Author Topic: Makey MishMash Legacy (Complete)  (Read 86601 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 10.3: Suspicious Minds (29-Oct)
« Reply #375 on: October 29, 2024, 11:25:44 AM »
That screenshot of the brides' reaction to what Oliver was convinced was an excellent valedictorian speech was hilarious!

By the way, did Oliver inherit his character traits?
Another simmer friend and I have not been able to get our character traits when graduating at the same time as aging up.

Good luck with your search for the best bride, Oliver!
From a relationship/trait/aspiration development point of view, the Graduation Ceremony was a dead loss. Apart from the Principal introducing Oliver and him doing his speech, absolutely nothing else happened. No receiving diplomas, no hat throwing. From a storytelling point of view, the Bride's reactions and Oliver's misplaced confidence were gold!

Yes, Oliver got his character traits on aging into a YA. You may be sure that I saved the game very carefully before aging both him and David up just in case. But, phew, everything was OK and they didn't need to Graduate Early to get the traits.

Oliver aged up first, getting Valedictorian. I'm not sure if that makes a difference as David had equal academic qualifications plus being top Cheerleader.

I was sorry to say goodbye to Greta. She had lovely green eyes and she'd become a Goofball like Oliver. Still, a pairing of 2 Goofballs can only end in Hysteria, so maybe it's for the best.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 10.3: Suspicious Minds (29-Oct)
« Reply #376 on: October 29, 2024, 11:40:07 AM »
There can only be one Valedictorian per week, so the second high school graduate can only Graduate with Honors.

Glad to hear that both boys aged up with their character traits. I wonder if that bug's been fixed?

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Makey MishMash Legacy 10.4: Rumour Has It
« Reply #377 on: October 30, 2024, 01:34:58 PM »
Makey MishMash Legacy 10.4: Rumour Has It

Previously: Oliver pranked all the Brides to celebrate Prank Day and took them to his Valedictorian Graduation Ceremony; he played a game with each of them and then took them all on solo dates; Nicki tried to derail the Rose Ceremony by kissing Oliver in front of everyone but it was Greta who was evicted for her low relationship with Oliver

Oliver: The Rose Ceremony had been difficult. Nicki kissing me, Viola slapping me and having to ask Greta to leave. Well, at least Greta made that easy for me.
We all needed a bit of time out. I went for a much needed jog. Olivia and Yvonne went to volunteer at a Bake Sale and Viola tried meditation to calm her emotions.

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The others took turns to play Thumbs Up for Bunty and cards for Renee. Nicki had a lot of ground to make up in the Island Manor in terms of her relationships with the others, so she was happy to join them.

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Oliver: Back from my run and Bunty called me over to sit with her in the lounge. We were both quite flirty.

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Olivia had returned from the Bake Sale and started cooking. I don’t think Renee and Nicki had any cooking skill between them, but they joined in and told her what to do.

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By the time they’d finished cooking and joined us in the lounge, things had steamed up between me and Bunty. I went in for a kiss and Nicki lost it. She didn’t slap me but she became really Jealous. Olivia was upset too but Renee seemed to take it all in her stride.

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Love Bug Olivia wanted a slow dance and I thought it was only fair. We chatted as we danced and things seem OK between us again.

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The next item on the itinerary was a group outing. Viola had been wanting a drink in a club for some time so the Nightclub in Willow Creek seemed like a good option. I ordered a round of drinks for the whole group as most of us wanted one.

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Most of us wanted to dance too. Me and Renee started the dancing but the others took so long to finish their drinks, we’d returned to the bar before they joined us.
I caught Renee trying to eavesdrop on the other customers. It’s not a Proper thing to do so I’m surprised that she does it.

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Funnily enough, my second round of solo dates started with Renee again. This time the location was randomised for each Bride, regardless of their Traits. Renee and I went to the Lounge in Ciu Enamorada. We completed all the goals, Connected Emotionally and then Watcher let us do whatever we wanted. Whatever we wanted turned out to be seductive dancing, over and over again. Wow! I was all danced out!

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Yvonne came with me to the Karaoke Bar in San Myshuno. It definitely went well, with Yvonne deciding that she likes Physical Intimacy. Our singing sounded terrible but we had a lot of fun.

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My date with Bunty was at the park in Oasis Springs. We played chess a bit, flirted a lot and then sat and talked. We were so busy talking and flirting that we hardly noticed the old lady dying near the WCs. Does that make us bad people?

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I took Olivia to the library in Britechester. I worried that it might be awkward if we bumped into Greta there, but we didn’t. Kissing behind the bookshelves was tantalizing until some kid came and told us off.

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Two more dates to go but the only date I could make with Viola was a Romantic Repair Date at a Windenburg Cafe. She apologized for slapping me and we talked and flirted until our romantic relationship came out of the red and back up to its previous pink level. I’m glad. This may sound shallow but she’s a great kisser.

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My last date with Nicki was also a Create A Date at one of the Windenburg bars. She was struggling with her Jealous Trait but, as you can see, we got there in the end.

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Once I’d completed all the dates, I really needed to clear my head. I’d got a bit overwhelmed by everything going on so I went for another jog. I was considering my options. This romancing all the Brides was supposed to be fun but it's been very painful at times.
The Producers were a bit worried about me so they allowed me to have a chat with my twin David when he called. He convinced me that I should see this challenge through. I was still struggling a bit so I drank the Emotional Stability potion I’d brought with me, after Copypasto-ing it first of course.

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Feeling a lot calmer, I was ready when the Producers gathered us for the second Rose Ceremony.

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Oliver: In no particular order, Renee, we danced until we dropped and we are 100% friends. Will you stay with me in the Island Manor?
Renee: Yes, thank you Oliver.

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Oliver: In no particular order, Viola, we went through a complicated patch but we’ve rebuilt our relationship. Will you stay with me in the Island Manor?
Viola: I was second last time. I'm sorry. Yes, thank you Oliver.

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Oliver: In no particular order, Yvonne, although our romantic relationship reduced slightly after some incidents, we are 100% friends. Will you stay with me in the Island Manor?
Yvonne: Yes, thank you Oliver.

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Oliver: In no particular order, Bunty, our friendship and romance have both grown over the last two days. Will you stay with me in the Island Manor?
Bunty: Yes, thank you Oliver.

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Oliver: With just 2 Brides left, Olivia, our romantic feelings have increased over the last two days. Will you stay with me in the Island Manor?
Olivia: Yes, thank you Oliver.

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Nicki: Fancy a tune as my swansong?
Oliver (laughing): We’ve had some good times. I really thought you might have been the one for a while.
Nicki: Me too. But my behaviour at the last ceremony just set an unstoppable chain of events in motion.

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Oliver: I’m sorry about kissing Bunty in front of you. Your Loyal trait must have struggled with that.
Nicki: And all that futile flirting we tried on our date? Each of us shooting the other down at every turn! I realised then that I was Unflirty. I told Olivia about it – it must have been my Worst Date Ever.

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Oliver: It was hard but…
Nicki: It’s time for me to say goodbye to the Island Manor.
Oliver: Yes it is. Do you have plans?
Nicki: It’s time someone re-sorted out Evergreen Harbour. I know your Founder did it a long time ago, but since the re-boot, it’s gone back to smog.
Oliver: Go well, Nicki.
Nicki: And you, Oliver.

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Week 71 (Year 5, Summer 2/4) Wed-Thu
Generation 10: Bachelor Challenge
Oliver: Bachelor
– Goofball, Outgoing, Romantic, +Active +Cheerful

The Brides
– Red, Music Lover, Proper, Self-Assured +Nosy
Olivia – Orange, Clumsy, Dance Machine, Family Oriented +Love Bug
Yvonne – Yellow, Active, Foodie, Good +Cheerful +Over Achiever
Bunty – Blue, Geek, Insider, Perfectionist +Self-Assured +Cheerful
Viola – Violet, Loves Outdoors, Party Animal, Practise Makes Perfect +Bro

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1. Greta
– Green, Adventurous, Art Lover, Genius +Goofball
2. Nicki – Navy, Creative, Green Fiend, Loyal +Jealous +Unflirty

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Prior Generations
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Nicki had been joint top of the leader board at the end of the first post and then also at the first Rose Ceremony. With her Nicole Kidman looks and Creativity, she would have made a great winner but the course of true love never did run smooth.

The first four dates were all old-school dates, completing all tasks if possible (except get playful). Oliver also Emotionally Connected with all of them that he could. Then, instead of ending the date, I left them entirely autonomous until the time ran out.

For the Create-a-Date/Romantic Repair Dates, I only had Be friendly, Be Flirty and Light Physical Romance. The tasks never run out so I let Oliver and Viola be autonomous for the last quarter. Things went so badly between Oliver and Nicki that they ended the date cheerfully early. When they got back, Nicki went and told Olivia about the “Worst Date Ever”.

The Romance Pack has added an element of danger to this challenge. After his dismal date with Nicki, Oliver had a warning that he was in currently at risk of dying from a broken heart! Hence the Emotional Stability Potion!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 10.4: Rumour Has It (30-Oct)
« Reply #378 on: October 30, 2024, 04:31:41 PM »
I"m not sure what Viola meant by her "Last time, I was second."
Oliver literally repeats "In no particular order" before addressing each of the non-evictees at the Rose Ceremony.
How does anyone besides the Watcher know which bride is in which position on the Leaderboard?

I was anxious that Viola might be kicked after reading in this update that she'd slapped Victor during the previous Rose Ceremony.
That's was Nicki's fault!
What a shock, though, that Oliver was at risk of Death by Heartbreak!  Great thinking to bring along a Potion of Emotional Stability!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Makey MishMash Legacy 10.5: I Would Do Anything For Love
« Reply #379 on: October 31, 2024, 03:56:01 PM »
Makey MishMash Legacy 10.5: I Would Do Anything For Love

Previously in the Island Manor: Nicki got Jealous from seeing Oliver kiss Bunty; there was a Group Outing to the Willow Creek Nightclub; the solo dates mostly went well, including the Repair a Date with Viola but the Create a Date with Nicki was disastrous; Nicki left the Island Manor to clean up Evergreen Harbour.

Oliver: The Festival of Light was a great place for a Group Outing. We all wore the Festival Kimonos although some of the Brides were unhappy with the limited colour choice. We danced around the bonfire. I did wonder if anyone would attempt a Fire Dance but we all stayed cautious.

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Most of us wanted a game of chess as we were actually in a park but there’s only one chess table so we took turns.
I had a third discovery of being Self-Assured. No more thinking about becoming Non-Committal.
Yvonne cooked us something on the barbecue with Olivia and Renee giving her unneeded advice.
Everyone made wrote a wish to hang on the ribbon tree although Renee did keep trying to find out what we’d all written.

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I didn’t see it coming but suddenly Olivia came over and kissed me on the cheek, right in front of all the other Brides. Renee seemed to be OK about it and kissing on the cheek is fairly tame but it did not go down well with the others.

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Bunty and Yvonne both became Jealous. Viola became Jealous and slapped me again. She really knows how to make her feelings be known! Our relationship’s gone right into the red again and my heart is quite broken.

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Back at the Island Manor, Watcher sent me off to relax on one of the pool floaters. When I woke up, I got another Potion of Emotional Stability to drink. Not only that, I’ve made quite a few copies of it to keep handy.

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While I was relaxing, Olivia became Self-Assured by dancing. We know this because Renee was keeping an eye on her and reported back.

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Time for the Solo Dates. Watcher sent me to ask Bunty first but, before I asked her, I spontaneously kissed her. She looked a bit surprised but it made it easier to ask her on the date.

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Watching clouds outside the café is such a romantic way to spend a date.

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My date with Olivia at the Oasis Springs Lounge involved a lot of dancing. Firstly there was seductive dancing by ourselves and then, when the lounge acts began to perform, we went and danced in front of the audience. They seemed to appreciate it.

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Yvonne’s date turned out to be at the beach, very romantic in the moonlight. She decided she liked affection while we were there. We did go swimming together but she quickly returned to the beach to barbeque some Chimi.

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I’d been worrying about my next date all the time I was with the others. As I said, my relationship with Viola had gone red again. My heart is quite bruised and I’ve been mainlining the Emotional Stability Potions to safe-guard it.
I asked Viola for another Romantic Repair Date and she agreed to give it a shot.

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I thought we were doing quite well, ticking off the tasks, and soon our relationship was well back in the pink.

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Viola: Oliver doesn’t really remember what happened next. We both thought things were going well but, all of a sudden, our date failed. I was OK about it because I knew Oliver and I had rekindled our romance but we hadn’t realised that Oliver had started to suffer with heart-break again. The failure of our date caused him to die from a broken heart. It was too late for him to take the potion he carries because Grim appeared.

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Viola: Watcher intervened at this point and gave me the death flowers that Oliver carries. I’m relieved to say that Grim accepted the flower and my pleas, bringing Oliver back to life. I know it was my relationship with Oliver that was causing him so much heartache. I’m just so glad that I could save him.

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Oliver: Grim told me to drink a potion quickly and then I gave Viola the tightest embrace to say thank you. She saved my life! Our relationship is so rocky. Does that mean it’s not meant to be? Or are the strongest relationships forged through adversity?
Watcher: Can we just draw breath here (I certainly needed to) and note Eliza Pancakes outfit? I’m not sure I’ve ever noticed that the woman is a brazen hussy, wearing that out in public. It's always the quiet ones!

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Oliver: I had one solo date left, with Renee and it was scheduled for a gym so we went to the one in Windenburg. Staying close to the Island Manor seemed a good plan with my recent close call.
We completed all the goals and then Watcher left us to it, like with all the other non-dying dates.
Whilst we’re both autonomously flirty with each other, we don’t feel the need to be totally wrapped up in each other. For example, I checked my phone while Renee tried to read my messages.
She did get me talking and got a secret out of me – about always pranking toilets and never owning up – but she promised not to share it. I hope she doesn’t. She’s become Romantic like me so we’ve got something in common.

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Back at the house, just before midnight, Watcher sent me to bed for a proper night’s sleep While the others fulfilled Wants or just did whatever they liked.

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We held the Rose Ceremony in the morning. With my relationship with Viola still in the pink, there’s no feelings of heart break. Don’t get me wrong, I’m keeping those potions and the death flowers handy. I set the club vibe to focussed and banned any romantic socials. The show’s producers realised that more drama would put me in danger. And without me, there’s no show until the next season, right?

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Oliver: In no particular order Renee, your prying nature has reduced our friendship slightly. As Soulmates, I’m hoping that we can push through that part of your nature. Will you stay with me in the Island Manor?
Renee: Yes, thank you Oliver.

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Oliver: In no particular order Bunty, although we are not Soulmates yet, we share a lot of spontaneous romantic interactions. Our relationship has a strong potential. Will you stay with me in the Island Manor?
Bunty: Yes, thank you Oliver.

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Oliver: In no particular order Olivia, you kissing me in front of the others has caused problems for me and for the others. But we are Soulmates and I’m hoping that you will be more discrete in future.
Olivia: Yes, thank you Oliver. And I’m sorry that I was the instigator of your heartbreak.
Viola: Oh, there’s only me and Yvonne left. Oh no!

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Oliver: You’re right, Viola, there are only you and Yvonne left. This is the second time that we’ve had to repair our relationship and so it’s not surprising that we are not Soulmates yet. You have also slapped me twice and that has put a big dent in the official scoring.
However, you saving me from death has made up for that. There is still hope for our relationship. Will you stay with me in the Island Manor?
Viola: Oh, thank goodness. Yes, oh yes, thank you Oliver.

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Oliver: Yvonne, you’re the first evictee that I’ve had to ask to just be friends. Is that OK with you.
Yvonne: Of course Oliver. When I saw Olivia kiss you, we stopped being Soulmates. It’s been fun and I’ve learned a lot about myself.
Oliver: We share in being Cheerfully Active but I think both of us deserve more. Do you have plans?
Yvonne: I’ve been desperate to get a job ever since I became an Over-Achiever. I’m going to move to Oasis Springs and become an Athlete.
Oliver: Go well, Yvonne.
Yvonne: You too, Oliver.

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Week 71 (Year 5, Summer 2/4) Thu-Sat
Generation 10: Bachelor Challenge
Oliver: Bachelor
– Goofball, Outgoing, Romantic, +Active +Cheerful +Self-Assured

The Brides
– Red, Music Lover, Proper, Self-Assured +Nosy +Childish +Romantic
Olivia – Orange, Clumsy, Dance Machine, Family Oriented +Love Bug +Self-Assured
Bunty – Blue, Geek, Insider, Perfectionist +Self-Assured +Cheerful +Jealous
Viola – Violet, Loves Outdoors, Party Animal, Practise Makes Perfect +Bro +Jealous +Romantic

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1. Greta
– Green, Adventurous, Art Lover, Genius +Goofball
2. Nicki – Navy, Creative, Green Fiend, Loyal +Jealous +Unflirty
3. Yvonne – Yellow, Active, Foodie, Good +Cheerful +Over Achiever +Jealous

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Prior Generations
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When Oliver keeled over from a broken heart, I thought that was it, game over. I was so busy, fulfilling the date tasks that I didn’t notice that he’d regained the sad, danger buff. I think the date failed because Emotionally Connecting takes a long time but doesn’t tick off any tasks.

Fortunately Oliver had been carrying around a load of death flowers ever since he moved into the Island Manor. Having lost Mary to ghost-hood, despite having a death flower, Viola was click-click-clicking on Grim until the option to give him a death flower was possible. It was a nerve-wracking experience, I can tell you!

Speaking of Mary, here are hers and Prue’s lovely children.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 10.5: I Would Do Anything For Love (31-Oct)
« Reply #380 on: October 31, 2024, 10:00:53 PM »
What a harrowing experience with Oliver dying of heartbreak!
I know it seems as if Viola caused it by slapping Oliver, but I blame Olivia for kissing him in front of the others. which caused Bunty, Yvonne, and Viola to gain the Jealous trait.
ON the other hand, Olivia gains the safe Self-Assured trait. Hmmph!

Will the remaining candidates each carry a Death Flower in their inventory going forward?
Viola is walking on ice too thin to win this challenge so I am changing my vote to Bunty.

Thank you for sharing that screenshot of Eliza in her Lovestruck outfit. I literally laughed out loud!
Good luck, Oliver! Stay safe and be alert for unsolicited smooches in public!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 10.5: I Would Do Anything For Love (31-Oct)
« Reply #381 on: November 01, 2024, 04:16:23 AM »
What a harrowing experience with Oliver dying of heartbreak!
I know it seems as if Viola caused it by slapping Oliver, but I blame Olivia for kissing him in front of the others. which caused Bunty, Yvonne, and Viola to gain the Jealous trait.
ON the other hand, Olivia gains the safe Self-Assured trait. Hmmph!

Will the remaining candidates each carry a Death Flower in their inventory going forward?
Viola is walking on ice too thin to win this challenge so I am changing my vote to Bunty.

Thank you for sharing that screenshot of Eliza in her Lovestruck outfit. I literally laughed out loud!
Good luck, Oliver! Stay safe and be alert for unsolicited smooches in public!
Good idea about everyone carrying death flowers.
The heart-broken buff kept popping up while Oliver had the red relationship bar with Viola, even when he was quite happy and having a good time. As he said, he was taking the potions every few hours!

There's actually only 4 points between the 4 remaining Brides in my fairly arbitrary scoring 18-22, Viola being at the bottom. She's still in the running if she doesn't have another jealous fit.

You're right about Olivia effectively sabotaging the others. But her Self-Assured trait would point out that it is a competition and that the others need to up their game! Lol

Eliza Pancakes! Those shoes with that outfit. Oh my life, what a sight!

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Makey MishMash Legacy 10.6: Do You Wanna Know A Secret?
« Reply #382 on: November 04, 2024, 10:51:38 AM »
Makey MishMash Legacy 10.6: Do You Wanna Know A Secret?

Previously in the Island Manor: Olivia ignited trouble at the Festival of Light by kissing Oliver in front of the others, causing Viola to slap him again; Oliver died of a broken heart while on his solo date with Viola but she quickly gave Grim a death flower to revive him; Oliver’s gratitude saved Viola and it was Yvonne that left the Island Manor to become an Athlete.

Oliver: Straight after the Rose Ceremony, Watcher checked all our Wants and decided a group outing to the Celebration Centre in San Sequoia would help most of us. Although I’d been for a jog and was in my fitness gear, the Brides travelled there in their formals.
Bunty had been wanting to chat with Love Guru Hana ever since we’d met her at the Romance Festival. She wouldn’t tell us what they had discussed but she did say that Hana was an Evil, Self-Assured Bookworm.

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Olivia really wanted to mentor a child but, it being a school day, there were no children around. Her Dance Machine trait took her into the gym to dance and she met up with Yvonne there.

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Renee took the opportunity to update her Gossip Blog. I haven’t read it. Maybe I ought to, to find out more about her character.  She was chatting to Bunty at one point and became Hysterical so Watcher sent her to calm down. After calming down, she took a bubble bath. She’s playing with fire!
Watcher: Hmph!

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Oliver: I wanted to make something excellent so I put my Woodworking skills to good use.

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Viola wanted to stay outside for 8 hours so Watcher sent her for a run and then to fish. I’m not sure she reached 8 hours but it put her in a good mood.

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Watcher wouldn’t enable any more Wants for Renee or Bunty until Olivia and Viola had one met so we continued to hang around the Celebration Centre, waiting for kids to show up after school. I was trying to win a game of cards but I kept losing. Finally I went and found Bunty to kiss her. Fortunately Olivia didn't notice us through the glass doors.

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By 4pm Viola gave up on being outside and came in to search for a PenPal. No kids were turning up so we went off to the library.
A couple of kids turned up there and Olivia was very pleased to meet them. They didn’t do any artwork or homework though, so she still couldn’t Mentor them.

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It was so nice to go on a proper date with Viola, instead of a Romance Repair Date. She asked me as that was one of her Wants. We went to the gym in San Myshuno and I tried to impress her with my fitness.
It was a good date with lots of flirting and Viola took notes because, as she says, Practise Makes Perfect.

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I rolled Museum for my date with Bunty so we went to the one in Brindleton Bay. We ignored all the opportunities that the Lighthouse offered and admired the art together – a very romantic option.
Afterwards we sat and talked and flirted. Another good date.

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Olivia really wanted to Host the Perfect Date so she asked me to our date at the Pool in Windenburg. We didn’t go swimming but enjoyed some romance on the terrace.
Things didn’t go so well once Watcher left us to our own devices. The Pancakes came and sat near us and I think we were just a bit paralysed. I’m not saying that it was Eliza’s outfit that glitched us but I don’t think it helped.
We just stood there, as did Eliza. When Watcher finally unstuck us, the date was over. We got a Gold but it didn’t count for Olivia’s Want. I think she’d have like to craft a more personal date.

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By the time I’d got to my date with Renee, she’d become bored because she hadn’t discovered any more secrets. We went to the Karaoke Bar in the Spice District of San Myshuno and she stopped being bored as we flirted and danced to the music.
She assured me that my toilet-pranking secret was still private. She’s taken on the People Person Lifestyle like me which strengthens our connection.
Watcher: Drat!

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I finally got to win at cards. The others claimed Bunty let me win but she’s adamant that she didn’t.

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As we gathered for the fourth Rose Ceremony, the Brides got a little worked up. Viola didn’t really like Renee spying on her and Olivia was still a bit miffed that she’d not had any Wants met.

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Oliver: In no particular order, Bunty, we are still only Lovers but we have Good Compatibility and I have found myself Wanting to flirt with you. Will you stay with me in the Island Manor?
Bunty: Yes Oliver, thank you.

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Oliver: In no particular order, Renee, thank you for keeping my secret. We have a shared lifestyle and that makes up for us having Neutral Compatibility. Will you stay with me in the Island Manor?
Watcher: Just a moment, let me re-count….no? Oh well, go ahead!
Renee: Yes Oliver, thank you.

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Viola: Oh, I hate being in the last two!
Oliver: But, Viola, we have Good Compatibility, we’ve become Soulmates and I’m still impressed by you saving my life. Will you stay with me in the Island Manor?
Viola: Yes, of course, thank you Oliver.

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Olivia: It’s me to go, then.
Oliver: I’m afraid so. Can we just be friends?
Olivia: Always.
Oliver: Watcher and I are so sorry that your Wants went unmet, especially if that impacted our relationship. Your score was equal bottom with someone else but they have Good Compatibility with me and it’s only Neutral between you and I.
Olivia: Our names would have been confusing anyway.
Oliver (laughing): True. Do you have plans?
Olivia: I know Watcher will help me find somewhere to live. Do you think it could be in San Sequoia and can I adopt a child too?
Oliver: I’m sure she’ll make that happen. Go well, Olivia.
Olivia: You too, Oliver.

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Watcher: We found Olivia a nice 3-bed house in the San Sequoia suburbs where she adopted an Infant called Jude.

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Week 72 (Year 5, Summer 2/4) Mon-Wed
Generation 10: Bachelor Challenge
Oliver: Bachelor
– Goofball, Outgoing, Romantic, +Active +Cheerful +Self-Assured

The Brides
– Red, Music Lover, Proper, Self-Assured +Nosy +Childish +Romantic
Bunty – Blue, Geek, Insider, Perfectionist +Self-Assured +Cheerful +Jealous
Viola – Violet, Loves Outdoors, Party Animal, Practise Makes Perfect +Bro +Jealous +Romantic

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1. Greta
– Green, Adventurous, Art Lover, Genius +Goofball
2. Nicki – Navy, Creative, Green Fiend, Loyal +Jealous +Unflirty
3. Yvonne – Yellow, Active, Foodie, Good +Cheerful +Over Achiever +Jealous
4. Olivia – Orange, Clumsy, Dance Machine, Family Oriented +Love Bug +Self-Assured

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Prior Generations
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The secret that I've been keeping is that, although I'm trying to be totally unbiased, I really do not like Renee. You may recall that she became Nosy all by herself and it is a most unpleasant Trait.
She autonomously pried out of Bunty that she hates pickles but eats them to be polite. That’s the secret that made her hysterical. One of her current wants is to be Mean to a child although I think that’s due to being Childish. When she autonomously went for a Bubble Bath, part of me was willing her Hysteria on! I don't think Renee would be pleased to learn this secret!

Sadly Renee is scoring a solid score in her relationship with Oliver. At one point she was even in the lead. Drat. Drat and Double Drat!

With the packs I have, there are 3 vacation destination worlds on offer - Selvadorada, Batuu and Granite Forest - so the next round will be a 48hr vacation to one of those with each Bride individually. I'm thinking Geek Bunty would like Batuu, Viola (Loves Outdoors) would like Granite Forest and then Selvadorada for Renee. Does that seem fair or should I roll for them?

Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 10.6: Do You Wanna Know A Secret? (4-Nov)
« Reply #383 on: November 04, 2024, 02:06:27 PM »
Wow, to be honest, I am honestly not a fan of Nosy Renee, either!
And when she got hysterical then took a bubble bath, I was hoping it would signal her demise! Lol!
Is that what you meant by the Renee in my Costa household having an accursed name?

Oh, so Olivia and Viola were tied for third?  I am fans of both Bunty and Viola.
Maybe send Renee to accidentally overeat Razzleberries in the Selvadoradan jungles?  Oh, poison would work, to!  *cackles with glee
Can't wait for the next episode, Watcher!

P.S. I hope you and I might find a new place to host our stories.  Blogging is a solo project and I've enjoyed having such easy access to both our stories at a glance!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 10.6: Do You Wanna Know A Secret? (4-Nov)
« Reply #384 on: November 04, 2024, 03:40:32 PM »
Wow, to be honest, I am honestly not a fan of Nosy Renee, either!
And when she got hysterical then took a bubble bath, I was hoping it would signal her demise! Lol!
Is that what you meant by the Renee in my Costa household having an accursed name?

Oh, so Olivia and Viola were tied for third?  I am fans of both Bunty and Viola.
Maybe send Renee to accidentally overeat Razzleberries in the Selvadoradan jungles?  Oh, poison would work, to!  *cackles with glee
Can't wait for the next episode, Watcher!

P.S. I hope you and I might find a new place to host our stories.  Blogging is a solo project and I've enjoyed having such easy access to both our stories at a glance!
Yes - it's funny that an awkward Renee is making their presence unpopular in both stories, lol.

I'll be taking a break from Sims challenges once this is over (says the addict in denial) as my 5 yr old granddaughter is cracking the whip to get a Father Christmas style jacket crocheted up before December starts. Plus I have 4 dining chairs to recover before the family descends on Boxing Day - they currently have no seat at all. Not to mention getting a property ready to go on the market - the roof is covered in moss!

But yes, writing up challenge stories in companionship is more satisfying than solo and I will miss this, here.

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Makey MishMash Legacy 10.7: Somebody Told Me
« Reply #385 on: November 05, 2024, 11:47:24 AM »
Makey MishMash Legacy 10.7: Somebody Told Me

Previously in the Island Manor: the Brides spent the day with Oliver at the San Sequoia Celebration Centre, doing various activities that they liked although Olivia couldn’t find a child to Mentor; the solo dates all went well but it was Olivia’s that seemed to glitch; wanting a family more than a husband, she left the Island Manor and adopted Infant Jude.
And Watcher confessed that she doesn’t like Renee…

Oliver: After a sad farewell to Olivia, the three remaining Brides and I played table football to let off some steam. I’m not sure who won but I think all of us got a goal.

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Party Animal Viola had been wanting a party for a while so she suggested we had a Dance Party at the Narwhal Arms. Watcher had never held a Dance Party but it was great fun.

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My twin David was there so we had a bit of a chat. But then I noticed Renee had her eyes on my Dad who was at the bar. I quickly hustled over and told her that contact with my close family was reserved for the two finalists. She seemed disappointed.

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Oliver: This round was for solo vacations and the Brides will take up the narrative for them.
Viola: My solo vacation with Oliver was first and we went to Granite Falls, a place that I’ve always longed to visit.
We got there Wednesday evening and went fishing straight away. It was so romantic in the moonlight. I caught 5 fish really quickly but Oliver said he’d try again in the morning.

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Viola: Watcher had booked us into the smallest, 1-bed lodge, forgetting that we’d have a butler to accommodate. Fortunately he’d arrived fresh that evening and spent the night  reading and prepping snacks.
I didn’t mind the cramped quarters. It meant we had to share a bed. No funny business, you understand, but we cuddled all night long.

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Viola: It rained until the evening on Thursday. You might think it’s rather gloomy here for Summer but, oh, kissing in the rain is heaven.

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Viola: Oliver wasn’t sure about roasting the bugs but I was into my second helping. OK, they’re a bit crunchy but somebody told me that you could survive on a diet of bugs.

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Viola: I think my two-day vacation with Oliver went very well. We shared lots of activities and there was plenty of time for romance.

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Bunty: It may be a cliché for a Geek, but the opportunity to go to Batuu was perfect. We even completed a mission for the Resistance each. Oliver ran interference with the Storm Troopers for me and I did the same for him.

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Bunty: The Resistance were a bit surprised to see Oliver twirl me around and dip-kiss me but we’d just completed a mission, the suns were shining, and it was an in-the-moment thing.

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Bunty: The missions had been hard work and Oliver had a nasty fright in the caves. We both needed a bit of fun so we headed to the Cantina and danced. I’m not sure they really understand mistletoe on Batuu, but that didn’t stop Oliver. The Cantina is where our assigned butler hung out. She seemed happy enough.

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Bunty: I was hoping that Watcher would forget that Batuu stays are indefinite but she was counting down the hours for the end of our vacation. We spent those last precious hours staring at the sky together in the Resistance camp. It's been such an exhilarating time. Such an opportunity!

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Renee: Watcher said there wasn’t an ideal Vacation for someone like me so we may as well go to Selvadorada. That was fine by me. I just wanted the chance to learn more about Oliver. We got a 3-bed lodge so there was room for the butler. Oliver very kindly gave me the pick of the rooms so I chose the one with the toy box. Why haven’t we had one of these at the Island Manor? Let me tell you about the butler there. His name is Chaim and he used to have murderous Cowplant that ate his gardening shop customers. Fancy that!

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Renee: For some reason, Watcher forgot to get me a machete so I cleared the first gate with my hands. When they were too sore to continue, she finally remembered to give me one. She also forgot to get me any of the jungle kit so I got stung by bees and bitten by spiders. Oh yes, she did let me open a treasure chest and I got “blessed” as a skeleton for 8 hours.

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Renee: Oliver wasn’t left unscathed. He got bitten by something venomous when he went through a gate. When a call from his mother came through, she suggested he try visiting the statue in the market place. I can’t wait to meet his mother. I bet I can get loads of gossip about Oliver from her.

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Renee: There wasn’t much time for romance because there seemed to be so much to do, trying to be a Jungle Explorer and an Archaeology scholar. I think it was a good vacation anyway. Just one more Rose Ceremony and then I’ll meet Olivers family. It’ll be great!

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Oliver: Well, Brides, I’ve shared three amazing vacations with you. But it’s time for someone to leave the Island Manor.
In no particular order, Bunty, we faced dangers together with very few home comforts. It was great to have you by my side, to have my back. Will you stay with me in the Island Manor?
Bunty: It would be my pleasure.
Oliver: Renee, please put the binoculars away!
Renee: Sorry.

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Oliver: Viola, you showed me how to enjoy the great outdoors and challenged me to eat bugs. I thought it would be an uncomfortable vacation but it turned out to be cosy and romantic. Plus I learned to identify some herbs and improved my fishing. Will you stay with me in the Island Manor?
Viola: Yes, Oliver, thank you.

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Oliver: Renee, I enjoyed our vacation in Selvadorada, fighting jungle dangers and learning about archaeology but it’s time for you to leave the Island Manor.
Renee: What? Me? Why?
Oliver: We hardly connected at all on our vacation.
Renee: Watcher kept us both so busy!
Oliver: Be that as it may, it has reduced our relationship satisfaction to merely “fine” and you only initiated two romantic actions.
Renee: There was no time!

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Oliver: You can take that up with the judges but I should point out that you’ve been contravening the non-disclosure agreement every time you updated your Gossip Blog. The evidence is there on the web.
Renee: It helped audience figures. The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to the inmost parts. Watcher enabled that for me!
Oliver: Only when you Wanted it.

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Renee: Well! I’ve yet to share your secret and that will be out soon!
Oliver: I’ve pranked loos! There, now everyone knows. There’s no mileage in gossip that’s out in the open. Only a twisted person spreads rumours; a whispering gossip ruins good friendships.
Renee: Well, you’re stuck with those two Jealous hens now. If I were you, I’d walk away right now!
Oliver: Unwanted advice? True to yourself to the very end. Please leave the Island Manor.
Renee: Gladly!

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Week 72-3 (Year 5, Summer 2/4) Wed-Tue
Generation 10: Bachelor Challenge
Oliver: Bachelor
– Goofball, Outgoing, Romantic, +Active +Cheerful +Self-Assured

The Brides
– Blue, Geek, Insider, Perfectionist +Self-Assured +Cheerful +Jealous
Viola – Violet, Loves Outdoors, Party Animal, Practise Makes Perfect +Bro +Jealous +Romantic

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1. Greta
– Green, Adventurous, Art Lover, Genius +Goofball
2. Nicki – Navy, Creative, Green Fiend, Loyal +Jealous +Unflirty
3. Yvonne – Yellow, Active, Foodie, Good +Cheerful +Over Achiever +Jealous
4. Olivia – Orange, Clumsy, Dance Machine, Family Oriented +Love Bug +Self-Assured
5. Renee – Red, Music Lover, Proper, Self-Assured +Nosy +Childish +Romantic

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Prior Generations
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

For all the Vacations, I switched the couples aspirations to the relevant one(s) for that world and had them work on getting at least the first milestones. All possible Wants were enabled alongside meeting their Needs.

The scores, based on friendship, romance, satisfaction and sentiments, were bolstered by any specific romantic Wants or autonomous romantic actions. Renee scored 8 while the others scored 32 and 24.

Renee is quite right. I stitched her up. I kept both her and Oliver so busy in Selvadorada that there was no time for romance. I had them both work on Jungle Explorer and Archaeology Scholar. I did enable any Wants that were possible.
I’m so glad that no children appeared because, whilst I wanted to get rid of Renee, I didn’t really want to fill her Want of being Mean to a child.
I didn’t stop any autonomous romance but I didn’t instigate any. Oliver wanted to kiss someone (non-specific) at one point so I did have him kiss Renee at that point.

There's a couple of quotes from the book of Proverbs about gossips thrown into Renee's Rose Ceremony exchange with Oliver, just in case you were wondering about the source.

Both Bunty and Viola have Good Compatibility with Oliver. He is Soulmates with one but his satisfaction level is only Fine. He is Satisfied with his relationship with the other, even though they are only Lovers.
The next stage is indeed meeting significant family members. Interactions, friendship and compatibility with them will have a significant impact on the scores.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 10.7: Somebody Told Me (5-Nov)
« Reply #386 on: November 05, 2024, 03:51:52 PM »
Whether Bunty or Viola is left standing, Oliver will end up the winner!

OMG, all the talking back, Renee! Don't you understand that nobody wants you and your nosiness around?
And why couldn't SHE be the one to get poisoned in the jungle? LOL!

Well, The Nosy One has been safely eliminated.  Now we can sit back in peace to enjoy the last session!
I am eager to find out who wins Oliver's heart, but I'm sad to know that your challenge is coming to a close, Watcher. *sniffle, sniffle

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 10.7: Somebody Told Me (5-Nov)
« Reply #387 on: November 06, 2024, 02:35:27 AM »
Whether Bunty or Viola is left standing, Oliver will end up the winner!

OMG, all the talking back, Renee! Don't you understand that nobody wants you and your nosiness around?
And why couldn't SHE be the one to get poisoned in the jungle? LOL!

Well, The Nosy One has been safely eliminated.  Now we can sit back in peace to enjoy the last session!
I am eager to find out who wins Oliver's heart, but I'm sad to know that your challenge is coming to a close, Watcher. *sniffle, sniffle
I was so pleased to get rid of Renee. At the end I "explored" all the unpleasant interactions  - pry, nose for secrets, give unwanted advice. And then Oliver threw her out of the club instead of just cancelling her membership. Hahaha! There's no vengeance like that of a Watcher!
She's gone to live in Tartosa where she can nose for the gossip and write it up in her new career as a writer.
Oh - that's what I had one of my beloved Sims do....oops! Lol

Ah - the end of this challenge is in sight. Sad times... I'm sorry that I haven't held off to finish at the same time as you. Maybe i'll have a little epilogue...

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Makey MishMash Legacy 10.8: I Know Him So Well
« Reply #388 on: November 06, 2024, 03:18:33 PM »
Makey MishMash Legacy 10.8: I Know Him So Well

Previously in the Island Manor: after a Dance Party at the Narwhal Arms, Oliver spent 48 hour vacations with each of the 3 remaining Brides, Viola in Granite Forest, Bunty in Batuu and Selvadorada with Renne; with Watcher’s conniving, Renee and Oliver hardly had any romance opportunities and so Renee was the 5th evictee.

Viola: It’s just you and me left.
Bunty: I’m glad Renee’s gone.
Viola: Everyone’s glad Renee’s gone. Oliver didn’t seem to mind but she was always sticking her nose into everyone’s business.
Bunty: We get to meet Oliver’s family next and there's five kids there. Can you imagine if Renee had been mean to them?
Viola: I hope that goes OK for us.

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Bunty: Hi, I’m Bunty.
Prue: Welcome to our small-holding. I’m Oliver’s aunt Prue and this is his half-sister Liz.
Liz: I’m Neat.
Bunty: Oh OK.

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Oliver: Cappuccino!  How I’ve missed hugging you!
Mary: I think she's missed you. How are you?
Oliver: Better for seeing all of you. I can't believe how much the kids have grown.
Mary: The triplets will age up sometime today, not sure when exactly. We don't keep tabs on things like that.

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Bunty: The mini-goat was cute and let me pet it. I painted a picture and gave it to the flock of birds. I’ve never spent so much time without being on a computer!

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Bunty: Sitting at the table with Oliver and his family seemed quite daunting. I became friends with his aunt Prue and also with his mother Mary. So much so that she asked me about moving in. I had to say “no” of course. It’s not my decision to make. You can’t see Oliver’s cousin Belle in this picture. I’ve got Bad Compatibility with her, maybe because she’s Gloomy, but I’m Neutral or better with everyone else.

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Oliver: It was getting on for our cut off time, 10am to 8pm, when my cousin Beau aged into a Maker Teen. He was already Cheerful. He’s a good looking lad and I managed to get a selfie with him before we leave. Ben and Belle will be aging up overnight, I’m sure.

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Viola: Oliver and I arrived on the dot of 10am the next day to see that Grim had come for one of the golden hens. I guess that’s the reality of small-hold living. It was a bit of a rainy day but I don't mind the rain.

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Oliver: Ben had indeed aged up. He was now Gloomy like his sister Belle. Maybe it’s because he’s a Child of the Village and really wants to move there. He’s got my eyes but much paler skin. I tried to get a photo with Belle, who’s become a Cat-Lover, but she’d gone for a nap in the treehouse.

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Viola: The small-holding was amazing. Oliver’s mother let me harvest all the harvestables and said I could feed the Cowplant if I wanted. Loving the Outdoors as I do, it was a great day.

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Viola: Sitting at the table with Oliver’s family felt a bit like an interview. You see his half-sister Liz, sitting next to me? She couldn’t wait to show how Awful our compatibility is. I’m Neutral or better with everyone else. Plus I’m friends with some of them. When I met Oliver’s step-father Faiz, who is Active, I realised that I like High-Energy Sims.
Oliver took a phone call from his birth father and he invited him to the Island Manor for the next day. His brother David will be coming too.

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Oliver: You know the Butler would have prepped some food.
Bunty: But I’m nearly good enough to learn gourmet dishes. I want to impress the rest of your family.
Oliver: You’re a Geek, like my brother David. You’ll get along fine!
Viola: I’m nowhere near learning gourmet dishes but Practice Makes Perfect.
Oliver: You do both know that skill in cooking isn’t part of the scoring?
Viola: I’ll just write some notes on this step of a fruit salad.

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Viola: We both got on with Oliver’s brother David and became Good Friends with him. I really messed up though because I got so excited about hosting an event, I got Hysterical and had to spend most of the time calming down.

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Bunty: I became Good Friends with David even though we have Bad Compatibility. Oliver’s father Fredrick seems nice enough. Both me and Viola have Good Compatibility with him but it was me that he asked to move in. What is it with Oliver’s parents and wanting to move in? I explained that it wasn’t in my power to accept him. But I guess it means we’re Good Friends too.

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Oliver: You know, Ralph, you’ve been our most consistent Butler, here in the Island Manor and you’ve done a bang-up job!
Ralph: Thank you, Sir.
Oliver: We’ve finished all the activities. I need to check a few details and get some feedback from my family members but I think I know who my Bride will be. We’re Deeply Connected. She’s the only one that I’ve ever wanted specifically to ask on a date and once, in the middle of talking to the other Bride, I went and found her to kiss her.
Ralph: Very good, Sir. Will there be anything else, Sir?
Oliver: No. I think we’re just about there.

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Week 73 (Year 5, Summer 4/4) Wed-Fri
Generation 10: Bachelor Challenge
Oliver: Bachelor
– Goofball, Outgoing, Romantic, +Active +Cheerful +Self-Assured

The Brides
– Blue, Geek, Insider, Perfectionist +Self-Assured +Cheerful +Jealous
Viola – Violet, Loves Outdoors, Party Animal, Practise Makes Perfect +Bro +Jealous +Romantic

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1. Greta
– Green, Adventurous, Art Lover, Genius +Goofball
2. Nicki – Navy, Creative, Green Fiend, Loyal +Jealous +Unflirty
3. Yvonne – Yellow, Active, Foodie, Good +Cheerful +Over Achiever +Jealous
4. Olivia – Orange, Clumsy, Dance Machine, Family Oriented +Love Bug +Self-Assured
5. Renee – Red, Music Lover, Proper, Self-Assured +Nosy +Childish +Romantic

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Prior Generations
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

As has been pointed out, Oliver is a winner no matter which Bride he picks.

1.   The scores based on the friendship/compatibility established by each Bride with Oliver’s family, have just one point in it.
2.   Both Brides are now only Lovers, not Soulmates with Oliver but one has developed Amazing Compatibility, not just Good.
3.   Oliver shares 3 positive Sentiments with one Bride and 4 with the other.
4.   There was very little time for autonomous romance in this update but the one action mentioned by Oliver plus his Want to ask the same Bride on a date affected the scores.

All 4 of these factors point towards the same Bride, to be revealed in the next update.

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Makey MishMash Legacy 10.9: Turn! Turn! Turn!
« Reply #389 on: November 07, 2024, 04:30:14 PM »
Makey MishMash Legacy 10.9: Turn! Turn! Turn!

Previously in the Island Manor: with just Viola and Bunty left in the Island Manor with Oliver, he took them individually to meet his mother’s family; his father and brother came over to the Island Manor after that; with all the activities complete, Oliver has chosen his Bride.

Viola: Oliver? Can we talk for a moment?
Oliver: Of course! What’s on your mind?
Viola: I know this experience was always meant to be challenging but, now it’s nearly over… Well, I’m feeling really vulnerable.
Oliver: I know. And I’m really sorry it’s so hard. The producers have suggested we go up to the Bluffs for the next bit.
Viola: Oh. OK?

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Viola: Before we get to the hard bit, I just wanted to show you this photo. Do you remember when we all…?
Oliver: That was a funny time. I think only Greta had left at that point.
Viola: Yes. I wonder how her studies are going.
Oliver: Here, let me give you this.

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Viola: A rose? I don’t understand. I thought there weren’t any more Rose Ceremonies.
Oliver: There aren’t, Viola. This is the last rose.
Viola: So it’s “goodbye” then?
Oliver: Goodbye? Not at all!
Viola: But Bunty…? She’s back at the Island Manor waiting for you.
Oliver: No, she’s not.

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Bunty: It’s not a rose.
Oliver: No, Bunty. It’s a Potion of Youth. I’ll be giving the last rose to Viola.
Bunty: Ah. I knew in my heart of hearts that you two were Deeply Connected. I Adore you Oliver.
Oliver: And I’ve been Smitten by you. But what I have with Viola runs so deep.

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Bunty: So we’ll just be friends?
Oliver: Yes. Good friends. I think you get on well with Viola too.
Bunty: She’s great. Make sure I’m always on her party guest list!
Oliver: And you’ll come to the wedding?
Bunty: I’d come even if we weren’t all contracted to be there!

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Oliver: So you see, darling Viola, you’re my Bride. The only one I’ve ever wanted to kiss. The only one I’ve wanted to date. We have Amazing Compatibility and I’d be lost without you. Please say you’ll be my guiding star.

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Viola: Oh, Oliver! I thought, after how badly I’ve behaved, I was sure it would be Bunty.
Oliver: It’s always been you. Watcher knew my inmost Wants and they carried the day when there’s been problems. Please say “yes”!
Viola: Yes oh yes. Always and forever yes!

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Director: Wait! What’s happening?
Watcher: They’re going for a swim.
Director: But I haven’t got an angle on the pool. They didn’t bring their swimsuits with them.
Watcher: No they didn’t!

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Director: No! This shot doesn’t work either. Can someone get a drone launched! We’re missing the money shots!

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Oliver: Come and get warm!
Viola: You’ve made it purple! For me?
Oliver: Yes. It’s the signal for the fans waiting on the mainland. We should have lit it sooner but, you know…
Viola (smiling): Yes, I know.
Oliver: I’ve already had a text from Renee, congratulating us on our engagement. That woman is going to go far in journalism!
Viola: She’ll be there tomorrow, of course.
Oliver: With her binoculars! Did the trait removal work?
Viola: Yes. No more Jealousy for me!

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Viola: Renee was there at the wedding with all the other “Brides”.

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Oliver: She was there when we cut the cake, just out of shot.

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Viola: She was there when we had our first dance, next to David who’d made a bold fashion choice of shorts.

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Oliver: But she’s not here, at our new home.
Viola: The Island Manor will be used for other challenges.
Oliver: We’re going to live at the Island Shipwreck. A full-on reno project.
Viola: I’m going to fish and plant a garden.
Oliver: And I’m going into Conservation work.
Viola: The people here love a good kava party, but first….
Oliver: Let’s go find that waterfall you told me about!

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Week 73 (Year 5, Summer 4/4) Friday-Saturday
Generation 10: Bachelor Challenge - Complete
Oliver: Bachelor
– Goofball, Outgoing, Romantic, +Active +Cheerful +Self-Assured
Viola: Spouse – Violet, Loves Outdoors, Party Animal, Practise Makes Perfect +Bro +Jealous +Romantic

1. Greta
– Green, Adventurous, Art Lover, Genius +Goofball
2. Nicki – Navy, Creative, Green Fiend, Loyal +Jealous +Unflirty
3. Yvonne – Yellow, Active, Foodie, Good +Cheerful +Over Achiever +Jealous
4. Olivia – Orange, Clumsy, Dance Machine, Family Oriented +Love Bug +Self-Assured
5. Renee – Red, Music Lover, Proper, Self-Assured +Nosy +Childish +Romantic
6. Bunty – Blue, Geek, Insider, Perfectionist +Self-Assured +Cheerful +Jealous

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Prior Generations
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And so, dear reader, we’ll leave the happy couple to explore the delights of Mua Pelam, and each other, no longer in the glare of the spotlights.

This marks the end of my MishMash Challenge, developed with the aid and encouragement of @oshizu . With this storyboard becoming read-only in 2025, it is also my swansong story on here. I’m considering a new direction of playing with the Sims and that may, or may not, appear on one of the sister boards. I leave you with this:

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; a time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to throw away; a time to tear, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace. (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)

May you all find blessings in which ever season you find yourself.