I'm so glad Umber came around, even if he did need a little extra help from Watcher to do so.
Oh, poor Cassia . . . has to take care of one baby all by herself . . . 🤣.
Dorothy looks so excited and hopeful, only to be shot down by disappointed Joey 😢.
"You'd better get in there and panic." 🤣
Dorothy is trying so hard; I hope her clients start appreciating her more. Just remember, Dorothy, it's not you, it's them!
But the children are spectacular! So adorable. And another one (or two??) on the way . . . 😍
Thanks for the gen5 appreciation. They hardly get any pics because their Watcher is rushing round trying to get them happy. Every time I leave the lot (dates & Dorothy's gigs), I get back to at least one in the red for something, usually more.
Congratulations to Dorothy and Umber on their engagement! They're such a sweet couple!
How lucky that they both discovered that they're Family-Oriented.
What a surprise that all four children have Dorothy's blond heir.
(I see the parents are playing with fire, having infants while Dearg and Dixie are still toddlers.
Speaking of the babies, I am very partial to Dearg
Oh dear, the Interior Decorator career sounds really hard! I've never tried a single gig before and now I'm terrified!
After checking my spreadsheet to see when I've scheduled it, I realize I'm procrastinating. Okay, okay...but not for Gen5!
Best of luck to Dorothy and Umber with their house renovations, babies, and Dorothy's career!
By the way, I'm so curious who showed up as the client for Moonwood Mill's Grimtooth Bar! Who was it? One of the premade werewolves?
Not gonna lie, I was looking forward to before/after screenshots of Dorothy's makeover....
I can't lie, Toddler Dixie (Clingy) is already miffed at her mother (where's my attention?). Silly Dearg seems OK so far. I've got them sleeping in separate rooms but it's a challenge!
Regarding the Interior Decorator career - I've yet to find a comprehensive advice website on it. So far my strategy, for what it's worth (50% failure) is:
prior to gigGo into household management to find out where the client lives (they won't be "Not in World")
Go to that world screen and click on house - then click on the residents. That will give you their traits and likes/dislikes.
Only take residential gigs (easier to find client - see above, plus it's a known glitch that client sometimes doesn't show which happened for my bar gig)
Max needs of decorator Sim
at gig - with clientBe polite & charm client (if they like mischief, be mischievous, etc)
Ask all the ID menu socials and note down the ID panel bubbles as they appear - they do get overwritten
You only need to focus on one resident for the ID socials - they'll convey all the other household likes/dislikes including new ones that weren't found from the world screen (above)
Ask all residents their favourite colour, interests and hobbies, avoiding any dislikes even if someone else likes it.
Take as much time as you need with the client. The build/buy part takes zero time and the reveal can be close to zero too if you don't do the reveal yourself. I was rushing through this to get back home - not a good idea.
at gig - the renoEven if it's only a room gig, you can alter other rooms (see swapping bathroom and guest room). They liked it anyway.
Doors and windows can be added, deleted, changed. Walls cannot in my experience although I've only done rooms & levels so far.
Use as much (not more) of the budget as you can, leaving a small part.
Stick to the liked colour/decor as much as possible, even if it doesn't look great to your eye.
I tried adding collectibles and paintings from Dorothy's personal inventory, keeping to the colour scheme - it was difficult to tell if they were liked or hated so I've stopped doing that.
If you sell a clients item that has other items on, those items go into your household inventory and you no longer have access to them. It's a great way to get computers but not good if you want the funds for the gig.
the revealPersevere with the reveal, even if the client looks disappointed - they may have had a death, etc. I think it's worth continuing with the polite/mischief/caring (whatever they like) socials in between the reveal socials.
When doing the reveal, use "Check This Out" on every item that falls within the liked colour/decor as you can until you see the check mark over their head.
follow upMake a note of success or failure. Prioritize future gigs from a successful client. Don't touch ones from a failure!
You will get a letter from the client. The failure letters are crushing but the successes are lovely.
Dorothy has yet to get a promotion through proper channels and the wishing well seems to hate her! Argh!
At the Moonwood Mill bar, I swapped all the items on the ground level to better quality ones and focussed on wood and metal (hipster preferences in rl). I also added landscaping and items to give environment buffs. However, without any client preferences, I really was working in the dark. I probably made it too pretty and on a sunny day it doesn't look very wolfish but I don't think that was the problem.
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Clients not showing up is a known glitch. One website advises doing a save just before the gig and then going back to that if the client doesn't show. I don't think this would be cheating.
The same site also went back to the 8.30am save if the gig failed and then re-sent the decorator alone to it. I'm not sure if they always pass in that case but I won't be using that strategy.