My YouTube account is FanMom4Olivia. It was set up to show my amazing kid and her growth in her singing. She is a coloratura soprano and wants to sing opera so don't expect to hear a Lady Gaga type voice. (Although we both love Lady Gaga) Her name is not Olivia, but it is how she is known online to protect her. After all, you put videos of a pretty teenager on YouTube and who knows which crazy is out there with harmful intent. So anyone who goes there can see and hear her and I can stop bragging about her to you all as you can judge for yourselves. She's 15 and is squeakyclean here on the forum. She creates my sims and I create her houses.
I can go into YouTube and see if there is a way to add, Joria to my handle there so you all will know who it is, or maybe I should just change my name here. lol Gee, I'm not even her biggest fan! hehe Hmmm, I wonder if I can link my YouTube to my facebook? I am so technology challenged it isn't funny. Has to do with my aging brain I guess.