Author Topic: Costa Mishmash Legacy 7.3: On the Rebound (18 Sep '24)  (Read 26708 times)

Online Granny Lawlor

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 7.2: A Much-Needed Intervention (16 Sep '24)
« Reply #300 on: September 17, 2024, 02:24:57 AM »
Poor Vitor, feeling abandoned while his Watcher does "research" on another game. He should be grateful that she's doing so much prep for his ongoing challenges. Lol

Glad you've been having fun with Chef RPG. But it will be lovely to read Vitor's next update. 😊

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 7.2: A Much-Needed Intervention (16 Sep '24)
« Reply #301 on: September 17, 2024, 08:28:57 AM »
Poor Vitor, feeling abandoned while his Watcher does "research" on another game. He should be grateful that she's doing so much prep for his ongoing challenges. Lol

Glad you've been having fun with Chef RPG. But it will be lovely to read Vitor's next update. 😊

I've been playing and writing about The Sims 4 for eight years now, playing one challenge right after another.
Sometimes I need to play something else to keep simming fun!
It's always a good feeling when I'm looking forward to playing an ongoing challenge again.
Um, but Chef RPG is a really great game created by a solo dev and his pixel art is gorgeous!

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 7.2: A Much-Needed Intervention (16 Sep '24)
« Reply #302 on: September 18, 2024, 06:41:24 AM »
Haha, your updates like this are always so informative!  You should be paid by the gaming companies to do little ads for them  :=)
Vitor's chef career certainly was well timed with the game!  And yes, the sacrifices you make playing this game just to get ideas for how to help him succeed  ;=)
Those mini games must be a horrible grind, but given your awesome determination (as noted by anyone who reads your stories here), I'm sure you'll master then all before too long  ;=)
Another lovely (and informative) update, Watcher!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 7.2: A Much-Needed Intervention (16 Sep '24)
« Reply #303 on: September 18, 2024, 01:13:50 PM »
Haha, your updates like this are always so informative!  You should be paid by the gaming companies to do little ads for them  :=)
Vitor's chef career certainly was well timed with the game!  And yes, the sacrifices you make playing this game just to get ideas for how to help him succeed  ;=)
Those mini games must be a horrible grind, but given your awesome determination (as noted by anyone who reads your stories here), I'm sure you'll master then all before too long  ;=)
Another lovely (and informative) update, Watcher!

Why thank you! I've been crying to you about the Chef RPG mini-games for days now, so I thought an illustrated description might be in order!
I have been surprmely discipline and, as I promised Vitor, haven't touched Chef RPG since his visit.
Um, but as soon as I post Vitor's next update, I can't promise anything!

Thank you always for your kind words. Now, I need to post Vitor's latest update so I can get back to Chef RPG.  LOL!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 7.3: On the Rebound (18 Sep '24)
« Reply #304 on: September 18, 2024, 01:35:19 PM »
7.3: On the Rebound

Sunday, Week 44, Year 4 (mid-autumn)
Vitor: Yes, I'm baaaack! I'm not actually running a food sale so early. This is just a flavor scene.
Last week, Mama Gisele finally completed her final requirement and two of my sisters married and moved out.
On Thursday, I moved here to Sulani and began working on my requirements.
I don't know what all my requirements are yet because Watcher's a meanie.
Speaking of Watcher, I visited her this morning and she assured me she'll take Chef RPG breaks for me!

I spend the morning tending the garden and reading magic tomes, becoming a Master spellcaster.
This is my last trip to the Magical HQ until I return when my future heir is a teen.
Could the Sages be a little quicker? I'm going on a hot date this afternoon!

I invite Blair Joyson (last week's Prom Date) to Totter Park, Copperdale, so we can visit Plumbite Pier.
The moment we begin earning Romantic Satisfaction, Blair looks a little upset but I can't figure out why.

Doesn't this look like Blair is autonomously giving me a First Kiss? That's what I thought. Not complaining!
But I check and, yeah, I can still give him a First Kiss.
While I'm at it, I also ask him to become Romantic Partners. Yes!

Vitor (to himself): Hmmm, should I ask Blair to mess around or go on a Romantic Ride?
Maybe wait until we have The Talk about commitment and stuff.
Vitor (to Blair): Hey, wanna go on a Romantic Ride with me?
Blair: Of course, I do! We just had a gold-medal date.
Vitor: Oh, I got a major crush on you from our Cuddle Carts ride!

Blair: I'm an Art Lover so how thoughtful of you to ask me to paint together at the Arts Quarter!
Did I tell you about my future dream? I want to live in the Arts Quarter and become a celebrated painter!
Vitor: You want to live in the Arts Quarter? Any chance you'd come live with me in Sulani?
Blair: Way out in Sulani, Vitor? Not a chance! I need to live in the city near this Art Gallery, the critics, my fans!
Vitor: Tell me it isn't true, Blair! I thought we'd be growing old together! *stifles a sob
Blair: So sorry, Vitor. I really, really like you but my painterly dreams require me to live in San Myshuno.

Vitor: I am licking my wounds after Blair trampled my dreams. We basically have no future together.
No use being heartbroken AND broke, though, so I decide run my food stand.
Whenever I run a sale at home, my only customers are Sulani locals.
There's my bestie, Riley Zi (right). He's cute but won't his dark eyes and hair lower the chance of a ginger heir?
As for my white-haired Bracelet Bud, Jorge, I'm not sure he's cut out for Sulani life. Should I re-connect with him?

That white-haired girl in the white dress! I've never seen her around before.
But she leaves before I can introduce herself. Since she lives in Sulani, I'm sure we'll meet again.
Over two sales sessions, I earn a disappointing total of only $1,161.
Once I've sold off the random meals I cooked for my Appliance Wiz aspiration, I'll prepare pricier merchandise!

Since I have a few free hours, I clean up around Mu'a Pelam but one trash pile gives me a Parrot Fish.
I guess I shouldn't be the one doing cleanup on this island, sadly. I can't sell what I find.
Still super disappointed about Blair.
Ever since meeting him two Proms ago, I'd been foolishly building my future around him. *sniff, sniff

Ohan'ali Town's Community Plaza is all decked out for today's Flower & Music Festival.
I'm hoping to run into that white-haired girl I briefly saw at my food stand yesterday.
Honestly, she has two great things going for her. One, I know she's a Sulani local.
And two, she has white-blond hair which absolutely does NOT remind me of anyone.

"That girl" arrives around 4 pm, so I guess she's still attending high school. Her name's Nanea Kalua.
Um, I crush hard on her immediately. She's a Cheerful Child of the Island. Works for me!
I pour on the charm and, before the festival ends, I ask Nanae on a Get-to-Know-You date.
She's agreed to become Romantic Partners. Oh yeah!

Our date has four activities: Socialize (Friendly & Romantic), Swim, and Eat Food.
We both like the "Kiss in Water" social, which boosts us to Very Satisfied romantically.
I check her profile and see that she also has a crush on me, which is a huge ego boost.
When we return to shore so I can ask her to be BFFs, she makes a squeaky sound.
So, I ask if she's a mermaid and guess what? She is!

Today, I mean business! I spend time in the morning preparing Tofurkey Dinner and Baked Alaska.
Before starting my first of two food sales today, I mark up my prices from 200% to 300%!
When Nanea rolls up around 4 pm, I wait until she's ordered then close up shop.
I earn §13,064 for my two sales sessions. Oh yeah, this is what I'm talking about!

Vitor: I run to catch up with Nanea and do some flirting to get her in the right mood.
I'm just about to ask her to move in with me when I max my Romance skill!
Yeah, so then I ask and she says yes.

Vitor: *explains to Nanea about his "Tropical" Themed Display requirement
Nanea: Okay. Since I'm a mermaid, I'll go diving for Buried Treasures. That's tropical, right?
Vitor: But I'm already taking Underwater Photos. That'd be two sets of collected items.
Nanea: You're, like, the super chef! Don't know why you even bothered with a diving collection!
Vitor: Oh! For my contribution, I'll cook 10 dishes using Sulani produce. That fits the Tropical theme!
Nanea: Cool! Now we'll have my 10 collected items and your 10 crafted items.

Vitor: By the way, your career roll is Collector so you can sell anything you dig up, collect, and so on.
When you're ready, go ahead and buy yourself a Treasure Tool for diving and a vendor table.
Nanea: Sounds perfect for me! Um, is it okay if I work on my grades and scouting badges first?
Vitor: Of course! I can help with your school projects and we can travel around for your badges.

Vitor: Nanea only cleaned up one pile of beach debris yesterday evening.
Still, around 10:30 am, I get this message that Mua Pel'am's environment's improving.
Why didn't we get this message yesterday?
Did the cleaning Nanea did for her scout badge count or something?

Nanea: I bring home a B this afternoon but I'm so stressed!
What I need is a refreshing swim!
While I'm at it, I buy a Treasure Tool at the deep-sea buoy and go free diving for Buried Treasure.
Hey, I find two different Eyes of Sulani pieces on my first day!

Vitor: While Nanea's busy, I quickly invite Blair over.
You see, his profile still shows him as my "Prom Date (Friends)."
The honorable thing to do is Uninvite him, right?
He's still so flirty with me, but I can't bring myself to ask him to be just friends.

Vitor: Since you're done with homework, let me take you on a date to The Sand Bar in Ohan'ali Town.
Nanea: That sounds wonderful! I could really use a break. I'm not used to being so focused all the time!
Vitor: Tonight's date completes my Paragon Partner aspiration. And my next aspiration's the same as yours.
Nanea: Oh, you're doing Beach Life next? Awesome, we can work on it together!

Nanea: Sadly, I won't earn my Keep Fit badge before school starts.
It's odd that all the swimming I do doesn't count toward my Keep Fit badge…
Vitor: Not to worry, Nanea. Keep swinging after school and that badge will be yours!

Nanea: Grrrr! I brought home an A from high school today, so why can't I graduate early?
I have L4 Painting and L3 Fitness, but that's not enough so I reach L3 Cooking, too.
Vitor: You still can't graduate early? Let me try mentoring you to L4 Violin!
Nanea: That worked! And now I'm finished with high school!

Nanea:  I'm really disappointed that we're not going to Prom, but the Principal passed away.
Vitor was friends with the Principal so he got a phone call yesterday morning, after I left for school.
I guess I couldn't have changed the situation by attending school actively on Thursday or Friday.
And if I'd done that, I wouldn't have brought home an A on Friday afternoon.  Oh well!

At Sand Simoleon Beach
Vitor: Don't forget to apply sunscreen, Nanea. We need a suntan, not a sunburn!
Nanea: Thanks so much for the reminder!
Vitor: I was thinking we could polish off the Beach Life aspiration this weekend, but there's a hitch.
We can't throw a gold-medal kava party because teens can't make or "call to drink" Kava!
Nanea: It's not a huge deal, right? We'll both be young adults next Wednesday!

Nanea: Vitor, we've been sunbathing for hours now!
It looks to me that we're both tanned and I even have the Sunkissed moodlet.
Vitor: I'm Sunkissed, too, Nanea. Let's check off our "Get a suntan" task and move on!

Vitor: You might be thinking, gentle readers, that my rebound to Nanea was too sudden.
But Blair was quite clear, saying there's no chance he'd ever move to Sulani.
Nanea offers me everything that Blair can't. Well, enough of "everything," anyway.
Join us next time for our young adult birthday and a slammin' Kava Party!

Gallery Downloads
*"Stunning Teen Mermaid" by Absgaming. (Original name: Nina Lance)
   I renamed her Nanea Kalua and moved her into the Mahi'ai household..
*Key Point (40x30): "Only IslandLiving Home" by Loumineux.
*The Sand Bar (30x20): "The Sand Bar" by Maydussa.

The Gen7 household
Home: Admiral's Wreckage, Mu'a Pelam (Sulani)

Vitor Costa (heir) - Teen (4 days to YA)
Traits: Outgoing, Foodie

Nanea Kalua (partner) - Teen (4 days to YA)
Traits: Child of the Islands, Cheerful

Progress:: End of Week 44
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Previous Generations
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Romantic Boundaries: How does jealousy work with this mechanic?
  When Vitor & Nanea became Very Satisfied, Paragon Partner's related task checked off.
  But when I checked Blair's profile soon after, his Romantic Satisfaction is "Unknown."
  Do jealousy trigger even if the other sim isn't there to witness the "offending" romantic socials?

*"Tropical" Themed Display: Vitor's contribution will be "Tropical dishes."
  That is, he'll prepare dishes made with coconut or pineapple or dishes from island cultures.
  To avoid spoiling, Vitor will wait until he has the Fresh Chef trait to work on his contribution.
  So far, Nanea has found 6 unique items plus 2 duplicates. Her career is Collector so she can sell any spares.
 So I'll let her keep trying to find 10 unique Buried Treasures out of the total 18, selling the rest.

Online Granny Lawlor

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 7.3: On the Rebound (18 Sep '24)
« Reply #305 on: September 18, 2024, 04:30:10 PM »
Nanea is lovely and so willing. Astute too, working out how to capitalise on your strengths. I like the collector career concept. That'll be good for keeping inventories clear.

Good riddance, Blair. Don't you know that the heirs requirements have to come first! im sorry Vitor's heart was a little crushed but the future looks bright now.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 7.3: On the Rebound (18 Sep '24)
« Reply #306 on: September 18, 2024, 05:14:03 PM »
Nanea is lovely and so willing. Astute too, working out how to capitalise on your strengths. I like the collector career concept. That'll be good for keeping inventories clear.

Good riddance, Blair. Don't you know that the heirs requirements have to come first! im sorry Vitor's heart was a little crushed but the future looks bright now.

Haha, I laughed that your first thought about the Collector career roll is its benefit for tidy inventories!
Vitor needs garden produce for cooking but can't sell surplus produce. I guess when he has too much a single crop, I'll just stash the plant in household inventory.
Since Gardener/Farmer are separate career rolls, I won't have Nanea harvesting and selling cash crops.  *weeps
For Nanea, I'm thinking more like diving, beachcombing, dig sites, and frogs.

Also, the Random Legacy Challenge's rolls for Generational Goals and Misc. Fun are quite entertaining. I like them!

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 7.3: On the Rebound (18 Sep '24)
« Reply #307 on: Today at 06:43:50 AM »
I am absolutely Team Nanea!  She's just lovely, she's a devoted and dedicated partner who wants to work hard so that she and Vitor can succeed as a duo, and her sense of style with all the white is understatedly glorious! 
Since she's a mermaid, is it fitting or offensive for me to say she's quite a catch?  ;=)
Blair is a self-absorbed doodyhead! 
I assume Vitor not breaking things off with Blair is some intentional thing  to do with the jealousy comment you had at the end as some sort of requirement, so I guess I'll let him slide on it, but if he ends up breaking Nanea's heart, I'll be very disappointed in him!
Another lovely update, Watcher!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 7.3: On the Rebound (18 Sep '24)
« Reply #308 on: Today at 12:47:03 PM »
I am absolutely Team Nanea!  She's just lovely, she's a devoted and dedicated partner who wants to work hard so that she and Vitor can succeed as a duo, and her sense of style with all the white is understatedly glorious! 
Since she's a mermaid, is it fitting or offensive for me to say she's quite a catch?  ;=)
Blair is a self-absorbed doodyhead! 
I assume Vitor not breaking things off with Blair is some intentional thing  to do with the jealousy comment you had at the end as some sort of requirement, so I guess I'll let him slide on it, but if he ends up breaking Nanea's heart, I'll be very disappointed in him!
Another lovely update, Watcher!

Nanea's a Gallery sim so it's a happy coincidence that Vitor's color is also white! She's a cutie alright!
Wow, that "catch" remark is *Chef's kiss
I am delighted you and @Granny Lawlor are so on board with Nanea, and so immediately turned off by Blair's professional life!
I can cross my heart (and hope to die) that Vitor will not be breaking Nanea's little heart!