Author Topic: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy (27-Apr - on hold)  (Read 9165 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.5: Talkin Bout My Generation
« Reply #135 on: March 28, 2024, 03:28:30 PM »
Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.5: Talkin Bout My Generation

Previously in the Wallace Legacy Household: Coirah stuffed some flowers in vases; Coinneach wanted to do Extreme Sports and got engaged to Trinity Akiyama; Caillen got engaged to Clement Frost – aka Father Christmas; Blaine succumbed to Rabid Rodent Fever and our Heir Caillen made her first arrest.

L-to-R: Catriona, Coirah, Coinneach, Baird, Bonnie, Caillen, Colina
Current Location: Slipshod Mesquite, Bedrock Strait, Oasis Springs

Coinneach: I had to release Haggis. The twins were planning all sorts of revenge for causing the death of our Mum. He looked a bit confused but then scampered off to continue his travels. Coirah will miss him but I’m not so Evil that I could see him hurt by Colina and Catriona.


Caillen: We thought we might pick up some collectables at the Flea Market but it was just more home carvings. I tried to sell so of our unused stuff but no-one came near except the other vendors. They seemed to think that I was putting people off for some reason.


Coinneach: My beautiful Trinity phoned to say that we’d had a baby boy, Brayan. I went straight round to have a cuddle. My beautiful spellcaster son! Trinity asked me to the spa on a date, leaving Brayan with her brother – Clarence Akyama. It was wonderful to spend time with Trinity. Especially getting steamy in the sauna!


Caillen: I was feeling a bit achy so, when my cousin Coinneach let us know where he was, I got over there too. The masseurs seemed a bit unsure about how to deal with my aches and pains but one read directions from a book while the other did his best.


Baird: It should have been my birthday on Wednesday but Watcher said I could drink a Potion of Rejuvenation. I felt as good as 4 weeks younger! Just as well because that Crystal Tree was taking so long to evolve. Maybe I’m not giving it the right compost. The compost from the dumpster didn’t seem to help and nor do the foul fish.


Bonnie: When Blaine’s ghost turned up, we  tried not to stare. As soon as I could I suggested she move in and go on to our parents Ghost Retirement Home. She agreed straight away. She was pleased that the household portrait made her look normal and Watcher was pleased to get the Ghost Family achievement. Truth be told, Mum & Dad had got fed up with all Blaine’s husbands in there so they pretty soon moved out with my first husband Morgyn – the father of Caillen. They went to an apartment in San Myshuno, one that still had furniture.


Colina: After seeing …
Catriona: Mum move through the…
Colina: house, we realised that…
Catriona: it was our
Together: BIRTHDAY.
Colina: Cousin Caillen had been…
Catriona: getting bored because she’s a…
Colina: Frequent Traveller so we all went off…
Catriona: to a mountain lodge overnight to...
Together: Blow out candles.


Coinneach: I finally got to enjoy some extreme sports, if you can call wobbling down the slope “enjoying”. Catriona joined me on the bunny slope although I don’t think her High Maintenance trait, from her father Wesley, did her any favours.


Baird: I Love Outdoors so I followed my cousins Coinneach and Catriona on a hike. They forgot to tell me about the safety stuff from the vending machine. These creepy crawlies put me right off!


Colina: Fry Cook. I’m a Fry Cook! I’m really a Party Animal. Let’s just hope that anyone passing thought I was going to a fancy dress party. It wasn’t much of a party place in the house. Aunt Bonnie’s husband had died of electrocution so she was very sad. Watcher was irritated because he could have come and died of electrocution in the house and that would have counted! Uncle Baird was happy though. His Crystal Tree finally became Magnificent! I think it was the fresh fish that he fertilized it with, instead of the foul ones.


Caillen: Coinneach got another phone call from his fiancé Trinity saying she’d had a girl this time – Bridget. It felt like it was time to get on with this Legacy. I decided that, as Wesley had joined the household and move on to Blaine’s house of ghostly husbands, the remaining spot was mine to fill with a baby. I’ve been thinking about babies a lot. Watcher has lost count of the number of times a nappy has appeared in my thought bubbles. So, my cuddly fiancé agreed to a date at San Myshuno Meadows. That Observatory is a great place to make babies!


Colina: Just look at our…
Catriona: genes. We’re two…
Colina: gorgeous teens and yet…
Catriona: we’re just Cadets.
Together: Time to make some plans!


Coirah: I finally got my last scout badge and was about to quit scouts but I saw Luciano Goth walking by. I decided not to quit scouts right away. He’s so cute. We did the secret handshake and flirted a bit. What really took me by surprise was that he first-kissed me! I first-kissed him straight back. Isn’t he adorable?


Future Gnome: Who’s this guy?
Swimsuit Gnome: He’s made out of a very rare crystal.
Gnome: Must be one of Baird’s creations.
Future Gnome: O-oh! You know what that means!
Swimsuit Gnome: He’ll be summoning Grim any time now.


Catriona: I don’t care that Uncle Baird summoned you. I wish he hadn't. You took my Mum away and I hate you!


Caillen: My week was great. I made several arrests, playing Bad Cop every time, and even dealt with a triple murder! I got disciplined for sitting on the crime scene bed when I was getting a statement but, hey, I was trying to put the witness at ease. The best bit of my week was getting to tell my darling Clement that we were expecting a nooboo. Yay!


Current Score at week 20 (Year 2, Winter 4/4)
34%   Overall

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New Aspiration: Crystal Crafter
New Achievement: Ghost Family
New Traits: Attuned, Seldom Sleepy, Hardly Hungry, Frugal, Inspired Explorer, Muser, Heat Acclamation, Party Animal, Storm Chaser

L-to-R: Coirah, Colina, Coinneach, Baird, Bonnie, Caillen, Catriona
Current Location: Slipshod Mesquite, Bedrock Strait, Oasis Springs

Generation 2
Baird Wallace – Spare
: Adult; Kleptomaniac, Unflirty, Self-Assured +Perfectionist +Neat +Cheerful; Unemployed
Bonnie Wallace – Heir: Adult; Cheerful, Kleptomaniac, Romantic +Active +Family-Oriented +Self-Assured; Aspiration – Successful Lineage 3/4; Unemployed

Generation 3
Caillen Wallace - Heir
: Young Adult; Proper, Kleptomaniac, Self-Absorbed +Active +Outgoing; Career – Detective 7/10; Aspiration – Archaeology Scholar 1/4
Coinneach Wallace – Cadet: Young Adult; Cheerful, Self-Assured, Evil +Active; Career – Writer 5/10; Aspiration – Extreme Sports Enthusiast 1/4
Coirah Wallace – Spare: Teen; Green Fiend, Lazy; Aspiration – Admired Icon
Colina Wallace – Cadet: Teen; Self-Assured, Party Animal; Career – Fry Cook 2/3; Aspiration – Archaeology Scholar
Catriona Wallace – Cadet: Teen; Self-Assured, High Maintenance; Career Barista 2/3; Aspiration – Extreme Sports Enthusiast 1/4

Coinneach and Catriona are both doing Extreme Sports. Caillen and Colina are both doing Archaeology Scholar. The Archaeology Scholar will help with uncovering the artifacts collection but two Sims doing Extreme Sports doesn’t make a lot of sense. That’s what they rolled and I didn’t think it through.

I’ve only got a very small picture of Wesley Grove – the twins father, but here’s a compare-the-genes photo: Colina on left, Catriona on right.

col and cat.jpg

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.5: Talkin Bout My Generation (28-Mar)
« Reply #136 on: March 28, 2024, 11:54:22 PM »
Happy Trails, Haggis!

The skeletal massage with a masseuse reading "the book" is hilarious! I would never think to send a skeleton for a massage - how creative of you!

I guess that Rodent appearance is a costume? So the family photo, using a category of clothing, showed Blaine in her former appearance. I admit to being a big disappointed - the Ghost Rodent in the middle of the picture would have been quite funny. At any rate, congrats on the achievement!

Is the crystal gnome created at the gemology table? I haven't done as much with that yet as I thought I would.

The twins do look a lot like their mum, but with Wesley's coloring and more his face shape.

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.5: Talkin Bout My Generation (28-Mar)
« Reply #137 on: March 29, 2024, 12:48:11 AM »
Congrats on all the birthdays!
Congrats, too, to Baird for getting his Crystal Tree of Magnificent quality. 
Baird knows that the best fertilizer has a value of $50 or more when looking through the list of fertilizer options, right?

I still think Wesley Groves is a cutie!
Lol, he came and went so quickly, Watcher only has that photo of him from one of the founder's birthday parties! :D

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.5: Talkin Bout My Generation (28-Mar)
« Reply #138 on: March 29, 2024, 04:19:35 AM »
Happy Trails, Haggis!

The skeletal massage with a masseuse reading "the book" is hilarious! I would never think to send a skeleton for a massage - how creative of you!

I guess that Rodent appearance is a costume? So the family photo, using a category of clothing, showed Blaine in her former appearance. I admit to being a big disappointed - the Ghost Rodent in the middle of the picture would have been quite funny. At any rate, congrats on the achievement!

Is the crystal gnome created at the gemology table? I haven't done as much with that yet as I thought I would.

The twins do look a lot like their mum, but with Wesley's coloring and more his face shape.
The gnome is one of the cuts on the gemology table. I assume it's at the higher level as it's further down the options but once Baird got level 10, the cuts available don't indicate skill level. One of the last aspiration requirements is to cut a gem worth over $2500 - basically a rare crystal in a high level cut. I haven't charged the gnome. To get useful effects, I've decided the only way is to make the desired item, copypasto it then keep swapping them every day. Worth it for specific aims but not as an everyday purpose.

Poor Wesley. I harvested his genes and killed him off.  ;D

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.5: Talkin Bout My Generation (28-Mar)
« Reply #139 on: March 29, 2024, 04:20:57 AM »
Congrats on all the birthdays!
Congrats, too, to Baird for getting his Crystal Tree of Magnificent quality. 
Baird knows that the best fertilizer has a value of $50 or more when looking through the list of fertilizer options, right?

I still think Wesley Groves is a cutie!
Lol, he came and went so quickly, Watcher only has that photo of him from one of the founder's birthday parties! :D
I did not know that about the value of the compost. That will be very useful in future.

Wesley could still make a comeback... the family do need to resurrect someone to get the 2 associated milestones...

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.6: Paint It Black
« Reply #140 on: March 31, 2024, 05:37:02 AM »
Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.6: Paint It Black

Previously in the Wallace Legacy Household: Haggis left the house for richer adventures; Coinneach fathered a boy and a girl with his (out-of-house) fiancé Trinity; ghosts Blaine and her 4th husband Wesley moved in and through to the Ghostly Retirement Home; the Cadet twins Colina and Catriona aged into Party Animal and High Maintenance teens; Coirah fell in love and Baird became a full Crystal Crafter. Oh and our heir was eating for two.

L-to-R: Coirah, Colina, Coinneach, Baird, Bonnie, Caillen, Catriona
Current Location: Slipshod Mesquite, Bedrock Strait, Oasis Springs

Colina: I joined cousin Caillen on one of her expeditions to Selvadorada. She was really stoked to be back there. I guess it was fun but not party-fun, you know? We’d left cousin Coirah back home to make more flower arrangements. She may be lazy but one of those arrangements pulled in over 8 Gs! My brother Coinneach stayed home too, which I was glad about. He was more fun when he was Evil but he’d suddenly turned Proper. What are the odds?


Catriona: Our brother may have become Proper but we got to school and started on our master plan. First step – plant stink bombs in all the lockers! What fun! Oh yes, that was me in my Barista outfit. Level 3 promotion that morning! Kerching!


Colina: I didn’t get it! Catriona did exactly the same as me but she didn’t get expelled. She did get a detention like me, which neither of us attended. But it was only me that got expelled!


Bonnie: Sione – an elder – said he was happy to test my Potion of Immortality. I got a bit muddled about which one I had Hexed but the effects are only temporary. Watcher says it counts as a Death, albeit temporary. He’ll be right as rain within a few hours. I must remember to give him the non-Hexed one when he’s calmed down.


Colina: Catriona suggested we went to the ThrifTea to meet some other teens. We needed to start thinking about our future and finding partners. Catriona tried doing that stupid “Summon Urban Myth” prank even though it scared her. Someone else wanted to see it and she just couldn’t resist. It really freaked her out. I don’t know what kind of horrors she saw in that mirror but she died of fright. My twin, my bestie, my other half! Oh, what will I do without her?


Caillen: I’d gone to see where the twins were and got there just in time to witness Catriona’s death. I immediately went into labour and, not wanting to miss the opportunity, slipped on the triplet/twin bracelet before going to hospital. It must have been too soon after Catriona’s spot opened up because my beautiful Dalys was a singleton. It means “resting place”. I couldn’t wait to show her off to her daddy, Clement.


Coinneach: We moved into the Landgraabs old residence, Affluista Mansion, as my cousin Caillen wanted to have the nursery in her bedroom. She was so wrapped up in herself and her new baby but I was devastated about losing my sister. Colina went into full-on teenage meltdown. She got some bee in her bonnet about getting stink bombs just right. I told her to stay clear after she’d set them but then one back-fired as she was putting it in and, in her blurry vision, she stumbled into another one. Two doses of stink bomb was lethal and I lost her too! This was a really bad day!


Caillen: I explained to my cuddly fiancé that, with now two free places in the house, he could move in and we could have another baby. Especially as Coinneach was now Proper instead of Evil so Clement’s Goodness wouldn’t be a problem. Clement was worried that I didn’t seem cut up about the twins’ death but, hey, life goes on. He agreed on the basis that we would get married. Even though it would mean giving up his Christmas job, he wanted to be there for our children.


Bonnie: It was a strange household that prepared for my daughter’s wedding. We were all still in mourning, even Caillen – deep down. Clement had wanted to bake their wedding cake but max Baking doesn’t help. With max Cooking, I stepped in. He made some cookies instead.


Caillen: Dalys aged into a Sunny Infant on the morning of our wedding. She’s got my red hair and Clement’s blue eyes – such a beautiful symbol of our combined genes. She looks gorgeous in blues and pinks.


Coirah: The ceremony was very haphazard. Uncle Baird performed the ceremony but Clement was so hungry that he ran off. I tracked him down because I had a special present for him. You see, last Christmas, his present to me was nothing but emptiness and lies. So, yes, I gave him one of my floral arrangements scented with a death flower. He’s an Elder but it had absolutely no effect. I must have done it wrong, somehow.


Clement: I was so sleepy that I took a nap. I woke up to find the sofa I was on fully ablaze and both exits locked. It wasn’t pleasant but I’m Immortal. I can’t die from anything, ever. You’re stuck with me, folks. Eventually the doors unlocked and we all extinguished the flames and then cleaned the place up. There was no time left to finish the festivities but Caillen and I are married. My young bride is so beautiful.


Coirah: I’d only just met Kalama. Mum & Uncle Baird know her from the Magical Realm and they’d invited her over for a bit of duelling. I just had to test my death-scented floral arrangement on someone. I needed to know if I’d done something wrong. It turned out that I’d done it just right – it was Clement’s Immortality that had stumped me.


Caillen: Coirah aged into a Childish Young Adult the day after my chaotic wedding. I couldn’t understand her – she was supposed to be Lazy but she was always working out. I know it’s one of our Club activities but she could be painting instead. We had a chat about her future in the house and what she wanted to do. I thought she’d just max out her Flower Arranging and then move out. But she’d heard about weird stuff over in StrangerVille and wouldn’t mind a closer look. We agreed that, to do that, we would need to move to StrangerVille but she would have to work for a living. She wasn’t keen but decided, as she’d already got the skills, a Floral Designer would be an easy life. That Lazy trait!


Clement: My beautiful little family brought me joy every day. With max Parenting, childcare is easy. Which is just as well because Caillen told me that she’s Eating For Two again. With Coirah swapping her Lazy trait for Active, she’s decided to go into the Military to better help solve the mystery. We’ll be moving next week. The question is, will we all move to StrangerVille or somewhere else entirely, and will some of the family go elsewhere?


Current Score at week 21 (Year 2, Spring 1/4)
37%   Overall

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

New Deaths: by Urban Myth, by Stink Capsule, by Potion of Immortality, by Death Flowers
New Skills: Baking, Singing
New Neighbourhood Acquisition Butte
New Achievements: Rosebud, Piece of Cake
New Career: Barista
New Milestones: Expelled from High School
New Traits: Needs No-one, Ice-proof, Fertile, Stoves & Grills Master, Father Winters Baby, Gassy, Happy Spitter, Good, Gregarious, Immortal

L-to-R: Caillen, Bonnie, Clement holding Dalys, Baird, Coinneach, Coirah
Current Location: Affluista Mansion, Acquisition Butte, Oasis Springs

Generation 2
Baird Wallace – Spare
: Adult; Kleptomaniac, Unflirty, Self-Assured +Perfectionist +Neat +Cheerful; Unemployed
Bonnie Wallace – Heir: Adult; Cheerful, Kleptomaniac, Romantic +Active +Family-Oriented +Self-Assured; Aspiration – Successful Lineage 3/4; Unemployed

Generation 3
Caillen Wallace - Heir
: Young Adult; Proper, Kleptomaniac, Self-Absorbed +Active +Outgoing; Career – Detective 8/10; Aspiration – Archaeology Scholar 3/4
Clement Frost – spouse to heir[/b]: Elder; Cheerful, Childish, Good; Aspiration – Friend of the World 0/4
Coinneach Wallace – Cadet: Young Adult; Cheerful, Self-Assured, Evil +Active; Career – Writer 7/10; Aspiration – Extreme Sports Enthusiast 1/4
Coirah Wallace – Spare: Young Adult; Green Fiend, LazyActive, Childish; Aspiration – StrangerVille Mystery 0/4

Generation 4
Dalys – Heir?
: Infant; Sunny, Gassy, Picky Eater, Happy Spitter

I felt quite mournful during this week’s play. Especially with the deaths happening on Good Friday. Starting out “bad” and hoping to move towards “good” in this Legacy can be fun but sometimes it’s just a bit sad. The death by Potion of Immortality is only temporary but it's on the some list of deaths so I'm counting it.

Full disclosure – poor Colina and Catriona were created for the sole purpose to have their very-teenage deaths. I tried not to get fond of them but failed miserably. Besides their unique deaths, they made other contributions to the Legacy score:
Colina: Expelled from High School milestone, Angelic trait, Cautious quirk, Picky Eater Infant phase, I’m-A-Bear phase, Storm Chaser satisfaction reward
Catriona: Barista career, First Diaper Blowout milestone, First Hopscotch Win milestone, Loves Wake-Up Time Infant quirk, Clingy Child phase
Rest in Peace.

With red hair but blue eyes, Dalys could be usurped as Heir by a younger red-haired, green-eyed sibling.

I didn’t do full research on Father Winter, clearly. I assumed that he just wouldn’t die of Old Age. I didn’t realise that he couldn’t die, ever. That potentially means that, if you met and moved in Father Winters each year, you  could fill your Sim world with them! Why anyone would want to do that, I don’t know. But we Simmers are a quirky bunch.

I’m considering having some of the household move out to make way for more Gen 4, but just how many Gen 4 do we want? Looking through:
Baird – maybe – useful for magic and archaeology skills but he’s not adding any more careers or aspirations;
Bonnie – not until she completes her Super Parent aspiration – waiting on Caillen topping her career;
Coinneah – not until he completes his Writer/Author career
Coirah – not until she maxes Flower Arranging – she is still a Spare until Caillen tops her career so maybe she should stay in, just in case…
Clement – maybe – useful for childcare but he’ll have to move out sometime as he’ll never die.

Having just laid out all the pros and cons above, I think I’ve reached a decision. But feel free to comment. I’m easily swayed 😉

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.6: Paint It Black (31-Mar)
« Reply #141 on: March 31, 2024, 12:27:08 PM »
Wow! Three deaths and a wedding - such an event-filled episode.

I also didn't realized Father Winter is completely immortal - I wonder what it is that happens with Clement when he gets replaced as Father Winter (when I don't do anything with him as Watcher, but three or four generations in, Father Winter is someone else.)

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.6: Paint It Black (31-Mar)
« Reply #142 on: March 31, 2024, 12:33:33 PM »
Whoa, the Wallaces are really dropping off like flies!  How many total death types on your list and how many do you have to go?
Rest in peace to all who passed away in this update. *grabs a tissue

And...we see the appearance of the second trademark of a Granny Lawlor multi-gen challenge.
(1) Marry Darrel Charm or somehow get his bloodline into the family
(2) Marry Father Winter for his cash, his special trait, or his maxed skills (definitely not for his body!)

It's a good thing you learned that Clement was immortal before the Wallaces spent any more time trying to eliminate him, lol.

Bonnie – not until she completes her Super Parent aspiration – waiting on Caillen topping her career;
Is Bonnie doing the Successful Lineage aspiration? Super Parent is unrelated to children maxing careers.

As for the household configuration, my first choice would be to move out Clement.
He contributed his Baking skill and his kid got the Father Winter's Child trait.
Unless he can complete a unique aspiration or max a unique skilll before Caillen maxes her career, Clement adds nothing.
As for free childcare, isn't Bonnie a lady of leisure now or is she still working?

Looking forward to the Wallace's new household in their new home!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.6: Paint It Black (31-Mar)
« Reply #143 on: March 31, 2024, 02:25:43 PM »
Wow! Three deaths and a wedding - such an event-filled episode.

I also didn't realized Father Winter is completely immortal - I wonder what it is that happens with Clement when he gets replaced as Father Winter (when I don't do anything with him as Watcher, but three or four generations in, Father Winter is someone else.)
I find myself curious as to whether the 2nd Father Winter is always the same Sim, kept on ice (so to speak) until needed. If so, I wonder how many Father Winters are in limbo, just waiting...
Whoa, the Wallaces are really dropping off like flies!  How many total death types on your list and how many do you have to go?
Rest in peace to all who passed away in this update. *grabs a tissue

And...we see the appearance of the second trademark of a Granny Lawlor multi-gen challenge.
(1) Marry Darrel Charm or somehow get his bloodline into the family
(2) Marry Father Winter for his cash, his special trait, or his maxed skills (definitely not for his body!)

It's a good thing you learned that Clement was immortal before the Wallaces spent any more time trying to eliminate him, lol.

Bonnie – not until she completes her Super Parent aspiration – waiting on Caillen topping her career;
Is Bonnie doing the Successful Lineage aspiration? Super Parent is unrelated to children maxing careers.

As for the household configuration, my first choice would be to move out Clement.
He contributed his Baking skill and his kid got the Father Winter's Child trait.
Unless he can complete a unique aspiration or max a unique skilll before Caillen maxes her career, Clement adds nothing.
As for free childcare, isn't Bonnie a lady of leisure now or is she still working?

Looking forward to the Wallace's new household in their new home!
I've got 37 types of death that I know about and we've had 12: Old age, fire, poison, freezing, cowplant, death flowers, Murphy bed, overexertion, potion of immortality, rabid rodent fever, stick capsule & urban myth. Some will definitely be harder than others, some of which I have never experienced before.

You're absolutely correct. Bonnie is shooting for Successful Lineage - needing a child to max a career. I bet that made you double check for Xavier's aspiration - sorry about that.

Ah, Clement - so good with children because he is Childish himself. If only you weren't a pear! Letting his genes into the Wallace Legacy is quite a gamble!

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.6: Paint It Black (31-Mar)
« Reply #144 on: March 31, 2024, 02:51:44 PM »
Regarding Father Winters, I never get the same second or third Father Winters when I play different challenges.
@Heart Foam is our forum expert on Father Winter(s).
After I saw his awesomely stylish and debonair Father Winter in his Landgraab to the Max story, I tried de-immortalizing successive Father Winters in my Mishmash Legacy, hoping to get an equally wondrous Father Winter to add to the Mistura lineage. No luck, though.
Despite all being pear-shaped elders, they all had different names and most of them had dark brown hair.
Maybe we should create a Father Winter challenge?  But only if they aren't pears!

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.6: Paint It Black (31-Mar)
« Reply #145 on: March 31, 2024, 03:12:29 PM »
@oshizu They all generate with the same body type, it's part of what it means to be Father Winter. I'm sure I de-peared Herbert.

I've got a house of many Fathers Winter at the mo. Sometime you have hope that they're different, but that's only because they spawned in before the game applied the max body fat slider. They all have the same body, traits.) Yes, 5 of them. I wanted a choice. Turns out when you've got an alien, and get an alien kid, the game doesn't look at Father Winter's skin tone at all. (Or the other parent, whoever they are. I tend to have a flock of Father Winters around because I find stacking traits to be irresistible and charming.) It's what I expected. One tests these things.

Clement is Cheerful, Good, Childish. But, fun fact, all subsequent FWs are Cheerful, Glutton, Family oriented.

Off the top of my head, the challenge would be to get a Father Winter other than Clement in the household as quickly as possible, and then get three lifestyles that compliment his general vibe. Junk Food Fiend, Technophobe, Frequent Traveller. I have no idea how feasible this would be.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.6: Paint It Black (31-Mar)
« Reply #146 on: March 31, 2024, 05:28:56 PM »
@oshizu They all generate with the same body type, it's part of what it means to be Father Winter. I'm sure I de-peared Herbert.

I've got a house of many Fathers Winter at the mo. Sometime you have hope that they're different, but that's only because they spawned in before the game applied the max body fat slider. They all have the same body, traits.) Yes, 5 of them. I wanted a choice. Turns out when you've got an alien, and get an alien kid, the game doesn't look at Father Winter's skin tone at all. (Or the other parent, whoever they are. I tend to have a flock of Father Winters around because I find stacking traits to be irresistible and charming.) It's what I expected. One tests these things.

Clement is Cheerful, Good, Childish. But, fun fact, all subsequent FWs are Cheerful, Glutton, Family oriented.

Off the top of my head, the challenge would be to get a Father Winter other than Clement in the household as quickly as possible, and then get three lifestyles that compliment his general vibe. Junk Food Fiend, Technophobe, Frequent Traveller. I have no idea how feasible this would be.

@Heart Foam  OMG, you just proved my point! You are THE expert on Father Winter(s)!
Herbert has spoiled me for Father Winter sims--no other Father Winter compares. *tears up

I'm laughing right now that you have a houseful of Father Winters--what do you do with five Father Winters?
They could be an exotic dancer troupe and go on a road tour named "Winter Wonderland."  Or maybe not.

Oh, your improvised Father Winter challenge makes me want to try it. But, as I said, you totally spoiled us for Father Winters with the fabulous Herbert!
Herbert, if you can hear me, wink twice.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.6: Paint It Black (31-Mar)
« Reply #147 on: April 01, 2024, 02:23:31 AM »
See - us Simmers really are a quirky lot!  🤪

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Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.7: Night Fever
« Reply #148 on: April 02, 2024, 02:46:40 PM »
Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.7: Night Fever

Previously in the Wallace Legacy Household: Gen 3 Teens Colina and Catriona succumbed to deaths by stink capsule and urban myth respectively; Gen 3 heir Caillen married Clement Frost, the father of potential Gen 4 heir Dalys; Coirah was sad to find out Clement truly was Immortal and aged up into a Childish Young Adult, taking up Floral Designing for work.

L-to-R: Caillen, Bonnie, Clement holding Dalys, Baird, Coinneach, Coirah
Current Location: Affluista Mansion, Acquisition Butte, Oasis Springs

Clement: I can’t tell you how much I loved playing with Dalys. She was such a quick learner because I spent a lot of time with her. She was the first in the Wallace family to sleep through the night, roll onto her back and front plus being able to sit up. What a star!


Clement: With my sister-in-law Coirah wanting to learn more about the goings-on in StrangerVille, that’s where the family moved. To the site of an old plane crash. Watcher built a modern ground floor house and expanded the basement tunnel system. My darling Caillen got her preferred bedroom on the ground floor with a nursery next door. It was perfect except for one thing. Caillen really wanted twins and I felt oppressed by the strange atmosphere. We agreed that I would move to a beach house in Sulani. It was a sad day for me but the warm ocean would entice my growing family to visit me, I’m sure.


Coirah: I was working really hard on my flower-arranging and pretty soon maxed it. I’ve decided to stay in the Gardener career. After all, I’ll have to do less skilling as I’m already there. Just a bit more gardening to go. The others were spending a lot of time uncovering artifacts. My sister Caillen gave us all a lecture on Archaeology and she’s even written a Good Book about it.


Baird: I’ve been copying the Omniscan treasures. Clement took his share of the household funds with him, less than he brought in, but still, it knocked the kitty down a fair bit. I’ve also been duelling as much as possible. I must have been overdoing it. I got all crackly and somehow got cursed with a Night Wraith. Ha – how bad can that be? It will be interesting!


Future Gnome: Who are these guys?
Ruby Gnome: It’s the Welcome Wagon.
Halleluiah Gnome: Is it me or are they walking funny?


RedactedWe found contamination in your garden and fridge. We’ve taken the fridge but couldn’t find any seeds. Do you have them?
Coirah: What me? Why would I want strange seeds?
Redacted Well, if you find any, notify us immediately!


Coirah: I went to the local Curio Shop. The owner, Raven, said the redacted were something to do with the abandoned research facility just out of town. She sold me a bug which sounded like fun.


Watcher: Baird’s a bit too freaked out about the Night Wraith to describe his experiences. Let’s just say that he keeps losing all his energy but somehow can’t stop himself going swimming. The “Night” Wraith also hangs about during the day so there’s no respite. I need to keep an eye on him.


Caillen: Well, I could just about still lift my sweet Dalys over my baby bump to blow out her candles. I’m wearing the bangle that Blaine wore to have her twins. Oh – let’s not talk about Colina and Catriona again. It makes Watcher sad.


Bonnie: I love it when my granddaughter Dalys sings to me. She mainly seems to wander everywhere even though she’s not officially a Wanderer. She’s an Independent Toddler who hates wake-up time, loves books and is a picky eater. She’s also lost her port-wine stain. It must have just been an Infant mark. Watcher was thinking it would make her quite distinctive but we’ll leave her as she is. She’s got two new sisters – Davina and Denise. We do seem to have a lot of girls in this house – no strawberries.


Coirah: I planted my bug on this Military person in mufti. I need to get a listening station but first I’m going to see what I can find at that research facility. Watcher has finally agreed to come with me, now that the others have uncovered all the Omniscan Artifact collection. They’re not doing badly on the Magical Artifacts either. A few lucky purchases at the shop and duelling with as many people as possible. Just a few more to go.


Coinneach: Trinity invited me over to celebrate my level 9 promotion as an Author. Just one more promotion and then I can join her and our children, Brayan ( a Good child) and toddler Bridget. I can’t wait. Trinity is Adventurous so we’re planning to do our Extreme Sports together. Watcher knows I’m not very fulfilled in the house. My cousin Caillen is a level 9 Detective too. Next week, everything could change!


Current Score at week 22 (Year 2, Spring 2/4)
38%   Overall

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

New Collection: Omniscan Artifacts
New Neighbourhood: Strangerville Plaza
New Skill: Flower Arranging
New Aspiration: Archaeology Scholar
New Milestones: Slept Through The Night, Rolled to Back, Rolled to Front, Sat up
New Traits: Museum Patron

L-to-R: Caillen holding Davina, Coinneach, Bonnie holding Denise, Baird, Coirah holding Dalys
Current Location: Old Penelope, StrangerVille Plaza

Generation 2
Baird Wallace – Spare
: Adult; Kleptomaniac, Unflirty, Self-Assured +Perfectionist +Neat +Cheerful; Unemployed
Bonnie Wallace – Heir: Adult; Cheerful, Kleptomaniac, Romantic +Active +Family-Oriented +Self-Assured; Aspiration – Successful Lineage 3/4; Unemployed

Generation 3
Caillen Wallace - Heir
: Young Adult; Proper, Kleptomaniac, Self-Absorbed +Active +Outgoing +Cheerful; Career – Detective 9/10; Aspiration – Big Happy Family 1/4
Coinneach Wallace – Cadet: Young Adult; Cheerful, Self-Assured, EvilProper +Active +Outgoing; Career – Writer-Author 9/10; Aspiration – Extreme Sports Enthusiast 1/4
Coirah Wallace – Spare: Young Adult; Green Fiend, LazyActive, Childish +Perfectionist; Career – Gardener-Floral Designer 6/10; Aspiration – StrangerVille Mystery 1/4

Generation 4
Dalys – Heir?
: Toddler; Independent, Loves Books, Hates Wake-up Time, Picky Eater
Davina – Spare: Infant; Calm, Hates Being Held, Good Appetite, Feeding Tinkler
Denise – Spare: Infant; Calm, Gassy, Self-Soother, Good Appetite.

The household is so busy, they haven’t had time to visit Clement. We really must do that!

I’m sorry to point out that there are two Spellcaster-related deaths that we do need to experience. One is by Night Wraith. It seems to just follow Baird about, draining his needs and then making him do silly things. The actual death can be due to various things, drowning etc, but will be stated as Death by Night Wraith. It’s described as an “almost certain” death but Baird has survived 5 days now. Travelling (blue screen) probably inhibits the time…

I can’t believe I haven’t got any photos of the twins, both Calm. Here they are in all their glory – blonde hair and blue eyes, they won’t usurp Dalys as heir.

Davina Infant.jpg

Denise Infant.jpg

Caillen just needs one more arrest to get her promotion. She’s already chase the suspect through 4 worlds. Let’s hope she gets him properly on her next day of work.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.7: Night Fever (2-Apr)
« Reply #149 on: April 02, 2024, 03:19:52 PM »
How unlucky that Caillen wants to complete Big Happy Family but has three girls!
It's easy to have live-out baby mamas for the 4 grandchildren, like Coinneach's married to Trinity.
But it'll be hard for Caillen to have her grandchildren unless she moves her daughters out, I guess.  So much easier with sons!

So Coinneach could be moving out next week!
Will Caillen be joining a second career?
The Wallaces have made great progress with their collections! Omiscan Artifacts already done and Magical Artifacts almost there.
You rock, Watcher!

