Author Topic: Makey MishMash Legacy (Complete)  (Read 86568 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Makey MishMash Legacy 5.5: Three Times a Baby
« Reply #240 on: August 13, 2024, 06:41:36 AM »
Makey MishMash Legacy 5.5: Three Times a Baby (sic)

Previously: Coral & Dai aged up and Coral proposed to Dai with a homemade ring; Dai threw a baby shower because Coral was expecting Amy who was born on Wednesday; Dai’s siblings Dearg and Dixie came for a stayover; Dai and Coral got married in Willow Creek and conceived again on their wedding night

L-to-R: Dorothy, Dai holding Amy, Umber, Coral
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Residence: 13 Acacia Avenue, Gilbert Gardens, San Sequoia

Coral: Sunday morning and Dai insisted we went to meet Dearg’s family so he could get to know them all. Dearg and Lorelei now have 4 kids – Belle, Leonardo, Mike and Nasir. Dai got photos of them all! Meanwhile, I helped Amy learn to sit up. She’ll be able to go in the highchair now!

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Edward: Thanks for coming over.
Dai: I thought it was time I met your latest two. I can’t believe you and Dixie named them Chelsea and Chelsie. Won’t that be a bit confusing?
Edward: Well, Dixie had only just got back from staying over at yours when she had Chelsie. I had to fill in the forms and got confused… It was all such a rush. Amy seems to be doing well – nice and alert – on a constant centile. And Coral’s gestation’s all good?
Dai: That’s a strange way to put it, but yes, they’re both doing great!

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Coral: Welcome to our 2nd babyshower!

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Coral: Marcella and Rodney brought toddler Ivan – who was born in our house, if you remember. As you can see from Dai’s photo, he looks cute.

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Coral: Umber didn’t think he was so cute later. Ow – that looked like it hurt!

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Coral: After all the guests had gone, leaving lots of lovely gifts again, I started Amy on her first baby foods. She loved mango, hummus, oatmeal and rice porridge. She hated yogurt, carrots, sweet potatoes and lemon. I don’t know why I tried that last one! The other things she either liked or was unsure about.

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Dai: What do you think of finger food, Amy?
Amy: Coo
Dai: Well you love yogurt melts and PNB puffs and you’re unsure about banana and oaty o’s. Good to know.

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Coral: Thanks for coming to stayover.
Dale: We’re delighted to be here for Amy’s birthday.
Deco: And you say you’re going to have her sibling any time soon?
Coral: I feel like I’m going to pop!

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Coral: What are you feeding her?
Dorothy: Ice Cream!
Coral: But it’s time for her to age-up and I wanted her to look cute for a photo!
Dorothy: Oh dear – she’s got chocolate ice-cream all round her mouth…
Coral: She’s not even that into ice-cream!

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Coral: Blow the candles out, mucky-pup!
Amy: Pfft

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Amy: Babble babble!
Dale: Well, you’re a chatter box!
Amy: Babble babble!
Dale: You just stay here while your Mummy feeds baby Caerwyn. They love you just as much, but you don’t need to see that.

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Dorothy: Fly baby-girl, fly!
Amy: Whee!
Dai: Thanks for keeping her busy while we see to Caerwyn. Mind you, he just seems to eat and sleep at the moment.
Dorothy: We’ll all help with him too. But it’s great that Amy’s not feeling any jealousy at all.
Coral: Long may it last!

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Coral: Oh – I’m pregnant again!
Dorothy: Another one, so soon?
Coral: Dai wants at least 4. Maybe this will be twins…
Dorothy: Make sure you wear that bangle, and keep it charged. Maybe it really will be twins this time.
Watcher: Fingers crossed.
Umber: You know, I’d really like another child of our own.
Dorothy: Shh! So would I but Dai has to be the youngest. You know the rules.
Umber: But would it really matter now?
Watcher: Yes!

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Dai: Hey, Marcella, what are you doing at this nightclub?
Marcella: Same as you, probably. Celebrating Night on the Town.
Dai: But why are you dressed as an entertainer?
Marcella: Oh…um…where’s Coral?
Dai: She’s at work till 2am so…you didn’t answer my question.

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Marcella: You guys! What are you like?
Umber: We just chose random fancy dress from the chest.
Dai (spaceman): Mine’s a confident one but Mum and Dad both chose fantasy. I think they got them mixed up…
Dorothy: Or not…

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Early Sunday morning
Edward: Oh – my first delivery and it’s family.
Dai: I didn’t know you were a doctor, Edward. Do you have a supervisor?
Edward: It’s the night shift so, no, it’s only me.
Coral: You’ll be fine, Edward. Now get this baby out of me!

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Week 38 (Year 3, Summer 2/4)
Generation 4 – Beauty Out Of Broken – Complete Week 31, Friday
Dorothy: Heir
– Adult (13 days to Elder)
Traits: Creative, Self-Assured, Loner +Perfectionist +Family-Oriented +Cheerful
Umber Robinson: Spouse – Adult (13 days to Elder)
Traits: Cringe, Maker, Family-Oriented +Outgoing +Green Fiend +Outgoing
Generation 5 – Growing Together - In Progress
Dai: Heir
– Young Adult (14 Days to Adult) – Growing Together – In Progress
Traits: Cheerful, Good, Family-Oriented +Insider +Romantically Reserved +Active
Coral: Spouse to Heir – Young Adult (24 days to Adult)
Traits: Creative, Loves Outdoors, Generous +Perfectionist +Outgoing +Neat
Generation 6
Amy: Heir?
– Toddler (2 Days to Child)
Independent, Early Riser, Loves being carried, Happy spitter
Caerwyn: Heir? – Infant (1 day to Toddler)
Cautious, Self-Soother, Feeding Tinkler, Happy Spitter
Imogen: Heir? – nooboo (1 day to Infant)

L-to-R: Amy, Coral holding Caerwyn, Umber, Dai holding Imogen, Dorothy
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Residence: 13 Acacia Avenue, Gilbert Gardens, San Sequoia

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We’ve rolled into week 39 to allow Coral to have baby Imogen. Despite keeping the crystal fertility bangles fully charged and wearing them with all outfits, there have been no multiple births! I noticed that Coral did not wear the bangle with her work outfit and I did try to change her into normal clothes asap but that may have been a factor in all three births. If it is, it would make the crystal jewellery that improves career chance-cards redundant for most careers.

All the names for gen 6 mean love or beloved or something like that.

The focus on Amy’s Infanthood was to get her able to eat in the highchair to fulfil the requirement to try all baby foods.
With Caerwyn (who will be in upcoming pics!), the family are focussing on his social development to knock out some of those milestones. With red hair and darker skin, he’s quite different to Amy. I wonder how Imogen will turn out.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 5.5: Three Times a Baby (13-Aug)
« Reply #241 on: August 13, 2024, 10:41:35 AM »
What a terrific job getting Amy to sit up and try all the baby/finger foods!  Brava, Watcher!
I think it's quite practical and more realistic of you to have that requirement for a single (not every) infant, as you are playing on Normal lifespan.
When I first saw your goal of achieving all the milestones, I was shocked.  Then I realized it didn't have to be all with the same child.  Phew!
Still, it's a daunting task.  And it makes better sense, actually, not to have twins and triplets which is how I try to roll.

I love your original requirement of achieving all the infant/toddler/child across the Gen6 offspring!
I shall monitor your progress and decide whether or not I'd like to try it, too.
I find the toddler's Thinking milestones with the nesting blocks rather odd since they don't follow a toddler's actual nesting block progress with the skill.
So I give up on getting all the Thinking milestones and age up the toddlers early. LOL!

So, the combo of both parents with the Fertility trait, two Fertility massages, and the On the Ley Line lot trait isn't helping with multiple births?
I get a frequent jewelry_tracker Last Exception since the July 23 update, so my sims no longer wear jewelry.  They only use the Plumbite gemstones during the infant/toddler stages.

By coincidence, I'd chosen a naming scheme for Gisele's children to honor her Lovebug trait of names meaning loved or adored.
But I replaced it last week with a different requirement. It was meant to be!

And yes! May Amy never suffer that terrible "Ignored" sentiment!
Infant Caerwyn looks a lot like his Grandpa Umber to me.
Looking forward to meeting Imogen and the fourth addition(s)!
What a wonderful job you are doing with this generation, Watcher!

P.S. Oops!  Sorry for the long comment!

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 5.5: Three Times a Baby (13-Aug)
« Reply #242 on: August 13, 2024, 02:24:41 PM »
What a terrific job getting Amy to sit up and try all the baby/finger foods!  Brava, Watcher!
I think it's quite practical and more realistic of you to have that requirement for a single (not every) infant, as you are playing on Normal lifespan.
When I first saw your goal of achieving all the milestones, I was shocked.  Then I realized it didn't have to be all with the same child.  Phew!
Still, it's a daunting task.  And it makes better sense, actually, not to have twins and triplets which is how I try to roll.

I love your original requirement of achieving all the infant/toddler/child across the Gen6 offspring!
I shall monitor your progress and decide whether or not I'd like to try it, too.
I find the toddler's Thinking milestones with the nesting blocks rather odd since they don't follow a toddler's actual nesting block progress with the skill.
So I give up on getting all the Thinking milestones and age up the toddlers early. LOL!

So, the combo of both parents with the Fertility trait, two Fertility massages, and the On the Ley Line lot trait isn't helping with multiple births?
I get a frequent jewelry_tracker Last Exception since the July 23 update, so my sims no longer wear jewelry.  They only use the Plumbite gemstones during the infant/toddler stages.

By coincidence, I'd chosen a naming scheme for Gisele's children to honor her Lovebug trait of names meaning loved or adored.
But I replaced it last week with a different requirement. It was meant to be!

And yes! May Amy never suffer that terrible "Ignored" sentiment!
Infant Caerwyn looks a lot like his Grandpa Umber to me.
Looking forward to meeting Imogen and the fourth addition(s)!
What a wonderful job you are doing with this generation, Watcher!

P.S. Oops!  Sorry for the long comment!
I'm not sure I'll get all the milestones, even across all children, but we'll give it a shot. I've never managed to trigger the "visit family" milestone so I think it's mythical, lol!

I was pleased to get all the foods tried. With them needing to sit before even starting, I wasn't confident. However, poor Amy was weaned off milk (not a thing in Sims) and fed entirely on "solids" from that point so it wasn't too hard. And having got her to that point, I wanted her to try them all so that I wouldn't need to do the same for her siblings.
The one trick I found was cancelling the adult feeding a disliked food asap. Otherwise they completed the action and Amy got a "betrayed - why would they feed me that?" buff and was too upset to try anything else for a while.

I only used the fertility crystal bangles and not the other techniques. I wanted to see how effective it is on its own. Answer? Not Very! There's only one more space in the household so, unless anything dreadful happens (heaven forbid!), the 4th child will be a singleton.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Makey MishMash Legacy 5.6: Running In The Family
« Reply #243 on: August 17, 2024, 11:59:03 AM »
Makey MishMash Legacy 5.6: Running In The Family

Previously: Dai met and photographed Dearg and Dixie’s children; Infant Amy tried all the baby and finger foods and then aged into a Toddler; Caerwyn was born and, by the end of the week, so was Imogen

L-to-R: Amy, Coral holding Caerwyn, Umber, Dai holding Imogen, Dorothy
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Residence: 13 Acacia Avenue, Gilbert Gardens, San Sequoia

Dai: Dad! Why have you come with us in your speedos? Deco really doesn’t need to see this.
Umber: Um
Deco: Is this? No, it can’t possibly be Amy!
Amy: Babble

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Dai: I got a photo of Deco’s youngest, Audrina, with Amy snoozing behind her. Maybe they’ll be friends when they’re older.

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Dorothy: Where is he?
Caerwyn: Coo
Dorothy: There he is! Peek-a-Boo

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Amy: Babble, babble, babble babble.

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Dorothy: You’re getting tired, sweetheart. I’m sure it’s time for bed.
Amy: No!
Umber: Maybe another 5 minutes.
Dorothy: There’ll be tears!

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Dorothy: And there they are!
Amy: Wah!

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Coral: Why did you let her get so tired while I was working? Didn’t you see her flagging?
Dorothy: I’m sorry, dear. Umber just can’t say “no” to her and she really wanted to stay up until you got home.
Coral: I’ll get her to bed now. Maybe my next mixologist promotion will get me an earlier shift.

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Deco: Time to blow out your candles!
Caerwyn: Pfft!

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Dorothy: Imogen! You’re crawling! Well done!
Imogen: Coo!

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Amy: Yes, it’s me. We had a birthday party and I was running all round the house to max my movement skills but I just ran out of time instead! I’m outgoing now and Watcher says I can keep these party clothes and my hairstyle. Just shows what good taste I have!

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Amy: Here’s me, going to my first day of school on Friday. Watcher says it’s a milestone but, hey, I didn’t really work for it. Just turned up. I guess these milestones are a breeze!

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Coral: You know that Imogen will be a Toddler tomorrow?
Dai: Yes. Are we ready?
Coral: I think so but I’ve got a suggestion…
Dai: Oh! I hadn’t thought of that.
Coral: You want a child, and you’re Good…
Dai: You know me so well.

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Amy: OK, so milestones aren’t a pushover. Mum beat me in this round of hopscotch. But I beat Granny Dorothy the next day, getting my First Hopscotch Win. I’ve got level one or two in every aspiration. Except the sleepovers. Watcher forgot to switch aspirations in time. It was fun. Granny invited all the Makey kids my age. I’m BFFs with Ivan now. Dad’s BFFs with his Mum. Dad thinks I ought to concentrate on completing just one aspiration, but why limit myself?

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Amy: This is Imogen. She’s managed to pull herself up to standing. Yeah yeah, it’s very clever. But she can hardly talk or grasp anything.

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Amy: Imogen had her birthday on Saturday morning. We all went to the park to celebrate. Here she is hugging Caerwyn. OK, they’re cute.

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Amy: The twins got tired at the park so we couldn’t stay long. Mum said she had to go out so Dad taught me to ride for a bit. I thought Mum had taken the day off work.

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Amy: Mum had taken the day off work. She just hadn’t bothered to change. This is why she went out. Dad and Mum have adopted Theo. He loves playing on the mat. It was a surprise although Dad said he’d always wanted 4 children. And that we had a lot of love to share with a kid that needed us. I guess that's true.

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Amy: Ivan came round to meet Theo but I got him playing marbles with me. Beat him too! That’s what BFFs are for!

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Week 39 (Year 3, Summer 2/4)
Generation 4 – Beauty Out Of Broken – Complete Week 31, Friday
Dorothy: Heir
– Adult (6 days to Elder)
Traits: Creative, Self-Assured, Loner +Perfectionist +Family-Oriented +Cheerful
Umber Robinson: Spouse – Adult (6 days to Elder)
Traits: Cringe, Maker, Family-Oriented +Outgoing +Green Fiend +Outgoing
Generation 5 – Growing Together - In Progress
Dai: Heir
– Young Adult (7 Days to Adult) – Growing Together – In Progress
Traits: Cheerful, Good, Family-Oriented +Insider +Romantically Reserved +Active
Coral: Spouse to Heir – Young Adult (17 days to Adult)
Traits: Creative, Loves Outdoors, Generous +Perfectionist +Outgoing +Neat
Generation 6
Amy: Heir?
– Child (10 Days to Teen)
Caerwyn: Heir? – Toddler (1 day to Child)
Independent, Loves Water/Sounds/Waking up
Imogen: Heir? – Toddler (6 day to Child)
Charmer, Loves Sounds/Being Carried
Theo: Heir? – Infant (4 days to Toddler)

L-to-R: Amy, Coral holding Caerwyn, Umber, Dai holding Imogen, Dorothy
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Residence: 13 Acacia Avenue, Gilbert Gardens, San Sequoia

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Caerwyn completed most of the Infant social milestones and Imogen got all the Gross Motor ones.
Theo was adopted as a baby (to get the Adopted Milestone) and aged into an Infant immediately. He will concentrate on the Fine Motor skills.
Amy is probably going to be the Gen 6 heir. Probably. Not definitely, but probably.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 5.6: Running In The Family (17-Aug)
« Reply #244 on: August 17, 2024, 02:11:49 PM »
Oh Watcher! Your Makeys are doing so fabulously!!!
Very clever of you to have each kid focus on earning ilestones for one set of skills!  *takes notes
Amy is a beautiful child and I'd been rooting for her to become but then...redheaded Caerwyn came along...

Couldn't Cassia living with Dai briefly count toward the "four generations" or does that have to happen simultaneously?
Does that mean one of the Gen6 kids will need to have a child while Dorothy & Umber breathe?
It seems very difficult to achieve and very much NOT the way I usually play, haha.

Really looking forward to meet Imogen and Caerwyn as children! I bet they'll both be adorable!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 5.6: Running In The Family (17-Aug)
« Reply #245 on: August 19, 2024, 11:24:39 AM »
Oh Watcher! Your Makeys are doing so fabulously!!!
Very clever of you to have each kid focus on earning ilestones for one set of skills!  *takes notes
Amy is a beautiful child and I'd been rooting for her to become but then...redheaded Caerwyn came along...

Couldn't Cassia living with Dai briefly count toward the "four generations" or does that have to happen simultaneously?
Does that mean one of the Gen6 kids will need to have a child while Dorothy & Umber breathe?
It seems very difficult to achieve and very much NOT the way I usually play, haha.

Really looking forward to meet Imogen and Caerwyn as children! I bet they'll both be adorable!
If things don't work out, yes, Cassia having lived in the household will complete that for me.

Gen 6's Random requirements actually need to start in Childhood and there will have to be some overlap in the gen focus, so....Amy is confirmed as the Gen 6 heir.

Caerwyn looks adorable as a child (update coming soon) but we need to crack on!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 5.6: Running In The Family (17-Aug)
« Reply #246 on: August 19, 2024, 11:44:13 AM »
Oh Watcher! Your Makeys are doing so fabulously!!!
Very clever of you to have each kid focus on earning ilestones for one set of skills!  *takes notes
Amy is a beautiful child and I'd been rooting for her to become but then...redheaded Caerwyn came along...

Couldn't Cassia living with Dai briefly count toward the "four generations" or does that have to happen simultaneously?
Does that mean one of the Gen6 kids will need to have a child while Dorothy & Umber breathe?
It seems very difficult to achieve and very much NOT the way I usually play, haha.

Really looking forward to meet Imogen and Caerwyn as children! I bet they'll both be adorable!
If things don't work out, yes, Cassia having lived in the household will complete that for me.

Gen 6's Random requirements actually need to start in Childhood and there will have to be some overlap in the gen focus, so....Amy is confirmed as the Gen 6 heir.

Caerwyn looks adorable as a child (update coming soon) but we need to crack on!

Is the "four generations in the household" a requirement that you added yourself?
Just now, I checked my spreadsheet and it wasn't included so I checked the originall challenge which didn't include it either.
I do vaguely recall seeing a "4 generations in the household" task. I wonder if it was removed?

Aww, too bad about Caerwyn. It would have been nice to keep Coral's red hair for another generation!
But yes, we must be craking on!
I am so very curious what Amy's generation will be! I guess we'll get a cluse as soon as she starts completing her childhood requirements. Hmmm....

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 5.6: Running In The Family (17-Aug)
« Reply #247 on: August 19, 2024, 12:08:27 PM »
Oh Watcher! Your Makeys are doing so fabulously!!!
Very clever of you to have each kid focus on earning ilestones for one set of skills!  *takes notes
Amy is a beautiful child and I'd been rooting for her to become but then...redheaded Caerwyn came along...

Couldn't Cassia living with Dai briefly count toward the "four generations" or does that have to happen simultaneously?
Does that mean one of the Gen6 kids will need to have a child while Dorothy & Umber breathe?
It seems very difficult to achieve and very much NOT the way I usually play, haha.

Really looking forward to meet Imogen and Caerwyn as children! I bet they'll both be adorable!
If things don't work out, yes, Cassia having lived in the household will complete that for me.

Gen 6's Random requirements actually need to start in Childhood and there will have to be some overlap in the gen focus, so....Amy is confirmed as the Gen 6 heir.

Caerwyn looks adorable as a child (update coming soon) but we need to crack on!

Is the "four generations in the household" a requirement that you added yourself?
Just now, I checked my spreadsheet and it wasn't included so I checked the originall challenge which didn't include it either.
I do vaguely recall seeing a "4 generations in the household" task. I wonder if it was removed?

Aww, too bad about Caerwyn. It would have been nice to keep Coral's red hair for another generation!
But yes, we must be craking on!
I am so very curious what Amy's generation will be! I guess we'll get a cluse as soon as she starts completing her childhood requirements. Hmmm....
Yes, I added the 4 gens. It's possible but not certain. I wanted to have a bit of a challenge - 3 gens is fairly easy to accomplish.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Makey MishMash Legacy 5.7: Bad Boys
« Reply #248 on: August 19, 2024, 12:15:06 PM »
Makey MishMash Legacy 5.7: Bad Boys

Previously: Caerwyn aged into a Toddler; Amy aged into an Outgoing Child, Imogen pulled herself to standing and aged into a Toddler; Dai & Coral adopted Theo

L-to-R: Coral holding Imogen, Amy, Umber holding Caerwyn, Dorothy, Dai holding Theo
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Residence: 13 Acacia Avenue, Gilbert Gardens, San Sequoia

Dai: Look guys, my daughter’s upstairs, making some emotion potions. She wants to have another sleepover but with non-family members. What do you say?
Jamal: Are you for real? This is supposed to be a safe space!
Keaton: Hey, yeah, I’m up for it.
Jamal: That’s because you’re Evil
Keaton: And you’re Squeamish. Hey, I think I’ve got a frog in my pocket!
Jamal: Ew – get away from me.
Dai: I’ll just see if there are any other kids around here.

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Amy (scout): Thanks for coming! Will you be in my new club? It’s called Amy’s Army!
Ivan (blonde): Any time, Bestie
Audrina: Family comes first, right?
Jamal: Amy’s Army? Do we get to fight?
Amy: No!

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Jamal: Amy’s Army! And no fighting! Hm. I’ll just put this laundered clothes away while no-one’s watching. I may be Evil but I like being neat too!

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Dai: Is that your 3rd or 4th drawing?
Amy: 3rd. Do I really have to do all 5? I’d already done the Shapes twice!
Dai: I’m not sure about your commitment levels. I know Watcher needs you to start Gen 6, but maybe Caerwyn…
Amy: I’m the next heir, Dad. I’ll wing it. Don’t worry.

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Caerwyn: Yay! Lots of ball-play.
Watcher: And you’ve maxed movement for us. Well done!

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Marcella: I love coming to all your parties.
Dai: This one’s a special one. Celebrating my top promotion and Caerwyn’s birthday all in one.
Marcella: Congratulations. What’s it like being the boss?
Dai: I haven’t a clue. I resigned as soon as I got it. I want to spend more time with the family.
Marcella: But that just leaves Coral as the only wage-earner. And I bet Mixology doesn’t bring in much.
Dai: Don’t forget the money trees!

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Imogen: Babble babble
Theo: Coo Coo

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Caerwyn: Check me out! Caerwyn Makey, reporting for duty! Red hair and violet eyes. Happy Birthday to me! No school tomorrow. We’re off to the woods for our first vacation!

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Imogen: Ribbit Ribbit

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Caerwyn: Ow! A loose tooth on vacation. That’s not right!

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Dai: The rain has stopped. Let’s get you riding while Amy fishes.

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Dai: Well, birthday boy, you may not have learnt to wave or blow a kiss but you got all the others done. That’s good enough for me.
Theo: pfft

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Dai: You’re eyes are the deepest sea-blue – they’re almost green! And what a lot of hair! I hope we don't mix you up with the local bears.
Theo: Babble

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Dorothy: I don’t like it, leaving the littlies all on their own.
Umber: They’ve been whisked off to daycare. They’ll be fine. I’m more concerned about why our festival headgear is wrong!
Dorothy: I’m going home. I don’t want Imogen and Theo to feel abandoned.

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Umber: Isn’t that cake for Imogen?
Dorothy: It’ll serve for us too. Are you ready?
Umber: To do exactly as we please – no Watcher?
Dorothy: She’ll still be watching, just not controlling.
Umber: I was born ready!
Dorothy: Just don’t be too silly. You know how Hysterical you get!

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Dorothy: Thanks for asking me to help you, sweet girl. Now blow!
Imogen: Pfft

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Week 40 (Year 3, Summer 3/4)
Generation 4 – Beauty Out Of Broken – Complete Week 31, Friday
Dorothy: Heir
– Elder (lived 147 days)
Traits: Creative, Self-Assured, Loner +Perfectionist +Family-Oriented +Cheerful
Umber Robinson: Spouse – Elder (lived 180 days)
Traits: Cringe, Maker, Family-Oriented +Outgoing +Green Fiend +Outgoing
Generation 5 – Growing Together - In Progress
Dai: Heir
– Young Adult (0 Days to Adult) – Growing Together – In Progress
Traits: Cheerful, Good, Family-Oriented +Insider +Romantically Reserved +Active
Coral: Spouse to Heir – Young Adult (10 days to Adult)
Traits: Creative, Loves Outdoors, Generous +Perfectionist +Outgoing +Neat
Generation 6
Amy: Heir
– Child (3 Days to Teen)
Traits: Outgoing
Caerwyn: Spare – Child (8 day to Teen)
Traits: Cheerful
Imogen: Spare – Child (13 day to Teen)
Charmer, Loves Sounds/Being Carried
Theo: Spare – Toddler (5 day to Child)

L-to-R: Caerwyn, Amy, Dorothy, Dai holding Theo, Umber, Coral, Imogen
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Residence: 13 Acacia Avenue, Gilbert Gardens, San Sequoia

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Amy is confirmed as the Gen 6 heir, my Random Generation. Her requirements are mainly for later life-stages but her miscellaneous one is to be in her own club – not running all the time – and meet at least once a week for specific reasons, not general skilling.

The First Time at Daycare milestone is not completing so I’m ignoring that one. The Learn to Wave and Blow Kiss are Infant milestones and not now possible. The milestones remaining are: First Fight/Fire; Make an Enemy; Top an After-School activity; Studied Letters (Tod); Art Appreciation(Tod). I’ve never seen the last one before. I believe Theo will need to max Imagination and then look at a painting.

No new family photos this week, only ones of the children as they grow.

Automatic Happy Toddler status has returned, btw. I haven’t had a Top-Notch Toddler yet to test that.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 5.7: Bad Boys (19-Aug)
« Reply #249 on: August 19, 2024, 06:59:44 PM »
The automatic Top-Notch Toddler trait feature was fixed in the July 23rd patch.
You must not have played any toddlers since that patch. :D

You must really be eager for the Makeys to move forward, seeing that Caerwyn is only 5 days younger than Amy. LOL!
Some of those Thinking-related block milestones are UGH! When I finally remember to try to do them, the option my toddler needs is no longer available.

Here's hoping you enjoy your Random Legacy Challenge (RLC) generation!
One of its most difficult parts for me is how it limits our money-making options to our career rolls.
Thank the fates for the exception made for the vendor table and food stand!

The Growing Together generation is quite time-consuming and requires so much patience!
You've done a great job, Watcher!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 5.7: Bad Boys (19-Aug)
« Reply #250 on: August 20, 2024, 04:03:39 AM »
The automatic Top-Notch Toddler trait feature was fixed in the July 23rd patch.
You must not have played any toddlers since that patch. :D

You must really be eager for the Makeys to move forward, seeing that Caerwyn is only 5 days younger than Amy. LOL!
Some of those Thinking-related block milestones are UGH! When I finally remember to try to do them, the option my toddler needs is no longer available.

Here's hoping you enjoy your Random Legacy Challenge (RLC) generation!
One of its most difficult parts for me is how it limits our money-making options to our career rolls.
Thank the fates for the exception made for the vendor table and food stand!

The Growing Together generation is quite time-consuming and requires so much patience!
You've done a great job, Watcher!
Amy has rolled an interesting career path...I'm tweaking it slightly...but it will definitely be interesting! Strangely, it fits in with her "household" roll as far as narrative goes.

My first "miscellaneous fun" roll was to allow anyone to stay who wanted to, particularly "Kyle". I've only ever had that request at the beginning of a new game so I re-rolled.

I do need to re-read the overall rules but I'm not being too restrictive while Amy is still a child.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 5.7: Bad Boys (19-Aug)
« Reply #251 on: August 20, 2024, 01:01:25 PM »
Amy has rolled an interesting career path...I'm tweaking it slightly...but it will definitely be interesting! Strangely, it fits in with her "household" roll as far as narrative goes.

My first "miscellaneous fun" roll was to allow anyone to stay who wanted to, particularly "Kyle". I've only ever had that request at the beginning of a new game so I re-rolled.

I do need to re-read the overall rules but I'm not being too restrictive while Amy is still a child.

I thought of you yesterday, actually, because I was wondering if you saw that Piece of Princess posted a July 2024 update of her RLC rules on their blog up to and including Lovestruck.

The RLC roller website has also been accordingly updated.
Like you, I also don't worry about the overall RLC rules (only specific heir requirements) until my RLC heir moves out.
But I take liberties, like allowing my RLC heir to move out and become active heir before their YA birthday.
Gisele has that "Leaf Pile woohoo" requirement, though, the next heir will need to wait until autumn to move out.

I'm excited that our RLC generations will be overlapping, though you might be wrapping up yours just as mine is starting, haha.
Can't wait to find out what you rolled!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Makey MishMash Legacy 5.8: Dancing Queen
« Reply #252 on: August 22, 2024, 02:58:49 PM »
Makey MishMash Legacy 5.8: Dancing Queen

Previously: Amy started a writing and homework club called Amy’s Army; Dai worried about Amy’s commitment to being the Gen 6 Heir; Dai reached the top of his career and resigned, leaving Coral as the sole wage-earner; Imogen aged into a Good Child and Dorothy and Umber became Elders

L-to-R: Caerwyn, Amy, Dorothy, Dai holding Theo, Umber, Coral, Imogen
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Residence: 13 Acacia Avenue, Gilbert Gardens, San Sequoia

Amy: Hello Thimble! I could rename you but I definitely need a thimble to pet you, if not heavy-duty gloves! Thimble it is. Dad says I have to keep you clean and fed and play with you. That sounds like fun.

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Amy: Listening to classical music and writing down my thoughts does calm me down but, apart from being a picky eater at the moment, I’m not stressed about anything. I guess I can write about all those foods that are yucky.

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Imogen: Hey! How come you got to ride your bike over here and I had to run?
Caerwyn: You left your bike in the back garden, silly.
Imogen: We’re both silly, stomping around in the water. Why didn’t we do this in the Summer, instead of waiting for Autumn.
Coral: Hurry up, kiddos. Your Dad is getting Hysterical!

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Dai: How time flies! Is it your birthday already?
Amy: I’m 3 days early. Apparently Watcher wants us to crack on.
Dai: Oh – my baby girl’s a Teen.
Amy: Not just a Teen. I’m a LoveBug!
Dai: Oh dear. Let me tell you about healthy relationships. Sleepless nights, here we come!

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Umber: This is a toilet, like the one over there.
Theo: Potty?
Umber: That’s behind me. When you’re a big boy, you’ll use the toilet.
Theo: Splash?
Umber: Um, no. No splashing

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Coral: Are you sure it’s wise to let your Dad cook?
Dai: Watcher made him Grill Master to see if he’d do it and look! He has!
Coral: Ah – the picnic blanket…Do you remember?
Dai: The guests’ll be gone in a couple of hours…
Coral: Thank goodness we’ve not had a fire. These weenie roasts are famous for fires.
Watcher: Drat.

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Amy: Nice to meet you, Principal Pia.
Pia: I suppose so. It’s a long time until lunch!
Amy: Oh – you’re a Glutton…and Gloomy…and Hate Children.
Pia: That’s why I moved into secondary education. I couldn’t stand those brats!

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Theo: Dolly go here
Coral: This one looks strange.
Theo: Fimble go there
Coral: Thimble? In the dolls house? Oh no. I’ll just catch him…OW!

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Ivan: Wow! Amy!
Amy: We spend so much time together, I’ve got the most awful crush on you.
Ivan: Well that’s handy. I feel the same. Wanna go to the Prom with me?
Amy: Absolutely.

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Louise: Amy! Do your parents know you’re out here with my nephew?
Amy: Oh hi Gt Gt Auntie Louise. I guess I am related to Ivan.
Ivan: Not closely though. Mm, that’s nice.
Carl: Ivan!
Amy: It’s OK, Gt Gt Uncle Carl. We’re both Very Satisfied. Dad was telling me how important healthy relationships are… I’m a Romance Sage, you know!

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Umber: Are you Very Satisfied, Darling.
Dorothy: Oh yes!
Umber: Isn’t it fun being able to do what we like, where we like, whenever we like.
Dorothy: Oh yes!

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Dai: Dad? It’s only 10 in the morning?
Umber: And?
Dai: Cocktails?
Umber: Your Mum and I can do what we like, remember.
Coral: Don’t worry about them, Dai. They’ll only sleep it off in front of that Romance channel your Mum likes watching.

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Dai: I don’t know what letter this is.
Theo: Grandad?
Dai: Your Grandad’s done a lot of flash cards with you. He’s gone to bed.
Theo: Grandad wobbly
Dai: Yes…. Right – that’s letters studied and you appreciated that art. How do you feel about a weenie roast at the park for your birthday?
Theo: Weenie?

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Dai: Theo’s aged up to Love Outdoors and the kids have all fished lots.
Umber: Dale is very close to the fire…
Dai: Yes, but thankfully it isn’t spreading.
Watcher: Double Drat!

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Imogen: How come Caerwyn gets to age up so soon.
Dai: He’s an A student and got 3 aspirations. It’s OK
Coral: Hm. I’m not sure he’s really ready for Teen responsibilities.
Caerwyn: Pfft

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Theo: Thanks for helping me learn to ride my bike, Dad.
Dai: It’s a life-skill. You may never used it again, but it’s worth learning.

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Coral: No you can’t age into a Young Adult. There are requirements.
Caerwyn: I’m a Llamacorn Scout and an A student.
Coral: How did you get to be an A student? You haven’t even been to High School!
Amy: I know how!
Coral: Did you hack your grades, Caerwyn?
Caerwyn: I was just copying Amy. She does it all the time.
Amy: Not until I’d got my A the proper way and then graduated early.
Caerwyn: ‘s no diff’rent!
Coral: Look, your Dad needs you to get 3 positive character traits as well as the other stuff. For some reason, you’re still very polite and responsible but you need to work on your other traits before you can age up.
Amy: You can’t age up before me, anyway.
Coral: Well, technically, he could…
Amy: Really!!!!!!?!
Coral: Look, both of you, go to Prom tonight and enjoy it. Work on your traits tomorrow and then we’ll see.

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Ivan: Look at that cloud. It looks like a heart.
Amy: Aw – you’re so cute. I got my 3rd postcard from Thimble today. That makes 6 altogether with my Penpal postcards. The faraway places sound so Romantic
Ivan: I can’t wait for Prom
Amy: Not long now. I’ve got a surprise for you…

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Caerwyn: This is nice, Tomoko.
Tomoko: How could I resist your Flirty Introduction. Amy didn’t tell me she had a cute brother.
Caerwyn: But here I am!
Tomoko: Everyone says that she and Ivan have such a wholesome relationship…

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Tomoko: Amy! What are you doing.
Amy: Seducing my man! Surprise!
Ivan: Oh yeah!
Tomoko: That doesn’t look wholesome at all!
Amy: Keep an eye out for the Chaperone….

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Caerwyn: Hey, Shiew, take a pic with me?
Shiew: Are you really Amy’s little brother?
Caerwyn: All grown up!

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Ivan: I love you Amy, Queen of my heart.
Amy: I love you too, my own sweet Feste.
Ivan: Lets go on the Cuddle Carts
Amy: And Mess around. Whoever wants to be wholesome?

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Week 41 (Year 3, Autumn 1/4)
Generation 4 – Beauty Out Of Broken – Complete Week 31, Friday
Dorothy: Heir
– Elder (lived 154 days)
Traits: Creative, Self-Assured, Loner +Perfectionist +Family-Oriented +Cheerful
Umber Robinson: Spouse – Elder (lived 187 days)
Traits: Cringe, Maker, Family-Oriented +Outgoing +Green Fiend +Outgoing
Generation 5 – Growing Together - In Progress
Dai: Heir
– Adult (36 Days to Elder) – Growing Together – In Progress
Traits: Cheerful, Good, Family-Oriented +Insider +Romantically Reserved +Active
Coral: Spouse to Heir – Young Adult (3 days to Adult)
Traits: Creative, Loves Outdoors, Generous +Perfectionist +Outgoing +Neat
Generation 6
Amy: Heir
– Teen (15 Days to YA)
Traits: Outgoing, LoveBug
Caerwyn: Spare – Teen (20 day to YA)
Traits: Cheerful, Good
Imogen: Spare – Child (6 day to Teen)
Traits: Good
Theo: Spare – Child (12 day to Teen)
Traits: Loves Outdoors

L-to-R: Imogen, Amy, Dai, Umber, Dorothy, Coral, Caerwyn, Theo
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Residence: 13 Acacia Avenue, Gilbert Gardens, San Sequoia

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Prior Generations
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The edited list of Milestones that I’m working from includes only those that are achievable by Children or younger. There’s a good list on the Sims Wiki site of all the extras for interest’s sake.
There are a number of milestones achievable by Children that I’m not attempting. The goal of doing this generation is to explore the Growing Together Pack so things like – First Mould Exposure, for example will not be attempted.

As Amy has started her requirements, I’ve added in her so-far minor progress in the spoiler section

Dai needs to get Theo riding his bike and throw slumber parties for Imogen and Theo. But the main bottle-neck is completing the Big Happy Family. Fortunately, Caerwyn is in a rush to grow up…

Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 5.8: Dancing Queen (22-Aug)
« Reply #253 on: August 22, 2024, 03:29:29 PM »
You and Dai are making such great progress with Gen5!
I just know that I'm going to really struggle with the Growing Together requirements. *sniffle, sniffle
As you already know, one of the last goals of Computer Whiz (use a computer for 100 hours) is quite time-consuming without any shortcuts.

Amy and Ivan make a lovely couple!
Amy has only 15 more days until she's a YA!  I'm so very curious about where she will live and what adventures await her!
Caerwyn, good luck with the baby-making though you surely need nobody's well wishes.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 5.8: Dancing Queen (22-Aug)
« Reply #254 on: August 22, 2024, 03:45:49 PM »
You and Dai are making such great progress with Gen5!
I just know that I'm going to really struggle with the Growing Together requirements. *sniffle, sniffle
As you already know, one of the last goals of Computer Whiz (use a computer for 100 hours) is quite time-consuming without any shortcuts.

Amy and Ivan make a lovely couple!
Amy has only 15 more days until she's a YA!  I'm so very curious about where she will live and what adventures await her!
Caerwyn, good luck with the baby-making though you surely need nobody's well wishes.
I toyed with changing the career for this gen as it's sort of irrelevant but Dai's programming was good for mentoring Amy. Caerwyn hacked his grades with no help or prompting!

I haven't thought yet about where Amy will live. I probably

