Author Topic: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy (27-Apr - on hold)  (Read 9170 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.2: Every Breath You Take (19-Mar)
« Reply #120 on: March 20, 2024, 02:03:39 PM »
The fishing spot with Armored Catfish will also let Baird fish Omiscan treasures.
I guess that's why the area is less accessible than the others.

Haha, I'm not judging Bonnie for being a dropout.
I only mentioned it because it adds a new trait. ;).

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.2: Every Breath You Take (19-Mar)
« Reply #121 on: March 21, 2024, 02:28:21 AM »
The fishing spot with Armored Catfish will also let Baird fish Omiscan treasures.
I guess that's why the area is less accessible than the others.

Haha, I'm not judging Bonnie for being a dropout.
I only mentioned it because it adds a new trait. ;).
Aha - good point. There are so many traits! Even dividing them into categories on my spreadsheet, it's hard to keep them all in mind.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.3: Venomous Poison
« Reply #122 on: March 21, 2024, 02:11:32 PM »
Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.3: Venomous Poison

L-to-R: Caillen, Baird holding Catriona, Bonnie, Blaine holding Colina, Coinneach, Coirah
Current Location: Garden Essence, Foundry Cove, Willow Creek

Bonnie: I realised that we’d been neglecting Coirah and she was still only a C student so we made a volcano together. With our family history of fire, it seemed a rash thing to do. I hope the school wasn’t trying to dissuade our children from attending.


Caillen: My Zazatototl/Death relic with a rare crystal needed to be tested and, well, what are Butlers for any how. I’m sure Tsubasa was only too happy to be of service.


Blaine: I really had been neglecting the twins but not as much as Bonnie neglected her kids. Be fair, it wasn’t my fault. Watcher was always off treasure hunting or duelling with everyone else. I got a bit cold in my sportswear in the snow, but Colina was a little angel. Look how much she enjoyed it.


Tsubasa: Ha ha ha ha ha! I may be under the weather at the moment, but I have plans. Great plans. Ha ha ha ha ha!


Catriona (headscarf): Blue Buttle
Colina (glasses): Bzz Bzz


Baird: Don’t tell the others that I blew $11k on rare seeds. Yep, that’s all it took to get these 6 beautiful magic beans. OK, plus the money for the special stump. But Watcher’s happy. Another collection completed plus another plant for that collection! The Forbidden Fruit! Ooh – sounds scarey!


Caillen: Watcher got a notification that Haggis was showing signs of aging so she had me high-tail it over to the vets to get an anti-aging treat. It’s a one-off dose and lasts forever. Not bad. Haggis seemed to like it, anyway.


Baird: Caillen finally got through to the island area in Selvadorada, the day before everyone’s birthday. We’ve been coming a lot. She wanted to go get another treasure but I pointed out that two people fishing could be quicker. It was me that caught the armoured catfish though. Yes!


Caillen: I got blessed to be a skeleton in that last trip. Ironic really as I was waiting to be free of the “Blessing of the Ancients” before making myself into a skeleton. Catriona didn’t bat an eyelid. Watcher was trying to get both twins at least up to Happy Toddler.


Baird: I guess I’ve always struggled with my weight, carrying a few extra pounds as they say. Still, I’m not sure being a shiny blue skeleton is really what I want. I didn’t let on to Caillen though. She was excited that it worked. Especially as we’re still waiting to see how the Butler experiment pans out.


Bonnie: Tsubasa’s splotches went to lipstick red. Blaine was adamant that she hadn’t been kissing him. She thought whatever he’d got might be contagious. She might be right. We’re all keeping clear, especially when he burps that foul green smell.


Tsubaba: I have plans….big – plans….ha…ha…ha…ha…h….


Grim: Wasn’t this where the Murphy Bed was? It’s nice to be back. I’ve been missing these Wallaces.


Coinneach: On Thursday after school, we had three birthdays. We managed to get Catriona up to Happy Toddler but poor Colina got in a state and so she didn’t make it. Still, they’ll both be fine with Mum to coach them.


Caillen: It was quite handy, the butler finally dying. I’d been on a few voluntary duties and always got a lot of encouragement from Mum when I got back. But trying to become Compassionate was taking ages! With Tsubasa dying, I was able to Console everyone. Brilliant! You know – good things happen to good people, don’t you think? Anyway, I’m the first in our Legacy to get 5 good traits. I know we’re supposed to be fairly bad at the moment but Watcher really doesn’t want someone with 5 bad traits running around!


Caillen: Of course, Watcher doesn’t always make the best decisions. I want to be a Detective and, despite what she assumed, even lowly beat cops need to graduate. My first day as a young adult and I spend nearly all of it getting my online diploma. Ha – achievement bunny and drama accolade – you were not enough to get me my job! I don’t know. I’m the heir. Everything in this household should revolve around me. Am I right?


Colina (onsie): It’s like this…
Catriona (yellow top): we’re amazing and…
Colina: we think we should be in the…
Catriona: family club because…
Colina: we’re cute…
Catriona: say yes…
Together: Pleeeeeese!


Coirah: Hello? Totally overlooked here! It was my birthday the day after everyone else’s. Coinneach got my birthday off (because he never studies for his exams) but I had to chaperone those twins on their first day. Chaperone? It was hard to keep track of them. Anyway – my birthday! We went out for a karaoke night. Here’s me, after aging up, singing with Caillen. She’s become really Self-Absorbed so I’m surprised she’d not already changed her outfits by that evening. I changed mine straight away even though I’m Lazy. I want it all – the clothes, the money but mainly the Mansion (Baron). Caillen just wants to be Fabulously Wealthy! We go well together. Still, however much she wants lots of money, I’m not going into teen slavery. I’ll finish Scouts but that’ll do for me.


Colina (pink hat): It’s time to…
Catriona (red coat): split. Remember what…
Colina: we agreed – let…
Catriona: the gerbils out…
Colina: on Monday. No-one…
Catriona: messes…
Together: with the Wallace twins!


Current Score at week 18 (Year 2, Winter 2/4)
33%   Overall

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

New Lifestyle: Frequent Traveller (Caillen)
New Death: By Poison
New Collection: Magic Beans
New Skill: Archaeology, Writing
New Achievement: Literal Genius
New Milestone: Earned Online Diploma
New Traits: Always Welcome, Gym Rat, Rebellious Phase (teen), Mediator, Compassionate, Business Savvy

L-to-R: Colina, Coinneach, Blaine, Baird, Bonnie, Caillen, Coirah, Catriona
Current Location: Garden Essence, Foundry Cove, Willow Creek

Generation 2
Baird Wallace – Spare
: Adult; Kleptomaniac, Unflirty, Self-Assured +Perfectionist +Neat +Cheerful; Aspiration – Crystal Crafter 2/4; Unemployed
Bonnie Wallace – Heir: Adult; Cheerful, Kleptomaniac, Romantic +Active +Family-Oriented +Self-Assured; Aspiration – Successful Lineage 3/4; Unemployed
Blaine Wallace – Spare: Adult; Cheerful, Self-Assured, Evil +Family-Oriented +Neat +Creative; Career - Unemployed; Aspiration - Super Parent 3/4

Generation 3
Caillen Wallace - Heir
: Young Adult; Proper, Kleptomaniac, Self-Absorbed; Career – Detective 4/10; Aspiration – Fabulously Wealthy 2/4
Coinneach Wallace – Cadet: Teen; Cheerful, Self-Assured; Aspiration – Bestselling Author 2/4
Coirah Wallace – Spare: Teen; Green Fiend, Lazy; Aspiration – Mansion Baron 0/4
Colina Wallace – Cadet: Child; Self-Assured; Aspiration – Social Butterfly 1/3
Catriona Wallace – Cadet: Child; Self-Assured; Aspiration – Whiz Kid

Tsubasa was “marked for death” on Sunday morning and I think he should have passed away by Wednesday morning but he held on until Thursday. This might have been all the trips to Selvadorada, particularly as a different butler shows up on vacation.

In case you didn’t pick it up, the twins both rolled Self-Assured! I pity their poor teachers.


Coirah rolled Master Chef which can’t be completed as a teen so I re-rolled for her and got Mansion Baron. I’ve never noticed the affect of Lazy much except on a dislike of working out. I hope she can overcome it.

Coirah Teen.jpg

I did update Caillen’s wardrobe to reflect her Fabulously Wealthy Aspiration – she’ll return to the Jungle when she’s cleared that. Both Caillen and Coirah now have more high-maintenance hairstyles and smarter clothes. I haven’t added jewellery because I’m hoping Baird will make some purely decorative items for them.


I have ended this episode on Friday night, in-game, because there needs to be a family meeting to discuss housing needs. There will be a new house and probably a new neighbourhood. Plus the Butler agency and Maid service have put the family on the black list (not a game thing – my narrative thing). They’ll need to do their own housework for now.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.3: Venomous Poison (21-Mar)
« Reply #123 on: March 21, 2024, 06:46:32 PM »
I seem to have lost track which child belongs to which mummy. (I"m so sorry! I have the worst memory for names!)

Bonnie & Morgyn: Caillen & ?
Blaine & Darrel: Coirah looks like a Charm kid.
But what about Coirah (Boonie's?).
Are Catriona & Colina the twins of Blaine with Wesley?
So there wasn't a merboo in there somehwere?

When Bonnie discovered she needed a diploma after all, I went to check my thread about dropping out and uni, worrying that I might have made a mistake.
Nope, Detective's one of the careers that requires a HS diploma. Phew! *wipes brow

Congrats to Baird on catching that Armored Catfish!
Watcher, you are really whizzing through everything!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.3: Venomous Poison (21-Mar)
« Reply #124 on: March 21, 2024, 06:50:06 PM »
So much for Tsubasa's big plans! 🤣

I really enjoy the way the twins work together to create full sentences! Reminds me of a couple of granddaughters I have running around here.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.3: Venomous Poison (21-Mar)
« Reply #125 on: March 22, 2024, 06:16:45 AM »
I seem to have lost track which child belongs to which mummy. (I"m so sorry! I have the worst memory for names!)

Bonnie & Morgyn: Caillen & ?
Blaine & Darrel: Coirah looks like a Charm kid.
But what about Coirah (Boonie's?).
Are Catriona & Colina the twins of Blaine with Wesley?
So there wasn't a merboo in there somehwere?

When Bonnie discovered she needed a diploma after all, I went to check my thread about dropping out and uni, worrying that I might have made a mistake.
Nope, Detective's one of the careers that requires a HS diploma. Phew! *wipes brow

Congrats to Baird on catching that Armored Catfish!
Watcher, you are really whizzing through everything!
Bonnie had heir Caillen with Morgyn and Coirah with her current out-of-house husband Joemar Nasution.

Blaine had Coinneach with Darryl and the the twins with Wesley.

I get confused myself - all the time - lol

Offline oshizu

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.3: Venomous Poison (21-Mar)
« Reply #126 on: March 22, 2024, 09:43:21 AM »
I seem to have lost track which child belongs to which mummy. (I"m so sorry! I have the worst memory for names!)

Bonnie & Morgyn: Caillen & ?
Blaine & Darrel: Coirah looks like a Charm kid.
But what about Coinneach (Boonie's?).
Are Catriona & Colina the twins of Blaine with Wesley?
So there wasn't a merboo in there somehwere?

When Bonnie discovered she needed a diploma after all, I went to check my thread about dropping out and uni, worrying that I might have made a mistake.
Nope, Detective's one of the careers that requires a HS diploma. Phew! *wipes brow

Congrats to Baird on catching that Armored Catfish!
Watcher, you are really whizzing through everything!
Bonnie had heir Caillen with Morgyn and Coirah with her current out-of-house husband Joemar Nasution.

Blaine had Coinneach with Darryl and the the twins with Wesley.
Someof the husbands come and go so quickly.... LOL!
I get confused myself - all the time - lol

Thank you so much for helping me and my goldfish memory out!

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.3a: Saturday
« Reply #127 on: March 23, 2024, 01:16:20 PM »
Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.3a: Saturday

As promised, the Wallace family have moved, this time to warmer climes – Bedrock Strait in Oasis Springs, to be precise. Johnny Zest is long gone so his Slipshod Mesquite was bulldozed. As usual for my functional builds, it leans towards…brutalism. This photo is from before Coirah insisted on my landscaping plants – yes, she’s ticked off her Mansion Baron aspiration very easily.

The little room on the upper floor, reached by external steps, is the twins room. They’ve got a small terrace behind as well. They are happy to share a room and be able to make a swift exit.


The sprawling ground floor consists of living/working rooms at the front (right/back in this pic), bedrooms at the back (left/front) with some outdoorsy stuff in the middle – some covered and some not.


Caillen: I guess I didn’t mind that my half-sister Coirah got her aspiration as soon as we moved. There’s still plenty in the family funds for me to complete once I’ve earned a bit more. I sold a fair bit of the surplus collectables and crafts at the local park plus a load of produce at the Finchwick Fair. It was nice of my step-dad to show up – Joemar’s on the right. He almost always does when we go out and about. Mum always loves to have a cuddle with him.


Coinneach: After finishing her sales, us 3 hung about in the pub while the others went home. It was supposed to be Singles Night but it was as dead as a doornail.  Me and my cousin Coirah are still only teens but cousin Caillen is starting to think about her duties as heir – she needs someone to make babies with. We tried the uni bar but there wasn’t much joy there either. Still, I’m happy to have a baby-free house for a while. It’s my birthday on Monday!


Offline oshizu

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.3a: Saturday (23-Mar)
« Reply #128 on: March 23, 2024, 07:13:34 PM »
Congrats on the move, Wallaces!
Yes! Slipshod Mesquite has to be one of my top three favorite lots!
And a 40x30 lot is big enough for a full household, though a larger lot is even nicer! :D
Ahhhh, a baby-free sims household! What a luxury for the Wallaces, eh Watcher?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.4: Rat Trap
« Reply #129 on: March 26, 2024, 02:37:45 PM »
Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.4: Rat Trap

Previously in the Wallace Legacy Household: although Tsubasa the Butler had plans, he was marked for death by poison and died on Thursday morning; Baird completed the Magic Bean collection and grew the Forbidden Fruit tree; Colina and Catriona, the twins, both aged up to Self-Assured Children; (Heir) Caillen aged up to a Self-Absorbed Young Adult, joining the Detective career once she’d got her online diploma and (Spare) Coirah became a Lazy teen. On Saturday, the family moved to Oasis Springs.

L-to-R: Colina, Coinneach, Blaine, Baird, Bonnie, Caillen, Coirah, Catriona
Current Location: Slipshod Mesquite, Bedrock Strait, Oasis Springs

Coirah: I told my sister Caillen that I wasn’t going to be a Teen Slave but she got me making flower arrangements anyway. Still, I just had to shove some flowers in a vase and people paid good money for them – sometimes.


Coinneach: I’d been worried about Trinity cheating on me so I invited her over to talk. Talking led to other stuff. Would you believe I got a First WooHoo Milestone for Messing About? Crazy! It was fun, though.


Caillen: My cousin Coinneach aged up into an Evil Young Adult who wants to be an Extreme Sports Enthusiast. I don’t know when we’re going to fit that in, what with my Detective career and going back to the Jungle. I am a Frequent Traveller so I’ll enjoy visiting Mt Komorebi as well. We’ll just have to make time! After all, I’m the Heir and it’s all about me. I can do whatever I like. Watcher was super annoyed because 5 minutes earlier Coinneach had 3 +ve traits but he only aged up with 2. Aunt Blaine did not get her Super Parent Aspiration. She was really ticked off that she’d got to wait for the twins to become Young Adults.


Blaine: I knew this wretched animal was a bad idea. That niece of mine Coirah was supposed to be looking after Haggis but she just fed him and played with him. His cage was filthy and I told the little beast just how smelly he was. He had the nerve to bite me! I’ll sort him out. You see if I don’t!


Bonnie: I was worried about my sister Blaine. She was feeling quite poorly. I researched it online and managed to get hold of some vaccine. We all took it, apart from the twins, who couldn’t. It didn’t seem to help Blaine but I’m confident the rest of us won’t catch it now.


Baird: Christmas was great. We went to the celebration ceremony, all except Blaine and Coinnach. Their Evil nature means they don’t bother with being thankful. With a houseful, the pile of presents was huge! There’s lots to be thankful for.


Coinneach: I invited Trinity over for Christmas. We agreed that she was ready to age up and I gave her the fertility bangle that Uncle Baird had made. She put it straight on. At least, she twirled round. You can’t see if she’s wearing it.


Coinneach: I also proposed using a ring that Uncle Baird had also made. I may only be a Cadet but Trinity is beautiful and we deserve a family together. I even proposed before Watcher found out her new trait. I’m sure it doesn’t matter. We slipped away from the Christmas Grand Meal and did some celebrating of our own. Plus Trinity gave me a bit of a makeover to reflect my Extreme Sports Aspiration. Better hair and grungy-style clothes.


Caillen: I knew what Coinneach was up to. Fancy him trying to upstage my story. Well, two can play that game!


Caillen: Aunt Blaine was in isolation when I left for my first day of work. We got a notification that she was contagious and, vaccine or no vaccine, we weren’t taking chances. This was my first arrest – Clyde Phillips – a Teen with red hair and green eyes. Hm….he’s a Gloomy Loner. Oh well. It wasn’t my case though so I didn’t get the glory.


Coirah: Catriona is so good at Hopscotch. We hardly played when I was her age. She’s scooped the First Hopscotch Win Milestone of our Legacy.


Blaine: That vaccine Bonnie got for us all didn’t make me feel better. I don’t think she got the right stuff. But she’s my sister. She wouldn’t deliberately try to hurt me. Would she? Even Wesley wasn’t sure about joining me in the bedroom. He did eventually but he was feeling very uncomfortable. I don’t know why. It’s not like he could die again!


Saturday morning
Blaine: Sniff, sniff, scamper, scamper.


Caillen: Poor Aunt Blaine. We’d had to keep our distance so she spent a lot of her last hours in bed. It was sad to see her go and, I guess because she’d started turning into a hamster, I was sad about “losing a pet” too. I checked, but Haggis was still alive and kicking. Weird! But time to move on – it’s what Aunt Blaine would have wanted. I was super excited to go to work that day because I was due to close my first case!


Caillen: I had to chase Kinley through 6 different worlds but I finally managed to get her back to the station. I must say that I really enjoyed playing Bad Cop. Watcher says she’s always had Good Cops in the past so she enjoyed it too.


Caillen: OK – back in the spider-infested jungle but I was so psyched to be there. I’d got really bored during the working week without any travelling. Uncle Baird worked of the grief for his sister by fishing where the armoured catfish are – you remember he’s got Angler’s Tranquillity? He didn’t catch any treasure which some say can be done, but he’s a lot happier now. Do you like my promotion uniform? I must look for it to add to my wardrobe because I look HOT! Anyway, you’ll be really pleased for me because I got to be an official Jungle Explorer! Yay, me!


Current Score at week 19 (Year 2, Winter 3/4)
34%   Overall

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

New Death: By Rabid Rodent Fever
New Aspirations: Mansion Baron, Fabulously Wealthy, Jungle Explorer
New Milestone: First Hopscotch Win
New Traits: Shrewd, Treasure Hunter, Thrifty, Professional Slacker, I’m a Bear, Clingy

L-to-R: Catriona, Coirah, Coinneach, Baird, Bonnie, Caillen, Colina
Current Location: Slipshod Mesquite, Bedrock Strait, Oasis Springs

Generation 2
Baird Wallace – Spare
: Adult; Kleptomaniac, Unflirty, Self-Assured +Perfectionist +Neat +Cheerful; Aspiration – Crystal Crafter 2/4; Unemployed
Bonnie Wallace – Heir: Adult; Cheerful, Kleptomaniac, Romantic +Active +Family-Oriented +Self-Assured; Aspiration – Successful Lineage 3/4; Unemployed

Generation 3
Caillen Wallace - Heir
: Young Adult; Proper, Kleptomaniac, Self-Absorbed; Career – Detective 5/10; Aspiration – ?
Coinneach Wallace – Cadet: Young Adult; Cheerful, Self-Assured, Evil; Career – Writer 4/10; Aspiration – Extreme Sports Enthusiast 0/4
Coirah Wallace – Spare: Teen; Green Fiend, Lazy; Aspiration – Admired Icon
Colina Wallace – Cadet: Child; Self-Assured; Aspiration – Social Butterfly 2/3
Catriona Wallace – Cadet: Child; Self-Assured; Aspiration – Whiz Kid 1/3

RIP (or not) Blaine Wallace – Spare for Gen 2. She never did get her Super Parent Aspiration but she did max out Cross-Stitch, Entrepreneurial and Parenting first. She was the first to blow a raspberry. She maxed 2 careers – Video Game Streamer & Villain plus did the lion’s share of the Black Widow Achievement.
From the Computer, you can buy both the cure and the vaccine for Rabid Rodent Fever. Bonnie didn't realise that and Blaine should've looked for herself!

With one slot now open in the household, will it be Wesley’s or Blaine’s ghost that claims it first?

It was my distractedness that missed Coinneach's loss of Responsibility. (face-palm) Still, he's not a bad-looking Sim, considering his father was Darryl Charm

I hope our heir Caillen isn’t becoming too annoying. I’m trying to catch her Self-Absorbed trait. I’d keep my distance from her in real life. After all, it should all be about me, right?

I’ve still got the bug in the Detective career where an arrest is made but the prisoner isn’t back at the station. The only way I know to deal with it is to keep issuing APBs and it seems to work eventually.

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.4: Rat Trap
« Reply #130 on: March 26, 2024, 04:07:10 PM »
Rest in peace, Blaine! We are happy to have your slot open in the household!
What a shame about Coinneach's 3rd positive character trait! The very second one of my teens becomes idle, they are asking for advice!
I spotted his Charm nose in the family portrait from a mile away, lol! Is the plan for him to stay until he completes his career and aspiration?
You have so much stamina, Watcher. Me, I'm a little tired of playing a seven-sim household!

Congrats on all the progress!  Wow, 34% complete already!  You collected the Forbidden Fruit but none of your sims became a Plantsim! :(
The Plantsim is only a temporary lifestage but I found it rather fun.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.4: Rat Trap
« Reply #131 on: March 26, 2024, 04:31:05 PM »
Rest in peace, Blaine! We are happy to have your slot open in the household!
What a shame about Coinneach's 3rd positive character trait! The very second one of my teens becomes idle, they are asking for advice!
I spotted his Charm nose in the family portrait from a mile away, lol! Is the plan for him to stay until he completes his career and aspiration?
You have so much stamina, Watcher. Me, I'm a little tired of playing a seven-sim household!

Congrats on all the progress!  Wow, 34% complete already!  You collected the Forbidden Fruit but none of your sims became a Plantsim! :(
The Plantsim is only a temporary lifestage but I found it rather fun.
There never seems to be Tim to do the Plants immediately. We'll get round to it sometime.
Meanwhile I need to train up Coinneach, with his ancient Bloodline, so he can beat the Sages. Bonnie & Baird seem to lose a lot even with all the perks. It's taking me ages to complete the artifact collection!

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.4: Rat Trap
« Reply #132 on: March 26, 2024, 08:11:07 PM »
Wow, you're trying to complete the Magnical Artifacts collection?
That is such a difficult collection. The items have variations but the names don't change so it's impossible to tell in the case of wands and brooms, for example, if you've obtained a unique items without checking the Collection tab. My spellcasters don't struggle with defeating the sages.
Do your Wallaces have the Master Duelist magical perk that supposedly makes winning duels easier?
I do not envy you, Watcher, trying to complete the Magical Artifacts collection! Give me fishing any ole day! hehe

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.4: Rat Trap
« Reply #133 on: March 27, 2024, 12:17:19 AM »
Congrats on the Rabid Rodent Fever death - I've never gotten that one. I either forget and clean the cage or a Sim cleans it - I should lock it up I guess. I haven't played with rodents much though.  But, RIP Blaine, looking forward to seeing your ghost.  ;)

You're making such quick progress! And you make it look so easy!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.4: Rat Trap
« Reply #134 on: March 27, 2024, 02:47:54 AM »
Baird & Bonnie have both got the Duellist perk and the one that makes them particularly strong in the Magic Realm. I don't send them off to the arena - it always takes ages for the Sages to get there. I don't know if you get better winnings there.

The Wallaces have got all the familiars and all the magic mops. They just need one each of the other mops and a load of wands.

My biggest problem is working out the wand variations. I've got one of each type but it's hard to work out which is which from the shadowed-out collection panel.
They do seem to have different values, I think. That was how I differentiate the Sulani treasures, some of which are very similar to look at. But only once you've got them.

Poor Blaine. If only she'd done a bit of online research... I had to let the Butler and Maid go in order to get Haggis' cage filthy. I think they were cleaning it. Also, if I have animals, I usually have animal-care as a club activity so that had to be cancelled. Coirah was keeping him fed and entertained.
Blaine had been regularly yelling at him and calling him names - "You filthy animal!" - so poor Haggis had every right to bite her.

I do have the paranormal pack so, yes, Blaine's ghost will be...something!