Author Topic: Costa Mishmash Legacy 4.26b: Morning, Noon, and Night (1 Jul '24)  (Read 6838 times)

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 320b: Will Help for Ice Cream! (11 Jun '24)
« Reply #135 on: June 12, 2024, 01:16:29 PM »
Wow - Qynh sure zoomed through her levels, even with Kelsey's interference. I love her child hairstyle - is that the same as Dawn's? It is very attractive in her colouring as well. Is she actually an alien, human or a hybrid?
According to her MCCC Logging Report, Qynh is an Alien Hybrid. I don't know if she has any alien powers.
Yes, Qynh has the same hairstyle as Dawn's.  Qynh aged up in it and it was too lovely to replace and alleviates "all the brown."

2 thoughts on the irritating habits of Kelsey:
- Is her interference in the children due to her Family-Oriented trait? I'm guessing Thyme, who also has it, has more directed actions within his likes/dislikes and Masa is involved with the childcare. Only a thought - not suggested out of knowledge.
- Is her slowness in harvesting down to either the gardening bot getting in the way or placement of the planters. I've started leaving a gap all around each one rather than adjacent rows. My Sims always seem to want to harvest the next nearest plant - as the crow flies. not route length - so they were going constantly from one row all the way round rather than the next plant along. ::)
Anyway - just suggestions - I'm sure you've tried multiple things...
I reprogrammed Masa to be Family-Oriented and both Kelsey and Thyme gained the trait through self-discovery.
Even when directed, Kelsey is not always responsive or does something other than what's needed.
Like placing the baby on the playmat instead of changing or feeding it, as the baby requested.
I couldn't get her to help at all with Thyme's Spooky Party goals--I think the game's decided that's how Kelsey is.
As for the garden, I found a great (?) solution. In the morning, I lock Kelsey inside the garden until she's done harvesting.
I've tried it once so far and she finished very quickly, lol.

Toddler Quirks - I find that my Toddlers always get the quirk associated with the first thing they do. So, if Play is the first thing, they'll get Aggressive. If you whisk them off for a bath, they'll get Loves Water. Dance - Loves sounds or Little Singer. My Dorothy set off Wandering immediately after blowing out her candles and got Wanderer.
Further quirks seem more randomly assigned but usually after doing the relevant action.
I haven't tested this theory but that's how it seems to work in my Simverse.
Using MCCC, I once looked at sim's traits at both the Infant and Toddler stages right after their birthday.
I saw that they already had hidden quirk traits, that eventually manifested.
When Night eventually has a child (or two), I'll try this again and share the results. Maybe my memory's faulty, hehe.

Does the James Turner Trait generator give you all the future traits? Is it better than the in-game di-roll?
Here's the link to James Turner's Random Trait Generator:
You can roll for Infant, Toddler, Child, Teen, Adult, or Elder.
There are two things I like about it:
*I can disable specific packs, like when I'm tired of rolling Horse Lover or another trait that appears too often
*Sometimes, the in-game dice doesn't offer enough variety for a particular generation.

I love Qynh's sass - I'd quite like her to stay with the heir... Ah, but...requirements...? I haven't looked into what your next gen needs... ;)
Night will probably not move out with all three Gen3 kids, but definitely Qynh.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 320b: Will Help for Ice Cream! (11 Jun '24)
« Reply #136 on: June 12, 2024, 11:27:32 PM »
I'm behind a chapter, so first - My Servo Had a Baby!
Very clever checking the tent for Try For Baby option to see if Masa was having a singleton!
I'm not sure how I feel about that human costume they were wearing - it's giving me Invasion of the Body Snatcher vibes. Somehow it seems like he shouldn't be so . . . . human-Sim-looking.
The toddlers aged up well - Both would be a great choice - Night's blond, Emi's overall beauty.
Odd that Masa and Qynh didn't start out with a higher relationship - I guess the whole Servo-pregnancy-parent thing is a bit unpredictable. I did see one picture of a Servo baby that had an alien-looking torso, but human baby everything else.

Will Help for Ice Cream
Me too! Especially vanilla bean!
Qynh is an adorable toddler and such a pretty child! Her skintone, hair color and eye color combination is really striking.
Good job kids, helping with the party goals!
Kelsey doesn't seem to be much of a helper . . . but she did bring some adorable children into the world, so there is that. 🙂

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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 320b: Will Help for Ice Cream! (11 Jun '24)
« Reply #137 on: June 12, 2024, 11:44:24 PM »
I just read your responses to Granny's comments . . .especially "Night will probably not move out with all three Gen3 kids, but definitely Qynh."
So . . . Night and Qynh were born in the same household but are not actually related . . . and if Thyme doesn't adopt Qynh they'll stay not related . . . unless they later decide themselves to become related . . . hmmmmm . . .

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 320b: Will Help for Ice Cream! (11 Jun '24)
« Reply #138 on: June 13, 2024, 04:36:23 PM »
I'm behind a chapter, so first - My Servo Had a Baby!
Very clever checking the tent for Try For Baby option to see if Masa was having a singleton!
I'm not sure how I feel about that human costume they were wearing - it's giving me Invasion of the Body Snatcher vibes. Somehow it seems like he shouldn't be so . . . . human-Sim-looking.
The toddlers aged up well - Both would be a great choice - Night's blond, Emi's overall beauty.
Odd that Masa and Qynh didn't start out with a higher relationship - I guess the whole Servo-pregnancy-parent thing is a bit unpredictable. I did see one picture of a Servo baby that had an alien-looking torso, but human baby everything else.

Will Help for Ice Cream
Me too! Especially vanilla bean!
Qynh is an adorable toddler and such a pretty child! Her skintone, hair color and eye color combination is really striking.
Good job kids, helping with the party goals!
Kelsey doesn't seem to be much of a helper . . . but she did bring some adorable children into the world, so there is that. 🙂

Newborns usually start as friends or close to friends right after they're born, right?
But Qynh barely had any relationship with anyone in the household. (I checked MCCC and all her household relationshps were at 15%.)
And it take AGES for Masa to get their relationship to Good Friends.
On the other hand, as soon as Thyme introduced Qynh to his mother Winona, Qynh's relationship with Winona soared to the halfway mark.
Haha, I had Masa wear a costume because I wanted to witness his baby bump. :D

Kelsey is trying hard to pull her weight as a caregiver. Turns out she's great at teaching bicycle riding.

As for Night and Qynh, Qynh is socially vulnerable and Night, as her older brother, doesn't mind being her champion.

Offline oshizu

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3.21: Vampires, Werewolves, and Aliens, Oh My!

Sunday, Week 21, Year2 (late autumn
Thyme: So much happened last week but three things stand out.
Masa's daughter was born on Tuesday, eventually aging up to a child late Friday night.
Friday, I decided on Night as the next Costa heir because his performance is superior to his siblings.
Saturday, I completed all my requirements , ending with a gold-medal Spooky Party..
I am a geek so my journey has been a very nerdy one. Thanks for sticking with me!

From L to R: Masa's child Qynh, Motoko, Masa, me, Kelsey, Emi, and Night.

Thyme: Papa, are you sure you want to go home a day early?
Edgar: Might as well. Your mother and I don't feel like teaching your kids bicycling.
It must be frustrating for them to keep asking us.
Thyme: Well, you're always welcome here. *gives family kiss
Edgar: You should bring everyone and stay with us in Tartosa for several days.

Masa: Where are Kelsey and Night?
Thyme: Now that Night is the designated heir, he needs to volunteer once a week.
Emi (whispers to Motoko): With fewer sims at home, Papa and Masa are finally teaching us how to ride bikes!
Motoko: Yeah. I wish Night would volunteer every day! More attention for us!

Qynh: Well, yes, I'm four days younger than the triplets. You're probably thinking that's not much at all.
But think about it: the triplets became Llamacorn Scouts 24-36 hours before I aged up to a child!
But I'm not worried, because Watcher promised to help me catch up.
I really want to start high school on the same day as the triplets!

Motoko: You're the best, Masa! Thanks so much for teaching me!
This is the first time I learned something new before Night and Emi did.
Masa: To be fair, Night is off volunteering at a Bake Sale….
Motoko: But still!

Thyme: Our home's so much larger now! Before, we had only four 4x4 rooms!
Kelsey: And now we have three bedrooms, a skill room, your study, and a second-floor hot tub room!
Masa: You have a workout area, too, after moving the toilets and showers underground.
Thyme: Sorry you're the only one without a bedroom, Masa, but…you don't need to sleep.

Thyme: In back of the large front room, there's Night's circular bedroom with my study behind it.
Kelsey: What's the room on the right?
Thyme: Qynh's using it for a skilling room but it will become a nursery later.
Masa: What a great idea to build one large bedroom for all three girls! I'm sure Qynh loves it!

Thyme: Since Night's the next heir and the only male child, it seems right that he has his own bedroom.
Kelsey: It's a small bedroom but I bet Night loves the privacy!
Masa: The décor needs more work but placing your Millenium Falcon replica on the nightstand's a nice touch!

Kelsey: I'm determined to do better! I don't want to be my family's deadweight, you know?
While I'm out jogging, I spot this woman I remember from Foxbury campus.  Wasn't she an alien?
No, it turns out that she isn't, but Qhyn can only test for alien powers with another alien.
I'll remind Thyme and Masa that tonight's Aliens Night at the bars.

Night: How's your progress, Qynh?
Qynh: I'm almost caught up to you! I'm nearly done with R. Scamp then I'll start Playtime Captain.
Night: I hear our fathers are taking you out to Aliens Night tonight.  You nervous?
Qynh: I'm SO anxious, Night! If you came along, I would feel more relaxed…

Night: Where are we, Papa?
Thyme: This bar in Moonwood Mills attracts occults of every variety.
Qynh: But aren't we looking for disguised aliens?
Thyme: Yes, but we know that Strauds and Frosts are vampires, while Volkovs and Howells are werewolves.
So don't bother chatting with sims who have those four family names, okay?

Qynh: I've introduced myself to all the bar visitors. How do I know if one is a disguised alien?
Masa: Let me try my Scan Traits function for the first time.
Oh, too bad! It only shows me their main personality traits.
Let's never invite that dark-haired woman over to the house. She's a klepto!

Qynh: Night, did you meet Kendall Johns?
Night: No, should I? I was monopolized by a werewolf lady and now we're good friends. *rolls eyes
Qynh: Kendall was wearing the yellow track suit. I learned she lives across the street from us.
Night: Well, let's invite her over then! *whispers: Maybe my papa can flirt with her to make her Very Flirty?
Qynh: Okay, but I might not have any alien powers…

Night: Wow, this Mabo Dofu with Pork is still too spicey for me!
Qynh: But we both have Clever Fingers so maybe we're getting closer to becoming Chopstick Savvy?
Night: Hey, Qynh, when I move out, do you want to come with?
Qynh: Oh yes! You're my closest friend here! I'd be so lonely if you left me behind!
Night: Well, I'm not sure when or where yet, bestie, but I'll let you know, k?

Qynh: Uncle Thyme and I meet a lady wearing an alien suit, but we can't get her to glow.
Is she an alien or not?
Thyme: Qynh, do you mind not knowing whether you have alien powers?
Qynh: Honestly? I know I'm an Alien Hybrid, but I don't want alien powers. I don't want to be different, y'know?
Thyme: If that's how you feel, let's stop looking for undisguised aliens. *feels relieved

Qynh: Auntie Kelsey, Night told me you were the one who taught him bicycling, so that's why I asked for your help.
Kelsey: I'm glad you did! You're a very quick learner, do you know that?
Qynh: But you're also a very good teacher, Auntie Kelsey! Thank you for sticking with me!
Kelsey (to herself): It sure feels good to be appreciated!

Emi: Where are we, Papa?
Thyme: Well, Qynh's all caught up  now. She's an A student and finished 6 aspirations, just like you three.
So I thought we'd visit the town where your mother was born and raised.
Night: Oh, we've come to Tomarang? And is that house where Mama's family lives?
Kelsey: No, this is our vacation rental. My family lives on the other side of the bay. Let's get settled.

Thyme: Did you tell your family we were coming to Tomarang?
Kelsey: No, I wanted to surprise them. They'll be so excited to meet our family!
Thyme: Well, showing up at dinnertime is bad manners, so let's go to the Night Market instead.
Kelsey: Great idea. Kids, no ordering dessert until you've had dinner!

Night: Well, darn! I ordered Tofu Stir Fry so I could practice using chopsticks, but they gave me a fork!
Tell me the truth, Qynh. Is it because I'm blond?
Qynh: Nah. I ordered the same thing and I got a fork, too.
When we get back to our rental, let's ask your father to cook us some "chopsticks dish" for tomorrow.

Qynh: Oh, look! There's Julio Villareal, the school bully! Can we take the long way around to our bikes?
Night: Why would you want to do that? Our bikes are right over there!
Qynh: Ever since Julio learned that my father's a Servo, he's been calling me names at school.
Night: Everyone knows that the Villareals are rotten to the core. That Julio better watch his step!

Cassandra Linh: I've really missed you, Kelsey! Thanks for visiting.
Kelsey: This is my husband, Thyme. This visit was actually his idea, Cass.
Cassandra: You lucky sim, Kelsey! Thyme's such a handsome…
Thyme (uncomfortable): Uh, Kelsey, you address your mother by her first name?
Kelsey: Cass isn't my mother. My mother Thi passed away weeks ago. I have two older sisters, Cass and Brooklyn.

Night: So, you grew up here with your parents and two sisters? Must've been crowded!
Kelsey: We were unwatched sims, so the lack of space didn't make any difference to us.
Night: Well, I'm glad you met Papa and had us, Mama!
Kelsey: Awww, that's sweet of you to say so, Night.

After visiting the Night market, Thyme and Qynh return to the park where they left their bikes…
Julio: Well, if it isn't freaky Servo girl. What? You looking for a laptop to order upgrade parts for dinner?
Qynh: Um, nooo….
Night: Figures a spineless coward prefers to pick on girls who won't fight back!  I'm right here, Julio!
Julio: I, uh, got no beef with you, dude. I'm talking to Qynh here about…

Night: Qynh is my little sister and my bestie. Anything you want to say to her, you can say to me, you hear?
Julio: Right! You think you're all that because your father's a Scoundrel Outlaw. He's…
Night: Looks like you're not smart enough to avoid a smackdown. I'm here for that, too!
Masa: Attaboy, Night!
Qynh: Papa, when did you get here? Stop clapping and cheering for Night! You have to break up the fight!

Night: Have you had enough, Julio?
Julio: Yes, I'm sorry! Please don't hit me anymore!
Night: From now on, you will never talk trash about any member of my immediate or extended family. Got it?
Julio: I promise! Never again!

Masa: Night, Qynh! I'm taking the two of you back the lodging right now.
Thyme: Please don't tell my parents about this, okay?
Masa: You have my word, Thyme! Thank you for looking out for Qynh. I could never have done what you did!

Gallery Downloads
*Isda Riverfront (30x20, empty lot): "Isda Riverfront" (residence) by wafl.
  I've converted this 4-bdrm residence into a vacation rental.
  There were 2 double beds, 1 single bed, and one toddler bed.
  I replaced both the single and toddler beds with bunk beds. I'll worry about toddlers later.

*1 Sungai Point (30x20, residential rental): "Sungai Point reno" by me (EA ID: Shizu9no1).
  This is the 3-story renovation I built for my Mistura Legacy.
   All the fabricated and cc woodworked furnishings vanished from my saved lot.
   So I refurnished, redefined, and reassigned its 3 units. Kelsey was born here.

The Gen3 Household
Thyme Costa (Gen3 heir) - YA
Traits: Geek, Socially Awkward, Genius (+Outgoing, Family Oriented, Self-Assured)
Spouse: Kelsey (Linh); Children: Motoko, Emi, & Night

Kelsey Costa (Gen3 spouse) - YA
Traits: Perfectionist, Geek, Good (+Family Oriented, Neat, Active)

Masa Mori (Gen3 helper) - YA Servo
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Family Oriented, Music Lover (+Bookworm, Perfectionist)
Child: Qynh Mori; "Baby daddy"?: Senior Pollinator Technician #3

Motoko Costa (Gen4 spare) - Child (3 days to Teen)
Traits: Perfectionist

Emi Costa (Gen4 spare) - Child (3 days to Teen)
Traits: Good

Night Costa (Gen4 heir) - Child (3 days to Teen)
Traits: Good

Qynh Mori (Gen4 ineligible child) - Child (7 days to Teen)
Traits: Neat

Progress: End of Week 21
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Mind & Body and Playtime Captain aspirations:
  For some reason, I've always had my sims do Mind & Body first.
  That is, a child will always "Learn to Ride a Bike" before they "Ride a Bike for 5 Hours."
  I wonder if I chose that order because of the way they're arranged in the menu.
  For this gen, I had them "Ride a Bike for 5 Hours" first, after which they insta-completed Playtime Captain.
  Then, they switched to Mind & Body's "Learn to Ride a Bike."
  Why did I never think to do them in this sequence before?

*Chopstick Savvy & Spice Hound: Night earned Chopstick Savvy trait Saturday morning.
   Later that same day, he also became a Spice Hound. (Mabo Dofu with Pork really speeds things up!)
   The other three children have gained neither trait yet, though Qynh is trying hard.

*Night's fight with Julio Villareal: It took quite a long time before Night got the option to "Fight" Julio.
  In my Big Dreams Dynasty, I had a child sim Declare Enemies with 10 grown-ups and it never took this much time.
  Could it be because Night is a Good sim?

*Knitting Basket: Today I learned that a Knitting Basket can be used to make Friendship Bracelets.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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That Julio is a piece of work. Well done Night for defending his family. I guess the Good trait would slow down "declaring enemies". I know the Proper Sims can't initiate fights at all.

Part of me would like Julio to keep showing up. Does that mean I like bad boys?

Yay! I'm so glad Qynn is moving out with Night when the time comes.  :)

Good point about the aspiration order. I hadn't considered  that practice bike riding would count towards "ride bike for 5 hours". Thanks for sharing.

I love the knitting basket probably because I like crochet & knitting. I really wish it would act like the cross-stitch box though - one in the house for everyone rather than everyone needing their own. I know it can be irritating - everyone picking up cross-stitch from an available box, but I quite like it.

Offline oshizu

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That Julio is a piece of work. Well done Night for defending his family. I guess the Good trait would slow down "declaring enemies". I know the Proper Sims can't initiate fights at all.

Part of me would like Julio to keep showing up. Does that mean I like bad boys?

Yay! I'm so glad Qynn is moving out with Night when the time comes.  :)

Good point about the aspiration order. I hadn't considered  that practice bike riding would count towards "ride bike for 5 hours". Thanks for sharing.

I love the knitting basket probably because I like crochet & knitting. I really wish it would act like the cross-stitch box though - one in the house for everyone rather than everyone needing their own. I know it can be irritating - everyone picking up cross-stitch from an available box, but I quite like it.

Night chose the "Try to Pick a Fight" action which appeared before he could choose "Fight."  But "Try to Pick a Fight" led nowhere except some autonomous mutual shoving.
I really like Qynh--her origins are quite special but without the awful, squeaky voice, haha.

Hehe, I'm glad to hear that I wasn't the only one doing Mind & Body before Playtime Captain.
Learning to ride a bike takes a lot more than 5 hours, so I thought I'd switch up the order and completing both aspirations was noticeably shorter.

I've done lots more knitting and crochet than cross-stitch. I used to do a lot of macrame, too ("used to" being the operative words).
The single cross-stitch box makes sense since each sim is grabbing a single hoop.
Personally, I would NOT want to share my knitting bag with someone else!
The Gen4 kids age up to teens on Tuesday, so Night and Qynh are considering different ways to save up for moving (besides painting and woodworking).
Haha, I'm a bit impatient for them to move out and start their new adventure but, sheesh, I just remodeled Thyme's house!

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Yes - you're right, of course. No-one gets inside my personal crochet bag. :)

The remodelled house looks great - very monochrome for Night's room!

Offline GlazeyLady

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What a great job you've done with the build! That shot early in the update of the whole lot is great - It's like their own little compound.
Qynh caught up quickly! I also really like her - I'm glad she'll be going with Night so we can see more of her story.
I don't know what your challenge is for the next gen, but Good Night (see what I did there?😉) is volunteering AND picks a fight . . . interesting.

Offline oshizu

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What a great job you've done with the build! That shot early in the update of the whole lot is great - It's like their own little compound.
Qynh caught up quickly! I also really like her - I'm glad she'll be going with Night so we can see more of her story.
I don't know what your challenge is for the next gen, but Good Night (see what I did there?😉) is volunteering AND picks a fight . . . interesting.

Oooooh, Good Night--that's a great pun!  I completely missed it!  Thank you! <3

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 3.22a: Thyme Is on My Side (15 Jun '24)
« Reply #145 on: June 16, 2024, 01:03:43 AM »
3.22a: Thyme Is on My Side

Sunday, Week 22, Year 2 (early winter)
Thyme: We woke up this morning at our vacation rental in Koh Sahpa, Tomarang.
Last Tuesday, Masa and I took his daughter Qynh to an occult bar in Moonwood Mill to look for aliens.
After looking in vain for aliens, Qynh admitted she didn't care if she had alien powers or not.
Thursday, we came here to Tomarang to visit the town of my wife Kelsey's birth. We're leaving here soon.
From L to R: Qynh, Motoko, Masa, me (Gen3 heir) Kelsey, Emi, and Night (the next heir).

Qynh: My teen birthday's next Friday, but I'm aging up with you on Tuesday.
Night: Good! We need to start saving up simoleons, Qynh.
Qynh: My Papa said he's been saving to help me buy a house and…
Night: Sorry, but no! I'm leaving the Costa legacy completely behind to start over.
If that's too primitive for you, though, please feel free to say with the family.

Qynh: No, I can help out with stuff, you'll see. But aren't I better off knitting than fishing?
Night: I wanted us to fish at Magnolia Promenade today, but it's frozen over for the winter.

Qynh: So I caught two §425 violins and a §225 sturgeon, but I think I should be knitting instead.
My Llama Neckwarmers are worth §475 each and I can list them on Plopsy on Tuesday.
Night: Cool! I try busking for tips but only get two tips in 3 hours, so no more busking for me. 

Kelsey: After an exemplary two days as biking mentor extraordinaire, I'm back in Watcher's dog house.
Masa and I both sit down to write our first novels, but I get up for some reason or another.
After that, I can't resume writing the novel I started.
Watcher has me try four other seats and 3 other laptops, but no dice. Look at Masa! He's writing just fine!
Why can't I finish my novel?!?! (She never finished it, but Masa went on to finish a 2nd novel.)

Qynh: Papa, I just became a Spice Hound like Uncle Thyme and Night!
Masa (changes subject): What's this I hear about Night moving out to Prowler's Patch?
Did you forget that I've saved up enough for you to buy a spacious family home when you're ready ?
Qynh: But, Papa, I'm not "settling down" with Night! I'm helping him start his journey as the next heir.

Thyme: Today, I confirmed that children can learn the Robotics skill by reading.
After Motoko finished her homework, I gave her the Robotics Vol. 1 book.
It's too late for me but, quite honestly, maybe it's better that I got to lead a "kid's life" as a child.
For a sim who wants to attend uni as a teen, though, this might be a great time-saver!

Thyme: As soon as we notice the kids' birthday notifications, we bring out the cakes and light the candles.

Motoko (Perfectionist, Materialistic) ages up first, followed by Emi (Good, Outgoing).
Next is Night (Good, Hotheaded) and finally Qynh (Neat, Generous).
Night: Nice! Watcher found me a hairstyle like my manga namesake, Night Tenjo!
C'mon, it's time we all get started on homework and aspirations!

At Morensong, Tomarang, in the evening
Night: This is where I'd eventually like to live, folks. What do you think?
Kelsey: I'm touched that you'll be moving to my hometown.
Thyme: Nobody can ever accuse my son of not having impeccable taste.
Masa: It looks really expensive. Can you and Qynh afford to live here?

Jirayu (left, llandlord): My question, exactly! What do you do for a living, Night?
Night: Well, I actually only aged up to a teen today so I'm still getting settled.
But my sister Qynh and I intend to have enough to pay your deposit and rent in about 10 days.
Chalita (right, landlord): 10 days? We can't leave the unit vacant for 10 days, Night!

Jirayu: The third-floor unit you wish to rent is not some bachelor pad for teenage party animals, Night.
It's a three-bedroom family unit for the discriminating professional.
The first floor offers a variety of shared amenities with pool/patio and playground areas on either side.
The ideal tenant for our third-floor unit is not an unemployed teenager, I'm sorry to say.
And you expect us to absorb the loss in income while you try to come up with the deposit? I don't think so.

Thyme: Sir, I don't see any problem here.  I'll gladly act as my son's guarantor for that apartment.
And my wife and I can easily cover the deposit and rental fees until Night is ready to move in.
Jirayu: Well, in that case, let's go back to our house and look over the lease agreement.
Night, you will  sign as primary tenant with your father signing as guarantor. Does that work for you?
Night: Papa, thanks so much!  I can always count on you to be on my side!

Motoko (ponytail): How many hours have we been fishing since our teen birthday?
I bet our parents completely forgot that they sent us here.
Emi (in red): It's not like our future really matters. Not like for Night and Qynh! Do you have any plans?
Motoko: Zayne Landgraab (a Social Butterfly friend) phoned to wish me happy birthday yesterday.
He's a really handsome teen now, so I've set my sights on him.  What about you?
Emi: I met a cute teen walking by our house yesterday but he Hates Children…

Night: Looks like we both did our five space missions and evolved five plants! What about school?
Qynh: The Well gave me a guaranteed promotion to an A grade. You, too?
Night: Nah, the Well gave me nothing but I can still get an A if I study hard.
The whole family has cleared out their personal and family inventories.
As soon as we're A students, I'll make a quick trip to the Magic Realm then we'll move out!

Thyme: Since yesterday, we've been so busy with birthdays and clearing out our inventories!
I almost forgot that yesterday was also my Adult birthday!
Kelsey: Well, let's drink our once-in-a-lifetime Potion of Youth before the kids get back from school.
My Adult birthday's supposed to be on Friday, so I guess Night is moving out on the perfect day!

Thyme: All four teens came home A students, then Night and Qynh graduated early right away.
Next, Night asked me to bring him here to the Magic Realm for the first time.
When he goes in search of the Sage of Practical Magic, I head for Casters Alley.

Thyme: Night's so eager to do everything his own way.
I'm glad Masa, Kelsey, and I can help out by paying rent on that Tomarang apartment for a few weeks.
I can't believe he's leaving home today!
Maybe later, he'll invite me over to ask me for magical training.

In Moonwood Mill
Qynh: We're living here? How did you find this dump?
Night: Remember when we visited that occult bar? Well, this is right across the way.
While you were introducing yourself to possible aliens, I scoped out the neighborhood.
Qynh: But this is just an abandoned yard!
Night: That Morensong apartment costs §42,000 to move in plus a daily rental fee of §358.
We need to live somewhere cheap at first so we can start saving up.

Qynh: I hate to act like a princess, Night, but I can't sleep in a sleeping bag in the snow!
Night: We're not sleeping outdoors tonight, Qynh. Watcher's waiting for me to call her.

Night: Perfect timing, Watcher! You finished building just as we organized our inventories.
Watcher: I spent §27,000 of the §30,000 budget you gave me.
Qynh: Really? This house cost §27k to build? But it's so small! Why so pricey?
Watcher: You like to cook, Qynh, so the kitchen appliances are very nice. You're welcome.
Night: We can finish unpacking our stuff, clean up the yard, and buy real beds tomorrow, Qynh.
I'm off for a jog around Moonwood Mill then I'm going to bed early tonight!

Night: I seem to have gotten turned around. I'm not sure how to get back to Prowler's Patch.
What are these warning signs?  Not sure what they're warning me about…

That howling werewolf over there! I wonder if he lives in this rundown trailer.
And why does he have that red glow?
Whatever, I'll just go over and introduce myself, then ask him to point my way home.

Night: Er, good evening, sir. My name's Night Costa and I'm new to Moonwood Mill.
My sister Qynh and I moved into Prowler's Patch just a few hours ago, but now I'm lost.
Greg: No wonder you don't know me. I'm famous around here. Name's Greg.
You're such a pretty boy, kid.  You know what would make you even prettier?
Night: Um, no. What would that be?
Greg: If you were Gregnant…
Night: *runs away

Night (to himself): Is he insane?  I've never even been kissed, much less… *shudders
Greg: Don't you know I have excellent night vision? I can see you, cowering in the grass over there. C'mere.
Night (stands): Would you please tell me how to get to Prowler's Patch from here?

Night: Wait, Greg! What are you doing?
Greg: Isn't this why you came to visit me?
Night: Huh? No! I was jogging and I got lost then…

Greg: Don't push your luck, kid.  I saw you at the bar last week with your father.
I know you live at Prowler's Patch. I can easily find your father.
You might as well accept your fate, Night. You're mine now.  MINE!
Night: *stumbles away in a daze

Gallery Downloads
*Ro Kaya Rockside (40x30): "Tomarang Modern Apartment" by yukihiyo6123.
  A gorgeous, gorgeous 3-unit residential rental.
  It sits at the center of the lot, so I added a pool/patio (right) and playground (left).

*"Cute Thai Couple" by Absgaming. A YA couple added to the Costa simverse as landlords.
  Chalita Anuman: Cheerful, Child of the Village, Nosy. Her traits stayed the same.
  Her default aspiration is 5-Star Property Owner.
  Jirayu Anuman: Mean, Cringe, Child of the Village. Default aspiration: Serial Romantic.
  I changed his Mean trait to Romantic to match his aspiration.

The Gen4 household
Home: Prowler's Patch, Moonwood Mills
Night Costa (Gen4 heir) - Teen (20 days to YA)
Traits: Good, Hotheaded

Qynh Mori (Gen4 ineligible child) - Teen (20 days to YA)
Traits: Neat, Generous (+Spice Hound)

The Gen3 Household
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Progress: Partway through Week 22
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Prowler's Patch (30x30): The sales price for this lot was §3,804.
  That is, §3,600 for the bulldozed lot, §204 for some trees, and the rest is Debug items.
  With the little house, the lot's current value is §33,987. It's a 64-tile Tiny Home to keep the bills lower.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 3.22a: Thyme Is on My Side (15 Jun '24)
« Reply #146 on: June 16, 2024, 01:37:22 AM »
Gregnant . . . Oh, the very thought makes me shudder!

I had a lot of fun in my BDD playing Colt as a werewolf, but Colt's always been kind of a bad boy . . . Night, on the other had, is good and now also hot-headed . . . neither are a great match for a werewolf, but for very different reasons. I fear Night will find himself pulled in all different directions. And what of Qynh in all this?

The next chapter will be hard to wait for . . .

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 3.22a: Thyme Is on My Side (15 Jun '24)
« Reply #147 on: June 16, 2024, 02:24:59 AM »
Oh no - werewolves - shudders. I wonder if you find you like playing them after all. And will you be as fond of Night once he's turned...especially if he struggles with being hot-headed!

You're braver than me, that's for sure and I can't wait to see how Night's story unfolds. Sending comforting, encouraging hugs Qynh's way.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 3.22a: Thyme Is on My Side (15 Jun '24)
« Reply #148 on: June 16, 2024, 11:18:24 AM »
Gregnant . . . Oh, the very thought makes me shudder!

I had a lot of fun in my BDD playing Colt as a werewolf, but Colt's always been kind of a bad boy . . . Night, on the other had, is good and now also hot-headed . . . neither are a great match for a werewolf, but for very different reasons. I fear Night will find himself pulled in all different directions. And what of Qynh in all this?

The next chapter will be hard to wait for . . .

I checked the traits of the premade werewolves and saw that one of them is also hotheaded but not Good.
The source challenge would have Night living in a San Myshuno apartment so I'm not making Night's life easier but definitely more...interesting.
I guess Night and his Watcher mightl be learning the hard way about a wereworlf's anger management, hehe.
But wait, can a spellcaster be turned by a werewolf bite?

Back in Oasis Springs, Qynh told her father Masa that would go with Night to help him start his journey as the next heir. 
So we shall see how her commitment or lack therreof plays out.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 3.22a: Thyme Is on My Side (15 Jun '24)
« Reply #149 on: June 16, 2024, 11:23:21 AM »
Oh no - werewolves - shudders. I wonder if you find you like playing them after all. And will you be as fond of Night once he's turned...especially if he struggles with being hot-headed!

You're braver than me, that's for sure and I can't wait to see how Night's story unfolds. Sending comforting, encouraging hugs Qynh's way.

As you know, I've never played a werewolf. I have hardly even played sims "around werewolves."
When I first bought the pack, I installed a mod to prevent werewolves from spawning then deleted all the premade werewolves.
So, yes, this will be a new experience for me. 
Well, it would, except that a spellcaster can't be turned into a werewolf.

As whether I'll remain fond of Night? Playing a sim I don't care about as a werewolf wouldn't offer enough motivation to overcome the obstacles that Night might face.
If he weren't already a spellcaster, that is.  Or is he?

Haha, I giggled that you are feeling more sympathy for Qnyh than Night!
I hope she can survive grungy Moonwood Mill.

