Author Topic: Costa Mishmash Legacy 4.26b: Morning, Noon, and Night (1 Jul '24)  (Read 6839 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 2.12: Patchy's So Stingy! (23 May 24)
« Reply #90 on: May 23, 2024, 04:06:27 AM »
Patchy's skin-tight overalls - lol!

Congrats on the birth of Gen 3. How lovely that they all have different hair/eye combinations. Marj's combination of ice-blond/grey is particularly striking but the boys are very attractive too.

I can't believe how close you are to completing Gen 2 requirements! Great work, Watcher!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 2.12: Patchy's So Stingy! (23 May 24)
« Reply #91 on: May 23, 2024, 07:28:28 PM »
Patchy's skin-tight overalls - lol!

Congrats on the birth of Gen 3. How lovely that they all have different hair/eye combinations. Marj's combination of ice-blond/grey is particularly striking but the boys are very attractive too.

I can't believe how close you are to completing Gen 2 requirements! Great work, Watcher!

Having to check the pockets of Patchy wearing tight overalls is cringe, right?  Winona is so over it!
"Is that a carrot or?

It was such a stroke of luck that all three had different hair/eye color combos! I agree that Marj is gorgeous, but I'm loosely aiming for alternate-gender heirs.
Until there's a compelling reason to choose the same gender. We know that will happen.

How funny that you would think that I'm making good progress. 
Besides the stupid Magic Bean (the Inspired one?) for the Forbidden Fruit, Winona must wait three weeks to harvest a Quill Fruit on Sixam (in summer).
So there's no point in early age-ups into children or into teens. *sighs
It's nice for the childhood stage, though. Thyme, Marj, and Sage will have two weeks to work on aspirations and skills.
Haha, she could go around uprooting all the plants in the community space planters, hoping that someone will plant a Quill Fruit. Hmmmm.....

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 2.12: Patchy's So Stingy! (23 May 24)
« Reply #92 on: May 24, 2024, 02:18:09 AM »
Has Jade already uprooted plants in the community garden? I wouldn't like to say... :-\

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 2.12: Patchy's So Stingy! (23 May 24)
« Reply #93 on: May 24, 2024, 07:57:04 PM »
Has Jade already uprooted plants in the community garden? I wouldn't like to say... :-\

Winona hasn't uprooted plants, but she has moved around or outright snatched unplanted seeds that she already had in her collection.
At this point, she'll just wait until summer for Quill Fruit. Her real problem is the sixth Magic Bean.
At some poin,, I might let her buy Rare Seed Packages. Need to think of a compelling reason or an exchange of sorts.
Like, if she completes X, she can buy unlimited Rare Seed Packets. I'm thiniking about it....
Perhaps compelte three more collections?

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 2.12: Patchy's So Stingy! (23 May 24)
« Reply #94 on: May 25, 2024, 12:03:33 AM »
Wow - so much progress while I've been away fighting monsters and working my way into a new job.
I love how things worked out for Winona and Edgar, Braylon and Wangari, and Chico and Tammy! Well done, Watcher!
The Gen 3 kids are all so adorable.
I do like the challenge you're playing with the additional requirements you've added. I'm sure Winona will find that last bean eventually. ❤️

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 2.13: An Offer We Can't Refuse (24 May 24)
« Reply #95 on: May 25, 2024, 01:39:28 AM »
2.13: An Offer We Can't Refuse

Sunday, Week 13, Year 2 (early spring)
Winona: Last week, II made little progress with my requirements because we were busy with our babies!
Our twins Thyme and Marj aged up to toddlers on Wednesday, the same day we brought home our science baby, Sage.
Sage aged up to an infant that same day, then aged up to a toddler on Thursday.
Edgar's parents stayed over from Tuesday to Saturday. We all enjoyed their stay, especially the kids!
Edgar completed his collection of Messages in a Bottle and I got 1 new harvestables and Magic Bean each.
From L to R: Edgar holding Marjorma, Sage, and me holding our next heir Thyme.

Winona: Today's the first day of the new year, which means spring has sprung.
After tending the garden, I immediately head for Sixam.
After a short wait, I take a cutting of a Tentacle Tree.
Back home, I graft it to one of my fastest-growing plants, Fireleaf.

I wasn't eager to visit Caldera, where the mermaids live on Mua Pel'am.
Ukupanipo is cool, but his wife Kalamainu'u is a meanie.
Anyway, their home is closest to one of the two pineapple plants on this island.
It's barely sprouted so my family gets ready for a long wait.

Winona: It's nearly 8 pm when I can finally take a cutting of the pineapple plant.
Um, thanks for showing up in your speedo, Edgar.
Edgar: No problem, love. Sharing is caring.
Winona: I don't think that idiom works for your speedo look, dear.
Anyway, let's go home so I can graft this cutting to my Taro plant.

Edgar: We'd stopped harvesting the Crystal Trees and was thinking of storing them in family inventory.
But then, Watcher offered us an appealing deal yesterday.
If we can complete three additional collections, we can buy Rare Seed Packets once our kids are teens.
The Magic Beans Patch gave us so far: Angry x12, Uncomfortable x6, Flirty x6, Playful x6, and Sad x3.
So, our 27-crystal collection is now complete! Well, it was only missing one when Watcher made her offer.
That's why we won't count it as one of our three bonus collections.

Watcher remodeled our house last night, replacing that pretentious front tower which was SO not us!
New windows, new roof tile color, more landscaping--we like the new look a lot!
And, of course, we had the campsite area a little larger at the same time.

Winona: I love my new open-air kitchen!
I'm a little confused about cooking with prepped ingredients, though.
The stove won't always show me what I need for four or eight servings.
Otherwise, my Batch Cook trait works great: two servings for each meal I cook with prepped ingredients!

Yesterday, our trio spent a not-so-fun day around Caldera Camp.
The highlight was when Winona conjured a Grand Delicioso meal out of thin air.
Today, we take them to play at Ohan'ali Beach for several hours. They sure seem to be enjoying themselves!

Winona: This morning, I check my Fireleaf and Taro plants.
Can you see my Fang Flowers and Pineapples, too? They're ready to harvest!
If only my fellow spellcaster and gardener could visit our home!
I'd let her harvest all the Fang Flowers she needs.

Edgar: I've been the sole caregiver for Sage these days, poor guy!
Thyme got that "Where's My Attention" jealousy sentiment from Winona only spending time with Sage.
So that leaves me to help Sage with his skilling while Winona divides her time between Thyme and Marj.
Aaaand, Sage just maxed his Movement skill so we can age up al three toddlers!

Winona: They all were Top-Notch Toddlers, of course. That's how we aged them up early.
We aged up Thyme and Marj two days before their birthday and Sage's birthday was iin three days.
They're as cute as children as they were as toddlers.
Thyme's a Geek, Marj is Creative, and Sage shares his parents Loves the Outdoors trait.

Edgar: This morning, I got my L9 promotion and completed my new work-from-home assignment.
When I Negotiate for a Bonus, my performance jumps from the middle of the bar to all the way to the right.
I'm definitely maxing my career this week!
(Winona is currently a Flower Fellow (L8 Botanist.)

Renato: It's about time winona invited Phoebe and I for a stayover!
I can't believe she invited over Edgar's parents first!
Although, on second thought, it makes good sense since infants and toddlers can't be mentored.
Winona, your Papa the Skilling Machine has arrived!

Winona: I received this microscope as a career reward and occasionally get assignments to Analyze a Plant Sample.
But Watcher's deal for buying Rare Seed Packets to get my last Magic Bean changes things.
Now I'm trying to complete the Microscope Prints collection.
I just have to keep at it until our kids' teen birthday in two weeks!

Mama helps Edgar build a treehouse while Papa supervises.
It's great to have enough space to have our very own treehouse!

My parents are oddly selective about how they help out around the house.
They helped build the treehouse but won't help with treehouse upgrades.
They responded to my kids asking them to mentor the Mental/Logic skills, they don't do much else.

Thyme: My siblings both brought home A grades yesterday.
I hope I can earn one today, too, so I can also complete Whiz Kid,.

Winona: Would you please stop distracting me while I craft violins for the children?
And why do you both ignore their requests to help with homework?
I thought you wanted to visit us to help with the children.
Renato: What if we mentor Fishing or something? We're only good at Mentoring, it seems.
Phoebe: And I only feel like cooking single-serving meals for myself.

The kids enjoy stomping playfully on the park's Splash Pads.

We thought being able to build a rocket ship in a park was a new thing.
Watcher said it wasn't possible the last time she tried.
But early today, she chatted with the Jumble Watcher and learned she could do that last year (2023).
Oh well, it's still new to us!  And very convenient!

Winona: Our creative sleepyhead, Marj, is nearly ready to emerge from the Treehouse as an Idea Person!

Thyme and Sage get help learning to ride their bikes from Edgar and Papa Renato.
Mama Phoebe always acts as if she's going to help but always ends up doing nothing.
She's just as unhelpful with our children as she was with me and my siblings when we lived at home.
Why did she even bother coming over? *feels exasperated

Winona: As of noon today, I'm only missing one Microscope Print.
Edgar's in charge of the Elements collection, which needs two more.

Edgar: We're hedging our bets with the third collection while ensuring the kids enjoy their childhood.
We're aiming to complete either the Fish (basegame) or Frog collection.
First, we visit The Bramblewood where we deplete the pond of frogs. Found a Sunsurfer there, though!
In Old New Henford, Thyme is the first to catch a Wolf Eel! Great job, son!
We send the rest of the day at Desert Bloom Park, fishing, looking for and breeding frogs, and grilling.

The Gen2 Household
Residence: Celebrazioni d'Amore, Porto Luminoso (Tartosa)
Lot challenge: Simple Living

Winona Costa (Gen2 heir) - YA
Traits:  Loves the Outdoors, Maker, Foodie (+Perfectionist, Family Oriented, Active)
Fiance: Edgar Rainstorm; Children: Thyme & Marjoram; Sage

Edgar Rainstorm (Gen2 fiance) - YA
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Neat, Creative (+Perfectionist, Active)
Career: Floral Designer 10, Bottled Messages 20/20

Thyme Costa (Gen3 heir) - Child (10 days to Teen)
Traits: Wiggly/Inquisitive; Geek (Top-Notch Toddler)
Toddler quirks: Little Singer

Marjoram "Marj" Costa (Gen3 spare) - Child (10 days to Teen)
Traits: Sunny/Clingy; Creative (Top-Notch Toddler)
Toddler quirks: Aggressive

Sage Costa (Gen3 spare) - Child (10 days to Teen)
Traits: Calm/Angelic; Loves the Outdoors (Top-Notch Toddler)
Toddler quirks: Loves Wakeup Time, Messy Eater, Hates Being Carried

Progress: End of Week 13
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*Seasonal cycles: Just a reminder that I'm play three-week seasons using LittleMissSam's mod.

*Stupid 6th Magic Bean: We really wanted toddler Marj to be Flower Pal at Winona and Edgar's wedding. Oh well.
  Winona has two more weeks to wait until summer to harvest the Quill Fruit.
  I'm really hoping that Winona will get her last Magic Bean from Patchy before the kids are ready to move out.
  Just in case, though, I've added a new condition for buying Rare Seed Packets.
  Personally, I think it's fair, especially since
  (a) there's a cooldown per sim on checking Patchy's pockets and (b) Patchy spends several (2-6?) hours every day away from his stump.

*2 new harvestables in Week 13:
  Harvested in wild: Fang Flower (Sixam) and Pineapple (Mua Pel'am, Sulani)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 2.13: An Offer We Can't Refuse (24 May 24)
« Reply #96 on: May 25, 2024, 02:34:00 AM »
Wow - so much progress while I've been away fighting monsters and working my way into a new job.
I love how things worked out for Winona and Edgar, Braylon and Wangari, and Chico and Tammy! Well done, Watcher!
The Gen 3 kids are all so adorable.
I do like the challenge you're playing with the additional requirements you've added. I'm sure Winona will find that last bean eventually. ❤️

Haha, you've no doubt been away from the forum since you last posted an update yourself, which was just before the start of the new D4 season.
I'm happy with all three children. Any one of them would make a great heir from a genetic standpoint.
I do love that Thyme's brown hair makes him resemble his father most closely though. And his Geek traits makes him lucky at catching things, it seems.

I was very happy with how this generation's requirements turned out and have been thoroughly enjoy the new approaching to collecting harvestables.
The only exception is, obviously, the Magic Beans. The chances of getting the last bean among all the othere possible harvestables is just too small.
Anyway, I've provided a failsafe just in case Patchy decides not to "put out." Hmmph!

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 2.13: An Offer We Can't Refuse (24 May 24)
« Reply #97 on: May 25, 2024, 03:31:25 AM »
Good call on the collection amendment. You set quite a high bar for the plant collection and it must be really frustrating for poor Winona and Edgar to not be able to get married yet. Forced to "live in sin" is very different from an active choice to do so.

The children look great and - the heir is a Geek! Hm....shall I go and thumb through the gens....? Nope, I'll sit on my hands. Except when playing my own game, of course.

Good luck with those collections.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 2.13: An Offer We Can't Refuse (24 May 24)
« Reply #98 on: May 25, 2024, 04:43:08 PM »
Good call on the collection amendment. You set quite a high bar for the plant collection and it must be really frustrating for poor Winona and Edgar to not be able to get married yet. Forced to "live in sin" is very different from an active choice to do so.

The children look great and - the heir is a Geek! Hm....shall I go and thumb through the gens....? Nope, I'll sit on my hands. Except when playing my own game, of course.

Good luck with those collections.

Trying to get Magic Beans from Patchy has definitely NOT been a very fulfilling experience, to say the least.
I'm so relieved at having an "out" for finding the last Magic Bean once the kids turns teens.
I can stop freeting over whether Winona and Edgar will become elders, stil unable to get that last Magic Bean.

what a coincidence that both Jade and Winona chose a spouse with gray eyes.
As for the next heir's generation, you can probably already guess without perusing your spreadsheet for the various generations, haha.

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 2.14: Foodies Represent! (25 May 24)
« Reply #99 on: May 26, 2024, 04:57:34 PM »
2.14: Foodies Represent!

Sunday, Week 14, Year 2 (mid-spring)
Winona: Last week, the biggest news last was Watcher's sweet deal and our kids' birthday.
If we can complete 3 bonus collection, we can buy Rare Seed Packets once our kids are teens!
That would exponentially increase our chances of finding that last Magic Bean!
Our talented trio became Llamacorn Scouts and A students, while working on their aspirations.
I  collected Microscope Prints, Edgar collected Elements, and we all sought and bred Frogs.
From L to R: Sage, Thyme (next heir), me and Edgar, and Sage's twin Marjoram.

Winona: Today's New Skill Day.
Besides practicing bicycling, the kids each take a break to level up their Charisma.
In the evening, I begin boxing at L8 Fitness until I max the skill under Edgar's mentoring.
Oddly, New Skill Day was successful for everybody except me. At least, I got a start on Bodybuilder.

Thyme: I asked Papa for help with bicycling and I mastered it at least 12 hours before Marj and Sage.
I spent my free time meeting new folks in downtown Porto Luminoso.
Then, I chat online with two adults and three kids to complete Social Butterfly. Easy!
Maybe I can sneak in some gaming?

Edgar: Getting 3 Sad Magic Beans from Patchy leaves me feeling depressed.
But then I get the mail which includes my two missing Elements. Yay!

Our Frog Collection currently lacks only two frogs: the Eggplant and Spotted Eggplant Frogs.
I have Watcher make one end of our pond shallower so I can look for frogs there.
And I find an Eggplant Frog.  Our collection is as good as done!

Winona: With Edgar so close to completing two of our three bonus collections, I'm feeling panicked.
When I hear the chimes, I don't even register that I've earned my final promotion.
Sweet!  Time for Edgar and I to quit our jobs!

Edgar: After school, I have the kids breed the Eggplant Frog with a Spotted-something Frog.
Marj is the one who completes our Frog Collection!

Winona: And 34 minutes later, I receive my 12th (and last) Microscope Print to complete the collection.
This marks our household's 6th complete collection, including the 32-item Gardening collection.
I think we should have Watcher build a Costa Legacy Museum where we can store and display them all.
Edgar: That's a great idea!  Today's been a fantastic day for collections!

Edgar: Last night, Braylon's mom Morgan phoned to offer me a Level 5 position in the Culinary career.
I'd only need three promotion to complete the Master Chef aspiration, so I jumped on her offer.
And once I start working on the aspiration, I discover I'm a Foodie.  Perfect!

Winona: We Costas won't be all about completing collections every generation.
But our household has completed six collections already and I'd like to display them.
Otherwise, when Thyme moves out, they'll just be sold off. Here's our new museum!
There's a rooftop area for the Gardening collection but it's unsheltered, so I won't be using it.

Edgar: I love that we live just a walk away from both Indian and Chinese food stalls!
We should all try to become Chopstick Savvy Spicehounds.
Thyme: I don't know about that. These Samosa are really, really spicey!

Winona:  Edgar earned the Long-Lived trait last week, so I've been eager to earn it, too.
This morning, I pull a muscle during an Epic Workout on our weightlifting machine.
The workout helps me reach my maximum body potential, though, so it's worth the pain!

Edgar: The other day, we added a total of 20 columns to our home.
Today, I go to check the value of our home.
What a surprise that we've become Mansion Barons!
Our furnishings aren't that expensive. Our unharvested crops must be adding to our lot value.

Winona: When Chico and Braylon moved out, I kept their marriage certificates and Prom photos.
Today, I finally get around to hanging them up in their homes.
In Evergreen Harbor, my sis Wangari and Braylon have redheaded twins. No surprise there!

In Mt. Komorebi, my brother Chico's wife Tammy has slightly darker blond hair than Chico.
But their twins both have Chico's white-blond hair color.
Wangari with her redheaded family and Chico with his family of white-blonds.
So fascinating how my siblings' families turned out!

Edgar: Since I'm working on Master Chef, I've been doing the Appliance Wiz aspiration, too.
Once my date with Winona reaches a gold medal, I start cooking waffles.
In my old waffle iron, I prepare Pleasantly Unpleasant Waffles.
In my new waffle iron, I prepare Banana Split Waffles but the waffle iron catches fire and is destroyed.
So I use the old waffle iron for another batch of Banana Split Waffles, but the waffle iron breaks.
Somehow, my Banana Split Waffles survive the repair and I complete the aspiration.

Moral of the Story: Always upgrade your waffle irons before attempting the last milestone.

Edgar: Winona and I became Chopstick Savvy yesterday, so we want the kids to do the same.
For breakfast, I serve Sweet and Sour Eggplant so they can practice using chopsticks.
Thyme and Sage get the Clever Fingers moodlet. That's a very promising sign.
On the other hand, Marj gets the Butter Fingers moodlet. She'll need more practice.

While the kids are in school, Winona and I visit the Spice District to sample all the Indian foods.
Plus, I need to buy Chili Powder and Curry so I can prepare them at home.

At the Fashion District
Redhead: You must be Winona Costa and her partner Edgar. I'm Marco Talla.
I've heard a lot about you both from my elder brother, Braylon.
Edgar: Oh? So you live in the Dresden House in Countryside Windenburg?
Marco: No, I moved to Oasis Springs to live with my husband Dawon.
Do you know him? He's the son of Don Lothario and Zoe Patel.

Winona (whispers to Edgar): Let's go, Edgar. Marco is evil…
Edgar: Well, I've learned the Sweet and Sour Pork and Mabo Tofu with Pork recipes.
Time for us to go home before our kids return from school!

Thyme: What is this we're eating for breakfast this morning? Something new?
Edgar: Yes, it's Mabo Tofu with Pork. If only I'd known about this recipe earlier.
This dish lets you work on both Chopstick Savvy and Spicehound at the same time!
Winona: It's too late for Edgar and I, so we'll continue eating Indian foods, I guess.

Winona: I can't believe you didn't give us a single Magic Bean of any color this week!
Patchy: What can I say? Your family's luck is the worst!
Winona: Eh, it doesn't matter! Next Tuesday, when our kids become teens, I can buy Rare Seed Packets.
As many as I want! Nobody needs your empty pockets anymore, dude!

Thyme: Marj, Sage, and I celebrate our teen birthday next Tuesday, but I can't move out right away.
One, Mama needs her sixth Magic Bean to get a Forbidden Fruit, however long that takes.
Two, Mama can't get a Quill Fruit on Sixam until summer, which isn't for another eight days.
Doesn't matter. I know exactly what I wanna do once I'm a teenager!

Thyme: Sage and I are Chopstick Savvy after having Mabo Tofu with Pork for dinner. What about you?
Marj: Not yet! I just need to have one more serving! 
Ta da! Now, I'm Chopstick Savvy like everyone else in our family!

Edgar: When I return from work, I panic on discovering that I'm all out of Chili Powder!
We live on a Simple Living lot, so I can't cook Indian foods without it! What to do? What to DOOOO!?
Oh, I see! Only the spicey dishes from San Myshuno require Chili Powder, Curry Powder, and such.
I can prepare Burmese Samosa Soup using only Prepped Veggies, which is also a spicey food.
Whew, what a relief!

Edgar: Since we completed our 3 bonus collections, we'll be allowed to buy Rare Seed Packs on our kid's teen birthday in three days.
          Next week, will Winona find her last Magic Bean, obtain a Forbidden Fruit, and finally make an honest man out of me?
          Hmmm, is it too early to start planning our wedding?

Gallery Downloads
*Twin Oracle Point (50x40): "Elodie Master Museum" by Snarky Witch.
   With a shell provided by KateEmerald, this museum is designed "to hold every collection."
   I've emptied it except for one item per collection so I'll know which area is for which collection.
   Also, I switched the lot type from Retail to Generic so townies won't visit and swipe our stuff, haha.

The Gen2 Household
Residence: Celebrazioni d'Amore, Porto Luminoso (Tartosa)
Lot challenge: Simple Living

Winona Costa (Gen2 heir) - YA (5 days to Adult)
Traits:  Loves the Outdoors, Maker, Foodie (+Perfectionist, Family Oriented, Active)
Fiance: Edgar Rainstorm; Children: Thyme & Marjoram; Sage

Edgar Rainstorm (Gen2 fiance) - YA (1 day to Adult)
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Neat, Creative (+Perfectionist, Active, Foodie)

Thyme Costa (Gen3 heir) - Child (3 days to Teen)
Traits: Geek
Skills (1/4): ?, Logic 10, ?, ?

Marjoram "Marj" Costa (Gen3 spare) - Child (3 days to Teen)
Traits: Creative

Sage Costa (Gen3 spare) - Child (3 days to Teen)
Traits: Loves the Outdoors

Progress: End of Week 14
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*Chopstick Savvy: The entire household earned this trait this week. Yay!

*Mabo Tofu with Pork: My sims rarely learn this recipe because it's a non-vegetarian dish.
  For Chopstick Savvy, my sims have always eaten Sweet & Sour Eggplant.
  For Spicehound, they usually eat Indian foods.
  However, I learned this sim-week that Mabo Tofu with Pork contributes to both traits simultaneously.
  Future Costa sims will benefit from this knowledge, lol!

*Winona & Edgar: These two are such a great match!
  Winona's a Foodie and Edgar self-discovered he's a Foodie, too.
  Plus, they both discovered that they're Perfectionist and Active. So many shared interests!

*The Gen3 kids: Have already completed 7 out of the 8 childhood aspirations but are skipping Slumber Party Animal.
  Because their Watcher is lazy.  They are fully qualified to age up early, but I don't want too much of an age gap between the Gen3 Costas and Gen3 Makeys.
  So we are waiting until their actual birthday on Tuesday of Week 15. :D

*Winona's requirements: She will need two more Sundays until she'll be finished.
  We have no hope of encountering a Quill Fruit in a Community Garden, so she's waiting for summer.

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 2.15a: A PlantSim, at Last!(27 May 24)
« Reply #100 on: May 27, 2024, 10:50:32 PM »
2.15a: A PlantSim, at Last!

Sunday, Week 15, Year 2 (late spring)
Winona: Last week, we completed all 3 bonus collections for Watcher's deal on Monday.
This was a good thing, since Patchy didn't offer us a single bean last week.
I maxed my Botanist career, so Edgar and I quit our jobs, but he got an offer to join the Culinary career at L5.
Thyme and Sage finished 7 aspirations while Marj finished 6. They're just waiting for their birthdays this week.
From L to R: Sage, Thyme (Gen3 heir), me (Gen2 heir), Edgar, and Thyme's twin Marjoram

Edgar: Today is my YA birthday and Winona's is four days later on Thursday.
She wants us both to drink Potions of Youth today so we'll remain the same age.
Bottoms up!

Edgar: My sis Janie married a Benali and moved him into The Portsmouth Promenade.
My twin Bentley married Kari Tinker and moved, with my parents, to the Pugilock Mansion.
That's where I go to ask my father to be Officiant at our wedding, whenever it happens.
My parents are both elders so we give them Potions of Rejuvenation today.

Winona: Next, we visit the Shipping Views where I ask Papa to be my Sim of Honor.
He says he's looking forward to walking me down the aisle!

Edgar: I get home at 5pm with a promotion to L7 Pastry Chef.
After completing my daily task, I head to the Well at the park to ask for a guaranteed promotion.
Instead, the Well gives me a full promotion to Level 8 Sous Chef.
Well! So much for my Master Chef aspiration! *quits Chef career

Thyme: Our slumber party starts around 7 pm, co-hosted by Mama and me.
All the kids love the Berry Waffles Papa made for our party snack.
Here I am exchanging friendship bracelets with my classmate Christie Tracey.

Marj: This is my classmate and Bracelet Buddy, Tomas Lothario.
He's so cute and he Loves the Outdoors like my parents.
I really hope we end up going to the same high school!

Thyme: It's way past midnight when Marj, Sage, and I finish telling 3 stories each. That took forever!
As soon as that "Tell stories from sleeping bag" task is done, though, we earn a gold medal.
Mama doesn't want to deal with all the kids here in the morning, so she ends the party.
Oh well.

Edgar: I'm so excited that Winona and I might get married soon!
This morning, I  wake up extra early to bake a wedding cake for our wedding!
I even inscribed the wedding cake topper, which says "Forever and Always."

Edgar: When we sit down for dinner, Winona's already a Spicehound so I know I must be close!
But even after wolfing down three more bowls of Burmese Samosa Soup, nothing changes.
Then, it hits me!  Spicehound is a trait that's native to San Myshuno not Tomarang!
I look in the fridge and find one serving of Mabo Tofu with Pork. That's all it takes me to make a Spicehound!

Winona: The kids wake us up at 6 am, eager to age up to teens!
Edgar baked three cakes for them yesterday, so we're ready to go!

Our next heir, Thyme the Geek is now Socially Awkward. Is that too cliché?
Creative Marj has become a Bookworm.
And our science baby Sage, who Loves the Outdoors, is Unflirty.
Thyme is definitely the best choice for our next heir.
He's even handsomer than my Edgar, if that's even possible!

Winona: Speaking of heirs, Watcher recently approached me about you and I becoming immortals instead of my parents
Apparently, their home isn't spacious and welcoming enough to serve as a Costa gathering spot.
I also think Watcher prefers me to my mother Phoebe.
Edgar: Hmmm, could you perhaps negotiate for your parents becoming immortals, too?
Winona: Great idea! They would live on, but our home would become Costa Central!

Winona: Moving on, I am now entitled to buy Rare Seed Packets, so I buy five.
And one of them contained my missing Inspired Magic Bean, which I place in the stump with the others.
Watering the stump transforms it into a humongous Magic Portal Tree.

Of course, I must enter the portal.
While exploring the tree''s magical interior, I find a Forbidden Fruit of the PlantSim.
Right away, I CopyPasto it, save one, and plant the duplicate.

Before I can eat the Forbidden Fruit, though, I must visit the Magical HQ.
There, I ask the Sage of Practical Magic for a Rite of Dissolution.
Once I'm no longer a spellcaster, I eat the Forbidden Fruit and…
I become a PlantSim!  Edgar and I can finally tie the knot!

Thyme: That's great news, Mama! I'm very happy for you and Papa.
But today's GeekCon and you know that I need to be there.
Winona: Right, you want to try the Ultimate Gaming Test. Let's go!
Thyme: Awww, man! The rewards suck! Only §100 and a Future Cube!?

Edgar: We already have our wedding party and our wedding cake, darling.
Shall we get married this afternoon?
Winona: Can we wait another day? I don't want to rush into it after having waited so long!
Also, let's go see Wangari and Chico. I'd like to slightly change our wedding party.
Sage: Awww, Mama! I don't get to be the Ringbearer?

Thyme: I'm planning to graduate early from high school and go to university.
So, as soon as we're back from GeekCon, I apply for scholarships.
I can only apply for four today, but I can maybe apply for one more tomorrow night.

Winona: Our kids are eager to be done with their homework, but I've got two visits to make.
First, we visit Papa Renato's home so I can speak with Wangari's daughter, Alexus.
She agrees to be our Flower Pal as long as she gets to wear her tiara. No problem!

Next, we visit Mt. Komorebi where my brother Chico lives in a lovely 3-bedroom house in the Wakaba neighborhood.
I hope his son Ashton came straight home from school!

Ashton: Okay, I'll be the Ringbearer at your wedding but I have two conditions. One, you have to invite my whole family.
Winona: Okay, we can do that. (We were going to do that, anyway, but Ashton doesn't need to know that.)
Ashton: Two, I'd like you to give me a nice gift for my service within 3-4 days after your wedding.
Winona: Deal! Anything in particular you want?
Ashton: I can think of a few things, but I want you to surprise me!

Thyme: I'm trying to raise my Robotics skill by crafting circuit chips and mechanisms.
If I can just raise it to Level 7, I'm sure I'll be a shoo-in for a distinguished degree program!
Our first day of high school starts in another hour or so. I better go grab some breakfast!

Gallery Downloads
*2-4-2 Wakabamori (30x20, rental): "2-4-2 Wakabamori" by BlueShreve.
  3 bdrm/2 bthrm, §77,723.   This a lovely Japanese-style family home!
   I only replaced the front door because the original one is only for interior use.
   (A hand-painted illustrated sliding door would never be used for the front door.)

The Gen2 Household
Residence: Celebrazioni d'Amore, Porto Luminoso (Tartosa)
Lot challenge: Simple Living

Winona Costa (Gen2 heir) - YA (25 days to Adult)
Traits:  Loves the Outdoors, Maker, Foodie (+Perfectionist, Family Oriented, Active)
Spouse: Edgar Rainstorm; Children: Thyme & Marjoram; Sage

Edgar Rainstorm (Gen2 fiance) - YA (25 day to Adult)
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Neat, Creative (+Perfectionist, Active, Foodie)

Thyme Costa (Gen3 heir) - Teen (20 days to YA)
Traits: Geek, Socially Awkward

Marjoram "Marj" Costa (Gen3 spare) - Teen (20 days to YA)
Traits: Creative, Bookworm

Sage Costa (Gen3 spare) - Teen (20 days to YA)
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Unflirty

Progress: Midway through Week 15
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*PlantSim: Winona will be a PlantSim for five days until Sunday. Her wedding is scheduled for late Wednesday afternoon.
  I put a cooler in her personal inventory to help her stay hydrated.

*Spicehound: I"d thought eating any spicey food would contribute toward earning the Spicehound trait.
  After Winona became a Spicehound, though, eating 3 spicey Tomarani meals didn't make Edgar a Spicehound.
  I checked his "Commodity Statistic" in MCCC and he should've already earned the Spicehound trait.
  When he next ate a spicey San Myshuno meal, he became a Spicehound right away.
  I imagine the same thing applies to spicey Selvadoradian meals?
  Not THAT surprise, I guess, since both the Chopstick Savvy and Spicehound traits came with the City Living expansion pack.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 2.15a: A PlantSim, at Last!(27 May 24)
« Reply #101 on: May 28, 2024, 12:16:20 AM »
Winona is adorable as a PlantSim and I'm so glad she and Edgar can finally get married.
Congrats on all the collections - the museum looks cool from the outside - I haven't checked it out yet in the Gallery, but I'm going to.
The kids are all so attractive, and have been at every life stage. Oooohhh . . . time to looking for spouse options . . .
The Costas are certainly embracing the difficult in this challenge . . . kudos to them and to their Watcher.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 2.15a: A PlantSim, at Last!(27 May 24)
« Reply #102 on: May 28, 2024, 03:07:37 AM »
Yay - for that last magic bean!

Winona looks so cute as a PlantSim. And I'm glad she's thought ahead with a cooler for her wedding hydration. That's not on the normal wedding prep lists, lol. And she'll no doubt complete her requirements early week 16 - Summer? Well done, Watcher.

Ooh - Ashton's a bit of an entrepreneur - negotiating bonuses for being part of the wedding party! I wonder if they'll impact Thyme... who is very good looking, I must say. Although, Socially-Awkward as he is, he'd probably blush and run away if he heard that. All those hours tinkering will be worth it, I'm sure!

Looking forward to the Wedding in the next update :)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 2.15a: A PlantSim, at Last!(27 May 24)
« Reply #103 on: May 28, 2024, 04:46:53 PM »
Winona is adorable as a PlantSim and I'm so glad she and Edgar can finally get married.
Congrats on all the collections - the museum looks cool from the outside - I haven't checked it out yet in the Gallery, but I'm going to.
The kids are all so attractive, and have been at every life stage. Oooohhh . . . time to looking for spouse options . . .
The Costas are certainly embracing the difficult in this challenge . . . kudos to them and to their Watcher.

We were so tired of constantly waiting for Patchy to return to his stump so his pockets could be checked.
Teen Marj is now the only household member who hasn't maxed Gardening. Once she does, the household will say farewell to Patchy forever!

Museums: I narrowed my choice down to SnarkyWitch's Elodie Master Museum (which appears in my date) and the Newcrest Metropolitan Museum.
I chose SnarkyWich's museum because it had the most space for collections though I preferred the other museum aesthetically.
The Costas just need a place to store any collections they complete, so I'm happy with my choice.

In hindsight, I feel a little bad for the Gen3 kids.  They never got to play with Voidcritter Battle Stations or that Puppet Theater.
haha, I never use either of them!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 2.15a: A PlantSim, at Last!(27 May 24)
« Reply #104 on: May 28, 2024, 04:51:48 PM »
Yay - for that last magic bean!

Winona looks so cute as a PlantSim. And I'm glad she's thought ahead with a cooler for her wedding hydration. That's not on the normal wedding prep lists, lol. And she'll no doubt complete her requirements early week 16 - Summer? Well done, Watcher.

Ooh - Ashton's a bit of an entrepreneur - negotiating bonuses for being part of the wedding party! I wonder if they'll impact Thyme... who is very good looking, I must say. Although, Socially-Awkward as he is, he'd probably blush and run away if he heard that. All those hours tinkering will be worth it, I'm sure!

Looking forward to the Wedding in the next update :)

Hip hip hurray for requirement amendments, lol!
The last time I played a PlantSim, she had a portable bar in personal inventory and would take it out to mix drinks for self-hydration.
I thought a coolor might be faster and easier.

I only decided to have Ashton negotiate conditions because, when Winona asked him to be Ringbearer, he put his finger to his cheek as if he were considering it.
Ugh, the My Wedding Stories pack continues to be broken!

The timing is a coincidence, but Winona's last day as a PlantSim and the first day of summer both fall on next Sunday.
I will be sorry to leave Winona's lot for a smaller one, hehe.