I had the Gold Digger LTW and married Gunther. I kept Camila, Tomika and Mortimer in the household after the wedding. One night, Morty was going to the spa to get a nice treatment, when he was arrested. Camila went to the yard to wait for him, but he never showed.
Then (approx 47+ days later) He showed up in the middle of my town, during my wedding to Thornton Wolff and immediately aged up to YA, then A. Camila and Tomika were writers, and had written half a dozen books about his disappearance, and then VOILA! He came back...
Do you think this was a planned glitch? Or was it accidental. I was thinking about his storyline in TS2 about alien abduction, and how that might have been written into the game. I kept an eye on Bella Bachelor to see if he was with her, but no dice.
Has anyone else had any funny things happen to their characters? Inquiring minds want to know...