Sadly, Vitor will never catch up to Amy. He's only one age stage away from Rory and Blaze, lol!
And even after he's a teen, Gisele must wait until autumn to complete her last requirement. *sniffle, sniffle
Amy's being really smashing through her requirements.
Blaze and Rory are lovely and, naturally, destructive Rory with his violet eyes shall be heir! How fun!
All the career changes must be fun, since Amy can switch up how she earns money as she goes along!
Vitor will need to be be very careful to grow only enough produce for cooking...
As for Piece of Princess's updated rules, they mainly add new clarifications for more recent packs and new rolls related to those packs.
Although I won't disable Laundry Stuff, I simply REFUSE to do laundry. Or, I mean, should I try it? I've never lasted more than several sim-days, lol!
Anyway, I'm pretty sure Amy will be close to done before Vitor can move out.
And last but not least..A big Humple Borphna, Watcher! 🎂🎁💞