That screenshot of the brides' reaction to what Oliver was convinced was an excellent valedictorian speech was hilarious!
By the way, did Oliver inherit his character traits?
Another simmer friend and I have not been able to get our character traits when graduating at the same time as aging up.
Good luck with your search for the best bride, Oliver!
From a relationship/trait/aspiration development point of view, the Graduation Ceremony was a dead loss. Apart from the Principal introducing Oliver and him doing his speech, absolutely nothing else happened. No receiving diplomas, no hat throwing. From a storytelling point of view, the Bride's reactions and Oliver's misplaced confidence were gold!
Yes, Oliver got his character traits on aging into a YA. You may be sure that I saved the game very carefully before aging both him and David up just in case. But, phew, everything was OK and they didn't need to Graduate Early to get the traits.
Oliver aged up first, getting Valedictorian. I'm not sure if that makes a difference as David had equal academic qualifications plus being top Cheerleader.
I was sorry to say goodbye to Greta. She had lovely green eyes and she'd become a Goofball like Oliver. Still, a pairing of 2 Goofballs can only end in Hysteria, so maybe it's for the best.