Author Topic: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy (27-Apr - on hold)  (Read 9160 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.10: I’m Wishing On A Star (14-Apr)
« Reply #165 on: April 15, 2024, 02:43:16 PM »
The whole episode with the Night Wraith(s) was so weird.  The one the Wallaces De-Dedeathified looks like Vlad's cousin, lol.
How did you get rid of him?  Where does he live now?
Oh, poor Baird! You never even got a First Kiss from anyone!  Rest in peace, gentle (unflirty) soul!
The buried treasure collection is so annoying!
In my Big Dreams Dynasty, my sims living in Sulani completed both the seashells & buried treasures collection, but I almost gave up!
Good luck with those collections and the Omiscan treausres!
The Night Wraith, after being turned straight into a ghost (no actual death) by the Wishing Well, was still part of the household so I got him to Split From Household and then cancelled it so he went into Not In World. Dalys actually keeps wanting to be friends with him - strange girl.

Thanks for the Night Wraith/Vlad lore. It's always interesting to find these tidbits out although missing citations are annoying. It's difficult to know what's true or not. Wait...none of it's true, is it?  ;D

I was quite fond of Baird and he achieved so much. He had a couple of close friendships, notably with his old School Principal but nothing romantic. He was Single and Lovin it to the end.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.10: I’m Wishing On A Star (14-Apr)
« Reply #166 on: April 15, 2024, 02:48:40 PM »
I don't envy Coirah and Dalys - I have a washer and a dryer and still find laundry tedious.
Rest in Peace, Baird.
I don't understand why teens aren't allowed to drink kava - they're allowed to drink bar drinks and nectar - or has that changed and I didn't notice?
Dirk is really cute - especially that picture of him sleeping on the ground with his little tush up in the air.
Laundry is tedious but not the worse job. Cleaning WCs - eugh!

I was annoyed with myself forgetting that teens can't drink Kava. They can invite people to drink Kava but, without drinking it, they can't make Kava Toasts. Dalys did cook the group meal though and socialised a lot. I'm not being precious about Sims achieving things totally solo so it was OK.

I always feel so bad when my toddlers pass out from lack of sleep - Bad Watcher! To be fair to the twins, they couldn't interact with him while he was asleep, but I thought it was funny that they just stood there looking at him.

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.10: I’m Wishing On A Star (14-Apr)
« Reply #167 on: April 15, 2024, 06:09:10 PM »
Here's another Night Wraith tidbit.
In James Turner's Every Occult Challenge, he also moved in the Night Wraith briefly then moved him out again.
His sim, Semaj, made sure that his entire seven-sim household bought lottery tickets on Lottery Day.
But guess who won?  The Night Wraith.  LOL!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.11: Kissin’ Cousins
« Reply #168 on: April 18, 2024, 08:47:29 AM »
Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.11: Kissin’ Cousins

Previously in the Wallace Legacy Household: The family moved to the Admiral’s Wreckage; the Night Wraith moved in, caused Baird’s death by Spellcaster Overload and was drowned by the Wishing Well; Dirk aged up to a Fussy Toddler; Dalys aged up to a Self-Assured Teen; Coirah topped her Floral Designer career but stayed on as the only wage-earner; Dalys and her 2nd cousin went to a cancelled Prom

L-to-R: Denise, Dalys, Caillen holding Dirk, Coirah, Davina
Current Location: Admiral’s Wreckage, Mua Pel ‘am, Sulani

Clement: I got invited to the triple birthday party. I love playing with all the kids toys and it’s great to spend time with everyone. Dirk really wanted me to read him a story but, every time I tried, my beloved Caillen kept picking him up.


Caillen: I know Dirk would have loved a story from his Daddy but it was time for candles. He takes after me, in that he takes stuff from other people but, if they leave it lying around, what do they expect? Davina also got my Kleptomaniac trait but Denise got my Proper trait. That’s all 3 girls being Proper. I wonder if Dirk will get it as a Young Adult.


Caillen: My cousin Coinneach and his fiancé Trinity weren’t sure about Dalys kissing their son Brayan but I pointed out it was just a bit of party fun – nothing serious. Besides, they’re 2nd cousins, not 1st.


Dalys: I don’t care what our parents think. I wanted Brayan to be my first. He’s Good so he took a bit of persuading to join me in the Dumpster but, because he’s Clumsy too, it was easy to pull him in. And, yes, Readers, he really was Good!


Coirah: Dalys graduated early so we spent a good amount of time fishing. Do you see that wriggly mottled fish? It’s a Leopard Shark and Dalys managed to catch it. There’s only one Sulani fish left and that’s the Golden Mahi Mahi.


Denise: I got a bit sick of Dalys and Dirk getting all the attention. Me and Davina don’t have Spellcaster traits, not that I want them anyway. But it does mean that eating that kelp had a wonderful effect. Mum and Dalys were too busy to even notice. Ha!


Denise: Whee – so wonderful to get away from homework and domestic chores! I’d signed on as a Nanny but that’s not till the weekend. In the meantime, I was free!


Dirk: We went to Selvadorada twice this week. Once before my birthday and this time. I danced to the radio a bit and practised my bike riding but there’s not a lot for me to do here


Davina: Dalys had a real go at me for eating the Forbidden Fruit. She said I was just trying to show off and draw attention to myself but I was just experimenting to get over a black mood. She said I was always moody which was really upsetting. I hate her!


Caillen: I got really frightened on one of the traps in the temple. When I reached in to the hole I grabbed what I thought was a lever but it was a skeleton hand! Terrifying! I really want to activate the Skeleton assistant artifact that I’ve created but I’m constantly blessed by eternal sunshine so I can’t.


Coirah: Another day, another boat load of fish that aren’t the Golden Mahi Mahi! One day.


Denise: Well that funny photo wasn’t very funny at all. At least we got to Prom. Without Watcher joining us all this week, we weren’t sure it would happen. We did have a Principal though. Davina thought I should have gone to my first shift as a Nanny, but I couldn’t miss Prom, could I?


Dalys: The twins both voted for each other as Prom royalty but the meanest girl, Aarohi, got it. Maybe she’s just Mean because she has to wear Ms Crumplebottoms cast offs… I think Davina and Denise both voted me as Jester so, that’s me. I’m a bit annoyed that Brayan didn’t invite me to the Prom but then, I didn’t invite him either. Which is why I guess he wasn’t there.


Davina: Dalys got invited to the After Party and I guess I’m glad she invited us along as well as our 2nd cousins Brayan and Bridget. I’d not met Bridget before. I like her. Denise was a bit keen on this guy Sho. They disappeared somewhere. Dalys and Brayan disappeared almost immediately.


Denise: I wanted a romantic ride with Sho, who is Romantic after all. I thought at one point he was going to kiss me so I leaned in to him. Sadly, he was nodding off and just stretching. Such a missed opportunity. I went swimming in the bay after that to cool off.


Dalys: Yes, I invited the twins to join me but what I really wanted was to ride the big wheel with Brayan. It was magical. When we came down to earth, I decided to make it official. Brayan is now my boyfriend and we’ve exchanged rings. Not my hand-crafted ring, but definitely rings.


Current Score at week 26 (Year 2, Summer 2/4)
43%   Overall

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

New Aspirations: Admired Icon, Creative Genius
New Milestones: Became a PlantSim, Played with Others
New Traits: Iconic, Idea Person

L-to-R: Denise, Dalys, Caillen, Coirah, Davina, Dirk
Current Location: Admiral’s Wreckage, Mua Pel ‘am, Sulani

Generation 3
Caillen Wallace - Heir
: Adult; Proper, Kleptomaniac, Self-Absorbed +Active +Outgoing +Cheerful; Unemployed; Aspiration – Big Happy Family 2/4
Coirah Wallace – Spare: Young Adult; Green Fiend, LazyActive, Childish +Perfectionist +Cheerful; Career – Gardener-Floral Designer 10/10

Generation 4
Dalys – Spare
: Teen; Proper, Self-Assured; Aspiration – Painter Extraordinaire 2/4
Davina – Spare: Teen; Proper, Kleptomaniac; Aspiration – Galactic Privateer 0/4
Denise – Spare: Teen; Cheerful, Proper; Career – Nanny 2/3; Aspiration – Musical Genius 1/4
Dirk – Heir: Child; Kleptomaniac

Not much numerical progress but lots of collection work. Items still to collect are: 3 buried treasures (Sulani), 2 shells (Sulani), 2 Omniscan treasures (Selvadorada), 1 fossil (Selvadorada), 1 fish (Sulani). The Sulani fish – Golden Mahi Mahi is thought to be fished in deep waters but the family are not having much luck there. It won’t complete the fish collection but I want them to find it before they move on from Sulani.

I kept Davina’s hair long so it would contrast with Denise’s short cut. But the PlantSim haircut really suits Davina. I might have a think about that. Dirk has the highest cheekbones ever! I do wonder what he'll look like as a teen.
Davina Teen.jpgDenise Teen.jpg
Dirk Child.jpg

Offline oshizu

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.11: Kissin’ Cousins (18-Apr)
« Reply #169 on: April 18, 2024, 01:16:08 PM »
I vaguely recall one of the "deep waters" fish being unintentionally fished up by Stella (Gen8) while Hiroki was out fishing on his canoe.
Stella was over fishing to the left of the Journey's End lot ("left" as you face the lot's front entrance).
Sadly, I don't remember which "deep sea" fish it was exactly, but you might try that sport. :D
P.S. I just went back and re-read several Gen8 updates. It might have been the Swordfish (not the Gold Mahimahi) that they caught without the canoe.

Oooh, Dirk got his high cheekbones from Papa Clement, right?
Davina is so adorable in her PlantSim outfit with the little apron!
Great progress on your collections and aspirations, Watcher!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.11: Kissin’ Cousins (18-Apr)
« Reply #170 on: April 18, 2024, 02:43:54 PM »
Ooooh - the battle is still on between Davina and Dalys I see!
I agree that Davina is quite cute as a plant sim with a short haircut.
Denise's mermaid tail is beautiful!
Good luck with the Golden Mahi Mahi!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.11: Kissin’ Cousins (18-Apr)
« Reply #171 on: April 19, 2024, 10:55:51 AM »
I vaguely recall one of the "deep waters" fish being unintentionally fished up by Stella (Gen8) while Hiroki was out fishing on his canoe.
Stella was over fishing to the left of the Journey's End lot ("left" as you face the lot's front entrance).
Sadly, I don't remember which "deep sea" fish it was exactly, but you might try that sport. :D
P.S. I just went back and re-read several Gen8 updates. It might have been the Swordfish (not the Gold Mahimahi) that they caught without the canoe.

Oooh, Dirk got his high cheekbones from Papa Clement, right?
Davina is so adorable in her PlantSim outfit with the little apron!
Great progress on your collections and aspirations, Watcher!
I'll try around the different places. There are a few online posts from people claiming it's mythical, lol. I'll just have to keep persevering.

Caillen has got quite high cheek bones anyway but I did shave Clements beard off (temporarily, you understand) to do a comparison. He's got a friendly face but that body-shape! Thankfully, none of his children with Caillen seem to have inherited that.
Clement Head.jpgDirk Child.jpgCaillen Teen.jpg

Ooooh - the battle is still on between Davina and Dalys I see!
I agree that Davina is quite cute as a plant sim with a short haircut.
Denise's mermaid tail is beautiful!
Good luck with the Golden Mahi Mahi!
We had to have a mermaid in Sulani and Denise, shooting for irresponsible, seemed just the person to go for it. She and her twin Davina are fun to play. Davina never seems to be in a bad mood so the only emotional outlet she has, regardless of mood, is to smash her siblings projects which she does on a daily basis.

Dalys is in the hyper-argumentative zone already but she doesn't age up for another week. The questions they ask of adults is actually helpful for getting bad traits - normally I dread those random questions.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.11: Kissin’ Cousins (18-Apr)
« Reply #172 on: April 19, 2024, 04:12:40 PM »
Haha, the Golden Mahi Mahi isn't mythical. I've had multiple sims catch it.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.12: Great Balls Of Fire
« Reply #173 on: April 20, 2024, 11:43:57 AM »
Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.12: Great Balls Of Fire

Previously in the Wallace Legacy Household: Dirk aged up to a Child and the twins aged up to Teens; Dirk and Davina became Kleptos and Denise became Proper; Dalys escalated her romance with Coinneach’s son Brayan; Denise became a Mermaid and Davina became a Plant Sim

L-to-R: Denise, Dalys, Caillen, Coirah, Davina, Dirk
Current Location: Admiral’s Wreckage, Mua Pel ‘am, Sulani

Davina: I really liked being green as a PlantSim but my leaves flaking off here and there was a little disturbing.


Davina: I did look epic doing some cheerleading though.


Caillen: Denise said that her swimming costume was highly appropriate for a Mermaid but I was concerned that it was a bit revealing for a Teen. She gets more and more Irresponsible each day.


Coirah: We moved to the Sapphire Shores lot in Lani St. Taz. Watcher loves the Admirals Wreckage but we thought we’d try our luck in a different spot. Would you believe we completed the Seashell collection on the first beachcombing? Maybe I’ll get that last Sulani fish at the new deep sea area.


Dirk: Watcher forgot to get some solar panels and windmills so our big telescope wasn’t working. This little one was though. Using it got me some points towards my Science badge.


Dalys: Poor Dirk. This was the first time that Davina had smashed one of his projects. I would have had an argument with her but she ran off for a jog. Not to clear her mind, just a jog. That sister of mine is becoming impossible.


Coirah: This is a lovely deep sea spot – a nice rest from my rocket trips, getting that last space rock. I’ve got scuba gear now, to dive for treasure. Plus an underwater camera. My photo’s came out just Normal but I’ve maxed out the photography skill. I tried Spear Fishing but I only get Guppies that way.


Denise: Mmm – Sho didn’t think my swimsuit was too revealing….


Davina: Dalys spends a lot of time reading magical tomes. It’s not fair that she and Dirk are Spellcasters and I’m not. It’s just not fair.


Caillen: Wednesday was Mid-Summer. Denise really wanted to just stay in the sea for her part of Water Fun but she enjoyed the water fight. I stayed behind the observatory which is powered up now. Denise was annoyed because Davina got to graduate early and she couldn’t. She claims she has a Fear of Homework now! I’ve never heard of such a thing. She won’t accept that the only way get over it, is to actually do it. Oh no!


Davina: Finally, I got to Batuu. The perks of graduating early. I don’t want a job. I’m going to make tonnes of dosh here. Tonnes of it!


Dalys: Aw – look at my lovely Brayan. We couldn’t smooch anymore because he’s aged up to a Young Adult, but we can still spend time together.


Coirah: This Family Gathering was for my Adult birthday so I took lots of photos. Here’s one of me with Mum (Bonnie) and one of me with my niece Davina. She changed back to normal not long after this.


Dalys: We couldn’t believe that a meteorite would strike our beach home. Granny must have seen it coming. Why didn’t she run away? Poor Granny. We’re all devastated. Davina spends all her time crying of course. The rest of us are just consoling each other as best we can.


Caillen: We were still getting over losing Mum when she called to arrange for us to meet a child she’d adopted. What was weirder was that she thought she was living at our house. We agreed, of course, but she showed up without the child. I invited her to join the household, thinking the child would come too but no. So I’ve got an adoptive sister out there somewhere. I do hope she’s safe.


Bonnie: Oh Morgyn, I’m so pleased to join you here.
Morgyn: How wonderful to be together again. Where’s the child you adopted?
Bonnie: I don’t know. Watcher will find her, somehow.
Watcher: ????


Dirk: This was my last week as a child. I’ll take over as Heir next week. I’m a Creative Genius and a Social Butterfly. I might get to be a Whiz Kid but Watcher doesn’t always push me that hard. The redhead behind me? That’s Perla Wallace, daughter of Coinneach and Trinity and my 2nd cousin. She’s got dark eyes. She shows up a lot now she’s a child.


Current Score at week 27 (Year 2, Summer 3/4)
45%   Overall

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

New Death: By Meteorite
New Collections: Seashells, Space Rocks
New Skill: Photography
New Neighbourhood: Sulani: Lani St. Taz
New Achievements: Bow-dacious, Picture Perfect
New Traits: Forever Full, Great Kisser, Fear of Homework

L-to-R: Denise, Dalys, Caillen, Coirah, Davina, Dirk
Current Location: Sapphire Shores, Lani St. Taz, Sulani

Generation 3
Caillen Wallace - Heir
: Adult; Proper, Kleptomaniac, Self-Absorbed +Active +Outgoing +Cheerful; Unemployed; Aspiration – Big Happy Family 2/4
Coirah Wallace – Spare: Ddult; Green Fiend, LazyActive, Childish +Perfectionist +Cheerful; Career – Gardener-Floral Designer 10+2/10

Generation 4
Dalys – Spare
: Teen; Proper, Self-Assured; Aspiration – Painter Extraordinaire 2/4
Davina – Spare: Teen; Proper, Kleptomaniac; Aspiration – Galactic Privateer 1/4
Denise – Spare: Teen; Cheerful, Proper; Career – Nanny 2/3; Aspiration – Musical Genius 2/4
Dirk – Heir: Child; Kleptomaniac

I have no idea where Bonnie’s adopted daughter disappeared to. She’s still on the family tree but not on the Manage Households screen. Ah well, without the confusion I might not have moved Bonnie in and through to be with ghosts Ailsa, Akira and her first love Morgyn.

You may be amused to know that I found not one but 24 Night Wraiths in separate households as I was searching. They had various names and some were in residential lots. I have deleted them all, including the original. I hope they don’t rematerialize. I hope I don’t get nightmares.

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.12: Great Balls Of Fire (20-Apr)
« Reply #174 on: April 20, 2024, 01:38:23 PM »
Congrats on completing two more collections!

I'm surprised that I didn't notice earlier, but Dalys really looks a lot like Caillen!
I loved playing my simself as a PlantSim in my Murkland Challenge and was sad that the life state didn't last longer.
Also, I wish there were more activities exclusive to PlantSims.

We were anticipating a Meteorite as soon as that little telescope appeared, but Bonnie's death felt so sudden!
Rest in peace, Bonnie!
(When Baird died, you listed all the points he scored but you didn't do the same for Bonnie.
Did Baird actually earn more points than his mother did?)

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.12: Great Balls Of Fire (20-Apr)
« Reply #175 on: April 20, 2024, 02:02:09 PM »
Davina really did look great as a PlantSim, and you're right about the short hair suiting her - I'm glad you kept it.
Even when you're set up for the meteorite, it feels sudden when it comes - Jasmine experienced that with Harley as well. But it's nice for Bonnie to be reunited with her first love.
I've never seen that message about adopting a child - didn't know it was a thing. When the daughter shows up on the family tree, is she a ghost?

I wonder if that's a bug with the Night Wraith - @oshizu may have mentioned this already, but the same thing happened to James Turner in his Occult series - once the Night Wraith visited his Sim, several more of them showed up in the world. Odd.

Congrats on all your progress! Looking forward to Dirk's story.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.12: Great Balls Of Fire (20-Apr)
« Reply #176 on: April 20, 2024, 02:51:18 PM »
Congrats on completing two more collections!

I'm surprised that I didn't notice earlier, but Dalys really looks a lot like Caillen!
I loved playing my simself as a PlantSim in my Murkland Challenge and was sad that the life state didn't last longer.
Also, I wish there were more activities exclusive to PlantSims.

We were anticipating a Meteorite as soon as that little telescope appeared, but Bonnie's death felt so sudden!
Rest in peace, Bonnie!
(When Baird died, you listed all the points he scored but you didn't do the same for Bonnie.
Did Baird actually earn more points than his mother did?)
I listed Bonnie's achievements here when she left the household and went to live in Sulani Town. She was still in the family club so it felt like she hadn't left.

Her brother Baird, being older and not creating a family, achieved a lot more.

The small telescope has been in the family for a while. It was a gamble as to who would get the meteorite. With no notification, it was lucky I spotted the arrival of Grim.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.12: Great Balls Of Fire (20-Apr)
« Reply #177 on: April 20, 2024, 02:58:04 PM »
Davina really did look great as a PlantSim, and you're right about the short hair suiting her - I'm glad you kept it.
Even when you're set up for the meteorite, it feels sudden when it comes - Jasmine experienced that with Harley as well. But it's nice for Bonnie to be reunited with her first love.
I've never seen that message about adopting a child - didn't know it was a thing. When the daughter shows up on the family tree, is she a ghost?

I wonder if that's a bug with the Night Wraith - @oshizu may have mentioned this already, but the same thing happened to James Turner in his Occult series - once the Night Wraith visited his Sim, several more of them showed up in the world. Odd.

Congrats on all your progress! Looking forward to Dirk's story.
The sequence of events was:

Bonnie died
Family vacay to Selvadorada
Return to get phone call

I've had that call before but not from a ghost. The game must have got confused somehow. I can't remember the adoptive daughter's name but she appears as a living child on the family tree. She wasn't in Bonnie's relationship list so she couldn't invite her over. I hope I'll be able to track her down and get her properly into the family.

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Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 4.1: Keep the Family Close
« Reply #178 on: April 22, 2024, 11:07:36 AM »
Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 4.1: Keep the Family Close

Previously in the Wallace Legacy Household: the family moved to Sapphire Shores; they completed the Seashell and Space Rock Collections; Denise became afraid of Homework; Davina visited Batuu; Bonnie died of a Meteorite strike

L-to-R: Denise, Dalys, Caillen, Coirah, Davina, Dirk
Current Location: Sapphire Shores, Lani St. Taz, Sulani

Davina: I got back to Batuu and delivered a package to Hondo. He’s the head Scoundrel. He sent me on another mission but I really need an upgraded drone to help me distract the guards. My Handiness is non-existent so my drone, Davvy 2, will have to come home with me.


Dirk: I got my Whiz Kid so this is me, having learned to cycle in the rain for Mind and Body.


Dalys: Davina made some Lava Rolls for us, a recipe from Batuu, she says. She says a lot of things that I find difficult to believe. That’s why I usually argue with her. The Lava Rolls were nice though.


Dirk: Mum arranged a Dinner Party for my birthday. I was glad that Dad came until me and my friend Manuel saw them kissing. Gross! It was so embarrassing.


Dirk: There was lots of food for my party. And cake of course. There’s my 2nd cousin Perla sitting in between her Mum Trinity and my Dad. Her Dad is standing behind me and that her brother Brayan making sheep’s eyes at my sister Dalys. Dude! You can see my sister Davina who wasn’t wrecking our school projects for once. But my sister Denise had swum off in disgrace. Her grades are down to a D. She says they discriminate against people with Homeworkophobia.


Caillen: My baby Dirk is now a Child of the Islands. He made sure he got his school work done but I hope he realises that trait comes with responsibilities. He also wanted to be Leader of the Pack so, although it made me a bit sad, I handed over the reins of the family club to him. He topped out as a Llamacorn Scout and joined the Chess team. His Logic is maxed but I hope he’s ready for the cutthroat world of Chess.


Dirk: I met some great people at school. Amelia is a Self-Assured Child of the Village and Beatriz is a Hot-Headed Vegetarian but she’s not into romance with anyone which I found out when I invited her home. Embarrassing!


Dalys: We had a proper Birthday Party for me the next day. I’d just completed my Painter Extraordinaire Aspiration and now I’m Good like Brayan but want to be a Musical Genius, like Denise. I may have locked in my Argumentative nature, but I knew exactly what I really wanted to do as soon as I aged up. Brayan had kept his promise to wait for me and now there was no need to wait any longer. He said yes to my hand-crafted ring, of course. We started planning a big wedding and started trying for a family too! The treehouse was very convenient.


Dirk: The next day I easily became a Leader of the Pack and decided to be a Serial Romantic next. Watcher’s not sure I’ll get it done while I’m still a teen but I’ll show her. She suggested I should actually meet some of the Island Elementals. That did not go well. This Fetia pointed out that I wasn’t honouring any of the Island ways and that I was a big disappointment! That was not what I wanted to hear.


Watcher: Wait! What happened? Dalys? I left you and Brayan trying to make babies and now he’s dead? He was too young to die of exhaustion… This is not good. I need to get Caillen on the case!


Caillen: I didn’t waste any time. I had been waiting for ages to have a child get married. We’d only been waiting for Dalys to get pregnant. I quickly Necrocalled Brayan back and, as soon as he’d stopped thanking Dalys for adding him to the household (!) I De-Deathified him.


Dalys: Brayan and I were shocked by life’s frailty. He’d died of laughter because we were so happy. We didn’t wait any longer to have a big wedding. We eloped right there and then on the beach. Mum was nearly as thrilled as I was.


Brayan: With a 2/7 share of the family funds, we easily afforded a large property in Sulani Town. I thought it was bigger than we needed but Dalys shared some Big News with me. We’ll definitely need that other bedroom.


Dirk: Early on Saturday, I decided to start a traditional firepit meal for a Kava Party. I’d changed my outfits to Islandwear although I don’t think the Elementals care about that. That Vegetable Feast will serve 12 and be ready in a few hours.


Dirk: Here’s a pic of my brother-in-law Brayan and his family. His Mum Trinity behind, brother Maximus next to him – doesn’t he look like my great uncle Baird – and then this littlest. I can’t remember his name but I played with him for a bit. I’d like a child someday, I think about nappies a lot, which Watcher is pleased about.
My Aunt Coirah wasn’t at my Kava party because she was out fishing in deep water again. We thought she’d never do it but she finally caught a Golden Mahi Mahi. Shhhh! Don’t tell anyone. They’re endangered.


Dirk: We finished up the Kava Party and tried our luck at the fishing competition. We didn’t hang about though because it was time for my first Prom. I wore a crystal necklace that makes romantic socials more successful. This girl – Sachiko – kissed my neck! That’s how successful it was. It was only right to ask her to be my Girlfriend.


Denise: Me and Davvy both voted Dirk for royalty but the meanest girl in school got it. I got to be Jester though. The Head said it figured, whatever that means. I wasn’t brought to Prom because I’d gone off to my Babysitting job. As soon as I realised, I ditched that and came right away. Why would I want to miss my last Prom?


Davina: I know my sister has a bit of a thing going on with Sho, but she was so busy showing off her jester hat that I sneaked in a slow dance with him. He said I looked nice in my hot weather gear.


Dirk: I invited my friend Amelia to the after party at the funfair. I developed a big crush on her so I asked her to be my Girlfriend as well. Watcher left us at the funfair. Something about changing the plants for Autumn which starts tomorrow. It was fine by me. Maybe Amelia will go in the Cuddle Carts with me…


Current Score at week 28 (Year 2, Summer 4/4)
46%   Overall

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

New Collections: Omniscan Treasures
New Skill: Mixology
New Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire, Leader of the Pack
New Achievements: Event Horizon, Tender Loving
New Traits: Argumentative, Child of the Islands, Expressionistic, Natural Leader, Clumsy, Art-Lover

L-to-R: Denise, Dirk, Caillen, Coirah, Davina
Current Location: Sapphire Shores, Lani St. Taz, Sulani

Generation 3
Caillen Wallace - Heir
: Adult; Proper, Kleptomaniac, Self-Absorbed +Active +Outgoing +Cheerful; Unemployed; Aspiration – Big Happy Family 3/4
Coirah Wallace – Spare: Adult; Green Fiend, LazyActive, Childish +Perfectionist +Cheerful; Career – Gardener-Floral Designer 10+2/10

Generation 4
Davina – Spare
: Teen; Proper, Kleptomaniac; Aspiration – Galactic Privateer 1/4
Denise – Spare: Teen; Cheerful, Proper; Career – Nanny 2/3; Aspiration – Musical Genius 2/4
Dirk – Heir: Teen; Kleptomaniac, Child of the Islands; Aspiration – Serial Romantic 0/4

Dirk had his Port Wine stain as an Infant but I had to add it back when he aged up to a Toddler. It has automatically remained when he aged up to a Child and also to a Teen.

You may remember that Caillen had died of Laughter/Hysteria back when Dirk was little and that Coirah had used the Grim necklace to rescue her. So – no new death type, sadly.

Update on the child that Bonnie adopted after dying – Audrina Wallace is still showing as a living child on the family tree but I can’t find her anywhere. She looks very like a child that had previously appeared at the park but the family never got to interact with her. I’ll keep looking. I feel vaguely responsible.

Farewell to Dalys. As an usurped heir, she was exemplary, only scoring 12 points but being very useful in the household:
Aspirations – Admired Icon, Painter Extraordinaire, Social Butterfly
Milestones – Learned to Sit Up, Rolled Over to Tummy, Slept Through Night, Threw Tantrum
Traits – Argumentative, Expressionistic, Iconic, Socially Gifted, Gassy

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 4.1: Keep the Family Close (22-Apr)
« Reply #179 on: April 22, 2024, 12:36:23 PM »
Bit of a scare there with Brayan - honestly if he's going to get all emotional and die, he could at least pick a unique emotional death! Hysteria is way too easy to die by, in my opinion. Mostly it's really dying of  happiness, which shouldn't be a thing, I think.

So odd about Audrina - I hope you can find her. It's odd that she's in the family tree but can't be found anywhere. I never noticed if a Sim stays in the family tree if they get culled or otherwise deleted. Might have to test that sometime.

So long, Dalys! Have a great life - maybe we'll see you popping up at a park or a restaurant sometime in the future.  ;)