Hi, thanks for all the work you folks do setting up and running these challenges.
I just have a question about the default gameplay settings. Is it possible to get a rundown of what they are?
I usually just click on the restore defaults button and then click the revert display settings option in the window that pops up. However, when I did that to set up my first practice run for the current challenge, it set the lifespan to long. I know that previously it would set it to normal. I changed the setting to normal. and then repeated the process, and it changed to long again.
I don't know if this is a bug with my game, or if the default settings have changed since I last did one of these challenges. For now I will change it to normal for my practice. I don't imagine lifespan will have much impact on this particular challenge, but I would like to make sure I have everything set up properly just the same.
Thank you for your time.