Author Topic: Makey MishMash Legacy (Complete)  (Read 86537 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Makey MishMash Legacy 8.9: You're The One That I Want
« Reply #330 on: October 06, 2024, 06:44:33 AM »
Makey MishMash Legacy 8.9: You're The One That I Want

Previously: Mary was confirmed as the Gen 9 Heir; Mary and Prue aged up to Foodie and Outgoing Teens respectively; Mary cooked disgusting Fast Food and Prue ogled swimmers as a Life Guard; they realised they could buy loads of Voidcritter cards from the machine and quickly completed that collection; Morgan shook the capsule machine (to save Marcus) and found the last Simmie; Morgan aged up to an Adult without a party

L-to-R: Prue, Morgan, Marcus, Bear, Mary
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Residence: 5-3-1 Shinrinyoku, Senbamachi, Mt Komorebi

Mary: Thanks for the selfie, Yamachan!
Yamachan: You know you don’t need it, for your requirements?
Mary: It just seems right to do at least some of the Mt Komorebi activities while we’re living here. Prue and I are going swimming now.
Yamachan: Brr – rather you than me. Be careful you don’t drown from cold-shock.
Mary: Prue’s a qualified Life Guard. We’ll be fine.

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Prue: Will we get an A today, do you think?
Mary: Probably.
Prue: Then we can graduate!
Mary: Not if we want to get ourselves Prom dates. I want to find a perfect date!
Prue: I’m not fussy.

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Bear: Helloooooo!
Echo: Hello hello hello….
Bear: Cool!
Echo: Cool cool cool

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Zayden: I know I went with your sister as friends last week but we could…you know…
Prue: Maybe. I’m not ready to make Prom plans just yet.

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Mary: Ugh! This greasy smell really clings.
Prue: You’re level 3 now. Why don’t you quit?
Mary: I guess I could.
Prue: I tell you what! If you can make delicious pizza like this, why don’t you start selling that?
Mary: You know? I think I just might.

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Bear: The girls are at school, the mountain is icy, but I’ve just completed an High Intensity Snowboard run! Go Me!

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Mary: Come and get them while they’re hot! Delicious and Excellent Waffles and Pizzas. All at cost prices!

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Bear: I know I encouraged you to sell more of your amazing food, mainly so we don’t all balloon up from eating it, but outside the Lounge is a bit….
Mary: Clever? The Lounge doesn’t sell much choice. Everyone goes in there for a drink and comes out wanting Pizza. I’m doing a roaring trade.

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Watcher: Some random boys have moved into the neighbourhood, Mary. I’d like you to meet them.
Mary: OK. Ayden’s Cheerful with red hair and green eyes. He reminds me of my sister. Blake is a Foodie like me and has golden hair and green eyes. Active Frederick has red hair and violet eyes.
Watcher: I’m sure there’s another one around here somewhere.
Mary: That’s OK. I want to get back to my cooking. You know I want to be a Master Chef.
Watcher: There’s more to life than cooking….

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Mary: I’m not sure there is more to life than cooking. I love it. Prue loves flirting. In fact she always introduces herself to any Teens in a flirty way. And I mean EVERY Teen. But me? I’m sure the right person will come along at just the right time.
Watcher: Tick Tock!

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Mary: I’m glad you and your housemates came to Mum’s Dinner Party.
Frederick: I’m sorry Dakota’s still not available. He’s a bit mysterious. Hey, how come your sister gets to dance and you have to cook?
Mary: I like it. But, I, I, um
Frederick: What is it?
Mary: Dad gave me this but I think I’d like to give it to you. It’s something that helps you have successful dates.
Frederick: Well, that’s rather enchanting!

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Mary: Will you go with me to the Prom?
Frederick: Er, maybe next time? Sorry, gotta get going.
Mary: What? Oh, well, what about as friends?
Frederick: Sure. I guess I’ll go to Prom with you.
Mary: Hm…

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Mary: I’m sure Frederick thought I was only asking out of desperation, as it was Friday evening. But I wanted him to know that I wanted to be more than just friends. He was far more receptive at the Prom.

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Mary: Prue! I thought you couldn’t get off work?
Prue: I wouldn’t miss my Prom, now would I?
Frederick: Oh, hi Prue.
Prue: Hi handsome!
Frederick: Er huh hi.
Mary: Don’t let Prue embarrass you, Frederick. She’s like that with everyone. It doesn’t mean anything.
Frederick: Right…

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Mary: She’s a bit fed up because all her flirtees are resentful that she didn’t invite them to the Prom.
Frederick: Yeah!
Mary: But none of them invited her!
Frederick: That's interesting.
Mary: Besides, she told me she’s only got one crush and that’s our family friend Sherry Laurent. Her parents, Greta and Kyoshi, used to be housemates with our parents. It’s not surprising that Prue’s got a crush on her. Have you seen her?
Frederick: I can’t say I’d noticed.
Mary: Because you only have eyes for me! Of course. I love you!
Frederick: Absolutely!

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Week 61 (Year 4, Winter 1/4)
Generation 8 – Complete Week 61, Wednesday
Bear: Heir
– Adult (28 days to Elder)
Traits: Active, Adventurous, Bro +Cheerful +Neat
Morgan Makey – Adult (36 days to Elder, married to Bear)
Traits: Good, Outgoing, Loves Outdoors +Self-Assured +Cheerful +Neat
Marcus Flex
– Elder (lived 138 days)
Traits: Active, Bro, Non-Committal +Cheerful +Perfectionist +Neat
Generation 9
Mary: Heir
– Teen (11 days to YA)
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Foodie
Prue: Spare – Teen (11 days to YA)
Traits: Book Worm, Outgoing

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Prior Generations
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I love that 6 Teens who have a small pink bar with Prue are resentful about the Prom invite and she resents them all back! Ah – Teen drama!

I created 4 random Teens and moved them into the small house near the Mt Komorebi Lounge. They all had variants of blonde or red hair and green or violet eyes. I randomised their names and, for their traits, I clicked the di until they got one good trait (in my opinion). Mary had ultimate choice - whichever she crushed on first or had amazing compatibility with.
Blake came to Mary's food stall the first time she opened, maybe because he is a Foodie. I had Bear & Morgan visit the house twice to get to know the others. Dakota was absent each time. Mary didn't have amazing compatibility with any of them but she crushed on Frederick first.

Mary is planning her perfect future home for the next week, when her requirements will kick in officially. Her generation is The Baker from the Postcards Legacy challenge if you want some spoilers.

I got the list of recipes from various online sources. There's a lot of items to cook but it'll be over Mary's challenge time and she does love cooking.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 8.9: You're The One That I Want (6-Oct)
« Reply #331 on: October 06, 2024, 01:11:15 PM »
First of all, congrats to Bear on completing his Extreme Sports Enthusiast aspiration, at last.
It just occurred to me this morning that buying a Dr. June Weather Control Machine might have let Bear change the weather appropriately.
Watcher, you have infinite patience!

Mary, great minds think alike! I was also thinking that Fredrick would be the best choice because his color matches the Makey founder: red hair and violet eyes.
So yes, excellent choice!

Haha, I also added prepare every dessert as one of The Baker's requirements. I hope you have fun with this and Home Chef Hustle!
Both aspirations' reward traits really shine more with the Fresh Chef trait!

Before I forget, my youngest Gen8 kids also got hit with your "friends made in-person with the Incredibly Friend trait don't count toward Social Butterfly" glitch.
I hadn't noticed before because my sim-kids had been completing Social Butterfly by chatting online, hehe.
Sigh, the more new content we get, the more bugs we have to deal with.  I'm not looking forward to the aftermath of the Life and Death ep.

I'm really excited about Mary's generation! 

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 8.9: You're The One That I Want (6-Oct)
« Reply #332 on: October 06, 2024, 01:32:53 PM »
First of all, congrats to Bear on completing his Extreme Sports Enthusiast aspiration, at last.
It just occurred to me this morning that buying a Dr. June Weather Control Machine might have let Bear change the weather appropriately.
Watcher, you have infinite patience!

Mary, great minds think alike! I was also thinking that Fredrick would be the best choice because his color matches the Makey founder: red hair and violet eyes.
So yes, excellent choice!

Haha, I also added prepare every dessert as one of The Baker's requirements. I hope you have fun with this and Home Chef Hustle!
Both aspirations' reward traits really shine more with the Fresh Chef trait!

Before I forget, my youngest Gen8 kids also got hit with your "friends made in-person with the Incredibly Friend trait don't count toward Social Butterfly" glitch.
I hadn't noticed before because my sim-kids had been completing Social Butterfly by chatting online, hehe.
Sigh, the more new content we get, the more bugs we have to deal with.  I'm not looking forward to the aftermath of the Life and Death ep.

I'm really excited about Mary's generation!
I've never used the weather machine but I was starting to consider it to get the necessary icy conditions for Bear. He thanks you for your congratulations and is looking forward to his retirement.

That's interesting about your Social Butterflies. I've had the problem for a while now but I can't remember when it started. I should get mine chatting online.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 8.9: You're The One That I Want (6-Oct)
« Reply #333 on: October 06, 2024, 02:07:50 PM »
First of all, congrats to Bear on completing his Extreme Sports Enthusiast aspiration, at last.
It just occurred to me this morning that buying a Dr. June Weather Control Machine might have let Bear change the weather appropriately.
Watcher, you have infinite patience!

Mary, great minds think alike! I was also thinking that Fredrick would be the best choice because his color matches the Makey founder: red hair and violet eyes.
So yes, excellent choice!

Haha, I also added prepare every dessert as one of The Baker's requirements. I hope you have fun with this and Home Chef Hustle!
Both aspirations' reward traits really shine more with the Fresh Chef trait!

Before I forget, my youngest Gen8 kids also got hit with your "friends made in-person with the Incredibly Friend trait don't count toward Social Butterfly" glitch.
I hadn't noticed before because my sim-kids had been completing Social Butterfly by chatting online, hehe.
Sigh, the more new content we get, the more bugs we have to deal with.  I'm not looking forward to the aftermath of the Life and Death ep.

I'm really excited about Mary's generation!
I've never used the weather machine but I was starting to consider it to get the necessary icy conditions for Bear. He thanks you for your congratulations and is looking forward to his retirement.

That's interesting about your Social Butterflies. I've had the problem for a while now but I can't remember when it started. I should get mine chatting online.

My sim-kids who I plan to do Social Butterfly with always get Incredibly Friendly.  They can get to Friends status after one "Chat with..." interaction with a child sim or YA+ sim.
In a large household, it's convenient not having to drag the whole family around looking for potential friends, hehe.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Makey MishMash Legacy 9.1: Sugar Sugar
« Reply #334 on: October 11, 2024, 03:24:57 AM »
Makey MishMash Legacy 9.1: Sugar Sugar

Previously: Mary & Prue stayed on at High School so they could get Prom Dates; Mary gave up after maxing her Fast Food job and started holding bake sales; Bear completed his requirements; Mary crushed on Frederick and Prue flirted with everyone.

L-to-R: Prue, Morgan, Marcus, Bear, Mary
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Residence: 5-3-1 Shinrinyoku, Senbamachi, Mt Komorebi

Mary: So, what do you say, Frederick? Wanna join my club?
Marcus: The answer’s “yes”, Boy!
Frederick: Of course, of course. I’d love that.
Bear: Great! Just a few more things to put in place for you all moving on…
Watcher: Quite a few, as it turns out…

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Prue: Ow! I thought I was going to win that one.
Mary: Sorry Prue. Are you OK?
Prue: I will be. You’ve been practicing!
Mary: Yes. I really want to be able to transportalate.
Prue: I’m happy with my mop. I know it’s supposed to be a broom, but it gets me from A to B, usually in one piece.

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Frederick: Are you sure your parents are OK with this.
Mary: Of course, Frederick. They’re really happy about our relationship.
Frederick: I know I’m a great catch. But it feels a little odd, cuddling here in your parents bed.
Mary: We have their blessing.
Frederick: Right…the Legacy.

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Mary: Here we are, in our own place – 2 Olde Mill Lane in Henford-on-Bagley.
Frederick: You, me and Prue.
Mary: Isn’t it wonderful?
Frederick: It’s time we made our relationship official. Will you be my girlfriend?
Mary: I thought I already was.
Frederick: That was before the glitch. Will you be my girlfriend again?
Mary: Of course, silly Frederick.

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Mary: I hope you like produce! If I sing to you, can we be friends?

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Frederick: Now we’ve bought all the groceries and plants for the kitchen garden, can we please go and dance?
Prue: Yes! I’ve been dying to dance ever since we got to the pub.
Frederick: What’s your favourite station.
Prue: Anything with a good beat!
Mary: I just get extra sugar for the canning. And then I want to see if that sweet old lady at the other stall has got anything interesting.
Prue: I’m going to steal Freddie off for a dance while you do that. You’d better not be long!
Mary: Ha ha
Frederick: Ha ha!

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Prue: Boogie Nights!
Frederick: Oh dear! This could be awkward.
Mary: What? I’m sure it’s harmless.
Frederick: I do hope so. Oh, the Bear! Yes, I’m sure it is.
Mary: What were you talking about?
Frederick: The Bear. Nothing but the Bear.

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Frederick: I think we should be definite about our future. Will you wear my promise ring?
Mary: That’s a lovely thing to do. Now we’re promised together forever and always.

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Mary: Roll up, Roll up! Get them while they’re hot! Hey, why are you standing around to eat? I’ve got picnic benches to sit at. Any why are you going inside? Thank you all for buying lots of stuff but this is an outdoor sale. Oh dear. I hope Prue and Frederick don’t mind. They were trying to catch up with their homework in there.

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Mary: And then, Choc Chip, he gave me his ring to wear!
Choc Chip: Meeeeh

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Mary: I’m cooking up a storm to take to the Finchwick Fair today. My rooster - Big Roo – is all loved up and friendly, ready to go preen on the stand. I’ve got an egg-cellent orange egg. I just know I’m going to sell lots of food and win 2 rosettes. I’ve even made pleasantly-unpleasant waffles so I’m an official Appliance Wiz. Not to mention the Saffron Waffles using the saffron from last night’s Spice Market.

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Mayor: Flirty Heart Cookies? I don’t mind if I do.
Mary: I’m sure you’ll love them. I’ve sold over $10k using this sales table altogether. Isn’t that amazing.
Mayor: You are quite the Entrepreneur, young lady. But it won’t sway me to up your competition entry.
Mary: I wouldn’t dream of it. I’m sure Big Roo will win without any bribes.

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Big Roo: I am Very Happy and Very Content while these hens are just Happy and Content. I’m sure I’ll win!

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Frederick: I'm glad I get one dance with you.
Mary: I’m so sorry we didn’t get to the Prom. With Prue doing a Life Guard shift and the fair…
Frederick: It’s OK. I can show off my best clothes another time. When I’m not helping with the garden, that is.
Mary: It’ll be worth it, Frederick. It’s all for our future family.
Frederick: Family, yes. Family is important. Did Big Roo win.
Mary: Sh! No he didn’t and he’s a bit cross. Especially since the orange egg did win.
Frederick: Oh dear. I hope he doesn’t take it out on Prue. She really didn’t like that pecking the other day.
Mary: You’re so sweet to worry about her. I’m sorry she keeps calling you “Freddie”.
Frederick: I don’t mind.
Mary: That’s good. She’s decided it suits you.

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Week 62 (Year 4, Winter 1/4 - reboot)
Generation 9
Mary: Heir
– Teen (4 days to YA)
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Foodie
Prue: Spare – Teen (4 days to YA)
Traits: Book Worm, Outgoing
Frederick: Promised to Heir – Teen (7 days to YA)
Traits: Active, Self-Absorbed

L-to-R: Frederick, Mary, Prue
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2 Olde Mill Lane, Henford-on-Bagley

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Prior Generations
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My game file was hit with another corrupted file – I couldn’t create a playable save file past 8.00am on the Monday morning, Sim time. I tried every which way, including doing nothing but let the minutes tick by. As 48 hours ticked by in real life, I decided that enough was enough.

I moved Frederick into the Legacy Household and saved to the gallery, did a factory reset and started a new game, loading the Makey’s into Olde Mill Lane and then moving Bear, Morgan and Marcus back to Mt Komorebi. Mary has started a new club with no perks and will have to find all the plants again, evolving them back to perfection. It’s frustrating but better than calling a halt to this Legacy.

Clearly there are now 2 Morgan Fyres and 2 Marcus Flexs in the new game but I’m sure we can cope.

I’m still pinning down the recipes required and realised that Flirty Heart Cookies and Apple Jam weren’t on the list. But also that all the cupcake recipes were included in the regular Sweets list.
Choc Chip is a mini goat. So much easier to provide milk than a cow, although she does wander.

Title: I've always loved the Sugar Sugar song by the artificial band The Archies. It's so evocative of it's time and wonderfully optimistic about new love.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 9.1: Sugar Sugar (11-Oct)
« Reply #335 on: October 11, 2024, 01:51:35 PM »
Oh no, you got hit with that bug again?  Have you tried looking for the EA Update Launcher in your EA folder?
(I found mine by looking alphabetically through Start/All Apps. That is terrible that the glitch ruined your game again! :(

Watcher, you created Fredrick (with one "e") but you always call him "Frederick," lol!
Uh oh, Fredrick and Prue....hmmm....

Mary is killing it with her Food Stand! And the Fresh Chef and Batch Cook reward traits form an unbeatable combo!
Go Mary!
So sorry about Big Roo! That Finchwick Fair is stupidly unfair!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 9.1: Sugar Sugar (11-Oct)
« Reply #336 on: October 12, 2024, 03:34:47 AM »
Oh no, you got hit with that bug again?  Have you tried looking for the EA Update Launcher in your EA folder?
(I found mine by looking alphabetically through Start/All Apps. That is terrible that the glitch ruined your game again! :(

Watcher, you created Fredrick (with one "e") but you always call him "Frederick," lol!
Uh oh, Fredrick and Prue....hmmm....

Mary is killing it with her Food Stand! And the Fresh Chef and Batch Cook reward traits form an unbeatable combo!
Go Mary!
So sorry about Big Roo! That Finchwick Fair is stupidly unfair!
Mary & I are coping with the restart. It's just taking a bit of time to gather the ingredients for ambrosia for the final task in Market Magnate because, if an ingredient can be "produced", I'm not letting her buy it. I know! Such a taskmaster Watcher!

How funny that you noticed my constant slip with Fredrick's name which I truly hadn't noticed. I'd just assumed it was spelt the way that I'm familiar with. OH performs many baptisms in his job and always triple-checks the spelling because people are getting more and more creative with the spellings.

I can't find the EA Update Launcher anywhere. The EA program seems to find new updates and downloads them automatically. I repair the game regularly. The corruption issues always seem to hit just as I move the household. Mary will be staying put for the rest of her gen so I'll try to be extra vigilant when gen 10 move out. I do wonder if Bear's household that I saved to the gallery included elements of the earlier glitch which didn't manifest until Mary's move but it's too extensive an issue to research for now.  Gen 10 will be my last one in this Legacy so I will bear with it and hope my next game will be as pure as the driven snow :)

Big Roo thanks you for your sympathy. He is a typical self-absorbed cockerel (self-absorbed like Fredrick - maybe that's why Mary likes him) and so will realise that the Mayor made a mistake. His ego will recover.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Makey MishMash Legacy 9.2: American Pie
« Reply #337 on: October 12, 2024, 10:38:31 AM »
Makey MishMash Legacy 9.2: I Heard It On The Grapevine

Previously: Mary and Fredrick continued to build their romance; Fredrick moved with Mary and Prue to Henford-on-Bagley where they set up a small-holding with chickens, a pigmy goat and lots of plants; Fredrick developed a crush on Prue; Mary worked hard on growing their garden and using the fresh produce for all her baking, running sales from their home lot and missing Prom to run one at the Finchwick Fair; Big Roo, the cockerel, did not win first prize although the orange egg did.

***Mascara warning***

L-to-R: Fredrick, Mary, Prue
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2 Olde Mill Lane, Henford-on-Bagley

Fredrick: Where’s Mary gone now?
Prue: She’s gone night fishing.
Fredrick: She’s always off somewhere. If it isn’t the village stalls, it’s the Magical Headquarters.
Prue: Watcher does keep her running around.
Fredrick: I’ve noticed you running around too. You flirt with everyone, including me!
Prue: Redheads need to stick together! We get all the mocking.
Fredrick: Yeah, but I’ve got a load of blonde jokes. Do you want to hear some?
Prue (giggles): No! And you shouldn’t tell them!

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Mary: Hm – what to write? I know – my perfect future.
Prue (writing): We’ve only been joking around so it’s no biggie.
Fredrick (thinking): This Classical Music is amazing for helping me see what I want in my future. A big family. Definitely a big family. After all, I need some kids to carry on my genetic line.

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Prue: This is wrong.
Fredrick: But it feels so right.
Prue: So it’s me you want?
Fredrick: Always and forever.
Prue: Oh Freddie!

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Fredrick: Hey, Big Roo, got over your competition loss?
Big Roo: Brrrk
Fredrick: You’ve got three, no four hens now. How do you juggle them?
Big Roo: Brrk?

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Mary: Do you realise that it’s our birthday tomorrow, Prue?
Prue: I know. I can’t wait to age up. What about you, Freddie? Are you going to age up early with us?
Fredrick: I am not going to hang around another 4 days. Count me in!
Mary: And then we can get married and make a start on that big family you want!
Fredrick: Yes, er, right!
Prue: Really?
Mary: At last we can move our legacy on.
Prue: Are you sure? I’m mean, we’re still so young.
Mary: Of course. Why else did Fredrick and I exchange promise rings.
Prue: I didn’t know that. But they’re just Teen stuff, playing at being adults. Getting married, having children, that’s real.
Mary: And what I need to do as the heir. I thought you knew we’d got these plans.

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Morgan: Prue? We came straight over.
Bear: You sounded upset on the phone.
Prue: Mum, Dad, I’ve really messed up.
Bear: It can’t be that bad, can it?
Morgan: Tell us what’s wrong and we can sort most things out.
Prue: I have feelings for Fredrick and, before you say anything, I know he has feelings for me.
Morgan: Oh honey. We’d heard something on the grapevine but we didn’t take any notice.
Prue: I know! I know! But Mary’s been so busy with her tasks and Fredrick? Well we’ve got close.
Bear: How close?
Prue: Just Teen stuff but…
Bear: Wait till I see that young man! Breaking the hearts of my girls. I’m going to call Marcus. He may be an Elder but he can still sort Fredrick out.
Prue: No Dad. Mary doesn’t know. She’s planning her perfect future with Fredrick and he seems to be going along with it. Maybe I should tell her, but I don’t want to hurt her.
Morgan: Let’s see what happens at your birthday tomorrow. If they get engaged, as they’ve planned, you need to keep quiet and bow out. I’m sorry sweetheart, but that’s the way it’s got to be.
Prue: Oh Mum!
Bear: I’m still going to make sure Marcus is there tomorrow!

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Fredrick: Mary blew her candles out and became Gloomy which isn’t ideal but I can work with that. After all, she’s still a good looking woman. We’ll have great looking kids together. Prue has become Romantic. Oh Yes! Big Roo may have 4 hens but I’ve got two great women. Mary can bake and Prue can manage the garden. And we’ll have lots of children together. My life is going to be perfect! I think we’ll not invite that Marcus over again, though. He’s a bit scary.

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Mary: Now we’re both Young Adults, Fredrick, will you honour our Teen Promise Rings and become my husband?
Fredrick: Yes, beautiful Mary, I will.
Marcus: Are you seeing this?
Prue: Yes!
Marcus: Do you want me to wallop him?
Prue: Yes! I mean no! I mean maybe…

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later that night
Prue: Pregnant? Already?
Mary: We didn’t want to wait. Oh Prue, I know you said you’re planning to move out tomorrow to make room for all our children but please, will you stay and help while I’m pregnant with our first? There’s so much to do in the garden.
Fredrick: Yes. Stay! The more the merrier!
Prue: What? I’m… I don’t know what to say!
Mary: Well, you can say “yes” when I get back from the loo! I can’t believe this baby is pressing on my bladder already!

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Prue: I need to leave.
Fredrick: Why? Stay! You know I need you!
Prue: I don’t understand. You’re marrying my sister. She’s having your baby.
Fredrick: And so can you! We can vote in the Free Love NAP at the weekend and then everything will be cool.
Prue (icily): You want us all to co-habit? Have some sort of commune?
Fredrick: What’s good for the birds and the bees? It’s good enough for us. It’ll be wonderful.
Prue: I can’t believe I have to explain this to a man wearing a llama costume but you can’t justify something because it happens in the animal kingdom. We’re humans. We’re more evolved than that.
Fredrick: Come over here and let’s do some evolving together.
Prue: Mary thinks you’re devoted to her. Only to her. You have agreed to marry her and she has not a scooby-doo that you’re planning to marry me as well. And, quite frankly, that is not the life I want, either.
Fredrick: You’ll come round. I know you will. We’ve already got you to stay until the baby comes. You’ll see. It’ll be great!

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Mary: Did you persuade Prue to stay?
Fredrick: I think she’ll stay forever.
Mary: Oh. Well it’ll reduce the number of children we can fit in but it’ll be lovely to have her here. You don’t mind that we’ll all be on top of each other?
Fredrick: I’m looking forward to it! Mm carrot cake! Is this for our wedding cake?
Mary: No silly. I need to work out which wedding cake we want but I really wanted to make a carrot cake first. You know, I’ve got a real craving for carrots. I’ve made carrot cake, carrot bread, plus I’m eating my way through all the ones we’ve got in store.

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Fredrick: Wow! This is a lot of wedding cake!
Mary: There’s just the 9 different styles. Although I’ve got an extra copy of each because I was batch cooking.
Fredrick: They’re mainly blue.
Mary: My favourite colour. We can have a different colour if you like. Which one shall we have? I’ll sell the others.
Fredrick: The heart shaped one. To symbolize all the love in our home.
Mary: Which do you like, Prue?
Prue: I think I’m going to be sick!

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Prue: Fredrick and Mary got married on Friday. It was a lovely wedding and the heart-shaped cake tasted lovely. Mary looked so happy. I can’t tell her what Fredrick was proposing. I’ll stay with them to help until the baby comes but then I’ll have to leave. Maybe with me out of the way, Fredrick will make a good husband and father.

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Mary: Thank you for popping round, Mr Moody. I’ve been baking for this afternoon’s Fair but here’s my best dish – Everything Bagels. I hope you like them.
Ian: Thank you very much. Are you sure you’re OK to be at the Fair. You look ready to give birth.
Mary: I should be OK. Fredrick had to go to work but my sister Prue will be with me just in case.

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Prue: I thought you were going to sell those wedding cakes to the bakery.
Mary: They said these batch ones weren’t finished properly. They look good on the stall anyway. Really eye-catching.
Prue: Are you OK, Mary? You know I…
Mary: I’m more than OK. Life is wonderful, don’t you think?
Prue: Just say if you want me to tend the table for a bit.
Mary: Actually, yes, I really need the loo. I’ll just see if my lemon meringue pie is OK on the way back. I do hope it wins.

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Mary: I never did get to see my pie win, did I, little David? You and your brother Oliver decided to make an appearance before the end of the Fair. We’ve got the pie back but no ribbon. Hm, well, I’m too happy with the two of you to mind too much.

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Fredrick: The start of our big family!
Mary: Are you happy, darling?
Fredrick: Over the moon! Now, I’d like to discuss changing your Romantic Boundaries.
Mary: What?
Fredrick: Well, now you’ve had my babies, it’s only right for me to make some babies with Prue.
Mary: With my sister? What are you saying?

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Mary: Prue?
Fredrick: It’s alright, Prue darling. I’ve explained about the Romantic Boundaries thing and…
Prue: Get away from me! And I'm not your darling! I told you it wasn’t going to happen.
Fredrick: Don’t deny your feelings for me. Not after all that we’ve shared.
Mary: Shared? What have you been sharing with my sister?
Fredrick: Love! Beautiful love!
Prue: No! A fling, at best, when we were still Teens. And before I knew you two were fully committed to each other. I’m so sorry, Mary. I stopped as soon as I knew.
Mary: I, I, I’ve been so blind!

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Fredrick: If you just let me vote in the Free Love NAP, all this could be settled.
Mary: No, “Freddie”! It will not be settled. My eyes are now fully open. I want a divorce!
Fredrick: Mary, Mary, quite contrary! You know that’s not what you really want! You love me.
Mary: Yes it is what I want. I want you to leave.
Fredrick: Come on then Prue. It’ll be you and me, babe, until we find another woman.
Prue: As if I’d leave with you, you toe-rag! Go now, like she says.
Fredrick: Prue by name and prudish by nature. I’ll be glad to be shot of the two of you! I'll pack what's mine and be off.

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Prue: Mary? Are you OK?
Mary: No. And I don’t think I ever will be! He’s taken my babies!

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Week 63 (Year 4, Winter 2/4)
Generation 9
Mary: Heir
– Young Adult (23 days to Adult)
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Foodie, Gloomy +Animal Enthusiast
Prue: Spare – Young Adult (23 days to Adult)
Traits: Book Worm, Outgoing, Romantic

L-to-R: Mary & Prue
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2 Olde Mill Lane, Henford-on-Bagley

Moved out
Fredrick: Divorced from Heir
– Young Adult (23 days to Adult)
Traits: Active, Self-Absorbed, RomanticRomantically Reserved
Generation 10
David: heir?
- nooboo (twin)
Oliver: heir? - nooboo (twin)

Fredrick with David/Oliver
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Rifugio Dei Pirati, Terra Amorosa, Tartosa

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Prior Generations
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I really wanted some dramatic musical notes at the end of this update. Dear reader, you will just have to imagine them for yourself.

Mary’s husband cheating on her and then leaving with their offspring as soon as they were born is part of this generation’s requirements. I hated arranging it for them and I’m moderately concerned about how gen 10 will turn out. Yes, the gen 10 heir will be either David or Oliver, both of whom seem to have violet eyes. Not that that is of prime importance, right now.

Mary was named, not after the nursery rhyme character, but after Mary Berry, a lovely baker who was the first judge on The Great British Bake-Off. Prue was named, not to be prudish, but after Prue Leith, another excellent cook, who took over Mary’s role as judge. Both wise, amazing women.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 9.2: American Pie (12-Oct)
« Reply #338 on: October 12, 2024, 11:44:02 AM »
First of all, I can't believe Mary won the elusive Pie Competition but didn't get a ribbon!  Grrrr (on Mary's behalf)

Secondly, Fredrick & Prue make a great-looking couple and I literally LOL'ed when he was finding common ground with Big Roo.
But what a selfish, self-absorbed cad that handsome Fredrick turned out to be!  Good riddance!
Well, except for the little boy twins. That's just sad!

Mary's Food Stand looks so great with her cakes on display!
Poor Mary!

Here's a shot what my EA folder looks like on my Windows 11 laptop. I click Start then All Apps then scroll down to open the EA folder:
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(When my game was lagging horribly, clicking on the EA Update Launcher fixed it.)

I'm too late with this suggestion but, in your previous save, did you try deleting all the BLUEPRINT and BPI files from your Tray folder?
(I would make a backup of that folder first and rename it "The Sims 4 - original" or something)
It's really awful how much trouble you've been having your Sims 4 recently. I'm so sorry about that!
I hpe you will eventually figure out what's causing your issue.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 9.2: American Pie (12-Oct)
« Reply #339 on: October 12, 2024, 01:55:38 PM »
First of all, I can't believe Mary won the elusive Pie Competition but didn't get a ribbon!  Grrrr (on Mary's behalf)

Secondly, Fredrick & Prue make a great-looking couple and I literally LOL'ed when he was finding common ground with Big Roo.
But what a selfish, self-absorbed cad that handsome Fredrick turned out to be!  Good riddance!
Well, except for the little boy twins. That's just sad!

Mary's Food Stand looks so great with her cakes on display!
Poor Mary!

(When my game was lagging horribly, clicking on the EA Update Launcher fixed it.)

I'm too late with this suggestion but, in your previous save, did you try deleting all the BLUEPRINT and BPI files from your Tray folder?
(I would make a backup of that folder first and rename it "The Sims 4 - original" or something)
It's really awful how much trouble you've been having your Sims 4 recently. I'm so sorry about that!
I hpe you will eventually figure out what's causing your issue.
Thanks for the advice re the launcher - I'll see if I can find it. Hopefully I won't have to do it again. I didn't know about deleting the blueprint & BPI files. I'll add that to my list of things to try.

I'd toyed with the idea of Prue having babies by Freddie as well. As you say, they make a good-looking pair. But once she'd seen him accept Mary's proposal, her pink bar was too low for trying.

I wasn't sure whether Mary would be able to place the wedding cakes on the stall, but she can. They're 12 portions and top price items too! I'm not sure she'll be in the mood to bake any more though. Weddings are a no-go subject atm.

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 9.2: American Pie (12-Oct)
« Reply #340 on: October 12, 2024, 06:41:50 PM »
About deleting the BLUEPRINT & BPI files, I'd at first suggested you remove the Tray folder, but then you'd lose all your saved households.
You would of course lose any lots you'd saved to MyLibrary, but maybe deleting all the lot info would get rid of any lingering effects from that house you downloaded from the Gallery for Bear.

Um, even if Prue & Fredrick aren't a romantic pair anymore, if they're still friends, a science baby or two would also be an option...
Poor Mary, though. How will she ever mend her broken heart?

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Makey MishMash Legacy 9.3: Sweets for My Sweet
« Reply #341 on: October 13, 2024, 01:02:33 PM »
Makey MishMash Legacy 9.3: Sweets for My Sweet

Previously: Prue and Freddie got too close; Prue bowed out when she saw that Mary’s future lay with him; Mary started Eating for Two; Prue turned down Freddie's offer to co-habit; Mary married Fredrick; David and Oliver were born; Fredrick revealed his suggestion to Mary and she divorced him; he left, taking the babies with him

L-to-R: Mary & Prue
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2 Olde Mill Lane, Henford-on-Bagley

Prue: I’m not in the dog house. I ought to be. But Mary’s so broken up that she needs me right now. And I’m going to be here. As long as she needs me.
The worst moment was when Dad phoned to say that he and Mum were coming stay to help with the babies. We had to tell them. I thought Dad was going to go right round and kidnap the boys but Mum managed to calm him down.
Mary's changed all her clothes to faded ones and keeps her hair tied back all the time. I’m trying to get her to focus on when Fredrick lets the boys come over. We’re not sure when. But we’ll be ready. The sooner the better.

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Fredrick: Thank you for coming over to breast-feed them. They really don’t like a bottle.
Mary: I wanted to be here for them aging up.
Fredrick: Of course.

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Mary: Oh, Oliver! You’re Mummy’s precious boy!
Oliver: Coo!

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Fredrick: David has your hair colour.
Mary: Yes, he does. There’s no denying that we’ve made some beautiful babies.
Fredrick: We have indeed. Although it’s hard to be happy about things the way they are.
Mary: I would reconsider if you were prepared to settle down with just me…
Fredrick: I wouldn’t.

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Mary: You need to let me have the boys some of the time.
Fredrick: I suppose that is fair. You can have them over the weekends.
Mary: But that’s my busiest part of the week!
Fredrick: Make it work or don’t. That’s the offer. I tell you what, if you give me a quarter of your bakery earnings, I’ll even come and help in the garden if I’m free.
Mary: Er, thanks?

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Prue: The nerve! The absolute nerve of that man! Asking me out!
I know, Choc Chip, you could have knocked me over with a feather as well!
Are you seriously asking me what I replied? I would have ghosted him but we need to stay civilised in order to keep contact with Oliver and David. “Let’s just be friends” I replied, although I was stabbing the buttons on my mobile as I wrote it.
Hm…I wonder if he likes cow cake…

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Prue: Ah, Faiz, remember me? We had a moment last week…?
Faiz: Pretty Prue! How may I serve you today?
Prue: Well I need some flowers for my career. We’ve only grown vegetables until now.
Faiz: Vegetables are very healthy but a beautiful lady needs beautiful flowers!
Prue: I’ll just take a daisy and a bluebell for now.
Faiz: You’re breaking my heart!

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Mary: We celebrated Christmas. It was mid-week so they spent their first Christmas with their father.
Mum and Dad came with Marcus. So did all the neighbours that we could fit in. It was lovely.
I managed to make 3 gourmet dishes while everyone was there and that was on top of the Grand Breakfast I’d prepared earlier.
Prue shared a moment with Michael the Creature Keeper but I don’t think it will come to anything. She’ll be ready for a serious relationship soon. But not yet.
Me? I don’t think I could trust someone again. How would I know if they were hiding anything?

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Sara: I’m stuffed. I can’t eat another thing.
Mary: Here! I’ve made up a doggy bag so you can take some home for Simon. I’m sorry he couldn’t come.

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Mary: Ian! I’m so glad you’ve come. I’ve been trying to get ghosts to try this wonderful dish. Mimsy over at the Von Haunt Estate wouldn’t touch it.
Ian: What’s in it?
Mary: That’s a secret recipe but I call it Ambrosia. Full disclosure though, I’ve never tried it on a ghost before so I don’t know exactly how it will affect you.
Ian: As long as it doesn’t give me gas. No-one wants a ghost with gas.

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Prue: Are you sure you want to take Friday off work? You’re due for a promotion.
Mary: The boys will be arriving at 8am. I’ll have to work on Saturday but I want to spend as much time with them as possible. Thank goodness their father said he’d be here to help with the animals.
Prue: If he’s free. He may not be free.
Mary: Oh Prue! Can you believe they’ll be ready to age into Toddlers when they get here? Oh, I hope they’ll be happy here.
Prue: Well, you’ve bought the biggest toddler play equipment.
Mary: Ha ha! They’ll love it. There’s no room at their fathers place. I’ve converted those cots to toddler beds. Oh why does the clock go so slowly!

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Mary: Oliver! My sweet boy!
Prue: Where’s David?
Mary: I don’t know. Phone their father and sort it out. I can’t put Oliver down so soon.

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Mary: Blow out your candles, Oliver, and the we can sort out David’s head-bag. Who would give a toddler a head-bag to wear.
Oliver: Pfft
David: Bump!

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Mary (reading): And so the Daddy took the babies off to his pirate hideaway and their Mummy watched every day, waiting for them to come home to her.
Oliver: More!
David: Me!

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Prue: We had such a lovely, exhausting Friday. My job task was just to talk to a plant. I can’t believe they pay me for doing that. Anyway, it meant we both had lots of time. We played and danced. Even Choc Chip joined in!

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Mary: I made sfincione pizza for lunch. They were a bit suspicious but then they wolfed it down, Oliver making quite a mess in the process.

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Mary: When their father did eventually make an appearance, David went straight to him. He’s a big Clingy so, although it made me sad, I understood. But when his father tried “What’s that spot?” on him, little David kicked him! I tried not to laugh but it was very funny.

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Fredrick: I can’t believe you aged them up without me.
Mary: Prue said you were on a date. We can’t be waiting on your love life.
Fredrick: You’ve made that abundantly clear. And now you’ve clearly been feeding them all your sugary creations and so they’re acting up.
Mary: I’ve only given them sugar-free items all made with fresh ingredients.
Fredrick: Oh yes. Your precious plants and animals.
Mary: David just wants a hug and Oliver only smashed the dolls house because he wants your attention.
Fredrick: Well I’ve got to tend to the plants and care for the animals. Don’t forget that payment you owe. I heard about the ambrosia sales. $45k will be very helpful.
Mary: It’s to care for the boys!
Fredrick: Of course. Of course.

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Prue: The boys had a broken night but the club kept us going strong. Mary was a bit subdued on Saturday before her shift. We taught them some basic flash cards and she rallied. They are adorable.

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Prue: I was a little nervous about looking after them on my own. Fredrick did not make an appearance no matter how often I restarted the club. Must be on another date! Anyway, when the boys woke in the middle of the night, I decided to have a dance party with them and look! Autonomous hugging! So cute!
We've got them until Monday morning. And then we'll go to work for a rest!

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Week 64 (Year 4, Winter 3/4)
Generation 9
Mary: Heir
– Young Adult (20 days to Adult)
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Foodie, Gloomy +Animal Enthusiast
Prue: Spare – Young Adult (16 days to Adult)
Traits: Book Worm, Outgoing, Romantic

L-to-R: Mary & Prue
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2 Olde Mill Lane, Henford-on-Bagley

Moved out
Fredrick: Divorced from Heir
– Young Adult (16 days to Adult)
Traits: Active, Self-Absorbed, RomanticRomantically Reserved
Generation 10
David: heir?
– Toddler  (5 days to Child - twin)
Traits: Clingy
Oliver: heir? - Toddler  (5 days to Child - twin)
Traits: Independent (Messy Eater, Good Appetite)

Fredrick holding Oliver, David
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Rifugio Dei Pirati, Terra Amorosa, Tartosa

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Prior Generations
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When Mary went to age up the babies, I had her apologize to Fredrick – he’d been crying in his bed! But before I knew it, she’d gone and done a Bold Pick Up on him which he rebuffed. She also got an offer from Cupid’s Corner for couples counselling.

I arranged a stayover with just the boys, adding Fredrick to the family club just for the weekend. Only Oliver showed up at 8am so Mary invited David over. Once he was there, he hasn’t left and his tag box names him as a stayover guest.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 9.3: Sweets for My Sweet (13-Oct)
« Reply #342 on: October 13, 2024, 02:31:32 PM »
Wow, Fredrik is being a MAJOR jerk!  But he did add great genes to the Makey gene pool, I admit only grudgingly.
The little boys, however, are adorable.
Who the heck does "What's that spot?" on a toddler! Fredrick deserved to be kicked!

I am considering hiring a Ranch Hand for this generation, though my sims have never done that.
I doubt I could stand having the cheating ex around any more than necessary. 

My vote for the next heir is Oliver, unsurprisingly.
It would be great if your final heir had red hair and violet eyes, just like the Makey founder!
Great update, Watcher!
Poor, sad Mary!  I do like her better with her hair pulled back into a bun, though.

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 9.3: Sweets for My Sweet (13-Oct)
« Reply #343 on: October 13, 2024, 05:07:19 PM »
Wow, Fredrik is being a MAJOR jerk!  But he did add great genes to the Makey gene pool, I admit only grudgingly.
The little boys, however, are adorable.
Who the heck does "What's that spot?" on a toddler! Fredrick deserved to be kicked!

I am considering hiring a Ranch Hand for this generation, though my sims have never done that.
I doubt I could stand having the cheating ex around any more than necessary. 

My vote for the next heir is Oliver, unsurprisingly.
It would be great if your final heir had red hair and violet eyes, just like the Makey founder!
Great update, Watcher!
Poor, sad Mary!  I do like her better with her hair pulled back into a bun, though.
Fredrick does need to grow up a bit. He was sobbing about the divorce initially so he's not totally heartless.

It's so weird having autonomous toddlers staying in the house. Although I've finally realised that "check infant" gets them to ask for what they need. I have absolutely no idea how their skills are coming on so Mary & Prue are working in the dark.

I'm leaning towards Oliver also, for the same reason. I think they're identical apart from the hair.

Yes, Mary's practical bun is elegant. I think she needs some more upbeat clothes though.

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Makey MishMash Legacy 9.4: Strawberry Fields Forever
« Reply #344 on: October 15, 2024, 12:03:10 PM »
Makey MishMash Legacy 9.4: Strawberry Fields Forever

Previously: Mary agreed to Fredrick’s arrangement of having her boys over the weekends, accepting his help in return for 25% of her baking profits; Mary sold ambrosia to Ian Moody, resurrecting him; Oliver and David aged into Toddlers as soon as they arrived; Prue helped Mary to manage them and the small-holding with help from their father

L-to-R: Mary & Prue – Fredrick holding Oliver, David
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2 Olde Mill Lane, Henford-on-Bagley

Mary: Oh darling Oliver. Don’t make a mess on purpose.
Oliver: Me Wanna!
Mary: Sweet boy. No Give Mama a hug.
Oliver: Mama!

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Morgan: Thank you so much for inviting us all over.
Marcus: Who’s a big boy?
David: Davy!

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Prue: I can’t believe you two are awake so soon. We’ve only just read you to sleep!
David: Wanna Play!
Mary: I don’t mind. More time with my precious boys.
Oliver: Whee!

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Prue: Eat your breakfast. It will help.
Mary: I don’t even want a plain waffle. They were for the boys…but now they’re gone.
Prue: They’ll be back on Friday. The week will go so quickly.
Mary: Really?
Prue: Just four days! And, in the meantime, lets get you a makeover.
Mary: I need an apron for all the cooking.
Prue: Yes, but it doesn’t have to be so…
Mary: What?
Prue: Dull?
Mary: I’m going to make some Heart’s Desire Waffles with all the trimmings!
Prue: That’s the spirit!

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Mary: And that’s my last portion of Ambrosia. I’d make more but I think it might be addictive and I don’t think the local household budget can really run to the expense.

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Mary: I’m going to make a hotpot. The boys father has come round. Apparently “Everything has gotten on his nerves today.” So he got a babysitter and now he’s here!
I tried to be understanding but he brushed me off. Instead he just asked Prue if he could move in here!
I was so tempted because the boys would have come too but, their father? No, Prue was right to say “no”.

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Mary: I’m not going to lie, the time dragged until Friday morning.
I held another sale. I got rid of the toddler items and got a few child things. We lost Big Roo to the Reaper but Big Roo Too will keep the eggs coming. Oh and I got my level 8 promotion, making me a Master Chef.
Finally Friday arrived. Just Oliver on his own again, left out at the mailbox in the rain! I soon got David here too, although Fredrick wasn’t free to come help. He’s probably still smarting over Prue’s rejection.

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Mary: Blow out your candles, David.
David: Pfft!

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Mary: That’s right, get your homework out of the way and then we can go and have some fun.
David: What sort of fun?
Mary: Well, first off, I know of a magic wardrobe in a library where we can change your clothes and hair, if you like?
David: This style is a bit short.

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Oliver: I just had to come and say “hello” Choc Chip. We’re going out but we’ll be back later.
Choc Chip: Meeeeh

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Mary: Roar!
Oliver: Ha ha, Mummy! Very scary!
David: I’m hanging off the starboard bow.
Mary: Are there any Klingons?
Oliver: I’ll zap 'em!

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David: Mummy helped me catch a fish. Oliver managed to catch one all by himself but it wasn’t as big as mine!

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Oliver: When we got home, Auntie Prue read us a story and then we were so tired that we took ourselves off to bed. Even though the club would have kept us going. Mummy was making us some chocolate ice-cream to keep us going too but said it was probably better to go to bed. We’ve had such a great day.

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David: On Saturday morning, I helped Mummy cook some Khao Niao Mamuang in the hotpot. Mummy cooks and bakes all the time but she said she needed my help. It’s just as well because she didn’t know to put mangos in for breakfast.

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Oliver: I don’t know how Mummy makes money from her cooking. She needed my help to make a Cowplant Essence Meringue Pie. I did the fancy patterns on top. I’m sure it will win at the fair later.

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David: Mummy made us Lactose-Free Fruit & Yogurt Parfait for breakfast too because we’re celebrating New Years Eve!. She started singing and I joined it. I really value the time we spend together.

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David: We all love Choc Chip. He gives such great smoochies! Oliver’s picking the fruit. He loves strawberries.
Choc Chip: Meeeeh!

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Prue: We thought this would be a fun thing to do on New Year’s Eve.
David: Yeah!
Oliver: Old MacDonald had a farm
Mary: E I E I O

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Oliver: After the karaoke, we went to where Grandad Bear grew up in San Sequoia. There was lots to do. Chess, drawing, computers…Mummy doesn’t have a computer. The best was the Monkey Bars. Look at me racing David!

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Mary: This is fun!
Prue: So much more fun than running a bake sale!
Mary: But I make so much money at the village fair.
Prue: Of which Fredrick takes a quarter!
Oliver: What are they talking about?
David: Daddy getting money from Mummy?
Oliver: I wonder why. I hope my pie wins.
David: It’s Mummy’s really.
Oliver: I know but I still hope it wins!

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Mary: Happy New Year!
Oliver: Yay!
David: Yay!
Prue: Group Hug!

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Prue: Come on boys, into bed!
Oliver (yawning): I’m not sleepy!
David: Your pie should've won, Mummy!
Oliver: So should the Giant Mushroom!
Mary: They both came second. I'm in no rush to get first. Anyway, we’ve got a busy day tomorrow so get some sleep.
David: What are we doing?
Prue: Mummy’s got a surprise to show you!
Oliver: What is it? Come on, tell us!
Mary: Go to sleep and all will be revealed in the morning.
Prue: After all the chores, of course.

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Week 65 (Year 4, Winter 4/4)
Generation 9
Mary: Heir
– Young Adult (13 days to Adult)
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Foodie, Gloomy +Animal Enthusiast +Self-Assured +Outgoing
Prue: Spare – Young Adult (9 days to Adult)
Traits: Bookworm, Outgoing, Romantic +Active +Family-Oriented +Cheerful

L-to-R: Mary & Prue - David, Fredrick, Oliver
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2 Olde Mill Lane, Henford-on-Bagley

Moved out
Fredrick: Divorced from Heir
– Young Adult (9 days to Adult)
Traits: Active, Self-Absorbed, RomanticRomantically Reserved
Generation 10
David: heir?
– Child  (12 days to Teen - twin)
Traits: Slob
Oliver: heir? - Child  (12 days to Teen - twin)
Traits: Goofball

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Prior Generations
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David is a Slob and Oliver is a Goofball, neither traits which I would have chosen. This parenting external children is hard! Not as hard as irl, of course, but it is frustrating at times. Anyway, despite being a Slob, David cleared out the spoiled items in the fridge and I didn't see Oliver pulling any pranks.

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