that had a completely underground home that was designed for entertainment.... That one was an odd build to make. Instead of windows, I put the wall fish tanks in a couple of spots where they looked interesting.

I'd show pictures, but that was on my last computer.

I challenged myself (inspired by the challenge on this site) to build the smallest house I could. Didn't get anywhere near as small as some, but it was fun. Then I challenged myself to do the biggest house I could. Ten bedrooms, dedicated rooms for each skill, a walled courtyard in the middle, Shang Simla architecture. It was a thing of beauty.... And, it crashed my old computer when I went back to live mode! LOL

At one point, I built a "house" that had a bunch of tiny apartments in it and used the whole roommates thing from University to collect rent from them all. (Ah, door permissions are a wonderful thing.) That was... amusing. Didn't have a job, just collected rent periodically. I skilled that Sim up a lot and wound up bored beyond belief. Took a while to get to the bored part, though, since I had some fun influencing the various roommates to do things.... Maid service is a must, by the way, or you run around harassing everyone to clean.

You also wind up as pretty much a slum lord, since living off of those rent checks takes maxing the number of roommates, building tiny apartments and using lousy furnishings. Communal kitchen, etc.

Theme houses can be amusing, too. Build a Oriental theme on this lot. Egypt over here. That one is going to be French. This one is a castle, and there's a converted asylum. This house here might be a private museum.... etc.

A 1920s era house needing heat, AC, new floors, new drywall on the walls and ceilings, new bathroom fixtures, new kitchen cabinets, new water heaters.... The roof is sound, but why didn't I just buy an empty lot?

Offline Axiom

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Re: How do you play rich families?
« Reply #126 on: July 22, 2014, 12:57:13 PM »
Does the rent thing apply if you don't have University?

I usually sink money into nectar. :D

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Offline AnnDruvez

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Re: How do you play rich families?
« Reply #127 on: July 22, 2014, 06:11:14 PM »
Does the rent thing apply if you don't have University?

I usually sink money into nectar. :D

The roommate/rent thing came with University. Not sure if it was available in the compatibility patch if you didn't buy it, since I got it right when it came out.

I liked growing Nectar. My old computer tended to crash one of every four times I went abroad, though, so I didn't do much with it. May have to fiddle with it this time.....
A 1920s era house needing heat, AC, new floors, new drywall on the walls and ceilings, new bathroom fixtures, new kitchen cabinets, new water heaters.... The roof is sound, but why didn't I just buy an empty lot?

Offline Neurotic

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Re: How do you play rich families?
« Reply #128 on: April 13, 2015, 07:56:36 AM »
I sometimes have fun with rich sims. I give them the best house I can, cheat them a good job and act as if they haven't just moved to town, they have always lived there. They usually have kids so then I can have them have grandchildren and there being so many kids around gives them excuses to buy a ton of pointless junk for the children. Also, in one save I have I got Holly Alto to be our live in maid and nanny. Being rich is fun although not challenging but hey, at least you can buy all of the real estate!  :D
I'm neurotic all right...

Offline Carmella

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Re: How do you play rich families?
« Reply #129 on: May 26, 2015, 10:29:22 AM »
I have fun with them, I do like the struggle to survive at the start of the game but as I tend to play subsequent generations of the same family, by a few generations down they're usually super rich anyway so there are no money problems. I tend to make the most money by buying shares in the local businesses, for example the family I am playing at the moment have 0.9m simoleons in the bank, plus own every local business and a resort, both partners on level ten and just like in real life, or seems the more you have, the more your money grows. I don't find it boring as it's just standard and it's quite cool to see how filthy rich my sims are without a single cheat!

They all aspire to go get a degree, work like mad to get to the top of their careers and have a family and can strive for things that way, money is useful but it doesn't get them skilled or successful in their careers directly so there are still things to aim for, lots of trips to take etc. it's cool to play the hugely rich family that owns the town and it brings interesting dynamics when new sims marry into the family. Plus all that excess cash means that when older generations move out I can afford to buy the nearest house to keep family close rather than 'kick out' and lose them somewhere in town.

Part of me would find it fun to start over and I often do but I like to play sims that I've raised through generations and it seems a shame to throw all of that achievement and success away, even though I could play a storyline that sees one generation totally blow it! But I'm good at the game and making them successful so within a few weeks they would be rich abain. The family have their own sports car, jet ski and speed boat each, have plastic surgery, look a million dollars and are all five star celebs really quickly but I still like to make them individually successful so my female partner of the couple atm is a daycare specialist which is super hard work, despite not needing the money, and her hubby is a district headteacher so I'm looking forward to bringing kids into the marriage. Maybe cos I grew up poor myself I like to fantasise through my sims what it'd be like to be born a millionaire and have anything I wanted, if I had motherloded to that balance it wouldn't be fun at all but I love that I did it without cheating. When I get to a million i often blow hundreds of thousands on a new resort, but of course I just make more money back!

Offline fivine

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Re: How do you play rich families?
« Reply #130 on: August 09, 2015, 11:38:09 AM »
When a family get rich (and boring ) i change to another household in the same town.

I use twallan mods so i don't have problem of culling.

I first changed all the houses, reorganized the community lots, checked how many beds/cribs in each house,then populate the town better.

so i would say i play the town, not only a rich family, making each house one by one better, enjoying the new generations coming... and so on.

Starting a new town took a lot of time but i never moved from it since i did it.

