Author Topic: Makey MishMash Legacy 4.5: Somebody To Love (2-Jul)  (Read 5877 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Intro: Whatever Happened To..?
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2024, 01:50:49 PM »
Whatever Happened To..?

Caillen Wallace: She must be here somewhere. Without more information, all these online ancestry message boards seem to be dead ends. You’d think someone might know something.

Intro 1.jpg

Dirk: Mum? Who are you looking for?
Caillen: My adoptive half-sister, Audrina. Do you remember that I told you – Mum was in the process of adopting her but she died suddenly. The paperwork came through and we got her picture but Audrina had just vanished.

Screenshot 2024-04-27 121508.jpg

Dirk: Have you tried the DNA sites?
Caillen: That wouldn’t work. She wasn’t a blood relative. I don’t know why Mum was adopting a child but she must have had a good reason.
Dirk: Have you tried starting an adoption process yourself? She might still be in that system.

Intro 2.jpg

Caillen: Dirk! You’re a genius. She’s here. She’s really here, look!


Dirk: Way to go, Mum! Quick, let’s adopt her.
Caillen: I’m clicking on the button but it won’t register. Oh no! Now there’s a line through her picture. What’s going on?


Dirk: And now her photo’s gone altogether. Oh Mum, maybe someone else has adopted her. Someone else wants her.
Caillen: Oh, I hope so. I want her to have a wonderful life, just like Mum would have given her.
Dirk: I'm sure she'll be OK, Mum. After all, she's more-or-less a Watched Sim.

Intro 3.jpg

Meanwhile, in an entirely different but somehow familiar Simverse:
Audrina: Who are you?
Granny: I’m Granny Lawlor. I’m your Watcher. Or rather, I’m your Watcher’s SimSelf and how she wishes she looked. Look at this waistline!
Audrina: I’m sorry, I’m a bit confused. I’ve spent my whole life in and out of the Adoption Bin. Are you going to send me back too? It’s the ears, isn’t it. Everyone’s freaked out by my ears. It’s why the Adoption Bin makes me put my hair back so potential parents can see them up front. It saves a lot of time. And stops me getting my hopes up. Did you not notice my ears?
Granny: Oh, you poor darling. It’s not about your ears. They’re lovely.
Audrina: It’s my freckles then. I get teased about them all the time.
Granny: It’s not your ears and it’s not your freckles. You’re perfect, just the way you are. But I’m not adopting you, exactly.
Audrina: That’s OK. It’s my birthday today so I can get on by myself now.

Intro 4.jpg

Granny: Well that’s actually why I brought you out here. You were supposed to be adopted by a former Heir in a Legacy family but she died…
Audrina: Bonnie? You’re talking about Bonnie. She didn’t mind my ears or my freckles but I never heard back from her. You say that she died? Oh that’s sad. She was nice.
Granny: Yes. Me and her family have been trying to track you down and now I was wondering if you fancied being part of your own Legacy?
Audrina: I’m too old to be adopted now.
Granny: You’d have to start off on your own with no money and just the lot you can live on. But I’d be your Watcher and help you make a good start.
Audrina: Do I have to be called Audrina?
Granny: Not if you don’t like that name.
Audrina: The Adoption Bin gave it to me. I wanted the name Aurora but that had already been taken.
Granny: How about Dawn? It means the same as Aurora and I like it a lot. Dawn Makey – Makey’s one of my personal ancestral names. What do you think?
Dawn: Dawn Makey? Yeah. I could be a Dawn Makey.

Intro 5.jpg

At Chez Llama:
Granny: We just need a cake and some drinks. Coffee for me and, oh – you only do water for kids? Why would you provide children with colouring sheets and not do any soft drinks?

Intro 6.jpg

Dawn: That’s OK. I’m used to water. And I like colouring – I’m very Creative. But can I have a blue confetti cake? We only ever got plain white cake in the Bin but I love the colour blue.
Granny: Blue confetti cake, it is.

Intro 7.jpg

Granny: Are you ready, Dawn?
Dawn: And you’re going to be around to help me?
Granny: To the best of my ability.
Dawn: You promise?
Granny: Cross my heart, sweet girl. Make a wish!
Dawn: I wish…

Intro 8.jpg

Granny: Happy Birthday, Dawn.
Dawn: Here I go!

Intro 9.jpg

Granny: Now, what shall I do while she’s sorting out her wardrobe? I know my real self wants me to run around doing playtesting but that can start tomorrow.

Intro 10.jpg

Granny: Ah yes! Coffee and cake. There’s always time for coffee and cake. Or cookies. Or chocolate…

Intro 11.jpg

And so we leave the Wallace family in their beautiful island home in order to travel with their erstwhile relative Dawn as she finds her feet (and the rest of herself) in a brand new legacy challenge. Jump to chapter 1.1: Teenage Dirtbag

This will be a MishMash Challenge, crafted in collaboration with oshizu. We’ll be playing alongside each other and also Glazey Lady who is still enjoying their original MishMash. There will be some similar generations and some different generations but not necessarily in the same order.

The Sim Child Dawn/Audrina in this intro is not the actual Audrina from my Wallace Simology Legacy. I was never able to track her down. This Child is an aged-down version of the Teen Dawn Makey who will be the Founder of this Legacy.

This trailer was filmed before a live studio audience played out in an isolated game. Dawn’s Teen-self will be arriving in her new homelot in the official new game save, with an update coming to a cinema near you on this forum very soon…hopefully…if I don’t crash and burn and need a restart…

Now, where’s that cake…

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2024, 01:51:08 PM »
Rules & Gameplay Settings

Challenge Rules
General conventions for multi-gen challenges:
--no money cheats except initial reduction;
--no mods that offer any unfair advantage in gameplay
--requirements in generations drawn from existing challenges may be dropped, amended or expanded;
--the legacy household may move at will within the restrictions of the generations;
--appropriate items, esp from later packs, may be added to community lots;
--people moving in can bring in no more their share of previous household funds;
--people moving out must take no less than their share of legacy household funds;
--early age-ups allowed when:
  ----Nooboos: good friends with both parents (if in-house);
  ----Infants: Well-Loved & Well-Cared-For plus 10 milestones;
  ----Toddlers: max all 5 toddler skills;
  ----Children: A grade and a minimum of 3 aspirations;
  ----Teens: A grade & Llamacorn Scout;
  ----Young Adult and Adults: no early age-ups.

Gameplay Settings
Lifespan: Normal
Seasons: 28 days
Weather: Thunderstorms/Blizzards off (except in Mt Komorebi); Weather affects sims.
Pack settings: Opt-out of Fame; disabled NPC Voting
Starting age: Teen founder
Starting funds: $20,000 to purchase empty starter lot, then cheated down to $0.

*Mods by LittleMissSam: More Woodwork, Live In Retail

Generations Overview
Each generation will be drawn from existing challenges posted online with additions/tweaks born out of collaboration with @oshizu This follows on from her recently completed Mistura MishMash Challenge crafted with @GlazeyLady whose ongoing challenge can be found here

The requirements for each generation will be posted here as they are revealed in the narrative.

Generation 1 - Dumpster-Diving Rags-to-Riches
Dawn Makey

based on the one here with various tweaks:
Added Off-Grid and Simple Living Lot Challenges;
Tiny Residence is allowed

Complete: Week 10, Friday
🛠️Start with $0 on an empty lot in Evergreen Harbour and remain in that world
🛠️Always have Reduce&Recycle, Off-Grid AND Simple Living Lot Challenges.
🛠️Career: Stall Holder, Shop Owner
🛠️House before marriage allowed: 1 bedroom (double bed, light), 1 bathroom (sink, toilet, bath/shower, light), 1 open-plan room (fridge, sink, counter, stove, table, chair, light)
🛠️Marry someone you meet while Dumpster Diving, Crafting or Selling
🛠️Conceive all children in Dumpsters 🛠️🛠️
🛠️Complete house: 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Kitchen, Living Room, Hobby/Study Room, Dining Room, Pool, Garden - all appropriately furnished and all with Lighting/décor/Wallpaper/Floor
🛠️Skills: Handiness, Fabrication, Entrepreneur, Violin
🛠️Aspirations: Master Maker, Nerd Brain, Leader of the Pack, Friend of the World)
🛠️Collections: All possible fabrications, dyes and base woodwork items used within the house plus Frogs
🛠️NAPS - 4 eco/development NAPS in every Evergreen Neighbourhood

Generation 2 - Magical Florist
Jade Makey

based on the one here with various tweaks:
--collections - magical artifacts, magic beans (done recently in another challenge)

Complete: Week 18, Thursday
💐Trait: Loves Outdoors
💐Beat Spouse in duels 6 times
💐Complete Spellbook
💐Become Cursed
💐Skills: Gardening, Flower Arranging, Herbalism, Veterinary
💐Aspirations: Freelance Botanist, Friend of the Animals, Purveyor of Potions, Spellcraft & Sorcery
💐Career: Florist
💐Floral arrangements to be sold only via Plopsy, Vendor Table or Retail Store
💐All children to be called after flowers and conceived at Granite Falls or in a Party Bush
💐Have a black cat with no bad behaviours

Generation 3 - Hates ChildrenNarcissist Mother
Cassia Makey

Based on - Fatal Flaws Legacy
Replaced: Unflirty trait with Self-Absorbed
Removed: requirement to enroll then drop out of University

Complete: Monday, Week 25
🎤Traits: Goofball, Self-Absorbed, Hates Children +Self-Assured +Insider +Family-Oriented
🎤Teen Career: Simfluencer
🎤Exchange Promise Rings with High School sweetheart.
🎤Move out with High School sweetheart as soon as a Young Adult
🎤Break up right after conception
🎤Career: Entertainer – Comedian
🎤Child must have Fussy Toddler trait
🎤 Become BFFs with child before she’s a Teen
🎤 Skills 4: Comedy, Parenting, Piano, Singing
🎤Aspirations 4: Joke Star, Musical Genius, Super Parent, World Famous Celebrity
🎤Collections 4: Cracker Plushies, Eggs, MySims Trophies, Voidcritters
🎤Household: Have a full staff and be Good Friends with all of them 4 – Butler, scheduled Maid & Gardener, regular Nanny
🎤Purchase a fully-furnished Celebrity House in The Pinnacles, Del Sol Valley (not by moving in with)
🎤Always interact with any Papparazzi
🎤Host a Charity or Meet & Greet event every week
🎤Never have another romantic relationship

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Generations 1-2
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2024, 01:51:35 PM »
Generation 1: Dumpster Diving Rags-to-Riches

The Founder: Dawn Makey - Requirements completed: Week 10, Friday
Age: Elder
Traits: Creative, Freegan, Outgoing +Cheerful +Family Oriented +Self-Assured
Aspirations: Leader of the Pack, Friend of the World, Nerd Brain, Master Maker
Career: None
Spouse: Michael Marlowe; Children: Jade & Jet, Madeline, Karly, Judd, Judy, Kelli, Arielle

Residence #1: Rockridge Springs, Grims Quarry, Evergreen Harbour
Residence #2: Canal Side, Conifer Station, Evergreen Harbour
Residence #3: The Shipping Views, Port Promise, Evergreen Harbour
Residence #4: Rockridge Springs, Grims Quarry, Evergreen Harbour
Final home: The Portmouth Promenade, Port Promise, Evergreen Harbour

Founder's Spouse: Michael (Marlowe)
Age: Elder
Traits: Active, Green Fiend, Loves Outdoors +Proper +Cheerful +Genius
Career: Civil Designer: Green Technician
Spouse: Dawn;
Origin: Gallery download from SimmerLarsy

Generation 2: Magical Florist

Gen 2 Heir: Jade (twin) - Requirements completed: Week 18, Thursday
   Age: Adult
   Born: Week 5, Saturday
   Traits: Creative, Loves Outdoors, Animal Enthusiast +Loyal +Family-Oriented +Cheerful
   Spouse: Ridge (Brant); Children: Cassia, Daisy, Erica, Flax
   Llamacorn Scout
   Skills: Gardening, Herbalism, Veterinary, Flower Arranging
   Aspirations: Artistic Prodigy, Whiz Kid, Rambunctious Scamp, Mind&Body, Creative Genius, Social Butterfly, Slumber Party Animal, Playtime Captain, Friend of the World; Spellcraft & Sorcery; Purveyor of Potions; Freelance Botanist, Friend of the Animals
   Career: Manual Labourer & Florist
   Residence: Glimmerbrook Watch, Glimmerbrook

Gen 2 Heir's Spouse: Ridge (Brant)
   Age: Death by Killer Chicken
   Traits: Music Lover, Insider, Perfectionist +Family-Oriented +Cheerful
   Career: Entertainer
   Spouse: Jade
   Origin: Spontaneous Townie

Gen 2 Spare: Jet (twin)
   Age: Adult
   Born: Week 5, Saturday
   Traits: Active, Lactose Intolerant, Loves Outdoors
   Spouse: Rosalie (Delgato); Children: London, Norma, Roberto, Sullivan, Tim
   Llamacorn Scout
   Skills: None
   Aspirations: Artistic Prodigy, Whiz Kid, Rambunctious Scamp, Creative Genius, Social Butterfly, Slumber Party Animal, Playtime Captain, Mind&Body, Friend of the World
   Career: Life Guard, Body Builder
   Residence #1: Glimmerbrook Watch, Glimmerbrook
   Final home: Nookstone, Bedrock Straits, Oasis Springs

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Generations 3-4
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2024, 01:52:01 PM »
Generation 3: Narcissist Mother

Gen 3 Heir: Cassia - Requirements completed: Monday, Week 25
   Born: Week 13, Thursday
   Age: Adult
   Traits: Goofball, Self-Absorbed, Hates Children +Insider +Self-Assured +Family-Oriented
   Ex: Hayes Moon; Children: Dorothy
   Skills: Piano, Singing, Comedy
   Aspirations: None
   Teen Career: Simfluencer
   Career: Entertainer: Comedian
   Residence #1: Bailey-Moon Manor, The Pinnacles, Del Sol Valley
   Residence #2: Vacuous Green, Mirage Park, Del Sol Valley
   Final home:Chateau Peak, The Pinnacles, Del Sol Valley

Gen3 Heir's Ex: Hayes Moon
   Age: Adult
   Traits: Adventurous, Child of the Islands, Evil +Creative
   Career: Criminal
   Children: Dorothy Makey
   Origin: Son of Octavia Moon and Thorne Bailey

Gen 3 Spare: Daisy
   Born: Week 13, Thursday
   Age: Adult
   Traits: Perfectionist, Green Fiend, Loves Outdoors
   Spouse: Fabian Ernest; Children: lots
   Residence #1: Bailey-Moon Manor
   Final home: Charm House, Glimmerbrook

Gen 3 Spare: Erica
   Born: Week 15, Thursday
   Age: Deceased
   Traits: Practice Makes Perfect, Cheerful

Gen 3 Spare: Flax
   Born: Week 15, Thursday
   Age: Adult
   Traits: Good, Perfectionist

Generation 4: Beauty Out Of Broken

Gen 4 Heir: Dorothy - Requirements completed: ?
   Born: Week 19, Saturday
   Age: Young Adult
   Traits: Creative, Self-Assured, Loner +Family-Oriented +Cheerful +Perfectionist
   Spouse: none; Children: Dearg, Dixie, Deco, Dale, Denim, Disco
   Skills: Charisma, Handiness, Painting, Photograph
   Aspirations: Painter Extraordinaire, StrangerVille Mystery
   Career: Interior Decorator
   Residence #1: Cliffside Crest, Shady Acres, StrangerVille
   Residence #2: Creek Corner Cove, Shady Acres, StrangerVille
   Residence #3: Dream Weavers Way, Shady Acres, StrangerVille
   Residence #4: Plateau Place, Shady Acres, StrangerVille
   Final home: StrangerVille Overlook, Shady Acres, StrangerVille

Gen 4 Heir's SpouseSpouse: Umber Robinson
   Age: Adult
   Traits: Cringe, Maker, Family-Oriented +Outgoing +Green Fiend +Perfectionist
   Career: Handyman
   Spouse: n/a; Children: Dearg, Dixie, Deco, Dale, Denim, Disco
   Origin: Not-in-World Townie (no family)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Generations 5-6
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2024, 01:52:17 PM »
Generation 5: ?

Gen 5 Potential Heirs: - Requirements completed: ?
   Dearg (twin)
   Born: Week 25, Friday
   Parents: Dorothy Makey & Umber Robinson
   Age: Teen
   Traits: Insider, Self-Assured
   Spouse: -; Children: -
   Teen Career:
   Residence #1:
   Final home:

   Dixie (twin)
   Born: Week 25, Friday
   Parents: Dorothy Makey & Umber Robinson
   Age: Teen
   Traits: Self-Assured, Unflirty
   Spouse: -; Children: -
   Teen Career:
   Residence #1:
   Final home:

   Deco (twin)
   Born: Week 26, Wednesday
   Parents: Dorothy Makey & Umber Robinson
   Age: Child
   Traits: Loves Outside
   Spouse: -; Children: -
   Teen Career:
   Residence #1:
   Final home:

Dale (twin)
   Born: Week 26, Wednesday
   Parents: Dorothy Makey & Umber Robinson
   Age: Child
   Traits: Loner
   Spouse: -; Children: -
   Teen Career:
   Residence #1:
   Final home:

   Born: Week 27, Tues/Wed (Midnight)
   Parents: Dorothy Makey & Umber Robinson
   Age: Child
   Traits: Insider
   Spouse: -; Children: -
   Teen Career:
   Residence #1:
   Final home:

   Born: Week 27, Tues/Wed (Midnight)
   Parents: Dorothy Makey & Umber Robinson
   Age: Child
   Traits: Art Lover
   Spouse: -; Children: -
   Teen Career:
   Residence #1:
   Final home:

Gen5 Heir's Spouse:

Generation 6: ??

Gen 6 Heir: ? - Requirements completed: ?
   Residence #1:
   Final home: ??

Gen 6 Heir's Spouse:

   Spouse: n/a; Children: n/a

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Generations 7-8
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2024, 01:52:49 PM »

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Generations 9-10
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2024, 01:53:11 PM »

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Generations 11-12 (Maybe)
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2024, 01:54:10 PM »
*** Reserved ***

This started out with the aim of 10 generation but there is the possibility of a couple more :)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Collaboration Challenge - Coming Soon
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2024, 04:46:17 PM »
Yay! Our planning are approaching ever closer to realization!
Really looking forward to your trailer!!!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Collaboration Challenge - Coming Soon
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2024, 07:03:23 PM »
I've got my popcorn ready! Can't wait for the games to begin!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Collaboration Challenge - Coming Soon
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2024, 06:07:05 AM »
Yay! Our planning are approaching ever closer to realization!
Really looking forward to your trailer!!!

I've got my popcorn ready! Can't wait for the games to begin!
I've really enjoyed the planning process, the collaboration and so on. But, of course, the real fun is in the game-play!

The Intro is now posted and I'm about to launch Dawn Makey into the game. :D

Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy: Intro (29-Apr)
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2024, 01:14:56 PM »
I was going to use reading your trailer as a dangling carrot to motivate me to put together my own trailer, but I simply couldn't resist.
What a great trailer and how lovely to meet Watcher's simself, enjoying cake, chocolate, and cookies without ever worrying about a changing waistline. (If only....!)

A genius idea to tie Dawn Makey into the missing Audrina Wallace, simply genius!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy: Intro (29-Apr)
« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2024, 03:30:46 PM »
I was going to use reading your trailer as a dangling carrot to motivate me to put together my own trailer, but I simply couldn't resist.
What a great trailer and how lovely to meet Watcher's simself, enjoying cake, chocolate, and cookies without ever worrying about a changing waistline. (If only....!)

A genius idea to tie Dawn Makey into the missing Audrina Wallace, simply genius!
I'm still feeling quite sad that I couldn't find the "real" Audrina but working out where the line between fiction and truth lies when crafting a narrative around a game could send one a bit do-lally! Lol.

Now - where's your trailer? **waggling carrot** I'm on tenterhooks.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy Intro: Whatever Happened To..? (29-Apr)
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2024, 10:10:04 PM »
Loved seeing your simself! Personally with mine, I love the way years just . . . disappear. 🤣

I agree that it was genius to tie your founder into your missing Audrina. I know you wanted to find the real one, but this is such a perfect way to start, imo.