Author Topic: Costa Mishmash Legacy 7.7: Hot In, So Hot in Here. Oh! (28 Sep '24)  (Read 34414 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 6:6: Baby Boom (22 Aug '24)
« Reply #255 on: August 22, 2024, 08:50:44 PM »
6.6: Baby Boom

Sunday, Week 38, Year 4 (mid-spring)
Gisele: Our new week starts in Old New Henford where we'd just "inspected" Mr. Watson's barn.
Last week, my brother Gilberto, me, and the Gomez siblings aged up to young adults.
Gilberto married Daniel's sister Camila and moved in with her.
Daniel and I also married at a lovely wedding party in San Myshuno's Central Park.
Besides getting jobs, Daniel and I made great progress on my woohoo requirement.
Finally, we're expecting after trying for baby in the Ice Cave on Mt. Komorebi.

Gisele: Daniel works from noon to 5 pm, so I go on a 2nd Get-to-Know-You date.
I invite my Cupid's Corner date, Michal, to go swimming at Sudor Gym.
He's a single father who's Good, Neat, and Cheerful.
Why do I get a Personality Swap option? I didn't even choose Romantic social as a date activity!

It's a boring date so I End the Date Cheerfully as soon as we earn a silver medal.
Oh dear! He embraces me just as I'm ending the date and now we're Lovebirds?
I nip that in the bud before bidding him farewell.
I'm glad that date is over! At least, I got a Sweetheart's Box for my time.

I phone home and Daniel encourages me to go on another date since it's only 5:30 pm.
This time, I try a Blind Date and what a disaster!
Satoru Ota is a Mean, Nosy Adult who Loves the Outdoors. An Adult!
When I order drinks for us and sit down, he sits at the other end of the bar. For our entire date.

I return home at 8:03 pm to find that  Daniel's left for work until 2 am. Time for another date?
Cristian Kibo is not a Blind Date. He's an unemployed Vegetarian, Green Fiend, Geek
Aiming for a silver medal, I console him about a family death and our date soars to a gold medal.
We're just friends but when I end the date, we're Lovebirds.
Is it part of a successful Get-to-Know-You date that I end up Lovebirds with my date. Not for long.
Well, time to go home and read a Parenting book while I wait for Daniel to get off work.

Gisele: At 7:30 am, I go into labor.
Daniel and I rush to the hospital where I give birth to twin girls, Xinia and Zita.
You'll meet the girls tomorrow morning when they age up to infants.

Daniel: Gisele, I'd like us to have sons, too. Do you think…?
Gisele: Time to start eating carrots!

Daniel: Our neighbor Yoltic Xicotencatl appears as a Cupid's Corner match, so I ask him out.
We meet at the Media Naranja park, just a short walk from both of our homes.
We get along very well and I find myself Attracted to him, though he doesn't feel the same.
After I extend our date once, Yoltic asks to extend it twice.  Of course, we achieve a gold-medal date.
In fact, our date is so perfect that I discover I'm a Perfectionist. I'll take it!

Gisele: Xinia and Zita aren't named after anyone.
We checked the names of all the Costas so far and chose names starting with unused first letters.
Daniel: They both have your pointy ears, Gisele, but my brown hair and eyes.
Gisele: They're adorable! Ideally, though, our next heir would have pointy ears and either violet eyes or red hair.

Daniel: Are you working from home today, babe?
Gisele: Yes. I only need to watch this Reality TV Dating Show for two hours for my Daily Task.
Shows like this aren't for sims like us who fall madly in love as teens!  I'm going to go on my last 2 dates today.
Daniel: That's a great idea. Let's try to squeeze in 3 new woohoo spots this week, too!

Gisele: Serenity Newdawn is a gorgeous, Good, Child of the Island who Loves the Outdoors.
That webbing on his torso suggests he might be a merfolk so I invite him to Sulani Beach in Ohan'ali Town.
We're having such a great time that we earn a gold medal without extending our date even once.
I didn't flirt with Serenity at all but we end the date as Lovers. This was the best non-Daniel date yet!

Alonzo Tala: The heck, Gisele? You were my Bracelet Buddy in grade school and my first love in high school.
We even messed around for the first time together in the Cuddle Carts, then you dumped me!
Now what? You're married, pregnant, and cruising Cupid's Corner? Why are we on a Romantic Repair Date?
Gisele: When your match appeared, Romantic Repair was the only date option I could choose.

Gisele: And I…I'm sorry, Alonzo. I had to break up with you to complete Drama Llama.
I noticed you'd stopped wearing my Friendship Bracelet--I thought you wouldn't care.
Alonzo: Nope! I'm still wearing your Friendship Bracelet, girl.
What about a Bracelet Buddy Fist Bump for old time's sake? We're still BFFs, y'know!

Gisele: The World's Best Grandpas, Night and Lou, are staying over this week to help out.
We love having them around and our girls love their Great-Grandpas, too!

Daniel: The girls are asleep after being changed and fed.
Do you feel like visiting Copperdale's Plumbite Pier?
Gisele: Yes, let's! I've never been in the Haunted House!
Daniel: I bet the view from the Ferris Wheel is breathtaking.

Gisele: Good morning, Camila. How are your triplets doing?
Camila: Actually, I'm phoning to ask if you think your brother and I should Try for Baby again.
Gisele: Again? Well, I'm not one to talk, but it's not a race to have the most babies, you know.
(In case you're wondering, I'm wearing my work outfit.)

Daniel: Twin boys! Just what we'd wanted!
Gisele: The power of our Fertile traits plus a daily diet of Carrots!
Let's continue first names starting with unused alphabet characters.
Daniel: But Spanish names like for our twin girls. Let's name our boys Vitor and Yago.
And, Grandpa Lou, thank you for feeding Xinia. (Weird calling him Grandpa when he's younger than me.)

Night: I thought our grand-daughter was joking about filling their house up with children!
Lou: Apparently not. Gisele really wants the next heir to inherit pointy ears and violet eyes.
Night: I guess they have three or four more chances. So far, we've had six gens of pointy ears and violet eyes.
By the way, let's go with the happy couple tonight when they visit our home to "inspect" our Treehouse.

Night: I wish Lou and I could be more help, Daniel, but we can only look after the girls' needs.
Daniel: You've been a great help! Gisele's gone to work today so I'll age up the boys myself.
Lou: Wow, looks like you have two winners! They both have pointy ears, violet eyes, and red hair!
Daniel: They're identical twins at this point, so I'll simply dress Vitor in white and Yago in black.

Daniel: Welcome home! Your new career outfit looks lovely.
Gisele: Thanks! I got promoted to Level 8, branches to Relationship Counselor, and got this new outfit.
Daniel: About our twin sons, I think Sunny Vitor should be the heir rather than Sensitive Yago.
Gisele: I agree that Vitor rolled a more desirable infant trait, but let's wait until next week to choose our heir.

Daniel: Just as all four babies finally fall asleep, we get the notification about Spice Festival.
I convince Gisele, Night, and Lou to come with me. I so want to become a Chopstick Savvy Spice Hound.
I try the Spicy Curry Challenge twice, eat some Bhel Puri and Samosas, then try the Challenge again.
I'm still not a Spice Hound, but I did succeed the Spicy Curry Challenge for the first time tonight!

Gisele: Daniel, this sonogram shows that I'm going to give birth to a single baby.
My ob-gyn believes it'll be a little girl.
Daniel: She'll be born tomorrow, right?
Gisele: Yes. If she has pointy ears, violet eyes, and red hair, I'd like her to be the next heir.

Gisele: Where's Yago?
Daniel: Getting a bubble bath from his Great-Grandpa Night. He and Lou are so great with our babies!
Gisele: They are! And they have that super-speed werewolf ability and travel to our babies in a flash.
I know I should invite my parents for a stayover, but it's hard to let Grandpa Night and Grandpa Lou go!
Daniel: We'll have five babies on Sunday. Why don't we invite all four plus your Great-Grandpa Thyme?

Daniel: Well, Vitor,  I was so sure you'd be the next heir, but your mother's right.
When your new baby sister ages up to an infant next Monday, she could become the next heir instead.
It all depends on her ears and her coloring.
Honestly, though, what are the chances of her having pointy ears, violet eyes, and red hair like you and Yago?

Gallery Lots/Sims
*Ohan'ali Beach (30x30): "Sulani Beach" by PaniScarlett.
*Cupid's Corner match (Gisele): "Michal Adamiech." Creator: 090535.
*Cupid's Corner match (Gisele): "Serenity Newdawn." Creator: Corwin.

The Gen6 household
Home: Calle de Ensueño, Plaza Mariposa (Ciudad Enamorada)

Gisele Costa (Gen6 heir) - YA
Traits: Music Lover, Lovebug, Outgoing (+Self-Assured)
Spouse: Daniel (Gomez); Children: Xinia & Zita; Vitor & Yago

Daniel (Gomez) Costa (Gen6 spouse) - YA
Traits: Creative, Foodie, Music Lover (+Perfectionist)

Xinia Costa (Gen7 spare) - Infant
Traits: Wiggly
Infant quirks: Happy Spitter, Frequently Hiccups, Frequently Sneezes
Infant milestones (16): Fine Motor (4), Gross Motor (3), Social (4), Firsts (5)

Zita Costa (Gen7 spare) - Infant
Traits: Calm
Infant quirks: Loves Wakeup Time, Picky Eater, Self-Soother
Infant milestones (14): Fine Motor (4), Gross Motor (3), Social (3), Firsts (4)

Vitor Costa (Gen7 heir?) - Infant
Traits: Sunny
Infant quirks: Loves Being Held, Hates Wakeup Time
Infant milestones (10 ): Fine Motor (2), Gross Motor (2), Social (3), Firsts (3)

Yago Costa (Gen7 spare) - Infant
Traits: Sensitive
Infant quirks: Gassy, Hates Being Held, Early Riser
Infant milestones (9): Fine Motor (2), Gross Motor (2), Social (2), Firsts (3)

Progress: End of Week 37
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Our Get-to-Know-You Date activities:
  We kept date activities very simple. The quickest gold date was Gisele's with Serenity.
  1a. Gisele/Jake (restaurant): Socialize/Friendly, Food, Drink - Silver
  1b: Daniel/Manuel (nightclub)) Socialize/Friendly, Drink, Food, Dance - Gold
  2a. Gisele/Michal (Sudor gym): Socialize/Friendly, Swim, Drink, Workout - Silver
  3a.  Gisele/Satoru (Rattlesnake Juice Bar): Socialize/Friendly, Drink, Food - Silver
  4a.  Gisele/Cristian (Izakaya Ippai): Socialize/Friendly, Drink, Eat Food - Silver
   2b. Daniel/Yoltic (Media Naranja park): Socialize/Friendly, Drink, Food, Board Games - Gold
   5a. Gisele/Serenity (Sand Simoleon Beach): Socialize/Friendly, Drink, Food, Swim - Gold

*Romantic Repair Date: With Alonzo, she could only pick this date option and the date venue.
  There was no choice of date activities nor date goals.
  Gisele had no intention of rekindling her romance with Alonzo so they socialized until the date was half over

*Easy Date Activities: The Food activity is super easy if your sim has fruit or veggies in their inventory.
  Whenever the Eat Food goal popped up for Gisele or Daniel, they simply ate a strawberry or avocado.
  Also, always bring along a drink cooler in case the bartender vanishes or there's no bar nor vending machine.

*List of the 27 mess around/woohoo ways or locations.:
  1 Double bed, 2 Observatory, 3 Rocket Ship, 4 Hot Tub, 5 Tent, 6 Sauna, 7 Walk-in Closet, 8 Bush, 9 Coffin
  10 Lighthouse, 11 Leaf Pile, 12 Money Vault, 13 Sleeping Pod, 14 Waterfall, 15 Shower,  16 Dumpster,
  17 The Dwelling (Batuu), 18 Ice Cave, 19 Barn, 20 Photo Booth, 21 Cuddle Carts, 22 Ferris Wheel,
  23 Haunted House, 24 Treehouse, 25 Romantic Blanket, 26 Love Motel, 27 Keep It Clean Venue Closet
  Missing (3): 11 Leaf Pile, 26 Love Motel, 27 Keep It Clean Venue Closet

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 6:6: Baby Boom (22 Aug '24)
« Reply #256 on: August 22, 2024, 09:33:58 PM »
Ooo, the boys both got the eyes and ears?  It will certainly be interesting watching to see which lucky little guy will carry the challenge forward!
Night and Lou were the real heroes of this update, though.  Rock start baby sitters!
Well, I wonder if Daniel still would have been the spouse choice if Serenity had shown up earlier in the narrative  ;=)
Another lovely update!

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 6:6: Baby Boom (22 Aug '24)
« Reply #257 on: August 23, 2024, 12:47:50 AM »
Ooo, the boys both got the eyes and ears?  It will certainly be interesting watching to see which lucky little guy will carry the challenge forward!
Night and Lou were the real heroes of this update, though.  Rock start baby sitters!
Well, I wonder if Daniel still would have been the spouse choice if Serenity had shown up earlier in the narrative  ;=)
Another lovely update!

Yes the identical twin boys got the whole package: red hair, violet eyes, and pointy ears. I can't wait to see what the last child looks like!
Night and Lou are amazing stayover guests.  They respond to the babies' needs before I've even noticed, much less their parents.
I love seeing them speeding around the house on all fours, haha!

Your question about Serenity was quite valid, but Colombian Daniel was the perfect choice for this generation set in Ciudad Enamorada.  And he's so cute!
Once I let Gisele and Daniel seal their commitment as teens, I almost removed Gisele's Cupid's Corner requirement but the Romantic Boundaries feature let them avoid jealousy while they both dated.
Very, um realistic...
The next heir, however, will take a very different approach to Cupid's Corner.
That will be some weeks from now, though, since all the Gen7 kids are currently infants, lol.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 6:6: Baby Boom (22 Aug '24)
« Reply #258 on: August 23, 2024, 10:34:58 AM »
Lovely update and so great to meet Gen 7!

Thanks for sharing about the create a date thing. I've only done one get-to-know you and some other regular ones. I do like the range of options available, plus the End Cheerfully one.

Meanwhile, my game is determined to keep me way behind you. Caerwyn just aged up without his YA trait or character traits so I've had to roll back a good 90mins of playtime! Grrrr

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 6:6: Baby Boom (22 Aug '24)
« Reply #259 on: August 23, 2024, 11:13:11 AM »
Lovely update and so great to meet Gen 7!

Thanks for sharing about the create a date thing. I've only done one get-to-know you and some other regular ones. I do like the range of options available, plus the End Cheerfully one.

Meanwhile, my game is determined to keep me way behind you. Caerwyn just aged up without his YA trait or character traits so I've had to roll back a good 90mins of playtime! Grrrr
Lovely update and so great to meet Gen 7!

Thanks for sharing about the create a date thing. I've only done one get-to-know you and some other regular ones. I do like the range of options available, plus the End Cheerfully one.

Meanwhile, my game is determined to keep me way behind you. Caerwyn just aged up without his YA trait or character traits so I've had to roll back a good 90mins of playtime! Grrrr

Yes! I'm thrilled at my twin boys with their red hair, pointy ears, and violet eyes!  Perfect!!!!!
Gisele has only gone on one Romantic Date so far, with Daniel and it earned a gold medal.
Daniel also needs a gold-medal Romantic Date so he can complete Romantic Explorer, too.
I wonder how Gisele & Alonzo's red Romance bar would've improved if she'd actually did Romantic socials on their Romantic Repair date (which had no goals at all).
My next heir will not be in a committed relationship before plunging into Cupid's Corner, so I look forward to that! :D

As for your sims not getting their YA trait upon aging up, I just read about that on EA Answer HQ. 
Seems aging up on Sundays is a no-go. Seems trying to age up while graduating with Honors or as Valedictorian can also be a cause.
It's never happened to me, despite all the other post-Lovestruck bugs I've experienced. 
This issue would be easily fixable for me using MCCC.
If I were you, though, I would try to remember to always save before a teen blows out their candles.

As for you being behind, that is not true since we're playing a different number of generations.
Your Gen5 is your 10-gen legacy's 6th-to-the-last generation, whereas my Gen6 is also my 11-gen legacy's 6th-to-the-last generation.
You, however, have played a couple more weeks than I have. <3

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 6:6: Baby Boom (22 Aug '24)
« Reply #260 on: August 23, 2024, 01:10:12 PM »
Graduating early before blowing out candles got Caerwyn through, as suggested at the end of the bug report.
If I have time I'll see if they still need a save file just before, in order to investigate it.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 6.7: Babycare Burnout (26 Aug '24)
« Reply #261 on: August 26, 2024, 06:04:22 PM »
6.7: Babycare Burnout

Sunday, Week 39, Year 4 (late spring)
Gisele: Last week, I finished my heir requirement to date six different Cupid's Corner matches.
So now Daniel and I can focus on our family. And focus we have!
I gave birth to twin girls on Monday, followed by twin boys on Thursday.
And my doctor told us we'll be welcoming a baby girl later this afternoon.
My grandfathers, Night and Lou, have been staying with us all week. They're amazing!
From L to R: Me holding Zita, Vitor, Daniel holding Xinia, and Yago

Daniel: We were trying to raise the babies without using our Plumbite gemstones.
To our frustration, the four of them would only stay awake long enough to use their diaper and get fed.
But after we placed a gemstone in the courtyard, the girls have made so much progress.
This morning, Xinia taught herself to Creep and Zita even taught herself to Sit up.

Gisele: Xinia and Zita celebrate their toddler birthday this morning.
They both age up with the Top-Notch Infant trait, without Daniel and I even trying.

Xinia is Angelic and Zita is Fussy.

Gisele: Our fifth child, Ines, is born this afternoon.
Daniel and I both become good friends with her, then age her up to an infant the same day.
A Sunny brown-eyed brunette, Ines is our only child without pointy ears.
Let's aim to age up Ines with her brothers on Wednesday.
Daniel: And that make Vitor the next heir. Congratulations, Vitor!

Gisele: We start a new stayover with my parents Kalo & Sango and my Great-Gramps Thyme.
Here, Vitor meets his GGG (Great-Great-Gramps) Thyme.
The toddlers can meet the new visitors themselves but we introduce Vitor and Yago to them.
We don't introduce Ines for now, since Daniel and I will focus on helping her earn milestones.

Daniel: I use the veranda and yard on one side of the house to create a space for the toddlers.
We want to avoid Xinia and Zita feeling Ignored while we look after the infants.
Gisele: Of course, our guests all constantly sit on the toddlers' beds to socialize.
Not sure why, since the sofas in our Great Room and Lanai are much more comfortable.

Daniel: Our youngest child Ines earns her 10th milestone today.
When Vitor and Yago age up on their birthday tomorrow, Ines can join them!
Gisele: We don't mind if Ines won't be a Top-Notch Infant.
In fact, her sisters Xinia and Zita qualify as Happy Toddlers today and we're fine with that.
Among our five kids, only our next heir Vitor needs to max all his toddler skills.-

Gisele: In a couple more hours, our infants will be ready to age up.
Out of sight, Xinia and Zita never felt Ignored by Daniel and I.
We'll be glad to dismantle this side space and raise all five toddlers together!
It's been hard getting our stayover guests to interact with Xinia and Zita.

Gisele: Our three infants become toddlers with the Top-Notch Infant trait this afternoon.
Now, Vitor's a Charmer with L2 Communication. Yago's Independent with L1 Thinking.
And our youngest child, Ines, is Clingy. Ines looks so much like her sisters Xinia and Zita.

Gisele: Watcher has banished me to the nectar cellar while Daniel reads to the toddlers.
I'm Yago's mother! Why can't I pick him up, even though he's trying to listen to Daniel's story?
My parents were constantly picking up Vitor and Yago, even while they were trying to sleep!
Watcher: And I hated that, too, but I couldn't control your parents….

Gisele: Since our kids are finally all toddlers, shall we go on a Romantic Date together?
Daniel: Love to! And you offered to let me go on six Cupid's Corner dates like you.
But it's pointless, really, plus…the babies!
Gisele: Let's go to the Lounge del Abrazo. It's got one of those Keep It Clean Venue Closets!

Daniel: Plus it's just a hop, skip, and a jump away from the Love Motel.
And look! We earn a gold medal so I've also completed Romantic Explorer?

Gisele: After working from home yesterday, I earn my last promotion this morning.
I added a new sitting area in the lanai, with the sofa and armchairs I unlocked at L10.
Also, I change to my career outfit, but it's the same as before.
Finally, I phone in to quit my job because Daniel and I have babies to raise!

Look how adorable! Our next heir Vitor with his Grandpa Kalo who's the Gen5 heir.

Our firstborn Xinia asking her Grandma Sango why.
She and Zita sleep on a different schedule than the other three toddlers.
Thanks to that, Zita will be maxing all her skills tonight and Xinia will do the same by tomorrow noon.
Now that the twins aren't stuck in the side yard, our stayover guests have helped the girls a lot!

Gisele: Among the girls, Xinia and Zita have maxed their skills but Ines has only 14 out of 23 points.
Ines is a Picky Eater. She's a Clingy toddler, but also Hates Being Carried.
For these reasons, her Fun and Attention always tank by evening.
Honestly, her needs drop like that every day. Among the caregivers, Ines is the least popular.

Vitor's twin Yago is a Heavy Sleeper who Hates Wakeup Time.
Like Ines, Yago also Hates Being Carried but he's Independent so he's usually fine.
Out of 23 total points, Yago has 17.1 as of Friday evening.
He won't have any trouble maxing all his toddler skills over the next five days.

Vitor's a Charmer who Loves Being Carried.
He has the highest friendships with all his caregivers.
This evening, he maxed his Communication and Thinking skills.
At 21.8 out of 23 skill points, he'll no doubt max his two remaining skills tomorrow.

Daniel: As an infant, Vitor had the Loves Being Held quirk.
His Grandpas Night and Lou loved holding Vitor and so does his Great-Great Grandpa Thyme.
I don't think I've ever noticed Vitor's Attention drop even into the yellow zone.

Gisele: Such a clever boy! This morning, Vitor finishes maxing his last two skills: Imagination then Movement.

Daniel: All of us are sick and tired of being cooped up inside the house, so we've traveled to Sulani Beach.
Time for some sun and fun!

Xinia (right) and Zita (left) celebrate their child birthday tomorrow morning.

Vitor (2nd from left) can relax until he ages up to a child next Wednesday.
His twin Yago (2nd from right) only needs two more skill points, so he'll be done skilling by tomorrow.
Ines (far right), on the other hand, has two skills that are still only Level 2.
Can we help Ines become a Top-Notch Toddler by Wednesday or is Happy Toddler good enough?

Gisele: Oh!  Look who's married with children and lives in Sulani with his family! *fans self
That merman Serenity's a total hunk but I can imagine being anyone but Daniel!
Still, I hope our children can meet and befriend Serenity's kids in grade school!

The Gen6 household
Home: Calle de Ensueño, Plaza Mariposa (Ciudad Enamorada)

Gisele Costa (Gen6 heir) - YA
Traits: Music Lover, Lovebug, Outgoing (+Self-Assured)
Spouse: Daniel (Gomez); Children: Xinia & Zita; Vitor & Yago; Ines

Daniel (Gomez) Costa (Gen6 spouse) - YA
Traits: Creative, Foodie, Music Lover (+Perfectionist, Loves the Outdoors)
Spice Hound!

Xinia Costa (Gen7 spare) - Toddler  (1 day to Child)
Traits: Wiggly/Angelic (Top-Notch Infant)
Toddler quirks: Picky Eater, Little Singer
Infant quirks: Happy Spitter, Frequently Hiccups, Frequently Sneezes
Infant milestones (17): Fine Motor (4), Gross Motor (4), Social (4), Firsts (5)

Zita Costa (Gen7 spare) - Toddler  (1 day to Child)
Traits: Calm/Fussy (Top-Notch Infant)
Toddler quirks: Heavy Sleeper, Little Singer
Infant quirks: Loves Wakeup Time, Picky Eater, Self-Soother
Infant milestones (17): Fine Motor (5), Gross Motor (4), Social (4), Firsts (4)

Vitor Costa (Gen7 heir) - Toddler (4 days to Child)
Traits: Sunny/Charmer (Top-Notch Infant)
Toddler quirks: Heavy Sleeper, Loves Being Carried, Loves Sounds
Infant quirks: Loves Being Held, Hates Wakeup Time
Infant milestones (17): Fine Motor (3), Gross Motor (5), Social (5), Firsts (4)

Yago Costa (Gen7 spare) - Toddler (4 days to Child)
Traits: Sensitive/Independent (Top-Notch Infant)
Toddler quirks: Heavy Sleeper, Hates Wakeup Time, Hates Being Carried
Infant quirks: Gassy, Hates Being Held, Early Riser
Infant milestones (17): Fine Motor (5), Gross Motor (4), Social (4), Firsts (4)

Ines Costa (Gen7 spare) - Toddler (4 days to Child)
Traits: Sunny/Clingy (Top-Notch Infant)
Toddler quirks: Picky Eater, Hates Being Carried, Early Riser
Infant quirks: Frequently Sneezes, Self-Soother
Infant milestones (11): Fine Motor (2), Gross Motor (1), Social (4), Firsts (4)

Progress: End of Week 37
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Sim babies: Goodness gracious, it takes forever to play a single sim-day with five babies!
  Their Watcher is left feeling exhausted with just the pixelated babies! LOL!
  The next time I mention having over 4 babies in the household, somebody hit me over the head. Please!
  (On the plus side, they are all super adorable!)

*Romantic Repair Date, redux: There's a reason Gisele's date with her ex had no goals.
  "Some idiot" forgot to click the "Goals and Rewards" checkbox before setting up the date. LOL!

*List of the 27 mess around/woohoo ways or locations.:
  1 Double bed, 2 Observatory, 3 Rocket Ship, 4 Hot Tub, 5 Tent, 6 Sauna, 7 Walk-in Closet, 8 Bush, 9 Coffin,
  10 Lighthouse, 11 Leaf Pile, 12 Money Vault, 13 Sleeping Pod, 14 Waterfall, 15 Shower,  16 Dumpster,
  17 The Dwelling (Batuu), 18 Ice Cave, 19 Barn, 20 Photo Booth, 21 Cuddle Carts, 22 Ferris Wheel,
  23 Haunted House, 24 Treehouse, 25 Romantic Blanket, 26 Love Motel, 27 Keep It Clean Venue Closet
  Missing (1): 11 Leaf Pile.

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 6.7: Babycare Burnout (26 Aug '24)
« Reply #262 on: August 27, 2024, 08:38:55 PM »
A lovely update full of toddler spam!!  Gotta love this adorable crew :=)
Serenity (AKA Mermaid McDreamboat) sure stands a great chance to provide some lovely spouse options for the Costa crew.  fingers crossed!
Ines stands no chance at the heir title, but her whole clingy but hates to be held thing was endearing in such a paradoxical way.  Meaning this fully as a compliment, she reminds me of one of my cats:  snuggly as the day is long, but absolutely hates being held.
Meantime, Vitor is absolutely crushing it as the next heir!  Knocking out those requirements like an absolute boss!
Another wonderful update and a fantastic job herding cats raising toddlers!  Bravo, Watcher!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 6.7: Babycare Burnout (26 Aug '24)
« Reply #263 on: August 28, 2024, 12:41:40 AM »
A lovely update full of toddler spam!!  Gotta love this adorable crew :=)
Serenity (AKA Mermaid McDreamboat) sure stands a great chance to provide some lovely spouse options for the Costa crew.  fingers crossed!
Ines stands no chance at the heir title, but her whole clingy but hates to be held thing was endearing in such a paradoxical way.  Meaning this fully as a compliment, she reminds me of one of my cats:  snuggly as the day is long, but absolutely hates being held.
Meantime, Vitor is absolutely crushing it as the next heir!  Knocking out those requirements like an absolute boss!
Another wonderful update and a fantastic job herding cats raising toddlers!  Bravo, Watcher!

Two of Gisele's dates and both of Daniel's dates are very attractive, so I'm hoping that MCCC will hook the other three (besides Serenity the merman) with suitably lovely spouses.
I'll have to keep track of them in Manage Households to see if they'll become feasible spouse options.

I'm giggling about your cat.  So your cat looks to sidle up for snuggles but doesn't want to be held, just scratched in the right places?
Ines has been difficult. Her Picky Eater trait means I can't simply direct her to Grab a Serving then switch to a different toddler; I need to stay and make sure she's not starving. *rolls eyes
Vitor really scored big in the Lovable & Affectionate department. His caregivers were always picking him up and, if not, he himself would ask to be picked up.
I had so many screenshots of autonomous interactions between Vitor and his caregivers; hardly any with Ines, though, poor thing! Happily, she'll grow out of that trait soon!

I'm looking forward to the coming week when all five kids become grade-schoolers.
Honestly, I need to stay focused on Vitor as the next heir and stop caring if the other four kids achieve "everything." 
Um, maybe just Llamacorn Scouts?  Thank you for your nice words, Pippin!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 6.7: Babycare Burnout (26 Aug '24)
« Reply #264 on: August 28, 2024, 11:21:12 AM »
Lots of lovely toddlers but, yes, phew, thank goodness it's their birthdays soon.

After just over 48 hrs of doing Granny duties irl, I collapsed on the sofa and was good for nothing the remainder of yesterday. It's definitely time to see what my pixelated charges are up to!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 6.7: Babycare Burnout (26 Aug '24)
« Reply #265 on: August 28, 2024, 03:32:06 PM »
Lots of lovely toddlers but, yes, phew, thank goodness it's their birthdays soon.

After just over 48 hrs of doing Granny duties irl, I collapsed on the sofa and was good for nothing the remainder of yesterday. It's definitely time to see what my pixelated charges are up to!

Yay! An upcoming update from the Makeys!
I wish I could relax more about sims babycare, but I can't resist making more of them.
Maybe I'll let the Gen7 spares take it easier and just fish or play instruments...

Offline oshizu

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Costa Mishmash Legacy 6.8: Scouting Marathon (31 Aug '24)
« Reply #266 on: September 01, 2024, 03:23:29 AM »
6.8: Scouting Marathon

Sunday, Week 40, Year 4 (early summer)
Gisele: Last week, to the great relief of Danie and me, our five kids all aged up to toddlers!
On Wednesday, Daniel asked me on a Romantic Date to Lounge del Abrazo and I'm now 96% done with my woohoo task.
On Thursday, I maxed my Romantic Counselor career and quit my job to focus on family.
Here we are in front of the gift shop near Media Naranja park.
From L to R: Ines, me (Gen6 heir) holding Zita (Xinia's twin), Vitor, Daniel holding Xinia, and Yago (Vitor's twin)

Daniel: This morning, Yago finishes maxing all of his toddler skills.
Like Vitor, he will just be free-ranging until their birthday in three days.

Gisele: I think Ines will age up as a Top-Notch Toddler, too.
As usual, our Picky Eater wastes considerable time feeling hungry because she won't eat what's available.
But she only needs one more level each in her three remaining skills: Communication, Imagination, and Movement.
She'll be done by Wednesday afternoon, for sure.

We try feeding Ines three different foods until she finally eats. Sheesh!
Fussing over Ines makes us miss Xinia and Zita's birthday notifications.
The girls are quite pretty, don't you think? They join Scouts and start working on their badges.
Xinia (Self-Assured) favors orange, while Zita (Perfectionist) favors blue.

Gisele: At one point, Watcher wanted to stack three rows of nectar storage boxes.
But, luckily for us, she changed her mind and returned the layout to two rows.
I've nearly filled all 17 storage boxes with bottles of nectar!
I accidentally make an extra bottle of Vitality Nectar today, so I give it to Daniel. He should drink it!

Daniel: Due to her three pregnancies, Gisele is 10 days younger than me.
That's why she gave me a bottle of Vitality Nectar earlier today, encouraging me to drink all 4 servings.
I need a nap because I get Over-Nectared, but the four glasses shave 8 days off my age. Sweet!

Daniel: Earning Scout badges requires a considerable amount of parental supervision.
That's why we're helping Xinia and Zita to be mostly done with Scouts by Tuesday night.
Ideally, they would have all but their Sociability badge before our toddlers age up on Wednesday.
Image 7: X and Z on activity tables

Xinia (orange): We're taking a vacation day from school today to earn our remaining badges.
Zita (blue): Yes, it's taking longer than we expected to craft six drawings.
Xinia: Well, that's because you're a Perfectionist. It takes you twice as long to finish a drawing!

Gisele: One last photo of Vitor, Yago, and Ines as toddlers before they age up tomorrow.
Vitor (white) is looking happy as usual.  Yago (black) listens to Ines.
Happily, Ines managed to max all her toddler skills this afternoon.

It's rather late when Xinia and Zita become Llamacorn Scouts.
After they quit Scouts, we leave the toddlers at home and visit our family museum in Newcrest.
I keep forgetting to bring my Axolotl collection and plaque here.
But here's my little Axolotl nook at the Costa museum.

Daniel: We wait until Xinia and Zita to come home from school before aging up the toddlers.
I age up Vitor first, since he's older than Yago and Ines.
Gisele: I get distracted as usual and just sit there instead of helping Yago blow out his candles.
Daniel: You were very distracted! Your mom and Ines were at the other end of the house.
And Ines still aged up second!

Daniel: All three toddlers age up with the Top-Notch Toddler trait.
Vitor (Outgoing in white) and Yago (Neat in black) remain identical twins.
Ines (Creative) could be mistaken for a triplet with her sisters Xinia and Zita!
Gisele: Alright, kiddos! Time to sign up for Scouts!

Vitor (left): Welp, that's our Outdoor Adventurer badge!
Yago (right): That's right! Let's try to reach Llamacorn Scouts before the Saturday Scout meeting.
Vitor: I'll talk to Papa. Maybe he'll let us take a vacation day on Friday.
Xinia said that the Arts & Crafts and Keep Fit badges alone took two days.

Vitor: I don't think we'll finish Scouts by Saturday afternoon, guys. We still have 3 badges left.
Yago: We did bring home a B grade after our first day of grade school. We should take Friday off!
Zita told me they took a day off to get their last several badges.
Ines: I vote we take Friday off, too. Not like we'll earn an A on Friday, anyway.

Xinia: I don't understand why I'm still a B student!
Zita and I got promotions to B students on Monday afternoon.
Then we took a vacation day on Tuesday to earn our remaining badges.
Since then, I've been to school on Wednesday and Thursday, but I'm still a B student!
It's embarrassing that I'm three days older than Vitor, Yago, and Ines, but they're already B students!

Vitor: Yago and Ines are on the swings to earn their Keep Fit badge.
Meanwhile, I'm at Plaza Mariposa, meeting new sims for my Social Butterfly aspiration and Sociability badge.
Yago, Ines, and I become Llamacorn Scouts in the evening.

Gisele: As the next heir, Vitor has more things to accomplish as a child.
But we still want our other four children to complete four aspirations:
Artistic Prodigy, Whiz Kid, Rambunctious Scamp, and Mind & Body.
Vitor will also complete Playtime Captain and Slumber Party Animal.

Yago: Now that we're done with Scouts, let's focus on aspirations.
Vitor: Yes, but we should each do two school projects before Monday.
Once all five of us are A students, our parents might take us somewhere cool on vacation.
Ines: Oh yeah! We could go on a vacation for 4-5 days, but where would we go?

Yago: I thought our parents might help us with our school projects but they're sitting over on the lanai.
Ines: Yeah, they're making weird noises and acting weird. Yuck!

Ines: Yarrrr!

Vitor: I have my own savings account with Direct Deposit, so I have to be careful.
I can't sell any old thing from my personal inventory.
Generally speaking, I can only sell things related to my future career, which I'll share next time.
And Watcher's decided I can also sell anything I craft or earn in the process of scouting and my required aspirations.
For example, I can sell my six drawings (Arts & Crafts badge) but I can't make more drawings to sell.
And I already sold my Scout trophies.

Gisele: My Great-Grandpa Thyme only has about two more weeks left.
We should probably let him go back to his home in Bedrock Strait.
But our entire household loves him to pieces.  We are all BFFs with him.
And the children have known him ever since they were infants.

Xinia: We finally learned to rice our bicycles tonight!
Zita: Yeah. Mama said after we do that, we could do whatever we want.
Xinia: But then she bought us a 500-piece puzzle so we're not exactly doing whatever we want, are we?
Zita: Eh, big puzzles still beat doing chores, right?  Still, we need a hobby or something.
Xinia: You got that right! I don't want to be doing puzzle after puzzle for the next two weeks!

The Gen6 household
Home: Calle de Ensueño, Plaza Mariposa (Ciudad Enamorada)

Gisele Costa (Gen6 heir) - YA
Traits: Music Lover, Lovebug, Outgoing (+Self-Assured)
Spouse: Daniel (Gomez); Children: Xinia & Zita; Vitor & Yago; Ines

Daniel (Gomez) Costa (Gen6 spouse) - YA
Traits: Creative, Foodie, Music Lover (+Perfectionist, Loves the Outdoors)
Plus Chopstick Savvy!

Xinia Costa (Gen7 spare) - Child (8 days to Teen)
Traits: Self-Assured (Top-Notch Toddler)

Zita Costa (Gen7 spare) - Child (8 days to Teen)
Traits: Perfectionist (Top-Notch Toddler)

Vitor Costa (Gen7 heir) - Child (11 days to Teen)
Traits: Outgoing (Top-Notch Toddler)

Yago Costa (Gen7 spare) -Child (11 days to Teen)
Traits: Neat (Top-Notch Toddler)

Ines Costa (Gen7 spare) - Child (11 days to Teen)
Traits: Creative (Top-Notch Infant)

Progress: End of Week 37
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Gisele didn't make any new progress this week.
Her last remaining requirement only pops up randomly.
If it doesn't happen in the next two weeks, I'll be taking it off the table.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 6.8: Scouting Marathon (31 Aug '24)
« Reply #267 on: September 01, 2024, 08:38:39 AM »
I super love that you never treat spares like they are irrelevant sidekicks.  They get almost as much time, care, and effort from you as the heirs and that's pretty awesome! 
Distracted Gisele not bringing Yago to the cake until after Ines had been brought from the other side of the house and already aged up was just hilarious!  Probably not that much fun in the moment, but a delightful story moment  :=)
Speaking of funny moments, that shot of Daniel doing two fisted drinking with fluted wine glasses was pretty amusing!  It was like he was all, "I'm gonna pound these drinks!" and then daintily sips at them.
Some great moments all around and some excellent progress in accomplishing goals for the kiddos!!  Well done, Watcher!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 6.8: Scouting Marathon (31 Aug '24)
« Reply #268 on: September 01, 2024, 09:11:20 AM »
Super skilling as always with multiple aspirations. And I see you're bringing the income restriction in early, that savings mod is very helpful. Vitor is doing great! The teens can't be too far away...

PS - you've got 2 identical shots of the cycling pic....

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 6.8: Scouting Marathon (31 Aug '24)
« Reply #269 on: September 01, 2024, 02:32:16 PM »
I super love that you never treat spares like they are irrelevant sidekicks.  They get almost as much time, care, and effort from you as the heirs and that's pretty awesome! 
Distracted Gisele not bringing Yago to the cake until after Ines had been brought from the other side of the house and already aged up was just hilarious!  Probably not that much fun in the moment, but a delightful story moment  :=)
Speaking of funny moments, that shot of Daniel doing two fisted drinking with fluted wine glasses was pretty amusing!  It was like he was all, "I'm gonna pound these drinks!" and then daintily sips at them.
Some great moments all around and some excellent progress in accomplishing goals for the kiddos!!  Well done, Watcher!

With five kids, I know I shouldn't obsess over the spares, but I just can't help myself.
As long as Vitor's making the progress he needs, there's time for the other four children as well.

Haha, I don't know what was up with Gisele. She was right there by the cake, watching Daniel with adoration in her eyes.
And YAgo was tanding there patiently, waiting to be aged up. I'm a big fan of Gisele and Daniel plus their offspring are gorgeous!

Thank you for your kind words, Pippin! <3

Super skilling as always with multiple aspirations. And I see you're bringing the income restriction in early, that savings mod is very helpful. Vitor is doing great! The teens can't be too far away...

PS - you've got 2 identical shots of the cycling pic....

For Xinia and Zita, I really needed them to be done with scouts before the other three aged up so they wouldn't need to share skilling objects.
I mean, they could afford to buy five Activity Tables and Science Tables, but I'd rather not.

I brought in Vitor's incomr restrictions because the rules mention that an heir can start earning simoleons as early as their child stage as long as it's career-related.
Yes, SimRealist's SNBank mod is super useful!  I've set up Vitor's Direct Deposit so that his savings account gets simoleons whenever he sells from personal or household inventory; from Plopsy, a vendor table, or Food stand (thugh Plopsy isn't an option for Vitor); and from his careers.
Previously, SnBank did accommofate Food Stand sales. In that case, I'll just transfer any sales proceeds to his savings account. 
And yes, SNBank is extrenely useful! I first used this mod during my Mistura Mishmash.

Vitor won't be a teen for 11 more days.  Trying to decide now when I'll have him move out. Maybe one week after his teen birthday?
He wouldn't be able to start on most of his requirements, but he could start saving towards a nicer house....
I can't wait to play my RLC gen alongside you, even though Amy is so far ahead of Vitor, lol!

Thanks for alerting me to the duplicate screenshot.  Here's the one I forgot to include:

