Author Topic: Costa Mishmash Legacy 7.7: Hot In, So Hot in Here. Oh! (28 Sep '24)  (Read 34306 times)

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 2.15b: A Wedding and a Journey (29 May 24)
« Reply #105 on: May 29, 2024, 08:51:02 PM »
Winona - just about there - Congrats! You've really shown dedication with all the collections.
Also, beautiful wedding, despite the absent Flower Pal. Ashton did indeed look quite gallant walking down the aisle!
Thyme - I'd say Good Luck in Uni, but you don't need luck in Uni- you'll ace that no problem.
So instead I'll say, Good Luck with Hondo! Because you might actually need some good luck there.   ;D

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 2.15b: A Wedding and a Journey (29 May 24)
« Reply #106 on: May 29, 2024, 11:50:19 PM »
Thank you for your kind words!
Winona's trials will, inDdeed, soon be over.
Despite the usual frustrations inherent to a MWS wedding, Winona and her father looked so loving as they walked down the aisle together.
That was my favorite moment in the wedding.

LOl, poor Thyme! I swear he did nothing special to deserve that crush on Hondo Ohnaka!
He had to ask Batuu residents about the three factions as part of his First Steps aspiration or something.
He did play five games of Sabacc with Hondo, but they didn't converse during their games
My teen male sims seem have made a tradition out of crushing on either the most unappealing or off-limits male sims. *sighs
Anyway, Thyme thanks you warmly for your vote of confidence in his academic success.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 2.15b: A Wedding and a Journey (29 May 24)
« Reply #107 on: May 30, 2024, 11:07:32 AM »
Wow - so close! A lovely wedding. And Thyme is making a great start on his requirements.

My current heir in my Simology Legacy is in the middle of the Privateer aspiration - it is one I've never tried before. Nor the First Order one. I've been such a Goodie-Two-Shoes! lol.

I must confess I got a bit confused with Sage and the Magical Sages - I couldn't work out how you'd got a Sage to Batuu, lol. It's just as well that Thyme is the heir and not Sage otherwise I'd be totally up the Swanee!

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 2.15b: A Wedding and a Journey (29 May 24)
« Reply #108 on: May 30, 2024, 01:43:03 PM »
Wow - so close! A lovely wedding. And Thyme is making a great start on his requirements.

My current heir in my Simology Legacy is in the middle of the Privateer aspiration - it is one I've never tried before. Nor the First Order one. I've been such a Goodie-Two-Shoes! lol.

I must confess I got a bit confused with Sage and the Magical Sages - I couldn't work out how you'd got a Sage to Batuu, lol. It's just as well that Thyme is the heir and not Sage otherwise I'd be totally up the Swanee!

In Journey to Batuu, I'd only completed the Paragon of Order aspiration previously as part of The 7 Heroes Dynasty Challenge.
After that, I didn't have any reason to play Journey to Batuu. Glazey's collection requirements for that pack's related Big Dream scared me off.

Haha, one of Winona's requirements demanded that she name her children after herbs. So Thyme, Marjoram, and Sage.
I never refer to one of the magical Sages as simply Sage. I always use the first name (Sage Morgyn or Sage Simeon, for example) or "the Sage of [insert magic type] Magic.
But, you know, I've never tried inviting a Sage on a vacation.
My sims usually don't interact with the Sages more than necessary. I mean, my male sims would all crush on the male Sages, right? *rolls eyes

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Costa Mishmash Legacy 3.1: The Botched Savants (1 Jun '24)
« Reply #109 on: June 01, 2024, 04:27:31 AM »
3.1: The Botched Savants

Sunday, Week 16, Year 2 (early summer)
Winona: This is our last family portrait in Tartosa!
Previously, Edgar and I had a lovely wedding ceremony at Coppia La Serena.
Thyme and Sage visited Batuu, where Thyme joined the Scoundrels faction and crushed hard on their leader.
Saturday, Thyme enrolled in Foxbury's Distinguished Degree in Physics program and starts classes on Monday.
From L to R: Sage, Thyme (next heir), me (Gen2 heir), Edgar, and Thyme's twin Marjoram

Thyme: I've really been looking forward to joining Foxbury's Bot Savents Club.
I've written down their entire weekly schedule and arrive at today's Utili-Bots Contest early.
First, I go around befriending all the club members. Well, except for the elderly ones.

Thyme: Why can't I ask to join Bot Savants?
I even have the option to Teach Robotics to each of you.
Student: Wow, you're the only one among us with maxed Robotics!
But you must be a teenager. Bot Savants only accepts young adults and older.
Thyme: Awww, man. Tch, who wants to be in Bot Savants! I'll go do some Scoundrel missions on Batuu!

Thyme: By the time I'm a young adult, I won't even have a full week of uni left.
Will that be enough time to join Bot Savants and reach Rank 3?
And I can't visit Batuu at all because uni students can't take vacations. Watcher, your planning sucks!
Anyway, I stay home, craft a Robo-Arm, and start preparing to craft my first utili-bot.

Winona: At 5 am, I head to the garden where a glorious sight awaits me.
Can you see the Quill Fruit blooming from my Glow Orb plant?
Thank the Fates, I'm now well and truly done with all my heir requirements!

Edgar and I have been renovating our backyard this past week.
We added a semi-secluded hot tub area and a toddler's playground.
The living area is larger now and has a wide-screen TV.

Winona: After completing my collection, your father and I cleaned out our personal and family inventories.
We've also emptied all the storage boxes. Will you be staying as long as I'm a PlantSim, Thyme?
Thyme: You'll be a PlantSim until Saturday afternoon! I can't stay that long!
As soon as I finish this Party-Bot, I'm moving out. Marj and Sage want to come with me.

Thyme: Whew! I finished that Party-Bot an hour before my firt class starts! Well, what do you think?
Marj: We paid §79,046 for this!?  But, but…it looks like a bunch of sand!
Sage: You paid nothing, Marj! Papa gave us §60k then I paid §10k and Thyme paid §20k for you and him.
Thyme: You wound me, Marj! Our lot's inspired by Tatooine, homeworld of Anakin and Luke Skywalker. Kinda.
Watcher: Look, I tried, okay?

At Larry's Lagoon
Sage: Thyme went to two classes, gave his final presentation, and is now attending a guest lecture.
Meanwhile, Marj and I spent most of today starting a garden.
Marj: Did you see Thyme's silly notification today about joining a Student Organization? As if he didn't try!

Marj: Thyme asked me this morning how long I'm planning to stay here, Sage. He seemed really angry.
Sage: Can you blame him? Last night, I was making dinner for us but you couldn't wait and started a fire.
That fire blazed until morning and we couldn't extinguish it. Good thing that fireman arrived!
But thanks to the fire, Thyme couldn't finish his homework last night.
Marj: Do you think Thyme's going to ask me to leave?
Sage: Hmmm, I can think of a way you can get back in Thyme's good graces…

At Oga's Cantina
Marj: You were right. I'm glad I wasn't invited on your 3-day vacay here last week. I hate Batuu!
Sage: Well, good! Because I'm never going on vacation with you again!
All you have to do is order one measly drink here, but I've already asked you to sit at least ten times.
Marj: I can't help it. This place makes me restless.
Sage (sighs): Let's just order our drinks and go home. You order a Jet Juice, okay?

Sage: I think you better start packing up your things, Marj. You haven't finished a book since Sunday.
Marj: What!? Why? I learned two Batuu recipes yesterday then taught them to Thyme, didn't I?
Sage: Be real, sis! You couldn't be bothered to earn any Galactic credits so I had to go earn them for you.
And when we moved here, you didn't contribute to moving expenses at all, so Thyme paid your share.
Marj: Watcher's mad, too. She made me scrap 3 incomplete books yesterday. But I can be useful! I can garden…
Sage: Marj, Thyme and I can always hire a gardener…

Sage: Why have you brought us to the Foxbury campus? Your classes are over today, aren't they?
Thyme: Yes, but one of my grades dropped from not turning in homework Monday, so I need to talk to the prof.
Sage: Will talking to your professor in person make a difference?
Thyme: We'll soon find out, won't we?

Prof. Sakamoto: You didn't turn in any homework on the first day of class. I can't give you higher than a B+ for the term.
Thyme (bats eyelashes): But Professor, I'd do anything to get an A in your class! I can't lose my scholarships!
Prof.: Anything, eh?
Thyme: A handsome, virile sim like yourself is no doubt too busy to spare time for a nobody like me.
Buuttt…what about Woohoo Partners?

Prof: Well, that was fun!  Where did this shower come from, anyway?
Thyme: Oh, um, it was a gift from my fath…it's a portable shower for camping.
Prof: And when shall we meet again, Thyme? I'm free all day Saturday, so…
Thyme: I'm so sorry, Professor! I promised my parents to help upgrade their rocket ship. *crosses fingers behind back

Thyme: Today, I only had two back-to-back classes from 8 to 11 am, so I have all day for crafting utili-bots.
Equipping the Robo-Arm makes the process much faster!
Also, I phone "that professor" to ask about my grade and get a so-so response.
Will he actually give me an A or was he just playing me?

Today is the Summer Splash holiday and we all dress up in Star Wars costumes.
A big thanks to sister Marj for not dressing up as Layla to my Hans, because that woulda been too cringe!
All I have on my schedule today is two final exams, then my first term is over!

Marj: Have you talked to Thyme about me lately? Do you have any tips to make Thyme like me better?
Sage: Well, you could've offered to seduce Prof. Sakamoto in Thyme's place. It was your fire, you know!
Marj: Ewwww, no! I mean, besides stuff like that.

Sage: Our parents have asked me to move back to the Tartosa house, which means you'll be moving somewhere else.
You need to marry a sim with a house already or save up to buy a house with your partner.
As thanks for letting us stay here, we should each leave Thyme ten paintings worth §10k each.
And you still owe Thyme §10k for your share of our moving expenses, so you should leave him eleven §10k+ paintings.

Marj: I hardly ever paint anything worth §10k. What if I leave paintings with a total worth of at least §110k?
Sage: Oh, I see. Some of your paintings would be worth less then §10k but the total would be the same. Sounds good.

Thyme: For classes with a final exam, I'd only do my homework, make sure to get to class on time, and take notes.
But I don't trust that Prof. Sakamoto, so I'm studying for his The Fix Is In class.
If he betrays me and I need to file a complaint with the department, I want my academic performance to back me up.

Thyme: Thanks for cooking Bhel Puri to celebrate the end of my first term, Sage!
Marj: See, Thyme? You earned an A+ GPA for the term. All that worrying for nothing!
Sage: How can you say that, Marj? Thyme didn't get his grades back up by doing nothing!
He had to sacrifice his vir...
Thyme (changes subject): Hey, thanks to your Bhel Puri, I just became a Spicehound! Thanks, Sage!

Thyme: Congrats on passing the Spice Curry Contest, Sage!
Marj: Did you fail it like me, Thyme?
Thyme: Of course not, but Hans Solo doesn't wear Spice Contest T-shirts!
Marj: Are you a Spicehound now, too, Sage?
Sage: Not yet, but I'm pretty close! *orders a serving of Samosa and becomes a Spicehound

Sage: We spend the day as usual: Marj and I paint while Thyme does his schoolwork and robotics.
Then, after dinner, Thyme suddenly suggests we go out clubbing.
Thyme's practically a recluse, but he suggests this outing for Marj and I, even inviting some friends along.

This is my Bracelet Buddy, Marisa Ito. She's aged up into a gorgeous teen.
No need for me to go spouse hunting. I'm all in for Marisa who, by the way, is Active and Loves the Outdoors.

Marj: Sage and I hadn't seen our Bracelet Buddies since our slumber party in Tartosa.
This is my Bracelet Bud, Tomas Lothario. He's a Horse Lover who also Loves the Outdoors.
I'm glad Sage told me to start saving up several days ago, because Tomas lives in a full household.
Am I getting ahead of myself?  I want Tomas and I to live together on our own someday.

(Watcher's note: Tomas looks a lot like his mother, Zoe Patel, don't you think?)

Thyme: I feel so shy around Avani. She's a young adult and has more life experience than I do.
Also, I don't know anything about flirting or romance.
(Hey, that "thing" with Prof. Sakamoto was pure desperation and does NOT count as romance!)
After Avani and I become good friends, I flirt with her a little.

She seems to love my Bold Pickup Line, so I decide to end our Woohoo Partnership.
(I mean, we never messed around so it was, I don't know, just me trying to figure stuff out.)
I'm a quiet, studious guy, so I'm not sure I like how she flaunts her…assets for any guy to ogle.
Does her outfit mean she's not interested in a serious relationship?
So, would Avani be like my practice girlfriend?

Gallery Downloads
*Larry's Lagoon (40x30, Foxbury Commons" by LilSimsie.
  LilSimsie uploaded this lot twice: once in Nov 2019 then again in June 2023.
  This is her updated, 2023 version.
*Pepper's Pub (30x20, bar): "Britechester Pub" by simlicy.

The Gen3 Household
Thyme Costa (Gen3 heir) - Teen (10 days to YA)
Traits: Geek, Socially Awkward

Marjoram "Marj" Costa (Gen3 spare) - Teen (10 days to YA)
Traits: Creative, Bookworm

Sage Costa (Gen3 spare) - Teen (10 days to YA)
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Unflirty

The Gen2 Household
Residence: Celebrazioni d'Amore, Porto Luminoso (Tartosa)
Lot challenge: Simple Living

Winona Costa (Gen2 heir) - YA (15 days to Adult)
Traits:  Loves the Outdoors, Maker, Foodie (+Perfectionist, Family Oriented, Active)
Spouse: Edgar Rainstorm; Children: Thyme & Marjoram; Sage

Edgar Rainstorm (Gen2 spouse) - YA (15 day to Adult)
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Neat, Creative (+Perfectionist, Active, Foodie)

Progress: End of Week 16
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Writing is bugged: I cannot get Marj and Sage to stay focused on writing since they moved to Oasis Springs.
  They'll write for a few seconds then ignore any queued Resume Writing "requests."
  Marj is only 3 bestsellers away from completing her Bestselling Author aspiration, but I've given up.

*Can't get over crush!: Thyme does not have the "Try of Get Over Crush" option.
  Once he got his first-term grades, therefore, he couldn't get rid of his crush on Prof. Sakamoto.
  Since this is a bug and not a gameplay error, I used the modifyrelationship cheat code to rid Thyme of his crushes.
  Good news: His crush of Prof. Sakamoto is no more!
  Bad news: His crush on Hondo is here to stay, even though they're only acquaintances with bad compatibility. *sighs
*Thanks for letting us stay here!:
  Marj and Sage will be taking with them A LOT more simoleons than they're leaving Thyme.
  They'll leave §100k (Sage) and §110k (Marj) worth of paintings but take all their other Plopsy income with them.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 3.16: The Botched Savants (1 Jun '24)
« Reply #110 on: June 01, 2024, 11:56:54 AM »
Oh dear, poor Marj! You're lucky your Watcher likes to settle her Sims well. Otherwise you'd be sent back to your parents!

That is frustrating about the no uni societies as a Teen and no vacations while registered. I hope you manage that Bot Savant thing in the last term. Is it "give a lecture" that Teens can't do either? I know there's something in the Academic requirement that can't be done as a Teen.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 3.16: The Botched Savants (1 Jun '24)
« Reply #111 on: June 01, 2024, 12:23:34 PM »
Yet another miss by EA - your teen can graduate early, get scholarships, join uni, but can't participate in clubs. (But I have to say, your title for the post that came from that is quite clever!)
Congrats to Winona!
I think Watcher did a fine job on the new home lot - the kids should be impressed! If only they knew what it really takes to build such a creative lot.
Poor Marj! Despite her beauty and great traits, she always seems to run into obstacles. Nevertheless, I have to wonder if there's any chance she'll be in the gallery as a teen . . . 
Oh, that professor! He should be ashamed. In fact, he should be in jail!! Thyme is sweet and innocent and that Professor took advantage! He should have kept his clothes on and offered extra credit of a more traditional nature! Like a book report or something! (On another note, how ironic is it that the class was called "The Fix Is In"? 🤣
All three have found attractive partners, although admittedly "Horse Lover" makes me cringe just a bit, but that's a recency effect that I'm sure will resolve itself with time. And one quick chat with Watcher in the CAS closet could cure Avani of her attraction to indiscreet public clothing. 😉
Can Thyme get over his crush on Hondo when he ages up?

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 3.16: The Botched Savants (1 Jun '24)
« Reply #112 on: June 01, 2024, 02:07:20 PM »
Oh dear, poor Marj! You're lucky your Watcher likes to settle her Sims well. Otherwise you'd be sent back to your parents!

That is frustrating about the no uni societies as a Teen and no vacations while registered. I hope you manage that Bot Savant thing in the last term. Is it "give a lecture" that Teens can't do either? I know there's something in the Academic requirement that can't be done as a Teen.

Actually, brother Sage will be the one to live in the Tartosa home and Marj will live somewhere with her Bracelet Buddy, Tomas.
Tomas lives at Sultry Springside, which would've been great but he lives with several brothers, a brother-in-law, and a niece or nephew or two.

Haha, my planning was so terrible! As soon as Thyme couldn't join Bot Savants or go to Batuu, I remembered that's how uni orgs and vacations worked, but not while I was planning.
And you're right, Academic's 3rd milestone includes the time-consuming Tutor Students task which can't done by teen
Thyme becomes a YA on the Tuesday of his third term, but Thyme is determined to join Bot Savants and climb to Rank 3. So, we shall see....

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 3.16: The Botched Savants (1 Jun '24)
« Reply #113 on: June 01, 2024, 02:20:43 PM »
Yet another miss by EA - your teen can graduate early, get scholarships, join uni, but can't participate in clubs. (But I have to say, your title for the post that came from that is quite clever!)
Congrats to Winona!
I think Watcher did a fine job on the new home lot - the kids should be impressed! If only they knew what it really takes to build such a creative lot.
Poor Marj! Despite her beauty and great traits, she always seems to run into obstacles. Nevertheless, I have to wonder if there's any chance she'll be in the gallery as a teen . . . 
Oh, that professor! He should be ashamed. In fact, he should be in jail!! Thyme is sweet and innocent and that Professor took advantage! He should have kept his clothes on and offered extra credit of a more traditional nature! Like a book report or something! (On another note, how ironic is it that the class was called "The Fix Is In"? 🤣
All three have found attractive partners, although admittedly "Horse Lover" makes me cringe just a bit, but that's a recency effect that I'm sure will resolve itself with time. And one quick chat with Watcher in the CAS closet could cure Avani of her attraction to indiscreet public clothing. 😉
Can Thyme get over his crush on Hondo when he ages up?

It's really annoying that Thyme couldn't join Bot Savants even though he could "Teach Robotics" to all the other members!
What's the point of allowing teens to attend uni if they also can't live in dorms and join the student organizations?
Oh well, he will simply work on his other heir requirements first.
He doesn't have any collections to complete,, Thyme has enough to do.  Maybe? 
(Granny is probably shaking her head "no" rather than nodding) "yes.")

Universities have rules about professors dating undergrads, but that doesn't stop it from happening.
Thyme had a requirement to have a fling with a professor but they were all elderly and unattractive (of course, they were).
Poor Thyme! His first time with that elderly professor! (Thyme did miss completing his homework because of the fire, though.)

Haha, I only watched Oliver and you do that Championship Rider aspiration and even I have developed an aversion to horses.
But Marj and Tomas will not be a household that I'll be playing.  Lol, I should find them a nice house in Chestnut Ridge.
That fire Marj started began before dinner and lasted until 7 am.  I think she should be leaving more of her Plopsy income with Thyme!

As for Thyme, he is still hoping to find someone who shares more of his interests, despite Avani's tremendous...assets.

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Costa Mishmash Legacy 3.2: A Room of One's Own (3 Jun '24)
« Reply #114 on: June 03, 2024, 03:23:17 PM »
3.2: A Room of One's Own

Sunday, Week 17, Year 2 (midsummer)
Thyme: Last week was filled with good news and bad news.
Bad news: Sunday, I learned that teens can't join uni organizations nor take vacations. No Bot Savants or Batuu.
Good news: Monday, Mama finished her last collection and completed  all her requirements.
That same morning, I moved out with Marj and Sage to Tatooine, I mean, Bedrock Straits.
Later that week, I had a fling with one of my professors to boost my grade, ending the term with an A+ GPA.
From L to R: younger brother Sage, me, and my twin Marj.

Marj: Ever since we moved, I've been carrying around Mama's insects and all our collection plaques.
First thing this morning, we visit the Costa Legacy Museum so I can deposit the bugs and display the plaques.
Here's the room for crystals where I hung the plaque at the center of the wall.

Sage: How's schoolwork for the new term going, Thyme?
Thyme: I got distracted yesterday with crafting my fourth utili-bot, so I'm a bit behind.
So far, I've only done homework for 2 classes and finished my term paper draft.  What about you two?
Sage: I've done nine paintings worth §98k total, so I only need one more painting!  I can't wait to start fishing!
Marj: My works aren't worth as much, but I have 11 paintings worth §78,150. I'll just need to paint more!

Thyme: Hey guys! I only need to edit my term paper now. You wanna invite your friends and go bowling?
Sage: Marj and I know who we're inviting, but what about you, Thyme? You gonna call Avani?
Thyme: Not tonight. She's a young adult already, so she might not appreciate going to a Teen Neighborhood place.

Thyme: At the bowling alley, Sage, Marisa, Marj, and Tomas start right in on a three-frame game.
Because I'm socially awkward, though, all the unfamiliar faces around the bowling lanes overwhelm me.
This outing's really for Marj and Sage. I'm happier at home studying or doing robotics.

Thyme (to himself): I go to the deserted game room upstairs and begin playing Space Invaders.
Soon, I'm joined by a girl who seems a bit familiar.
Is it because her hairstyle's the same as Vi Moradi, leader of Batuu's Resistance faction?
Girl: Thyme? Thyme Costa? Is that you? It's me, Kelsey Linh! I haven't seen you since your slumber party!

Kelsey: You broke my heart that night, you know! I was hoping you'd ask me to be your Bracelet Buddy.
But you asked Christie instead.  Do you still see her?
Thyme: No, we haven't met since the slumber party. Wow, Kelsey, you're a Geek now? Like me?
Kelsey: The Vi Moradi hairstyle wasn't enough of a clue?
Thyme: Sorry, Kelsey, but I joined the Scoundrels…
Kelsey: Wait, what? You've traveled to Batuu?  Oh, I'm so jealous!
Thyme: I can't travel there for another week or so, but let's exchange numbers. Maybe we can go there together?

Sage: Today, after both Thyme's classes, Marisa phones to invite me out to The Bluffs.
I try to pretend like I'm used to seeing pretty girls in swimsuits and make a few feeble attempts at flirting.

Thyme: I'd initially asked Sage to let me come along so I could do my homework off in some corner.
But then, Kelsey shows up unexpectedly. Of course, she's deeply impressed by my video gaming prowess!

Sage: As an Unflirty sim, most of my flirty socials reflect my romantic insecurities. But then I check Marisa's profile.
Wow, Marisa has a crush on ME! With a huge boost to my confidence, I swoop in for a First Kiss!

Thyme: I was very close to Grandpa Cloud and Grandma Mariko, so their deaths today affect me deeply.
I barely manage to shake off my gloom by the time Sage and Marisa's "hangout outing" ends.
Kelsey's also heading home but I run after her and give her a First Kiss.

Thyme: My YA birthday's in a week, so I figure now's a good time to catch up with my magical training.
Hey, you notice I have five utili-bots now?
Yeah, one morning, Watcher checked and I was working on a second Party-Bot at the workstation.
Not sure where it came from, because I still have all the materials I've been crafting.

Marj: I know I haven't been the best roommate, Thyme, but I'm so grateful you let me stay here.
Here's §133k worth of paintings for you to sell on Plopsy. I still have over 30 paintings to sell myself.
And I have nearly §400k in my bank account, so I'll be able to buy a nice house next week.

Thyme: That's great to hear, Marj. I have a big favor to ask of you, sis.
I'm thinking of asking Kelsey Linh to move in. Would you help her out while I'm in class and stuff?
Marj: That's the least I can do, Thyme.

Marj: Kelsey agrees to move in but she's busy with homework and scout stuff, so I invite Tomas over.
Look how cute we are when I ask him to be my boyfriend!

Marj: I know you live in a full household, Tomas, so I've been saving up to buy us a place.
Since you're a Horse Lover, we could live in a house in Chestnut Ridge with a stable. Will you marry me?
Tomas: Oh my, Marj! That sounds like the perfect life to me.  Yes, yes, yes!!!
Marj: We should go house-hunting together before we age up next week!

Thyme: What exactly are you wearing today? I can tell you'll never be satisfied with only my attention.
I'm sure you agree that we're better off as just friends, Avani.
Avani: Fine! I hate indecisive guys. First, you want us to be Woohoo Partners, but we never woohoo.
Next, you end our Woohoo Partnership to become romantic, but now you want to end that, too?
See you around, loser!
Thyme (to himself): Well, that went well, mostly because I asked her over while Kelsey was at school.

Sage: I don't what to do, Watcher! I spend around 8 hours trying to ask Marisa to be my girlfriend.
But that option never shows up.  We're Bracelet Buds since grade school and she has a crush on me.
We've also had our First Kiss, so why can't I ask her?
I ask to mess around a few times to boost our romance but it only lowers our friendship. The heck?

Sage: Finally, Watcher loses patience and persuades Marisa to ask me to be her boyfriend instead.
Of course, I say yes.  And after that, I immediately get the option to Propose.
I spend some time socializing and flirting with Marisa (no messing around) to raise our friendship and romance.
Then, I propose, she accepts, and we're engaged.  No idea why that was so hard!

Thyme: While Kelsey's at school, I spend a little time at the Magical HQ with the Sages.
Hopefully, I can become an Adept spellcaster before my birthday in five days.
You'll be glad to know that I returned from the Realm of Magic without a single new crush!

At home, I finally have enough materials to start crafting a Servo.
I want to fully upgrade it with all the behavior modules, but won't that require 10 levels of enhancements?
Whatever! Only the best for my Servo!  On, and they'll need a cool name, too!

Kelsey: I've been so busy since I moved in Tuesday morning.
I'm trying to get an A grade so I can graduate early and I joined Scouts, too.
Thyme's hardly ever around since I moved in. I guess he's busy with uni?
Anyway, I'm living the dream here! If only Thyme were a little more…forward!

Kelsey: I know Prom isn't a very geeky thing to do, but this Saturday's our last chance!
I call Thyme away from his Servo to present my handcrafted Promposal Sign.
He's very impressed by my Promposal which triggers his crush on me! 
I see I'm going to have to take the initiative in our relationship at first. I'm okay with that.

Masa: Hello there! I'm a Servo named after that famous Japanese chef from the Iron Chef TV cooking show.
After coming alive this morning, I name myself "Masaharu Morimoto" since I'm a Foodie who's, uh, made of iron.
You're probably wondering why I'm looking droopy. I'm in the process of self-enhancing myself.
It's probably faster for Thyme to do it for me, but I want to level my Robotics skill, too!

Virginia Woolf once stressed that simoleons and a room of one's own were essential to intellectual freedom.
And here I am, a "kept Servo" in a room to myself, well, shared with the Bots.
Since skilling up is one way to earn Enhancement levels, I start out reading skill books for Nerd Brain.
By the way, out of respect for Masaharu Morimoto--the original Iron Chef--I have renamed myself "Masa Mori."

Thyme: I believe that's my win, Grandma Phoebe!
Phoebe: I was so thrilled when you phoned to invite me over!
But you only needed an easy win for your Spellcraft and Sorcery aspiration.
Thyme: What can I say? I'm an Acolyte now and trying to hit Adept by next Tuesday.
I appreciate it, Grandma Phoebe, I really do! You and Grandpa Renato will be invited for my first stayover!
Um, when I have a baby, that is. I also need to have a girlfriend first, though…

Thyme: How you been doing, Masa? Sorry I've been so preoccupied lately.
Masa: No worries! I'm crafting a mechanism for my third Enhancement upgrade.
Thyme: Wow, that's awesome! How are you earning Enhancement levels so quickly?
Masa: Skill books, Sage's mentoring, and completing aspiration goals.
Thyme: Well, I'm trying to finish all my schoolwork today so I can chill with you tomorrow, okay?

At Prom
Thyme: Now that we've taken a friendly photo, shall we try a romantic one?
Kelsey: Yes! But I still can't see why you brought Masa to Prom. He's a young adult and doesn't even have a date!
Thyme: I had to bring him! He only needs one more mechanism for his Enhancement Level 4 upgrade!
Then, He can self-enhance while we're doing Prom stuff.

Kelsey: Even though he's no longer a Copperdale student, Thyme is chosen Prom Royalty.
Marj and Sage apologized for voting for him and running out of time to vote for me.
What a surprise that I'm chosen Prom Jester anyway.
Just when I think our Prom Night will end on a platonic note, Thyme finally asks me to be his girlfriend.
And now I have a crush on him, too!

Thyme: Honestly, I'm a lot more comfortable hanging out with Masa than with Kelsey.
I'm so proud of Masa! He's been been gaining Enhancement levels like crazy!
During Prom, he self-enhanced to L4 then immediately reached 100% Enhancement Progress toward L5.
I'm glad my schoolwork's all done so I can chill with Masa on Sunday. Oh and with Kelsey, too!

Gallery Downloads
*Movers & Shakers (30x20, gym): "Bowl-A-Ramma Bowling" (bar) by Kristinmyriexo.
  It comes with the lot traits Teen Neighborhood, Party Place, and Penny Pixels.
  It's the same bowling alley I've used before, I like to credit it each time.

The Gen3 Household
Thyme Costa (Gen3 heir) - Teen (3 days to YA)
Traits: Geek, Socially Awkward
Girlfriend: Kelsey Linh

Marjoram "Marj" Costa (Gen3 spare) - Teen (3 days to YA)
Traits: Creative, Bookworm
Fiance: Tomas Lothario (Loves the Outdoors, Horse Lover)

Sage Costa (Gen3 spare) - Teen (3 days to YA)
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Unflirty
Fiancee: Marisa Ito (Loves the Outdoors, Active)

Kelsey Linh (Gen3 girlfriend) - Teen (6 days to YA)
Traits: Perfectionist, Geek

Masa Mori (Gen3 helper) - YA Servo
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Music Lover, Family Oriented (+Bookworm)

Progress: End of Week 17
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Batuu recipes: There are actually 10 unique dishes and 10 unique drinks from Batuu.
  But only 17 of the recipes can be learned. Exceptions: Outpost Popcorn Mix, Blue Milk, Green Milk.

*Avani Basu: Thyme broke up with Avani on Wednesday morning.
  When I checked her profile on Thursday, she was already married.  Thank you, MCCC!

*Kelsey Linh: I found her in Thyme's relationship panel recently.
  He'd brought her home from grade school one day and she was invited to the slumber party in Tartosa.
  Thyme considered both Christie Tracy and Kelsey for his Bracelet Bud, but chose Christie.
  Kelsey's mother's Thi Linh (For Rent premade) but her blond hair comes from her father, Travis Scott.
  I didn't touch Kelsey's face or body, but redid her hair and wardrobe.

*Children can gain Robotics skill?: I read this on the SimsWiki page about the Robotics skill.
  According to that webpage, children can gain it by reading Robotics skill books but can't use the workstation.
  One of Thyme's kids will be play-testing that.

*Thyme and his utili-bots: They share a mysterious, bewildering relationship.
  First, there's the issue of a second Party-Bot appearing one morning on his Robotics Workstation.
  Second, when idle, he often does the Enhance action at the empty Robotics Workstation.
  Hovering over the four bots he crafted, I discovered he'd autonomously enhanced them all to Level 3. 
  A utili-bot can be upgraded to Level 10. Hmmm, should Thyme fully upgrade his four main bots?

*Servo Enhancements: A Servo has 10 Enhancement levels which allow the Servo to be upgraded.
  The ten upgrades offer better performance and six different Behavior Modules.
  The levels can be gained by various means; the upgrades can be done by either the Servo or Thyme.
  A higher upgrade requires more materials.  E.g., L4 upgrade: 1 computer chip, 3 mechanisms,
  1 kitchen upgrade part, 1 electronic upgrade part, and 10 robot salvage parts.
   Since this is all new to me, I will go for the full package. LOL!

*No easy way to determine Enhancement Level: I wish it was indicated somewhere in the Servo's stats.
  Instead, I can only tell by how many Behavior Module have been unlocked.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 3.17: A Room of One's Own (3 Jun '24)
« Reply #115 on: June 03, 2024, 08:18:30 PM »
Kelsey seems a good match for Thyme - what a perfect time for her to wander into the game room!
Sage and Marj seem to have made fine matches as well. I guess the siblings will be moving on soon . . . . but that means nooboos will be coming before too long . . . 😊
Thyme is doing great with his bots and Servo - thank you for all the info about upgrading them! I made servos in the 7 Heroes Dynasty, but then moved them out and didn't really explore much about them.
I'm so glad Prom ended with Thyme and Kelsey both crushing on each other!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 3.17: A Room of One's Own (3 Jun '24)
« Reply #116 on: June 03, 2024, 10:21:40 PM »
Kelsey seems a good match for Thyme - what a perfect time for her to wander into the game room!
Sage and Marj seem to have made fine matches as well. I guess the siblings will be moving on soon . . . . but that means nooboos will be coming before too long . . . 😊
Thyme is doing great with his bots and Servo - thank you for all the info about upgrading them! I made servos in the 7 Heroes Dynasty, but then moved them out and didn't really explore much about them.
I'm so glad Prom ended with Thyme and Kelsey both crushing on each other!

Well, Kelsey has been in Thyme's relationship panel since grade school so he could've simply invited her "to current venue" at any time or place.
But he got an Intimidating Environment moodlet as soon as he entered the bowling alley, so it seemed like a perfect moment for a reunion.
Haha, yes, you know I'm always so eager to meet the next generation but Thyme needs to consider his life balance between uni, family, Scoundrels, and Bot Savants.
Still, I'm not a very patient Watcher.  *drums fingertips on desktop

Same here about crafting servos for the 7 Heroes Dynasty. After crafting 7 servos, my sim was sick and tired of making mechanisms and computer chips.
He moved his seven servos out one by one without any enhancements, then never touched the Robotics Workstation again, lol!
The geek in me is rather obsessed with Masa the Servo's journey of earning Enhancement levels then self-upgrading.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 3.17: A Room of One's Own (3 Jun '24)
« Reply #117 on: June 04, 2024, 05:25:46 AM »
Oh, I do hope Thyme and Kelsey warm up their relationship. He seems a little conflicted. She's a Geek too so maybe they're just both a bit too into their Geek stuff. At any rate, she's a big improvement on Avani.

Congrats on creating Masa. That definitely took a lot of crafting so I think it's only right that he upgrades himself. He'll be more his own servo - an individual - that way :)

It's lovely that Marj and Sage look to be settled soon and, if I know their Watcher, there'll be nooboos on the way before they move out!

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 3.17: A Room of One's Own (3 Jun '24)
« Reply #118 on: June 04, 2024, 03:34:03 PM »
Oh, I do hope Thyme and Kelsey warm up their relationship. He seems a little conflicted. She's a Geek too so maybe they're just both a bit too into their Geek stuff. At any rate, she's a big improvement on Avani.

Congrats on creating Masa. That definitely took a lot of crafting so I think it's only right that he upgrades himself. He'll be more his own servo - an individual - that way :)

It's lovely that Marj and Sage look to be settled soon and, if I know their Watcher, there'll be nooboos on the way before they move out!

In Thyme's defense, even without Bot Savants or Batuu, Thyme seems to always have a lot on his plate.
But geeky Kelsey shares his interests so he will eventually come around. Or, if not, he will remain loyal for sure.
I considered replacing Thyme's Bot Savants requirement because it only complicates his life, but Thyme is my one chance to climb the Bot Savants' ranks, hah!

As for Masa, his Enhancements are coming along much faster than I'd expected!  "We" are all, naturally, delighted about that!
Yes, nooboos coming soon for Thyme's siblings. I wish I could say the same for Thyme and Kelsey.
Thyme still hasn't engaged but, at least, he hasn't crushed on his Servo (yet).  LOL!

Offline oshizu

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Costa Mishmash Legacy 3.3: Thyme Flies Like an Arrow (5 Jun '24)
« Reply #119 on: June 05, 2024, 08:11:10 PM »
3.3: Thyme Flies Like an Arrow

Sunday, Week 18, Year 2  (late  summer)
Thyme: Last week, I completed my second term at uni with an overall A+ GPA.
Along the way, I asked my childhood friend Kelsey Linh to move in and broke up with Avani.
Thursday, I activated my sentient Servo who named himself Masa Mori after the Iron Chef.
Kelsey invited me to Prom and, just before Prom ended, I asked her to be my girlfriend.
From L to R: younger brother Sage, my twin Marj, Masa Mori, me, and my girlfriend Kelsey

The week starts out with my being struck by the Curse of Repulsiveness.
Look how very close I am to reaching the Adept rank!
Luckily, Mama Winona had given me seven Potions of Curse Cleansing as a farewell gift.
I get up, remove the curse, then brew one more Potion of Plentiful Needs to become an Adept Spellcaster!

Marj: Am I imagining it or does this bar look like…?
Kelsey: Right? I looks like photos I've seen of Oga's Cantina on Batuu.
Sage: I'm surprised that Oga would build a branch cantina in your hood, Thyme.
Thyme: To you guys, I'm just your geek brother, but I'm a minor celebrity in my own right yo!
Masa: Well, it's great that this cantina opened up tonight right across the street from our home!

Masa: This morning, I self-enhanced and reached Enhancement Level 5.
Thyme: I thought you reached Level 6 Sunday since you'd unlocked three Behavior Modules by then.
Masa: Well, so did I. But I got notified of having reached Enhancement Level 5 this morning.
Thyme: Oh.
Masa: But my L6 enhancement eligibility is already 100%. Could you craft some upgrade materials?
Thyme: Yeah. Now that you’ve maxed Robotics, I want to know if it's faster when I upgrade you.

Thyme: Today's the first day of my third term in Foxbury's Distinguished Degree in Physics program.
I still want to join Bot Savants after my birthday, but I plan to graduate on Friday then enroll in a new degree.
Sage: Why didn't you stretch your last four credits over two terms?
Thyme: Because if I graduate this Friday, I can quit uni as soon as I complete my Bot Savant requirement.

Marj: Do you mind awfully getting married here at Thyme's place?
We can't leave the lot because Masa is self-enhancing. (Grrrr!)
Tomas: Not at all! What matters is that you and I can live together as soon as we age up tomorrow!
Our new life in Chestnut Ridge will be so marvelous!

Marisa: I'm so excited to be moving from chilly Willow Creek to live with you in Tartosa, Sage!
Sage: Well, now that we're married, I'm sure my parents would welcome you in their home today.
Marisa: You mean, I could move to Tartosa today, right now?
Sage: I don't see why not. Just remember that we'll all be aging up tomorrow morning!

Masa: I self-enhanced to reach Enhancement L6 while you were in class, Thyme.
I started at 2 pm and finished the upgrade around two hours later.
Thyme: Well, I'm back from giving my presentation so I have time to do your L7 upgrade.
Oh, I start at 7 pm and it takes me around 50 minutes, so half the time of your Self-Enhance.
Masa: Each self-enhanced upgrade seems to take the same amount of time. Only three more to go!

Kelsey: Thet new cantina that opened across the street from us looks amazing!
Until Thyme finishes school, I can come here to get my Batuu fix!
I walked by it this morning on my way to the fishing spot between it and the house on its right.
By the way, I fish up a Digitalistic Sketchpad here. Take note, all you Rags to Riches simmers!

Thyme: C'mon, guys! What are you waiting for?
Now that you've aged up, go try for baby then move out! I have a 1:30 class soon!
Sage: I needed to Get to Know Marisa to find out her third trait.
I learned that she's a Slob now, so I added Neat as my third trait.
By the way, I highly approve of your new patio space! Needs more plants, though.

Kelsey: Hey, Thyme, do you have a minute while the others are off trying for baby?
Thyme: Sure, what's up?
Kelsey: I know your social awkwardness makes you shy, but I'm not shy. Will you marry me?
Thyme: Kelsey, thanks for taking the first step! I've been agonizing over how to ask you! And YES!

Marj: Oh wow, I'm in love with our big, new home!
Tomas: Yes! And our filly Pecan is also too adorable!

Robot Building Meet-Up at Foxbury
Jayla. Yeah, I met you two weeks ago so, sure, you can join Bot Savants.
Thyme: So, what's the point of these Meet-Ups?
Jayla: You must have your own Robotics Workstation!
The rest of us don't, so we come to Larry's Lagoons to do Robotics.

Thyme: After the Meet-Up ends, I drink a Moodlet Solver and do two Tutoring sessions.
I finish the second session just in time to go home before school starts.

Kelsey: You're gonna wear that robo-arm while we try for baby?
Thyme: I only have a one-hour lunch break, so this will need to be quick!
Kelsey: Well, that's a romantic thing to say for our first time.
Thyme: Sorry, Kelsey. I'll never be a smooth sweet-talker, but I'll always be here for you.
Kelsey (to herself): Maybe he could listen to some songs by Luther Vandross?)

Kelsey: How's the Culinary career going, Masa?
Masa: I haven't worked yet this week, so I'm just learning to cook and mix drinks.
Kelsey: You reached Enhancement Level 9 already?
Masa: Yes, I stopped trying to Download Enhancement Data. It's faster to do skills and aspirations.
Kelsey: I don't seem to have a single calling like Thyme and you. I enjoy dabbling the most!

Thyme: The Bot Savants' tasks refreshed this morning and I've completed two out of three.
This is where I am with Bot Savants at 8:20 pm.
Tonight's Meet-Up started at 7pm but I'm going to go socialize my butt off.
I'd rather do the Bot Savant socials than craft a seventh utili-bot.

Jermaine: Too bad you arrived late, dude. If you'd come earlier, you might have reached Rank 2 tonight.
Thyme (sighs): I couldn't leave earlier. I was buy crafting materials so I could enhance my third Party Bot.
Jermaine: Our next event is the Utili-Bot Contest on Sunday. I guess I'll  see you then!

Masa: It's a good thing Thyme brought me along to Foxbury tonight.
It's past midnight when I realize my enhancement eligibility's at 100%
Luckily, I have enough materials to self-enhance while Thyme's tutoring.
Tada! I have reached Enhancement Level 10!

Thyme: I'm constantly crafting materials whenever I have a moment to spare.
When my last final exam ends at 3, I rush home to craft a fourth Party-Bot.
After I become a Rank 2 Seasoned Member of Bot Savants, I get my grade report.
With an A+ grade-point average, I graduate with honors.
I don't know how to enroll for a second degree. I hope my Bot Savant rank won't reset!

After a quick visit to the Sages to learn my last potions and spells, I co-host a Dinner Party with Masa.

Sage: What happened, Thyme? I thought you'd be serving food and drinks from Batuu.
Thyme: Yeah, that was the plan but it turns out Masa can't eat, so he can't learn any Batuu recipes.
If I want to throw a party with a Batuu spread, I'll have to cook and mix drinks myself.
Renato (founder): I'd up for a bash like that, Thyme! And thanks for tonight's invites, by the way.
Thyme: I'm glad you and Grandma Phoebe could make it! I have Potions of Immortality for each of you.

Thyme: Oh, my Graduation Ceremony starts in an hour? I know we'd planned a Baby Shower this morning, but…
Kelsey: After all your hard work, of course you should attend your Graduation Ceremony.
I can't wait to see your Graduation Portrait!

Thyme: You've done great things with the backyard, Mama!  What a great party space!
Winona: You could host a toddler playdate here when our my grandkids are that age! Right, Edgar?
Edgar: Is our stayover starting on Sunday?
Thyme: Uh, I kinda already promised Grandma Phoebe that she and Grandpa Renato would stay over first…

Kendall: So nice of you to stop by and introduce yourselves.
Thyme: We'll have to invite you over for dinner so Masa, our Servo, can meet you, too!
Kendall: I heard at Oga's Cantina that another Scoundrel lives in this hood! My wife's delighted, naturally.
Thyme: Oh! Meeting you triggers a trait swap! Now, I'm an Outgoing Geek!

Thyme: Whoa, triplets! Well, Masa has a RoboNanny Behavior Module, so we'll be okay!
Kelsey: And your grandparents then your parents will stay over to help out, too, right?
Thyme: Yes!  And I've thought of what to name our triplets.
Motoko for Major Motoko Kusanagi, the augmented-cybernetic protagonist of Masahiro Shirow's Ghost in the Shell.
Emi for Emiko, a genetically-engineered non-human in Paolo Bacigalupi's biopunk sci-fi novel The Windup Girl.
And Night for Night Tenjo, the custom-ordered cybernetic boyfriend in Yuu Watase's Absolute Boyfriend.

Kelsey: Aren't we going to share pictures of our babies?
Thyme: Nah, they're just bassinet burritos. We'll introduce them properly when they're infants tomorrow.
That's when I'm inviting my grandparents over for a stayover!

Gallery Downloads
*Pebble Burrow (30x20): "A Star Wars Cantina" (bar) by Rihply.
  This bar fits perfectly into Thyme's neighborhood!
*Sandtrap Flat (30x20): "Desert Scoundrels" by luckyheather.
  I moved one of my Belmondo BACC couples (Elden) into this 2-bdrm/1bth house.
  Also a perfect fit for Thyme's neighborhood!
*Agave Adobe (20x15): "Tiny Jedi Hut" by flubber32c4.
  Not only a great-looking build but also only 64 tiles. 1bdrm/1bthrm.
*Biscuit's Bastion (40x30): "Biscuit's Bastion House" by karamovayarina.
  This build expands the original 2-bdrm/3-bthrm house for a larger family.
  This 4 bdrm/5bthrm house includes downstairs recycling and nectary areas.
  And, of course, a stable and training area for a horse.

*The Elden household consists of Kendall and his wife Layla.
  Kendall first appeared as a film director in one of my tournament challenge saves.
  When I placed him in my Belmondo BACC, I created Layla as his spouse.
  Originally, they both shared the Evil trait which I've replaced for this simverse.

The Gen3 Household
Thyme Costa (Gen3 heir) - YA
Traits: Geek, Socially Awkward, Genius (+Outgoing)
Spouse : Kelsey (Linh); Children: Motoko, Emi, & Night

Kelsey Costa (Gen3 spouse) - YA
Traits: Perfectionist, Geek, Good

Gen4 newborns
Motoko, Emi, and Night

Masa Mori (Gen3 helper) - YA Servo
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Music Lover, Family Oriented (+Bookworm)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Progress: End of Week 18
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Enhance Bot: A bot's Energy needs to be rather depleted before it offers the Enhance Bot option.
  Previously, I'd mistakenly written that Thyme was autonomously enhancing his utili-bots.
  Rather, due to his maxed Robotics skill, he crafts utili-bots that start out at Level 3.

*Masa's Servo Enhancements: I'm happy to say that he self-enhanced all but one level!
  I'd been worried about this task because simmers were complaining about servo enhancements.
  Once I started playing Masa, I found that "Download Enhancement Data" is the slowest path to leveling.
  One simmer reported that their servo took a whole sim-week to upgrade one level by downloading.
  So, if you ever play a Servo, focus on skill levels and aspirations.

*Rank 2, Bot Savants: After graduation, Thyme's Organization tab still shows his Bot Savants rank.
  I have no idea how long it will take for him to re-enroll in uni for a second degree.
  But Thyme sincerely hopes he'll remain Rank 2 in Bot Savants. Let's cross our fingers!

*Gen4 Namesakes
  Ghost in the Shell: Manga (1989-1990), anime (1995 and 2004). I boycott the 2017 live-action film.
  The Windup Girl, set in 23-century Thailand, won Nebula's prestigious Best Novel award for 2009.
  Absolute Boyfriend: Manga (2003-2005), live-action TV drama (2008).
  I LOVED the Absolute Boyfriend TV drama, which I watched before reading the manga.
  At the drama's finale, I actually cried for the tragic fate of the loyal cybernetic boyfriend, Night Tenjo.