Tabby Myrick didn't invite anyone to live with her. She chopped and changed between multiple aspirations, only completing 6 (Body Builder, Nerd Brain, Angling Ace, Painter Extraordinaire, Renaissance Sim, Friend of the World) but getting easy 1st, 2nd and 3rd milestones in many others, joining various careers where required (but none that she'll join in Part II - any rewards have been sold off before continuing).
Satisfaction points were only spent on rewards that would speed up aspirations until the final hour when all the others were bought, starting with the lowest value ones.
I usually turn thunderstorms and blizzards off but they're default so.... Tabby was lucky. Just a thunderstorm on the last day. One week per season, also default, caught me out with my plants. I usually go for 4 weeks per season. It was a fun change to play that way. I was also surprised how little I missed the Tiny House buff but maybe that's only noticeable for child-skilling.
Tabby was a trooper - even earning Gold for the Dinner Party at which Mortimer Goth died laughing. It must have been her killer jokes!