I was wondering why you hadn't responded to my message so I came to check and I apparently never sent it
the worst part was that it was even longer than yours!
Basically what I told you in the past message was that, when translating, you should always try to translate the idea rather than word by word because due to grammatical differences in each language you can get some strange variation.
In this particular example, I would have translated from English to Spanish in the following way:
SP: Me canso de hacer el mismo trabajo siempre
EN: I get tired of always doing the same work.
The specific reason for the use of "I" instead of "It is" is because "Me", in Spanish is referring to an activity that I experience in particular (it applies to me only) When you say "It is" you are giving a more general idea and are implying that this statement applies to other as well (not just yourself).
Like you stated below, cansado is the same as tired and not boring. The reason that I would find this to differ from Dutch is precisely what I said in the beginning. I don't know Dutch but I'm pretty sure that some words are not translateable in a really accurate way.(reason why I prefer to translate by ideas and it words).
The order I chose for the translation is simply because of sonority and gramaticality. (again, ideas instead of words).
I'm not too sure if this answered your question, I hope it did, but if you have any doubts, ask away!
Sorry for the inconvenience, I could have SWORN I sent the message
I promise not to be this late in the future.
EDIT: I can't seem to send messages :/ This is angering me haha hopefully you are already reading this and I haven't sent 50 copies of the same message
EDIT 2: I was forced to post this here because for some reason the messages are simply not sending. Regarless of the device or method I use.
EDIT 3: By the way, this was copied directly from the message I just sent you.
Edited by Anushka