I imagine Bear must be a very good mentor and the Homey lot trait is active, because a 100-tile Small Home doesn't give the perk which boosts skill gain.
With a 100-tile Small Home, the only perks are lower power needs and better moods.
Wow, Mary is a saint. I could NOT stomach still having Fredrik around, regardless of whether he's the boys' biological father.
She doesn't owe Fredrik any more, though he should be paying alimony because the divorce resulted from his cheating. Boo, Fredrik! *thumbs down
I haven't been keeping track of which generations you've done or haven't done, so Oliver's generation will be a pleasant suprise.
Um, he is the next heir, right? There are question marks in their stats....
Heratfelt congrats to mary on winning that elusive Pie Competition! Yay! *throws confetti