Author Topic: Makey MishMash Legacy (Complete)  (Read 99617 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy: Turn Back Time (27-Jul)
« Reply #225 on: July 27, 2024, 01:46:18 PM »
I'm not sure what you mean about your Sango being okay with a sex change!?
Your Coral will be having a twin sister? And, yes, of course, Coral will keep her original name.
I'd named Coral's male twin Sango for Gallery updload, but I'd always planned to give that name to my own female Coral. :D
Haha, I've never heard of a Japanese person actually named Sango, but it sounded good with Odrade. ;)

As for the Costa Legacy, I thought Kalo's plate would be too fun dealing with a possessed AND her brother, but he might eventually make an appearance as an unrelated but friendly NPC.

By the way, Glazey mentioned still have mean interactions after the recent patch.  What about you?  (MCCC prevents that bug in my games.)


Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy: Turn Back Time (27-Jul)
« Reply #226 on: July 27, 2024, 02:39:47 PM »
I'm not sure what you mean about your Sango being okay with a sex change!?
Your Coral will be having a twin sister? And, yes, of course, Coral will keep her original name.
I'd named Coral's male twin Sango for Gallery updload, but I'd always planned to give that name to my own female Coral. :D
Haha, I've never heard of a Japanese person actually named Sango, but it sounded good with Odrade. ;)

As for the Costa Legacy, I thought Kalo's plate would be too fun dealing with a possessed AND her brother, so he will eventually make an appearance as an unrelated but friendly NPC.

By the way, Glazey mentioned still have mean interactions after the recent patch.  What about you?  (MCCC prevents that bug in my games.)
Coral, when born as a Wonder Child, had a twin sister - Ariel. Hence her confusion over her new male twin Sango in the "side story". She won't be having any siblings in this existence.

The latest update (another one this am here) seems to have turned off the excessive mean interactions, which is a relief!

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Makey MishMash Legacy 5.2: Do You Wanna Dance?
« Reply #227 on: July 28, 2024, 05:02:38 AM »
Makey MishMash Legacy 5.2: Do You Wanna Dance?


L-to-R: Marcella, Umber, Dorothy, Dai
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Residence: 7 Eucalyptus Lane, Hopewell Hills, San Sequoia

Dai: Granny! You came to see our new house.
Cassia: This is a much better place for you all – Gilbert Gardens.
Dai: I wish there was a jungle gym but I can bike over to the splash pads anytime I like. And swim in the lake. And fish!
Cassia: It’s quite a large house. Is that a separate apartment on the drive side?
Dai: It’s got it’s own front door and back door but the gardens join up and we don’t let it out. We don’t really use it at all.
Cassia: It looks so cosy. You know, I’m really missing Marcella…
Dai: Granny! You could move into the apartment. It’s all on one level so it’s easy for someone as old as you…
Cassia: Let’s go ask your mother.

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Dorothy: I can’t believe I’m saying this but it’s Dai’s generation now so he gets to decide – Mother, would you like to move into our apartment?
Cassia: Oh, I wouldn’t want to be a burden…
Dorothy: Hm, there do need to be some boundaries...
Cassia: Only if you’re sure…
Dorothy: Yes!
Cassia: That’s great. I’ll get my guy in to see about the décor. And if you and Umber could just upgrade the appliances? Wonderful!

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Marcella: I didn’t realise that you would miss me so much, Mother.
Cassia: Oh Darling! My children never seem to understand how much I need them. In my failing years, I need you more than ever.
Marcella: Are you sure you’re OK to kneel here? It must be uncomfortable.
Cassia: Don’t patronise me! I’m perfectly capable of moving around. I do my exercises every day.
Marcella: Sorry, Mother.

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Dai: It’s my birthday! 3 days early but why wait?
Disco: Thanks for inviting us all round for your birthday. I like your blonde fin! It suits you.
Dai: Yes it does.

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Umber: How was your first day as a Romance Consultant?
Dorothy: To be honest, I only joined to get out of the house. My Mother is doing my head in!
Umber: She’s a bit….
Dorothy: HERE! In my head, in my house. I had to get a new job. Anyway, let me give you some of my new found Love Insights…
Umber: We seem to be a bit Neutral about each other.
Dorothy: Hm…

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Umber: What about if I do this? Or this? Or this?
Dorothy: Ooh Baby!

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Cassia: Why are we all in Dai’s room?
Marcella: Dorothy and Umber….needed some space.
Dai: My eyes! I can’t ever not see that again….
Cassia: I’d better go check on them.
Marcella: No, Mother. Leave them be.

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Dorothy: Stargazing on this blanket was a good idea.
Umber: I thought a date night at home with the kids would be awkward but they seem fine.
Dorothy: By the way, Watcher updated our attraction likes and dislikes. I’m totally into you now.
Umber: And me you. Hey – just roll that blanket over and….

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Pap: I’m glad we tracked you down, Cassia. Hey look this way!
Cassia: Like this?
Pap: Perfect! I didn’t think you’d come out at night in your swimwear. Don’t your daughters look after you?
Cassia: I’m perfectly capable of looking after myself. I’m fully autonomous and I do my exercises every morning, I’ll have you know!

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Marcella: I made breakfast for Mum because she won’t join our club but she’s asleep on a bench in the park.
Dai: Hm?
Marcella: Do you think I should get her a bike so she can get around more easily? Or do you think she’d just get more lost?
Dai: She can Transportalate, remember. That’s half the problem. This is tasty by the way.
Marcella: You seem a bit distracted.
Dai: I’ve just realised that I like redheads. I didn’t know it before, but now I do!
Marcella: That’s a coincidence. A redhead’s just moved into the house down the street. The one that nobody wanted to live in? Parkside Place.
Dai: Oh?
Marcella: Maybe she’s your destiny. Ha ha!
Dai: Maybe she is! I’ll go and meet her before school.

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Coral: Argh!
Dai: Sorry – I didn’t mean to frighten you.
Coral: Didn’t you feel it? The earth moved!
Dai: I’m sorry, what?
Coral: The earth moved! My Watcher said this was a great place to live but it’s a Quake Zone! Argh! I knew there’d be a catch!

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Dai: We’re in the house on the other side of the gardens. It’s not a Quake Zone over there.
Coral: You’re lucky.
Dai: Did you say that you had a Watcher?
Coral: Had being the operative word. She moved me in here and then left me to it.
Dai: Look, any time you’re worried, just come over, through the gardens, and hang out at our house. There’s loads of room.
Coral: That’s kind. I don’t really know anyone else here.
Dai: You could even come to the prom with me if you like.
Coral: Sure. I guess I’ll got to the prom with you.

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Dai: Thanks for coming on a Get To Know You date.
Coral: This is nice – no pressure – just hanging out.
Dai: Can I ask what you find attractive?
Coral: Apparently I like blondes.
Dai: Good!

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Watcher: And so, after a few flirts but mainly friendlies, Dai and his destiny shared their first kiss. According to the panel, they’re developing Independent Romantic Satisfaction…and are both Very Satisfied.

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Dorothy: It’s so nice to meet you, Coral.
Coral: It’s really nice to spend time here. You wouldn’t believe how many quakes I get over the way.
Dorothy: Well…we do have a spare room. Why don’t I make up the bed and you stayover?
Coral: Really? That would be amazing.
Dorothy: Oh – why don’t you just move in? We can help you skill up and you can help us keep an eye on my Mother. She’s gone wandering again!
Dai: Yes! Move in!
Marcella: The more the merrier!

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Dorothy: How was your first day at school?
Coral: Well, it was my second day, I guess. It was fun but I’d forgotten that I’d joined the chess club. I’m not a Genius anymore. I’d rather be creative. Or something outdoorsy?
Dorothy: You could combine them and do Gemology? I’ve been sent a crystal seed – one of the few nice gift I get as Strangerville’s….oh, you don’t need to know about that.
Marcella: StrangerVille’s Hero. She and Umber defeated the….
Dorothy: Enough…. Anyway, let’s get you a gem bench and you can go and plant this seed. We’ve not done Gemology in this family since the first gen.

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Marcella: You and Coral seem to be getting on well.
Dai: I love her so much!
Marcella: And she loves you “so much” too. I asked her!
Dai: You didn’t!
Marcella: Well, if I’m going to be your “wingman”, I’m going to take it seriously. Why are we building this treehouse? We’ve got no children.
Dai: Yet….!
Marcella: She’s not….
Dai: No, silly. No mods at the moment, remember? But this will give us a little more….privacy…
Marcella: Oh! Yeah!

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Marcella: I’m glad you agreed to come on this Getting To Know You date.
Rodney: It’s nice that you invited Dai and Coral too. Although they seem to be a bit….all over each other.
Marcella: Don’t mind them. We can just chat.
Rodney: Thanks for changing your outfit. Your white top was a real turn-off.
Marcella: About that…we seem to be a bit neutral with each other…
Rodney: Yeah.

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Marcella: OK – nothing to lose – Bold Pick Up it is!
Rodney: Oh – my heart.
Marcella: Time to Cheerfully End this date.
Rodney: OK but I’ll just autonomously embrace you before I go.
Marcella: Mixed messages!
Rodney: And you’ll go to the Prom with me as friends, right?
Marcella: Of course!

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Dai: We both need to learn to cook so we don’t burn the house down.
Coral: Plus your Granny is hungry again.
Dai: We’re becoming really Wholesome.
Coral: That’s good, right?
Dai: It is for a long-lasting relationship!

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Cassia: I’ll just get a snack….oh!

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Dai: We were all sad to say “goodbye” to Granny Cassia. Even Mum and Marcella who found her the most difficult. I guess the relationship between children and difficult parents is complicated. I’m glad my Mum and Dad are so supportive. They’ve moved into the separate apartment but we spend all our time together.
I got a photo of Granny Cassia before she died. I took the big one on the large camera setting – the regular ones won’t go in that frame. It’s me and Coral looking cute. I’ve got my siblings Dixie, Dale and Disco. Plus our founder Dawn. I really want to get more next week.

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Week 34 (Year 3, Spring 2/4)
Generation 4 – Beauty Out Of Broken – Complete Week 31, Friday
Dorothy: Heir
– Adult (34 days to Elder)
Traits: Creative, Self-Assured, Loner +Perfectionist +Family-Oriented +Cheerful
Umber Robinson: Spouse – Adult (34 days to Elder)
Traits: Cringe, Maker, Family-Oriented +Outgoing +Green Fiend +Outgoing
Marcella Makey – adopted sister to Dorothy – Teen (12 days to YA)
Traits: Neat, Active
Generation 5 – Growing Together - In Progress
Dai: Heir
– Teen (15 Days to YA)
Traits: Cheerful, Good
Coral: Girlfriend to Heir – Teen (14 days to YA)
Traits: Creative, Loves Outdoors

L-to-R: Marcella, Dai, Umber, Dorothy, Coral
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Residence: 13 Acacia Avenue, Gilbert Gardens, San Sequoia

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5 Bedroom House Furnished by GenX_Simmer

I had a lot of fun this week with the Lovestruck pack. Teens can’t use the online dating function so that will happen in another gen. I took SO many photos but only had space for this selection (house layout coming soon I hope)

Although I went with Dai and Marcella to school on Tuesday, the Principal was an Elder and had presumably popped his clogs before Prom which got cancelled. It seems I don't live and learn, lol!

I first played Elders with full autonomy in my failed Apocalypse Challenge. I think I had to clear the Doctor career to allow controlling them. I felt it would add an extra challenge to this generation – multi-gen households have their joys and challenges.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 5.2: Do You Wanna Dance? (28-Jul)
« Reply #228 on: July 28, 2024, 10:26:48 AM »
I love Coral's new look with the short hair!
Good to hear that you are enjoying the new pack!  I'm also eager to play it but I'm working hard to be patient and not rush Kalo's generation nor Gisele's youth, LOL!

I always switch my spellcasters twice to Never Transportalate twice.
Once while their children are in the infant/toddler stage and then again when their daily life no longer requires the skill.
Haha, nothing worse than a stayover guest that transportalates away from a toddler that needs help with their needs.

Looking forward to Dai and Coral's budding romance!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Makey MishMash Legacy 5.3: Treat Her Like A Lady
« Reply #229 on: August 04, 2024, 08:01:57 AM »
Makey MishMash Legacy 5.3: Treat Her Like A Lady

Previously: Dai, our new heir, invited Cassia, Dorothy’s narcissistic mother to move in, much to Dorothy’s chagrin; Dai aged up and added Good to his Cheerful trait; Dorothy took up a new career as a Romance Consultant, mainly to avoid her mother; she realised that her relationship with Umber had grown stale so they danced their way back to a healthy one; Cassia’s autonomy led to her roaming the park at night in her swimwear and eventually old-age took her away; Dai met red-headed Coral and rescued her from a Quake-Zone and his BFF/Aunt Marcella wooed the reluctant Rodney

L-to-R: Marcella, Dai, Umber, Dorothy, Coral
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Residence: 13 Acacia Avenue, Gilbert Gardens, San Sequoia

Dai: You and Rodney seemed to click in the end.
Marcella: Yes, but he’s a Young Adult now and I’ve got days to go.
Dai: You can age up now if you want. You’re an A student and a Llamacorn Scout…
Marcella: You’re right. Why wait? We can stay BFFs, though!
Dai: Always. And I’ll be able to ask your advice, Aunty Marcella!
Watcher: Oops

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Marcella: Happy Birthday to me!
Dorothy: Happy Birthday, sis!
Rodney: I’m really glad you decided to catch me up. Let’s go snuggle…

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Marcella: Our “snuggling” earlier has left me feeling all flirty, even though Rodney had to leave. I’ll send him a romantic selfie, to remind him to come back soon.

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Rodney: I came back as soon as I got your selfie. I can’t stay away.
Marcella: In that case….

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Rodney: Look, Dai, I know you’re only a Teen and Marcella’s your Aunt but you’re her BFF and, well, what I’m trying to say is, do I have your blessing to marry her?
Dai: Will you treat her right?
Rodney: Of course.
Dai: Make her feel special?
Rodney: Oh she is!
Dai: Hm, I guess so. But I’ll be keeping an eye on you!
Rodney: OK

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Marcella: Would you be my Flower Pal?
Coral: I’m a bit old for that.
Marcella: We went round and met some of Dorothy’s nieces and nephews but they’re either gloomy, mean or kleptos! There was Mike who Loves Outdoors and he’ll be ring-bearer… Do say yes.
Coral: I don’t have to wear a frilly dress or anything?
Marcella: Not at all – whatever you like. Although the dress code is purple.
Coral: I’ll get something nice. You know, Marcella, when I first moved in, I thought you and Dai were an item.
Marcella: But he’s my nephew! We’re too closely related to be romantic.
Coral: Still – you’re very attractive…

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Marcella: How funny that Coral thought me and Dai were an item. That would be too weird. Now, I want to up my baking skills so I can bake a cake for our Saturday wedding.

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Marcella: Hi everyone and thanks for coming to this family gathering. I’ve been baking brownies and lemon bars so do tuck in. Dai wants to take your photos so don’t stand behind walls or each other. Oh, and by the way, I’m pregnant. So this is a baby shower too!
Dai: Pregnant? (counts fingers) The baby’s due on Saturday morning!

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Coral: I thought I’d let you know that, since I’m a A student, I’m going to graduate early. I really need some time to work on my character values.
Dorothy: That sounds like a good idea. I can teach you a bit of magic as well, if you like?
Coral: Ooh – interesting. Why not! But first I’ve got a project to work on…

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Marcella: Thanks for making me a cake.
Dorothy: You’re very welcome. Purple tones as requested.
Marcella; My baking’s up to 6 but I just couldn’t seem to make my cake.

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Coral: I’ve got you a present – wedding, baby, friendly – whatever.
Marcella: It’s a purple and gold necklace! I love it!
Coral: I saw the wedding dress you’ve chosen and designed it especially for you.
Marcella: Thank you so much.

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Marcella: Ooh – promotion to personal trainer but, oh my back’s killing me.

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Saturday morning
Marcella: I know it’s early but thank you so much for coming. I just didn’t know what to do with Ivan.
Nanny Dorothy: No worries. A new born son on your wedding day? Not great timing but he’ll be no problem. You go and enjoy your day.

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Dorothy: You may now kiss!
Marcella: Oh – birds! How lovely

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Rodney: I wasn’t sure about the Celebration Centre as a wedding venue but your Watcher has done us proud.
Dorothy: A wedding arch under the blossom tree and replacing the gym equipment with a dance area. It’s perfect.
Rodney: Do you think the guests can see us eat our cake, all the way out here?

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Dearg: Where’s Aunt Marcella gone?
Rodney: I lost my head. I told her I wanted to move in together right now!
Dai: So she’s gone home to pack up, collect baby Ivan, and they’re off!
Coral: End of wedding!
Rodney: I’m so sorry, folks. Oh – she’s ready – I’d better go. Do come visit, any time.
Dai: We’ve not got your new address!
Rodney: Sorry. Sorry – it’s in Vista Hermosa, Ciudad Enamorada. The house with orange and green. You can’t miss it! Gotta go!

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Rodney: It’s raining!
Marcella: You were in such a rush, we didn’t have time to check the forecast. The movers have put baby Ivan in our new bedroom. Were the others OK about us leaving early?
Rodney: Dai said it left time for him and Coral to go on a romantic date before Prom. They were off to Windenburg when I left. Now – let’s go and explore our new bedroom!

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Week 35 (Year 3, Spring 3/4)
Generation 4 – Beauty Out Of Broken – Complete Week 31, Friday
Dorothy: Heir
– Adult (27 days to Elder)
Traits: Creative, Self-Assured, Loner +Perfectionist +Family-Oriented +Cheerful
Umber Robinson: Spouse – Adult (27 days to Elder)
Traits: Cringe, Maker, Family-Oriented +Outgoing +Green Fiend +Outgoing
Generation 5 – Growing Together - In Progress
Dai: Heir
– Teen (8 Days to YA)
Traits: Cheerful, Good
Coral: Girlfriend to Heir – Teen (7 days to YA)
Traits: Creative, Loves Outdoors

L-to-R: Dai, Umber, Dorothy, Coral
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Residence: 13 Acacia Avenue, Gilbert Gardens, San Sequoia

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I’m still getting to grips with the crafted dates. Dai and Coral managed to get a Gold on their last date but the previous one ended abruptly and I’m not sure why.
The second one was going so well, Coral autonomously asked to add extra time and, like a fool, I forgot all about Prom. As the clock ticked over 7.00pm, they both got “hurt by no prom invite” and the offer to switch their relationship to “strained”
There is now an extra apology – kiss and make up – so they experimented with that and still got gold.

Incidentally, our teens could not craft a date to anywhere in Ciudad Enamorada. I haven’t actually visited there properly yet. With Marcella and Rodney living there, we will be visiting soon

Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 5.3: Treat Her Like A Lady (4-Aug)
« Reply #230 on: August 04, 2024, 12:08:59 PM »
Congrats to Marcella and Rodney on their baby and their wedding.
How hilarious that he asked her to live together before the wedding ended!

Will Dai and Coral still have another week to attend Prom once?  Do they care?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 5.3: Treat Her Like A Lady (4-Aug)
« Reply #231 on: August 04, 2024, 02:18:38 PM »
Congrats to Marcella and Rodney on their baby and their wedding.
How hilarious that he asked her to live together before the wedding ended!

Will Dai and Coral still have another week to attend Prom once?  Do they care?
I usually try to give my Teens at least one Prom - rite of passage and all that - but they really are just kicking their heels so I think they'll age up early in the next update.

I've had the "want to move in together" request at a wedding once before. The only real option is to agree because the alternative gives a "hurt" problem - not a good start when you want them to move in together anyway! My family have yet to host a gold wedding. Maybe the next one....Coral is already in the house!

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 5.3: Treat Her Like A Lady (4-Aug)
« Reply #232 on: August 04, 2024, 02:24:14 PM »
Congrats to Marcella and Rodney on their baby and their wedding.
How hilarious that he asked her to live together before the wedding ended!

Will Dai and Coral still have another week to attend Prom once?  Do they care?
I usually try to give my Teens at least one Prom - rite of passage and all that - but they really are just kicking their heels so I think they'll age up early in the next update.

I've had the "want to move in together" request at a wedding once before. The only real option is to agree because the alternative gives a "hurt" problem - not a good start when you want them to move in together anyway! My family have yet to host a gold wedding. Maybe the next one....Coral is already in the house!

Regarding the Move In Together request, isn't it possible to say Yes then later Cancel at the Move Households menu?
Prom is such a hassle! Once a couple goes together to Prom, we're locked into going every week until they're no longer Teens!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Makey MishMash Legacy 5.4: Especially For You
« Reply #233 on: August 07, 2024, 04:42:08 PM »
Makey MishMash Legacy 5.4: Especially For You

Previously: Dai’s BFF and Aunt Marcella aged into a Young Adult, got engaged to Rodney and got pregnant; Coral graduated early so she had time to work on her character values; she and Marcella had a frank chat about their relationships with Dai; Marcella got married to Rodney but they left for their new home in Ciudad Enamorada before the party was over

L-to-R: Dai, Umber, Dorothy, Coral
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Residence: 13 Acacia Avenue, Gilbert Gardens, San Sequoia

Marcella: Happy Birthday, Coral. You’re Generous now?
Coral: Just as well, since you guys all ate my Matcha Tea cake before I could blow my candles out.
Deco: Why did you wait so long after Dai aged up?
Coral: I wanted to be Compassionate. There’s a lot of bereaved people here, so it didn’t take that long.
Deco: Your candles look weird.
Coral: Hold that thought. There’s something I want to do while you’re all here.

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Coral: Will you?
Dai: Did you make this ring?
Coral: Yes.
Dai: Especially for me?
Coral: Especially for you!
Dai: Wow!
Coral: So? Will you?
Dai: Yes! Of course, yes!

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Dai: You’re looking lovely, as always.
Coral: I’m trying to find a cure for morning sickness while I do my culinary work prep. I do hope it works so I’ll be fit for my evening shift. How’s the tech guru-ing goin?
Dai: I’m trying not to burn out. Oh, and I’ve just found my last marble. That’s 15 different ones, just from rummaging in my old toy box every day!
Coral: Well – don’t let the baby get them. They’re a choking hazard.

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Watcher: Are you OK Coral?
Coral: Hm?
Watcher: Are you OK?
Coral: Oh, I’m just watching Dai and Marcella. All that gapping between them may not be good in dance competitions but it suits me fine.
Watcher: You know it’s just a family hug.
Coral: I’m just checking…

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Dorothy: It’s a wooden toy. Umber’s knitted a onesie for the baby. I’m sure the other baby shower guests have got other things for you.
Coral: People have been so kind. It’s hard to receive gifts. I much prefer giving them.

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Coral: Oooo my back!
Dai: We don’t have to do this. Not if you’re uncomfortable.
Coral: It’s just Braxton hicks. I’m sure I’ll be OK in a mo…

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Coral: Well, dressing up was fun, once we relaxed but I really want to get these earrings and necklace done for my wedding outfit. It’s a rainbow dress because Dai likes all the colours, but these are going to be just green – one of my favourite colours.

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Dai: Well done, Coral.
Coral: What do you think of Amy?
Dai: It’s perfect – “deserving of love” – and she totally is!
Coral: That onesie from your Dad is adorable.

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Dai: Are you sure you should be doing that, with Amy on your back?
Coral: She’s so gassy. I was hoping the jigging around would help.
Dai: Look, I’ve asked Dearg and Dixie to come and stayover for a few nights. They’ll be able to help.
Coral: But Dearg is so famous, I’ve still not managed to introduce myself to him!
Amy: Coo

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Dearg: Your Mama is still tongue-tied around me but you won’t be, will you, little Amy?
Amy: Babble

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Dai: I didn’t know how far along you were. Are you going to be alright?
Dixie: I’ll be fine. This is my second, after all.
Dai: How is little Rowan?
Dixie: Not so little. She’s a Teen now! I can’t believe she was once as small as this little beauty.

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Dixie: What’s Grim doing here?
Dorothy: Coral summoned him with her latest bangle. He’s furious!
Dixie: Oh dear. I hope Dad doesn’t tell one of his Cringe jokes.
Dorothy: I’m just hoping that he won’t let slip that he dressed up in the Grim costume we found in Dai’s apartment…

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Dai: My beautiful girls! Mm, and smelling so lovely!
Coral: We’ve just had our first bubble bath. She loved it!
Dai: We need to remember to hire a nanny tomorrow, before the wedding.
Coral: I’m on it!

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Dai: Thanks for being our Sim of Honour.
Marcella: It’s my pleasure. This park in Willow Creek is a lovely venue on a Summers day.
Dai: We thought so, especially as Coral Loves Outdoors.
Marcella: And the cake’s over in that covered area, out of the sun. Great planning.

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Coral: With this ring….
Dai: I thee wed…
Marcella: Oh this is such a perfect moment.

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Coral: Do tuck in, everyone. The cake’s delicious, thanks to Dorothy. And do sit at the covered tables – I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anyone sit at them before…

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Dai: Happy, darling?
Coral: Blissful.

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Dai: Everyone’s leaving. You know, when we get home, that treehouse enclosure is…
Coral: …very secluded!
Dai: Come here, you!
Coral: Mmmm, steamy make-out!
Watcher: And absolutely no gapping!

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Week 37 (Year 3, Summer 1/4)
Generation 4 – Beauty Out Of Broken – Complete Week 31, Friday
Dorothy: Heir
– Adult (20 days to Elder)
Traits: Creative, Self-Assured, Loner +Perfectionist +Family-Oriented +Cheerful
Umber Robinson: Spouse – Adult (20 days to Elder)
Traits: Cringe, Maker, Family-Oriented +Outgoing +Green Fiend +Outgoing
Generation 5 – Growing Together - In Progress
Dai: Heir
– Young Adult (21 Days to Adult)
Traits: Cheerful, Good, Family-Oriented +Insider +Romantically Reserved
Coral: Girlfriend to Heir – Young Adult (24 days to Adult)
Traits: Creative, Loves Outdoors, Generous +Perfectionist +Outgoing
b]Generation 6
Amy: Heir?[/b] – Infant (2 Days to Toddler)
Wiggly, Gassy, Self-Soother

L-to-R: Dorothy, Dai holding Amy, Umber, Coral
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Residence: 13 Acacia Avenue, Gilbert Gardens, San Sequoia

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The last update was given as week 35. It was actually week 36 and so this one is week 37. I don’t know where the time goes!

Dorothy has got to level 10 of the Romantic Consultant career and should get her last promotion at the start of her next shift.

As a bonus extra, here’s an outtake for you. Dai aged up without getting his 3rd trait. If you remember, Denim did the same way and I ignored it because he was moving out. I cheated Dai’s 3rd trait on plus the character values he’d earned. And then Coral proposed with her homemade ring!

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Isn’t it hilarious? Sadly for the happy couple, they were unable to take steps to make babies so I rolled the game back to the start of the week – not too far – and started again. After all, we needed a 6th generation. Amy is, of course, delightful!

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 5.4: Especially For You (7-Aug)
« Reply #234 on: August 07, 2024, 11:29:46 PM »
Haha, thanks so much for explaining why the Makes have actually just completed Week 37 and not Week 36.
I would've had to pull out my abacus and figure out where the days went, LOL!

I was really surprised when Coral had a single birth. Her tummy was quite huge and I was so sure she would have twins!
Amy is adorable with her father's coloring!
Oh wait, I hadn't noticed before but does your Coral now have violet eyes?

Congratulations to Dai and Coral on their marriage and on the birth of their first child.
The first of many, I assume. :D

Why weren't Dai and Sango able to try for baby?
Or were they able to try for baby but Coral couldn't get pregnant?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 5.4: Especially For You (7-Aug)
« Reply #235 on: August 08, 2024, 02:38:04 AM »
Haha, thanks so much for explaining why the Makes have actually just completed Week 37 and not Week 36.
I would've had to pull out my abacus and figure out where the days went, LOL!

I was really surprised when Coral had a single birth. Her tummy was quite huge and I was so sure she would have twins!
Amy is adorable with her father's coloring!
Oh wait, I hadn't noticed before but does your Coral now have violet eyes?

Congratulations to Dai and Coral on their marriage and on the birth of their first child.
The first of many, I assume. :D

Why weren't Dai and Sango able to try for baby?
Or were they able to try for baby but Coral couldn't get pregnant?
Your gameplay is so much more efficient than mine. I think that explains why you're ahead in generations but the play-weeks don't reflect that.

Coral still has green eyes. Amy's hair almost looks like a strawberry blonde but that might just be the light. Coral has another gen 6 cooking but it doesn't show in the family pic. They really "celebrated" their wedding in the treehouse.

After having to add his YA trait by cheats, Dai couldn't Try For A Baby or Woo Hoo with Coral or vice versa. They went to talk to each other but then twitched and dropped the queue
I tried a repair/restart but no joy (lol)
So, as it was only a day, I rolled back to my save from the end of the previous week. Dai aged up with his YA trait and everything was good in the bedroom department. Phew!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 5.4: Especially For You (7-Aug)
« Reply #236 on: August 08, 2024, 04:25:20 PM »
Oh, the issue was cheating an additional trait.  Still, that's weird and no doubt related to the horrid current state of the Sims 4.
I'm so glad rolling back to an earlier save allowed Dai to gain his 3rd personality trait AND try for baby!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 5.4: Especially For You (7-Aug)
« Reply #237 on: August 12, 2024, 01:41:45 PM »
Your gameplay is so much more efficient than mine. I think that explains why you're ahead in generations but the play-weeks don't reflect that.

I meant to respond to your "efficiency" comment much earlier, but it slipped my mind until now.
Personally, I don't think it's so much gameplay efficiency as the generational requirements we've chosen and how we decide to approach them.
You played Cassia generation for a long time and she didn't have a child until halfway through her YAhood.
Dorothy has had so many children spaced apart!  Haha, the "Where's My Attention" dynamic drives me crazy, so I do my best toward multiple births.
I'm sure Dai's generation will be the Makey's longest generation to date!

Whether our individual pacing is fast or slow, all that really matters is whether we're having funh.  Right?
Looking forward to meeting toddler Amy!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 5.4: Especially For You (7-Aug)
« Reply #238 on: August 12, 2024, 02:34:56 PM »
Your gameplay is so much more efficient than mine. I think that explains why you're ahead in generations but the play-weeks don't reflect that.

I meant to respond to your "efficiency" comment much earlier, but it slipped my mind until now.
Personally, I don't think it's so much gameplay efficiency as the generational requirements we've chosen and how we decide to approach them.
You played Cassia generation for a long time and she didn't have a child until halfway through her YAhood.
Dorothy has had so many children spaced apart!  Haha, the "Where's My Attention" dynamic drives me crazy, so I do my best toward multiple births.
I'm sure Dai's generation will be the Makey's longest generation to date!

Whether our individual pacing is fast or slow, all that really matters is whether we're having funh.  Right?
Looking forward to meeting toddler Amy!
Dai's supposed to have at least 4 kids plus have grandkids within his household, hence his eldest being female! Yes, his gen will take some time.

I haven't quite worked out whether Amy will be the heir or not... her generation will be the Random one's anyone's guess as to what I've got down as the gen 6 requirements. I will say that originally the "just for fun" requirement was a knitting one and I have now replaced that!

Just about to play out Saturday in my game - update soon.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 5.4: Especially For You (7-Aug)
« Reply #239 on: August 12, 2024, 05:59:09 PM »
Your gameplay is so much more efficient than mine. I think that explains why you're ahead in generations but the play-weeks don't reflect that.

I meant to respond to your "efficiency" comment much earlier, but it slipped my mind until now.
Personally, I don't think it's so much gameplay efficiency as the generational requirements we've chosen and how we decide to approach them.
You played Cassia generation for a long time and she didn't have a child until halfway through her YAhood.
Dorothy has had so many children spaced apart!  Haha, the "Where's My Attention" dynamic drives me crazy, so I do my best toward multiple births.
I'm sure Dai's generation will be the Makey's longest generation to date!

Whether our individual pacing is fast or slow, all that really matters is whether we're having funh.  Right?
Looking forward to meeting toddler Amy!
Dai's supposed to have at least 4 kids plus have grandkids within his household, hence his eldest being female! Yes, his gen will take some time.

I haven't quite worked out whether Amy will be the heir or not... her generation will be the Random one's anyone's guess as to what I've got down as the gen 6 requirements. I will say that originally the "just for fun" requirement was a knitting one and I have now replaced that!

Just about to play out Saturday in my game - update soon.

The way Gisele's been progressing through all her requirements (except for her axolotl collection), I'm already certain she'll complete her requirements as a young adult.
As for the next Costa generation, I will not share right now what challenge the next generation (Gen7) will do.
I am loving that you and I are doing some of the same sets of requirements but also different sets. :D

Yay!  Can't wait for your coming update!

