Author Topic: Rock the '80s: Big Hair, Bigger Parties!  (Read 283 times)

Online mismck

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Rock the '80s: Big Hair, Bigger Parties!
« on: February 23, 2025, 05:44:01 AM »
Rock the '80s: Big Hair, Bigger Parties!

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Bring the party atmosphere of the '80's to your modern Sim life!

Challenge Rules

  • Remember, the General Rules apply to all Tournament challenges. Exceptions may be noted below.
  • Create 4 young adult Sims (life state, relationship, and traits are up to you) and move them to any lot. Make a note of your Household Funds.
  • No Household additions. No moving.
  • All money must be made through selling party rewards, tips on musical instruments, tips on singing, and song royalties. If your Sims receive gifts ('party favors'), you may also sell those.
  • Duplicating items through any means, such as copy pasto or cloning, is banned.
  • Your 4 Sims are your Band. One must sing and the other 3 must each play a different instrument. During each party, the band must give a performance of at least 30 Sim minutes. If all 4 band members do not play and sing together for 30 Sim minutes, the party is unsuccessful and doesn't count.
  • Each medal you earn from a party (or other social event that you schedule on your phone, excluding dates) that includes a successful band performance adds to your multiplier.
  • You may not throw successive events back to back. For example, if you throw a Dinner Party, you must do four other different events before you may repeat it.
  • You may not end a party early unless it is already in the gold medal range, unless your game is not ending the party when the timer runs out. If the timer displays 0 minutes remaining, you may 'end the party early.'
  • This challenge concludes on Sunday, Week 3, Day 1, at 8:00 AM.


Household Funds:
- Note your household funds on Sunday, Week 1, Day 1, 8:00 AM (the moment your game screen loads and before you do anything)
- Note your household funds on Sunday, Week 3, Day 1, 8:00 AM
- The difference is your Household Funds Score

Medal Multiplier (MM): Start with a multiplier of 1.0
-Gold medals add 0.3 to your multiplier
-Silver medals add .2 to your multiplier
-Bronze medals add .1 to your multiplier

Total: Your total score is your Household Funds multiplied by your Medal Multiplier (MM).

As soon as you move onto your lot, your Household Funds are §5,000.
Your household funds on Sunday, Week 3, Day 1, 8:00 AM are §9,000.
Household Funds: §9,000 - §5,000 = §4,000.

You threw 6 successful Gold Medal parties, 8 successful Silver Medal parties, and 7 successful Bronze Medal parties.
MM: 1 + (6 x 0.3) + (8 x 0.2) + (7 x 0.1) = 1 + 1.8 + 1.6 + 0.7 = 5.1

Total: §4,000 x 5.1 = §20,400

The team does not want to edit and make changes to the ruleset once this event goes live, but we may have to. If an exploit is brought to our attention or we discover something else we may ask affected players to redo their effort.

Have Questions?
If you have questions and need clarifications, ask away — you can either post your questions in this thread, or if you feel a question might reveal a particular strategy you are considering, then feel free to PM the team. Choose the My Messages tab > Send Message > Send to Group (show membergroups) > Check the Challenge Board Moderator group.

And the Winner is...
After this event has closed everyone is encouraged to discuss how they approached the event. The winner is expected to provide detailed information on their strategy. Keep notes as you play your file.

This Event is Now Closed

Player                            Household Funds     MM     Total     

Offline Elinoee

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Finally finished with my band!

Their household funds are:  464 946 (at the end of the 2 weeks) - 6171 (funds at the beginning)= 458 775 $
Multiplier: 1.00 + 147 gold medals x 0.3 + 4 silver medals x 0.2 = 1.00+ 44.1 + 0.8 = 45.9

Total: 458 775 x 45.9 = 21 057 772.5

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Offline CynKuy

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I had technical issues with the party ending but my next party had requirements from the last party that didn't complete so I'm going DNF. Sorry.

Online mismck

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Re: Rock the '80s: Big Hair, Bigger Parties!
« Reply #3 on: Today at 06:13:42 AM »
This event is now closed.

Offline Elinoee

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Re: Rock the '80s: Big Hair, Bigger Parties!
« Reply #4 on: Today at 05:03:33 PM »
@CynKuy , thanks for your participation, even if it's a DNF  :)
A bit sad that the tournament has no success this year...

My 4 sims were all creative, music lover and insider.
I put the following lot traits : party place, convivial, great acoustic.

One sim (the one responsible to organize the social events) had to complete the “party animal” aspiration, in order to get the reward trait that allows you to start all parties at bronze level.
The aspiration is a little buggy though, but one of my sim managed to achieve it.

The 4 sims created a club, which was running most of the time, in order to get the following perks : rally the troops, good reputation, flirting/inspired/playful moods for whatever moods are needed during the parties.

They kept organizing parties over and over during the 2 weeks, and the money earned was very mostly by selling party rewards (a few tips while partying on public lots, but that was quite nothing because it was much easier to achieve gold parties at home).

Except on the 3-4 first days (because I was trying to achieve the party animal aspiration), I always stucked on the following 5 parties because I find they are the ones with the quickest objectives to achieve:
-slumber party
-private party
-baby shower
-incognito costume party: this one is really the best because of the massive rewards you get with a gold medal, including the spaceship-shaped play cage for children worth $12000

D1 8:00 6171 $
D1 14:09 Silver (Incognito costume party)
D1 18:29 Gold (baby shower)
Total 1 gold and 1 silver medal on D1

D2 01:42 Gold (dinner)
D2 06:23 Gold (private party)
D2 11:39 Gold (slumber party)
D2 17:51 Gold (swimming-pool party)
Total 4 gold medals on D2

D3 00:34 Silver (Birthday)
D3 03:53 Gold (Incognito costume party)
D3 09:22 Gold (baby shower)
D3 15:42 Silver (dinner)
D3 22:13 Silver (private party)
Total 2 gold and 3 silver medals on D3

D4 02:17 Gold (slumber party)
D4 07:54 Gold (Incognito costume party)
D4 10:11 Gold (baby shower)
D4 13:58 Gold (dinner)
D4 17:14 Gold (private party)
D4 22:23 Gold (slumber party)
Total 6 gold medals on D4
At a point during D4 I realized that the parties began now at bronze level, however my organizing sim didn’t already complete her aspiration (she got level 3/4, not sure if it was the reason or if it was simply because you get it after throwing successfully a certain amount of parties).
The gold medals were from then really easy to get, the sims only had to complete the main goal to get a gold medal.

D5 00:35 Gold (Incognito costume party)
D5 02:33 Gold (baby shower)
D5 04:35 Gold (dinner)
D5 06:10 Gold (private party)
D5 07:44 Gold (slumber party)
and so on with the 5 same parties…
Total 13 gold medals on D5

D6 : 13 medals
During D6 one of my sims finally completed the party animal aspiration, but that wasn’t useful at all for the parties, because they already began at bronze level since D4!

The following days, my sims earned from 12 to 14 gold medals each days, and 18 the last day.

Online mismck

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Re: Rock the '80s: Big Hair, Bigger Parties!
« Reply #5 on: Today at 07:55:40 PM »
Thanks for the great write-up @Elinoee!

We are sad to announce that we will not be continuing this year’s tournament due to a significant decrease in participation. We’ve had many years of fun and hope to continue seeing you around the Sims forums.