Author Topic: Makey MishMash Legacy 8.1: A Hard Day’s Night (17-Sep)  (Read 24704 times)

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 7.4: With A Little Help From My Friends (13-Sep)
« Reply #300 on: September 15, 2024, 10:43:05 AM »
Rory: This card says do you like whipped cream or maple syrup?
Rachel: On pancakes?
Rory: It doesn’t specify.

Lol! Nuff' said.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 7.5: The Winner Takes It All (15-Sep)
« Reply #301 on: September 15, 2024, 05:27:44 PM »
Oh dear, what a horrible glitch you are experiencing!
I initially believed that you were experiencing lag but then it should be affected all your other save files.

If you start a new game, at least Bear will know who his immediately family is!
And you could always download the founders and their lot to your new simverse as well, so Bear could go befriend them before embarking in earnest on his Gen7 adventures.
Best of luck, Bear!  Whatever happens, we will be rooting for you!

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 7.4: With A Little Help From My Friends (13-Sep)
« Reply #302 on: September 16, 2024, 03:05:42 AM »
Rory: This card says do you like whipped cream or maple syrup?
Rachel: On pancakes?
Rory: It doesn’t specify.

Lol! Nuff' said.
Oh dear, what a horrible glitch you are experiencing!
I initially believed that you were experiencing lag but then it should be affected all your other save files.

If you start a new game, at least Bear will know who his immediately family is!
And you could always download the founders and their lot to your new simverse as well, so Bear could go befriend them before embarking in earnest on his Gen7 adventures.
Best of luck, Bear!  Whatever happens, we will be rooting for you!
I think the root cause was me editing an occupied lot from the map-view without evicting the resident first. I was surprised that I had infinite funds available and downloaded a Gallery lot.

I vaguely remember doing that previously and it causing problems. This time, I didn't realize soon enough and I'd got lazy in not having a new save each game-week  ::)

I'll start a new world for Bear's gen 8. His grandparents Amy & Ivan will join him temporarily. The Founders no longer have a recognised relationship with them but I'll bring them in too, hoping that they'll still be immortal.

Thank you for the encouragement. The story continues...

Ooh - which of the original Townies will make good Snow Bros for Bear? Morgan starts as a Teen, right?  ;)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Makey MishMash Legacy 8.1: A Hard Day’s Night
« Reply #303 on: September 17, 2024, 12:24:29 PM »
Makey MishMash Legacy 8.1: A Hard Day’s Night

Previously: Bear and Aspen aged into Adventurous and Hot-Headed Teens respectively; Rory won the Hackathon at GeekCon; Bear took the day off High School to complete Nerd Brain; the whole family moved temporarily to a lush apartment to complete Rory’s City Native aspiration and finish his requirements; their Watcher has a minor break-down as she battled with a corrupted game file, eventually regenerating an entire new Simverse for Bear and his family to enter.

L-to-R: Aspen, Rory, Rachel, Bear
Residence: 5-3-1 Shinrinyoku, Senbamachi, Mt Komorebi

Bear: This doesn’t look like Mt Komorebi.
Rory: It isn’t. It’s Willow Creek. Watcher says she just needs to find the Akiyama family a new home because she’s redeveloping theirs as your Alpine Ski Lodge.
Rachel: Won’t that look out of place in Mt Komorebi?
Rory: Not as much as you might think. Besides, Watcher says she’s actually stayed in a couple of alpine ski lodges but never been to Japan. At least she’s building this one herself instead of downloading one.


Aspen: What a lot of flowers on the balconies.
Bear: And a lot of wood
Rory: Me and your mother have our own bedrooms. You’ve both got an extra set of bunks in your rooms for the housemates Bear will be inviting to live with us.
Aspen: I’ve got to share? That’s terrible!
Bear: You can help choose…
Aspen: Hm. I like the big round dining table.
Rachel: Yes, but it only seats 6. I think we’ll need to change that if we’re going to have a full house.


Rory: Hi Dad, Ryder
Ivan: Who are you?
Rory: Oh yes, I forgot Watcher said she couldn’t get our relationship right. Not to worry. Are you OK, sir?
Ivan: Quite well, thank you for asking.
Ryder: I don’t like strangers.
Rory: I remember. Look, if you ever need anything, you’re very welcome to visit, anytime.


Founder Dawn: I feel somewhat dislocated.
Rory: But very respected, I assure you. Do come visit soon.


Bear: Dad! Look who I met while out running.
Rory: Marcus Flex, wow! You’re a legend!
Marcus: Am I?
Bear: Yes! And you’re Active! Dad?
Rory: Of course! Marcus, would you like to move in? We’ve just set up this ski lodge for people who like sports, the outdoors, all that… What do you say?
Marcus: Great!


Rory: Thanks for welcoming us to the neighbourhood. You and Sachiko have been so kind.
Shigeru: Our granddaughter Kaori was so pleased to see another Teen girl move in to our world.
Rory: Ah yes. The Adventurous girl who delivered our veg.
Shigeru: She is Adventurous, yes. A whiz on her snowboard. Not so good in school though. I think she’ll get moved down to a D grade soon. And I’m too busy with my food stall to make sure she does her schoolwork.
Rory: We could help with that, if you’d be willing. There’s room for her in our ski-lodge. She could go snowboarding as often as she likes, providing she completes her homework.
Shigeru: I’ll talk to her and to my wife. We’ll get back to you.


Bear: I’ve got a day off school as I’m a A student now. It’s amazing walking round these trails and I love meeting the spirits. It was nice to have Kaori move in. She’s worried about flunking high school because she doesn’t enjoy it. But Dad says she can have a day off if she gets up to a B.


Bear: The Intermeadiate slope is terrifying when I’m only just a beginner. Snowplough all the way down and I still fell over! I hope Kaori can have a day off soon. I want to see how she does her snowboarding.


Bear: Wow! This is so great! And so cold in the mountain waters, even in Summer.
Aspen: I’m so glad you got up to a B, Kaori, so Dad let us all have exam day off.
Kaori: You two had revised. You’d have been alright. I was terrified of flunking.
Aspen: I’m a bit terrified of this wild swimming. I’m heading in.


Shigeru: Kaori? What are you doing off school? And in your swimwear!
Kaori: I’m up to a B, Grandad.
Shigeru: It’s a minor miracle! Well done.
Kaori: I got this Simmie, Bear. I don’t really want it and I know you’re collecting them.
Bear: Thanks, Kaori. You’re a pal!


Marcus: What about this for a pose, Watcher?
Watcher: Your Cupid’s Corner profile says you’re not interested in Romance with anyone!
Marcus: There’s more to life than Romance, Watcher! Who wants the commitment?
Watcher: Well, you can go on there if you want, but I’m not enabling casual hook-ups for you.
Marcus: Oh


Bear: Sidney! I know we got off on the wrong foot at school. But I heard about your Mum. I’m so sorry.
Sidney: She just died of Anger! I don’t know what happened. She was the one I did sports with. Dad’s trying to stay Cheerful and throw ball with me but he’s a Bookworm really. I miss Mum so much.


Rory: Marcel! What can I say?
Marcel: There’s nothing to be said. Janae has left a huge hole in our lives. Savannah’s a Geek – more like me – and Jayden has lots of friends. But Sidney? Working out together was their thing.
Rory: Would it help for him to move in with us for a while? Bear’s gathering Active, Adventurous and Outdoorsy Sims to work hard and play hard. Lots of sports but getting good grades too.
Marcel: Oh. It might help. I’ll have a chat with him.


Sidney: I thought I was going to be doing sports here!
Rory: After homework. Life’s a balance. As soon as that’s done, we’re off to the slopes.


Bear: Yamachan! Do you recognise me?
Yamachan: The Mountain Move Natural! Good to see you, boy!
Bear: I’ve brought my family and housemates. They all want a selfie with you!
Yamachan: My pleasure, always. Especially at a Snow Festival.


Kaori: I didn’t thing we were going to make it.
Aspen: We didn’t make it to the pre-Prom gathering. I like your trad outfit, by the way.
Kaori: Thanks, Let’s go in.


Sidney: Thanks for all voting for me, guys!
Kaori: The others knew, as an Over-Acheiver, you’d love being Prom King.
Sidney: And did you want to be Jester?
Kaori: I’m just glad I haven’t been kicked out of High School for bad grades.


Bear: I didn’t get to meet you at Prom. I’m glad you came here too.
Kiyoshi: I was hoping for some Adventurous Romance at Prom but I didn’t get anywhere.
Bear: I met Good Outgoing Morgan Fyres with red hair and green eyes. Plus Gloomy, Outdoor-Loving Greta Laurent with black hair and violet eyes. But I wasn’t looking for Romance. Not yet.
Kiyoshi: No, I heard you love hitting the slopes.
Bear: And hiking. Hey, would you like to join my Snow Bros club?
Kiyoshi: Yes please! Kaori said I might be able to move in with you. Living with my celebrity parents is a bit…pressured.
Bear: We would love to have you but Mum asked my sister Aspen about having another baby with Dad. Aspen said she had to make her own mind up. I wish she’d just said “no way!” Now we’re expecting a sibling! That was not the plan. When we’ve sorted that out, next week, you could move in then.
Kiyoshi: OK


Week 54, rebooted (Year 4, Summer 1/4)
Generation 7
Rory: previous Heir
– Adult (35 days to Elder)
Traits: Hot-Headed, Generous, Green Fiend +Art Lover +Romantically Reserved +Self-Assured
Rachel: Spouse – Young Adult (24 days to Adult)
Traits: Good, Romantic, Self-Assured +Cheerful +Art-Lover
Generation 8
Bear: Heir
– Teen (13 days to YA)
Traits: Active, Adventurous
Aspen: Spare – Teen (13 days to Teen)
Traits: Good, Hot-Headed
Marcus Flex
– Adult (35 days to Elder)
Traits: Active, Bro, Non-Committal +Cheerful
Kaori Nishidake
Traits: Adventurous, Cheerful
Sidney Price
Traits: Active, Over-Acheiver

L-to-R: Sidney, Bear, Rachel, Rory, Marcus, Aspne, Kaori
Residence: 5-3-1 Shinrinyoku, Senbamachi, Mt Komorebi

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Prior Generations
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Whilst there is a sadness in losing all of Bear’s extended family, it is rather lovely to re-connect with the original townies again in this new Simverse.

Bear, as a Teen, cannot ask other Sims to move in, hence keeping his parents in the house. There will be some shuffling around in the weeks to come to eventually have a house full of Snow Bros.

I’d really like to get Kiyoshi Ito moved in, sooner rather than later, but making friends with his celebrity parents could be a challenge. Naoki and Megumi both work in the business career. I’m wondering whether, if Rory joins that career, he’ll be able to befriend them…any thoughts? I’d rather do it through game-play rather than going into household management.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 8.1: A Hard Day’s Night (17-Sep)
« Reply #304 on: Today at 02:35:10 AM »
Sadly, I could not appreciate the screenshots of Rory's new Alpine Ski Lodge.
I have extremely poor vision and the screenshots were so small!
MIght I persuade you to replace them your normally-sized screenshots? Pretty please?

I was so excited about Kiyoshi Ito moving in, but then he didn't, lol.  Thanks for explaining why Rory and Rachel still live with Bear.
(MCCC has a feature that enables teens to ask other teens to move in, so I'd forgotten the need to use a bait-and-switch approach to move in a teen.)

As for befriending Kiyoshi's parents, Rory might have several options.
*First, I would go for Megumi because Naoki is Mean.
*Has Rory met them?  He could add them on Social Bunny then rizz them up, lol.
*To speed up the befriending process, Rory could temporarily change his "Sim Characteristics" Likes to match Megumi's traits.
*Make a club then add admission requirements that will cause Megumi to show up as a potential club member. Make Friendly socials a club activity to befriend her.
*Alternatively, Rory could paint/sell 12+ paintings by placing them on the wall first (not from his inventory) until he becomes a 1-star celeb.

My sims don't usually pursue celebrity sims, so my tips above might not give Rory positive results.
If that's the case, I apologize in advance. Sorry!

You and play so differently. I would've probably moved pregnant Rachel out on her own first.
Also, I wouldn't bother having my sim join the Business career to befriend a celeb sim in that career.
There must be easier ways to get around the initial celeb snobbery! 
Looking forward to hearing what eventually works for Rory!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Ski Lodge Tour
« Reply #305 on: Today at 03:18:48 AM »

My memories of ski lodges in Switzerland during a 2008 Summer tour were lots of wooden chalets with a profusion of red geraniums on all available spaces. Also I remember seeing deliveries of building materials being done by helicopter due to the inaccessible locations.

Upper Floor


The hostels we stayed in for my 2 Austrian skiing trips in the late 1980s were designed for singletons with bunk beds and very little in the way of luxury. Lots of rough wood floors with ancient homespun rugs.

Ground Floor


The ground floor WC has coat and boot racks - crucial for skiing guests. I remember the ski-lift queues and trying to walk in ski-boots. Sadly I also remember that I was not a natural skier - fine on the nursery/bunny slope but terrified on a real one.

Food was generally lots of meat and potatoes plus well-boiled cabbage. Vegetarians were not catered for! The local hot chocolate was heavenly. Restaurants at the tops of ski-lifts charged a 300% mark up for the view!

I do remember the apres-ski! Sort of. Lots of beer or flaming shots of vodka and boisterous dancing - if jumping up and down while shouting can be called dancing. The Scandinavians were very enthusiastic at both!

The night sleigh ride (to another bar, of course) was lovely.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 8.1: A Hard Day’s Night (17-Sep)
« Reply #306 on: Today at 01:54:03 PM »
Thank you sooooo much for sharing your enlarged photos of Bear's new home along with your nostalgic commentary.
In the 80s, folks weren't so tolerant of people on "special" (healthy" diets. Try living in Japan and telling hosts that I don't eat white rice, lol!
Gee whiz, friend! These tarts you got me from that exclusive bakery look heavenly. Sadly, I don't eat sugar....
(I later realized it was better to break my dietary rules than destroy friendships....)

The common room on the ground floor looks great!
Oh, I thought up a new approach to Megumi Ito. What about Bear adds her on Social Bunny, rizzes her up, then talks Rory up to Megumi?
Or is the main obstacle getting that initial introduction out of the way?  Hmmm......

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 8.1: A Hard Day’s Night (17-Sep)
« Reply #307 on: Today at 04:12:21 PM »
Thank you sooooo much for sharing your enlarged photos of Bear's new home along with your nostalgic commentary.
In the 80s, folks weren't so tolerant of people on "special" (healthy" diets. Try living in Japan and telling hosts that I don't eat white rice, lol!
Gee whiz, friend! These tarts you got me from that exclusive bakery look heavenly. Sadly, I don't eat sugar....
(I later realized it was better to break my dietary rules than destroy friendships....)

The common room on the ground floor looks great!
Oh, I thought up a new approach to Megumi Ito. What about Bear adds her on Social Bunny, rizzes her up, then talks Rory up to Megumi?
Or is the main obstacle getting that initial introduction out of the way?  Hmmm......
You're very welcome. The first image was too small for anyone, really.

I went the career route. Rory had been kicking his heels since maxing the charity career so it was the easiest. No embarrassing Attempt Introduction. Discussing work along with other friendlies, got them close enough.
I've just completed the week's game play so there should be an update tomorrow  :)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Makey MishMash Legacy 8.1: A Hard Day’s Night (17-Sep)
« Reply #308 on: Today at 05:17:31 PM »
You're very welcome. The first image was too small for anyone, really.

I went the career route. Rory had been kicking his heels since maxing the charity career so it was the easiest. No embarrassing Attempt Introduction. Discussing work along with other friendlies, got them close enough.
I've just completed the week's game play so there should be an update tomorrow  :)

Nice work getting Rory to befriend Megumi or Naoki!  I actually think Naoki's rather handsome; if only he weren't Mean, hehe.
Yay, looking forward to your next update!  I think I'm being sucked back to Chef RPG today, though I did play through Sunday of Vitor's next week.

