Author Topic: The Hits Keep Coming - Part 1: The Next Big Thing  (Read 3338 times)

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Hits Keep Coming - Part 1: The Next Big Thing <<Live event -- Jump in!>>
« Reply #30 on: September 08, 2024, 06:10:29 PM »
6304 minutes.
Looks like Elinoee, Sone and I had the same idea.

You're not kidding. Such close scores. I know mismck is busy today, so she might not be posting. We'll see if Nutella swings for the fences and can give Rebelangel a run for her money.

I'm waiting with baited breath for Metro's score, personally :D

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: The Hits Keep Coming - Part 1: The Next Big Thing <<Live event -- Jump in!>>
« Reply #31 on: September 08, 2024, 06:46:36 PM »
6304 minutes.
Looks like Elinoee, Sone and I had the same idea.

You're not kidding. Such close scores. I know mismck is busy today, so she might not be posting. We'll see if Nutella swings for the fences and can give Rebelangel a run for her money.

I'm waiting with baited breath for Metro's score, personally :D

Pfft. I know that guy, and he's a walking poop emoji. 19747 minutes.

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Offline techiechick

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Re: The Hits Keep Coming - Part 1: The Next Big Thing <<Live event -- Jump in!>>
« Reply #32 on: September 08, 2024, 11:07:41 PM »
Oh rats, I ran out of real-life time to finish  :( Does that make me a DNF? And can I still use my scoring file from Part 1 to start Part 2, if I didn't finish the Part 1 requirements?

Offline SueDenim

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Re: The Hits Keep Coming - Part 1: The Next Big Thing <<Live event -- Jump in!>>
« Reply #33 on: September 08, 2024, 11:30:27 PM »
The Ayenarres finished at 5pm on Friday week 2.

This was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be (and I had one really odd curveball).
Looking forward to hearing how some of you did this so fast!

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: The Hits Keep Coming - Part 1: The Next Big Thing <<Live event -- Jump in!>>
« Reply #34 on: September 09, 2024, 05:20:18 AM »
Oh rats, I ran out of real-life time to finish  :( Does that make me a DNF? And can I still use my scoring file from Part 1 to start Part 2, if I didn't finish the Part 1 requirements?

Yes, and yes. :)

This challenge is now closed.

Another big win for @Rebelangel - congrats! Everyone is now free to discuss how they tackled part 1. Given how the two parts are connected, if some of you would prefer to wait until the end of part 2, that is understandable.

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Re: The Hits Keep Coming - Part 1: The Next Big Thing
« Reply #35 on: September 09, 2024, 09:16:50 AM »
My spellcaster sims, Manager and Helper (wasn't feeling too creative with the names) moved into Bargain Bend in Willow Creek. They built a tiny home, and got all the quick aspiration points from Mixology, Wealth, Club, Collectors, Parenting, Spellcasting, eco innovator, vampire (research vampires on a computer), country caretaking aspirations. In totally, this netted to just over 1000 aspiration points for Manager. They then traveled to the Willow Creek Park, where Manager began completing the mischief aspiration while waiting for children to arrive. Manager was looking specifically for Billie Jang and Elsa Bjergsen, who have A's and B's in school respectively, but luckily they showed up pretty quickly. At this point Manager had started a club with the popular boost, and became friends with both Billie and Elsa upon greeting them - it did not take too much longer to reach good friends, especially as they were added immediately to the club so they wouldn't leave the lot. Once they were good friends, they were moved into the house.

Manager spent the rest of the day getting to L3 of the Mischief aspiration so she could purchase the connections trait and join the business career. Once this occured, she created a "fight" club to build an atrocious reputation (made faster by the tiny lot). She used this reputation to bribe her boss to ensure promotion in 24 hrs.

Billie, who had an A in school, got to work finishing the creative aspiration, and was aged up. Elsa did her homework + extra credit (and with the good schools lot trait) got to an A within 1 school day. She spent the rest of the time finishing the creative aspiration and was aged up shortly after coming back from school.

Later on day 2, a wishing well was purchased, and Manager got really lucky with an instant promotion on the first wish (after a $5000 donation). At this point, I could have finished the challenge by Tuesday 5PM, but realized it would be hard to set myself up for part II of the challenge, so I intentionally staggered Billie and Elsa going to school (one went on Tuesday and the other Wednesday) to reach an A grade. Manager went back to work on Tuesday, and got promoted to L7 at 5PM, and joined the Manager Branch, completing that aspiration. Once finished, Manager learned an instrument to mentor Billie and Elsa.

Helper helped out by also learning an instrument to mentor Billie and Elsa, and also her magical prowess so that she could learn copypasto (for the potion of plentiful needs and nimble mind potion. This happened around day 2 or 3). Finally, in the background, the rest of the club spots were filled up by L and Simeon, who helped Helper grow her magically prowess and diligently painted the entire time, and had their paintings stolen and sold by Helper to provide a sustainable stream of funds.

All requirements were met shortly after Elsa returned from school on Wednesday at 3 PM, and both Billie and Elsa were aged up (which took about 12 sim minutes - I also missed @Elinoee's questions - though fortunately it did not come down to a tiebreaker for me :) ).

Offline Elinoee

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Re: The Hits Keep Coming - Part 1: The Next Big Thing
« Reply #36 on: September 09, 2024, 12:48:32 PM »
Great job @Rebelangel ,congratulations!

For my part, I also thought of getting an atrocious reputation for my manager in order to level up his career quicker but finally gave up the idea because of part 2 (maybe leveling the social media career is more difficult with a very bad reputation? Not sure!)
He began his career on Tuesday (day 3) at level 4 with the connections reward (I didn't manage to get enough points to get the reward and begin on day 2) and went to work with the celestial crown loaded with a hematite. He worked hard (and also had the entrepreneurial reward trait + the group perk that give bonus to the careers) and managed to get level 5 on Tuesday evening, level 6 on Wednesday evening and finally level 7 on Thursday evening (day 5).
I tried to use the wishing well 2 times to get him an instant promotion but wasn't lucky despite my two $5000 donations!

Concerning the two children, I wanted to get Billie Jang and Tane Ngata because they already have A at school. I didn't manage to find them in Oasis Springs and Willow Creek parks but I finally found Elsa Bjergsen and Pierce Delgato who have B at school so this part was quite ok.
It was very easy to befriend them because my manager was part of a group with a good reputation. I moved them in on Sunday evening (day 1),made them do their homework ,a school project and go to school in a focused mood so that they got an A at school on day 2. They finished the creative aspiration on day 3 and got an A in high school on Wednesday (day 4).

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Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Hits Keep Coming - Part 1: The Next Big Thing
« Reply #37 on: September 09, 2024, 04:39:31 PM »
My Manager was called Manager and my Helper was called Helpa and their surname was Hitz. Their club was Lotza Hitz - Lotza Kidz.
I just went to a library and waited for two kids to walk in, the first two were names I didn't recognise, but I focused on them anyway. 3 days before they were best friended. One of them was easier than the other to get through primary school than the other for some reason.

My manager suffered from burn out twice. The kids spent the last few days as Young Adults raising all instruments. With an 8 person club, the non household members kept on using the instruments when they were at club gatherings which was almost always. Helpa cooked a lot, and didn't start one cooking fire.

I did have household members getting hysterical, which concerned me as I've heard sims can die from that. But that has happened to me yet (guess there's always part 2 of this challenge).

Thanks for another fun challenge and congrats to all, especially Rebelangel.

Offline SueDenim

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Re: The Hits Keep Coming - Part 1: The Next Big Thing
« Reply #38 on: September 09, 2024, 06:30:19 PM »
I also recruited Billie Jang and Elsa Bjergsen (after which, the Bjergsens invited themselves as stay over guests for a week.  It was odd, but not too much of an issue - and as far as I can tell did nothing to either help or hinder the rest of the progress, except the bathrooms were always full.  Sonia Bjergsen takes a lot of time in the bathroom).  They both showed up at the second park that I stalked.

Other than that - everything with the kids went smoothly.  Everything with the manager did not... it took ridiculously long to get her promoted, the thing just moved soooo veeerrrrry sloooowwwwwlllllyyyyyy.  To avoid burnout, I sent her into work confident so that she could schmooze with the boss instead of actually working.  I keep forgetting about the crystal crown.  Someday, I will remember and use it successfully.  When she finally should have gotten a promotion, apparently there were layoffs at her job?  So she couldn't get promoted even though she was not laid off?  (Real life intrudes into Sims more than I want it to)

Also, I never quite figured out the helper sim. 

