Author Topic: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy (27-Apr - on hold)  (Read 9151 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 4.1: Keep the Family Close (22-Apr)
« Reply #180 on: April 22, 2024, 01:04:03 PM »
Bit of a scare there with Brayan - honestly if he's going to get all emotional and die, he could at least pick a unique emotional death! Hysteria is way too easy to die by, in my opinion. Mostly it's really dying of  happiness, which shouldn't be a thing, I think.

So odd about Audrina - I hope you can find her. It's odd that she's in the family tree but can't be found anywhere. I never noticed if a Sim stays in the family tree if they get culled or otherwise deleted. Might have to test that sometime.

So long, Dalys! Have a great life - maybe we'll see you popping up at a park or a restaurant sometime in the future.  ;)
Death by Hysteria isn't quite as common as it used to be in my game. It used to be that one needed a mirror handy at all times to calm down. I don't know if that's the case for others.

I'm fond of Dalys. Her babies with Brayan should all be spellcasters and have red hair and I'm hoping at least one will get his violet eyes. Dalys wore a fully charged multi-birth crystal for conception attempts which she swapped for a newly charged one just before she left. There will be a 24hr gap before the birth but Caillen really wants them to have at least 4.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 4.1: Keep the Family Close (22-Apr)
« Reply #181 on: April 22, 2024, 01:05:33 PM »
Happy Birthday, Dirk! Best wishes on your Serial Romantic aspiration! (totally doable a a teen, as your Watcher knows)

About adorable Beatriz, my sims have never found the "Romance (No one)" description an obstacle to romance.
It only means that sim hasn't committed to either gender and is open to persuasion.  Is Beatriz also not "Exploring"?

Congrats to Coirah on catching the elusive Golden Mahi Mahi!
I wanted to congratulate Coirah on catching the Golden Mahi Mahi and thus completing the Fish collection but notice Fish isn't listed under New Collection.
What fish are left?

Oooh, Davina sneaking a slow dance with her sister's love interest.  That's against the sisterhood code yo!
Caillen's getting closer to completing her Big Happy Family.  Maybe Dirk can be irresponsible and help with grandchildren, lol!

(If you had MCCC, you could pull up Audrina's profile and see where she lives...)
So Coirah isn't automatically acquainted with her sister Audrina? What if Coirah looked at the "Family" tab of her Relationships panel?
Good luck finding Audrina, Watcher.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 4.1: Keep the Family Close (22-Apr)
« Reply #182 on: April 22, 2024, 01:42:01 PM »
Happy Birthday, Dirk! Best wishes on your Serial Romantic aspiration! (totally doable a a teen, as your Watcher knows)

About adorable Beatriz, my sims have never found the "Romance (No one)" description an obstacle to romance.
It only means that sim hasn't committed to either gender and is open to persuasion.  Is Beatriz also not "Exploring"?

Congrats to Coirah on catching the elusive Golden Mahi Mahi!
I wanted to congratulate Coirah on catching the Golden Mahi Mahi and thus completing the Fish collection but notice Fish isn't listed under New Collection.
What fish are left?

Oooh, Davina sneaking a slow dance with her sister's love interest.  That's against the sisterhood code yo!
Caillen's getting closer to completing her Big Happy Family.  Maybe Dirk can be irresponsible and help with grandchildren, lol!

(If you had MCCC, you could pull up Audrina's profile and see where she lives...)
So Coirah isn't automatically acquainted with her sister Audrina? What if Coirah looked at the "Family" tab of her Relationships panel?
Good luck finding Audrina, Watcher.
The lovely Beatriz declared she wasn't interested in romance with anyone and now Dirk has all Romance interactions greyed out, sadly. Still, he's got 3 weeks to explore all the possible love interests. I'm sure he'll find someone I can persuade him to settle down with.

The full fish collection is so wide-ranging and this challenge will have many generations, I set the Wallaces to catch all the Sulani fish while they were living there. However, since our heir rolled Child of the Islands, the family will be in Sulani for his reign. This should give them plenty of time to get the last 2 items of buried treasure, completing that collection.

There are a few remaining fish, including all the Granite Falls ones. Dirk did buy them at the fishing competition bait shack but I'm not sure they counted.

Ah - if only I had've nearly hooked me with that bait  :P

Offline oshizu

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 4.1: Keep the Family Close (22-Apr)
« Reply #183 on: April 22, 2024, 02:07:12 PM »
Ah - if only I had've nearly hooked me with that bait  :P

Come to the dark side. We haz cookies!

Offline Deklitch

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 4.1: Keep the Family Close (22-Apr)
« Reply #184 on: April 23, 2024, 06:20:43 PM »
Ah - if only I had've nearly hooked me with that bait  :P

Come to the dark side. We haz cookies!

Don't give into the dark, Granny! I have chocolates for you here in the Light!

Though cookies ...

Offline oshizu

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 4.1: Keep the Family Close (22-Apr)
« Reply #185 on: April 23, 2024, 08:51:17 PM »
Don't give into the dark, Granny! I have chocolates for you here in the Light!

Though cookies ...


Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 4.1: Keep the Family Close (22-Apr)
« Reply #186 on: April 24, 2024, 02:40:37 AM »
Ah - if only I had've nearly hooked me with that bait  :P

Come to the dark side. We haz cookies!

Don't give into the dark, Granny! I have chocolates for you here in the Light!

Though cookies ...
Well, in that case, chocolate beats cookies every time - sorry @oshizu  ;D

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 4.2: Runaround Sue/Dirk
« Reply #187 on: April 24, 2024, 02:32:23 PM »
Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 4.2: Runaround SueDirk

Previously in the Wallace Legacy Household: Davina had a second trip to Batuu; Dirk aged up to a Child of the Islands Teen; Dalys aged up to Good Young Adult and cemented her relationship with Brayan; Brayan got hysterical and died laughing but was brought back from the dead with a little magic; Dalys and Brayan then got married and moved to a large house in Sulani Town; Dirk became Leader of the Pack and embarked on Serial Romantic.

L-to-R: Denise, Dirk, Caillen, Coirah, Davina
Current Location: Sapphire Shores, Lani St. Taz, Sulani

Coirah: Dirk had been crushed by the Elementals ruling that he was denying his nature so he got us all beachcombing for trash to make a start. The funny thing is, when you comb for trash, you sometimes find treasure. The last item of buried treasure was ours. Here’s a museum pic of our Buried Treasure, along with the Omniscan Treasure and Artifacts plus the nine different Totems you can make (not a registered Collection). The family have done really well.


Dirk: I met Matilda early morning at the ThrifTea Store. She was impressed by my moves, I could tell.


Dirk: I was impressing Amelia on a date, when I spied another lovely lady. So many girls, so little time!


Davina: Dirk was so desperate to impress the Elementals that he called for a Kava Party even in a thunderstorm! Poor Matilda got struck by lightning. Fortunately she survived. Although she would have had another shock if she’d know that Dirk had not only kissed Amelia in our shack but also Sachiko when she was alone in there. You would have thought he’d leave Matilda in peace after her electrifying experience but no, he waited until Amelia and Sachiko were inside and planted a smacker on Matilda! Talk about Speed Dating!


Caillen: Dalys came over to visit, having given birth to Morgan – a little girl. A grandchild is always a blessing but more would be better, as I pointed out to Dalys. She looked a bit taken aback but said she would think about it. But really, she ought to say “yes” to her mother!


Perla: Now I’m a Teen, Dirk’s very interested in me.
Brayan: Look Sis, I know Dirk’s nice but he’s just using you so he can be a Serial Romantic.
Perla: I could be an Heir’s Spouse – I’m an Outgoing Animal Enthusiast.
Brayan: Dirk is a Child of the Islands and Watcher wants to do Animal Enthusiast in the HoB. That’s going to come much later. Surely you can see that.
Perla: Well, I’m his Girlfriend already, bro. You’re not the boss of me.


Dirk: The Elementals still weren’t happy with me. Watcher has persuaded the Island Spirits to visit. Maybe that will help. The Elementals seemed very happy with Denise, especially that Derumk.


Dirk: Well that was….tingly…but nice.


Dirk: This is Nanami. She’s a Freegan Cat Lover. She came to the Kava Party I threw for my sisters’ birthdays. Nanami agreed to be my Girlfriend before Mum worked out that she’d been a Teen like-forever and aged her up to a Young Adult. Mum!


Dirk: The Elementals finally decided that I was doing OK although there was still room for improvement. I’m going to be a Conservationist when I age up. Maybe that will make them happy.


Denise: Dirk is so concerned about his own stuff that he hasn’t told you about our birthdays. Davvy aged up to a Child of the Islands too! She also wants to be a Master Mixologist and has Uncontrolled Emotions. I aged up to be an Irresponsible Kleptomaniac and want to be a Master Actor. But what I really wanted was Derumk. He’s so…other worldly. Even after I asked him to join the household. Watcher was very pleased because, not only has he got the expected Sulani Manna, he’s also a Spice Hound which we’ve never worked for.


Davina: I was pleased for Denise. She lost no time in getting pregnant with Derumk and they moved out to the farthest Lot in our Neighbourhood, one with a deck over the water so Denise can swim all she likes. But what was really great was that it left Sho open for me.


Caillen: We went to visit Infant Morgan, she’s adorable. Red hair and violet eyes – perfect.


Davina: I knew Sho liked me but he was angry about Denise. I wore the crystal necklace that helps Romance but I was too impatient. Sho turned me down (Watcher: YES!) saying I was moving too fast. Stupid Stupid! Argh, my life is a tragedy!


Dirk: I’ve got a lot of experience with the ladies so I gave Davvy the benefit of my wisdom. She didn’t look very grateful but I’m sure it will help her, in time.


Davina: No! Those drinks weren’t all for me! I just needed to get some experience for my new job in the Culinary field. My mood wasn’t helped by Dirk putting his two pennyworth in. Nor by hearing that Dalys somehow had another Infant – Bobby. Did she adopt him? Who cares.


Coirah: We went to the Island Celebration on Thursday. Dirk had a go at the guitar and got a load of tips while Caillen and I did some Fire dancing. It was all very exciting until Sho rushed up to Davina, declared that he’d made a big mistake and asked her to marry him! He was so flustered that he didn’t even look at her while he asked her. She didn’t mind. She said yes of course.


Davina: My twin Denise came to my bachelorette party – she looks nearly ready to pop in this photo. That’s because she popped out twin boys – Herbert and Jarod – as soon as she got home. My bump was starting to show although you can’t see it behind that wall. We had a good time, even though we couldn’t drink. We danced, had some food and toasts. It was fun. Dirk wasn’t invited but somehow sneaked in and got himself another Girlfriend. Honestly, that boy is incorrigible.


Dirk: That’s Meredith Markovic. She came with me to the Beach Bonfire. It was so romantic. I had a strange moment when Mum rang me to say I was engaged to Nanami. Apparently she’d rung Mum to say she’d found a ring in my bag. Mum told her she had to make her own mind up so – hey – I’m an engaged Teen (with no Mods). I haven’t told Meredith…


Davina: My wedding was everything I wanted it to be. I surprised everyone by becoming a PlantSim again. I know I look great like that. I got a bit hysterical but managed to calm down. Sho wasn’t living in this world and was on his own. He has moved into the family home and we’ll stay here until the baby is born. Then we could go anywhere we fancy. My life is perfect.


Current Score at week 29 (Year 2, Autumn 1/4)
47%   Overall

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

New Collections: Buried Treasure
New Aspiration: Big Happy Family
New Achievements: Speed Dating
New Traits: Matriarch, Sulani Manna, Irresponsible, Uncontrolled Emotions, Essence of Flavour, Spice Hound, Recycle Disciple, Paranoid

L-to-R: Dirk, Davina, Caillen, Coirah, Sho Location: Sapphire Shores, Lani St. Taz, Sulani

Generation 3
Caillen Wallace - Heir
: Adult; Proper, Kleptomaniac, Self-Absorbed +Active +Outgoing +Cheerful
Coirah Wallace – Spare: Adult; Green Fiend, LazyActive, Childish +Perfectionist +Cheerful; Career – Gardener-Floral Designer 10+2/10; Aspiration – Neighbourhood Confidante 0/1

Generation 4
Davina – Spare
: Young Adult; Proper, Kleptomaniac, Child of the Islands; Aspiration – Master Mixologist 2/4; Career – Culinary
Sho Uchida – Spouse to Davina: Young Adult; Outgoing, Romantic, Ambitious
Dirk – Heir: Teen; Kleptomaniac, Child of the Islands; Aspiration – Serial Romantic 3/4

The Speed Dating Achievement – having 3 First Kisses at one social event – had me hopping around, trying to keep Dirks girlfriends apart. The rest of the family colluded to help him but they’d never admit that.

Having a Proposal Rejected is supposed to be a Milestone but it’s not showing in Davina’s Simology panel. I’ve ticked it off though. That girl earned it.

Farewell to Denise. Never an Heir-contender and Irresponsible from the get-go, despite her Proper Trait, she was instrumental in helping Caillen with her Big Happy Family and she still managed to knock out 5 points:
Milestones – Rolled Over to Back
Traits – Irresponsible, Fear of Homework, Great Kisser, Fussy (Toddler)

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 4.2: Runaround Sue/Dirk (24-Apr)
« Reply #188 on: April 24, 2024, 04:10:55 PM »
Adieu Denise! Thanks for the memories, and may you have a wonderful life.
Davina, you are very cute with your short hair, green or not. I think there's a really cute nooboo on the way.
Dirk, you scoundrel! Just who will get you to settle down in the end?
Watcher - 47%! Congrats!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 4.3: If I Could Turn Back Time
« Reply #189 on: April 27, 2024, 06:49:20 AM »
Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 4.3: If I Could Turn Back Time

Previously in the Wallace Legacy Household: Coirah completed the Buried Treasure collection; Dirk did some Speed Dating; Derumk, the Elemental was so pleased with Dirk that he married his sister Denise; Dalys and Denise both provided Caillen with 2 grandchildren to complete her Big Happy Family; Davina’s proposal was rejected by Sho but then they got married anyway

L-to-R: Dirk, Davina, Caillen, Coirah, Sho
Current Location: Sapphire Shores, Lani St. Taz, Sulani

Dirk: I had some lovely dates with Erika and Amelia and then this third one with Bianca confirmed me as a Player. Now none of my loves will get angry with me when they see me with the others. I told Bianca but she didn’t seem pleased for some reason.


Caillen: We went to visit Denise and Derumk so I got a good cuddle with Herbert. We didn’t stay long because it’s monsoon season in Sulani and no-one wanted to get struck by lightning.


Davina: Watcher sent Sho out to play in the rain. It was bucketing it down and the lightning was really scary. What was she thinking? Luckily Sho came back in, safe and sound. I don’t know what I’d do without him!


Sho: When it was time for Davvy to have our baby, we thought the safest thing would be the hospital. Would you believe that, last time a Wallace gave birth here, they swiped the check-in computer. Me and Davvy just stood there looking at each other, not knowing what to do.


Davvy: Watcher got us home and our babies, note the plural, were born. Ethel (noble) and Ervyn (sea friend) were so precious.


Coirah: Dirk threw a Kava party to celebrate the twins arrival. He invited all his loves, even the mean guy that he just kissed the once. He was right, not one of them got jealous. On the other hand, Dirk was almost overwhelmed and just concentrated on cooking for the party. I think he’s bitten off more than he can chew. Especially as some of his girls are now Young Adults. They got all flirty around him but nothing could happen. Very frustrating for all concerned.

From L-to-R: Bianca (exercising) talking to Perla Wallace, Meredith (seated), Erika (blue jumper), Amelia & Manami (on bench), Nanami (sitting with Coirah), Sachiko (going into shack)

Davina: As Dirk was planning Kava Parties every day and the twins had aged into Sensitive and Wiggly Infants, Sho and I decided to move to Granny Bonnie’s old place in Ohan’ali Town. Watcher made it over for us and we settled in very nicely.


Caillen: We were all stunned when we got a phone call from Derumk to say that Denise had died in a fire. We rushed straight round there to get introduced to Jarod (in pic) and Herbert. Denise’s urn was by the entry. How on earth did she manage to die of fire there?


Caillen: It was with heavy hearts that we travelled to the family Museum in Oasis Springs to add Denise’s urn to the graveyard there. It was particularly poignant as it was Remembrance Day, the anniversary of my grandmother’s death. Ailsa was our Founder and we’ll always mark this day with remembrance. It was a sombre time but it was good to celebrate the lives lived: Ailsa and Akira plus Mum & Dad (Bonnie & Morgyn). I think Dirk was taken aback by seeing mine and Clement’s portraits on the wall. Maybe the reality of being the Heir has started to sink in.


Dirk: Happy Birthday Mum.
Caillen: Thanks darling boy but I’m not aging up. I’m going to drink this Potion of Rejuvenation and age down.
Dirk: Cool. You can live forever then!
Caillen: No, sweetheart, just one dose. You can have yours when the time comes.
Coirah: Speaking of timing, I’m going to move in with Denise’s Infants. Derumk is a good guy but raising twins needs more help.
Dirk: Oh, but we’ve moved into Ohan’ali Town, the Chieftain’s Villa. We won’t need all this space if you move out.
Coirah: I’m staying in Sulani. I’m sure we’ll still meet up. Besides, you’ll be starting your Conservationist career next week.
Dirk: Now Mua Pel’am has been fully redeemed, I’m not sure there’ll be much to do in that job. I’m beginning to wonder if my future really does lie in Sulani.
Caillen: Why don’t you do some part-time work and see if you’d like something else.


Dirk: I joined the Life Guard career at level 2 but the wishing well promoted me to level 3. I’ve become a Babysitter instead. I do like living in the Islands. I’m getting really good at fire dancing. I’m just not sure if it’s me forever.


Dirk: Uncle/Cousin/? Coinneach invited me to the Magic Realm for a duel. I’d been working on my spells as I didn’t have a lot else to do. I beat Coinneach, ha! That put me in the best mood, ready for my last possible Prom that evening.


Dirk: Would you believe that, just before my Prom was due to start, Sho and Brayan turned up with Extra Food they thought we needed. My Prom got cancelled (!) and I ended up making polite conversation with all those rellies instead of talking sweet nothings to all my ladies! Give me a break!


I will indeed give Dirk a break.
His continuing story is being put on hold while I accept another challenge to pursue alongside @oshizu
This Simology Challenge, whilst being a lot of fun, could last for 100 generations. So I’m giving myself permission to lay it down, every now and then, to try other things. The Wallaces will return. At which point Dirk will have to grow up and settle down, if that’s possible.

Current Score at week 30 (Year 2, Autumn 2/4)
47%   Overall

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

New Neighbourhood: Sulani: Ohan'ali Town
New Aspiration: Serial Romantic
New Career: Life Guard
New Traits: Player, Paranormal Investigator, Sensitive

L-to-R: Caillen & Dirk
Screenshot 2024-04-26 194115.jpg
Current Location: Chieftains Villa, Ohan’ali Town, Sulani

Generation 3
Caillen Wallace - Heir
: Adult; Proper, Kleptomaniac, Self-Absorbed +Active +Outgoing +Cheerful

Generation 4
Dirk – Heir
: Teen; Kleptomaniac, Child of the Islands; Career – Babysitter 2/3; Aspiration – Renaissance Sim 0/4

It was a big surprise to lose Denise so young. I’ve enabled Neighbourhood stories (disabling Adopt Horses) for my non-household Sims but it was very sad. It did, however give Coirah the perfect excuse to move out. She’s been kicking her heels since topping the Florist career.

Farewell to Davina. Never an Heir-contender, Destroyer of school projects and occasional PlantSim, she managed to knock out 5 points, like her late twin Denise. 6 if you count Ethel being Sensitive:
Aspiration - Artistic Prodigy
Milestones – Proposal Rejected
Traits – Essence of Flavour, Sensitive (baby Ethel), Uncontrolled Emotions, Light Sleeper

Farewell to Coirah. Caillen’s (younger) half-sister, she’s been a real asset to the house, knocking out 22 points:
Death: Consumed by Mother (+enabled death by flowers)
Skills: Flower Arranging, Photography
Aspirations: Beach Life, Mansion Baron, Mind & Body, StrangerVille Mystery
Milestones: Defeated the Mother Plant, First Vacation, Learned to Ride a Bike, Resurrected
Career: Gardener-Floral Designer
Traits: Forever Full, Heat Acclimation, Headstrong, Hero of StrangerVille, Green Fiend, Paranormal Investigator, Professional Slacker, Laid Back, Rebellious, Thrifty

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 4.3: If I Could Turn Back Time (27-Apr)
« Reply #190 on: April 27, 2024, 11:47:59 AM »
I somehow missed when you posted Runaround SueDirk, so first that update.
All the shots of Dirk doing the Attempt to Seduce with the ladies was hilarious!
jI loved that Sho later came to his se4nses and proposed to Davina--almost worth her being rejected the first time!
So does Caillen now have three grandchildren?  Looks like Denise will help her complete Big Happy Family. Yay!
Congrats on completing even more collections!

Wow, what a shocker that Davina died by fire!
Even in challenges where I didn't use MCCC, I've never had a moved-out played sim die from anything other than Old Age.  How unlucky!
Wow, Coirah was such a trooper!  22 points!? Apparently, the single Wallaces are better point-earners than the married Wallaces, lol.
Oh, the legacy household is down to two sims! Watcher, it must be a huge relief for you!
Yes, a well-deserved break for the Watcher!  Bbbuttt, you are already at the 47% mark after only 30 weeks and 4-5 generations.
What will be left for Gen80 to dooooooo?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 4.3: If I Could Turn Back Time (27-Apr)
« Reply #191 on: April 27, 2024, 01:27:40 PM »
I somehow missed when you posted Runaround SueDirk, so first that update.
All the shots of Dirk doing the Attempt to Seduce with the ladies was hilarious!
jI loved that Sho later came to his se4nses and proposed to Davina--almost worth her being rejected the first time!
So does Caillen now have three grandchildren?  Looks like Denise will help her complete Big Happy Family. Yay!
Congrats on completing even more collections!

Wow, what a shocker that Davina died by fire!
Even in challenges where I didn't use MCCC, I've never had a moved-out played sim die from anything other than Old Age.  How unlucky!
Wow, Coirah was such a trooper!  22 points!? Apparently, the single Wallaces are better point-earners than the married Wallaces, lol.
Oh, the legacy household is down to two sims! Watcher, it must be a huge relief for you!
Yes, a well-deserved break for the Watcher!  Bbbuttt, you are already at the 47% mark after only 30 weeks and 4-5 generations.
What will be left for Gen80 to dooooooo?
The idea of ever getting to 100 generations (it's an in-game achievement) seems ridiculous and its highly unlikely I'll ever get there. The 26-gen achievement is more attainable so that may be when I call it a day.

All those generations is one of the reasons that I'm not pushing for many careers in each generation.

The first 50% is fairly easily won - so many infant/toddler/children firsts. We've had all the satisfaction reward traits now (so the family can now get just the ones they need). The rest will be more hard-won.

It will be good to have a break. Dirk needs to do som serious thinking about his future. Seeing that memorial wall hit him hard.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 4.3: If I Could Turn Back Time (27-Apr)
« Reply #192 on: April 27, 2024, 01:48:05 PM »
Such sad and unexpected news about Denise! I don't think I've ever had that happen either, and it's sad enough when they die of old age.
Congrats to Dirk for finishing Serial Romantic, but it will be nice to see him settle down . . . eventually.
Meanwhile, I am really looking forward to reading about the new adventure for you and @oshizu - wish I was joining you, but I am too slow to keep up anyway. It will be enjoyable reading about, though, and I have some fun challenges coming up for the Sandovals keeping me occupied.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 4.3: If I Could Turn Back Time (27-Apr)
« Reply #193 on: April 27, 2024, 02:00:15 PM »
Such sad and unexpected news about Denise! I don't think I've ever had that happen either, and it's sad enough when they die of old age.
Congrats to Dirk for finishing Serial Romantic, but it will be nice to see him settle down . . . eventually.
Meanwhile, I am really looking forward to reading about the new adventure for you and @oshizu - wish I was joining you, but I am too slow to keep up anyway. It will be enjoyable reading about, though, and I have some fun challenges coming up for the Sandovals keeping me occupied.
Dirk needs the right woman to steer him through the next gen. It wouldn't be surprising if he rolled Non-Committal for his adult trait, lol.

I love reading the Sandoval's stories. The horse gen was perfect! The way you and @oshizu crafted and are working through your MishMash challenge makes them seem almost totally different. The main thing is to have fun though, right?

I'm looking forward to the new challenge. The first gen is revisiting a world I used to play over and over when it first came out but I haven't touched much for a long time.

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 4.3: If I Could Turn Back Time (27-Apr)
« Reply #194 on: April 27, 2024, 02:35:55 PM »
Meanwhile, I am really looking forward to reading about the new adventure for you and @oshizu - wish I was joining you, but I am too slow to keep up anyway.
Since all three of us will be playing generations with requirements drawn from different source challenges, it will be as if all three of were doing the same challenge, anyway! <3
Also, you are definitely NOT slow! When you are playing your Sandovals, you make incredibly efficient progress!
If Granny and I also played Diablo 3 and Diablo 4, our respective progress in our legacy challenges would surely be at the same pace. :D
Now, what's that Ivy up to these days?  Curious minds wanna know!

