Author Topic: Costa Mishmash Legacy 10.101: My Boo (29 Dec '24)  (Read 89724 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 8.2: Don't Say I Never Take You Anywhere (16 Oct '24)
« Reply #345 on: October 17, 2024, 02:32:36 AM »
Oh - "discuss San Sequoia secrets" sounds interesting.  I wonder what there is to discover 🤔

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 8.2: Don't Say I Never Take You Anywhere (16 Oct '24)
« Reply #346 on: October 17, 2024, 01:24:29 PM »
Oh - "discuss San Sequoia secrets" sounds interesting.  I wonder what there is to discover 🤔

Haha, I thought that would interest you!
My sims have only tried it once (too busy getting Paolo/Diaz out the door, Bianca/Andres married with a kid, etc.), but the first secret we learned was about AnchorPoint Cinema.
That makes me wonder if the San Secquoia Secrets are more like "tips" than "secret lore" as in the case of Tartosa...
Something new fto explaore, anyway.

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 8.2: Don't Say I Never Take You Anywhere (16 Oct '24)
« Reply #347 on: October 17, 2024, 06:44:11 PM »
Wow, I've missed some significant Costa time! 
Bianca is knocking it out of the park!
Super loved the adventures in the jungle.  The Lara Croft vibe is always fun and Bianca was totally rocking it!  And speaking of rocks, rock climbing on Croft Icefall after made her seem even more epic  ;=)
Mara is lovely!

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 8.2: Don't Say I Never Take You Anywhere (16 Oct '24)
« Reply #348 on: October 18, 2024, 11:23:38 AM »
Bianca is thrilled that you are back to follow her new adventures!
Although they will certainly be exclusively family adventures from now on. :D

OMG, you and your puns! The segue from Lara Croft to Croft Icefall was *chef's kiss
Lol, had to stop and think for a minute there: Who's Mara?
Oh right, the teen son's new girlfriend! All the Gen8 kids got lucky with their LIs, without even resorting to Cupid's Corner!

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 8.8: Jerome, the Real MVP (19 Oct '24)
« Reply #349 on: October 19, 2024, 05:33:51 PM »
8.3: Jerome, the Real MVP

Sunday, Week 54, Year 5 (late summer)
Bianca: Last week, I traveled to various places to earn the more difficult milestones.
The highlight was reaching Mt. Komorebi's summit with Andres and my parents.
On Saturday, I hosted a huge family reunion with all my siblings and their parenters.
Saturday after Prom, Paolo aged up, married Hayleee Luarent, then moved with Diaz to Gilbert Gardens.
Next, Andres and I aged up, wed, and had a science baby we named Jerome.
From L to R: My father Vitor, me holding Jerome, my spouse Andres, and step-papa Kian

Angres: You have a lot riding on your tiny shoulders, Jeerome.
Jerome: *gurgles
Andres: Good thing you have a Good Appetite cuz you'll need to try all 18 baby foods as an infant.
And since you're our firstborn son, Mama might ask you help with her Big Happy Family aspiration, too.

Andres: In the evening, Bianca's still working on becoming a Computer Whiz.
So I have Jerome a toy then go put in some hours on the treadmill.
Papa Vitor has maxes Nectar Brewing for something to do. We don't even have a nectar cellar.

Bianca: What a quick learner you are, Jerome! We can already Practice Sitting together!
I bet Andres will be feeding you Baby Foods in the high chair during my first day at work!
We'll worry about Finger Foods another day.

Bianca: Because Jerome has a Good Appetite, he "always accepts the opportunity to feed."
So I'm able to help Jerome try seven Baby Foods in one session.
He loves Ice cream, feels unsure about Homemade Hummus, dislikes 2 foods but likes 3.

Along the way, our smart little Jerome gains the Princer Grasp milestone all on his own.
We also learn he's a Messy Eater.

Andres: We'd planned to wait until Thursday to try for baby, but Jerome's made such quick progress!
Don't you think it's fine if we try for baby today?
Bianca: I do! I'm off today as well, so the timing is perfect!

Bianca: Jerome's fast learning and Good Appetite quirk came in so handy!
Thanks to that combo, we'll be crushing that high chair requirement in no time!
Jerome's 17 milestones qualify for early age-up, but we're waiting until his Friday birthday.
He'll have siblings on Thursday. Let's see if they can't age up to children together!

Andres: Bianca's left for her first day of work.
Lately, we've both been working toward earning the Long-Lived trait and discovered we're Active.
Oddly, Bianca can't jog due to her pregnancy but she can use the treadmill. What's the diff?
Oh, when I get home, I must remember to schedule Bianca's baby shower!

Andres: We miss the splash because I was trying to phone in a baby shower but..
Bianca: I bring him my level 5 promotion and complete Computer Whiz.
Now, let's get my baby shower started!

Bianca: Our baby shower earns a gold medal before we realized it
I spend the whole time socializing with our guests.
Andres: And I run around introducing Jerome to his grandparents and Great-Great-Grandpa Night.
Neither Bianca nor I could introduce him to her mother Melany. And Night's partner Lou didn't show up.
Bianca: And I made 3 new besties: Grandpa Daniel Costa, BIL Efrain Langit, and cousin Nathanial Costa!

Bianca: You may recall the house I broke into as a teen, where Andres' brother Cayden lived.
During yesterday's baby shower, I became besties with Cayden's partner Efrain Langit.
And this evening when Cayden drops by, we become besties, too!

Bianca: I take Family Leave today because I'll be going into labor this morning.
 Silly me! I should've gone to the hospital with Andres but without our Watcher!
There's a Born at Home milestone for babies, but no Gave Birth at Home milestone for birthparents.

Andres: Bianca gives birth to twin girls and we're trying to become good friends with them both.
The sooner they age up to infants, the closer they'll be in age to Jerome, right?
It's a little past 4 pm when both girls are ready to age up.

Andres: We've give both girls French names: Aimee and Desiree (but with the acute accent marks, sorry!)
Both girls are pointy-eared spellcasters with red hair.
Bianca: But Aimee (Wiggly) has Andres' green eyes with my darker red hair.
Desiree has my violet eyes with Andres' lighter red hair.

Andres: You're a Picky Easter, Desiree, so you usually reject my bottle 3-4 tries before you'll feed.
But Bianca and I have all the patience for you and your siblings.
You only need four more milestones before you can age up early.
If you learn them today, you can age up on the same day as Jerome's toddler birthday!

Bianca: I don't understand it! Bianca's earned 9 milestones Aimee's only earned 6 milestones!
Is it because Desiree (right) learns faster? Andres, you only discovered you're Family Oriented and I…
Andres: What's with that "only" bit?
Well, I need to get ready to leave for work. Papa Vitor, would you please continue teaching Aimee?

Andres: While Bianca's at work, Jerome gets his birthday notice and Desiree earns her 10th milestone.
At 10:30 pm, Aimee still hasn't earned 10 milestones so we give up waiting.
But just as Desiree is blowing out her candles, Aimee earns her 10th milestone. Finally!

Bianca: All three children age up with the Top-Notch Infant trait!
Jerome is Independent, Aimee is Clingy, and Desiree is a Charmer.
Andres: They're lovely toddlers, Bianca!  Since we want a female heir, let's choose Desiree.
Bianca: I agree. Desiree not only has violet eyes but she also learns faster than her sister.
Andres: Still, among our children, Jerome remains the MVP!

Andres: Um, not that I mind trying for baby, love, but isn't it a bit early for another child?
Bianca: It'll be fine! I don't plan to take a pregnancy test.
Andres: Aha! That gives us four days to help our toddlers max their skills.
Bianca: That's not too much pressure on the whole family, is it?

Jorge Xicotencatl: Seriously, bruh? You wait until now to demand your Friendship Bracelet back?
Vitor: Yeah, sorry! My husband's been feeling sad lately about not being my Bracelet Buddy.
Jorge: Whatever!

Kian: *makes Friendship Bracelet while humming happily
Gisele: Are you kidding me, my dear son? Friendship Bracelets at your age?
Vitor: What can I say, Mama? Whatever Kian wants, I need to do for him.

Bianca: The toddlers are doing so well! That's why I decided to take a pregnancy test today after all.
Vitor: What's your problem with the twins, Grandma Gisele? You're still on acquaintances with the girls!
Bianca: And I notice that when they ask you for help, you ignore them!  Why are you even here?
Vitor: Why don't you go home then, Grandma? You're just eating our food and getting in the way…

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*23 Eucalyptus Lane (30x20): "23 Eucalyptus Lane" by SakuraLeon.

The Gen8 household
Home: 7 Eucalyptus Lane, Hopewell Hills (San Sequoia)

Vitor Costa (Gen7 heir) - YA
Traits: Outgoing, Foodie, Perfectionist (+Family Oriented, Romantic, Music Lover)
Children: Oana (Nanea), Ulani (Riley), Hine (Lisa), Bianca (Melany), and Paolo (Kian, Diaz)

Kian Costa (Gen7 spouse) - YA
Traits: Active, Family Oriented, Bro (+Creative, Perfectionist)

Bianca Costa (Gen8 heir) - YA
Traits: Good, Cheerful, Family Oriented (+Geek, Active)
Spouse: Andres (Goode): Children: Jerome; Aimee & Desiree

Andres Costa (Gen8 partner) - YA
Traits: Proper, Romantically Reserved, Loyal (+Family Oriented, Active)

Jerome Costa (Gen9 spare) - Toddler
Traits: Sunny/Independent
Toddler quirks: Hates Bedtime
Infant quirks: Good Appetite, Messy Eater, Happy Spitter
Infant milestones (23): Fine Motor/6, Gross Motor/5, Social/5, First/7

Aimee Costa (Gen9 spare) - Toddler
Traits: Wiggly/Clingy
Toddler quirks: none yet
Infant quirks: Hates Being Held, Feeding Tinkler
Infant milestones (10): Fine Motor/2, Gross Motor/2, Social/2, First/4

Desiree Costa (Gen9 heir) - Toddler
Traits:  Sunny/Charmer
Toddler quirks: Loves Being Carried
Infant quirks: Picky Eater, Loves Wakeup Time
Infant milestones (10): Fine Motor/2, Gross Motor/2, Social/2, First/4

Progress: End of Week 54
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*Pre-teen milestones missed by Bianca:
  Jerome is the first Costa to earn the 1st Baby Food and 1st Finger Food milestones.
  He also earned the Wave and Creep milestones which Bianca missed.
  I briefly considered tracking the new milestones earned by Bianca's children.
  But nah, it's too much trouble.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 8.8: Jerome, the Real MVP (19 Oct '24)
« Reply #350 on: October 20, 2024, 09:26:08 AM »
I knew you'd smash through the Infant milestones. The pincer movement develops as they try the other foods without more toy-playing.

All three Toddlers are adorable. Hm - a female heir again. I wonder what Desiree's destiny will be...

Are you enjoying having the 3 generations in one house? I did, but it's not always easy to keep them busy.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 8.8: Jerome, the Real MVP (19 Oct '24)
« Reply #351 on: October 20, 2024, 11:31:12 AM »
I knew you'd smash through the Infant milestones. The pincer movement develops as they try the other foods without more toy-playing.

All three Toddlers are adorable. Hm - a female heir again. I wonder what Desiree's destiny will be...

Are you enjoying having the 3 generations in one house? I did, but it's not always easy to keep them busy.

The hardest part of the high chair foods requirement was figuring out while milestones Jerome needed and which ones he could skip.
@Ricalynn helped me brainstorm that part.  Jerome's Good Appetite was helpful--he'd try out 7 foods in one sitting until Mama decided they'd both had enough.

Well, yes, a female heir because so far the Costas have had only 2 female heirs so far, Jerome has green eyes, and we dont know yet about Baby #4.
I mean, if Baby #4 (who arrives in the next update) shows potential for out-cuteing Desiree, well, that will plunge the Watcher into a dilemma, haha.
There are three generations left to choose from--I haven't definitively decided yet but I'm leaning.

I'm having no problem keeping everyone in my 7-sim household productively occupied so far.
If that changes later for the children, I'll simply age them up early!

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 8.4: Denis the Contender (21 Oct '24)
« Reply #352 on: October 21, 2024, 05:02:56 PM »
8.4:  Denis the Contender

Sunday, Week 55, Year 5 (early autumn)
Bianca: Last week, our focus shifted to the children.
Jerome aced the high-chair foods requirement but waited for his sisters to age up.
Born Thursday morning, Aimee & Desiree sped through their newborn and infant stages.
By Frieday evening, they could age up with brother Jerome who'd been patiently waiting all day.
In other news, Papa Vitor got his Friendship Bracelet back then exchanged them with his husband Kian.
From L ro R: Jerome, my hubby Andres holding Desiree, Papa Vitor, me holding Aimee, and Papa Kian

Bianca: Much to our surprise, second-born Aimee has the highest skills, surpassing even Jerome!
We let Desiree sleep longer so we can stagger childcare. I'm sure she'll catch up soon!
Oh, you noticed? Yes, I changed my mind yesterday morning and took a pregnancy test.
Looks like I'll be taking another day of Family Leave on Tuesday!

We'd planned on hosting our baby shower in the afternoon, but it somehow gets quite late.
We kept waiting for our toddlers to "finish one more thing," and suddenly night had fallen.
Andres and I invite our siblings and their partners to celebrate our last baby.
Yes, fourth and last child, because there are no more openings in our household.

Andres: Since this is Bianca's last baby shower, I go all out and buy a Celebratory Cannon.
I can't figure out how to get everyone out of the house to the backyard, though.
So I end up firing the cannon by myself. Oh well.

Bianca: After the shower, we start a new stayover with my great-great-grandpas Night and Lou.
We don't need their help with the kids since my parents live here with us.
But I'd like our children to meet as many of the main Costa lineage as possible.

Andres:  Independent Jerome's on slide, working on his Movement
Aimee maxed all her skills before 2 pm today so now she's waiting on her siblings to age up.
Aimee the infant kept her siblings waiting half a day before she earned her 10th milestone.
So, this is quite the reversal! Nice work, Aimee!

Bianca: Oof, my back's killing me but I imagine to bring home my level 7 promotion.
Of course, I branch to Startup Entrepreneur since its work schedule is so family friendly!
I'm taking Family Leave tomorrow so I can relax at home before going into labor.

It's around 10:30 pm when Jerome finally maxes his last skill.
Our little trio have only been toddlers for 3 days but they've maxed all their skills.
So why not age them up early? Plus, they won't get jealous of the baby, we hope.

Biance: Jerome is a Cheerful child. He really resembles Andres a lot, doesn't he?
Andres: Both girls are lovely! Aimee's a Perfectionist and Desiree Loves the Outdoors.
Bianca: With her violet eyes, Bianca's a shoo-in for the next heir.
Andres: We can't decide until we meet our last baby, though, right?

Bianca: The kids aged up too late last night to attend school today, which is just as well.
They're spending the day working on aspirations and earning scout badges.

Bianca: I give birth around 11:30 am to a little boy we name Denis (pronounced deh-NEE).
Andres: How does Granny Lawlor do it? I can tell if his eyes are green or violet?
Bianca: I'm not sure, but they look violet to me….

Andres: After Bianca becomes good friends with Denis, it's my turn to befriend him.
Once we're good friends, I age Denis up.
We'd planned on dressing him in green, but he seems to really like red.
Bianca: Wow, he's a cutie! Desiree, I believe you have some competition!

Bianca: Just a little more, Denis!
You only need one more milestone and then you can age up!

Denis earns the Top-Notch Infant trait and becomes a Wiggly toddler.

Andres: Denis is an Independent toddler, which makes him super easy to care for.
He prefers learning skills on his own, so Bianca and I only do the minimum.
Of course, we read to Denis for at least 2 hours and gave him potty training.
Otherwise, Denis has been teaching himself.  Hmmm, maybe he wants to Play?

Andres: It was pretty awkward when my older brother Cayden phoned my father-in-law Vitor.
I know they're Best Friends, but I've no idea what else has been going on between them.
When Papa Vitor checked Cayden's profile, I peeked over his shoulder and saw he's Attracted to Cayden.
Thankfully, they've decided to keep their relationship platonic. That was a potential nightmare!!!

Bianca: Very early this morning, Papas Vitor and Kian age up to Adults.
Finally! It's been weird being in the same life stage as my parents, y'know?
Yeah, my biological mother is actually Melany Eggleston.
But Papas Vitor and Kian are the ones who raised me from birth.

Bianca: Little Denis, looking adorable while chatting with his Great-Great-Great Grandpas Night and Lou.
As you may recall, Night is the Gen4 heir but he and his partner Lou are both Immortal Wolves.

Bianca: I can't believe you already completed Playtime Captain, Jerome!
Jerome: Thanks for teaching me to ride a bicyle, Mama!

Bianca: Early this morning, Denis maxes all his toddler skills and ages up to a child.
He's quite gorgeous and we no longer feel certain that Desiree's the only viable choice for the Gen9 heir.
Just in case, Denis has the same trait as Desiree: Loves the Outdoors.

Not longer after, Jerome learns to ride a bike and rides off around our neighborhood.

Desiree: Can you help me learn to ride a bike, Mama?
Bianca: I should help Aimee since she's already finished the Ride a Bike for 4 Hours task.
But I only have an hour before work, so let's see what you and I can do.
While I'm working, though, be sure to finish that Ride a Bike for 4 Hours task!

Denis: I'm feeling Playful after my three games of chess with GGG Grandpa Night.
So Papa tells me Stomp Playfully in one our splash pads, then play on this pirate gym in our hood.
My siblings aged up to children on the day I was born, so I've got quite a bit of catch-up to do!

Bianca: I come home (with a L9 promotion) after working a 6-hr shift from 10 am to 4 pm.
How are you not finished with that Ride a Bike for 4 Hours task yet, Desiree?
Desiree: I don't know. I'm trying! Can you teach me again, please?

Desiree: It's a little pat midnight when I  finally learn how to ride a bike! Thanks, Mama!
Aimee: After Mama switches to teaching me, I also learn how about an hour later.

The Gen8 household
Home: 7 Eucalyptus Lane, Hopewell Hills (San Sequoia)

Vitor Costa (Gen7 heir) - Adult
Traits: Outgoing, Foodie, Perfectionist (+Family Oriented, Romantic, Music Lover)
Children: Oana (Nanea), Ulani (Riley), Hine (Lisa), Bianca (Melany), and Paolo (Kian, Diaz)

Kian Costa (Gen7 spouse) - Adult
Traits: Active, Family Oriented, Bro (+Creative, Perfectionist)

Bianca Costa (Gen8 heir) - YA
Traits: Good, Cheerful, Family Oriented (+Geek, Active, Loves the Outdoors)
Spouse: Andres (Goode): Children: Jerome; Aimee & Desiree; Denis

Andres Costa (Gen8 partner) - YA
Traits: Proper, Romantically Reserved, Loyal (+Family Oriented, Active)

Jerome Costa (Gen9 spare) - Child
Traits: Sunny/Independent; Cheerful
Toddler quirks: Hates Bedtime, Little Singer

Aimee Costa (Gen9 spare) - Child
Traits: Wiggly/Clingy; Perfectionist
Toddler quirks: Picky Eater, Hates Wakeup Time, Aggressive

Desiree Costa (Gen9 ?heir) - Child
Traits:  Sunny/Charmer; Loves the Outdoors
Toddler quirks: Loves Being Carried, Hates Bedtime, Aggressive

Denis Costa (Gen9 ?heir) - Child
Traits:  Wiggly/Independent; Loves the Outdoors
Toddler quirks: none (wth?)
Infant quirks:  Self-Soother, Frequently Sneezes
Infant milestones (10): Fine Motor/2, Gross Motor/2, Social/2, First/4

Progress: End of Week 55
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*My pacing: I realize it must seem to you that the Gen9 children are aging up very quickly.
  The reason is that I'm trying my hardest to complete this legacy before this forum's story boards go inactive.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 8.4: Denis the Contender (21 Oct '24)
« Reply #353 on: October 22, 2024, 08:59:23 AM »
I had the same issue with the cannon - everyone stayed inside and missed it. I haven't bothered with it since.

You're sims are achieving a lot, even though you're zooming through. I'm approaching my final gen so I can take it a bit slower.

Denis is speedy so he's definitely a contender. All very cute!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 8.4: Denis the Contender (21 Oct '24)
« Reply #354 on: October 22, 2024, 11:35:44 AM »
I had the same issue with the cannon - everyone stayed inside and missed it. I haven't bothered with it since.

You're sims are achieving a lot, even though you're zooming through. I'm approaching my final gen so I can take it a bit slower.

Denis is speedy so he's definitely a contender. All very cute!

Haha, firing the Celebratory Cannon was even't an event goal. You know if I'd put a stereo next to it and turned it off first, all the guests would've flocked there. *shrugs

Yes, I feel very pressured to rush things because it's close to October end and I'm still weeks away from completing all of Bianca's requirements, dagnabbit!

Bianca dnd Denis are both so cute! Maybe whoever isn't chosen heir and move out with the heir temporarily?

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 8.5: Jerome's "Sacrifice" (24 Oct '24)
« Reply #355 on: October 24, 2024, 09:40:32 PM »
8.5: Jerome's "Sacrifice"

Sunday, Week 56, Year 5 (mid-autumn)
Bianca: I'm sure the rest of my generation's narrative will revolve around the children.
Last Monday, our three toddlers aged up to children and our fourth child Denis was born the next day.
Cleverl little Denis raced through his infant and toddles stages, aging up to a child on Saturday.
At this point, we can't choose between Desiree and Denis for the Gen9 heir.
From L to R: Jerome, Aime, me, Papas Vitor & Kian, my husband Andres, Desiree, and Denis

Denis: TO become a Llamacorn Scout, I only need the Arts & Crafts badge.
After today's scout meeting, I'm super focused on crafting my remaining 3 drawings.

Bianca: Desiree is sleeping in the Treehouse tonight.

Denis: Yep, I'm a Llamacorn Scout so I can quit Scouts now!

Vitor: I'm finishing up my Roast Chick for Week 5 of the Reader Rewards Event.
I had to Expedite Mail Delivery earlier to receive the Ambrosia Society Newsletter faster.

Bianca: Although Watcher missed the splash announcement, I earned my final promotion today.
As a Startup Genius, I only work three five-hour shifts a week.
Should I quit working or not?  I guess I can decide later.
Um, why are three mail carriers standing around at 4 o'clock in the afternoon?

Bianca: Denis is currently on the last milestone of five different aspirations.
But I've asked him to work on Playtime Captain's Ride a Bike for 4 Hours task.
Teaching Denis is so worthwhile, because he's so gifted.
Just as he finished that "4 Hours" task, he learned to ride a bike as well!

Aimee (green): The four of us had a great day at school today!
Desiree (overalls): And we made lots of new friends, too!
Denis (white shirt): And I brought home an A grade and finished Whiz Kid!
Jerome (yellow): Look at my character values, Mama! Don't you think I can age up to teen early?
Bianca: Hmmm, let's see! Well, I have to throw a slumber party for all four of you.
Jerome: Oh yeah! We need to make Friendship Bracelets and choose our Bracelet Buddies stat!

Jerome: So…Mama says she'll throw one slumber party for me as soon as I have a good friend.
Bianca: But what about us?
Jerome: Well, you three have more time to make your good friends.
Denis: Oh, I get it! Mama will throw a second slumber for the three of us later! Sweet!

Bianca: My children's enthusiasm for throwing slumber parties amazes me!
After doing their homework, they each invite over their favorite friend from school.
Then they socialize and stargaze until become BFFs.
Looks I'll be scheduling the first slumber party for tomorrow!

Bianca: We're going to try to throw two slumber parties today.
We'd like all the kids to complete Slumber Party Animal, but that's not Jerome's priority.
Vitor: The kids invited their parents and schoolmates so we don't get invited.
Kian: But that doesn't stop us from boosting the party's mood!

Jerome: This slumber party is for Mama: she needs to throw one for all four of us kids.
I was planning to end the party as soon as I exchanged Friendship Bracelets with Sasha.
But then, we decide to wait and age up after the slumber party ends.

Bianca: Aimee and Jerome have already told their 3 "sleeping bag stories" each.
Desiree and Denis want to try to finish their aspiration today, so they're telling stories next.
But they've each been stuck on their third story for the past two hours. 
Andres: Okay, kids. I've reset you both so try starting your third story again.

Desiree: After that, we both manage to finishing telling our third "sleeping bag" story.
Denis: So I end our slumber party without ever sleeping in our bags, haha!
Desiree: As a co-host, our gold-medal party increases my Charisma from L6 to L10.
Denis: I also co-hosted, and my Charisma soared from L3 to L10. That's a huge jump!

Jerome: It's around 10:15 pm when Sasha and I age up to teens.
Which is too bad, because that's too late for me to attend high school tomorrow.
I'm now Cheerful and Outgoing. Sasha is Lactose-Intolerant with Practice Makes Perfect.
OH and I asked her to Prom before she went home.

Jerome: To age up to YA early, I need an A in high school and a character value in range.
I ask the Well for a guaranteed promotion and the Well boosted me to an A, so that's done!
And my Manners, Responsibility, Emotional Control, and Empathy are maxed out.
For aspirations, I'm working on Freelance Botanist and I'm already L8 Gardening.  Progress!

Bianca: We advised Denis to let his Energy go into the red before sleeping in the Treehouse.
On the plus side, he completed  his 7th aspiration, Creative Genius, this morning.
Unfortunately, he failed to "Go for 12 hours with a negative needs moodlet" for Mind & Body.
He still has plenty of time to complete that! He slept late so he's off from school today.

Jerome: Today was my first day of high school and I aced the Exams.
Not sure about that valedicatorian thing, since I didn't have time to do my homework for today.
Anyway, the last time the Costa teens didn't graduate e with honors but lost their character traits.
So, yeah, I need to graduate early so Mama can complete her Super Parent requirement.

Denis: Awww! Everyone here is a Spice Curry Champion except you and me!
Desiree: I know, right? Even Jerome and he hasn't been eating spicy food every day like you and me!
Denis: It's so unfair!
Desiree: Never mind! Let's go grab a serving of Mabo Dofu with Pork from our inventories!

Desiree: Hey, I just became a Chopstick Savvy Spicy Hound!
Denis: Lucky you! I'm sooooo behind!
Desiree: Don't say that! You were literally born on the day I aged up to a child, Denis! You're amazing!
(Watcher's note: Denis followed in Desiree's footsteps on Saturday morning.)

Jerome: This morning, I complete both Nerd Brain and Freelance Botance then graduate early.
I'm planning to age up right after Prom tonight.
Right now, though, I want to Insta-Upgrade a kitchen appliance for the next heir, whoever it will be.

Jerome: I vote my Bracelet Buddy Sasha for Prom Royalty and she wins!
The Prom Jester is really attractive and someone I've never seen before.

I decide to introduce myself to the Prom Jester.
Her name's Johanna Olivo and she lives in Oasis Springs.
You know how we Costas feel about gingers…
Sasha (to herself): I'm not impressed!

Unable to choose, I bring both Sasha and Johanna home after Prom to age up together.
Sasha's traits: Lactose-Intolerant, Practice Makes Perfect, Lazy
Johanna's traits: Lactose Intolerant, Recycle Disciple, Dance Machine

To my surprise, Johanna immediately wants us to live together after we age up, but I can't move out yet.

Jerome (to himself): Well, I've made up my mind.
Would you mind leaving first, Johanna? I need to have a chat with Sasha.
Johanna: Sure.
Jerome (to himself): Aaah, the things I must do for Mama Bianca!

The Gen8 household
Home: 7 Eucalyptus Lane, Hopewell Hills (San Sequoia)

Vitor Costa (Gen7 heir) - Adult
Traits: Outgoing, Foodie, Perfectionist (+Family Oriented, Romantic, Music Lover)
Children: Oana (Nanea), Ulani (Riley), Hine (Lisa), Bianca (Melany), and Paolo (Kian, Diaz)

Kian Costa (Gen7 spouse) - Adult
Traits: Active, Family Oriented, Bro (+Creative, Perfectionist)

Bianca Costa (Gen8 heir) - YA
Traits: Good, Cheerful, Family Oriented (+Geek, Active, Loves the Outdoors)
Spouse: Andres (Goode): Children: Jerome; Aimee & Desiree; Denis

Andres Costa (Gen8 partner) - YA
Traits: Proper, Romantically Reserved, Loyal (+Family Oriented, Active)

Jerome Costa (Gen9 spare) - YA
Traits: Cheerful, Outgoing, Romantic (Romantic Sage)
Bracelet Buddy & Prom Date: Sasha Koslov

Aimee Costa (Gen9 spare) - Child
Traits: Perfectionist

Desiree Costa (Gen9 ?heir) - Child
Traits:  Loves the Outdoors (Chopstick Savvy Spice Hound!)

Denis Costa (Gen9 ?heir) - Child
Traits:  Loves the Outdoors (Chopstick Savvy Spice Hound!)

Progress: End of Week 56
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Playtime Captain's Ride a Bike for 4 Hours and Mind & Body's  Learn to Ride a Bike tasks
 Denis is my first-ever sim who learned to ride a bike after only practicing bike riding for 4 hours.
 There have been other sims who had their caregiver teaching them the whole four hours.
  Denis completed the "4 Hours" task in two sessions, because Bianca drifted off when he first asked her.
  The second time, Bianca was the initiator and she stuck around until he completed his 4 hours.

*Freelance Botanist: Jerome benefit from five already-ready-to-evolve Catnip Herb plants.
  Each time a Costa starts Freelance Botanist, they plant 4 Catnip Herbs which they later fertilize.
  After evolving the 5 plants, he later grafts all five for another task to boost his Gardening level.

*The next heir: Denis is slightly ahead of Desiree despite his late start.
  --Skills: Besides the child skills, Denis has maxed Violin and Fishing already (Desiree Violin 7, Fishing 8)
     Vampire Lore: Denis L9, Desiree L8
  --Aspirations: Desiree/all 8; Denis: 7 out of 8 (his last Mind & Body task seems bugged)
  --Character values in range: Denis/Manners, Responsible, Emotional Control;
     Desiree/Manners and Responsible with Manners very close to in range
  --Chopstick Savvy Spice Hound: Bianca/Friday night, Denis/Saturday morning

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 8.5: Jerome's "Sacrifice" (24 Oct '24)
« Reply #356 on: October 25, 2024, 01:49:26 AM »
All about the kids - absolutely. The final requirements for this gen do end up being all on them. Still, Bianca's been a great heir and set the kids up well.

The 12-hour +ve mood thing is annoying but I've found it usually gets there in the end, even if it takes way longer than 12 hours. I think the kids have to avoid any -ve buffs, not just their overall mood. But you probably knew that already.

No cheese in Jerome's future - having to choose between 2 lactose-intolerant girls. Is that his sacrifice?  ;) Johanna's hair isn't just ginger, it's fiery red.

(Btw, in your last paragraph, Jerome asks Sasha to leave in order to "chat" with Sasha)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 8.5: Jerome's "Sacrifice" (24 Oct '24)
« Reply #357 on: October 25, 2024, 11:44:28 AM »
All about the kids - absolutely. The final requirements for this gen do end up being all on them. Still, Bianca's been a great heir and set the kids up well.

The 12-hour +ve mood thing is annoying but I've found it usually gets there in the end, even if it takes way longer than 12 hours. I think the kids have to avoid any -ve buffs, not just their overall mood. But you probably knew that already.

No cheese in Jerome's future - having to choose between 2 lactose-intolerant girls. Is that his sacrifice?  ;) Johanna's hair isn't just ginger, it's fiery red.

(Btw, in your last paragraph, Jerome asks Sasha to leave in order to "chat" with Sasha)

Th Gen9 kids have been quite lucky! BOth Bianca and her step-dad KIan have Family Oriented as their 3rd personality trait, whereas Bianca's Papa FVitor and hubby Andres self-discovered the Family Oriented trait.
The Mind & Body's 12-hour task doesn't usually take so long to complete, but I should've let it complete before trying to complete the "Sleep 6 hrs in the Treehouse."
I let a child's Energy drop into the red to make sure they stay asleep for 6 hours and because Denis did that before he did the 12 hrs, it's taken over 48 hrs to complete the 12 hours. Grrr!

Oh, thanks so much for alerting me to my mistake in the last paragraph! I've edited so that Jerone tells Johanna to leave first so he can "have a chat" with Sash.

Also, I never knew that ginger was a specific shade of red. I'd always assumed it was a blanket term like "redheads," so thank you for that, too.
(Ginger is an essential ingredient, both raw and cooked, in Japanese cuisine, but it is naturally a pale yellow or light pink, unless colored with food dye to become dark pinkish-red.
So I've never understood its reference to red hair color.

I t was a stronge coincidence that both Jerome's choices are Lactose-Intolerant. But, no, his sacrifice is that he "strays" before getting married to speed up Bianca's remaining requirement...
Even stranger, Jerome is BFFs with both Sasha and Johanna, but Johanna's the one who immediately suggested living together.

I eat a lot of ginger, both raw and cooked, and it's naturally pink, so the using it to refer to a hair color has always confused me.only red when colored with dye,

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 8.5: Jerome's "Sacrifice" (24 Oct '24)
« Reply #358 on: October 25, 2024, 02:19:26 PM »
Red-heads are proverbially hot-tempered and ginger is a hot spice. I think that's the meaning. In which case, johanna is definitely an extreme fiery ginger!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 8.6: My Big Happy Famiglia (27 Oct '24)
« Reply #359 on: October 27, 2024, 02:37:44 AM »
8.6: My Big Happy Famiglia

Sunday, Week 57, Year 5 (late autumn)
Bianca: Last week, all four kids achieved lots of progress with their aspirations.
At Wednesday's slumber party, they each completed the Slumber Party Animal aspiration.
Jerome aged up to a teen right after the party, then aged up to a YA after Saturday's Prom.
Thanks to Jerome, Andres and I completed our Super Parent aspiration.
From L to R: Desire, Jerome, me, Papas Vitor & Kian, my husband Andres, Aimee, and Denis

Johanna: It's only 7 am, Jerome! Why would you invite me over so early!
Jerome:  You asked me if we could live together last night, so I want to marry you first.
Johanna: Oh yes!
Jerome: I'm quite eager to make us official. Would mind terribly getting married at this wedding arch?

Johanna: Now that we're married and Very Satisfied with our relationship, shall we live together?
I realize your household is full, but you can move in with me and my family.
Jerome: Um, I can't move out until my mother has grandchildren, Johanna. I'm sorry to make you wait.
Johanna (blarrgh): I guess he'll be moving in with me sometime on Thursday?

Bianca: Today's the teen birthday of Aimee and Desiree.
Denis would age up to teen on Saturday, but he ages up this morning with his sisters.
Of course, as soon as they age up and get their makeovers, they sign up for an afterschool activity.
Before starting their homework, they each get makeovers.

Andres: All three kids age up with the Romantic Sage trait.
Aimee is a Loyal Perfectionist and Denis is Outdoor-Loving and Proper.
Biance: Though Denis surpassed the girls in every way, we've chosen Desiree as our next heir.
She's an Outdoor-Loving Music Lover. When she moves out, Denis will initially live with her.

Bianca: My work shift ends at the same time as the teens' high school.
I've been promoted to level 10+2, earning §766 and hour.
The teens have come home as A students on their first day at high school.
They'll be off again soon for their first Chess Club meeting.

Desiree: Watcher missed my splash announcement but I completed my first aspiration and 2nd skill!
Denis: I'm almost done with Freelance Botanist, too, but I think I'll switch to Angling Ace now.
Aimee: Um, I'm not moving out with you two so, I guess, I need to focus on finding a beau?
Desiree: Hey, let's go to Prom this Saturday but without Prom Dates, Denis!

Desiree: Skylark Thompson, Sage of Practical Magic, is a Good, Foodie Perfectionist.
Papa, would you please give him a Potion of Rejuvenation so he doesn't get too old for me?

Bianca: My fathers, Andres, and I are done trying to complete aspirations.
These days, our main goal is trying to maintain a Very Satisfied romantic relationship.
Andres and I are merely treading water, waiting for news about our future grandkids.

Denis: Are you serious about not finding Prom Dates for this week's Prom, Desiree?
Desiree: I don't see you rushing to age up your Bracelet Buddy, Latoya, into a teen!
Denis: Your requirements have drastically changed so Latoya's no longer a good fit.
Desiree: We'll be fine, Denis! And I'm so glad you'll be coming with me at the start!

Desiree: How am I 'sposed to become a Bestselling Author when I don't even have my own room?
Everyone's too lazy to remodel the nursery, so my new desk is squeezed into the corner.
Not the most inspiring work space, but I'm making the most of it.

Desiree: Today, Denis and I ask Watcher to join us at high school for the first time.
He's in the Art Studio to start on Painter Extraordinaire.
Meanwhile, I'm in the library to resume the novel I started earlier this morning.
Yeah yeah, we know. Denis and I are the most anti-social students on campus today.

Bianca: Watcher missed my splash announcement (again) because she was at school with the teens.
Apparently, Jerome's baby mama Sasha Koslov had twin girls this morning.
Then, Jerome's wife Johanna had twin boys this afternoon.
Andres: Too bad Jerome missed their phone calls announcing the births!
But hey, you are officially done with your requirements, Bianca!

Johanna: Oh, Jerome! You missed my call earlier! We have twin boys!
Jerome: Yes, I saw them in my Relationship panel after the teens returned from school.
Johanna: When are you coming over to meet them? I miss you!
Jerome: Actually, I'm ready to move in with you right now.
Johanna: Finally!

Desiree: Another active day at school to give us more time to work on our aspirations.
I finish writing another mystery novel during lunch break while Denis and Aimee paint on their sketchpads.
Exam Day doesn't scare us.  We were done studying for today's Exams on Tuesday.

Desiree: Tonight, we teens all join the Simfluencer career.
It's too late to work tomorrow's shift, but we do our daily tasks for Monday.
I need to upload a profile headshot for my new business bio. What do you think?

Bianca: This morning, we get a notification that Grandma Gisele and Grandpa Daniel passed away.
We Costas have not made a practice of collecting everyone's urns and gravestones.
Desiree: Mama, I love Great-Grandpa Daniel! We must go to Ciudad Enamorada to retrieve his urn!
May I take his urn with me when I move out.
Biance: Of course, you can, dear. But, in that case, you should also take your Great-Grandma Gisele's too.
Desiree: Oh, okay.

Bianca: I have no idea why Denis is so good at skilling and aspirations.
While Desiree's been working on Bestselling Author, Denis has already finished Nerd Brain and Painter Extraordinaire.
And now he's started on Bodybuilder.
If he'd been born a girl, I would've picked him to be the next heir, for sure.

Desiree: In terms of quantity and quality, I only need to write one more Bestseller.
But my novels aren't very valuable, for some reason, even with my Marketable trait.
Is that because I'm still an unknown novelist? I'll just have to keep writing and publishing! 
Oh, it's already time for Prom!

Denis: *casting a Prom Royalty vote for Desiree
Stranger: Hey, this could be fun! Wanna go to Prom with me as friends?
Denis: Dude, you may not have noticed, but I'm already AT Prom. But, yeah, okay.
Toby Costa: Cool!

Desiree: So who's your "Prom Date"? *giggles
Denis: Well, I went to chat with him and I had to introduce myself to my Prom Date, lol!
We're good friends now but, when I checked his profile, I saw that he's our uncle.

Desiree: I meet a nice guy named Donte Kealoha from Sulani.  He's an Outgoing Dog Lover.
I'm about to ask him to dance when an angry girl walks up with clenched fists.
Donte's kinda cute but not worth fighting over, so I go look for Denis.

Desiree: Oh yeah! I'm Prom Royalty and Denis is Prom Jester!
Denis: Whatever!

Desiree: All the cute sims are Costas!  How is that even fair?!
Caleb Costa's the youngest son of our great-grandparents Gisele and Daniel. Wow, age gap!
Does that make him my great-uncle? 
Denis: Caleb and Tony both live in the Costa ancestral home in Ciudad Enamorada.
Too bad we didn't meet them this morning when we visited.

The Gen8 household
Home: 7 Eucalyptus Lane, Hopewell Hills (San Sequoia)

Vitor Costa (Gen7 heir) - Adult
Traits: Outgoing, Foodie, Perfectionist (+Family Oriented, Romantic, Music Lover)
Children: Oana (Nanea), Ulani (Riley), Hine (Lisa), Bianca (Melany), and Paolo (Kian, Diaz)

Kian Costa (Gen7 spouse) - Adult
Traits: Active, Family Oriented, Bro (+Creative, Perfectionist)

Bianca Costa (Gen8 heir) - YA
Traits: Good, Cheerful, Family Oriented (+Geek, Active, Loves the Outdoors)
Spouse: Andres (Goode): Children: Jerome; Aimee & Desiree; Denis

Andres Costa (Gen8 partner) - YA
Traits: Proper, Romantically Reserved, Loyal (+Family Oriented, Active)

Jerome (Costa) Olivo (Gen9 spare) - YA
Traits: Cheerful, Outgoing, Romantic (+Active)
Baby mama: Sasha Koslov; Children: Dulce & Melody Koslov
Spouse: Johana Olive; Children:  Hun & Isaac Olivo
Moved ouy Thursday to Olivo residence @ Yuma Heights (Oasis Springs)

Aimee Costa (Gen9 spare) - Teen
Traits: Perfectionist, Loyal (Romantic Sage)

Desiree Costa (Gen9 heir) - Teen
Traits:  Loves the Outdoors, Music Lover (Romantic Sage)

Denis Costa (Gen9 spare) - Teen
Traits:  Loves the Outdoors, Proper (Romantic Sage)

Progress: End of Week 57
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Bianca's generation: I've decided to consider her generation done the day Desiree moves out.
 There won't be any change in the status of the ongoing requirements between now and when the heir moves.
 But we might as well wait.

*So many Animal Enthusiasts and Dog Lovers!: We run into these two traits a lot lately.
  Oliver Talla (Desiree's Bracelet Buddy) is a Dog Lover.
  Latoya Rose (Denis' Bracelet Buddy) is an Animal Enthusiast, Geek
  Donte Kealoha (met a Prom): Outgoing, Dog Lover
  Paola Laurent (met at Prom): Animal Enthusiast, Squeamish
  Toby Costa: Dog Lover, Insider
  Caleb Costa: Hot-Headed, Animal Enthusiasts

