My strategy for this challenge was to target the most valuable collectibles, which was the Omiscan treasure collection from Jungle adventures. The treasures were valued between $8-$10K, which after doing some quick math, I realized I'd have to collect 80 collectables worth $100 to be of equivalent value.
To collect the Omiscan treasures, my sims spent 4 out of the 5 days speedrunning the temples in Selvadora as many times as possible. Both were spellcasters, and on day 1, after a stop to the magic realm, purchased broomsticks so that they could fly, saving a lot of time that would otherwise be spent walking through the very large jungle. Then, one sim would blunt force the temple by trying every trap option until the next door opened (I found this to be faster than "examining" the traps), while the other would excavate. All ancient Omiscan artifacts were "sent away for authentication" as it takes several sim hours to authenticate on the archeaology table (which were several sim hours that could be spent collecting!). The other sim would also occasionally explore the other "hidden areas" of the jungle because the scenarios generated after cutting down the vines could drop Omiscan treasures and other collectibles on occasion. For this reason, whenever it was daytime, I went to the marketplace in Selvadora to stock up on adventure gear.
In total, they collected 9 unique Omiscan Treasures and nearly completed the Ancient Omiscan artifacts collection (except one Cetlcitli statue
During the other time, the sims collected easy-to-get collectibles by visiting the Food/Garden shop in Henley-on-Bagford and the Magic Realm stores on a daily basis, going to the pond to collect the bare minimum number of frogs to breed the whole collection, purchasing simmies in the vending machine, purchasing crystal and sending them to the geological council to get elements, purchasing voidcritters, opening holiday crackers, writing to collect postcards (done between every trip to Selvadora), hoping the 4 pet rats would bring back postcards (they brought back 2 unique ones), and finally using the observatory / microscope to get prints. The two sims were part of the Knights of the Hedge club for the logic boost. There was also an ill fated attempt to make it to Sixam in the final 12 hours (the Knights of the Hedge club kindly built the rocketship for my sims
, but time ran out).
In all, this was a fun challenge. I haven't played much with the Jungle Adventures pack since it came out. I had very fond memories of Sims 3 World Adventures (when it worked!) and the gameplay for JA was a let down in comparison.
[Edited: See below for collector's box screenshot. Nothing is on the two non-visible walls.]
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