Author Topic: Costa Mishmash Legacy 10.101: My Boo (29 Dec '24)  (Read 89561 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 10.8: Putting the "Fun" into Funerals (15 Dec '24)
« Reply #420 on: December 17, 2024, 11:50:39 AM »
Not the same one with all the overlapping restrictions. I'm trying to have some restrictions on most available careers, including the Undertaker(!) but avoiding them overlapping. I think I am going to have a spellcaster founder. Spellcasting won't be allowed in public or travelling to Magical HQ until the Author's cleared. So things will be easier but not all plain-sailing. It will mean that Chef won't have to be the first career cleared (deliciosa) which always seemed unavoidable. With ALL of the Lot Challenges on, it's going to be a bumpy start, even with a Spellcaster!

I'm thinking of writing it up as a story on my website...if I ever get around to it!

Your new Apocalypse Challenge sounds more reasonable and, hopefully, more enjoyable than your latest ones.
And you have your own website? Was that costly?
I use Wordpress - which has a free, simple edit system. It won't have any bells and whistles but it's as usable as the forum. It just won't have the community feel which I will miss. I've just put the link in my profile although it's very much a work in progress :)

Online oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 10.9: Gonna Make This a Night to Remember (21 Dec '24)
« Reply #421 on: December 21, 2024, 05:58:54 PM »
10.9: Gonna Make This a Night to Remember

Sunday, Week 70, Year 6 (early winter)
Hades: Last week, our toddler trio aged up to children and started grade school.
I continued hosting more funerals and social events.
And Great-Grandpa Vitor reached the ultimate tier of his Ghost Mastery tree.
From L to R: Usher, Hazel, me, Great-Grandpas Vitor & Kian, Raven, and Renwick

Hades:  You're done with five out of eight aspirations now, Renwick, and let's ignore Mind & Body.
All you have left now is Slumber Party Animal, which you'll hopefully complete this evening.
Renwick: But, Papa, I'd really like to do Creative Genius. Can't you make me a Treehouse?  Please?
Hades: Well, it'll be really tight, but I believe we can squeeze a Treehouse into our backyard.

Renwick: Our slumber party's going so well!

Hades: We need to talk, Raven. I'm deeply unhappy in our relationship.
Your never show me any love and affection. I've even been considering divorce.
Raven: No, Hades, please! I'll try to give you more attention.
Hades: Try? Like you have to make an effort? Forget I mentioned this. *sighs

Renwick: We just need one more sleeping bag story to earn our gold medal!
You're almost finished with your story, right, Hazel?
Hazel: Yep, almost done!

Hades: We exchange Friendship Bracelets with the good friends we made at the park on Saturday.

Hades: Why are you ending your slumber party so early, Renwick?
Renwick: We've already watched a movie on TV and completed all our party goals.
Now that our friends are done eating, it's fine to end the party without an actual sleepover.
Hades: Works for me!

Hades: Mother Alicia, do you have any advice for me? I need to host one more funeral.
If possible, I'd like to host a meaningful funeral for someone I've known.
Alicia: You've already been to this evening's Afterlife Anonymous meeting, yes?
Try Club Eternity? That nightclub is always a popular hangout for ghosts.

Hades: Wow, Club Eternity is hopping tonight and I meet many new ghosts.
What a surprise to see you here, Alessandro!
Alessandro: That's rich! We met once after matching on Cupid's Corner but you wouldn't date me.
Hades: You don't understand! I was insanely attracted to you but I'm the Costa legacy's last heir.
I believed I should be in a heteronormative marriage so I was forced to avoid you.

Hades: I can't help following you out of the nightclub, Alessandro. It's been so long!
Alessandro: {i]Now[/i], you can't help following me? You know I was crazy about you back then.
But our ship has sailed: I'm a ghost and you're alive but married.
Hades: Please let me host your funeral! I think we met again tonight for a reason!

Grim (in background): Oh, my dear son Hades! It seems the Fates aren't done with you yet!

Raven: Now that the children have left for school, I feel so left out of the loop!
What can Hades and his great-grandpas be discussing down there? Hades has a lot of nerve!
Ignoring me for his constant social events then claiming he's feeling Very Unsatisfied?
Well, Hades completed his Bestseller Aspiration on Sunday, so I best go work on mine.

Vitor: Where did you disappear to last night? Kian and I got tired of waiting for you at the club.
Hades: I was chatting with that ghost, Alessandro Olivo, my first crush.
Vitor: Uh huh, "chatting." Is that what we're calling it these days?
Kian:  Your first crush? Why are we only hearing about him now?
Hades: I thought, as the last Costa heir, I should marry a female sim like our founder Renato did.
Anyway, it was great to see him and he agreed to let me host his funeral on Wednesday evening.

Raven: Bother! Just when I was almost done with my aspiration's second milestone!
Well, Hades is off somewhere in towntown Crow's Crossing, so I'll fix this myself.

Grim: So young and so lovely. What's next for you? Stay with your family as a playable ghost?
Raven: Absolutely not! I've had enough of Hades' obsession with death and parties!
I want to be reborn into a life filled with love and joy, Grim Reaper! The legacy life is NOT for me!
Grim: So be it!

Watcher: There you are, Raven! I panicked when you vanished from Hades' home. But I've found you as a homeless infant in Manage Households. What is your wish?
Raven: I want to be reborn as a young adult, married to a gentle, kind-hearted yet handsome man.
Someone who will be devoted to me without constantly surrounding himself with family and friends.
W: I found just the bachelor for you! He's attractive with good traits and lives in Evergreen Harbor.
Give me a moment to move him out of his small apartment into a large family home.

Maxim: It's quite late when I find myself being moved from my one-bedroom apartment.
While standing in front of my new 3-bedroom home, an angel floats down from the sky.
Formerly Raven: Good evenings, Maxim Kozlov! I have chosen to be reborn as your wife, Katya Kozlov.
I hope my arrival and our marriage do not displease you…

Maxim: Displease me? I've been waiting for you my entire life! I'll do anything to make you happy!
Every free minute of every day,, I want to spend with you.  Is that too much?
Katya: What? Are you asking if I mind that you wish to shower me with attention?
I couldn't be happier to hear that!
Kelly: We need to plan our honeymoon. Have you ever traveled to Selvadroada?

Grim: There's no need for you to grieve, dear son of mine.
Hades: But my wife Raven died and you're saying she's another sim's wife now?
Grim: You've been a dutiful legacy heir, Hades. You've worked hard, even sacrificing your own happiness.
Raven's demise is an opportunity, not a setback! Stop worrying about the expectations of others.
It's high time that you pursue what gives you real joy.

Hazel: So the Grim Reaper took Mama and we'll never see her again, Papa?
Hades: That's right, baby girl. She loved the three of you very much, you know!
Renwick: Well, if you let us age up to teens early, we promise not to grieve too much.
Usher: Oh yes, aging up to teens early would be great!  By the way, when is Mama's funeral?
Mama has always disliked funerals, so there will not be one. I'm hosting one for a friend tonight.

Hades: I'm taking the whole family to The Thinned Festival in Mourningvale today.
I do hope I run into Alessandro there. 
I'm preparing something I'd like to give him before this evening's funeral.

Alessandro: Hades! I'm so happy to run into you today at The Thinned Festival! How are you?
I heard over the ghostly gossip mill that you are no longer married. Are the rumors true?
It's much too soon to ask, I know, but I can't help myself: Beloved Hades, will you marry me?
Hades (shocked): Of course, Alessandro, though I hadn't expected us to get serious so fast.
Well, since we're engaged now, would you like to move in? You asked me once on Monday but I'm ready now.
*whispers: But let's keep our engagement on the down-low for now, okay? I mean, Raven died only yesterday…

Hades: Tonight, my dear family and friends, marks the last funeral I shall ever host.
Yes, after tonight, I am stepping down from my role as a Funeral Director.
For this reason, I wanted to dedicate tonight's funeral to someone dear to me.
Thank you for gathering here to celebrate the life of Alessandro Olivo.

I'm not ashamed to share that I first saw Alessandro on Cupid's Corner on my young adult birthday.
He seemed so full of life and love that, once we met, I…I knew that…that…
I knew that I would give up everything for him, which is why I decided to avoid him at all costs.
But Fate brought us together again two nights ago.
It's a sign of my (and my Watcher's) attachment that I've kept his Cupid's Corner profile all this time.

Hades: Among my children, I only invited Renwick to attend.
How moving that my immediate and extended family all mourn Alessandro though they've never met him.
They are mourning the deceased because of what he means to me.

Dear friends and family, let us conclude this celebration of Alessandro's life with a Moment of Silence.
The funeral is now over, but please don't run off right away.
Alessandro and I have prepared a little surprise for you.
Well, it's mostly a gift to Alessandro and me, but we'd like to share it with you.

Hades: Wait, weren't you a brunette, Alessandro?
Alessandro: If you must know, I dyed my hair back then, hoping you'd like me more as a redhead.
Hades: And, um, I don't remember you being quite so round.
Alessandro: Surprise, dear Hades! We're expecting!

Hades: As you can see, a lot of unexpected things happened in this week's first four days.
I'd fully expected to take the Costa Legacy home in this update, but too much happened.
Come back and join me for my final update, which includes one last social event!

Gallery Download
*Cupid's Corner: "Alessandro Olivo" by AlexiaVR.
*Rockridge Springs (30x20): "Rockridge Springs Home" by Misssimreno.
  I had downloaded this build during the founding generation of this legacy.

The Gen10 Household
Home: Crow's Perch, Crow's Crossing (Ravenwood)

Vitor Costa (G7 heir) - Ghostly elder
Traits: Outgoing, Foodie, Perfectionist (+Family Oriented, Music Lover, Romantic)

Kian Costa (G7 spouse) - Ghostly elder
Traits: Active, Family-Oriented, Bro (+Creative, Perfectionist)

Hades Costa (Gen10 heir) - Grimborn YA
Traits: Erratic, Chased by Death, Music Lover (+Lovebug, Loyal)
Marital status: Widower

Alessandro Olive (Gen10 fiance) - YA
Traits: Outgoing, Art Lover, Romantic

Renwick Costa (Gen11 child) - Child  (Grim Descendant)
Traits: Sunny/Angelic; Music Lover

Hazel (Gen11 child) - Child (Grim Descendant)
Traits: Wiggly/Independent; Cheerful

Usher Costa (Gen11 child) - Child (Grim Descendant)
Traits: Calm/Charmer; Music Lover

Moved Out/Reborn[
Katya Kozlov, formerly Raven (Knight) Costa - YA
Traits: Cheerful, Chased by Death, Family Oriented
Spouse: Maxim Kozlov
Home: Rockridge Springs, Grims Quarry (Evergreen Harbor)

Progress: Partway through Week 70
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
*Maxim Kozlov: Is a descendant of one of the Costa heir's not-dated matches from Cupid's Corner.
  In Manage Worlds, I found Maxim living in an apartment in Evergreen Harbor's Grims Quarry.
  His traits are surprisingly perfect for Evergreen harbor: Green Fiend, ?Music Lover, and Maker.
  I'm sure Raven will be very happy with Kelly and their simpler life.

*My pregnant ghost: Normally, it isn't possible for a ghost to get pregnant.
  That's because the game has no Try for Baby option with ghosts.
  I've read online of a ghost sim having a live baby after a successful "Discuss Expanding the Family" social.
  In my case, Hades asked Alessandro to woohoo in the shower once on Monday night.
  The pregnancy was not intended but was probably caused by MCCC's Risky Woohoo feature.
  I was so surprised to see Alessandro on Wednesday with a baby bump, but I'm totally here for it!

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 10.9: Gonna Make This a Night to Remember (21 Dec '24)
« Reply #422 on: December 22, 2024, 01:45:33 AM »
Wow, I hadn't realise that the relationship between Hades & Raven was deteriorating so badly. It is a problem for Legacy heirs - so busy busy busy!

Thank you for finding Ravenxa nice new life. I hope the kids will be OK. Looking forward to seeing the finale even though it marks an end...

Online oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 10.9: Gonna Make This a Night to Remember (21 Dec '24)
« Reply #423 on: December 22, 2024, 10:23:29 AM »
Wow, I hadn't realise that the relationship between Hades & Raven was deteriorating so badly. It is a problem for Legacy heirs - so busy busy busy!

Thank you for finding Ravenxa nice new life. I hope the kids will be OK. Looking forward to seeing the finale even though it marks an end...

20 social events plus other heir requirements and three kids meant that Hades and Revean were always busy.
It didn't help that Hades is a Lovebug and Ravena never seemed to autonomously show affection. I had never seen that divorce message before between my sims.
Although Chased by Death and not particularly suited to Evergreen Harbor, I'm sure Ravena will be much happier in a smaller household with a spouse devoted to her alone.
When Hades run into ghostly Alessandro and I saw how much Hades still liked him, I thought to myself, "But what about Ravena"?
But then she complained about their relationship and died an accidetnal death, directing Hades' future in a different direction.

I usually write up my screnshots as I go, but with all the unexpected events this update, I had to keep rewriting what I wrote.
Oh, Hades ran into Alessandro who immediately asked to live with him? Then Raven died and? And Alessandro proposed the day after then, then returned to life with a baby bump!?
Hades is dtermined not to go down easy. He's really making me work to give him a proper ending, it seems. Lol.

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 10.10: Chased by Death (25 Dec '24)
« Reply #424 on: December 25, 2024, 01:23:23 PM »
10.10: Chased by Death

Thursday, Week 70, Year 6 (early winter)
Alessandro: Yyour great-grandfathers left for Mourningvale past midnight. Will they be alright?
Should we have gone with them, hiring a babysitter for the kids?
Vitor: No, they'll be fine.  Let's enjoy this moment with just the two of us.
I can't believe we've found our way back to each other, Alessandro.

Kian (in front): Well, here we are at The Baleful Bog, Vitor. Shall I rebirth first?
Vitor: Let me go first, Kian.  That way, when you rebirth, I'll be there to welcome you.
Well, here I go. See you back at Hades' home after we rebirth!

Kian: After re-uniting as Soulmates and getting reacquainted with the rest of you, we're ready to move.
Vitor: I know you wish to move to Sulani, Hades, but Kian and I long for our original home.
We'll be moving back to Admiral's Wreckage and your three kids are welcome to join us there.
You'll be busy enough once Alessandro gives birth.
Hades: That would be a great help!
From L to R: Usher, Hazel, Sandro (Alessandro's nickname), Great-Grandpas Vitor & Kian, me, and Renwick

Hades: The seven of us initially move to Sapphire Shores on the island of Lani St. Taz.
Sandro and I will be living in this house.
Vitor: Well, this is where we part ways.  Renwick, would you prefer to stay with your father?
Renwick: No, thank you! I'd be the only child here so I'd rather live with you, GGG Kian, Usher, and Hazel!

Bianca: Seriously? You're asking Andres and me to move in with you? That makes us so happy!
Hades: I remember how sad you were that Papa Denis never invited you two for a stayover.
And I'd never invited you either since your father lived with us. But we'd love for you to move in.
Andres: Pleasure to meet you, Alessandro. I'm Andres. Feel free to call me Grandpa Andres or Gramps.

Hades: I'm hosting this Kava Party with Sandro and Grandma Bianca. Gramps is an  invited guest.
As I'd heard from GG Vitor, Grandma doesn't follow instructions but Gramps is a great help.
To my surprise, Sandro makes the first Kava Toast!
This party's a great chance for my family to meet him.

Denis: I'm so pleased that Hades has finally listened to his heart and chose you.
May I feel my future grandchild, Alessandro? And, please call me Papa Denis.
When is your due date, by the way?
Alessandro: Late Friday night, I believe.
Denis (to himself): So before Raven died. Quite surprising for the usually straight-laced Hades.

Hades: I confess I'd been nervous about hosting this Kava Party, which is my 20th social event.
But we earn a gold medal and end the party a little early.
This completes my final heir requirement for the Costa Mishmash Legacy!

Hades: Let's get married right now, Sandro, in front of so many of the family.
I was a fool to let you go those months ago, but now we have the rest of  our lives together.
Sandro: I'm so grateful the Fates brought you back to me!

Hades: I'm so happy, beloved Sandro, that I could burst with joy! *starts laughing hysterically
Sandro: No, no, no! We just found each other again!
Grim: Calm down, son. Hades can rejoin the household as a ghost and work on his Unfinished Business.
Death cannot pull you and my son Hades apart so easily again.

Sandro: Due to my shock over Hades' sudden death, I go into labor a day early.
I give birth at home to twin boys. Hades gives them Italian names to honor my heritage.
The firstborn is Destin, after the destiny that enabled Hades and I to cross paths again.
Dante is both the celebrated medieval poet's name but also Watcher's nickname for her younger brother.

Hades: By the time we're both good friends with the twins, it's already 3:30 am.
Both are violet-eyed spellcasters with my dark complexion, but only Destin has pointy ears.
Sandro: Destin has Hades' slightly lighter shade of red hair, while Dante has my deeper-red shade.
Watcher: Honestly, they're the prettiest babies of the entire Costa legacy.

Crow: Caw! Caw!
Sandro: Stop squawking, you noisy bundle of feathers! You're going to wake up the babies!
Crow: Squawk! Squawk!
Sandro: What!? I ask you to hush and you make even more noise!? *blows a rasberry

Crow: Squawk! Squawk! *dives at Sandro
Sandro: What are you doing, crow! It was only a little harmless provocation! Aaarrgghh!

Grim: You and Hades are killing me this week!
Didn't Hades just cook you some Ambrosia to resurrect you two days ago?
Oh well. I guess now you can both work on your Unfinished Business.

Hades: Sandro earned his Burning Soul trait only by completing a few aspiration tasks.
I only have one more milestone left, so I'll pick up two Bucket List goals in the "I wanna get busy" category.
Woohoo in a waterfall and woohoo on a blanket in a park.
I should be done in a several hours.

Hades: All I needed to complete my Soul's Journey was to woohoo with Sandro at Mua Pel'am's waterfall.
Now that we both have our Burning Soul trait, we can spend time helping our twins earn their milestones.
After our boys have eight milestones each, we let my grandparents take over.

Andres: These little boys are so cute! I'm glad we had this chance to become friends with them!
Bianca: And now they each have 10 milestones. I'll go let Hades and Sandro know.
Andres: Okay. I'll get the birthday cakes ready.

Sandro: Wow, Destin and Dante are aging up again only 7 hours after they aged up to infants!
Hades: Yes, it was certainly the shortest infant stage in all of Costa history!

Both Top-Notch Infants, Destin's become a Charmer and Dante's  Inquisitive.

Hades: So, you're straight with the plan, right?
We go to the Baleful Fog and get rebirthed back here as teens.
Sandro: Yeah. If we play our cards right, you can be my Prom Date tomorrow night!
I'm glad your grandparents are here. Our boys will be safe with them while we rebirth.

Hades: You go first, Sandro. I want to make sure you rebirth properly.
Sandro: Okay.  Meet you back at Sapphire Shores in a bit!  As teenagers!
Hades: I can't wait to meet you again as a teen!

Hades: I'd originally planned to wrap up this legacy in Week 70 as a single update.
But then I met Alessandro again, became a widower, and discovered Alessandro was pregnant.
And now Alessandro and I have children of our own!
Please join us for one final episode where I finally take this Costa Mishmash Legacy to the finish line!

The Gen10 Household
Home: Sapphire Shores, Lani St. Taz (Sulani)

Bianca Costa (Gen8 heir) - Elder
Traits: Good, Cheerful, Family Oriented (+Geek, Active, Loves the Outdoors)
Spouse: Andres (Goode): Children: Jerome; Aimee & Desiree; Denis

Andres Costa (Gen8 spouse) - Elder
Traits: Proper, Romantically Reserved, Loyal (+Family Oriented, Active)

Hades Costa (Gen10 heir) - Grimborn YA
Traits: Erratic, Chased by Death, Music Lover (+Lovebug, Loyal, Family Oriented)
Ex-spouse: Raven Knight; Children: Renwick & Hazel; Usher
Spouse: Alessandro; Children: Destin & Dante

Alessandro Olivo (Gen10 spouse) - YA
Traits: Outgoing, Art Lover, Romantic (+Family Oriented)

Destin Olivo (Gen11 child) - Toddler (Grim Descendant)
Traits: Calm/Charmer (Top-Notch Infant)
Infant quirks: Happy Spitter
Infant milestones (10): Fine Motor/2, Gross Motor/1, Social/2, Firsts/5

Dante Olivo (Gen11 child) - Toddler (Grim Descendant)
Traits: Calm/Inquisitive (Top-Notch Infant)
Infant quirks: Early Riser, Good Appetite, Free Air Tinkler
Infant milestones (10): Fine Motor/2, Gross Motor/1, Social/2, Firsts/5

Moved to Admiral's Wreckage, Mua Pel'am[
Vitor Costa (G7 heir) - YA (rebirthed)
Traits: Outgoing, Foodie, Perfectionist (+Family Oriented, Music Lover, Romantic]

Kian Costa (G7 spouse) - YA (rebirthed)
Traits: Active, Family-Oriented, Bro (+Creative, Perfectionist)

[Renwick Costa (Gen11 child) - Child  (Grim Descendant)
Traits: Sunny/Angelic; Music Lover

Hazel Costa (Gen11 child) - Child (Grim Descendant)
Traits: Wiggly/Independent; Cheerful

Usher Costa (Gen11 child) - Child (Grim Descendant)
Traits: Calm/Charmer; Music Lover

Progress: End of Week 70
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
*Brothers!?: This update took much longer to play through than I'd expected.
  When Hades & Alessandro were ready to tie the knot after the Kava Party, the wedding arch wasn't usable.
  Checking their profiles revealed that the game had decided they were brothers. No idea at all why.
  Alessandro was a Cupid's Corner match, so no way he and Hades could be blood-related.
  Took me half a rl day to sort that out, with the trusty help of MCCC.

*Destin and Dante: Of course, the two best-looking Costa children are born at the legacy's end.

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 10.10: Chased by Death (25 Dec '24)
« Reply #425 on: December 26, 2024, 02:25:22 AM »
I must confess that I'm a bit confused with the different generations and births/rebirths. Did Hades and Sandro go through rebirths in order to do the goal thing or were they aging?
Either way, congrats on another lovely pair of toddlers.

My bucket list items seems to get wiped out if the Sims complete aspirations. And then you can't add any more.

Back in Sulani - such a lovely world. It's always tempting to be there.

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 10.10: Chased by Death (25 Dec '24)
« Reply #426 on: December 26, 2024, 04:20:02 PM »
Haha, sorry for confusing you!
Gen7 Vitor and his hubby Kian had supported two generations of Costas.
First, they lived with the Gen8 heir Bianca because of her Growing Together requirements.
And the two of them happened to be very old elders when Hades became a YA so he invited them to move in so I could explore the Life & Death pack, hehe.

As for Hades and Sandro, you'll find out next time.  :D

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 10.101: My Boo (29 Dec '24)
« Reply #427 on: December 29, 2024, 07:59:04 PM »
10.11: My Boo

Friday, Week 70, Year 6 (early winter)
Biance (Gen8 heir): My father Vitor and his husband Kian recently rebirthed as young adults.
They've moved back to their Admiral's Wreckage home, taking my grandson Hades' three children with them.
After that, Hades died of hysteria from excess joy, then Sandro gave birth to twins then was killed by the family crow.
Tonight, Hades and his husband Alesandro have gone to the Baleful Bog to rebirth..
They've both earned the Burning Soul trait, though I don't know what that means for them.
Meanwhile, my hushband Andres and I are looking after their twin, Dante and Destin, until they both return here.
From L to R: Alessandro holding Destin, me (Gen8 heir), my grandson Hades holding Dante, and my husband Andres

Rebirthed teen: I float down into what I believe into a bedroom of my new home. I wonder who else lives here?
As an Italian sim, I've always longed to live in Tartosa so I hope that's where I've ended up. *looks around the room
Thankfully, past me apparently had impeccable taste when purchasing a house!
Oh, I hear footsteps approaching. My housemates?

Hugo:  Alessandro, you're back! How did you get up here without us noticing your arrival?
Never mind that. Thank you so much for purchasing our villa. It's too large for Constanza and I now.
Reborn (to himself): So, my name is Alessandro…
Constanza: Now that you're here, we'll be moving in with our son in Oasis Springs.
Sandro: I'm grateful to you both for staying here until I could get my affairs in order.
Constanza (whispers to Hugo): Who odd! He looks much younger than when we signed the sales agreement!
Alessandro (to himself): I don't remember that couple at all but I'm glad they're honest about my buying their house.

Hades: Well, Sandro seemed to rebirth without any problem.
Now it's my turn.  Can't wait to see Sandro again in our Sulani home!
We moved to Sulani not long after GG Vitor & Kian rebirthed and they didn't talk much about it.
I wonder what my new life will be like?

Rebirthed teen: I float down into the living room of an oddly familiar home, though I can't quite place it.
It's dark out but I can barely make out the ocean and palm trees outside the windows.
I must be somewhere in Sulani.

Bianca: Hades! It seems you don't remember us but we're your Grandma Bianca and Grandpa Andres.
Before rebirth, you had the Burning Soul trait, doesn't that let you remember your close family and friends?
Hades: I have the "Discuss Odd Familiarity" and "Discuss Strange Connection" socials with you both.
Discuss Strange Connection worked with Grams and we have maxed friendship, but neither worked with Gramps.
Still, I have no memories of us being family.
Bianca: Well, I hope you remember your husband, Allesandro..

Hades: I am married? But I'm only a teenager!
Andres: Well, you and Sandro were both young adults when you decided to rebirth as teens.
Hades: Wait, he mentions being pregnant! Do we have children? Are we teen parents?
Bianca: Yes and yes. Andres and I will start packing so you can move to be with Sandro tomorrow morning.
We've already packed our things last night. With you back, we'll be returning to San Sequoia;.

Hades: I can't believe Sandro and I decided to rebirth as teens with children. How old are they?
Bianca: Well, you and Sandro have twin toddlers plus you have 3 children with your first spouse before she died.
Hades: Destin's profile shows we have an Odd Familiarity and Strange Connection, but I can't talk to him about that.
Bianca: Of course not. He aged up only yesterday from an infant. He and his brother Dante can't even talk yet.

Bianca: You should connect with your other children, too. Here, I have Renwick on the phone now.
Hades:  Hello, Renwick? I don't remember you but Grandma Bianca tells me you, Hazel, and Usher are my children.
Now that I've rebirthed, my grandparents are leaving so there's room for you three to move back in.
Renwick: You both rebirthed? With the same traits but at the start of your young adult stage?
Hades: Actually, no. We rebirthed as teens so we could become each other's first loves this time around and…

Renwick: Seems like you didn't get the memo, Dad, but the three of us aged up to teens soon after moving to Sulani.
I'm sending you a photo right now, so you know I'm not pulling your leg.
Hades: Wow, that makes the five of us the same age! We could do our homework for high school together…
Renwick: It'll be bad enough attending the same high school, Dad. Sorry, but we'll…um…be staying here in Sulani.

Hades: This is the address written on Alessandro's letter, but could he have accidentally written the wrong address?
What do you think, boys?  Does this look like our new home?
Dante: Babble?
Destin: Babble!
Hades: *knocks on door

Alessandro: May I help you?
Hades: My name's Hades Olivo. And I assume you must be Alessandro?
Sandro. Oh, what a coincidence! Olivo is also my family name. You seem vaguely familiar. Please call me Sandro,.
Hades: You left me a letter before we rebirthed, telling me to come live with you here in Tartosa. *shows letter
Sandro: That's definitely my handwriting and you seem vaguely familiar. Will your little brothers will live with us, too?
Hades: My grandma says that you and I are these toddlers' parents. No stress, Sandro. I don't recognize them, either.

(After some chitchat…
Sandro: Let's talk about our strange connection, Hades.
Hades: *immediately maxes friendship with Sandro than asks to be best friends
Sandro: I hesitate to try to Re-Encounter my Soulmate because of the possibility it could backfire.
But we're besties now so I try it.  Yep, we're Soulmates again.
Hades: Um, Sandro, why don't we help the toddlers with potty first? then they could go skill on their own.

Sandro: I hadn't realized you'd changed your family name from Costa to Olivo.
Hades: I changed it right before we got married, I was planning to tell you but then I…died of hysteria.
Sandro: Well, now we're besties, romantic partners, and Soulmates. Once we're engaged, that's it, right?
Hades: I mean, I know those toddlers are ours because my grandparents said so.
The perfect ending would be if the four of us recognized each other as family, don't you think?

Sandro: Do you think it was cheeky of us to hire a nanny so we could come to Prom?
Hades: Not at all. That's what nannies are for! Besides, this is my first time attending Prom!
Sandro: Same here! It's nice getting dressed up and going out with you.

Sandro: You're being so sweet tonight!
You made me completely forget that I was initially feeling bitter about not getting a proper Prom invite.
Hades: A proper Prom invite in our circumstances!?
Honestly, I'm just glad that we didn't run into my teen children from Sulani here at Prom.

Sandro: Thug life!  Love the sneer, Hades!
Hades: Sorry, bruh, but your little bells are really spoiling your mean look.
Sandro: Whatever! We got voted Prom Court without even attending a day of high school yet.
Hades: Yeah, it'll all be dowhill from here.

Hades: When I was living in Ravenwood and you were a ghost, you proposed to me.
Now that we're rebirthed as teens and living in Tartosa, I'd like to propose to you.
Each and every lifetime, I will find and choose you, Sandro. Will you marry me?
Sandro: Yes in this lifetime and every lifetime to come.

Sandro: Um, our next lifetime together, maybe we could start out with fewer children?
Hades: It's not my fault it took so long to find you. Oh, wait. Yeah, it was my fault. *hangs head
We may not actually recognize our twins but we'll work things out as they get older.
Sandro: Since their parents are technically deceased, we could adopt them now but let's wait another week.

Sandro: And since the twins are both sleeping…

A week later…
Sandro: I can "Talk about Strange Connection" our boys, but not the Odd Familiarity.
So our profiles still don't show a father-son relationship. I believe it's time we adopt them, Hades.
Hades: I agree. I haven't managed to be successful with that Discuss Odd Familiarity social so far.
After trying it a half dozen times with Bianca Costa, her profile still doesn't describe her as my grandma..

Just for funsies
Hades: Watcher aged up our twins, Destin and Dante, to share what they'll look like as teens.
Watcher: Waaaa, Destin is so handsome! When I play my next no-story legacy challenge, Destin will be the heir!

Hades: And this marks the end of the Costa Mishmash Legacy.
Alessandro and I had a rocky start but we eventually got our happy ending.
I should say "happy endings," because he and I plan to continue finding each other in every lifetime ahead of us.

Gallery Downloads
*Thebes Estate (50x50): "Villa Firenze" by 96langerlui99.
 This luxurious, Italian villa offers 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms in a easily navigable floor plan.
  Its gallery price is §244,295. I converted the laundry room into a nursery.
  I love this creator's builds.
  (Normally, my sims couldn't live in a house like this because there's no space for a garden, lol.)

The Gen10 Household
Home: Villa Firenze (Thebes Estate), Porto Luminoso (Tartosa)

Hades Costa (Gen10 heir) - Grimborn Teen (rebirthed from YA)
Traits: Music Lover, Chased by Death Erratic (+Lovebug, Loyal, Family Oriented)
Ex-spouse: Raven Knight; Children: Renwick & Hazel; Usher
Spouse: Alessandro; Children: Destin & Dante

Alessandro Olivo (Gen10 spouse) - Teen (rebirthed from YA)
Traits: Outgoing, Romantic Art Lover (+Family Oriented)

Destin Olivo (Gen11 child) - Toddler (Grim Descendant)
Traits: Calm/Charmer (Top-Notch Infant)
Toddler quirks:

Dante Olivo (Gen11 child) - Toddler (Grim Descendant)
Traits: Calm/Inquisitive (Top-Notch Infant)
Toddler quirks:

MOVED back to San Sequoia
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Progress: End of Week 70
All requirements completed on Thu, Week 70, Year 6.

*Discuss Strange Connection" and "Discuss Odd Familiarity" socials[/u;;:
 As you've already guessed, a successful "Discuss Strange Connection" social restores the friendship.
 A successful "Discuss Odd Familiarity" social restores the familial relationship.
 Hades started at 0 friendship with his 4 Sulani household members.
 Grandpa Andres flat-out rejected both socials which remained grayed out for hours.
 It's preferable, apparently, to do some warm-up socials before attempting a "rebirth social."
 Hades maxed friendship with toddler Dante, however, after a friendly introduction

This Costa Mishmash Legacy marks my last Sims 4 story. (Sorry for the sappy ending!)
It's been so much fun sharing my beloved sims and their silly antics.
And I'm grateful to you for coming along on the journey.  Thank you so much! 
May the year 2025 bring you good health as well as much joy and contentment.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 10.101: My Boo (29 Dec '24)
« Reply #428 on: December 30, 2024, 02:29:51 AM »
*throws confetti*
*applauds wildly*
Well done Watcher for a great conclusion, exploring the new pack so well.
Thank you for sharing your stories on here. It's been fun. Every blessing for 2025.

Online oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 10.101: My Boo (29 Dec '24)
« Reply #429 on: December 30, 2024, 08:37:51 AM »
*throws confetti*
*applauds wildly*
Well done Watcher for a great conclusion, exploring the new pack so well.
Thank you for sharing your stories on here. It's been fun. Every blessing for 2025.

Thank you for celebrating the end of this legacy with me!
You have been such a loyal reader and insightful commenter over the years.
It has been a real pleasure doing challenges together and reading your stories.
May 2025 bring you everything oood!  I will miss our times together here on this storyboard.

Finally, a huge thank you to @Carl for creating and supporting this platform for sims storytelling!  Bless you!

