Author Topic: Get to Know the Champ  (Read 426 times)

Offline Metropolis Man

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Get to Know the Champ
« on: November 20, 2024, 06:19:10 AM »
I contacted @Rebelangel to congratulate her on her wonderful 2024 Tournament season and asked if she would be kind enough to share some info about herself so others might get to know her better. She was gracious and agreed. So, in her own words, I will turn the floor over to Rebelangel...

I started playing Sims with Sims 1 - in those days, I needed a CD(!) to play the game - and I have memories of being able to start fires by "accidentally" launching a rocket indoors.

I picked up Sims again when COVID hit in 2020 and was in lockdown. At that point, I stumbled on this forum and began trying some of the challenges (albeit asynchronously). I was actually going to enter the Elder Traitsman Challenge live, but life got in the way; however, I sporadically continued to play the tournament challenges on my own. Flash forward several years, and I found myself with more time this year, so I decided to try entering the 2024 tournament.

I'm a spreadsheet person, so being organized greatly helped with these challenges. So, I researched (e.g., I would Google Sims 4 families for any challenge where a townie could be invited in to see their traits and skills). Personally, the race-the-clock challenges were my favorite - while not everyone's playstyle, I'd pause the game and try to set up as many things as possible (e.g., fulfill as many aspirations as possible, get the right people into the club, make a very efficient tiny home optimized for inefficient sim walking/movement) and I did a lot of micro-managing throughout.

I don't play too many other video games. My dad introduced me to them, so my favorites are all very old (Heroes of Might and Magic III, Civilization, and the Nancy Drew games—none of which I have ever managed to solve, though I have managed to kill off Nancy, whoops!). I do like board games in general. Outside of that, I'm an avid runner and crossword puzzler.

The origin of my username is pretty random. I have a penchant for watching very niche (and low-quality) TV shows, and at the time, I was watching the animated spinoff of Jurassic Park for kids (called Camp Cretaceous). There was one season that introduced two baby dinosaurs - one was named Rebel and the other Angel, so I smashed the two of them together and thought, hey, that sounds pretty cool. Nobody will ever guess I named myself after a pair of animated baby dinosaurs.

Thank you to @Metropolis Man and the challenge team for running this competition for so many years! If you plan on doing this next year, I have a few ideas for challenges (punny titles included).

Thank you so much, @Rebelangel.

Offline Nandarelle

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Re: Get to Know the Champ
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2024, 04:10:26 PM »
Congratulations, @Rebelangel !

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Offline Elinoee

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Re: Get to Know the Champ
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2024, 04:56:17 AM »
Congratulations @Rebelangel!
Nice to know you a little better  :)

