I've only really ever seriously played in Riverview, and I love it. If I were a sim, I'd choose it over Sunset Valley any day. It has a rural charm about it, and I find that missing in Sunset Valley. Plus I'm not a fan of the old, but somehow new, families - like the Goths, etc. I wish all the old families had been left in the Sims 2, and a whole new storyline spawned.
Since WA and it's patches, special seeds are harder than ever to find. IMO. Well not exactly harder, just not what they were. In the 'Happy Challenge' it took me weeks to find a flame fruit seed, but in the meantime I grew 7 Deathflowers. To add insult to injury, while on the 3 day trip to Egypt, my sim fished up a Deathflower seed in a box. I would have happily exchanged it for a flame fruit, as I had Deathflowers practically coming out of my ears by then. I preferred it when there was a limit on Deathflowers - there seemed to be alot more flame and life fruits then.