Author Topic: Makey MishMash Legacy (Complete)  (Read 86160 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Makey MishMash Legacy 1.1: Teenage Dirtbag
« Reply #15 on: May 01, 2024, 03:08:32 PM »
Makey MishMash Legacy 1.1: Teenage Dirtbag

Residence: Rockridge Springs, Grims Quarry, Evergreen Harbour
Dawn: Welcome to my home lot. It’s not much, is it? There seemed to be a lot of litter; I hoped that it was bin-collection day and that fencing made it look like a high crime area. Basically it was a bit grim. I guess the neighbourhood being called Grim’s Quarry says it all.
Still, Watcher said it was mine. My very own. I’ve never had anything of my own before. In the Adoption Bin, you’re one of the lucky ones if you don’t share a bed. And Watcher cleared it before I got here. Apparently the previous house was empty and had become unsafe.

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Dawn: Through a gap in the fence, I found a spot where I could fish in one of the old quarry lakes. I’ve heard that there’s lots of old mining equipment under the water plus the edges are really steep. I will not be swimming in there! There was this friendly chap – Umber Grove – there too. He lives in Chestnut Ridge so I don’t know why he’d come out to this wasteland to fish. He didn’t say. He was only just learning to fish too so we chatted as we fished.

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Dawn: I met this guy, Knox Greenburg who said this neighbourhood wasn’t as bad as Conifer Station and it was heaps better than his neighbourhood – Port Promise. But he also said that I could make a difference by voting. Me? Make a difference? He was really keen that I voted for a Green Initiative and it sounded like a good idea. Me planting stuff on my lot would help air-quality too.

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Dawn: I went on an explore round the old quarry buildings and met Umber’s wife Juniper and Cletus Harris at the community board. They were voting for some regeneration money to be spent on making this site into a community space. I signed up for a Maker Space without any doubts. I was already feeling the urge to create something but had no funds for equipment or even materials. I was also beginning to feel a bit hungry. Watcher? What am I supposed to eat?

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Dawn: Hey – look at me! I packed…absolutely nothing…and moved to Conifer Station. When I asked Watcher what I was supposed to do for food and somewhere to kip, she pointed out that I’m a Freegan so I needed to do some Dumpster Diving. If you know where to look, you can find amazing free stuff in a Dumpster that someone doesn’t want. OK, maybe it’s not amazing, but sometimes it’s not bad. There were no public Dumpsters in Grims Quarry, only one at the Mine Buildings. There are three in Conifer Station! Three! So I moved here, even though it’s got a worse atmosphere than Grims Quarry. Oh I’m going Dumpster Diving to find me some goodies!

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Dawn: But first, some more fishing. I’d joined the scouts and it’s the sort of thing they like to do. Now that lady is the amazingly lovely Bernice Robles. She was really happy to mentor me in fishing. I got another Bass, a Minnow and a Cichlid. I really like her. She’s my first ever real friend.

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Dawn: Another thing I did, before going Dumpster Diving, was my homework for High School at a local picnic bench. It was really boring stuff that I’ll never need to know. And just look at all that rubbish! It really needs cleaning and – I get to vote here too! I’m going to make a difference here. I just know it.

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Dawn: Look who I met at the old Square. He called himself Clement Frost but I know he’s Father Christmas. Not the skinny loser who visited the Adoption Bin each year in a tatty robe and fake beard, giving us second-hand toys. No! This guys the real deal. He not only gave me some tips on Dumpster Diving, he sang while I had a go!

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Dawn: Mm. Cake! What I want to know is, why a high-class lady like Nancy Landgraab is pinching the cake that was clearly meant for me? And also, how come I get so filthy Dumpster Diving and there’s not a mark on her?

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Dawn: My first Dumpster meal. I’ve found a few things but this was the first edible meal – BBQ ribs. They weren’t great but they filled me up. Yeah, you can see how filthy I’d got. I’m afraid I got filthier than that.

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Dawn: When you’ve been playing around with Dumpster Diving, or even just throwing away the rubbish, I bet there’s one option you’ve never clicked on. “Nap In Dumpster” – am I right? On the upside, it was quiet apart from the odd squeak. On the downside, I had a plan to earn a bit of cash but I really needed to be presentable.

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Dawn: It’s probably a long way to go for a shower – Mua Pel’am in Sulani – and I got really cold but, believe you me, it felt good to be clean, really clean.

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Dawn: I went to the bar in Willow Creek. They have free chips in all the bars although they might have thrown me out without that shower. Chips take the edge off my hunger but I need a more sustainable source of food and I’d see some strawberry bushes round the back of here. I thought they might fruit in the morning. I don’t know what possessed me but I started singing into that mike. Really badly at first. I think people were giving me money to shut up. But I got a bit better before I got too tired. Then I curled up on a bench and tried to nap.

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Dawn: Morning rolled round and I was too tired to pick the fruit. I got whisked away to school where Ms Prescott told me what would be expected of me. I was so tired that I told her I wouldn’t be coming back. She looked a bit surprised, pointed out that I was limiting my future job opportunities but I don’t care. School is not for me.

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Dawn: OK, Monday was probably my hardest day. I was so tired and for some reason, I just woke up as soon as I tried to nap anywhere. I passed out a few times that day. I needed a bed as soon as possible. I went back and got the strawberries, plus some snapdragons and then started some serious Dumpster Diving.

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Dawn: Well, I found: $2, 2 burnt dining chairs, a blue dye (yay for blue), a laptop, a WC, a stove and a bath. I recycled the burnt chairs, along with those fish, and then laid out my “treasures” on my lot.

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Dawn: OK, maybe “treasures” is overstating it but, with some encouragement from Bernice - I love that woman - I managed to fix all three. I couldn’t fix the laptop because I need a desk to put it on but I was proud of my new Handiness skills. Bernice is in my Club of friends and I tried to get her to do some cleaning but I ended up doing it myself. Never mind. It got me 3 scouting points.

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Dawn: Tuesday morning and I can’t decide if this was my best find ever. Look – it’s blue! I’ve called it Blue Patch and it gets me round neighbourhoods in a clunky sort of way. There’s this guy Darrell Charm who keeps telling me I could Transportalate if I explored my Spellcaster nature. In fact he keeps inviting me to duel with him at the magic realm but I don’t have time for any of that. Plus Watcher is not keen on me spending time with Darrell.

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Dawn: Look! Look! Look! The old quarry buildings in Grims Quarry have been transformed into a Maker Space. They even took up my suggestion to add a flower-arranging table and a gemology desk. Behind me is Dani – she’s a Maker Mentor and she helped me make that blue bookshelf. I know my lot looks odd at the moment but I have no money for walls. Ignoring that little detail – isn’t my bookshelf amazing? I’m so proud of myself.

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Dawn: And this is the other community lot in Conifer Station’s Square. It’s been repurposed as a Market Place. If you get in there quickly enough, you can use one of the tables to sell stuff. Some of the other stall holders were a bit sniffy because I was selling collectibles instead of crafted stuff. But a vendor’s table is there to be used so I used it. You could say I crafted some of those frogs. I mean I bred them, obviously. But that’s crafty too.

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Dawn: The money from the sale was enough to build a 2 square room for my WC. I’ve been gathering water as often as I can so there was enough for me to take a bath. Luckily there was no-one about. It’s not a popular area after dark. I had time to soak and think about my priorities. I need to get 2 more squares of building for my bath plus enough money to buy a water catcher. I need to find a dumpster bed or get good enough at fabricating to make one.

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Dawn: I got into a bit of a pattern after that. Crafting in the mornings;

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Dawn: Selling in the afternoons, for which I don’t seem to have any other pics; busking through to 2am, harvesting fruit and flowers at dawn;

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Dawn: and then Dumpster Diving to find more “treasures”.

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Dawn: OK, so I haven’t got a bed yet. I found one in a Dumpster but it was all burnt. So was the rocking chair and the two desks. I did find a small dining table, another filthy broken bath which I’ll fix up and put on one side, plus 5 other dyes, a green bean and $79.
I have fabricated an indoor chair, an outdoor chair plus a side table. And my bath is inside now. It’s a shame I have very little water to run a bath but, look at me, sitting on my hand-made chair reading a book off my hand-made bookshelf. Not only that, the Green Initiatives I helped to vote in are beginning to transform the Grims Quarry and Conifer Station. The rubbish has been cleared away and trees are springing up everywhere. Can life get much better than this?

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Progress End of Week 1 (Year 1, Spring 1/4)
Residence: Canal Corner, Conifer Station, Evergreen Harbour
(Challenges: Reduce & Recycle; Off-Grid; Simple Living)

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Dawn’s Origins You may feel that Dawn seems somehow familiar but can’t place her. She was very kindly provided by oshizu as the female clone of her Renato Mistura/Costa, the male Founder of her new MishMash Legacy. We thought it would be fun from a genetics point of view to start with clones to see how their descendants develop.

Moving Lots & NAPs Part of the challenge is to start with an empty lot and zero funds. Having moved Dawn from Grims Quarry to Conifer Station, she was up by $250 which I cheated off again.

Clubs – I wasn’t going to use clubs much because I wanted Dawn to survive on found meals. However my game seems to be acting up – as soon as she tried to Nap she just woke up again straight away. Without napping, poor Dawn was just passing out all the time. I decided, without that functionality, I would set up a Club to get the Rally The Troops as soon as possible. When Dawn has got a bed or the game lets her Nap properly, I’ll stop using it so much.

I have to say that Dawn has not only been quite lucky with her Dumpster finds, she’s also been lucky with the weather – hardly any rain.

Redeeming Evergreen Harbour I love the make-over possibilities in Evergreen Harbour. Having lived for 3 years previously in an ex-coal-mining village (the last mine shut while we were there), regeneration money was vital for the community and made a real difference.

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy Intro: Whatever Happened To..? (29-Apr)
« Reply #16 on: May 01, 2024, 03:37:33 PM »
Oh, you kept Dawn's hair! She does look smashing in that hairstyle!
I love how different the peripheral requirements we chose to complement the main requirements are.

Renato was also constantly tired. Whenever he tried to nap, he'd have to use the potty. His first 3-4 days were really difficult.
Congrats to Dawn on having crafted a bookcase already!
Renato needs to take a page from Dawn's book if he's ever going to complete his Nerd Brain aspiration!

Wow, you're doing both the OtG and Simple Living lot challenges!
I just had Xavier do Simple Living style cooking in the previous generation, so I'll pass. :D
BUt I might rethink the OtG lot challenge once Renato can afford solar panels and dew collectors. Money is TIGHT!

Really loved reading about Dawn's first week!

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy Intro: Whatever Happened To..? (29-Apr)
« Reply #17 on: May 01, 2024, 03:47:02 PM »
Oh, you kept Dawn's hair! She does look smashing in that hairstyle!
I love how different the peripheral requirements we chose to complement the main requirements are.

Renato was also constantly tired. Whenever he tried to nap, he'd have to use the potty. His first 3-4 days were really difficult.
Congrats to Dawn on having crafted a bookcase already!
Renato needs to take a page from Dawn's book if he's ever going to complete his Nerd Brain aspiration!

Wow, you're doing both the OtG and Simple Living lot challenges!
I just had Xavier do Simple Living style cooking in the previous generation, so I'll pass. :D
BUt I might rethink the OtG lot challenge once Renato can afford solar panels and dew collectors. Money is TIGHT!

Really loved reading about Dawn's first week!
Since Dawn has no counters to cook on or a fridge, the Simple Living is no problem at the moment. I may regret it later.

Funnily enough, from dumpster meals she's already learnt 2 of the 27 stall recipes, lol.

Priorities: Where to start? water & power; food production; finances? Help!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 1.1: Teenage Dirtbag (1-May)
« Reply #18 on: May 01, 2024, 04:01:25 PM »
Since Dawn has no counters to cook on or a fridge, the Simple Living is no problem at the moment. I may regret it later.

Funnily enough, from dumpster meals she's already learnt 2 of the 27 stall recipes, lol.

Priorities: Where to start? water & power; food production; finances? Help!

That's funny that Dawn's already learned 2/27 City Living stall recipes.
Renato has only learned one Batuu recipe, lol.

As for Renato's priorities, he has L7 Handiness and needs to start leveling his Fabrication skill for the bookcase.
Completing a collection isn't a current priority, though he's on his last milestone for The curator.
His current priorities are:
*Earning enough to buy solar panels, wind turbines, and dew collectors and build a 3-room house;
*Getting his last badge (Keep Fit)
*Finding more harvestables to plant

I gave him the "Graduate with Honors" requirement to make his life a little more difficult. If I join him at school, he has 3-4 extra hours for crafting.
Hmmm, I might need to donate a woodworking table and Fabricator to Copperdale High...
*and finding a stove and counter (he has a fridge but no counter)

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 1.1: Teenage Dirtbag (1-May)
« Reply #19 on: May 02, 2024, 12:15:41 AM »
First chapter and Father Christmas is already coming around!  Clement! She's a teenager! And WAY better looking than you!
I saw that Renato couldn't use a toilet until he found or made one, and wondering if the same is true for Dawn with the shower - it's the only explanation I can think of for going all the way to Sulani and running to the waterfall to shower when any local gym has showers. If that's the case, the Sulani waterfall is genius. And if that's not the case, it's still cool (not a pun for the cold water!).

How awesome that Renato is both a great-looking male founder and a beautiful female clone founder!
It's going to be so much fun reading the stories of the different approaches two great Watchers take with the same requirements. Dawn is off to a great start!

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 1.1: Teenage Dirtbag (1-May)
« Reply #20 on: May 02, 2024, 12:49:46 AM »
Oddly, both Clement Frost and Darrel Charm also showed up in Renato's game on the second day.
Renato's Incredibly Friendly and Darrell phoned him daily for a while but he finally got the hint, lol.
He never spoke to Clement, though. Why?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 1.1: Teenage Dirtbag (1-May)
« Reply #21 on: May 02, 2024, 01:17:48 AM »
First chapter and Father Christmas is already coming around!  Clement! She's a teenager! And WAY better looking than you!
I saw that Renato couldn't use a toilet until he found or made one, and wondering if the same is true for Dawn with the shower - it's the only explanation I can think of for going all the way to Sulani and running to the waterfall to shower when any local gym has showers. If that's the case, the Sulani waterfall is genius. And if that's not the case, it's still cool (not a pun for the cold water!).

How awesome that Renato is both a great-looking male founder and a beautiful female clone founder!
It's going to be so much fun reading the stories of the different approaches two great Watchers take with the same requirements. Dawn is off to a great start!
You're absolutely right about the rule - no using items on other lots until they've been found by dumpster diving or crafted AND placed successfully on the home lot. We're keeping each other apprised of what can be found but we're fairly sure anything from the activity/skilling section can't.

It's tricky and messy but a whole heap of fun!

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Makey MishMash Legacy 1.2: Help Me Make It Through The Night
« Reply #22 on: May 03, 2024, 03:15:00 AM »
Makey MishMash Legacy 1.2: Help Me Make It Through The Night

Previously: Dawn Makey arrived in run-down Evergreen Harbour and decided to make a difference by voting and dumpster diving. Getting Green Initiatives passed and community spaces set up in 2 neighbourhoods, she settled in Conifer Station but dropped out of High School. Unable to nap successfully, her Club friends helped her to Rally and she survived her first week, having gained an indoor bath and loo.
Residence: Canal Corner, Conifer Station, Evergreen Harbour

Watcher: Dawn? Are you listening? Oh, no you’re not. You’re napping. Yay! Nap well, little one.

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Penny: You’re spending a lot of time here on the Fabricator, Dawn. Have you thought about trying the other maker skills?
Dawn: I’d love to but I need to make a bed. I’ve tried to find a scrapped one but the only one I found was all burned up.
Penny: You need at least level 6 for a single bed, 7 for a double. How about a nice dresser? You’ve got that Grim dye.
Dawn: I can’t sleep in a dresser. Or can I? Anyway, Grim dye doesn’t sound nice.
Penny: You’ll love it!

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Dawn: The dresser turned out really well with the Grim dye but I was starving and I couldn’t find any food to eat. I eat a carrot or strawberry every now and then. But the last thing I wanted is to get digestive problems.

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Dawn: Blue Patch, the bicycle, got me back home. You can see my lovely fabricated dresser in Grim dye. You can also see the new, but identical bath that I found at the end of last week. I’ll repair it and clean it but then it will have to go into storage. I don’t need two baths when I don’t even have one water collector.

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Watcher: Dawn spent quite some time asleep, now she could nap. However, she often got up from her naps to pass out. Which doesn’t make sense to me. Anyway, can we just agree that she passed out a lot and not concentrate on that too much?

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Dawn: Aha! After finding a dining table last week, I found a pink dining chair this week so I could finally sit to fix that old laptop I found. It took quite a while but I did it. This means I can practise Programming for one of my Scout badges. When I get some sort of power generator, that is.

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Dawn: I’d saved enough money for the bills. I think it’s a cheek to charge me anything considering I’m off grid. But I suppose they have to fund the Modern Development I’ve voted for this week. Plus the community space running costs. I guess it’s worth it. What’s not worth it is this 75% off computer purchases coupon. Junk mail just trying to get me to spend money. Why would I buy computers when I can find them in the dumpster?

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Dawn: I considered making lemonade, after what Penny had said about exploring other skills, but it would have taken $54 up front and I’m not sure I’d sell it before it went off. OK, it’s time to admit that, apart from Monday’s bills, I haven’t spent any money at all except on my home. It’s why I haven’t started Woodworking or Painting yet. The first sculpture would only cost $12 in materials but that’s $12 off my home. I’ll have to invest in doing woodwork at some point. It might be the only way I get a counter.
Fabricating is free! If you’ve got the bits and pieces. All my dyes have come from the dumpster.  I can’t sell much from the Fabricator at a Yard Sale, only upgrade pieces.
 I’ve had a range of Maker Mentors, including Caleb. He’s a bit weird but I guess he’s cool.

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Dawn: When I tried to make a brick red dining chair, me and the Fabricator had a creative disagreement about various things, but mostly about who was in charge. I got my dye back though. I find a few dyes in dumpsters, but not enough to go losing them to diva machines.

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Dawn: It’s nice having an indoor bath although I don’t have any lights in there. I do nap in the bath when I’m really tired but Watcher’s always a bit worried that I’ll drown.

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Watcher: Yay, Dawn, you found an edible cheese sandwich.
Dawn (wobbling lip): Yeah.
Watcher: Is your lip wobbling?
Dawn: No…Yes.
Watcher: What’s wrong?
Dawn: I’m glad I found the sandwich because I was really hungry. But it tastes disgusting. And…

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Watcher: …and what?
Dawn: I’m really tired.
Watcher: In you go then.
Dawn: Again?
Watcher: You know you have the best naps possible in dumpsters.
Dawn: But they’re so yucky.
Watcher: And you can have a nice bath when you wake up.
Dawn: A dark bath.
Watcher: But a bath, nonetheless.

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Dawn: I held another yard sale at the Market Square and did quite well. Enough to buy a scrappers water catcher. I shouldn’t have to keep gathering water now.
After the sale, Bernice invited the club to her home in San Sequoia. I got to meet her husband Ian and this little cutie. It was a great day. Someone made mac’n’cheese and I got some in a packed lunch too.

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Candi: Has she keeled over again?
Julia: Should we wake her?
Dina: I don’t think we can.
Candi: Watcher? Are you seeing what you’re putting this poor child through?

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Dawn: I gave the 75% off coupon to Baako as a thank-you for mentoring me while crafting a houndstooth couch. He was really grateful so I’m glad it didn’t go to waste.

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Dawn: My own couch indoors! I told Watcher that this was the best place to nap from now on. No more dumpster napping. I like the diving, but definitely not the napping. Can you see my new (to me) TV? I don’t keep it out much because I don’t want to use electricity but I fixed it and it’s mine.

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Dawn: Look – here’s me on Blue Patch between the dumpsters in Conifer Station. Can you see the big sunflowers on the pavement? They’re part of the Modern Development and look great with the green planting that started last week. The council are going to help people makeover their yards and exteriors too.

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Baako: Hey I got some neat hardware with that voucher you gave me.
Dawn: Was it stuff you wanted anyway?
Baako: Nah. But I had the voucher and it would have been a waste not to spend it.
Dawn: Yep! That’s how they get you.
Baako: What are you making today?
Dawn: A bed! A single bed in brick red!
Baako: Let’s do it!

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Dawn: I wanted to rush home to try out my bed but I had a quick feel of Bernice’s new baby-bump. I love her but she just can’t stop pushing out babies!

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Dawn: Erm, Watcher?
Watcher: I thought you’d have raced inside to try out your bed.
Dawn: Do you mean “try out your beds!” Plural?
Watcher: What are you talking about?
Dawn: I did some last minute dumpster diving and found a Dirty Double Bed, in okay condition.
Watcher (humming): Really? What are the odds?
Dawn: I just don’t believe it!

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Watcher: Sweet Dreams!
Dawn: Oh yes!

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Dawn: Things were a bit better after that. I could get clean and have a good night’s sleep. But I still don’t have a good source of food. I’ve only found four edible meals in the dumpster over these two weeks. That’s just two a week – not enough to live on. I find myself dreaming of the mac’n’cheese we had at Bernice’s.
I kept dumpster diving, alternating between meals and deals. I once got $786 in one go! Someone must have been really careless that day. It was always a bit embarrassing when people came to talk to me about dumpster diving. The guy in the front of this picture is the rather dreamy Faiz Jaleel. Mm – very dreamy.

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Dawn: Oh yes. At the end of the week I went to my one and only Prom. Free food, right? Although they took ages to bring it out. Molly and Yuki were nice, I guess. I don’t think they knew what to make of me. I guess my life is very different to theirs.

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Dawn: I managed to buy a wind turbine so I might even be able to sell electricity if I carry on being careful.
My home might not win any Grand Designs competitions but it’s mine and, look at that, it’s green! Cletus Harris’ house in Grims Quarry was already green. I’m making a difference but Port Promise hasn’t changed at all. I need to get everyone else on board the green train if we’re going to really transform this world.

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Progress End of Week 2 (Year 1, Spring 2/4)
Residence: Canal Corner, Conifer Station, Evergreen Harbour
(Challenges: Reduce & Recycle; Off-Grid; Simple Living)
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Priority Dawn is still without the means of producing food – a stove but no fridge or counter. She also needs a sink other than the inset one she found which – needs a counter!

Green Lots I’m not 100% sure that it is possible to get all the lots in Evergreen Harbour to be Green on the Eco map but Dawn’s determined to give it a go. Passing the Clean Energy and Upcycling NAPs in each neighbourhood, as well as the Green Initiative and Modern Development should help. Also, when she’s got Nerd Brain, she can go visit and upgrade their stuff. That’s the plan anyway.

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 1.2: Help Me Make It Through The Night (3-May)
« Reply #23 on: May 03, 2024, 07:09:29 AM »
Congrats to Dawn on crafting a single bed then finding a double bed! Makes such a huge difference!
Renato ate free chips until he got his fridge but now he can get quick meals if he's at home.
Why are counters so hard to find?!?!?! Arrggh!

You mentioned programming for a scout badge? Do you mean the Young Scientist badge?
Renato went to San Myshuno's Central Park and used the observatory there. Sadly, he didn't get any Space Prints.

How's Dawn going to vote in all three neighborhoods? Will she continue to move among the three neighborhoods?
Renato voted in the Green Initiative in each neighborhood on Day 1, but he's done moving around.

I like how Dawn is taking a different path than Renato. And you're right, Renato will join the Green Tech career to try and get the Smog Vacuum.
He's going to hate the job as a Freegan, but it will be worth it for him!

What a great idea to keep a tally of all of Dawn's dumpster finds! I wish I'd done that, but it's obviously too late now, lol!
Great progress, Dawn! Great update, Watcher! 

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 1.2: Help Me Make It Through The Night (3-May)
« Reply #24 on: May 03, 2024, 10:59:13 AM »
Congrats to Dawn on crafting a single bed then finding a double bed! Makes such a huge difference!
Renato ate free chips until he got his fridge but now he can get quick meals if he's at home.
Why are counters so hard to find?!?!?! Arrggh!

You mentioned programming for a scout badge? Do you mean the Young Scientist badge?
Renato went to San Myshuno's Central Park and used the observatory there. Sadly, he didn't get any Space Prints.

How's Dawn going to vote in all three neighborhoods? Will she continue to move among the three neighborhoods?
Renato voted in the Green Initiative in each neighborhood on Day 1, but he's done moving around.

I like how Dawn is taking a different path than Renato. And you're right, Renato will join the Green Tech career to try and get the Smog Vacuum.
He's going to hate the job as a Freegan, but it will be worth it for him!

What a great idea to keep a tally of all of Dawn's dumpster finds! I wish I'd done that, but it's obviously too late now, lol!
Great progress, Dawn! Great update, Watcher!
Yes - Science badge - 1 hr of practising programming ticks off one point. Doing 5 hours in separate goes gets the badge and ticks off a Computer Whiz requirement. I don't think Dawn will make viruses or hack and there are restrictions on making mods or games that bring in royalties so it's unlikely to be a big source of income. I wanted her to be productive on her home lot while waiting for the dumpster's to refresh. That's a shame Renato didn't get any space prints - they would have made a nice addition.

The plan is to stay put to get 4 eco NAPs in Conifer Station and then move on to another neighbourhood, possibly via the other one to get 3 NAPs during one voting period. I will need to make a schedule of tasks to avoid tying myself in knots! I think she's got a bit of a political/community/campaigning agenda. I like that you unlock items early on the Fabricator if you Enthuse about eco stuff :)

Dawn is really trying to make money without spending money. But the yard sale is not productive for the things she's found and the sellable Fabricator items are not high value. Once she's got a store, she should be breezing. Well, if she finds/makes a counter and finds a fridge, she will be! Are you sticking to "only making items you've already found"? That's a hard one that I'm not sticking with.

The Freegan trait is a challenge for any work, even Freelance! When I was playtesting, I thought "no work so don't need school - or even the Responsible trait!". I might regret that...

The dumpster tally includes both usable and unusable items. I decided I couldn't take the time to separate them.

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 1.2: Help Me Make It Through The Night (3-May)
« Reply #25 on: May 03, 2024, 11:32:06 AM »
Yes - Science badge - 1 hr of practising programming ticks off one point. Doing 5 hours in separate goes gets the badge and ticks off a Computer Whiz requirement. I don't think Dawn will make viruses or hack and there are restrictions on making mods or games that bring in royalties so it's unlikely to be a big source of income. I wanted her to be productive on her home lot while waiting for the dumpster's to refresh. That's a shame Renato didn't get any space prints - they would have made a nice addition.

The plan is to stay put to get 4 eco NAPs in Conifer Station and then move on to another neighbourhood, possibly via the other one to get 3 NAPs during one voting period. I will need to make a schedule of tasks to avoid tying myself in knots! I think she's got a bit of a political/community/campaigning agenda. I like that you unlock items early on the Fabricator if you Enthuse about eco stuff :)

Dawn is really trying to make money without spending money. But the yard sale is not productive for the things she's found and the sellable Fabricator items are not high value. Once she's got a store, she should be breezing. Well, if she finds/makes a counter and finds a fridge, she will be! Are you sticking to "only making items you've already found"? That's a hard one that I'm not sticking with.

The Freegan trait is a challenge for any work, even Freelance! When I was playtesting, I thought "no work so don't need school - or even the Responsible trait!". I might regret that...

The dumpster tally includes both usable and unusable items. I decided I couldn't take the time to separate them.

About making money, Dawn already has the marketable trait, right?
Yes, I'm sticking to only using the More Woodworks mod to craft same-category items that i've already found/crafted/bought at Flea Market.
This rule only applies to the More Woodworks mod, though, and Renato may craft any fabricated and unmodded woodworking items he pleases.
So far, I've found functional versions of:
*Found in dumpsters: end table, desk chair, couch, shower, sink, toilet, living chair, and double bed
*Woodworking (default): wall decoration, mirror, dining chair, dining table, bathtub, and toilet
*Fabricator: bookcase, living chair, and standing lamp
*Flea market: sofa
So I'm allowing myself to craft any of the above using the More Woodworks mod.  Once I've found a counter (crosses fingers), I'll let myself craft both counters and kitchen islands.
I don't think we'll find cribs and toddler beds in dumpsters, so I'll be using More Woodworks to craft those, too.
I think crafting easel is also kosher, but Renato's finished his painting aspiration so doesn't need an easel. Maybe his wife will.
I'll probably regret this decision, but I've decided to Duel for Artifacts to get any wand and any broom before I allow myself to craft them with the More Woodworks mod.

Also, fyi, I'm going to let Renato buy the Retail Counter for his shop without requiring him to find a counter dumpster diving first.
Regarding display racks, I'm going to make those okay after Renato has earned x number of retail perks.
Okay, back to shop building.

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 1.2: Help Me Make It Through The Night (3-May)
« Reply #26 on: May 04, 2024, 12:09:57 AM »
Poor Dawn - she's having a rough time. So glad she was able to make (and find) a bed. She's just too pretty to be so stinky from napping in the dumpster and everything gets better with a good night's sleep.
But she does need food, so I hope she finds a fridge and counter soon.
It is really fun reading the two stories with the same core requirements but such different methods of meeting them.
It's also really fun that you've both added requirements that are different.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 1.2: Help Me Make It Through The Night (3-May)
« Reply #27 on: May 04, 2024, 01:29:31 AM »
Poor Dawn - she's having a rough time. So glad she was able to make (and find) a bed. She's just too pretty to be so stinky from napping in the dumpster and everything gets better with a good night's sleep.
But she does need food, so I hope she finds a fridge and counter soon.
It is really fun reading the two stories with the same core requirements but such different methods of meeting them.
It's also really fun that you've both added requirements that are different.
Dawn's wobbly lip was so tragic! You have to zoom in really close to see it but she was too sad.
That elusive fridge & counter! Thank heavens for free bar chips!

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Makey MishMash Legacy 1.3: Staying Alive
« Reply #28 on: May 04, 2024, 03:26:44 AM »
Makey MishMash Legacy 1.3: Staying Alive

Previously: Dawn continued to dive into dumpsters; passed out a lot; ate some disgusting food; had a contretemps with a fabricator but eventually helped it make her own bed which the Adoption Bin carers had been trying to get her to do all through her childhood.
Residence: Canal Corner, Conifer Station, Evergreen Harbour

Dawn: After last night’s Prom, I had some serious thinking to do. My lifestyle is clearly at odds with the people around me although I've got plenty of friends... My birthday is due on Friday and I really want to get my Llamacorn Scout trophy. Not just because it’s free and I can sell it! Come on! There’s more to me than penny-pinching.

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Dawn: Another stove. It's not as good as the first and it's not a fridge. This one can go away to be sold. If only I could gather enough funds for a lot from which to run a sale.

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Dawn: Argh – so hungry! Yes, I’m pleased that the Modern Development is taking effect and, yes I’m excited to vote in the Upcycling NAP. But that doesn’t help the hunger pangs! I thought Scouts were renowned for their cookies? There were no cookies there this week.

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Dawn: Another Yard Sale and I put my Prom photo out for added attraction. I was a bit creeped out when Hector Laurent bought it. Maybe that’s why I didn’t sell much else.

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Baako: Come on, Dawn! If you really want a counter, you’re going to have to build up your Handiness. Make some small sculptures and the money they cost you will be more than doubled. Sometimes you have to spend a little to get a lot.

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Dawn: My first horse was Excellent but my second was Poor. I wouldn’t describe it as a disaster but apparently it was!

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Barman: Free chips and no drink again, is it Miss?
Dawn: Yeah. I’m really tired but I need to busk up some tips and these will help me perk up a bit.

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Knox: Thanks for coming to GeekCon with me. Although I thought we’d be working on the rocket.
Dawn: I know that’s what you said and I’m grateful for the GeekCon ticket but, after I’d had a go, I saw there was this Hackathon!
Knox: Hey! What do you know – you won it! You got that amazing computer.
Dawn: Great – I guess. Actually, the $500 would be more useful today. But the computer is much better than my other one.

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Dawn: Baako was right. Running a Yard Sale with my own work netted me $1440. I’ve got enough to open my store!

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Dawn: The woodwork got me Scout points. I’d got none from all the Fabrications. Scouts needs to move with the times, imho. Anyway, apart from doing a bit of jogging, it’s the Good Deeds I’m struggling with. I’ve tried making people laugh but they’re a tough crowd. I helped this girl with her homework but that didn’t count.

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Dawn: I went round to Bernice’s house to see if she’d got any odd jobs I could do for her. Watcher says that’s what she did when it was called Bob-a-Job week. I played with Bernice’s toddler, but that didn’t count. Eventually I cleared up individual plates and emptied her bin after each addition. I thought Scouts was to teach you good citizenship. It just taught me how to sneak round the rules. Still – Llamacorn Scout I am!

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Dawn: My reward? Dumpster cookies. They filled a gap but left a bad taste in my mouth. Still, it was a going to be a good day. It was my birthday!

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Dawn: I got hold of the first plot I landed on in Grim Quarry for my open air store. It’s too big really. I had to buy a counter and a cash register – I’ve never heard of anyone finding those items in dumpsters.
Here’s my haul. It’s my first opening so I didn’t put all my collectibles out. I’m not sure I’ll continue the sales on this lot.

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Dawn: My first sale! I got four sales in all, giving a princely sum of £2087. Wow! I’m rich!

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Dawn: I got to the Spice Festival for the interesting plants and free food. It was Love Day which is not really my bag, being Single&Lovin’ It, but I gave Faiz Jaleel a rose to celebrate. Do you remember I met him while Dumpster Diving? I asked him to go with me for birthday cake but he looked a bit shocked that I was still only a teen and said he was too tired.

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Waitress: Free cake and water for one? Sure, honey. We’ve all been there.
Dawn: No – wait – I’ve got lots of friends. They’re just….
Waitress: Busy? Sure, honey. I’ll bring it right out.

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Dawn: I have got lots of friends. In fact I’m Outgoing now. Watcher said I may as well be since I’d get offered it soon enough!

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Dawn: Wow! A day-after-my-birthday gift! The best possible stove. Thanks Watcher. Those others can go to the store.

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Julia: Is it true, Dawn? You’re actually going to make a counter top?
Baako: She will if you let her concentrate.
Juniper: We’re all here, rooting for you Dawn.
Julia (chanting): Go Dawn! Go Dawn!

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Dawn: Finally, I can place the only sink I’ve ever found. It needed repairing and cleaning, of course. But a sink on my own hand-crafted counter! Wonderful.

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Dawn: Time for bed after a long week. I’ll make another counter tomorrow for food prep. Maybe I’ll even find a fridge. Then I need to think about where I really want my store…

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Progress End of Week 3 (Year 1, Spring 3/4)
Residence: Canal Corner, Conifer Station, Evergreen Harbour
(Challenges: Reduce & Recycle; Off-Grid; Simple Living)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

-- Food production - a stove and soon a counter top but no fridge. Dawn is relying on bar chips and fruit. Even with a fridge, she has the Simple Living Lot Challenge and she doesn’t like spending money!
-- Next gen – now she’s an adult, Dawn really needs to find that certain someone. As she's supposed to marry someone met while dumpster diving, crafting or selling, her current options are Caleb and Faiz. Hm...she'd really like a Green Fiend!

More Woodwork mod Oshizu has lured me to the dark side with this wonderful mod that lets you craft so much more on the woodworking table, including the new counter. In my delusional dreams, Dawn was going to find everything she needed without using the mod but I couldn’t let her suffer any more. Those wobbling lips when she was eating poor dumpster food really got to me.

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 1.3: Staying Alive (4-May)
« Reply #29 on: May 04, 2024, 10:38:48 AM »
With a counter for her sink, and another coming for food prep, along with a lot for selling, I feel like Dawn has turned a corner and it will keep getting better from here.
It's refreshing to have her not immediately focused on finding a partner - usually that's the first thing a founder does, but it really doesn't have to be rushed like that, and it's to see a young woman focused first on more than finding a man.
That more woodworking mod is awesome! My Gen 2 heir, Rose, used it as she could only sell items made on the woodworking bench. She didn't use it to it's fullest potential because those weren't the priciest items she could sell, but LittleMsSam did a great job of incorporating other items for Sims to make.
Congrats, Dawn, on winning the Hackathon!
Hopefully, your days of extreme hunger and dumpster filth will soon be behind you.