Author Topic: Costa Mishmash Legacy 10.101: My Boo (29 Dec '24)  (Read 89558 times)

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 9.6: How Are We Even Family? (14 Nov '24)
« Reply #390 on: November 15, 2024, 11:14:27 PM »
"Difficult dynamic" - I've always answered "no" to that question. I think it's popped up for me when they've autonomously been annoying when the other was stressed/bored/upset. Maybe it's the Macabre trait? What does that actually entail? I could see an Erratic and a Macabre Sim winding each other up.
I've never really investigated the family dynamics before. Once you've got a particular relationship, can it change through interactions? Or do you have to dissolve it somehow?

The kids are lovely. Ravena has a really pointy chin with wide cheekbones. I wonder if that will go on into her adult face. Blake is the cutest, imho but Hades will make a great Heir.

Like you, I've never said Yes to a Difficult Family Dynamic before, but then I rarely get that prompt in the first place. I also decline the Jokesters Dynamic out of preference for Close or Supportive, haha.
The Romance Dynamic seems to require frequent attention but I've never had a family dynamic change autonomously.
And once I agree to a family dynamic, I don't popups promoting me to choose a different one.

It's hard to tell what the kids will look like as teens, but I also have a huge soft spot for Blake although, due to his coloring and his Grimborn trait, Hades will become the heir.
He didn't actually roll the Erratic trait but--since his Papa Grim has the Evil, Erratic, and Noncommital traits--I felt Hades should get the Erratic trait.
(I didn't really want my Gen10 heir to be Evil or Noncommittal, right?)

I'm still working on the Gen10 requirements. I just can't seem to get them right.

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 9.7: Til Death Do Us Part (16 Nov '24)
« Reply #391 on: November 16, 2024, 04:38:41 PM »
9.7: Til Death Do Us Part

Sunday, Week 63, Year 6 (late spring)
Desiree: Last week, all four toddlers maxed their skills and aged up to children.
By the end of the week, they'd all become Llamacorn Scouts, too.
I accidentally feel into a pond of hangry sharks and drowned, but I revived with Ambrosia.
Let's see what else? Oh, Our two Grimborns developed a Difficult Family Dynamic somehow.
From L to R: Hades, Blake, Tim, me, my brother Denis, my husband Dorian, Ravena, and Brigitte

At Brindleton Bay's Vet Clinic
Denis: Hmmm, I came all the way to this clinic to buy Rodent Treats and Rodent Remedies.
But where are the Rodent Remedies?
Random townie: Oh you'll only find the Rodent Treats in that fridge.
Why don't you ask one of the vetertinairans??

Vet:  Buying Rodent Remedies from our clinic's computer is misinformation, sir!
If you do "Web/Research Rodent Fever" from your home computer, you can buy them at home!
Denis: You're a great help! *phones Tim to buy Rodent Remedies
Vet: I do commend you for being prepared, sir! Kids aren't great at cleaning rodent cages.

Brigitte: I've been gazing through this telescope off and on since last night.
But my Logic skill is still only level 6. I really want to be the first of the kids to max it!
Oh, how scary! A meteor is heading for me! As if!
I'm an invincible Grimborn!  Some stupid meteor ain't got nothing on me!

Hades: This morning I become an Idea Person by completing Creative Genius!
Today, I'll bring home an A from school and finish Whiz Kid, too.
If I can be done with my two remaining aspirations, I can start learning more skills!

Denis: I come home from a meh day of work to find that I've somehow hurt Hades' feelings.
I apoloize then ask him to be BFFs.  We're all good now!

Denis: Ugh! How did I not see this coming when Ravena begged us to buy her a pet rat?
After naming the rat Grumpy, she's only played with her pet that first day.
Go ahead! Take one guess: Who's stuck taking care of Grumpy? *rolls eyes

Hades: How cool that we get to take a vacation day from school in Mt. Komorebi today!
Blake: Yeah, you and I are done with six aspirations already!
Hades: I can't wait for our slumber party on Friday!
Blake: I'm looking forward to dinner at that fancy Japanese restaurant in Wakaba this evening.

Outside of Konayuki Restaurant in Wakaba
Brigitte:  Even though you're not my real father, Papa Dorian, please help me!
That machine stole my money! It owes me a Simmie Capsule!
Dorian: Don't you worry, Brigitte! I'll get your Simmie Capsule for you if it kills me!

Brigitte: Um, does this mean you couldn't get my Simmie Capsule?

Denis: Boss, please take this Death Flower in exchange for Dorian's life.
He's my brother-in-law and my best friend, too! And he has small children!
Grim: Of course, Denis. You're my Right-Hand Reaper! *cue Resurrection music
Dorian: Denis, you are my hero!

Denis: What the heck, Boss? I thought you were gonna resurrect Dorian?
Grim: What can I say? My life's gotten a bit wonky since the new pack!
Denis: Never mind, Dorian. Let's go home and I'll cook you some Ambrosia.
You'll be as good as new in no time!

Denis: Today I visited Brindleton Bay to reap the soul of a sim who died from Killer Rabbit.
Back at the office, I practice reaping one last time for old time's sake.
Our children will be te teens soon, so today will be my last day in the Reaper career.
Grim: No, Denis! Say it isn't so!

And how is my little Grumpy Wumpy today, hmmmm?
Ouch! Why you ungrateful little…that hurt!

Princess Coronis, how have you been?
I bring tribute, you lovely creature!

Denis: I'd thought I was catching a colf but I've entered Rabid Rodent Fever's Contagious phase.
Tim: How? That's the third stage and you were only bit last night!
Denis: Tim, will you stay with me in case anything else goes wrong?
Tim: Of course, Denis. I have your Rabid Rodent Serum and an Ambrosia serving in my inventory.

Denis: I plan to spread my illness to some townies then drink the serum before death calls.
I convene the little club I created and go around hugging everyone, the better to infect them.
Tim's safe. Thanks to drinking a Rodent Inoculation Serum, he's permanently immune.

I'm feeling pretty confident that I'll take down a townie or two with Rabid Rodent Fever!
Look at that vampire and edler! They're both feeling Very Uncomfortable.
I'm in no rush. I read somewhere that my Contagious stage lasts 24 hours.

Except that it only last five hours, not 24 hours.
Why did my Rabid Rodent Fever develop at such an accelerated pace?
Ugh, I can't think clearly anymore. Tim, I'm counting on you! *keels over

Grim: Denis, Denis, Denis! Is that what's become of my favorite ex-Reaper?
(whispers: Not to mention that you and I have a son together.)
What a miserable way to go, dear friend.
On the bright side, this was your 13th unique death type.
Congratz on completing all the requirements for your generation, bruh!

Denis: Ugh, I've never looked so creepy in my life!
Tim: It's just temporary, love. Here, eat your Ambrosia.
Denis: Unlike my Beetlejuice death, I'm able to eat Ambrosia this time, but it doesn't revive me.
Desiree: No worries, Denis. I got you! *casts Dedeathify on Denis and resurrects him
Denis: Hey, Tim! Why are you looking so glum? I'm the one who is a giant pink hamster!
Tim: Well, we're divorced now. Did this happen to us when you died the last time?

Tim: Look! Our friendship and romance are still maxed.
And I can ask you to be my Romantic Partner again, both we're still both Widowers.

Tim: Thank goodness I can ask you stay married!
Denis: Go ahead and ask me, babe!
Tim: There! We're back to the way we were! What a relief!

Desiree: Dorian and I aren't as luck as Denis and Tim.
First of all, we're both described as "Widowers." Hello, the right word for me is "Widow."
Next, Dorian asks me to become Romantic Partners again, which is fine.
But he doesn't have the Ask to Stay Married option so he chooses Propose instead.
Dorian: As soon as I successfully propose to Desiree, I lose my Widower status.
Desiree: Not me! Now I'm not only your Spouse but also still a Widower (sic). Why, why, why?

Gallery Downloads
*Upland Place (40x30): "Get Famous Starter" by AvelineYT. 3bdrm/2bth. §141,064.
  I'd placed this build several generations ago on the lot where Venessa Jeong formerly lived.
  Extremely pricey for a so-called "starter," but a great family home just the same.

*Hazakura Lounge (30x20): "Restaurant Konayuki" by Momofy.
  This is my favorite Japanese restaurant build.
  I enlarged one of the private rooms to replace the four-seat dining table with an eight-seater.

The Gen9 Household
Home: Hay Hill Landing, Whispering Glen (Ravenwood)

Desiree Costa (Gen9 heir) - YA
Traits: Music Lover, Macabre, Loves the Outdoors (+Active, Perfectionist, Family Oriented)
Baby Daddy: Grim Reaper; Child: Brigitte Costa
Spouse: Dorian (Rose); Child: Blake Costa

Denis Costa (Gen9 heir) - YA
Traits:  Loves the Outdoors, Chased by Death, Proper (+Creative, Perfectionist)
Career: Reaper 10+1
Baby daddy: Grim Reaper; Child: Hades Costa
Spouse: Tim (Ravenwood); Child: Ravena Costa

Dorian (Gen9 spouse) - YA (Chopstick Savvy Spice Hound)
Traits: Gloomy, Creative, Loyal (+Active, Perfectionist, Family Oriented)

Tim (Gen9 spouse) - YA (Chopstick Savvy Spice Hound)
Traits: Self-Assured, Chased by Death, Romantic (+Adventurous, Active, Family Oriented)

Hades Costa (Gen10 heir) - Grimborn Child
Traits: Wiggly/Independent; Erratic

Brigitte Costa (Gen10 spare) - Grimborn Child
Traits: Sunny/Angelic; Macabre

Blake Costa (Gen10 spare) - Child
Traits: Calm/Inquisitive; Creative

Ravena Costa (Gen10 spare) - Child
Traits: Sunny/Independent; Loves the Outdoors

Progress: Partway through Week 63
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Pleading with Grim: Why does this even still exist in the game? It's broken!
  Denis tried the "Demand Dorian be Spared" social on Grim after Dorian's death.
  We got all the Resurrected hullabaloo except that Dorian ended up as a ghost.
  Next, we reloaded our save and chose "Give Death Flower" instead.  Same results.
  When Denis worked as a Reaper, he was able to Revive dead sims. So why can't the Grim Reaper?

*Death types for children: I had a whole story arc planned out which never came to be.
  It required Grimborn Brigitte's death but I failed miserably despite all my time and effort.
  I've since learned that since the patch, children can only die from drowning or fire.
  I was so confused: Brigitte froze to death 3 times but immediately came back to life right after.
  She also got three meteorite warnings and one "It's Coming Right at Me!" notification.
   However, no meteor even landed.

*Ghostly divorce: I don't understand the logic behind the automatic divorce.
  Sure, an auto-divorce makes sense if the deceases become a free-roaming ghost or rebirths.
  But if they become a playable ghost in their original household, why the divorce?

*Widower, Widow: Why not change this status to the gender-neutral word "Widowed."

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 9.8: This Stuff Is Starting Now (17 Nov '24)
« Reply #392 on: November 18, 2024, 01:04:45 AM »
9.8: This Stuff Is Starting Now!

Thursday, Week 63, Year 6 (late spring)
Denis:  This week really did a number on our marriages!
Dorian got crushed by a vending machine, then Grim promised to resurrect him but…didn't.
Our pet rat Grumpy bit me and I died of Rabid Rodent Fever but Ambrosia didn't bring me back to life.
Shockingly, Desiree and Dorian as well as Tim and I ended up divorced and widowed! It's all fixed now.
From L to R:  Hades, Blake, my squeeze Tim, sister Desiree, me, BIL Dorian, Dorian,  and Brigitte

Ravena: Just cuz poor little Grimpy bit Papa Denis this morning, the grownups all want to get rid of Grumpy!
That's so unfair! Right, Grumpy?

Blake: We invite over our classmates this evening.
Gotta get ready to exchange Friendship Bracelets at our slumber party, right?
Ravena: Who you gonna invite, Brigitte?
Brigitte (orange bear): Maybe that Brendon Specter?

Brigitte: Why are we fishing in Ciudad Enamorada? It's pitch dark!
Blake: Who knows? While our parents hang at that cheesy lounge, we're 'sposed to fish here.
Ravena: They said something about becoming Romantic Explorers?
Hades: Hey, I caught some ole ring? I wonder who lost it?

Denis: Okay, this is our second spot for that "Woohoo 3 times at different locations" task.
Tim: *giggles

Blake: Cool! We've never visited Grandma Bianca and Grandpa Andres before!
Hades: Yeah. Let's watch the Game of Llamas Season Premiere!
Ravena: Isn't it kinda late to be visiting our grandparents for the first time?
Brigitte: That too. And why are we here, anyway? We have a big TV at home!

Hades: Hey, Brigitte! Blake, Ravena, and I asked our Grandma and Grandpa to be our besties.
Why don't you ask them, too?
Brigitte (orange bear): I can't! because I barely know them. And I'm Incredibly Friendly just like you!
Hades: Huh, you think it's a Bear thing?

Denis: I feel weird using my parent's Romantic Blanket but this makes our third location.
Tim: *giggles

Hades: We took a vacation day from school today. Why are we doing homework?!
Blake: Um, cuz we're Responsible?  Hey, where's Brigitte the Bear?
Ravena: Chatting online with Brendon, probably.

Tim: I hated that we were divorced, Denis. Thanks for this!
Denis: Yeah, I'm glad we took the time to reconnect! Feels right.

Dorian: I'm glad we're also working toward becoming Seasoned Romantics, Desiree.
Desiree: Of course, love. And remember: you must NEVER remove your glasses in public!
Nobody but me must ever know what a hunk you really are.
Dorian: Um, okaaay?

Hades: Awww, everyone's forgotten all about you. No worries, Grumpy. I got you!
Hey, you wanna play? Ouch!

Hades: I need to talk with you, Papa! We kids are ready for a slumber party. What about later today?
Denis: Sure. We could schedule it for 4 o'clock since your classmates have school today.
Hades: Also, can we release Grumpy to the wild? It seems cruel to keep him all caged up, y'know?
Denis: Not sure Grumpy could survive in the wild, but I'm not a big Grumpy fan myself. Let's ask Ravena.
Hades: Ask my sister? Are you kidding? She's never fed Grumpy even once!

Denis: After preparing some pizza for the party, I decide to create a patio area out back.
Come to think of it, we've never invited our parents over.
We've never invited Great-great-whatever Night and Lou over from Moonwood Mills, either.
We'll have to throw a big family party in the near future.
The bright green in the drink fountain is Party Extender Punch. Sounds great but totally wrecks the ambiance!

Ravena: Thanks for throwing that 2-minute slumber party, Mama.
Desiree: Sure, you kids can finish your "sleeping bag stories" before the "real slumber party."
Denis: Yes, then you'll only need to tell two later for the party goal. Everyone's told their three stories, right?
Brigitte: Not me! I've only told one story so far! It's not my fault! Nobody listens to my stories!
Hades: Well, hurry up! Our slumber party starts in 15 minutes!

Hades: Our real party reaches silver-medal status in no time then gets stuck at the 2 sleeping bag stories.
Ravena: Hey guys, I finished telling my story. Did Brigitte already finish hers?
Blake: Brigitte, what are you doing? How long have you just been sitting there?
Brigitte: Huh? Oh, okay, give me another hour or so to tell someone a story from my sleeping bag.

Hades: Okay, kiddos! We've earned our gold medal! Everyone exchange your Friendship Bracelet already?
Once that's done, we can end our slumber party and age up to teens!
Brigitte: No, wait! I'm not good enough friends yet to ask Brendon to become Bracelet Buds yet!
Hades, Blake, and Ravena: *groan in unison

Two hours later…
Hades: Um, Papa Denis? Is Brigitte really related to the rest of us?
Denis: Yes, son. She's the daughter of your Auntie Desiree.
Hades: Huh. Whatever, we end our gold-medal party and I shoot from L4 to L9 Charisma.
Blake: Me, too, but I had L3 Charisma when our party started.

Denis: Thanks to Brigitte, the kids' birthday party starts three hours later than planned.
Still, we invite our parents, grand-parents, and ancestors Night and Lou.
Tim: We should do this more often! I love parties!

Denis: Hades is my Grimborn son and the next heir. He's Erratic and Chased by Death.
Tim: Both Denis and I are Chased by Death, and so is our daughter Ravena.
Desiree: My Grimborn daughter, Brigitte, is Macabre and Erratic.
Dorian: Our son Blake and I share the same two traits: Creative and Gloomy.

Dwaieww: We all enjoyed seeing the family so much last night, we invited them over again.
The teens are thrilled to have so much help with their school projects.
Hades: How exciting to meet our ancestors from Moonwood Mills. They're Immortal Wolves!

Bianca: A little bird told me you'd like to become a spellcaster, Hades.
May I offer you the Rite of Ascension?
Hades: Yes, please, Grandma Bianca!

Blake: I overheard you telling your parents that you plan to go to uni, Hades.
Hades: Yeah, I want to get into a distinguished degree program at Foxbury.
Blake: Um, would you mind if I go to uni, too? We've always done everything together, so…
Hades: Yay! I was hoping you'd want to go to uni, too! We better get our skills up, bruh!

Ravena: Hades and Blake are so close! If they move out together, what happens to me?
The other day, the grownups were talking about Blake inheriting this house.
Does that mean I need to leave?  And what about Brigitte? Will I get custody of Grumpy?

On the outskirts of Crow's Crossing
Hades: What is that huge, abandoned manor?
Tim: You know how my family name used to be Ravenwood, Hades?
Hades: *nods
Tim: This is the Old Ravenwood Estate, my ancestral home and my birthplace.
Hades: But it's so rundown and broken now! What happened? Where's your family?
Tim: Well, my father died of grief after losing the estate in a gambling bet. Mother soon followed him.
Hades: Nooo, Papa Tim! That's too sad! I'm going to save up to buy this place then restore it to its former glory!
Tim: Oh Hades! You'd do that? You don't know how happy that would make me! *sniffle, sniffle

Hades: C'mon, Blake, Ravena, Brigitte! Y'all in for Operation Old Ravenwood Estate? This stuff is starting now!

The Gen9 Household
Home: Hay Hill Landing, Whispering Glen (Ravenwood)

Desiree Costa (Gen9 co-heir) - YA (23 days to Adult)
Traits: Music Lover, Macabre, Loves the Outdoors (+Active, Perfectionist, Family Oriented)
Baby Daddy: Grim Reaper; Child: Brigitte Costa
Spouse: Dorian (Rose); Child: Blake Costa

Denis Costa (Gen9 co-heir) - YA (33 days to Adult)
Traits:  Loves the Outdoors, Chased by Death, Proper (+Creative, Perfectionist)
Career: Reaper 10+1
Baby daddy: Grim Reaper; Child: Hades Costa
Spouse: Tim (Ravenwood); Child: Ravena Costa

Dorian (Gen9 spouse) - YA (32 days to Adult)
Traits: Gloomy, Creative, Loyal (+Active, Perfectionist, Family Oriented)

Tim (Gen9 spouse) - YA (15 days to Adult)
Traits: Self-Assured, Chased by Death, Romantic (+Adventurous, Active, Family Oriented)

Hades Costa (Gen10 heir) - Grimborn Teen (20 days to YA)
Traits: Wiggly/Independent; Erratic, Chased by Death

Brigitte Costa (Gen10 spare) - Grimborn Teen (20 days to YA)
Traits: Sunny/Angelic; Macabre, Erratic

Blake Costa (Gen10 spare) - Teen (20 days to YA)
Traits: Calm/Inquisitive; Creative, Gloomy

Ravena Costa (Gen10 spare) - Teen (20 days to YA)
Traits: Sunny/Independent; Loves the Outdoors, Chased by Death

Progress: End of Week 63
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Hades' skill requirement: I want Hades to max 13 skills but keep changing my mind about which ones.
  While playing and writing this update, I replaced two skills with two other skills, hehe.

*The parents' Adult birthday: Every time one one of the YAs has died, their age resets to Day 1.
  That's why Dorian and Denis respectively have 32 and 33 days until their YA birthday.
  So, all four of them will consider Tim's birthday as their YA birthday.
  Hades will have moved out by then, so he'll drop by to give them each a timely Potion of Rejuvenation.

*Hades and Brigitte: Their family dynamic remains Difficult though I haven't seen them arguing.
 Hades has no sentiment toward Brigitte, but she feels a Festering Grudge and Impressed toward Hades.

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 10.1: Electric Boogaloo (21 Nov '24)
« Reply #393 on: November 21, 2024, 02:07:30 PM »
10.1: Electric Boogaloo

Sunday, Week 64, Year 6 (early summer)
Hades: I've only been a teen since Friday night, but everyone agrees that I'm practically the active heir.
Last week, Papa Denis completed his "13 unique death types" requirement, finishing Gen9's final task.
We've had a lot of trouble with deaths and resurrection lately.
Grim told Papa Denis he'd revive Uncle Dorian but didn't, so Uncle Dorian ate Ambrosia instead.
He also ignored Papa Tim's plea for Papa Denis' life but Ambrosia didn't work for Papa Denis.
Saturday night, we kids aged up to teens then Blake, Ravena, and me applied for uni scholarships.
From L to R: Me, Blake, Papa Tim, Auntie Desiree, Papa Denis, Uncle Dorian, Ravena, and Brigitte

I'd  read somewhere that the required skills for the Psych degree include:
Acting, Charisma, Logic, Mischief, and Research & Debate.
My  Charisma and Logic are high enough, but I'll be avoiding Mischief.
I get Acting to Level 3, then decide to focus on Research & Debate instead.

Ravena: I'm so glad Hades asked me to move out with him!
But I don't want to become simply a stay-at-home helper!
Hopefully, I'll get accepted into a distinguished degree program at Britechester!
Culinary Arts degree, here I come!

Hades: Today, we teens all graduate early, then Blake, Ravena, and I apply for uni.
Blake and Ravena's scholarship applications are still pending, but I hear back already.
I applied for five scholarships and receive all five. No tuition fees for me!

Brigitte: It's pretty obvious that I lack the people skills to attend unit.
And even though Hades invited me to move out with him, I'm going to stay here.
With the three of them going to uni, I'd only be a sort of unpaid domestic helper. Who needs that?
Still, Hades wants to start a new garden from scratch, so I've been searching for intact seed packets.
I've found quite a few in storage and personal inventories, but he'll still need to buy or fish for some.

Brigitte: I spend my afternoons fishing. I enjoy the peace and quiet.
Not having to worry about getting into an argument with Hades is a big plus!
Papa Grim phones to ask when I'm visiting. Seriously? Isn't he homeless?
So I invite him over to our place instead, then hurry home.

When I notice Papa Grim and I have a full friendship bar, I'm about to ask to be BFFs.
But at that very moment, we develop a Difficult Family Dynamic instead.
When Hades runs out to greet Papa Grim, he finds me arguing with Papa Grim about music.

Hades: Hey, Papa Grim! It's great to see you! How about a hug for ya boi?
Brigitte: Naturally, Papa Grim and Hades immediately develop a Supportive Family Dynamic!
Seriously? Why? What did I ever do to have such wretched luck?

Denis: I saved up these broken speakers for your final Nerd Brain milestone, Hades.
Just repair these three and you'll be done with that aspiration!
Hades: That's a lotta back-to-back repairs!
Denis: You're Chased by Death like me. You don't have to do them all at once…

Denis: Please, please, please, Boss!
Grim: I'm no longer your Boss, Denis. You quit and left me, remember?
Denis: But Boss, Denis is our only son! Please don't take him away!
Grim: Well, he is the last heir of the Costa legacy…

Denis: Thanks the Fates, you revived our son Hades!
But why didn't you resurrect Dorian and me last week?
Grim: How about some gratitude for reviving Hades?
Denis: Of course, of course! Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Boss!
Hades: Um, thanks Papas!

Hades: Since I'm alive again, we head to Mourningvale's Thinned Festival.
As aspiring Ghost Historians, Blake and I need to befriend a ghost. Done!
Tim: What!? Why are you crushing on Waylon Warez, Hades!? That's no bueno.
Blake: And that's not real Spanish, Uncle Tim.
Tim: Fine. "Crushing on the Mysterious Merchant no está bueno." Happy now?

Blake: Sweet! I got into Foxbury's distinguished degree program in Biology!
Ravena: I got accepted into Britechester's distinguished degree program in Culinary Arts.
Hades: Surprisingly, I got accepted into all 13 distinguished degree programs. Let's enroll now!
It'll be kind of a crunch to finish homework for tomorrow's classes, but let's move out tonight!

Late yesterday, I moved here with Blake and Ravena to Crow's Perch in Crow's Crossing.
We'll be living here only until I can afford the Old Ravenwood Estate.
That neglected estate costs slightly over §200k and I want to be able to buy it myself.
Sure, Blake and Ravena can help with our living expenses, but I need to buy that place on my own!

Hopefully, we won't be here more than two weeks.
We upgrade the fridge and stove, saving the original appliances to put back when we move again.
We also convert the dining area into our study space.

As for Ravena's rat Grumpy, Ravena forgot to feed her pet once too often and it died.
This morning, I bought a hamster who I name Rico, after one of the two dudes in My Hammy Vice.
You know who I mean, right?

Ravena: Our first term started yesterday and what a busy day it was!
Besides attending our first day of classes, we also got our garden planted.
This evening, I visit the Foxbury campus to attend a guest lecture with Hades and Blake.
I'd prefer to attend a guest lecture at Britecheter, but there's no time to visit both campuses.

Hades: Looks like our Grimophone's broken. You mind fixing that, Blake?
Blake: No, not that all. *does a quick insta-repair
Hades: Thanks, bruh! Since I'm Chased by Death, I avoid electrical repairs ever since my Electric Boogaloo.

Ravena: I'm done with homework for Monday and submitted my two term papers already.
I look around Crow's Crossing for a fishing and, when I get there, Papa Denis shows up, too!
Our parents phone or text constantly but we've been too busy to chat or visit.
Oh look, Papa Denis! The sun's going down behind the Old Ravenwood Estate!

Hades: From early evening, I try my first food sale.
This was Grandpa Vitor's food stand, named Vitor's Victuals. I rename it Sinful Snacks.
To be a Market Magnate, I need to sell 5 pizzas or waffles so I prepare 5 pizzas.
Oh, that task completes after I sell five SLICES of pizza. Oh well!
Of course, Grimborn Brigitte shows up and starts arguing with me while I try to make sales.
She's so predictable.  And annoying!

The Gen10 Household
Home: Crow's Perch, Crow's Crossing (Ravenwood)

Hades Costa (Gen10 heir) - Grimborn Teen (13 days to YA)
Traits: Erratic, Chased by Death

Blake Costa (Gen10 spare) - Teen (13 days to YA)
Traits: Creative, Gloomy

Ravena Costa (Gen10 spare) - Teen (13 days to YA)
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Chased by Death

The Gen9 Household
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Progress: End of Week 64
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*Family Dynamics with Grim:  What does Brigitte has such difficulty with relationships?
  She got the Difficult dynamic popup after hugging Grim, whereas Hades got the Supportive one.
    I simply clicked Yes in each case.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 10.1: Electric Boogaloo (21 Nov '24)
« Reply #394 on: November 23, 2024, 05:47:41 AM »
I've missed so many episodes! I was relying on getting a notification email when you posted on here but, despite "notify" being checked, I got no emails. My deepest apologies - I'll check the forum more frequently from now on.
You've had such a roller-coaster with deaths and non-deaths, resurrections and non-resurrections, widowing and remarriage! I always love the ghost hamster, btw. Congratulations to Desiree and Denis on completing their requirements. Hopefully no more dicing with deaths will be required.

Difficult Brigitte... Is it my imagination, or is it always female Sims that are your most troublesome Sims over the generations? Lol. And Ravena is continuing in the active household, despite not feeding her pet. I'm guessing you got a replacement hamster to get the postcards?

Hades is making a great start. What an amazing choice of distinguished degrees he was offered. I'm glad his donor father Grim stepped up and resurrected him. I'm looking forward to seeing your reno of that estate. I'm sure it will be glorious. But 3 Sims at uni! That's going to be a treadmill. Good luck, Watcher.

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 10.1: Electric Boogaloo (21 Nov '24)
« Reply #395 on: November 23, 2024, 08:47:30 AM »
I was so relieved to finish Denis' 13 unique death types, even though around half of them Denis encountered during his work as a Reaper.
The Deaths by Crows, Beetljejuice, (shark pond) Drowning, and and Rabid Rodent Fever were new experiences for me, haha.

Yes, as you know, a rodent cage (and rodent) can only travel in household inventory, so Grumpy the Rat couldn't have moved with the teens even if he'd had lived.

OMG, Desiree and Brigitte were such pains, lol!
I left out the screenshots but Desiree was constantly running into the kitchen to Prep Ingredients (why?) while Hades was trying to make progress on Appliance Wiz.
She'd never prepped ingredients before.  Whenever I'd had a sim working on a requirement, she would be there, trying to hog the skilling object.
As for Brigitte, I have no idea what her issue with Hades was. I was surprised she even started arguing with him at hiw first food sale, lol.
Glad to be away from them both!

As for Ravena, we both know that Ravena neglecting Grumpy is her Watcher's fault, haha!
She's been great at the new place--in charge of the garden, completing aspirations, filling out their fish collection, and so forth.
 Actually, all three teens are doing well.

Restoring Old Ravenwood Estate won't be a complete renovation.  Besides replacing the broken windows, the teens will be refurnishing the interior.
That's what I'm thinking since I've actually not looked closely at the lot. :D

Hope ou've been well, dear friend! I miss your storytelling!
Um, pursuing three different degrees was a stupid idea on my part, lol! I'm so busy micro-managing their schoolwork and class attendance that they have time for little else, lol.
Their parents, grandparents, and Night/Lou constantly phone to chat or ask to/for a visit, but the kids are too busy. Oh well!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 10.1: Electric Boogaloo (21 Nov '24)
« Reply #396 on: November 23, 2024, 08:51:54 AM »
I was so relieved to finish Denis' 13 unique death types, even though around half of them Denis encountered during his work as a Reaper.
The Deaths by Crows, Beetljejuice, (shark pond) Drowning, and and Rabid Rodent Fever were new experiences for me, haha.

Yes, as you know, a rodent cage (and rodent) can only travel in household inventory, so Grumpy the Rat couldn't have moved with the teens even if he'd had lived.

OMG, Desiree and Brigitte were such pains, lol!
I left out the screenshots but Desiree was constantly running into the kitchen to Prep Ingredients (why?) while Hades was trying to make progress on Appliance Wiz.
She'd never prepped ingredients before.  Whenever I'd had a sim working on a requirement, she would be there, trying to hog the skilling object.
As for Brigitte, I have no idea what her issue with Hades was. I was surprised she even started arguing with him at hiw first food sale, lol.
Glad to be away from them both!

As for Ravena, we both know that Ravena neglecting Grumpy is her Watcher's fault, haha!
She's been great at the new place--in charge of the garden, completing aspirations, filling out their fish collection, and so forth.
 Actually, all three teens are doing well.

Restoring Old Ravenwood Estate won't be a complete renovation.  Besides replacing the broken windows, the teens will be refurnishing the interior.
That's what I'm thinking since I've actually not looked closely at the lot. :D

Hope ou've been well, dear friend! I miss your storytelling!
Um, pursuing three different degrees was a stupid idea on my part, lol! I'm so busy micro-managing their schoolwork and class attendance that they have time for little else, lol.
Their parents, grandparents, and Night/Lou constantly phone to chat or ask to/for a visit, but the kids are too busy. Oh well!
I've been well, thanks, just busy writing up my rl reno prior to selling it. Looking back at the progress pics, I've found myself lost in nostalgia.

I "unnotified" and then "notified" myself on your story and I got an email straight away. I will hopefully never miss another posting :D

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 10.2: Hitting the Books (24 Nov '24)
« Reply #397 on: November 24, 2024, 07:40:21 PM »
10.2: Hitting the Books

Sunday, Week 65, Year 6 (midsummer)
Hades: Last Monday, we attended high school for the first time, earned As, and graduated early.
That same day, Blake, Ravena, and I applied to uni and learned we'd be on on full scholarships.
Wednesday, we finally hear back about our applications, enroll in uni, then move out.
We're living a 3-bedroom, 1-bathroom starter home in Crow's Crossing.
From L to R: me, my cousin Blake, and my half-sister Ravena

I've started the Postcard collection with the help of my pet hamster Rico.
Watcher's never completed the whole 21-item Postcard collection before, so I'm hoping to be her first!
Rico, don't let me down, y'hear?

Ravena: I don't know why I was feeling so guilty about attending guest lectures at Foxbury.
The boys suggest we attend our third guest lecture on the Britechester campus.
Hades and Blake couldn't care less who sees them here on Foxbury's rival campus.

Hades: We didn't bring perfect seeds from our parents' garden, but we're doing fine!
The three of us all have the Sulani Mana trait so we can use the Gift of Sulani to evolve plants.
We fertilize a plant then evolve it. Next, we do Gift of Sulani once each and the plant's perfect quality!

Despite our nearly maxed friendship, Rico bites me this morning.  The audacity!
As a Chased by Death sim, I'm not taking any chances!
I research Rabid Rodent Fever on my laptop, then order Rabies Inoculation Serum for the three of us!
Even though I always keep Rico's habit clean, better safe than sorry, right?

Ravena: Thanks for helping me try to catch our 20th unique fish, Blake!
Blake: Of course! I've been working on this aspiration, too, y'know?
But haven't you been trying to catch the 20th fish for several days now?
Ravena: Yes but, ugh, I’m having terrible luck catching the fish that require bait!

Blake: My cuz Hades has a task to sell a poor-quality item  for at least §100 at a food sale.
I have zero Cooking skill whilel Hades and Raven have both maxed theirs,
So I'm the one using spoiled dough to make a pizza.
Darn it! My pizza is poor-quality but only sells for §16 a slice. Back to the drawing board!

Blake: As Plan B, I make Grape Nectar for the first time this morning.
After drinking 3 glasses, Hades would be Dazed but not passed out.
Maybe he could use a spoiled ingredient to make a poor-quality item himself?

Hades: I'm feeling pulled in so many directions lately, Blake!
I can't decide what to do! For now, I'm trying to reach Adept magic rank.
Blake: If I were you, I'd put all my efforts into one aspiration at a time.
You're doing one task here and another task there. So easy to lose focus!

Ravena: Great idea coming to fish at Forgotten Hollow!
Blake: Right? I caught a Vampre Batfish without even using bait.
Ravena: Thanks to you, Blake, we both complete Angling Ace!

Hades: I've been really distracted by my Postcard collection lately.
I already have 13 out of the 21-item collection.
Thanks to Rico, that includes 4 of his 7 special postcards.

Bartender: Aren't you three too young to be sitting in a bar?
Hades: Chill, bruh. We just came to celebrate our first term with some Ca Phe Trung coffee.
Blake: It was our first term and we each got an A+ GPA!
Bartender: Great job, kids! Let me treat you to a round of drinks.
Ravena: Nice try, dude, but Isn't it Happy Hour right now?

Hades: We start our second term today! I chose Flower Arranging as an elective.
Ravena: Blake and I take 4 core classes since we didn't see any appealing electives.
Blake: You two are so lucky with only two classes a day!
I have one class on Tue/Thu but three classes on MWF, just like the first term. Ugh!

Blake: Why do you look so happy this afternoon? Because you finished your classes?
Hades: No, I just picked up the mail and look at my postcard collection!
All I'm missing are two rodent postcards.  Rico, you hear that? Please help a brutha out!

Ravena: I don't get it, Hades. As if you don't already have so much to accomplish!
Hades: But it's too tempting. I can't resist! Watcher insists it's the most fun collection ever!
Blake: So now, on top of everything else, you want to complete the Tarot Cards collection?
Hades: Yep! Maybe just unofficially, but…

Ravena: Sheesh, Hades! You spoil your hamster Rico rotten! Don't you think it's a bit much!
Hades: Not at all. How many postcards did your rat Grumpy bring you?
Ravena: Um, none.
Hades: I rest my case. A happy hamster is a an adventurous hamster!

Ravena: How much longer do you intend to write novels today, Blake?
Blake: Well, I was just writing this one while you two finished up your homework for Monday.
Ravena: Great, because Hades and I need a party for Appliance Wiz. And I need one for Master Chef, too!

Ravena: It's so embarrassing to throw a party with such low-quality furnishings!
We pull out the original dining set from family inventory and add two picnic tables.
No use building a nice patio space since we're moving soon.
Anyway, it's nice to see our parents, grandparents, our werewolf ancestors!

Ravena: As soon as our dinner party reaches the silver-medal zone, Hades and I take turns in the kitchen.
First, Hades cooks two pizzas and completes Appliance Wiz.

Next, I complete Appliance Wiz by cooking two Banana Split Waffles.

Sitting at the picnic table at the lower left
Kian (right): This has to be one of the ugliest backyards for a Costa household!
Vitor (left): Ssssh, you'll hurt our great-grandkids' feelings!
Didn't you hear? This is just a temporary home until they save up enough to move to a nicer place.
Kian: I only hope we live long enough to meet Hades' children!

Denis: How's everything going, son? I'm glad you finally invited everyone over. Well, except for Brigitte.
Hades: We've been so busy with school and everything. But I can pay back your §39,000 loan today.
With selling our paintings on Plopsy, gardening, and my food sales, we've earned over §1 million already.
Denis: While taking a full course load at uni? I'm impressed with the three of you! So when's the big move?

Hades: We'd only lived at Crow's Perch for 10 days but it still takes us hours to pack up.
We leave Crow's Perch as we found it, then move to the Old Ravenwood Estate just before midnight.
Priced at §202,434, this rundown estate apparently has seven bedrooms and six bathrooms.

On closer examination, we find only five bedrooms containing 3 double beds, a casket, and a single bed.
I expected "seven bedrooms" to mean seven separate bedrooms, not sleeping space for seven sims.
The small, third-floor bedroom even has an ensuite. Should we hire a butler?

We love the greenhouse in the back.
Hopefully, we can fit our entire garden inside.

Old Ravenwood Estate will require a lot of work.
Many of the windows have broken panes that need replacing.
There are gaping holes in the floor. The walls are peeling and stained.
Lots of wasted space on the first floor, I believe. Could we squeeze in a nursery?

Part of me would love to invite Papa Denis and papa Time to come live with us right away.
But restoring this house is something I need to finance and implement myself.
Perhaps they could move in once all the renovations are complete?

The Gen10 Household
Home: Old Ravenwood Estate, Crow's Crossing (Ravenwood)

Hades Costa (Gen10 heir) - Grimborn Teen (6 days to YA)
Traits: Erratic, Chased by Death

Blake Costa (Gen10 spare) - Teen (6 days to YA)
Traits: Creative, Gloomy

Ravena Costa (Gen10 spare) - Teen (6 days to YA)
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Chased by Death

Progress: End of Week 65
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*Three uni students pursuing different degrees: This requires SO much micro-managing!
  I often forget to have them "Take Notes" during class plus they don't always leave for class autonomously.
  All the classes and studying has meant that they've had little chance to experience life on their own.
  Hopefully, they can remedy that once they've graduated.

*Hades' collection requirement:
  If Rico would only bring back 2 more postcards, we'll complete the 21-postcard collection for the 1st time!
  Hades' father Denis already completed the Tarot Cards collection as the Gen9 heir.
  But this is my last legacy story and those Tarot Cards will take Hades all over Ravenwood.
  So I've decided Hades will do that collection, too, mostly off-screen.

*Closure of this forum's storyboards: I have roughly seven weeks to complete this legacy challenge.
  I originally had a longer story arc for Hades which explored more of ghostly life.
  There's no longer time for that.
  Please forgive this story's plot for being less exciting and complex as the final generation actually deserves.

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 10.3: Rico da Rockstar (26 Nov '24)
« Reply #398 on: November 26, 2024, 07:49:42 PM »
10.3: Rico da Rockstar

Sunday, Week 66, Year 6 (late summer)
Hades: Last week, we spent nearly the whole week at our starter home in Crow's Crossing.
We painted, made music, gardened, and sold food, but our first priority was getting good grades at uni.
All three of us ended our first term with A= GPAs and started our second term on Thursday.
By Saturday, I'd saved enough to repay Papa Denis' initial loan and to buy the Old Ravenwood Estate.
After partying down with the fam, Blake (center), Ravena (right), and I moved that night.
That's our new home in the background!

Today, I place a new Pipe Organ and my flower arranging table in the front room.
Once I write a second song on the Pipe Organ, I I switch to arranging flowers.
For my Wiring in Flower Arrangements elective, I'd like to raise this skill to at least level 7.

Denis: Thanks for inviting us, what's there to do here at Mouningvale's Guardian Tree?
Hades; Today is Papa Tim's adult birthday. He's the oldest of our parents cuz he hasn't died and revived.
So here's a Potion of Rejuv for you, Papa Tim, Auntie Desiree, and Uncle Dorian!

Hades: The real reason I've come to the Guardian Tree is to meet Ghost Mother Alice.
We chat a bit then become good friends.
I offer to find out the whereabouts and fates of her four children.

Ghost Mother Alice's fourth child, Edith, haunts a well in Crow's Crossing, not far from our home.
Edith and I have a full friendship bar now, though I have  no option to ask her to become besties.
By this time it's pretty late, so I'll go report back to Ghost Mother another day.

This morning, Blake and I wake up really early to write a Horror novel before class.
When they're done, we complete Ghost Historian and become Ghost Whisperers.
Maybe now I'll have an easier time befriending Waylon Warez?

Nooo! I got a notification today that you're getting old, Rico!
You've been doing so well with sending me postcards.
What do you wanna do, amigo? Retire or eat this Anti-Aging Treat?
Rico: Yeah, yeah, I'll eat the treat and become immortal.
But once I bring you the last card, what next?

How thrilling! My Haunting Melody composition for violin gets nominated for a Starlight Accolades award!
But then, two hours later, Ravena writes a song for violin and it gets nominated, too!
I realize I'm being petty but, if I can attend the Awards Ceremony on Sunday, Ravena's staying home!

Hades: Blake is suck a vhsmp! He just wrote three bestsellers in a row for his Bestselling Author aspiration!
Most sims take forever to produce those bestsellers, but not my cousin Blake!
Blake: Yep! Now I'm just waiting for the publishing royalties to roll in.

Hades: This morning, Rico left on another adventure.
While traveling, he sends me his seventh and last postcard!
Rico, my dawg, you're The Real MVP!

Once we're done with schoolwork, we travel to Mourningvale's Guardian Tree.
There, I inform Ghost Mother Alice of her children's fates, max our friendship, and become besties.
After that, we teens head to the nightclub so I can seek out Esther Gomes, member of the Order of Lenore.

I find Esther but, for some reason, I can't ask about her favors.
So I quickly visit the local Tarot Tome Shrine, where I see a new option: Retrieve Missing Tarot Cards.
Clicking that suddenly grants me eight Tarot Cards, the ones normally granted by Order of Lenore members.
Darn, I guess I'll be removing the Tarot Cards collection from my list of requirements.

I've been renovating our home a little bit at a time since we moved in.
This morning, Old Ravenwood Estate's lot value exceeded §350,000!
(I think it somewhat helped that our garden had bloomed but hadn't been harvested yet.)

Since I can't complete favors for the Order of Lenore members, I switched to the Marble collection last night.
I start out by shopping online to buy a Marble Jar and five Marbles.
Blake and Ravena are helping out, which is great since rummaging-for-marbles has a 12-hr cooldown.

Hades: Completing the Musical Genius aspiration won't be easy!
I haven't even mentored Ravena in Pipe Organ for an hour and she's soared from Level 0 to 5.
At this rate, I'll be mentoring Blake in violin and pipe organ. .
Plus, I still need to play music for 46 more hours!

Waylon: Oho! I see that you're a Ghost Whisperer now! As you know, I'm a Snob who Hates Children.
Hades: Oh please! There is so much about me that should appeal to your snobby nature! 
Shall we be besties? You were my very first crush, you know!
Waylon: I do remember. And I quite adore you!

Blake: We ace the first day of our third term.
Hades and I have 3 classes on TuTh and 1 on MWF, while Ravena's schedule is exactly the opposite.
Hades: Hey, guys! I'm done with my homework for tomorrow, so I'm off to hold another food sale downtown.
Ugh, I've reached that goal to cook a poor-quality item!

Hades: Back home, I try to get Dazed by drinking 3 glasses of Blake's Grape Nectar.
Since that doesn't work, I drink the fourth glass, too.
Blake:  Hey look, Ravena! Hades passed out.
Ravena: Is it okay to let him sleep it off on the floor like that?

Hades: It's a new day and I'm feeling Happy.
I try cooking Curious Pizza using spoiled dough and here's what I get.
With its §840 price, each slice would sell for §105 without any markup.
Can't wait to try selling it!

Blake: Thanks for mentoring, bro. I've maxed my Violin skill so you can stop now.
Hades: True, but I see that I can continue mentoring you even after you hit level 10.
Hope you don't mind that I mentor you two more hours.

Ravena: Tonight, we're throwing a party to celebrate our young adult birthday!
Hades even invited Nyon Specter because I find him really attractive. And we have amazing compatibility.
He's a Loner Green Fiend, I'm a Romantically Reserved Outdoor Lover, and we're both Chased by Death.
Um, so yeah, we might have given him a Potions of Rejuvenation or two.  Your point?

Blake: I'm now Creative, Gloomy, and Macabre, while Hades is an Erratic, Chased by Death Music Lover.
Hades: Great-Grandpa Vitor has been an elder for weeks now, so I've invited him to move in with us.
I'd like to have his urn when he dies of old age. Maybe he'd even enjoy living with me as a ghost.

Hades: I'm only missing one Marble now, Confetti Chaos.
When I check the online Marbles shop from my laptop, there's my missing Marble!
No wonder my Mistura ancestor couldn't find his last missing marble!
He was visiting or breaking into folks' homes to rummage their toyboxes.  What a noob!
Actually, Somchai was a great heir, but Watcher had more help this time.

After I catch up on homework, we all travel to the Foxbury campus.
Blake and Ravena immediately start tutoring, but I start a food sale.
My Curious Pizza is selling for §394 a slice, so there's that goal done.
For the last Market Magnate goal, I need to resurrect a ghost by selling them Ambrosia.
An Afterlife Anonymous meeting would be a great place for that, don't you agree?

Blake, Ravena, and I spend the rest of the day and night tutoring. It's such a slog!
Great-Grandpa Vitor came with us, too.
I'm sure he got bored after a while and invited his hubby Kian to keep him company.
Thank the fates that tomorrow's Sunday! We can finish all five tutoring sessions this weekend!

The Gen10 Household
Home: Old Ravenwood Estate, Crow's Crossing (Ravenwood)

Vitor Costa (G7 heir) - Elder
Traits: Outgoing, Foodie, Perfectionist (+Family Oriented, Music Lover, Romantic)

Hades Costa (Gen10 heir) - Grimborn YA
Traits: Erratic, Chased by Death, Music Lover
(Character values: Good Manners, Responsible, Emotional Control)
Distinguished Degree program: Psychology

Blake Costa (Gen10 spare) - YA
Traits: Creative, Gloomy, Macabre
(Character traits: Responsible, Emotional Control)
Distinguished Degree program: Biology

Ravena Costa (Gen10 spare) - YA
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Chased by Death, Romantically Reserved
(Character traits: Responsible, Emotional Control)
Distinguished Degree program: Culinary Arts

Progress: End of Week 66
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*YA lifespan of the Gen9 YAs:
  Death and resurrection reset the 28-day YA lifespan of Desiree, Dorian, and Denis.
  Moreover, I noticed that only these 4 YAs (and not their siblings) now have a 35-day YA lifespan.
  What did these four do differently than all other YAs in their simverse? I don't know for sure.
  But sometime after drinking Rabies Inoculation Serum, their max YA lifespan grew from 28 to 35 days.
  (I track everyone's birthday on a calendar I created in my Google spreadsheet for this legacy.)
  However, Hades, Blake, and Ravena also drank Rabies Inoculation Serum last week.

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 10.3: Rico da Rockstar (26 Nov '24)
« Reply #399 on: November 28, 2024, 03:23:04 PM »
Hades is sure zooming through his requirements. Congrats on completing the marble collection in double-quick time. I'm a bit worried about the 7 funerals required. Who will have to bite the bullet? Considering this is pared down from your original plans, they must have been very extensive.

(notify of new posting is still not working - soz I missed one :( )

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 10.3: Rico da Rockstar (26 Nov '24)
« Reply #400 on: November 28, 2024, 07:26:52 PM »
Hades is sure zooming through his requirements. Congrats on completing the marble collection in double-quick time. I'm a bit worried about the 7 funerals required. Who will have to bite the bullet? Considering this is pared down from your original plans, they must have been very extensive.

(notify of new posting is still not working - soz I missed one :( )

For the funerals, there are many ghosts Hades can meet at Mourningvale's Afterlife Anonymous.
However, he can slo hold funerals for his deceased descendants if he has their gravestones/urns, for example, the Gen6 heir Gisele Costa and her husband Daniel.
He will be holding his first funeral at the end of the coming week. We're crossing our fingers!
Please don't worry about missing my updates! Hope you are enjoying life!

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 10.3: Rico da Rockstar (26 Nov '24)
« Reply #401 on: November 29, 2024, 02:14:57 AM »
Hades is sure zooming through his requirements. Congrats on completing the marble collection in double-quick time. I'm a bit worried about the 7 funerals required. Who will have to bite the bullet? Considering this is pared down from your original plans, they must have been very extensive.

(notify of new posting is still not working - soz I missed one :( )

For the funerals, there are many ghosts Hades can meet at Mourningvale's Afterlife Anonymous.
However, he can slo hold funerals for his deceased descendants if he has their gravestones/urns, for example, the Gen6 heir Gisele Costa and her husband Daniel.
He will be holding his first funeral at the end of the coming week. We're crossing our fingers!
Please don't worry about missing my updates! Hope you are enjoying life!
Oh - of course funerals are only held for the already-dead! Silly me.

I'll be interested to know the various elements of the funerals and which are optional. If it's handled well, it might be the one thing that persuades me to get this pack. I'm not very bothered about tarot cards, etc, but providing closure and celebrating someone's "best bits"? That would be great.

I hope your (Sims) funerals go well.

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 10.3: Rico da Rockstar (26 Nov '24)
« Reply #402 on: November 29, 2024, 03:42:50 PM »
The Tarot Card collection is actually the most enjoyable collection to gether.
There are hints for each card in the Collection tab and unraveling the clues takes you all over Ravenwood.

I'm still learning about funerals and how to make use of the graveyard and graveyard crypts.
It's fun working on the Bucket List goals, although a sim can also progress on their Soul's Journey by complicating aspiration goals and aspirations.
Being able to rebirth a favorite sim is also a great feature!

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 10.4: When We Party, We Party Hearty (28 Nov '24)
« Reply #403 on: November 29, 2024, 03:52:17 PM »
f10.4: Hades the Party Animal

Sunday, Week 67, Year 6 (early aut6umn)
Hades: Last week, we got settled in Old Ravenwood Estate and gave it a major renovation.
Blake, Ravena, and I mainly spent our time attending classes and doing schoolwork.
I completed the full Postcard collection (with my hamster Rico's help) as well as the Marble collection.
On Thursday, we started our third and final term at uni.
On Friday, we celebrated our YA birthdays. During the party, I invited Great-Grandpa Vitor to move in with us.
Saturday, we spend day and night at the Foxbury campus, tutoring other students.
From L to R: My sister Ravena, Great-Grandpa Vitor, me, and cousin Blake

Vitor: Thank you for spending time with me yesterday and today, Kian.
Kian: Of course, I'm here for you. We've never spent a day apart since we first met.
In fact, I've been giving it a lot of thought and I think I should move in with you at Crow's Crossing.
Vitor: I agree, Kian. Please do. Hades was saying that he invited me and I could invite you.

Ravena: I still can't believe that five tutoring sessions took over 24 hours!
Blake: Well, we did take breaks and stuff but, still, that took forever!
Hades: Thanks for waiting for me to do this Contribute Knowledge thing!
Ravena: Let's get this over with so we can go out to dinner. Great-Grandpa Kian's here, too!

I'd planned to throw a party this evening, but all those hours of tutoring fried my brain.
So I decide to work on my Bucket List instead.  I choose a goal from the "I Want to Get Busy" category.
Hmmmm, "that strange motel's isn't a place to take the future mother of my children on a first date.
Cupid's Corner matches me up with Terry and I like both his looks and traits, so I invite him on a date.

Terry's an absolute dreamboat and a gentleman but his high-pitched voice really throws me off.
He's enjoying our Get-to-Know-You date at Vista Hermosa's lounge so much, he even asks to extend it.
Our gold-medal meets my Bucket List goal about getting busy at "that strange motel."
(I really must clarify my Cupid's Corner profile: I'm looking for a female sim with either platinum or red hair.

Hades: What a surprise to see you so soon! (How did he even know where I live?)
Terry: I'm so utterly smitten with you, Hades, that I've come to propose marriage.
Hades: Dude, we haven't even kissed or become romantic partners.
Terry (dejected): Is that a no?
Hades; Sorry, bruh. Let's just be friends. Not just friends, but best friends, okay?

Nyon: You won't believe this but I'm totally crushing on you, Ravena!
Do you feel the same way about me? Wanna go on a date?
Ravena: Hey, I was just thinking I'd like us to go on a date, so YES!
I graduate from uni Wednesday evening, so maybe later this week?

Kian: We're on pumpkin-carving duty for Hade's Spooky Party. But why a spooky party?
Vitor: A gold-medal spooky party was on Hades and Ravena Bucket List.
All we gotta do is carve one pumpkin each, then we can socialize and eat.

Hades: Papa Denis comes as Batman but he's happy to see me dressed as Grim.
I invite all the usual extended family members plus Nyon Specter and Jerrica Bunma.
That gorgeous maid is Raven Knight, my latest match on Cupid's Corner.
My sis Ravena only has to do 3 Mischief socials whileI'm handling all the other party goals.
Well, except for the pumpkin carving, of course.

Blake: I met Jerrica at the Foxbury campus last Sunday, though she's not a student.
She's descended from the original Bunma family in Tomarang and she might be a mermaid.
My parents are giving me grief over Jerrica's traits. She's a Lactose-Intolerant, High-Maintenance Insider.
Yeah, those aren't ideal traits but do they matter? She'll never live in the active legacy household.

Hades: Not gonna lie! I can't stay away from Raven Knight!
She's Cheerful, Chased by Death (like me), and Family Oriented.
I hope she's not in a rush to start a family because I still got lots of things to do!
Hey, GG Vitor and Kian must've finished the pumpkins!
(Ravena: I hope Hades doesn't notice I never finished those 3 Mischief socials…)

Blake: Thanks for contributing to our potluck, Uncle Denis. GGGG Lou brought Hot Dogs, too!
Denis: Oh really? But these are actually Tofu Dogs. What else did folks contribute?
Blake: Grandpa Andres made Vegetable Dumplings and Hades made an Impeccable Fish Dinner.
Denis: Wow, Hades has even been inviting Brigitte lately! So what's with all the parties lately?
Blake: This neighborhood potluck's for my Bucket List.

Hades: When Blake, Ravena, and I go to romance our love interests, we all unintentionally come indoors.
Tonight's the night we each get our First Kiss!
To my shock, I discover that I'm a Lovebug!

Ravena: This patio's such a great place for throwing parties!
I'm so glad that this will be my final home!
Hades wants Papa Denis and Tim to move here, since it's Papa Tim's ancestral home.
But where and when's Hades planning to move with our great-grandfathers?

Hades: Blake and I are done with uni by 11 am, but Ravena still has two more classes.
I set up Sinful Snacks (my food stall) at the Thinned Festival with high hopes.
The closest ghosts, though, are pink Alice and green Waylon. Please stay away, you two!

Calling to one of the two other ghosts, I convince her to buy a serving of Ambrosia.
Once she's done chatting, she comes over to my stand.  Yes!

I'm dying to ask Raven out for a date, but I still have so many hours left for Musical Genius.
And tomorrow's my first day of work!
I need to stay home tonight and tomorrow night to play my guitar!

Blake: Aren't you gonna throw you mortarboard into the air like the rest of us? We graduated with honors yo!
Hades: Nah, I'm still salty! After all that studying, you and I only joined our Undertaker branches at L6!
Blake: That's a big disappointment for sure! Especially since Ravena joined her Chef career at L8!

Ravena: Nyon's a Loner so it hasn't been easy getting closer to him at our parties.
So tonight I invite him over for a Get-to-Know-You date.
Not only did I nearly complete Romantic Explorer tonight, but Nyon even gets down on one knew to propose.
Nyon's moving in as soon as Hades, Great-Great-Grandpas Vitor and Kian, and Blake move out.
What's Hades waiting for, anyway?

Raven: I appreciate your inviting me a Romantic Date, Hades. I really do. But a crypt and a casket?
Hades: Please forgive for asking this of you! It's my last goal to become a Romantic Explorer.
Raven: A Romantic Explorer? You're still exploring? But I'd like to move in with you!
Hades: Exploring only with you, Raven! And yes, please move in with me. We'll have a wedding next week!
But now I must bid adieu because I work tomorrow morning.

Hades: I invited you over the second I got home from work. Raven, will you marry me?
And look! While proposing to you, I gained the Loyal trait! You will always be the only one for me!
Raven: Well, you already know that I'm Very Attracted to you. I think we belong together, dear Hades.

Hades: I'd hope to host my first funeral for my bestie, Waylon Warez, but I couldn't.
Instead, we honor the recently deceased Layne Coffin, the step-father of my future brother-in-law Nyon.
I'd stipulated Black, Polished attire for the funeral, so I'm shocked by my sister and Nyon show up in shorts.

There's Uncle Dorian sharing his sincere sentiments.
And when did Papa Tim get pregnant again?

I try to conclude the funeral with a Moment of Silence.
But a few of the guests aren't joining in.
I confess that, since we're limited to 8 guests, I couldn't invite GGGG Vitor and Kian.
But I invited them to the funeral venue anyway because they're family!

Friday night, I completed Romantic Explorer on my date with Raven.
Back home tonight, I play my guitar for one more hour to finally complete Musical Genius!
I'm so glad to be done with my 13 aspirations!
Because I'm ready to marry Raven, move and settle down, and become a family man!

Gallery Downloads
*Larry's Lagoon (40x30, Foxbury Commons" by LilSimsie.
*Dusty Turf (30x20): "Frisky Llama" (restaurant) by SimDoughnut.
*"Raven Knight" by MagicBlueDragon (the same creator who made Tim Ravenwood).
   Default trait: Cheerful, Chased by Death, Family Oriented.  She's perfect!

The Gen10 Household
Home: Old Ravenwood Estate, Crow's Crossing (Ravenwood)

Vitor Costa (G7 heir) - Elder
Traits: Outgoing, Foodie, Perfectionist (+Family Oriented, Music Lover, Romantic)

Kian Costa (G7 spouse) - Elder
Traits: Active, Family-Oriented, Bro (+Creative, Perfectionist)

Hades Costa (Gen10 heir) - Grimborn YA
Traits: Erratic, Chased by Death, Music Lover (+Lovebug, Loyal)
Distinguished Degree (with Honors) in Psychology
Engaged: Raven Knight

Blake Costa (Gen10 spare) - YA
Traits: Creative, Gloomy, Macabre
Distinguished Degree (with Honors) in Biology
Engaged: Jerrica Bunma

Ravena Costa (Gen10 spare) - YA
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Chased by Death, Romantically Reserved
Distinguished Degree (with Honor) in Culinary Arts
Engaged: Nyon Specter

]b]Raven Knight (Gen10 spouse prospect)[/b] - YA
Traits: Cheerful, Chased by Death, Family Oriented

Progress: End of Week 67
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Why move in Vitor and Kian?: I've been struggling to get the Costa heirs' gravestones/urns.
   If a Costa ancestor dies off their home lot, we can never acquire their gravestone/urn.
   So, we're trying to ensure that we get our hands on Vitor and Kian's gravestones/urns.

*Funeral events: Hades was struggling with Layne's coffin and was stuck at a silver medal.
  The "Light candles" and "Mourn deceased" activities require a gravestone/urn, which Hades didn't have.
  When he looked at his personal inventory for some other reason, he found Layne's gravestone there.
   I wonder if this works for any of Hades' acquaintances that he hosts a funeral for..
   In fact, Hades had wanted to host his first funeral for Waylon Warez but he didn't appear as an option.

*Hades' focus is shifting: Hades has been hard at work to work on his skill and aspiration requirements.
  And now he's cleared his plate for the next phase of his life! We can't wait!
  Well, we have to wait because he'll get married and then move out of Old Ravenwood Estate first.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 10.4: When We Party, We Party Hearty (28 Nov '24)
« Reply #404 on: November 30, 2024, 05:28:53 AM »
Raven's a lovely gallery find. As you say, she's perfect for Hades.

Sowing his wild oats (get busy in a motel) before starting the real search for his true love? It was bound to get messy. I'm glad he managed to let Terry down gently, even if he appears to be a stalker!

Cupid's Corner matches work better than the Blind Dates it throws up. They don't seem to take any notice of the preferences.

6 more funerals - I'm sure you'll ace them by the end. There seems to be a respectful set of activities. Do you just have to do 7 out of the available menu options or do the tasks specific certain ones? And do you specify them beforehand, like at a wedding/date?

I'm currently working through the game scenarios. I've done a couple of the beginner ones and am starting the one with unruly children. What I hadn't realised before was that they start in the game that you've already got up. I'd previously played my Simself and so I keep appearing as a townie in the scenarios. Such fun!

