Author Topic: Makey MishMash Legacy (Complete)  (Read 96999 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 1.10: It's Getting Better (16-May)
« Reply #75 on: May 16, 2024, 04:02:16 PM »
Jade looks really cute with her new pointy ears! My favorite hairstyle is her ponytail look, but she looks great in that last screenshot, too.

I do love being able to sell from personal inventory again.
Not a fan of the Finchwick stalls--the repetitive clicking to increase the item quantity one at a time--when I played my HoB challenge, my fingers got sore from all that clicking.
So now I enjoy being able to choose the Multiselect ON setting then click on item STACKS in personal inventory. Not going to bother selling at the Finchwick stalls.

With two fully-evolved Crystal Trees, my Misturas completed the crystal collection without requiring a single dig site.

I smiled to see the teens' early yard sales, selling off their scout trophies, frogs, and school projects! 
Winona's not going to bother with yard sales because her Watcher's tired of them.  It'll be Plopsy all the way. :D

Looking forward to the teen's new digs and lives!
Jade thanks you for appreciating her ears. She's very proud of them.

Yes - the crystal tree is quite amazingly productive. It was just really weird that Rose - one of the really common ones - was the last but one to be found.

I agree, Plopsy where possible but inventory selling is the future! I feel we've done our time on the Vendor table. It was such a relief to see that last Neighbourhood turn green so I could move on to Gen 2 rules and clear out the Inventories.

Glimmerbrook isn't my favourite location but it's what the challenge requires. Jade won't be moving around like Gen 1 did so hopefully it will develop into a nice space.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 1.10: It's Getting Better (16-May)
« Reply #76 on: May 16, 2024, 04:30:38 PM »
I find Glimmerbrook quite charming, but I always replace that unattractive Elixirs & Brews bar with a nice bar from the Gallery.
It makes such a difference to have a nice place to mingle and socialize. And that bar only attracts spellcasters.  Even the bartenders and barflies are always spellcasters.
I've used "Elixirs and Brews Reno" by NikaLynnSims in several challenges. I just remove one of the round tables at the entrance and it's good to go.

The last time I played a generation in Glimmerbrook was Gen2 Carlos Mistura, with requirements quite similar to someone else we know.
Before he moved there, I replaced all the other houses with more attractive builds. It's only 4 residential lots, right?

One thing I really like about the vendor table is how fast the vendor sim's Charisma rises, though.
From now on, it's only worthwhile for items worth at least $5k apiece., haha.  Yes, we've paid our dues on the whole scrimping and saving life! LOL

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Makey MishMash Legacy 2.1: Build Me Up, Buttercup
« Reply #77 on: May 18, 2024, 04:42:27 AM »
Makey MishMash Legacy 2.1: Build Me Up, Buttercup

Previously: Dawn and Michael completed their collections and their mission of turning all Evergreen Harbour Neighbourhoods Green, albeit temporarily; Jade sold off the family store and unwanted inventory much to Dawn’s dismay; Jet moved out with Jade to Glimmerbrook.
Residence: Glimmerbrook Watch, Glimmerbrook

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Jet: I didn’t realise you’d got so many different plants of your own.
Jade: Mrs Crumplebottom had a wide range, including some from Granite Falls. I’d like to go camping there some time.
Jet: Maybe. You know I’ve signed up as a Life Guard.
Jade: And I’m a Manual Labourer. First shift tomorrow. Thanks for helping me plant these up. I haven’t decided on the final layout yet. I want to graft some of these together.

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Jade: Dad? You came. I wasn’t sure if you would.
Michael: Try to stop me, honey! I like what you’ve done with the place. Your Mum will be so pleased that you’re continuing with water and energy saving.
Jade: I’ve always believed in that. I just…
Michael: Wanted to move on. And that’s how it should be. Ah, here’s your Mum now.
Jade: Mum? Here? But…

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Jade: Mum! You’ve got a new outfit!
Dawn: I know. I realised I’d been so focused on saving the planet that I wasn’t enjoying the things that didn’t harm it. I’ve got you to thank for that.
Jade: And you’ve come here to Glimmerbrook. I thought…
Dawn: I was afraid of things I didn’t know. I…I want to find out more and rebuild our relationship. My daughter is a Spellcaster and I love her.
Jade: Oh Mum!

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Darrell: So your Mum’s OK with me training you, now?
Jade: Yeah. It still makes her uncomfortable so she’s gone home. But we’re cool.

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Jade: My flower arrangements are getting better and this one was good enough to scent with Bluebells to make it long-lasting. I’m going to start using Plopsy whenever I get a decent arrangement. This one will wilt before it’s sold.

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Jet: Saturday morning and I’m raking leaves. Does it make me more Responsible? No it does not! Still, I like the exercise.

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Jet: I don’t understand why I’m making garden salad. We don’t eat anything!
Jade: Watcher likes us all to have decent Cooking skills so we don’t start a fire.
Jet: You got your wish of a well-lit home and we’ve got good internet connections. But we don’t have a computer. Or any gym equipment!
Jade: We’ve got no funds left and our jobs won’t bring in much.

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Jade: Right bro, I’m off for my first day of work. Wish me luck!

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Jet: Thanks for coming with me to the gym, sis.
Jade: Well, it’s good to celebrate my first day – a whopping $295!
Jet: Plus the $720 I got from a Vendor sale.
Jade: Thanks for doing that while I was at work.
Jet: Let’s head home and get ready for Prom.
Jade: But your first work shift?
Jet: Oops

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Jade: That’s a great destiny, I think.
Jet: Mine’s rubbish. It’s all hooey anyway. Dad says you can bribe him to get a better one.
Jade: Yeah. But I wanted to come anyway to harvest the plants. I’ve got a dragonfruit and a chrysanthemum, as well as more snapdragons.
Jet: How weird that Darrell phoned to ask you to pour tea with him.
Jade: I’m trying not to think about that. Maybe Mum was right about Darrell – he’s the creepy one. All other Spellcasters seem nice.

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Yasmine: Is that our teacher?
Clare: Yes. She’s Erratic and it’s just started raining.
Jet: And she’s our Chaperone?

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Jade: Just look at me! Prom Queen.
Jet: Well I did vote for you!
Jade: And I voted for you to be Jester. I bet you’re glad you skipped your work shift.
Jet: Too right. I couldn’t miss this Prom. Not after our first one was cancelled.

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Jet: I didn’t tell Jade but this is the main reason I was so glad I came to Prom. This is Rosalie Delgato and she’s a Vegetarian Genius so she understands all about dietary restrictions. Her family aren’t living in the world at the moment.

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Jet: I quite like Clare Sigworth too. She’s an Adventurous Child of the Islands which must be hard because she lives with her family in StrangerVille. I’ve only got normal compatibility with both of them, but they are nice.

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Jet: It was Rosalie that came to the funfair with us, although Jade went home fairly quickly.
Rosalie was happy to be flirted with and, when I gave her a Chaz McFreely as a romantic gift, she gave me a rose back, saying
“I will always be here for you, each and every day. My love for you will continue to grow forever.”
Wow! Too much? What an exciting week!

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Watcher: And so we leave our young twins to establish themselves in their new home, bickering as siblings do, but supporting each other when needed. I will leave you with a final shot of Jade, in her crown, displaying the “happy” necklace and “creative” earrings that her father made for her.

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Generation 1 Dumpster Diving Rags to Riches
Dawn & Michael – Portmouth Promenade, Port Promise, Evergreen Harbour
COMPLETE -  FRIDAY of Week 10 (Year 1, Autumn 2/4)

Generation 2 – Magical Florist
Residence: Glimmerbrook Watch, Glimmerbrook
Jade: Heir (twin) – Teen (11 days to Young Adult)
Traits: Creative, Loves Outdoors
Jet: Spare (twin) – Teen (11 days to Young Adult)
Traits: Active, Lactose Intolerant
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

This generation is a modified version of the Magical Florist from the Postcard Legacy. The link can be found in the generations rules post. I have replaced the full collection of magical artifacts (orbs, wands, brooms) as I did that in my Simology challenge and it was ridiculously hard – 22 wands – anyone? There will be 4 other “collections” which will all be revealed in time.

Build up some funds – Jade’s collections won’t come cheap!
Build up magic powers

Jet is handy for Jade to have around but, as he mentioned previously, his best hope of establishing his own future is to live with her for now. His main aim will be to get ready for a Bodybuilder career and to find the love of his life!

Oshizu and I planned to both start with the Dumpster Diving generation, with varying tweaks, but then plan following generation orders separately. She has completed the Magical Florist previously and chosen a different plant-based generation but we’ve ended up doing them in the same generation. I hope it’s not confusing for readers, but it’s quite funny, really.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 2.1: Build Me Up, Buttercup (18-May)
« Reply #78 on: May 18, 2024, 09:12:16 AM »
First of all, noooooo, Jade! Not Darrell as your magical mentor!
You can go to the Magical Realm and introduce yourself to another caster than click on Magic--if you see "Ask for Magical Training," you're golden.
Actually, I'm starting to think your Watcher has "a thing" for Darrell. Every challenge, she just can't stay away from him! LOL!

Wow, they live in a house already! What progress!
Winona and friends have been living in that little campsite with pond for two weeks now.
She can afford to build a house now, but I hate to destroy that little idyllic spot. (I'll try to save it as a room then move it to a different part of the lot...)

Hmmm, Rosie Delgato and Clare Sigworth...*drums fingers on desktop
Rosie seems really into Jet. Would Clare be as well, given an equal chance?
I'm so glad that Jade and Dawn are mending their bridges. It was really sad that they parted on bad terms.

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 2.1: Build Me Up, Buttercup (18-May)
« Reply #79 on: May 18, 2024, 09:24:11 AM »
Oshizu and I planned to both start with the Dumpster Diving generation, with varying tweaks, but then plan following generation orders separately. She has completed the Magical Florist previously and chosen a different plant-based generation but we’ve ended up doing them in the same generation. I hope it’s not confusing for readers, but it’s quite funny, really.

In my Mistura Legacy, it was also my Gen2 heir who became a "magical florist."
However, I combined illusorythrall's NSB Extended Packs "Cinnamon Spice" gen with The Postcard Legacy's Magical Florist but definitely not the magical artifacts collection.
When creating the spellcaster Big Dream for the Big Dream Dynasty, not that it only required one of each artifact type (I'm not a masochist!).
It's nice to get a well-stocked garden going early on in a legacy challenge. :D
Our Gen2 requirements are quite different, actually. It will be fun to see how they each unfold.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 2.1: Build Me Up, Buttercup (18-May)
« Reply #80 on: May 18, 2024, 01:58:07 PM »
First of all, noooooo, Jade! Not Darrell as your magical mentor!
You can go to the Magical Realm and introduce yourself to another caster than click on Magic--if you see "Ask for Magical Training," you're golden.
Actually, I'm starting to think your Watcher has "a thing" for Darrell. Every challenge, she just can't stay away from him! LOL!

Wow, they live in a house already! What progress!
Winona and friends have been living in that little campsite with pond for two weeks now.
She can afford to build a house now, but I hate to destroy that little idyllic spot. (I'll try to save it as a room then move it to a different part of the lot...)

Hmmm, Rosie Delgato and Clare Sigworth...*drums fingers on desktop
Rosie seems really into Jet. Would Clare be as well, given an equal chance?
I'm so glad that Jade and Dawn are mending their bridges. It was really sad that they parted on bad terms.
Darrell turned up as part of the Welcome Wagon so Jade nabbed for some training. She hasn't trained with him since! Lol.

Although her parents closing funds were $222,227 but Jade & Jet only took $20k. I decided against going back to zero funds for this gen.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 2.1: Build Me Up, Buttercup (18-May)
« Reply #81 on: May 18, 2024, 09:42:31 PM »
My Renato has to be the poorest founder ever, haha. It was practically criminal but in line with his lifestyle, I guess.
That first generation was pretty rough but I had a blast because the playstyle was so novel for me. :D

Oh right, now Darrel is a neighbor! LOL!
It's odd that he's always trying to connect with my Costas, too. Must be a spellcaster thing.
I hope your Makeys will be spoiled for choice at your new bar in Glimmerbrook!

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Makey MishMash Legacy 2.2: Standing In The Shadows Of Love
« Reply #82 on: May 19, 2024, 11:04:45 AM »
Makey MishMash Legacy 2.2: Standing In The Shadows Of Love

Previously: Jet and Jade signed on for jobs as Life Guard and Manual Labourer respectively; Jade and her mother were reconciled; Jade was Prom Royalty but Jet met Rosalie and Clare.
Residence: Glimmerbrook Watch, Glimmerbrook

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Jade: Every Prom Queen needs to celebrate. Jet stayed at the funfair and, seeing the way he and Rosalie were eyeing each other, I didn’t want to be a third wheel. I know Jet wanted some gym equipment but I wanted something else.
Meet Bear! He was originally called Luke but I didn’t want to be calling him to come and have some random guy called Luke showing up.
Bear is a Russian Blue. He’s Aloof, Skittish but Curious. He’s perfect!

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Michael: Congratulations on getting Bear, honey. I know you’ve always loved having animals.
Jade: He’s so cute. I know it’s not very Green to have pets but he’s just what I wanted.
Jet: Yeah – I was late back from Prom and it was a fait accompli! Anyway, thanks for all coming to our breakfast potluck.
Jade: You make sure you look after him while I go off to work.
Dawn: See you later maybe.
after Jade had left for work
Dawn: Isn’t a black cat something of a cliché for a Spellcaster?
Michael: Shh, Dawn, they’re leading their own lives now.
Dawn: OK. So, Jet, are you going to introduce me to these lovely young ladies?
Jet: Mum!

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Jet: I thought they’d never leave!
Rosalie (giggling): You invited them! Plus they left you a great barbecue!
Jet: Wanna Mess Around?
Rosalie: We…ell. OK!
a bit later
Jet: You’re wonderful. You know I’ve got a crush on you?
Rosalie: I guessed, sweet boy.
Jet: Will you promise to be mine and only mine?
Rosalie: We…ell. OK!

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Jade: Argh!
Tomax: Oh! Yes – that’s good.
Jade: That’s the second duel you’ve invited me to and you’ve beaten me both times.
Tomax: You need to get better so you can beat me!
Jade: I guess. Still, it’s all good practice. That’s why Hali’a, the Sage, said I had to accept all challenges.
Tomax: Yes – that’s right.

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Jade: Mum? Have a baby? Why are you asking me? OK!
Oh Bear! You don’t make demands on me. In fact, there’s nothing you like more than me letting you out to run round Glimmerbrook. Goodness knows how far you go!

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Emilia: It’s good to see you here, Jade. I hear your training is going really well.
Jade: Yeah. I keep getting duel challenges and I have to accept them, Hali’a says.
Hali’a: Very true, Child. Very true.
Jade: I just don’t understand why everyone keeps challenging me.
Emilia: You don’t? Hasn’t anyone told you that you marry the person you can beat six times?
Jade: WHAT?
Hali’a: It is your destiny, Child. You must accept every challenge and you must marry one you have beaten six times.
Jade: That’s not fair!
Emilia: I got that destiny too. How do you think I ended up with Darrell? Not my first choice, let me tell you!

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Jade: This is awful. No wonder Tomax wants me to get better! And he’s so old! I’m going home.
after she left
Emilia: Do you think we misled her, Sage!
Hali’a: How so?
Emilia: We implied that the winning was only during duel challenges. Also that she HAD to marry someone if she beat them six times. I was happy with Darrell in the end.
Hali’a: We didn’t mislead her. We were...unclear, maybe. The child must find her true way through her destiny.

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Jade: …and that’s why they keep challenging me! Only Jun is my age. All the others are older.
Jet: Oh – that’s…ha ha…no, not funny at all.
Jade: No, it isn’t! What sort of a destiny is that? You got to pick Rosalie – don’t think I don’t see that tent shaking – and I’m stuck with whatever person I beat six times.
Jet: Well, who have you beaten so far?
Jade: Just Seijo. At least he’s only a Young Adult, not verging on Elder like Tomax. He’s a bit Socially Awkward and a Bro, but he’s Family Oriented too so that’s good, I guess.
Jet: Jade and Seijo, sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G!
Jade: You are no help. You’ve got to help!
Jet: Mum did tell you not to mess with Spellcasters. OK. OK. Me and Rosalie will look into it.

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Jade: Hello! Didn’t we meet at the Prom?
Ridge: Yeah! And your brother invited me to the Potluck.
Jade: I didn’t know you were a Spellcaster.
Ridge: Nor me, you! How’s your training going?
Jade: Well I finally found a Tome in these shelves. That’ll help.
Ridge: Lucky you! I just find Orbs.
Jade: Hey – let’s take a picture and I can show Jet that I met you here. He thinks all Spellcasters are weird.
Hali’a (to herself): Ah yes. The Brant boy. He will do very well!

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Jade: Thanks for coming over. My brother is…busy right now. He’ll be out soon…or not!
Ridge: You said you had a cat? Can I meet her-him-it?
Jade: Bear is a tom. He’s run off as usual. But I’m sure he’ll like you when he gets back. We’ve become Companions!
Ridge: That’s nice.

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Ridge: So-um-your brother and Rosalie?
Jade: Yes! At it like rabbits. All the time! Hey – how about we do some duelling? That would distract us!
Ridge: OK

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Ridge: Ow!
Jade: Sorry. Are you OK? It was just a friendly duel.
Ridge: I’m good, thanks. Do you want another go?
Jade: Really? It would help me get better…
Ridge (under breath): Anything for you, Jade.

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Jet: I’m trying to get my maximum fitness. I’m all fired up but I can’t be bothered to make a high-energy plate. I’ll just box this out. Jade wants us all to go to Granite Falls. It seems all Sims who Love Outdoors always want to go. I put my foot down though. If I’m stuck looking after Bear, I want a proper lodge!

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Jade: Thank you so much for mentoring me. That’s 5 fish I’ve caught now. Including a Salmon!
Hermit: And, although I’m an Erratic Loner, we seem to be good friends through fishing.
Jade: Is it OK if I Copypasto the bugs in the Rangers Office? It would save me a load of time.
Hermit: I don’t go there so, it’s fine by me. But you’ll get a Will-o-the-Wisp just over there. Just look for the light.

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Jade: Ah – Bear. I’m so glad you came with us to Granite Falls. I know I didn’t get a pic of you aging up but it meant you really enjoyed roaming the forest.

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Jade: Thanks for meeting us here. Jet wanted to come with Rosalie and I didn’t want to be the only Singleton here with them.
Ridge (with a theatrical flourish): Anything for you, m’lady!
Jade: You are funny! Stop bowing!
Ridge: Is that your phone ringing?
Jade: Yes – oh no! Not another challenge!
Ridge: Do you have to go? We’ve not even got inside the door.
Jade: Sorry – yes – it’s my destiny!
Ridge: I’ll just have a quick drink with the lovebirds and then head home.
Jade: Sorry – sorry! Maybe you should challenge me!
Ridge: Maybe I should!
Jade: What? I didn’t hear that? Gotta go!

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Jade: It’s not too difficult, making these Lotions. As long as you’ve got the right ingredients. It's not as satisfying as Flower Arranging but Sadness Alleviation? I could do with some of that. I don’t really like any of the people that have challenged me. Not that way, that is. Actually, the only Spellcaster I get on with well, is Ridge. We have amazing compatibility. But he never challenges me at the duelling grounds!

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Jade: Bear! Get down. This is the third time I’ve told you. People won’t want to eat anything here if your footprints are all over the counter!
Bear: Humph!

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Rosalie: Another one bites the dust!
Bear: Mew?
Jade: I think you let me win, Ridge!
Ridge: Er – no! Not at all. Why would I do that?
Rosalie: Why indeed! What’s that – five times she’s beaten you?
Jade: It’s a shame you don’t challenge me properly.
Rosalie: He doesn’t need to, Dummy!
Jade: I don’t understand.
Rosalie: Jet asked me to look at your actual destiny contract, me being a Genius an’ all. You can marry anyone you like as long as you have beaten them six times beforehand.
Jade: But all those challenges?
Rosalie: They count but so do any duels. And you only have to marry someone if you like them. There’s no forced marriages. It says right here!

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Jade: Did you know this?
Ridge: Um – I thought that might be the case…
Jade: Why didn’t you tell me?
Ridge: I didn’t know if you liked me like that. I didn’t know what you’d say…
Jade: So I just have to beat you one more time and then I can marry you?
Ridge: But you don’t have to. That’s the thing.
Jade: If you’d told me…
Ridge: You might not have carried on spending time with me. I…I have the most awful crush on you!
Jade: One more time! Then I’ll think about it!

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Ridge: Thanks for inviting me over, once the Prom had started. Where’s Jet?
Jade: He’s at work. He’s expecting to be level 3 when he finishes this shift.
Ridge: You look lovely this evening.
Jade: You’re not so bad yourself. Although not many people would choose a pullover/island skirt combo in clashing colours…
Ridge (chuckling): I love you Jade. Oops. Sorry, I take it back, I…
Jade: You don’t love me? Just when I’ve developed a crush on you?
Ridge: I don’t want to pressure…you have?
Jade: Yes, I have.

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And so, dear readers, our heroine found her true path through her destiny. Crowned Prom Queen without any help, she rewarded herself with a First Kiss. Which was almost as good as adopting a kitten. Lighting up the skies with Ridge in the big wheel at the funfair? Now that was even better!

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Week 11 (Year 1, Autumn 3/4)
Generation 2 – Magical Florist

Residence: Glimmerbrook Watch, Glimmerbrook
Jade: Heir (twin) – Teen (4 days to Young Adult)
Traits: Creative, Loves Outdoors
Jet: Spare (twin) – Teen (4 days to Young Adult)
Traits: Active, Lactose Intolerant

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Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Cat Misbehaviours There are 9 cat misbehaviours: jumping on counters; waking you up; knocking trash out of the trash can; playing in trash; eating trash; eating human food; scratching furniture; drinking from puddles; begging for food.
You have to catch the pet in the act and then discipline them at least once. Training out “jumping on counters” took 3 times. It is notoriously difficult to train out all these behaviours. I have decided that, if Bear ever exhibits a misbehaviour, that will become a “live” requirement and need to be trained out. If he never exhibits it, he doesn’t need it training out, right?

Through all the duels and making potions, Jade got her 2 magical aspirations and collected one of each potion which she is gradually making Excellent. She is also collecting the Herbalism potions/lotions. There another section of that collection plus another entirely separate one but she hasn’t started working on them.

As soon as I realised Ridge was a Spellcaster, I decided he was the one. With his rich brown hair and grey eyes, they have amazing compatibility. He’s an Insider and a Music Lover.
They met at Prom and I didn’t think to have Jade look to see if she could duel him, etc. It was so great to see him show up at Magical HQ. I didn’t want them to start a romance until after their last Prom to avoid that whole “you didn’t invite me to the Prom” resentment.

**Edited - to add an extra cat misbehaviour - I just caught Bear begging for food! I thought that was only dogs.

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 2.2: Standing In The Shadows Of Love (19-May)
« Reply #83 on: May 19, 2024, 05:50:37 PM »
Wow, having to accept every duel---that's insane!  I was super worried that Jade might end up with Darrel, lol!
What good fortune that Jade met another spellcaster with whom she shares amazing compatibility. Plus, he's cute!
Did she ever go to the bar in Glimmerbrook to scope out potential bachelors?

Oh, they will be young adults soon!

P.S. I'm also a Four Tops fan!
P.P.S. I like the way you place only the requirements under the spoiler tag. I'm going to try that in my next update!

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 2.2: Standing In The Shadows Of Love (19-May)
« Reply #84 on: May 20, 2024, 02:33:22 AM »
Wow, having to accept every duel---that's insane!  I was super worried that Jade might end up with Darrel, lol!
What good fortune that Jade met another spellcaster with whom she shares amazing compatibility. Plus, he's cute!
Did she ever go to the bar in Glimmerbrook to scope out potential bachelors?

Oh, they will be young adults soon!

P.S. I'm also a Four Tops fan!
P.P.S. I like the way you place only the requirements under the spoiler tag. I'm going to try that in my next update!
When Dawn was getting spammed with duel challenges, I thought it would add an extra challenge for Gen 2.

I don't mind Emilia challenging her as she uses a broomstick. The time taken waiting for the challengers to walk to the portal is quite wasteful when I usually micro-manage every other aspect.

The challenges never seem to come during social events or vacations. Jade and Ridge will definitely go on a honeymoon, lol!

Ridge and Jade were about to go into the Elixirs & Brews bar (just a travel - not a social) when Jade got another challenge - bother it. So, I have downloaded a reno one and I'll credit the designer if we ever get inside it!

I heard Standing in the Shadows of Love on a sixties music show while I was playing week 11 and thought - it was exactly what Jade and Ridge were doing. Not only having Jet and Rosalie all smoochy in the background, but also holding off on exploring their feelings for each other until the duelling was complete. I've got quite a range of musical tastes and I like all the songs that I use for titles.

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Makey MishMash Legacy 2.3: From This Moment
« Reply #85 on: May 22, 2024, 03:09:05 PM »
Makey MishMash Legacy 2.3: From This Moment

Previously: Jade adopted Bear, a Russian Blue cat, who was black; she beat Ridge 6 times so that she didn’t have to marry him but decided that she might; Jet was very busy with Rosalie.
Residence: Glimmerbrook Watch, Glimmerbrook

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Jade: Right! Time to start on treats for Bear. Although I really don’t think I’ll be feeding him a Stinkinator!

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Jet: Oh cake! And I think it’s Lactose-Free! Yippee.
Jade: Thanks to Jet, I have his essence of Flirtiness. I’m sure he’ll get over his fear of the cowplant at some point. I Scrubberoo-ed him and gave him an potion of emotional stability. He ought to be OK.

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Jade: Yuck. It’s one way to get a potion of Confidence but I can see why Jet didn’t like it. The Potion of Emotional Stability worked on me, though.

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Jade: I visited Granite Falls again, this time by myself, to do some thinking. I like Ridge and I think we’ll be great together. Jet seemed really happy with Rosalie too. It’s almost too perfect, like someone was planning out my life.
Watcher: That would be me. You’re welcome!
Jade: I caught the bee that I needed for the Elixir of Fertility and I got another Walking Stick from the Rangers station. The last one burst turned into ash when I tried to Copypasto it. I still need some termites and a dust spirit.
Watcher: Plus you need to make proper Good Friends with the Hermit. Not just Friends. Then she might tell you how to make the Fungal Infusion Fertiliser.

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Jade: Hello Colonel Whitaker. Thank you for being my second animal friend. I’m just hanging around waiting to find some Nip plants.
Colonel Whitaker: Woof

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Ridge: Come on, Bear, help a guy out!
Bear: Mew
Ridge: Jade seems to be constantly out and about.
Bear: Mew
Ridge: You know it’s our birthdays tomorrow?
Bear: Mew
Ridge: I hope she still likes me when I age up.

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Thursday - Harvest
Jade: Of course I still like you, Silly!
Ridge: It’s just, now I’m a Perfectionist….
Jade (chuckling): That’s perfect! You’ll take longer to write them but I’m still looking forward to hearing the songs you write. What’s it to be – piano or violin?
Ridge: Both. I’ve got a job as an Entertainer.
Jade: And I’m sure our old nanny with mentor you. It’ll be good to see her again. You know I’m an Animal Enthusiast now?
Ridge: Ha! Really? I would never have expected that! Your brother now Loves Outdoors too and Rosalie is a Freegan.
Jade: She really is like one of the family.

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Jade: I know you were Sad about something and now you’re feeling yucky. But look at it this way – you’re no longer Sad and I get your Essence of Sadness from the Cowplant. Here’s some Emotional Stability for you.
Rosalie: Thanks?

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Jade: Dearest Ridge….
Jet: Darling Rosalie…
Jade: Will you…
Jet: Would you…
Ridge & Rosalie: Oh YES!

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Jade: Thanks for coming to our Family Gathering.
Michael: We were so happy to get the news. We’ve left little Madeline with a sitter. She’s an Infant now. You must come and meet her.
Jade: That would be great, Dad. And I’d like you to drink this.
Michael: What is it?
Jade: It’ll help you see little Madeline all the way through to adulthood. I’ve got one for Mum too.

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Dawn: Oh – this is weird. Is it supposed to feel like this?
Jade: Oh no! I must have Copypasto-ed it wrong. You’ve turned into a ghost!
Dawn: This won’t help me look after Madeline!
Jade: It’s only temporary…I think!
Dawn: I knew magic was dangerous!

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Gemma: Hey, this is a great Bachelorette party. I’m so glad they turned the basement of the Elixirs and Brews bar into a  dance area.
Jade: Just for tonight. There’s supposed to be a cauldron down here.
Evie: I can’t wait for the double wedding tomorrow
Jade: It would be better if Mum became more substantial. She’s the Sim of Honour.
Dawn: Don’t mind me. I feel lighter than air!

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Saturday – Talk Like a Pirate Day
Rosalie: Thanks for coming upstairs to help me get changed. I’m hoping my dress will still fit.
Jade: I’m so pleased for you and Jet. I guess the baby will be due Tuesday morning?
Rosalie: Oh – get pregnant too! Then our babies can be friends!
Jade: I haven’t discussed that with Ridge yet. We’re in no rush.
Rosalie: I love your pirate princess wedding dress.
Jade: Well – if we’re supposed to talk like a pirate today, we thought we’d go with the flow.

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Jet: Darling, blooming Rosalie….etc
Rosalie: Amazing, wonderful, Jet…etc

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Ridge: I promise to love ye and honour ye; to make ye laugh so hard the rum comes out of yer nose, and pretend to listen to ye when ye babble on and on.
Jade: I promise to love you through scurvy and celebrate with you in times of feast. All of this I will undertake until there are no horizons left to chase and all the rum is gone.
Bear: Meow!
Together: Argh!

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Jade: Why did you bring us all the way to the upstairs balcony to have our first dance?
Ridge: I wanted you all to myself.
Jade: From this moment, you will have me to yourself. Well, me and Bear. Jet and Rosalie are moving to Oasis Springs.
Ridge: And our honeymoon? Are you sure about Granite Falls.
Jade: I know it’s Winter tomorrow, but we’ll get a cosy cabin. It’ll be perfect. Let’s go down. I can hear Jet and Rosalie doing a group dance!

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Jet: Dancing Queen
Rosalie: Feel the beat of the tambourine
Guests: Oh Yeah!
Jet: You can dance
Rosalie: You can jive
Jade: Having the time of our lives!

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Week 12 (Year 1, Autumn 4/4)
Generation 2 – Magical Florist

Residence: Glimmerbrook Watch, Glimmerbrook
Jade: Heir (twin) – Young Adult (26 days to Adult)
Traits: Creative, Loves Outdoors, Animal Enthusiast +Loyal
Ridge (Brant): Spouse – Young Adult (26 days to Adult)
Traits: Music Lover, Insider, Perfectionist

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Moved Out to Oasis Springs
Jet: Spare
(twin) – Young Adult (26 days to Adult)
Traits: Active, Lactose Intolerant, Loves Outdoors
Spouse: Rosalie Delgato; Children: on the way

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Gallery Download: Elixirs & Brews Bar Reno by Isleroux

Jade’s plant collection is a 47 subset of the full plant list. It includes all flowers, all herbs, all nips (cat/mad/nuzzle/nap) and all plant ingredients for potions/lotions (blackberry, strawberry, tomato, apple, cherry, potato, dragonfruit, lemon). She is grafting them together for efficiency but all have to be at least Excellent, from the original requirements. I will aim for them to be Perfect.

Jade’s full collection of potions etc is revealed as: all the magical potions, all the herbal potions, all the vet animal treats and as many cowplant essences as I can work out. I’ve been looking for a full list of cowplant essences but been unsuccessful so far. Any help in that, would be appreciated.

Jade only got 2 challenges this week. She beat Emilia again but lost to Grace. So far, accepting the challenges hasn’t been too onerous.

No apologies for Abba and Shania references. They’re pleasures of mine and I don't feel guilty about it!

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 2.3: From This Moment (22-May)
« Reply #86 on: May 22, 2024, 07:32:36 PM »
Big congrats on the double wedding!
May Jet and Rosie find great happiness in their new home! And we'd love to see their kids eventually. :D

Good for you collecting all the herbal remedies! I did a trial run during Winona's first trip to Granite Falls and realized I can't see at night, both in game and irl.
(I've had bad night vision for years)
Winona ended up with 18 fireflies and a half dozen Will O'Wisps, that is, I could only spot the night insects that glow in the dark. LOL! Oh well.

Regarding the cowplant essences, there was a time I collected and duplicated them (cloning machines, pre-ROM) in every challenge, when work performance relied on the sim's emotional mood.
Since that stopped being the case (late 2020 or early 2021?), I no longer collect them.  In my Sharebears legacy, I could pair an Essence with a Happy potion for a one-day promotion. :D
Anyway, if I remember correctly, there are nine cowplant essences (at least): Confident, Energized, Flirty, Focused, Happy, Inspired, Playful, and Sad plus the Essence of Life.

Great progress, Jade!  Watcher, I love how our heirs are both Gardeners yet their lives are so different!

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 2.3: From This Moment (22-May)
« Reply #87 on: May 23, 2024, 04:00:48 AM »
Big congrats on the double wedding!
May Jet and Rosie find great happiness in their new home! And we'd love to see their kids eventually. :D

Good for you collecting all the herbal remedies! I did a trial run during Winona's first trip to Granite Falls and realized I can't see at night, both in game and irl.
(I've had bad night vision for years)
Winona ended up with 18 fireflies and a half dozen Will O'Wisps, that is, I could only spot the night insects that glow in the dark. LOL! Oh well.

Regarding the cowplant essences, there was a time I collected and duplicated them (cloning machines, pre-ROM) in every challenge, when work performance relied on the sim's emotional mood.
Since that stopped being the case (late 2020 or early 2021?), I no longer collect them.  In my Sharebears legacy, I could pair an Essence with a Happy potion for a one-day promotion. :D
Anyway, if I remember correctly, there are nine cowplant essences (at least): Confident, Energized, Flirty, Focused, Happy, Inspired, Playful, and Sad plus the Essence of Life.

Great progress, Jade!  Watcher, I love how our heirs are both Gardeners yet their lives are so different!
They are very different, aren't they?  :D

From your story, I've realised there's the moon flower to add to Jades collection, so that'll be 2 left to find now. She's trying to get as much done before starting a family. As soon as an heir is a child, I always switch my attention to them! lol.

Thanks for the info about cowplant essences. I thought it must be about 9 but I'm wondering about Anger? Terror? Tense? We'll see :)

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 2.3: From This Moment (22-May)
« Reply #88 on: May 23, 2024, 07:19:25 PM »
Yes, it's called the Moonpetal Flower, I believe.  Howling Point Peak on a full moon after 7 pm.
It's harvestable quite soon after arriving there, fortunately.

Like Dawn, Winona also waited until she was done with most of her running around for harvestables before starting a family.
If only they could find that sixth bean!

There's a Dazed Essence I remember using in a Pinstar's Legacy challenge (trying for the Electrocution death).
Definitely no Angry essence or everyone would use that for Pinstar's Legacy's death by mortification.
Death by embarrassment, even with a Very Embarrassed sim wearing the Sombrero of Shame, was also supremely difficult, so no Embarassment Essence, either.
I hope you'll share a full list when you've collected them so we can be sure, though. :D

Also, I'm very curious about Dawn's luck with the Fang Flower. Let us know!

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 2.3: From This Moment (22-May)
« Reply #89 on: May 25, 2024, 01:17:11 AM »
It's good catching up on the Makeys!
I was so sad to see Dawn and Jade's falling out, but happy to see them reconciling. Hopefully Dawn will come to see that Spellcasting has its roots in gardening and nature, and while dancing around the cauldron sans garments may not be everyone's cup of tea, there's nothing unnatural about it. 😉 It certainly piqued my interest. If I remember correctly, there's a forum somewhere with a section devoted to mod requests . . . .
How awesome that you found a nice-looking spellcaster townie . . . Jade clearly has a sage on her side.
So . . . NOW I get why Emilia is with Darrell . . . I always wondered about that. 🤣
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