Author Topic: Makey MishMash Legacy (Complete)  (Read 86154 times)

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 1.5: Maybe Baby (7-May)
« Reply #45 on: May 07, 2024, 06:32:06 PM »
The "convention" is to capitalize the accented syllable, so would that be MAKE-ee or make-EE?

I see it as MAY-Key. Granny can correct me if I am wrong. You would not be saying "make."

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 1.5: Maybe Baby (7-May)
« Reply #46 on: May 08, 2024, 12:24:08 AM »
Any way you say it, Dawn and Michael are so cute together! But I love how Dawn acknowledges her fears about losing herself and conviction to maintain "me time".
Congrats on the twins - hard to tell now but I'm sure they're both going to be adorable.
I also really like Dawn's cute overalls - they really seem to suit her.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 1.5: Maybe Baby (7-May)
« Reply #47 on: May 08, 2024, 01:46:46 AM »
Maybe I should contact my Makey relatives to get some clarification, lol.

When I first researched them, there was a guy who'd pulled together a huge set of cousins from England, Australia & the US. I think they had a gathering at some point but were talking 30 years ago. Without online researching, he'd done it all through correspondence and visiting archives. A real feat of research.

In my head, i emphasise the first syllable so I guess I'd write it:
MAY key
I'm not a linguist though so...

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 1.5: Maybe Baby (7-May)
« Reply #48 on: May 08, 2024, 01:55:58 AM »
Any way you say it, Dawn and Michael are so cute together! But I love how Dawn acknowledges her fears about losing herself and conviction to maintain "me time".
Congrats on the twins - hard to tell now but I'm sure they're both going to be adorable.
I also really like Dawn's cute overalls - they really seem to suit her.
I'm glad you like the storyline. After all Dawn's grungy, hungry struggles, they enjoyed week of together time. Twin babies won't change their lives too much, will it?  ;)

Michael won't let them have more than one outfit in each category because of his Green Fiend Trait (my restriction - not a game thing). Dawn's over-sized Winter coat doesn't suit her as much as her overalls but it fits her story.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Makey MishMash Legacy 1.6: I Talk To The Trees
« Reply #49 on: May 09, 2024, 11:32:38 AM »
Makey MishMash Legacy 1.6: I Talk To The Trees

Previously: Michael didn’t get an alien nooboo; he and Dawn honeymooned in Granite Falls; were careless whilst Dumpster Diving which produced twins Jade and Jet; some bees and chickens also joined the household.
Residence: The Shipping Views, Port Promise, Evergreen Harbour
(Challenges: Reduce & Recycle; Off-Grid; Simple Living)

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Dawn: Watcher got me some bugs. They like eating the compost from the bin. The chickens were very interested in the bugs. I hope they don’t eat them!

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Michael: The birds were giving us a present every day as well as helping keep the plants free from the wrong sort of bugs. I hope they don’t eat our useful bugs either. Nature gets very complicated. Are the bees bugs too? They pollinate the plants so they’re all evolving quickly. I’d like to graft some plants onto others just to save time as well as getting the cross-breeding but there’s not a lot of time with the babies here.

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Michael: Hey folks, so great you could come and not just because this might get me a barbeque. You’ve all brought lots of food. I wonder if there’ll be any leftovers…
Dawn: Do help yourselves to mushroom soup. I’ve got really good at making mushroom soup. No – I’ll have something that you’ve brought.
Michael: Me too. Mm – this is great!

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Michael: Thanks for coming. That’s OK, I can manage the washing up. The bathroom? I think Baako finished in there but Mrs Harris has just gone in. Yes, we’ve only got the one…

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Mrs Harris: Oh no! Baako must have pranked the loo. What a disgusting trick to play! Ugh!

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Dawn: I opened the store on Monday, getting the grand total of $4020, leaving Michael with the twins. They were ready to become Infants but they waited until I got home. Aren’t they adorable? Both of them with red hair and violet eyes. Plus no unfortunate ears. Michael says he loves my ears but he didn’t have to go through all the teasing at school. Mind you, he didn’t get teased for his freckles either. Maybe I’m just too sensitive.

Jade in lilac with short hair - Jet in orange with wavy hair
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Michael: We love the twins but it’s quite an isolating experience. Basically one of us would collapse into bed while the other took care of them. At first they hardly slept – Jade really wants to sleep on one of us while Jet is Gassy! It was hard work until they started sleeping for longer. Even Jade will sleep in her cot now although she cries a lot when we first put her down. She doesn’t like waking up either. Not like Jet, who loves it.

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Dawn: Michael got really enthusiastic about his work and he could mostly do it from home. This civic design is to renew our neighbourhood. I really hope it gets passed. It would make this area look great. I popped over to the Market Space while the twins were sleeping. Me and Watcher sorted out a few things to make it greener. Would you believe they’d used Industrial coverings where no-one would notice? And they’d left 4 of the old industrial pillars. I know there’s an argument for preserving history but not at the expense of our world!

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Michael: Right, I’m off for my first day in the office.
Dawn: Are you sure you need to go in?
Michael: I thought I’d get my promotion when they called this morning but no. If I go in, I can make sure I get my promotion by the end of my shift.
Dawn: OK – I guess. Bernice has come over to help.
Michael: I could take Family Leave, if you want?
Bernice: No! You get off to work. I’ll be here all day. All my babies are children or older now. It’s nice to play with these littlies. Couchee couchee coo.

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Michael: How was your day?
Dawn: Bernice was a star. She’s gone home to cook their family meal now but she settled the twins before she left. Well done on your promotion!
Michael: Thanks. I can move on to my Eco-Concepts now. I’ve got so many ideas.
Dawn: I know you have. How about an automatic nurturing machine for these bugs?
Michael: That would be great. They do need Nurturing a lot! At least twice a day for them not to decline.

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Dawn: Isn’t it great when you can work from home and, to get people to present your concepts to, we hold a Weenie Roast at Oasis Springs.
Michael: It made so much sense to put a little campfire in this empty space and move the benches close.
Dawn: But not too close! Why are you roasting your hot dog between Candy’s legs?
Michael: Erm… I don't think I'll answer that – we just won a chess board!

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Jade: Babble? Babble?
Black Hen: Cluck Cluck
Jade: Babble! Babble!
Black Hen: Cluck? Cluck?

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Jet: Babble? Babble?
Bernice: That’s right.
Jet: Babble! Babble!
Bernice: Really?

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Michael: Part of my work involves getting to grips with the Fabricator. Or should I say, it getting to grips with me?
White Hen: BroACK!

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Bernice: Can you see what the concept is?
Limon: Nope. But he sounds very enthusiastic.
Bernice: Let’s just tell him to change the title.
Limon: Yeah.

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Dawn: I guess we could take the twins with us for Dine Out?
Michael: We could hire a nanny. You’ve got that Free Services deal. I don’t really understand why we don’t make more use of that.
Dawn: Watcher feels that it’s not authentic.
Michael: What about Daycare? That’s free too and they might make some friends.
Dawn: OK. Not for too long though. It sounds very like the adoption bin. I really only remember being left in a cot all day when I was an Infant.

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Michael: Dawn? Who’s this guy?
Dawn: Oh, hi Caleb. He mentored me once in Fabrication. Watcher said he was one of my options. Actually the best option until I met you, because he’s immortal.
Michael: Best option, huh? Hey Buddy? Meet the supreme option. I’m Dawn’s husband.
Caleb: The name is Caleb, not Buddy. And I’ve had more than my share of being the best option, thank you very much. Being immortal gives one plenty of opportunities.
Michael: Not this time, mate.
Caleb: Indeed.

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Michael: What do you think?
Bernice: What is it?
Michael: It’s a thick fog suction device. I know Port Promise neighbourhood has a Green-Eco rating now but it would clean up the air anywhere and maybe even redeem all those burnt items we keep finding.
Bernice: That’s a brilliant idea but a rubbish name. What about Smog Vacuum?
Michael: Fantastic advice. I’ll modify my concept and then get it sent off.
Bernice: Oo – what was that?
Michael: Just one of the birds.
Bernice: Did I just get goosed by a robin?

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Michael: Jade’s ready for bed. I’ll get her ready.
Dawn: Jet’s just started crying, I’ll see to him.
Michael: It feels like we just pass each other all the time now.
Dawn: Not for much longer. Their birthday is tomorrow.
Michael: Toddlers! It will be so much easier with Toddlers!

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Progress End of Week 6 (Year 1, Summer 2/4)
Residence: The Shipping Views, Port Promise, Evergreen Harbour
(Challenges: Reduce & Recycle; Off-Grid; Simple Living)

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Dawn Makey: Founder
– Young Adult (11 days to Adult)
Traits: Creative, Freegan, Outgoing +Cheerful
Spouse: Michael (Marlowe)
Michael (Marlowe) Makey: Founders Spouse – Young Adult (6 days to Adult)
Green Fiend, Active, Loves Outdoors +Proper; Career – Civil Designer 3/10

Generation 2
Jade: Heir?
(twin) – Infant (bubbling)
Cautious, Snuggly Sleeper, Frequently Hiccups, Hates Waking Up
Jet: Heir? (twin) – Infant (bubbling)
Wiggly, Loves Being Held, Loves Waking Up, Gassy

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-- Food production – I’m sorry to have to say it, but the family needs a cow! Otherwise it’s fruit salad, eggs & bacon, mushroom soup and honey cake every day. Actually, that sounds quite nice.
--Violin – I really want Dawn to be able to craft a violin on the Woodwork Bench. She’s not played much since the first couple of weeks but she needs to get up to level 8 before she can craft one. Time for her to do a bit more busking.

Full DisclosureI saw Baako had pranked the loo and I let the potluck carry on way beyond achieving Gold, just so that someone else would fall to the prank. Easier to clean it up when you’re not feeling filthy yourself! Poor Mrs Harris. I’m so sorry!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 1.6: I Talk To The Trees (9-May)
« Reply #50 on: May 09, 2024, 04:59:21 PM »
What did you mean by "the bugs like the compost from the bin." What compost? What bin?
We are not bothering with bees, since Renato has the Gift of Sulani.
And though the children are busy with their aspirations now, they all have Sulani Mana too, so they can also help evolve the garden.
Phoebe has also been fertilizing with Lilies and they've been grafting to boost quality, so over half the garden is already Perfect.
No bees!

Nice job on getting that chess table! (Renato et al. did, too!) I literally LOL'ed at Candi's hot dog, courtesy of Michael.
They need a cow? They're not allowed to buy milk from the grocery stall?  Dawn and Michael just get busier and busier.

Renato was able to craft three violins for the kids, but won't be crafting any more for the shop.
Oh, I have a LittleMissSam mod that allows selling crafted musical instruments from a vendor table.  Hmmm....should I install that mod?

Dawn and Michael are practically living the cottagecore life in Evergreen Harbor!
Great progress and the twins are super adorable!
I'm not surprised they're both redheads but what luck that they both have Dawn's violet eyes!
I'm curious which one you'll choose for the next heir. Of course, they'll both be lovely and brilliant!

(Incidentally, I mentioned this in my 1.6 update's Notes, but Renato will be "trading in" three for-grownup bicycles for three supports-children bicycles.)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 1.6: I Talk To The Trees (9-May)
« Reply #51 on: May 10, 2024, 02:51:06 AM »
What did you mean by "the bugs like the compost from the bin." What compost? What bin?
We are not bothering with bees, since Renato has the Gift of Sulani.
And though the children are busy with their aspirations now, they all have Sulani Mana too, so they can also help evolve the garden.
Phoebe has also been fertilizing with Lilies and they've been grafting to boost quality, so over half the garden is already Perfect.
No bees!

Nice job on getting that chess table! (Renato et al. did, too!) I literally LOL'ed at Candi's hot dog, courtesy of Michael.
They need a cow? They're not allowed to buy milk from the grocery stall?  Dawn and Michael just get busier and busier.

Renato was able to craft three violins for the kids, but won't be crafting any more for the shop.
Oh, I have a LittleMissSam mod that allows selling crafted musical instruments from a vendor table.  Hmmm....should I install that mod?

Dawn and Michael are practically living the cottagecore life in Evergreen Harbor!
Great progress and the twins are super adorable!
I'm not surprised they're both redheads but what luck that they both have Dawn's violet eyes!
I'm curious which one you'll choose for the next heir. Of course, they'll both be lovely and brilliant!

(Incidentally, I mentioned this in my 1.6 update's Notes, but Renato will be "trading in" three for-grownup bicycles for three supports-children bicycles.)
On a Reduce & Recycle lot, there's an option on an outdoor bin to Sort Compost. If you've got bug houses, they take the compost straight to them. I did allow them to buy a bin, just not a dumpster.

I must confess, I've not used the Sulani Mana feature much - there's been so many things to concentrate on. Going for Off the Grid and Simple Living has definitely slowed the Makeys down but I've been enjoying it. I should have used Rally The Troops more too. Ah well, it's never too late.

As they "could" produce milk, I didn't let them buy it. Flour and Sugar are the only things I've let them buy from the HoB shop.

Wow - you got Renato's violin skill up to 8 and I didn't even notice! Your Sims are super-skilling machines. I wanted to get Dawn's up but there just never seemed to be time. Good call on the bicycles. I've never found a child's one but trading in an adult one to get one seems fair.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 1.6: I Talk To The Trees (9-May)
« Reply #52 on: May 10, 2024, 03:18:57 AM »
On a Reduce & Recycle lot, there's an option on an outdoor bin to Sort Compost. If you've got bug houses, they take the compost straight to them. I did allow them to buy a bin, just not a dumpster.

I must confess, I've not used the Sulani Mana feature much - there's been so many things to concentrate on. Going for Off the Grid and Simple Living has definitely slowed the Makeys down but I've been enjoying it. I should have used Rally The Troops more too. Ah well, it's never too late.

As they "could" produce milk, I didn't let them buy it. Flour and Sugar are the only things I've let them buy from the HoB shop.

Wow - you got Renato's violin skill up to 8 and I didn't even notice! Your Sims are super-skilling machines. I wanted to get Dawn's up but there just never seemed to be time. Good call on the bicycles. I've never found a child's one but trading in an adult one to get one seems fair.

Ah yes, I'm aware of the Sort Out Compost feature on wastebaskets and trashcans.  I was confused because you also refer to MyLibrary (well, YourLibrary) as the (Adoption) bin.
Since you are enjoying the Simple Living and Off the Grid lot traits, that's the main thing, right?
You still have weeks until your Gen2 heir will be ready to move out.
Besides, there isn't really any "fast" or "slow"; we're each making time for our Gen1 households to lead the lives we enviion for them.
(And a 5-sim household in a 64-tile house was getting too cramped...)

Renato has kept Off the Grid. With all OtG kitchen and bathroom appliances as well as the Geothermal lot trait, being Off the Grid has not been a hardship.
I didn't want Simple Living for Renato, though, since at least one future Costa heir will go the Simple Living route. :D

Regarding Renato's children violins, thanks to the Savant trait and the Tiny Home, he has around 10 skills at L7 or higher.
I appreciate your feedback on the children's bicycles.
Though I say "trade in," I basically recycled the three grownup bikes and outright purchased the children's bikes from Buy mode. :D

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 1.6: I Talk To The Trees (9-May)
« Reply #53 on: May 10, 2024, 10:17:57 AM »
P.S. For your reference, I try to design each generation so its requirements can be completed with the range of seven to ten sim-weeks.
I'm always impatient to have the next heir embark on their new adventures, so the 7-10 week range would allow the next heir to move out as a teen, depending on their requirements.
Just wanted to clarify why it seems that Renato's requirements are relatively fewer and less complex than Dawn's.
Basically, Dawn's Watcher is more hardcore while Renato's Watcher leans toward the flighty, impatient side. Haha, we all knew that!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 1.6: I Talk To The Trees (9-May)
« Reply #54 on: May 10, 2024, 01:28:41 PM »
P.S. For your reference, I try to design each generation so its requirements can be completed with the range of seven to ten sim-weeks.
I'm always impatient to have the next heir embark on their new adventures, so the 7-10 week range would allow the next heir to move out as a teen, depending on their requirements.
Just wanted to clarify why it seems that Renato's requirements are relatively fewer and less complex than Dawn's.
Basically, Dawn's Watcher is more hardcore while Renato's Watcher leans toward the flighty, impatient side. Haha, we all knew that!
I'm so easily side-tracked and think - oh while I'm doing this, they could tldo that. I must learn to focus so I actually achieve the main aims! ::)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 1.6: I Talk To The Trees (9-May)
« Reply #55 on: May 10, 2024, 06:11:41 PM »
I'm so easily side-tracked and think - oh while I'm doing this, they could tldo that. I must learn to focus so I actually achieve the main aims! ::)

LOL, we have to save something for us to do in future challenges!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Makey MishMash Legacy 1.7: Everything I Do
« Reply #56 on: May 11, 2024, 12:00:45 PM »
Makey MishMash Legacy 1.7: Everything I Do

Previously: The Makeys got a PotLuck Barbeque and a Weenie Roast Chess Board; the twins aged into Infants and took up a lot of time; the birds – wild & chicken – and the bees took up a lot of time; everything takes up a lot of time but everyone seems happy.
Residence: The Shipping Views, Port Promise, Evergreen Harbour
(Challenges: Reduce & Recycle; Off-Grid; Simple Living)

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Michael: It was the twins birthday! Time to make a cake. No need for milk, just eggs, flour and honey for a honey cake. Watcher says it must be a sponge rather than a cake but she’s just being technical. The cow was on order, anyway.

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Dawn: Both cribs needed to be upgraded to toddler beds. I’m so glad we got the ones that could be adapted. It was time to invite the guests – a Dinner party.

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Yasmin Tinker: Ow ow ow. You really need to clear out these flies!

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Michael: Come on, honey. Blow out the candles on your honey cake.
Jade: Pfft!

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Dawn: That Glutton, Mrs Harris dived into the honey cake before I had a chance to re-light the candles for Jet. I guess that makes up for her getting pranked on our loo last week. I just aged Jet up – he didn’t mind.

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Michael: Our growing twins are adorable.
Dawn: I’m sure all parents say that, but ours really are!
Michael: You spoil them rotten!
Dawn: Me? What about you? Where’s their Dada? Oh yes - wrapped around their little fingers!

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Michael: Milking Freesia the cow was not as easy as it says in the book. I kept at it though. Once we’d built up a good relationship with her, she was more cooperative.

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Jade: Cow cow cow
Freesia: Moo Moo Moo
White Rooster: Cluck. Why don’t I get a name? Cluck
Watcher: Because that would make it harder to trade you for meat as soon as we get another rooster.
White Rooster: Squawk!

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Jet: More More
Michael: I’m trying, son, but sometimes I just end up sitting here holding the book. We’ll give it another go.

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Jade: What did you get Father to do, this time?
Jet: Read lots of books, and I mean lots! What about you?
Jade: I made him play until he got a black eye!
Jet: I’ll have to try that. Too bad he’s gone into work today. He’s so much easier to control than Mother.
Jade: Absolutely!

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Michael: It’s so nice to get out on a date. Jade & Jet are so exhausting.
Dawn: Thanks so much for letting me go open the store for a while. I got $4692 this time.
Michael: That’s great. We’ll be able expand the house soon. But it’s so much easier when there’s two of us looking after the twins.
Dawn: Two plus Watcher! You know you are allowed to say “no” to them when you’re tired.
Michael: But…
Dawn: They’re quite capable of some independence. In fact, some is good for them.
Michael: I promised we’d take them to the park tomorrow.
Dawn: That’s a good idea. I need to find a Surfer frog!

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Jet: I’m tired. I’m hungry. Waaaah!

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Dawn: No Surfer frogs in Willow Creek and Jet was throwing a tantrum. I didn’t have much luck in Oasis Springs either but at least Jet quietened down.

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Jade: Wakey wakey
Jet: zzzzzz
Jade: Whee!
Jet: zzzzzz

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Dawn: Right, with the twins tucked up in bed, it’s time to crack on with your Fabrication skills.
Michael: I’ll just make some plain stuff while I’m practicing.
Dawn: I wish I’d find more dyes in the dumpster. We can afford to buy some, but…
Michael: …but you’d like to manage without.
Dawn: I know I’m funny about that but wouldn’t it be amazing to create a wonderful home with the least amount of money? Just to show it can be done.
Michael: Absolutely. We’ll get there.

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Michael: Happy Birthday to me.
Jet: Dada?
Michael: Hello, son. Yes it’s Dada’s birthday. It’ll be yours tomorrow because you’re both so clever, you’re ready early.
Jet: Party?
Michael: For you two, of course.

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Dawn: We held another Weenie roast to get a chess board for the store. Michael had made a honey cake and I’m sure he packed it. But when we got to the park, it had disappeared. We got to a Silver party and won a camp chair but the twins were getting tired and fractious so we had to leave it at that.

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Dawn: Happy birthday Jade!
Jade: Pfft
Bernice: Happy birthday Jet!
Jet: Pfft

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Michael: And so, after a week of Toddlers, we have Creative Jade and Active Jet. They’ll still get me to dance to their tune, I’m sure. But they’re going to be much more help around the house.

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Dawn: We cleared our lot and moved to Grims Quarry where I first started. We’ve put all the Port Promise NAPs in place and want to fully redeem Grims Quarry too. The neighbourhood got a Green rating as soon as we built our eco house – another pair of eco-covered storage containers with 2 bedrooms, taking up 100 squares.
Port Promise is totally transformed from when I moved in. I’m really proud of what we’ve achieved there.

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Progress End of Week 7 (Year 1, Summer 3/4)
Residence: Rockridge Springs, Grims Quarry, Evergreen Harbour
(Challenges: Reduce & Recycle; Off-Grid; Simple Living)

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Dawn Makey: Founder
– Young Adult (4 days to Adult)
Traits: Creative, Freegan, Outgoing +Cheerful+Self-Assured+Family-Oriented
Spouse: Michael
Michael (Marlowe) Makey: Founders Spouse –Adult (41 days to Elder)
Green Fiend, Active, Loves Outdoors +Proper+Cheerful; Career – Civil Designer 6/10

Generation 2
Jade: Heir?
(twin) – Child (14 days to Teen)
Jet: Heir? (twin) – Child (14 days to Teen)

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Priorities: With the twins enrolled at school and independent at home, there should be a bit more time to get Michael promoted in the Green Technician career and Dawn complete her Master Maker aspiration.

I used Pinstar to roll Traits for the twins. The next gen heir only has one Trait requirement so it didn’t matter too much. I was happy with the results and it hasn’t fixed the choice of heir yet. I think you’ll agree that both Jade and Jet are cute. I adapted Jade’s hairstyle but Jet’s was his own choice.

Not much more headway in this episode but I plan to use Rally the Troops a lot more now the children are members.

For the move back to Grims Quarry, I once again had to move all the build/buy objects into the household inventory to avoid losing them. I also moved all books and toys into personal inventories. Sadly I forgot to get the fridge contents which had disappeared when they got to their new home. All their lovely milk & eggs!
I don’t think this gen will be moving again and I won’t need the mods for the next few gens, not that I think they’re the problem.  Once we’re ready to move on to the next gen without mods, I’ll do a major game overhaul to see if that fixes some problems.

**edited to avoid fly confusion - they don't produce wax**

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 1.7: Everything I Do (11-May)
« Reply #57 on: May 11, 2024, 03:10:45 PM »
 I'm a bit behind thanks to some challenges at work that have had me exhausted in the evenings. So my comments are for the last two chapters:

1.6 I Talk to the Trees
I've never paid much attention to the awards from parties, but you and @oshizu are both really making the most of them. It's funny - we're ten years into this game and I am still learning from both of you!
Jade and Jet are such cute infants!
You've made some choices that make it tougher on Dawn and Michael, but it really emulates a young couple starting out, with money being tight and trying to stay true to their ideals. It makes me love them all the more.
The caption with that image of Michael presenting his concept behind the tree made me laugh out loud. I love how they couldn't see a thing, but they were so polite about it and gave him what he needed - feedback.
The interaction with Caleb looking quite grumpy that he didn't have a shot with Dawn was fun, as was the robin "goosing" with Bernice.  ;D ;D

1.7 Everything I Do
All those flies would creep me out; I never keep them around and had no idea they give wax.
As for the twins - I agree completely - they are adorable - as infants, as toddlers, and as children.
I enjoyed their interaction acknowledging that they are in control, but it's easier with Dad than with Mom.
And Michael - blowing out his candles alone, at night, after a long day of accomplishments . . . but throwing a party for the kids' birthdays - such a dedicated Dad!
They did a great job in Port Promise. I'm looking forward to them doing just as much good in Grims Quarry!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 1.7: Everything I Do (11-May)
« Reply #58 on: May 11, 2024, 03:31:02 PM »
I'm a bit behind thanks to some challenges at work that have had me exhausted in the evenings. So my comments are for the last two chapters:

1.6 I Talk to the Trees
I've never paid much attention to the awards from parties, but you and @oshizu are both really making the most of them. It's funny - we're ten years into this game and I am still learning from both of you!
Jade and Jet are such cute infants!
You've made some choices that make it tougher on Dawn and Michael, but it really emulates a young couple starting out, with money being tight and trying to stay true to their ideals. It makes me love them all the more.
The caption with that image of Michael presenting his concept behind the tree made me laugh out loud. I love how they couldn't see a thing, but they were so polite about it and gave him what he needed - feedback.
The interaction with Caleb looking quite grumpy that he didn't have a shot with Dawn was fun, as was the robin "goosing" with Bernice.  ;D ;D

1.7 Everything I Do
All those flies would creep me out; I never keep them around and had no idea they give wax.
As for the twins - I agree completely - they are adorable - as infants, as toddlers, and as children.
I enjoyed their interaction acknowledging that they are in control, but it's easier with Dad than with Mom.
And Michael - blowing out his candles alone, at night, after a long day of accomplishments . . . but throwing a party for the kids' birthdays - such a dedicated Dad!
They did a great job in Port Promise. I'm looking forward to them doing just as much good in Grims Quarry!
Aw - shucks. You say the loveliest things.

I'm glad you're enjoying the little interactions. Sometimes the expressions on the characters faces just write it for me. I think I made a mistake with Yasmin though. I added in needing the wax which you get from bees. The flies don't give wax - I'll go back and edit it.

I was a bit over-ambitious adding Off-the-Grid and Simple Living to the original requirement of Reduce & Recycle. But I've been enjoying the extra challenge and the end is in sight :)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 1.7: Everything I Do (11-May)
« Reply #59 on: May 11, 2024, 05:05:07 PM »
Jade and Jet are so adorable!  As they're both violet-eyed redheads, you will have a tough choice for the next heir.
Unless of course one has more fitting traits for the next gen's requirements.
When I read that your next gen has "only on trait requirement," I was tempted to scour your future generations to see if I could identify which one you're doing next.
Somehow, I managed to resist that urge so I'll be eagerly anticipate the surprise of the next heir's adventures like everyone else. :D

The way your Makeys moved to Grims Quarry is the way I always have my sims move: stuff from storage boxes/bookshelves/fridge into personal inventories and other stuff (including the garden) in family inventory. Then I "Sell Furniture." If I'm understanding your problem, you're losing items on the lot even when you select "Keep Furniture"?
Moving's a pain for sure both for our sims and irl.  And your Gen1 has already moved twice, yes?

I was sad to see Michael roasting his hot dog in a normal fashion during their second Weenie Roast. :(
Did you mean a 2nd chess set to sell at the shop?
If you wanted one at the shop for family use, couldn't you temporarily pack your first one (with chairs) in family inventory then place it in your shop?
If you're wanting a 2nd chess table to sell in your shop, please ignore me, lol!

Regarding your collection requirement for "All Fabricated Furniture/Decor," I guess you're deliberately excluding upgrade parts and the items available from the Green Technician career?
Renato doesn't have all the "Enthuse about Fabrication blueprints," at least I know he can't fabricate a desk yet.
But he can currently fabricate 31 unique items, including the 3 Eco Invention Concepts and four food recipes that are promotion rewards from the Green Tech career.
Michael can contribute by fabricating his career-related blueprints, couldn't he?

