Author Topic: Costa Mishmash Legacy 7.7: Hot In, So Hot in Here. Oh! (28 Sep '24)  (Read 34331 times)

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 3.18: Thyme Flies Like an Arrow (5 Jun '24)
« Reply #120 on: June 06, 2024, 11:22:32 AM »
First off - thanks for the robot/ai literary refs - I always mean to read the Nebula Award winners but keep forgetting. The Wind-up Girl looks good.

I love how you've made over the lots in your neighbourhood. That's truly above and beyond and really adds to the Batuu vibes.

I'm beginning to wonder about Masa's future. He's clearly going to be a celebrated chef. Will he end up with his own household or always be there for Thyme? I can't wait to find out your plans for him.

Now - so many congratulations in order! Graduating, wedding, Triplets,...oh and the personality swap. I'm kinda hoping my Gen 3 will get a personality swap... lol! A great update and Thyme is doing really well in his requirements. Here's hoping the Bot Savant thing works out.

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 3.18: Thyme Flies Like an Arrow (5 Jun '24)
« Reply #121 on: June 06, 2024, 12:22:31 PM »
First off - thanks for the robot/ai literary refs - I always mean to read the Nebula Award winners but keep forgetting. The Wind-up Girl looks good.

I love how you've made over the lots in your neighbourhood. That's truly above and beyond and really adds to the Batuu vibes.

I'm beginning to wonder about Masa's future. He's clearly going to be a celebrated chef. Will he end up with his own household or always be there for Thyme? I can't wait to find out your plans for him.

Now - so many congratulations in order! Graduating, wedding, Triplets,...oh and the personality swap. I'm kinda hoping my Gen 3 will get a personality swap... lol! A great update and Thyme is doing really well in his requirements. Here's hoping the Bot Savant thing works out.

I agree! Reading the Best Novel winners for the Hugo and Nebula awards is always so rewarding! (There's one more but the name escapes me at the moment.)
I'm also a big fan of both Ghost in the Shell anime films and loved the 11-episode Absolute Boyfriend TV series.
They are all well worth spending time on.  :D

You know, Thyme really should've moved to a colder clime to take advantage of the warmer spring/summer weather.
But Bedrock Strait, with all of its sand and craggy rocks, fits the Tatooine atmosphere like no other.  And the other lots were killing the vibe and had to be replaced. LOL!

As for Masa, he wouldn't ever have his own household. He's immortal and can't marry or reproduce (under normal circumstances) so it wouldn't be "efficient."
One idea would be for Masa to move from heir to heir, providing each new household with food that never spoils.
His only drawback is that he can't eat so can't learn recipes. My great discovery of Mabo Dofu with Pork contributing to both Chopstick Savvy and Spice Hound won't work for Masa.
He can, however, cook other recipes for only Chopstick Savvy: various Ramen recipes, Tofu Stir Fry, and Chicken Stir Fry.  :(

Haha, Thyme's personality swap was totally unexpected! But welcome, all the same.
The only time I've ever played a sim who Hates Children was Sergio Romeo. He was fine with his own children...
Thyme and I are SO over crafting mechanims but I'm really enjoying his generation so far!

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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 3.18: Thyme Flies Like an Arrow (5 Jun '24)
« Reply #122 on: June 06, 2024, 01:30:47 PM »
What a great job you've done making over the whole neighborhood! You know that lightsaber collection on display would just fit in so well . . . 🤣
Congrats for Thyme hitting Adept rank, Marj's marriage, Marisa moving in, birthdays, Thyme and Kelsey's engagement, Masa hitting level 10, Thyme's Distinguished-with-Honors Graduation, Thyme's trait swap, and last but most certainly not least, the birth of the triplets. Whew! Lots to celebrate!
And thank you for all the shared info about bots and servos!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 3.18: Thyme Flies Like an Arrow (5 Jun '24)
« Reply #123 on: June 06, 2024, 01:57:13 PM »
What a great job you've done making over the whole neighborhood! You know that lightsaber collection on display would just fit in so well . . . 🤣
Congrats for Thyme hitting Adept rank, Marj's marriage, Marisa moving in, birthdays, Thyme and Kelsey's engagement, Masa hitting level 10, Thyme's Distinguished-with-Honors Graduation, Thyme's trait swap, and last but most certainly not least, the birth of the triplets. Whew! Lots to celebrate!
And thank you for all the shared info about bots and servos!

Thank you! Haha, I lived vicariously through your Shay Cordova as she valiantly collected her lightsaber parts.
Thyme did receive a lightsaber hilt as a mission reward. Every time I see it in Thyme's inventory, I think of Shay and her persistent Watcher. :D
Lol, when you put it that way, Week 17 was super eventful!  Thyme was trying (unsuccessfully, it turns out) to clear his plate before Kelsey gave birth.
But he still has some ways to go on his requirements. 
Masa the Servo and the various utili-bots are much more helpful than I knew. I'd never lived with a servo and never made much use of the utili-bots.
But they all fit in with the theme of Thyme's generation, I guess.

And a million thanks for alerting me to my various writing mishaps.  So helpful!

Offline oshizu

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Costa Mishmash Legacy 3.4: Are You a Fruit Fly? (8 Jun '24)
« Reply #124 on: June 08, 2024, 08:11:12 AM »
3.4: Are You a Fruit Fly?

Sunday, Week 1, Year 1 (early autumn)then
Thyme: Last Tuesday, we all aged up to YAs and got married, then Marj and Sage moved out.
Friday, Masa reached Enhancement Level 10 in the morning and I graduated with Honors that evening.
Saturday, Kelsey gave birth to triplets and, at 10:30 pm, I finally had the option to re-enroll in uni.
From L to R: Me holding Emi, Night, Kelsey holding Motoko, and Masa

Kelsey needed four hours more than I did to become good friends with the tripets.
But they aged up to infants at 1:30 am this morning.
Calm Motoko has my brown hair with Kelsey's gray eyes and non-pointy ears.
Her namesake, Major Motoko Kusanagi, is nicknamed "Major," so we'll call our Motoko that, too.
Sunny Emi has my brown hair, pointy ears, and violet eyes.
Wiggly Night has Kelsey's blond hair with my violet eyes and pointy ears.

We'll be choosing between Emi and Night for the next heir, as Motoko doesn't have pointy ears.

Last night, I enrolled in Foxbury's Distinguished Degree in Computer Science program.
But I only have one course since my only goal is becoming a Bot Savants Senior Member (Rank 3).
The Bot Savants tasks refreshed this morning, so I finish two of them right away.
At noon sharp, I arrive at the Utili-Bot Contest and do the club's socials on all its members.
You know, the three Friendly/Hobbies socials with the same Robotics icon as the club's.

I enter my L9 Party Bot in the contest but it doesn't win, which is fine with me.
Meeting the judge gives me another sim for using the Bot Savants socials.
After completing my third task at home, I'm about 75% on the way to Rank 3.
I don't mind crafting extra utili-bots anymore. I can always gift them to our children, can't I?

Thyme: What's going on here? I return home to find the triplets looking miserable.
How can you sit there playing chess, Kelsey, while the babies are starving and exhausted?
Kelsey: I don't know. I thought my new Family Oriented trait would make me feel more maternal, but…
Masa: Hey, guys! I thought I could work on the Super Parent aspiration by being your kids' caregiver, but I can't.
Is it because I'm a Servo? That's outright discrimination!

Kelsey: I'm a little jealous of Thyme and Masa. They know exactly where they excel.
That's why they've carved such clear paths for their respective futures. Masa even became a Perfectionist today.
Saturday night, I discovered I'm Family Oriented but I'm slow to respond to the babies' needs.
I'd crafted that Plumbite gemstone last week for the babies, but do I really want them awake 24/7?
How could I be more useful around the house?

Kelsey: I'm shocked to see Grandma Phoebe giving Masa a tune-up when his Energy depletes.
That's it! Where's that Robotics Vol. 1 skill book that Thyme used to get started?
I want to be able to give tune ups to the Gardener Bots and, who knows, maybe even to Masa!

Tonight's Bot Savants Bar Night at Britechester Pub from 8 pm to midnight.
I arrive early and start socializing with the other members (they're all new) as soon as they arrive.
By 11 pm, I've reached Rank 3 Senior Member!
Rushing home, I withdraw from university, quickly check the babies, then head back to Batuu.

Kelsey and I have been on Batuu since late last night.
Gathering information for my fourth mission isn't going well.
I can rarely "use my rep" or "question" for information with success.
For a peaceful guy like me, using intimidation to get info is the last resort.

Thyme: I need to learn several Batuu recipes which is why I've ordered this meal.
But Masa packed food for us plus we each have a cooler stocked with drinks.
Have you been buying stuff on Batuu? I keep losing Galactic Credits (GC)…
Kelsey: Who me? No! I'm waiting until we get home to sample your Batuu cooking. (Did Thyme see me?)
Thyme: Sorry, Kelsey, but I'm sending you home. I need to save 5k GC for my aspiration and you're not helping.
When I finish my aspiration, we can return here together and do some proper sightseeing, okay?

After Kelsey goes home, I work hard at completing missions and boosting my Scoundrel rank.
I win at Sabacc by cheating and use the Resistance's holotable to locate Hondo's Contraband.
When I become a Runner (Rank 2), I befriend and bribe a Stormtrooper in the First Order District.

I go on missions nearly non-stop, taking breaks only to learn my remaining recipes.
With Hondo Ohnaka and Chewbacca, I go on two "business trips" in the Millenium Falcon.
And once I'm a Rogue (Rank 3), I splice a few control panels to skim credits.

So what's left? I need to complete enough missions to become an Outlaw (Rank 5).
For now, though, it's time to go home and spend time with my family.

On reaching Rank 3 in the Bot Savants, I was awarded special-edition Gold Party Bot.
It's only Level 1, though, so I used the Gold Party Bot blueprint I received to craft my own.
My new Gold Party Bot is named Goldilocks and starts out at Level 3.
Eventually, I want Goldilocks to reach L10 like my very first utili-bot, the black-and-white Party Rock.

Thyme: It's great to be back home!
Kelsey: I've missed you so much! You know, the babies are napping so would you like to…?
Thyme: Would I ever!

Thyme: You think I should talk to Kelsey about her role in our family?
Masa: Yes, because  I don't understand why Kelsey feels the need to learn Robotics.
You and I already maxed Robotics! And once I'm a L8 Chef, I'll help her with gardening again.
Thyme: I agree. She has L10 Gemology and Painting, plus she's Family Oriented.
And she crafted that Plumbite gemstone which really helps with the babies.
Masa: She needs to hear from you that she's already making useful contributions, Thyme.

Thyme: All three infants had earned 10+ milestones by 10 pm yesterday.
Last night, I aged up Emi first then Masa aged up Night about an hour later.
It's 1 am when Kelsey finally focuses enough to help Motoko blow out her candles.
And she never even got around to changing Motoko's diaper…

Thyme: Motoko's a Charmer, Emi's Inquisitive, and Night's Independent.
Who do you think would make the best heir, Kelsey?
Kelsey: Isn't Emi the obvious choice since she has violet eyes and pointy ears?
Thyme: It's true I'd wanted a female heir next, but Emi's coloring is exactly the same as mine.
What makes Night the best choice for me is that he shares your blond hair.

Kelsey: Toddlers are having lunch while babbling with their grandparents. What about…
Thyme: Um, Kelsey, I've been meaning to ask, but are you a Fruit Fly?
Kelsey: Who me? A Fruit Fly? Why would you even ask that?
Thyme: There's that saying: Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana." And you sure seem to like my ba…
Kelsey: Oh hush, you!

Thyme: I've been looking all over for you, Masa! Where did you go? What was that strange music?
Masa: I got abducted by aliens who took me to their Mother Ship.
Thyme: How are you feeling? You seem okay…
Masa: I blacked out for a bit after being abducted, but I'm fine now, though a bit disoriented.

Kelsey: I don't understand how the Cognitive milestones work! Emi and Night earned six each:
Maxed Imagination, Studied Shapes, Asked Why, Maxed Thinking, Studied Letters, and Art Appreciation.
But Major (Motoko) only earned Maxed Imagination, Asked Why, and Maxed Thinking.
Masa: I don't get it, either. I've tried Flash Cards and Nesting Blocks with all three toddlers.
Thyme: So have I! Why can't Major learn more than 3 Cognitive milestones?

Thyme: Masa reached L8 Chef yesterday so we're celebrating with a Neighborhood Potluck.
All the potluck contributors bring something: Gran Phoebe, Papa Edgar, sis Marj, and neighbor Laila.
I serve two Batuu dishes: Yobshrimp Noodle Salad and Rising Moon Overnight Oats.
It's quite quite a spread!  We Call for Meal twice while partying until 3 in the morning.

Later that morning, I figure out how to locate my missing utili-bots.
If I click "Work on Utili-Bot…" at the Robotics Workstation, I get a list of all my utili-bots.
And when I click on one, I'm transported to the selected bot.
(Well, I "transportalate" since I can. I don't know what happens for non-casters.)
That's how I found our second Gardener Bot who'd been missing four days.
Then, while I'm in the process of enhancing it and Goldilocks, I get my L9 promotion!

Thyme: The toddlers maxed all their skills yesterday, but I'm not aging them up yet because I have the weekend off.
I sure could use your help on Batuu, running interference with the First Order's Stormtroopers, Masa!
Masa: I think I might want to stay home, Thyme. I'm not feeling very well this morning… *blurrgh
Thyme: Why are your eyes pink? Oh no! Wait, that's the wrong moodlet for an abduction pregnancy, Masa.

The Gen3 Household
Thyme Costa (Gen3 heir) - YA
Traits: Geek, Socially Awkward, Genius (+Outgoing, Family Oriented)
Spouse: Kelsey (Linh); Children: Motoko, Emi, & Night

Kelsey Costa (Gen3 spouse) - YA
Traits: Perfectionist, Geek, Good (+Family Oriented)

Motoko "Major" Costa (Gen4 spare) - Toddler (5 days to Child)
Traits: Calm/Charmer (Top-Notch Infant)
Toddler quirks: Messy Eater, Good Appetite, Aggressive
Infant quirks: Frequently Sneezes, Happy Spitter
Infant milestones (10): Gross Motor (2), Fine Motor (0), Social (4), Firsts (4)

Emi Costa (Gen4 spare) - Toddler (5 days to Child)
Traits: Sunny/Inquisitive (Top-Notch Infant)
Toddler quirks: Picky Eater
Infant quirks: Good Appetite, Early Riser, Free Air Tinkler
Infant milestones (10): Gross Motor (2), Fine Motor (0), Social (4), Firsts (4)

Night Costa (Gen4 heir) - Toddler (5 days to Child)
Traits: Wiggly/Independent (Top-Notch Infant)
Toddler quirks: Loves Being Carried, Aggressive
Infant quirks:: Good Appetite, Happy Spitter, Loves Being Held
Infant milestones (12): Gross Motor (3), Fine Motor (0), Social (5), Firsts (4)

Masa Mori (Gen3 helper) - YA Servo
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Family Oriented, Music Lover (+Bookworm, Perfectionist)

Progress: End of Week 19
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Kelsey sent home from Batuu: Thyme wasn't being mean about sending her home.
  He'd been doing mission after mission but was down to only 125 GCs.
  Turns out Kelsey had been wandering around buying food and drinks.
  Besides Ronto's Roasters, she also bought a drink at The Milk Stand and several cocktails at Oga's.
  Saving up 5,000 GCs will the biggest obstacle to completing Galactic Privateer. Thyme needs to focus.

*Masa's abduction pregnancy: Masa doesn't look pregnant at all and I haven't seen the tummy sparkles.
  I caught him acting nauseous sim-Saturday morning and checked his moodlets to learn of his pregnancy.
  Oddly, he has the "Eating for Two (from Trying for Baby" moodlet.
  A human male sim who gets pregnant by abduction gets a different series of pregnancy-related moodlets.
  I wonder if Masa and Senior Pollination Technician #3's relationship was…consensual?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 3.19: Are You a Fruit Fly? (8 Jun '24)
« Reply #125 on: June 08, 2024, 10:46:00 AM »
That's amazing. I've never really played with servos so I didn't know they could get pregnant. And by aliens, no less! I can't wait to see what the nooboo is like!

Oh dear, Kelsey. I'm afraid spouses rarely live up to the heirs high standards. Just be content to be in the background. And no more cocktails! lol

I'm favouring Emi - I prefer her colouring :)

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 3.19: Are You a Fruit Fly? (8 Jun '24)
« Reply #126 on: June 08, 2024, 01:47:34 PM »
Congrats to Masa on discovering a life growing inside them . . . although I'm a bit confused as to exactly where this life is growing . . . if you know, please don't tell me . . . I don't think I really want to understand that. 😄
Emi and Night are both great heir candidates. I'm sure Thyme and Kelsey will make the right choice.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 3.19: Are You a Fruit Fly? (8 Jun '24)
« Reply #127 on: June 08, 2024, 10:47:00 PM »
That's amazing. I've never really played with servos so I didn't know they could get pregnant. And by aliens, no less! I can't wait to see what the nooboo is like!

Oh dear, Kelsey. I'm afraid spouses rarely live up to the heirs high standards. Just be content to be in the background. And no more cocktails! lol

I'm favouring Emi - I prefer her colouring :)

I've read on Reddit about two instances of a Servo getting pregnant.  One was by alien abduction.
The other was a Servo couple on vacation away from their human household the one of them making that "We're thinking of trying for baby" phone call.
The Gen3 Costa household needs a 4th baby like a hole in the head (at least, I hope it's a singleton), but I couldn't resist the experiment.
Plus, Masa with his RoboNanny Behavior Module was so disappointed that he could complete the "Become a parent" task as a caregiver like "normal sims" can.

Kelsey's fine as long as her Watcher can spare the attention to watch her constantly.
I hadn't realized that she was going around spending Galactic Credits until I noticed Thyme only had 125 credits left, lol.
My initial favorite was Emi, too, but then I thought it would be nice if the Gen3 and Gen4 heirs didn't share the exact same coloring.

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 3.19: Are You a Fruit Fly? (8 Jun '24)
« Reply #128 on: June 08, 2024, 10:48:52 PM »
Congrats to Masa on discovering a life growing inside them . . . although I'm a bit confused as to exactly where this life is growing . . . if you know, please don't tell me . . . I don't think I really want to understand that. 😄
Emi and Night are both great heir candidates. I'm sure Thyme and Kelsey will make the right choice.

Masa thanks you for your congratulations.
He actually looks no different than usual. I only noticed he was pregnant because of his nausea gesture and pink "eyes."

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Costa Mishmash Legacy 3.5: My Servo Had a Baby! (10 Jun '24)
« Reply #129 on: June 10, 2024, 07:06:44 PM »
3.5: My Servo Had a Baby!

Sunday, Week 20, Year 2 (mid-autumn)
Thyme: Last week, I tied up several loose ends.
I became a Senior Member of Bot Savants, then quit uni and became a Mechanical Engineer.
Our triplets aged up to infants on Sunday, becoming toddlers on Thursday.
After Masa discovered he was pregnant from his alien abduction, I took him with me to Batuu for more Scoundrel missions.
From L to R: Me holding Emi, Masa, Kelsey holding Motoko, and Night.

Masa and I spent most of yesterday here on Batuu.
If only I'd taken a photo of us when we came here yesterday. Masa looked like a pregnant Earthling in his Batuu garb.
After since I ended the vacation this morning to go check on the fam, though, Masa remains in Servo form.
This outfit I'm wearing? I unlocked it when I became a Rogue (Rank 3 Scoundrel), though I reached Rank 4 yesterday.

I've been gaining even more notoriety since becoming a Bandit (Rank 4).
After a successful heist at an off-planet casino, Hondo urges me to erase my records from the First Order's holotable.
The place is crawling with First Order officers, but Masa's got my back.

Masa: Sir, I was wondering if you could spare a minute to tell me about the First Order.
Lt. Agnon: Joining the First Order is the first step on the path to honor and glory…
Masa (to himself): I can only stall him so long, Thyme! Hurry it up!

Thyme: After a perilous "business trip" with Chewbacca, I finally become an Outlaw (Scoundrel Rank 5)!
C'mon, Masa! Let's head home! I'm ready to settle down and be a family man!
Masa: Me, too! And I think we should celebrate with a party!
Thyme: Let's check with the family to see how everyone's doing first.

Thyme: I chose this Incognito Party, Masa, hoping you'd wear a (human) costume.
Masa: I always wear a costume during a holiday with the Wear Costume tradition, but I can't change outfits since Sunday.
Thyme: Do you think it's because you're eating for two?
Masa: That must be it! Well, the important thing is that we've earned a gold medal!

Kelsey: Really, Thyme? You want to try for baby in the tent? (low-key excited...)
Thyme: Actually, no. I'm just checking if I have the option. Thank the Fates, I do.
Kelsey: Oh, I see! You're checking whether or not Masa will have twins tomorrow. Why doesn't he go get an Ultrasound Scan?
Thyme: Oh right! Last night's Incognito Party didn't work. I wonder what will happen during today's holiday.

Masa: Yes, it's me, Masa Mori, wearing the Space Ranger costume for today's holiday.
Thyme: I'm glad this worked. I moved Saturday's holiday to today to share your baby bump with our readers.
Masa: Yes, my third-trimester baby bump! And I visited the doctor for a sonogram and learned I'm having a baby girl.
Thyme: Thank goodness! Triplets followed by twins would've been so much work!

Thyme: And here I believed that I was done traveling around!
I choose to work from home today and my assignments include giving a three-hour guest lecture at the Foxbury campus.
I decide wearing my career uniform would be a nice touch, but wth?
Why do I look like I'm in janitorial maintenance guy rather than a mechanical engineering!?
Whatever! Looks like I'll be done with this career tomorrow, anyway.

Thyme: C'mon, you two! Help me age up the toddlers!
Kelsey: But their birthday's on Thursday. Oh, I see! You want to avoid them feeling "Ignored" after Masa's baby join us.
Masa: But I don't go into labor for another 2.5 hours!
Thyme: Trust me!  We'll need every minute to herd the toddlers, age them up, and give them makeovers.

Thyme: I love the shape of your eyes, Kelsey. I'm glad it passed down to all three triplets!
Kelsey: Hmmm, maybe you're right. I inherited my eyes' shape and color from my father, Travis Scott.
If only my parents were still around to meet their grandkids!
Thyme: I never had the chance to meet them either. By the way, Motoko rolled Perfectionist and I gave Emi and Night both the Good trait.
I can't choose between them yet, but I'm leaning toward Night.

Masa: I thought you'd never finish choosing the kids' hair and wardrobes, Watcher.
But I really appreciate your joining me at the hospital.
Watcher: How could I not? You're my first pregnant Servo ever!
Doctor (to Thyme): Haven't we met before somewhere? You look so familiar…

Receptionist: You're here to have a baby, sir?  I see. And where's your wife?
Masa: No, not my wife! ME!  I was abducted by aliens and then…
Receptionist: No need to shout, sir. Calm down and wait for your doctor in the delivery room.
The doctor will be right with you.

Thyme: My name's Thyme Costa, Dr. Frost.  You must mean my father, Edgar.
Dr. Frost: That would make sense since it was last winter in Forgotten Hollow. Unless you're immortal?
Thyme: Not a chance. But everyone says how much I resemble my father.
When I was in grade school, Papa told me all about how he met you and you helped him with his homework.
Dr. Frost: I'd love to stay and chat, Thyme, but I have a baby to deliver!

Thyme: Dr. Frost, why doesn't Masa get to wear a hospital gown like every other expectant Sim?
Dr. Frost: The nurse said we didn't have any hospital gowns in his size Would please let me concentrate?
I've delivered my fair share of alien-abduction babies but never for a Servo. I really need to focus!

Dr. Frost: Congratulations! It's a healthy baby girl!
Masa: I've given her the Vietnamese name Qynh, because it's so exotic. (It rhymes with Quinn.)
Thyme: Look, Masa! You earned the achievement "A Very Special Delivery" for having an alien baby.
Dr. Frost (to himself0: How fascinating that the baby doesn't seem to have an alien skintone, though.

Thyme: Wow, what perfect timing! We just got back from the hospital. Masa had a baby girl!
Winona: Congratulations, Masa! Now if you could show us to our room so we could put away our suitcases.
Edgar: We were starting to think you decided to skip our stayover!
Masa: That's my fault, Papa Edgar, When I learned I was pregnant, I asked Thyme to postpone your stayover until today.

Thyme: Qynh might not have an alien skintone, but she arrived from the hospital in an alienboo-only bassinet.
Kelsey; She has the same skintone that Masa does whenever he wears a costume.
Thyme: Now that you mention it, Masa had the same complexion when he wore his Batuu outfit, too.
Masa: Well, I only hope she ages up healthy and happy. I wonder if she'll have any alien powers.

Thyme: While you socialize with Qynh, Masa, I'm going to give Goldilocks her eighth upgrade.
Kelsey: The kids have started Whiz Kid and scouts. I'll go see if they need help with that.

Masa: Little one, your friendship started out so low with everyone in this family!
I thought you and I, at least, would start out as Friends.
Qynh: *gurgles
Masa: Well, it's 3 pm.  I'm glad that we're finally friends, Qynh!

Thyme: I'd like your honest opinion about my Mechanical Engineer career, Kelsey.
After devoting three weeks to a distinguished degree, I maxed the career after only two days.
Would you think less of me if I quit my job?  I'd like more free time for you and the rest of the family.
Kelsey: Absolutely not! I'm sure I speak for the whole family when I say that we'd love to have you around more!
Thyme (on phone): Yes, sir. I realize it's only my second day but my mind and body tell me I need a break.

Masa: Gentle readers, I really wanted to share with you what my daughter Qynh looks like as an infant.
But it's 6 pm already and becoming Good Friends won't be happening anytime soon.
So we wrap up this update for today. By the end of this week, I hope to introduce you to Qynh as an infant than as a toddler.
Wish me luck!

The Gen3 Household
Thyme Costa (Gen3 heir) - YA (14 days to Adult)
Traits: Geek, Socially Awkward, Genius (+Outgoing, Family Oriented, Self-Assured)
Spouse: Kelsey (Linh); Children: Motoko, Emi, & Night

Kelsey Costa (Gen3 spouse) - YA (17 days to Adult)
Traits: Perfectionist, Geek, Good (+Family Oriented, Neat)

Motoko Costa (Gen4 spare) - Child (14 days to Teen)
Traits: Charmer; Perfectionist (Top-Notch Toddler)
Toddler quirks: Messy Eater, Good Appetite, Aggressive

Emi Costa (Gen4 heir candidate) - Child (14 Days to Teen)
Traits: Inquisitive; Good (Top-Notch Toddler)
Toddler quirks: Picky Eater, Loves Wakeup Time

Night Costa (Gen4 heir candidate) - Child (14 days to Teen)
Traits: Independent; Good (Top-Notch Toddler)
Toddler quirks: Loves Being Carried, Aggressive

Masa Mori (Gen3 helper) - YA Servo
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Family Oriented, Music Lover (+Bookworm, Perfectionist)
Child: Qynh Mori; Baby "daddy"?: Senior Pollinator Technician #3

Qynh Mori (Gen4 ineligible child) - Newborn

Progress: Partway through Week 20
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Qynh: At the hospital, Qynh appeared like a regular human newborn, except for that Very Special Delivery popup.
  Her skin darkened once at home.
  Since she got the popup and arrived home the hospital in the for-aliens bassinet, I guess she's an alien-hybrid?
  I checked Masa's Family Tree and he's the only parent (no Senior Pollination Technician #3).
  The fact that Masa had an abduction pregnacy is a game glitch, for sure.
  If we're lucky, Qynh will age up without that tinny voice characteristic of aliens. LOL.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 320a: My Servo Had a Baby! (10 Jun '24)
« Reply #130 on: June 11, 2024, 02:50:30 AM »
What great outfits Thyme has unlocked - perfect for a Geek! Apart from the mech eng lecture outfit - that's very ordinary.

I agree that Kelsey's eye shape is lovely and I can see the attractions of Travis' hair colour. Emi has lovely shading on her cheeks - decisions, decisions!

Masa's delivery process was very remarkable. I wonder if it's really a bug or just a happy loophole... Either way, seeing Qynh's future appearance - alien/human will be fascinating. I'm really glad Masa could have a child as he's Family-Oriented. Shocked that Snr Pollinator #3 is not taking responsibility though! Shocked! Lol.

Thyme will complete his requirements very soon - not much left now. He's done so well.

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 320a: My Servo Had a Baby! (10 Jun '24)
« Reply #131 on: June 11, 2024, 10:28:18 AM »
I never checked whether Thyme unlocked a new Scoundrels outfit at Rank 5--I was so eager to leave Batuu, haha.
What a disappointment that L9 Mechanical Engineer outfit is, though. Not that I know what a Mech. Engineer should dress like, but still.

About Emi's cheeks, I use custom content Blush that I apply to all the sims in the legacy household, from toddler and older.
There are different different shades for 3 basic complexions (pale, medium, dark).I've been using this cc for around 3 years now.

Yes, Thyme is very close to finishing his last two tasks. Letting Goldilocks party bot wander around so she depletes her energy is a bit annoying.
But that has to happen once or twice between each upgrade.
Thankfully, her built-in stereo can be switched off though, of course, the Costas always turn it back on.

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Costa Mishmash Legacy 3.6: Will Help for Ice Cream!
« Reply #132 on: June 11, 2024, 07:48:10 PM »
3.6: Will Help for Ice Cream

Wednesday, Weed 20, Year 2 (mid-autumn)
Thyme: Previously, I reached Rank 5 of the Scoundrels and became a Galactic Privateer on Sunday.
Before dawn Tuesday, we aged up our toddler triplets before Masa gave birth to a baby girl he named Qynh.
Around noon the same day, I maxed my Mechanical Engineer job then quit.
From L to R: Motoko, Kelsey, Masa holding Qynh, me, Emi, and Night.

Here's a shot from last night. Masa took over 12 hours but finally became Good Friends with Qynh.
Qynh shares in-costume Masa's coloring: same complexion and the color of his hair and eyes.

I brought along the Children's Violin that my mother crafted for me in Tartosa.
My brother Sage also crafted two of them while he lived here.
But I've decided to craft two more, anyway.
One for the next heir and one for Qynh to welcome her to the family.

Kelsey: I made a list last week of all the jewelry I'd like to design for the children.
I now have three Mystical Moonlight Crystal Grids. One just for the heir and two for the other three kids.
Perhaps I should do some research to learn which jewelry sells well on Plopsy.

Thyme: Choosing my Goldilocks party bot for my second L10 utili-bot wasn't the best idea.
She floats around playing music and getting everyone dancing.
She loves to play loud music in the kids' room when a baby is sleeping. *sighs
In hindsight, I should've tried to upgrade one of my Gardener bots instead.

Masa: Why did you buy those splash pads? Couldn't the kids use the ones at Desert Bloom Park.
Thyme: When we went there recently with Cautious Qynh, she got the "Strange Place" moodlet.
We don't want her feeling tense and uncomfortable.
Besides, these splash pads aren't pricey.

Thyme: While feeding Qynh this morning, I notice that I have the option to "Adopt Qynh."
Papa Edgar: The heck?! Doesn't the simverse consider Masa as Qynh's parent?
Thyme: Masa is Family Oriented and loves having a child of his own. He wouldn't dream of giving her up.
I'm not going to mention this to him. I don't want him to get the wrong idea.
Papa Edgar: If you have no desire to adopt Qynh, there's no need to mention it to Masa.

Kelsey: I never get any one-on-one time with Qynh!
Thyme: It's 10 am, Kelsey. You took five hours to harvest the garden!
Edgar: I thought you crafted two Gardener Bots, Thyme.
Thyme: Their sole job is to tend the garden.
Edgar: Kelsey, I have to agree. Five hours to harvest your little garden is…extravagant.
Thyme: Especially when we're trying to age Qynh up into a child as quickly as possible.
Kelsey: *pouts

Masa: Thyme, I just realized that Qynh has earned ten milestones! Could you light the birthday candles?
Edgar (sings):  Humple Borpna
Thyme: *throws confetti

Masa: Oh, Qynh! You're an absolutely adorable toddler!
Sadly, you didn't age up with any skills at all.
Mama Winona: But she earned the Top-Notch Infant trait.  Go Qynh!
Thyme: Good thing she's an Inquisitive toddler! She'll learn Thinking really fast!

Masa: You look like a human and your voice sounds human, too.
Is it selfish of me to have you keep my family name instead of letting Thyme adopt you?
He hasn't mentioned it, but I overheard Kelsey telling Mama Winona about it this afternoon.
Well, it's not a decision I should make myself. Qynh, you and I will talk when you're older.

Thyme: Honey, I've decided on Night as the next heir.
Kelsey: Night and Emi would both make great heirs. What was the deciding factor?
Thyme: Night was the first to earn all nine badges and become a Llamacorn Scout today around 4:30 pm.
Emi achieved that at 11:45 pm, followed by Motoko who didn't finish scouts until 1:30 am.
Kelsey: Well, Motoko's Perfectionist trait probably slows her down, but Emi and Night are both Good sims.
Thyme: Yes, but Night seems to have better focus. That's why he'll make a better heir.
Kelsey (to herself): Eh, focus is overrated!

Edgar: I noticed that Kelsey "only" took 3 hours to harvest the garden today. What changed?
Thyme: Watcher queued up 5-6 "Harvest All" actions.
So, no matter where Kelsey wandered off to, she'd come back to continue harvesting.
Winona: Three hours is still too long! Our garden in Tartosa is twice the size of yours, Thyme!
Harvesting AND tending our garden never takes that long. Plus, you have Gardener Bots!
Thyme:: What can I say? For us, three hours is an improvement over five hours.

Thyme: I didn't realize you like painting, Thyme.
Masa: Not really. But I want to earn enough for Qynh to afford her own house when she reaches that age.
Thyme: I haven't announced to everyone that I've chosen Night as the next heir, but we...
Masa (interrupts): I'm Qynh's birthparent, Thyme. Let me do this for her, okay?
Oh and thanks for locking me out of the Observatory area. *shudders

Masa (exasperate): Please stop interrupting us! Qynh is doing Ask Why social with me and is very close to L5 Thinking.
After that, she only needs two more levels of Movement in order to age up.
Kelsey: But I only wanted to…
Masa: Please, Kelsey!.  You holding Qynh for an hour is not good for Qynh.
Don't you want her to be able to attend grade school with your triplets?

Thyme: We have so much to celebrate today!
The triplets came home A students and completed Whiz Kid then Rambunctious Scamp.
And I've enhanced my Goldilocks party bot to L10.
All that's left for me is throw a fifth unique social event, but I'm waiting until Qynh ages up.

Thyme: Qynh maxed all her toddler skills around 11:30 pm Friday.
It's 1 am Saturday by the time she's aged up, gotten a makeover, and joined Scouts.
But hey! It's the weekend!  Let's rally the troops and throw a party the kids will enjoy.
Qynh: Cool, I'm a Neat sim now. Papa, may I keep this hairstyle that I aged up in? Pretty please?

Motoko (princess): Did you offer to carve a pumpkin for this Spooky Party?
Emi: Nope, but I understand why Papa chose us to do it.
Motoko: Yeah?
Emi: This Spooky Party can't earn a gold medal unless two pumpkins have been carved.
In other words, you and me--we hold the key to ensuring this Spooky Party's success.

Qynh: Mrs. Costa, why were you cooking a single Grilled Cheese Sandwich when the party started?
Kelsey: Oh, you sawd that, did you?  I guess I was a bit hungry.
Qynh: Didn't you notice that my papa prepared several dinner dishes just for this party?
Kelsey (to herself0: This kid's too observant for her own good! Hmmph!

Thyme: Night and Qynh! Wanna be Social Butterflies and help me with the party at the same time?
Night & Qynh (together): Of course!
Thyme: I need your help with the "Discuss Costume" goal.   All you need to introduce yourself to five new sims.
After your introduction, simply compliment their costume.  Easy, right?

Motoko (princess): What are you doing, Emi? It's 4:30 already.  Hurry and finish your pumpkin.
Emi (skeleton): I'm trying! I'm trying!
Motoko: Are you okay, Emi? I'm usually the last to finish everything, but lately…
Emi: I know. I guess I'm feeling a little down about being passed over for the Gen4 heir.
Motoko: Eh, who wants to be heir, anyway? Spares have more fun and you know it!

Thyme: Look, Kelsey! Emi finished the second pumpkin just as Qynh asked Masa to be BFFs!

Thyme: It's 5:20 am when I finally end this Spooky Party!
Emi: No wait!  Lock the doors, Don't let any of the guests leave yet?
Thyme: What? Why?
Motoko: Emi and I were busy with the pumpkins so we didn't get to meet 5 new sims yet.

Much later that same day
Thyme: Now that Qynh's back from her Scout Meeting, let's all go to downtown Oasis Springs.
I want to reward you kids for being such terrific helpers at my Spooky Party!
It would never have earned a gold medal without the help of you four kids!
Night: Oh, an ice cream parlor!

Thyme: Thank you, Motoko and Emi, for carving the pumpkins.
It's no fun being stuck at the pumpking carving table the whole party, so I appreciate what you did.
Carving those two pumpkins was the main party goal and you two aced it with time to spare!
Motoki and Emi: *nod and smile
Thyme: Night and Qynh, you were so helpful with the "Discuss Costume" and "Ask for Party Treat" goals.
Since you two completed those two goals, I could handle the rest of the non-pumpkin goals.
Night: Um, I speak on behalf of all four of us when I say: Will help for ice cream!

Kelsey: And what about me?
Qynh: Thank you so much for cooking that Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Mrs. Costa!
Masa: Qynh!
Night (to himself): Qynh's such a sassball!
Thyme: Anyway, with everyone's help, I completed all my heir requirements today!

Thyme: Another great thing about today is that we no longer have any toddlers in our house.
This means Watcher might be motivated to enlarge our home into a regular residential lot!
No more bathing outdoors behind the nursery!

Gallery Downloads
*The Futures Past (30x20, museum): "Chompy's Monsta Ice Cream" by Drutrubuilder.
  I used to often place this restaurant in my challenge simverses, then I lost track of it.
  But it popped up today during a Gallery search. Yey!
  I changed the Dress Code from Swimwear to Everyday.

The Gen3 Household
Thyme Costa (Gen3 heir) - YA
Traits: Geek, Socially Awkward, Genius (+Outgoing, Family Oriented, Self-Assured)
Spouse: Kelsey (Linh); Children: Motoko, Emi, & Night

Kelsey Costa (Gen3 spouse) - YA
Traits: Perfectionist, Geek, Good (+Family Oriented, Neat, Active)

Motoko Costa (Gen4 spare) - Child (10 days to Teen)
Traits: Perfectionist

Emi Costa (Gen4 spare) - Child (10 Days to Teen)
Traits: Good

Night Costa (Gen4 heir) - Child (10 days to Teen)
Traits: Good

Masa Mori (Gen3 helper) - YA Servo
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Family Oriented, Music Lover (+Bookworm, Perfectionist)
Child: Qynh Mori; "Baby daddy"?: Senior Pollinator Technician #3

Qynh Mori (Gen4 ineligible child) - Child (14 days to Teen)
Traits: Cautious/Inquisitive; Neat (Top-Notch Infant/Toddler)
Toddler quirks: Hates Wakeup Time, Aggressive
Infant quirks: Loves Being Held, Frequently Sneezes, Loves Wakeup Time
Infant milestones (10): Fine Motor (2), Gross Motor (1), Social (2), Firsts (5)

Progress: End of Week 20
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*"Aggressive" toddler quirk: How do infant and toddler quirks work?
  The infant quirks seem to randomly emerge without any relationship to the infant's actions.
  I've been told that the Aggressive toddler quirk comes from the Play action.
  When I checked MCCC for various toddlers, they seem to have hidden, unmanifested quicks.
  With 3 out of 4 Gen4 toddlers getting the Aggressive qurik, though, I'm not sure at all.
  For reference, my caregivers often initiate "Play" with their toddlers.
  As you know, a toddler with L2 Movement can Ask to Play and learn Movement using nesting blocks.

*Qynh's early age-ups: Qynh was a 1-day newborn, 2-day infant, and 2-day toddler.
  She was born 10 days after the triplets but is now only 4 days younger than they are. *wipes brow
  I'm confident she'll be able to celebrate her teen birthday on the same day as the triplets..

*Gen 4 children's traits: I rolled only Motoko's traits using Pinstar's trait generator.
  Both Emi and Night got the same trait, Good, which is part of the Gen4 heir's requirements. 
  Since Qynh has only one known parent, I rolled her trait using James Turner's Random Trait Generator.
  Her 1st trait was Generous, which children can't have, so I swapped that for her teen trait, Neat.

*Night's heir requirements: He can already start on some of them as a child.
  But I would like him to enjoy his childhood, so he'll start on his tasks in earnest as a teenager.

*Kelsey: I need to get better at managing Kelsey so she doesn't drive me so crazy.
  She always manages to interrupt whatever I'm prioritizing.
  Except at social events, where she sits and ignores any actions to help with party goals.
  I need to seriously rethink what household roles I assign to her so she can be a helpful, happy member!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 320b: Will Help for Ice Cream! (11 Jun '24)
« Reply #133 on: June 12, 2024, 03:00:54 AM »
Wow - Qynh sure zoomed through her levels, even with Kelsey's interference. I love her child hairstyle - is that the same as Dawn's? It is very attractive in her colouring as well. Is she actually an alien, human or a hybrid?

2 thoughts on the irritating habits of Kelsey:
- Is her interference in the children due to her Family-Oriented trait? I'm guessing Thyme, who also has it, has more directed actions within his likes/dislikes and Masa is involved with the childcare. Only a thought - not suggested out of knowledge.
- Is her slowness in harvesting down to either the gardening bot getting in the way or placement of the planters. I've started leaving a gap all around each one rather than adjacent rows. My Sims always seem to want to harvest the next nearest plant - as the crow flies. not route length - so they were going constantly from one row all the way round rather than the next plant along. ::)
Anyway - just suggestions - I'm sure you've tried multiple things...

Night will make an excellent Heir. And he earned it fair and square with his rapid Llamacorn achievement.

Toddler Quirks - I find that my Toddlers always get the quirk associated with the first thing they do. So, if Play is the first thing, they'll get Aggressive. If you whisk them off for a bath, they'll get Loves Water. Dance - Loves sounds or Little Singer. My Dorothy set off Wandering immediately after blowing out her candles and got Wanderer.
Further quirks seem more randomly assigned but usually after doing the relevant action.
I haven't tested this theory but that's how it seems to work in my Simverse.

Does the James Turner Trait generator give you all the future traits? Is it better than the in-game di-roll?

I love Qynh's sass - I'd quite like her to stay with the heir... Ah, but...requirements...? I haven't looked into what your next gen needs... ;)

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 320b: Will Help for Ice Cream! (11 Jun '24)
« Reply #134 on: June 12, 2024, 01:16:29 PM »
Wow - Qynh sure zoomed through her levels, even with Kelsey's interference. I love her child hairstyle - is that the same as Dawn's? It is very attractive in her colouring as well. Is she actually an alien, human or a hybrid?
According to her MCCC Logging Report, Qynh is an Alien Hybrid. I don't know if she has any alien powers.
Yes, Qynh has the same hairstyle as Dawn's.  Qynh aged up in it and it was too lovely to replace and alleviates "all the brown."

2 thoughts on the irritating habits of Kelsey:
- Is her interference in the children due to her Family-Oriented trait? I'm guessing Thyme, who also has it, has more directed actions within his likes/dislikes and Masa is involved with the childcare. Only a thought - not suggested out of knowledge.
- Is her slowness in harvesting down to either the gardening bot getting in the way or placement of the planters. I've started leaving a gap all around each one rather than adjacent rows. My Sims always seem to want to harvest the next nearest plant - as the crow flies. not route length - so they were going constantly from one row all the way round rather than the next plant along. ::)
Anyway - just suggestions - I'm sure you've tried multiple things...
I reprogrammed Masa to be Family-Oriented and both Kelsey and Thyme gained the trait through self-discovery.
Even when directed, Kelsey is not always responsive or does something other than what's needed.
Like placing the baby on the playmat instead of changing or feeding it, as the baby requested.
I couldn't get her to help at all with Thyme's Spooky Party goals--I think the game's decided that's how Kelsey is.
As for the garden, I found a great (?) solution. In the morning, I lock Kelsey inside the garden until she's done harvesting.
I've tried it once so far and she finished very quickly, lol.

Toddler Quirks - I find that my Toddlers always get the quirk associated with the first thing they do. So, if Play is the first thing, they'll get Aggressive. If you whisk them off for a bath, they'll get Loves Water. Dance - Loves sounds or Little Singer. My Dorothy set off Wandering immediately after blowing out her candles and got Wanderer.
Further quirks seem more randomly assigned but usually after doing the relevant action.
I haven't tested this theory but that's how it seems to work in my Simverse.
Using MCCC, I once looked at sim's traits at both the Infant and Toddler stages right after their birthday.
I saw that they already had hidden quirk traits, that eventually manifested.
When Night eventually has a child (or two), I'll try this again and share the results. Maybe my memory's faulty, hehe.

Does the James Turner Trait generator give you all the future traits? Is it better than the in-game di-roll?
Here's the link to James Turner's Random Trait Generator:
You can roll for Infant, Toddler, Child, Teen, Adult, or Elder.
There are two things I like about it:
*I can disable specific packs, like when I'm tired of rolling Horse Lover or another trait that appears too often
*Sometimes, the in-game dice doesn't offer enough variety for a particular generation.

I love Qynh's sass - I'd quite like her to stay with the heir... Ah, but...requirements...? I haven't looked into what your next gen needs... ;)
Night will probably not move out with all three Gen3 kids, but definitely Qynh.