Author Topic: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy (27-Apr - on hold)  (Read 9174 times)

Offline oshizu

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I wonder if your Black Widow acheevo included Darrel and Akira in its count.
Haha, Joemar certainly didn't last long! H

If Caillen's magical rank is low, wouldn't it be faster for her to reach Wellness 7 and Teleport?
Not aHs fast as Transportalate but still handy.  I take that back, as heir, Caillen should at least reach Adept rank. *winks

Happy Birthday to everyone!  Coirah is adorable!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Congrats on your Black Widow achievement! It was certainly easier (and faster) to achieve than Jasmine's!

Black Widow doesn't care whose spouse dies - only that 5 household spouses die and return to the household for some length of time. It seems odd to me, but I think it's because achievements only trigger per household, not per Sim.

You're moving along so quickly! 28% already! Well done! And thank you so much for sharing your spreadsheet!

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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I wonder if your Black Widow acheevo included Darrel and Akira in its count.
Haha, Joemar certainly didn't last long! H

If Caillen's magical rank is low, wouldn't it be faster for her to reach Wellness 7 and Teleport?
Not aHs fast as Transportalate but still handy.  I take that back, as heir, Caillen should at least reach Adept rank. *winks

Happy Birthday to everyone!  Coirah is adorable!
You're probably right about the teleport thing being quicker. I still want all gen 3 kids to get magical training though. I think we'll only complete the magical artifacts collection through winning duels with the Sages. Baird and Bonnie have a couple each day.. The shops are not being helpful currently.

Congrats on your Black Widow achievement! It was certainly easier (and faster) to achieve than Jasmine's!

Black Widow doesn't care whose spouse dies - only that 5 household spouses die and return to the household for some length of time. It seems odd to me, but I think it's because achievements only trigger per household, not per Sim.

You're moving along so quickly! 28% already! Well done! And thank you so much for sharing your spreadsheet!
Thanks for explaining the Black Widow thing. It makes sense but I'd prepped Blaine for 5 husbands so she definitely want at least one more. I wonder if that applies to the Woo Hoo award (with 50 different Sims). If within 1 household, its much easier.

I don't think Blaine has come through her achievement looking as innocent as your Jasmine. If anything, she seems almost careless, lol!

The scoring in this challenge ramps up quickly at first especially once Infants and Toddlers come along - all those First milestones. Skills would be easy to add up but I'm pacing the household with those. The career and aspiration categories are a bit more steady. It will be interesting to see how progress continues as we move through the generations.

Offline oshizu

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I wonder if your Black Widow acheevo included Darrel and Akira in its count.
Haha, Joemar certainly didn't last long! H

If Caillen's magical rank is low, wouldn't it be faster for her to reach Wellness 7 and Teleport?
Not aHs fast as Transportalate but still handy.  I take that back, as heir, Caillen should at least reach Adept rank. *winks

Happy Birthday to everyone!  Coirah is adorable!
You're probably right about the teleport thing being quicker. I still want all gen 3 kids to get magical training though. I think we'll only complete the magical artifacts collection through winning duels with the Sages. Baird and Bonnie have a couple each day.. The shops are not being helpful currently.

Congrats on your Black Widow achievement! It was certainly easier (and faster) to achieve than Jasmine's!

Black Widow doesn't care whose spouse dies - only that 5 household spouses die and return to the household for some length of time. It seems odd to me, but I think it's because achievements only trigger per household, not per Sim.

You're moving along so quickly! 28% already! Well done! And thank you so much for sharing your spreadsheet!
Thanks for explaining the Black Widow thing. It makes sense but I'd prepped Blaine for 5 husbands so she definitely want at least one more. I wonder if that applies to the Woo Hoo award (with 50 different Sims). If within 1 household, its much easier.

I don't think Blaine has come through her achievement looking as innocent as your Jasmine. If anything, she seems almost careless, lol!

The scoring in this challenge ramps up quickly at first especially once Infants and Toddlers come along - all those First milestones. Skills would be easy to add up but I'm pacing the household with those. The career and aspiration categories are a bit more steady. It will be interesting to see how progress continues as we move through the generations.

I can attest from my Big Dreams Dynasty that the Woohoo acheevo counts across multiple sims.
When I played my Serial Romantic sim, we had to monitor the no. of Woohoos by subtracting the previous total at the time he started that task.
Out of context, that sounds absolutely ridiculous.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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I can attest from my Big Dreams Dynasty that the Woohoo acheevo counts across multiple sims.
When I played my Serial Romantic sim, we had to monitor the no. of Woohoos by subtracting the previous total at the time he started that task.
Out of context, that sounds absolutely ridiculous.
Aha - that does make it easier.

Interesting... I'm probably going to wait until one of the household rolls Serial Romantic before really going for it. On the other hand, I'm trying to knock out all the "naughty" items before redeeming the Wallaces. Time will tell.

Offline oshizu

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Aha - that does make it easier.

Interesting... I'm probably going to wait until one of the household rolls Serial Romantic before really going for it. On the other hand, I'm trying to knock out all the "naughty" items before redeeming the Wallaces. Time will tell.

Um, unlifrty Baird needs a "Flirt 'em up" room. ;)
I have never attempted Villainous Valentine--looking forward to your Wallces going for that one!

Also, in my list of fave spells, I forgot to mention "Herbio," which can revive a dead garden plant.
Never tried it on a dead cowplant, though.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.1: Stay
« Reply #111 on: March 16, 2024, 02:26:46 PM »
Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.1: Stay

Previously in the Wallace Legacy Household: Ghost Ukupanipo moved through the household to the Ghost Care Home, followed by Ghost Joemar Mabini after he got eaten by Coo – the Cowplant, earning the household the Black Widow Achievement. Caillen aged up to a Kleptomaniac teen and grasped the Legacy reins firmly by taking everyone to Selvadorada.

L-to-R: Coinneach, Blaine, Bonnie holding Coirah, Baird, Caillen
Current Location: Glimmerbrook Watch, Glimmerbrook

Caillen: This is my Generation now. And if my little sister Coirah wants a hamster, a hamster she will get. Meet Haggis. Coirah was too young to look after him at first. All she could do was rename him, so Haggis it is. Mmm, Burn’s Night is in January, isn’t it. I’m suddenly feeling hungry.


Blaine: If little Coirah was going to get a pet, I decided it was time for me to get some as well. Caillen had decided to move us out of gloomy Glimmerbrook but not to somewhere warm for the Winter. No, she moved us to Foundry Cove in Willow Creek. We demolished the Roomies empty place and build our own place. The best thing about it was that there was plenty of room for me to have a water garden. Piranha’s seem a suitable pet for someone who’s Evil, like me, don’t you think? You know, when they’re hungry, you can tease them with a nice juicy fish and then not give it to them. You should see the look on their little toothy faces.


Blaine: I decided I wanted something else too. And I get what I want. Wesley Grove has been hanging around this family for years. Bonnie had to Invite Him to join the household – I rarely have that good a friendship with anyone. Romantic interest? Now that’s a different matter. Wesley was more than happy to become my boyfriend and then take it upstairs! Yes, he’s Childish and High Maintenance, but he was very convenient.


Wesley: I couldn’t believe it when Blaine told me she was Eating For Two. It had been my first time ever and I wasn’t sure I was doing it right but I must have been, I guess. I knew what else was right. We had to get married before the baby was born. No child of mine would be born out of wedlock.


Caillen: A lot had happened in our house before I had my first day at High School. I’d taken Friday off, if you remember, to go to Selvadorada. My Principal said he remembered Mum, Uncle Baird and Aunt Blaine when they’d been his pupils. How old does that make him?


Coinneach: It was my birthday on Tuesday. Now you might be thinking – get him straight to the dresser. But not my Watcher. She reckons with a conk like mine, a couple of plaits makes me look interesting. And since I want to be a Bestselling Author, “interesting” is a good thing.


Blaine: I wanted a proper wedding. There was enough room at the back to put a wedding arch near Baird’s Crystal trees plus a short aisle. My beloved Coinneach looked after the rings and I suppose my niece Caillen made a lovely flower girl. I hope you like my outfit. Wesley hates green but I love it. Baird made my necklace. I didn’t tell Wesley but this would make sure I have twins as long as I kept it charged. Do you see the woman in the foreground. She’s one of Wesley’s sisters. She kept going on about our family having a Black Widow reputation and she feared for Wesley’s life. I think it was more that she Hates Children. Or was that her sister? Oh, who cares. She was sobbing at my wedding!


Blaine: Wesley did the most stupid things after the ceremony. He wished for Youthful Vigour when the Wishing Well was clearly annoyed; he jumped into the hungry piranha pool and then, when he went for a nap, our bed caught fire, again!


Baird: We all rushed outside when the fire started so no-one really knew it was me again. I wish Watcher would do her own dirty work! I hate fires. In fact, I’ve become afraid of them. Serves me right, I suppose. Can you see the hero of the hour? Coinneach rescued little Coirah. Everyone was so proud of him.


Blaine: Another husband dead. And this one actually while our wedding was still in progress. Yes, we’d completed all the tasks. But the timer was still going. Watcher was annoyed. I’d like to say she was annoyed at losing Wesley. But she’s actually annoyed that we didn’t get the ‘Til Death Us Do Part Achievement. And she says Baird’s the Insensitive one!


Caillen: Aunt Blaine was mad with everyone although, if she’d done the maths, she’d have realised that she could only have twins with Wesley out of the picture. When Haggis created a Nuclear explosion in his cage, Uncle Baird agreed to take me fishing. Best to clear out of the house when things are so tense.


Bonnie: There’s been a lot focussed on everyone else in this episode so I wanted to show you this cool effect of reflections in the river in the Magic Realm. It’s like there’s more than just two of us when we duel by it.


Caillen: Aunt Blaine was still a bit upset when she went into labour so Watcher sent me with her to the hospital. It gave me some time out to study my Archaeology book.


Blaine: Twins! Thank you to Baird’s crystal necklace. This is game-changing! I might have had triplets if there’d been room in the house. Meet my twin girls Colina, meaning “victory” and Catriona, meaning “pure”. My twins won’t be competing to be heir. They’ll be allies and rule the roost, regardless of any designated heirs. Ha ha ha ha ha! Now get me out of this contraption.


Blaine: With Free Services, it was beyond comprehension that we hadn’t got a Butler before. We managed to get a pull-down bed up in the attic. Tsubasa Ishikawa will be very comfortable up there. Actually, he’s a Self-Assured Animal Enthusiast plus he’s Evil. I put it to him that he might be more comfortable sleeping if he would be my Woo Hoo partner. Watcher’s not sure but, you know, two birds with one stone.


Bonnie: I wasn’t at all sure about Blaine’s readjustment of Tsubasa’s duties. I went upstairs to pull out his bed so that he would get the message. But the wretched thing was broken and crushed me to death!


Bonnie: How am I telling you this, if I died? Well, Watcher wasn’t ready for me to die, although she took a long time to think about it, I must say! Baird had a Jet necklace charged so he put it straight on, Transportalated into the attic and pleaded with Grim for my life. It turns out that Grim really can’t refuse a plea from someone wearing charged jet jewellery. This is game-changing too!


Coinneach: It’s an emotional roller-coaster in this household. We’d only just got over the scare of nearly losing Aunt Bonnie, when it was time for Coirah’s birthday. She’s a Green Fiend, randomly. We’re not doing anything currently to save energy so we might need to address that. She went straight off to get to know Haggis. We can leave his care to her now.


Blaine: I was shocked to hear about my twin’s near-death experience. I hugged her for appearance-sake but I was fuming inside. If Watcher had let her die, I could have invited my Wesley to join the household when he appeared that night. Argh! Still, I’ve decided to concentrate on my darling children for now. No more weddings, at least until Coinneach reaches young adulthood.


Caillen: I took Uncle Baird and Coinneach on another Jungle adventure but triggered the wrong trap and was told I'd been cursed. I didn’t feel cursed. In fact that night at Prom, I got voted Prom Queen and Coinneach was voted Jester. He doesn’t get a Milestone for that but I do! Cursed? I don’t think so.


Current Score at week 16 (Autumn 4/4)
29%   Overall

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

New Death: crushed by Murphy Bed
New Neighborhood: Foundry Cove, Willow Creek
New Milestones: Saved from Death, Prom Royalty,
New Traits: Childish, High Maintenance, Fear of Fire, Found Sylvan Glade, Green Fiend, Cautious

L-to-R: Caillen, Baird holding Catriona, Bonnie, Blaine holding Colina, Coinneach, Coirah
Current Location: Garden Essence, Foundry Cove, Willow Creek

Generation 2
Baird Wallace – Spare
: Adult; Kleptomaniac, Unflirty, Self-Assured +Perfectionist +Neat +Cheerful; Aspiration – Crystal Crafter 2/4; Unemployed
Bonnie Wallace – Heir: Adult; Cheerful, Kleptomaniac, Romantic +Active +Family-Oriented +Self-Assured; Aspiration – Body Builder 3/4; Unemployed
Blaine Wallace – Spare: Adult; Cheerful, Self-Assured, Evil +Family-Oriented +Neat +Creative; Career Secret Agent 11/11; Aspiration - Super Parent 3/4

Generation 3
Caillen Wallace - Heir
: Teen; Proper, Kleptomaniac; Aspiration – Jungle Explorer 2/4
Coinneach Wallace – Cadet: Teen; Cheerful, Self-Assured; Aspiration – Bestselling Author 1/4
Coirah Wallace – Spare: Child; Green Fiend
Colina Wallace – Cadet: Infant; Cautious
Catriona Wallace – Cadet: Infant: Intense

I can’t pin down why we didn’t get the “Til Death Do Us Part” achievement. It’s a hidden achievement so there’s no way to determine if it’s still an option.
Wesley was part of the household when he died and the Wedding Social was still in play. I can think of 2 possible reasons: it was Blaine, not Wesley, who arranged the wedding AND/OR the “happy” couple had completed all the wedding tasks. Oh dear, it looks like we’ll need another wedding at some point.

Bonnie autonomously went to open the Murphy Bed. I'd assumed the Butler would get crushed. Bonnie had completed her requirements but I wasn't emotionally prepared to lose her just yet! The crystal jewellery is quite powerful as demonstrated in this episode. Incidentally, you can't purchase the particularly powerful Jet. You have to find it.

We all like sharing pics of our children, don’t we? Coira is adorable, favouring oranges and browns.

Coirah Child.jpg

The twins aged into Infants with identical hair do’s. Colina favours green and aged up with glasses. Catriona favours blue and hats.

Colina Infant.jpgCatriona Infant.jpg

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.1: Stay (16-Mar)
« Reply #112 on: March 16, 2024, 07:33:54 PM »
Oh no! I blinked and Wesley had already come and gone! How long were they together? LOL!
So for the Til Death Do Us Part acheevo, it's the sim who phoned in the wedding who must die? Hmmm, fascinating.
I'm so glad that Baird reached Grim in time to save Bonnie.
LilSimsie failed in her attempt to plead for a sim's life (death by cowplant), so I'm really glad it worked for Bonnie.
When Blaine hugs Bonnie after Bonnie returns from the dead, Boonie's arm looks a little splotchy as if it were bruised.  Was that from the Murphy Bed?

Oh! I never knew Free Services could be used to hire a Butler.
The trait's description reads: "All single-use service requests are free."
So I've always thought I could only use it for a one-day request of a gardener, maid, caterer, etc,
For example, "One Time Gardening Service" versus "Scheduled Gardening Service" (all weekdays forever).
What a cool tip! Could Chai and Denzel use some help around the house? (Do I need to worry about unsolicited romance, though?)

Do you think Blaine's twins resemble Coirah when he was an infant?

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.1: Stay (16-Mar)
« Reply #113 on: March 16, 2024, 07:40:09 PM »
What an event-filled chapter! A birthday, and engagement, a wedding (complete with a sobbing new in-law 😂), a death, a near-death (hurray for jet jewelry), another birthday and an actual birth day (of darling twins) and, cherry on top - Prom Royalty. Watcher, you have been busy!

That murphy bed never seems to do it's thing for me when I want it to either.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.1: Stay (16-Mar)
« Reply #114 on: March 17, 2024, 05:30:46 AM »
Oh no! I blinked and Wesley had already come and gone! How long were they together? LOL!
So for the Til Death Do Us Part acheevo, it's the sim who phoned in the wedding who must die? Hmmm, fascinating.
I'm not sure if it's either the one who phoned it in or whether the death needs to happen before the ceremony...or something else entirely. Blaine really wants to get her Super Parent aspiration before she gets married again!
I'm so glad that Baird reached Grim in time to save Bonnie.
LilSimsie failed in her attempt to plead for a sim's life (death by cowplant), so I'm really glad it worked for Bonnie.
When Blaine hugs Bonnie after Bonnie returns from the dead, Boonie's arm looks a little splotchy as if it were bruised.  Was that from the Murphy Bed?
Bonnie does look bruised but it might be her muscles. She's trying to complete the perfect body for Bodybuilder although I'm concerned she might have got it too soon and she needs to drop and regain it to trigger the completion. Do you know if that's a thing? She's eaten a high energy plate and then done an epic workout, not to mention all the jogging - hence the constant sportswear. which she's just achieved :)
Oh! I never knew Free Services could be used to hire a Butler.
The trait's description reads: "All single-use service requests are free."
So I've always thought I could only use it for a one-day request of a gardener, maid, caterer, etc,
For example, "One Time Gardening Service" versus "Scheduled Gardening Service" (all weekdays forever).
What a cool tip! Could Chai and Denzel use some help around the house? (Do I need to worry about unsolicited romance, though?)
Free Services always seems to let me have regular gardening and maids plus a butler free of charge. Maybe the game just likes my Sims ;)
Do you think Blaine's twins resemble Coirah when he was an infant?
Baird as an infant (sorry it's only a small pic)
Coinneach Infant.jpg
Caillen as an infant (parents Bonnie & Morgyn)
Caillen Infant.jpg
It's difficult to spot any similarites - maybe when they're Toddlers
What an event-filled chapter! A birthday, and engagement, a wedding (complete with a sobbing new in-law 😂), a death, a near-death (hurray for jet jewelry), another birthday and an actual birth day (of darling twins) and, cherry on top - Prom Royalty. Watcher, you have been busy!

That murphy bed never seems to do it's thing for me when I want it to either.
I have no idea why Bonnie went to open the bed when she's got her own assigned bed. It's been replaced now - we only need one Murphy Bed incident!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.2: Every Breath You Take
« Reply #115 on: March 19, 2024, 12:29:41 PM »
Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.2: Every Breath You Take

Previously in the Wallace Legacy Household: Haggis the hamster joined the household; and so did Wesley Grove as Blaine’s 4th husband, dying during the celebrations but gifting her with twin girls, Colina and Catriona; Baird pleaded successfully, with the aid of a Jet Necklace, for Bonnies life after a Murphy Bed incident; Caillen won Prom Queen.

L-to-R: Caillen, Baird holding Catriona, Bonnie, Blaine holding Colina, Coinneach, Coirah
Current Location: Garden Essence, Foundry Cove, Willow Creek

Blaine: The first day of Winter marked the anniversary of our Legacy and so we had a Commencement Celebration. The only task so far is to be Mischievous – very appropriate considering we all like it.


Bonnie: My fiancé, and father of Coirah, Joemar invited me on a date to Sulani. Maybe we should have moved here – it’s so nicely warm even in Winter. We decided, even without room in the house, to get married there and then! Just the two of us, no deaths, no drama. He’s so lovely.


Coirah: Mummy told me she had become Long-Lived which I’m really glad about. I don’t want her dying anytime soon. She agreed with Watcher that a Successful Lineage is a good Aspiration so I got lots of books read to me.


Baird: The twins were taking a lot of looking after. Bonnie and I transportalated to the nursery quite a lot. But, to be fair to Wesley, on the nights he could visit, he always helped too. The girls liked him being there, especially as we really only did the essentials for them.


Caillen: On Monday I went to High School with a plan. It was really great that Trinity sat next to me because I wanted to suggest she hook up with Coinneach. He spends so much time on his writing, he needs all the help he can get.


Coinneach: I couldn’t believe that Trinity fancied me. We agreed to be boyfriend/girlfriend and did a synchronized hand-flutter and clap. Aren’t we cute? Looking back, I think Caillen just wanted me preoccupied because I would have stopped her going to the Principal’s office and Dropping Out! Aunt Bonnie is gonna kill her!


Blaine: Look at my sister, teaching Coirah to ride her bike in the house. That woman has no idea how to raise children. Yes, she helps with the twins but really! Now I’ve quit my job too, I could manage on my own. So what if she’s maxed Rocket Science? If I’d been interested, I could have done that too!


Caillen: Coinneach thought Mum would kill me and I did too. I was so worried about disappointing her, especially with Aunt Blaine always lording it over her. There’s so much judgy-ness on parents out there! Anyway, Mum took a deep breath and we talked it through – setting some boundaries. We did that a couple of times and now we’re all good. I’m going to help her and Uncle Baird with the Magical Artifacts collection and they’re going to help me with the Jungle collections. I’m so glad it all worked out.


Watcher: Yes!
Coinneach: What do you mean – Yes! This is not good. There are 5 loos in this house and I still managed to wet myself.
Watcher: Exactly! We’ve got the “No Excuse” achievement.
Coinneach: Are you sure you haven’t got the Insensitive Trait?


Bonnie: I know it’s warmer in the jungle but it’s often wet. Baird likes excavating dig sites when there’s no fishing to be had. He’s made a ring that helps him find more and better stuff when he’s digging here. It’s a bit annoying taking jewellery on and off to charge it. But we’ve completed the full crystal collection now, not just the base collection!


Caillen: Aha! My rare crystal had been refined and returned. Into the Zazatotl/Death relic it went. I’d better be very careful with that.


Coirah: Haggis is such an adventurous hamster. Nearly every other day he goes off somewhere. At least he sends us postcards to let us know where he’s been. Such a cutie!


Watcher: Maybe it’s wrong to experiment with our Infants but it was time for Colina and Catriona to age up. Colina got aged up straight away. She was feeling sad because she was hungry, uncared for and like there was no-one there but she blew her candles out anyway. Catriona had all her needs filled and was feeling loved and well-cared for.


Watcher: Both twins aged up with the Top-Notch Infant trait. This, despite having had basic Milestones but the full time allowance and basic needs normally met as soon as possible. Colina still favours green but also pink. She still needs glasses. Catriona still favours blue but also yellow and has swapped her hats for a headscarf.

Colina Toddler.jpgCatriona Toddler.jpg

Caillen: Get it off me, get it off me!
Watcher: Yay! You needed to have another natural threat.
Caillen: Coinneach was right, you are Insensitive.


Bonnie: Ah! Look at my lovely husband, busking away. I gave him a big tip to encourage others.


Coirah: Daddy was playing up a storm – he’s really good at guitar – but he still made time for me. He feels bad about not being able to spend much time with me so I begged for new toys (autonomously) and he agreed. I love my Daddy but he’s a bit of a sucker!


Baird: I know there are armoured catfish in there somewhere. All we kept getting were electric eels! Caillen and Coinneach missed Prom so we could try. Still, they couldn’t top last week’s success.


Current Score at week 17 (Year 2, Winter 1/4)
31%   Overall

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

New Lifestyle: Outdoorsy (Baird)
New Collection: Crystals
New Skill: Rocket Science
New Aspirations: Bodybuilder, Mind & Body
New Achievements: It’s Not Brain Surgery, No Excuse
New Milestones: Dropped Out of High School, Learned to Ride a Bike, First Nappy Blowout
New Traits: Long-Lived, High School Dropout, Fear of Disappointing Parents, Headstrong, Angelic, Picky Eater (Toddler), Loves Water (Toddler)

L-to-R: Caillen, Baird holding Catriona, Bonnie, Blaine holding Colina, Coinneach, Coirah
Current Location: Garden Essence, Foundry Cove, Willow Creek

Generation 2
Baird Wallace – Spare
: Adult; Kleptomaniac, Unflirty, Self-Assured +Perfectionist +Neat +Cheerful; Aspiration – Crystal Crafter 2/4; Unemployed
Bonnie Wallace – Heir: Adult; Cheerful, Kleptomaniac, Romantic +Active +Family-Oriented +Self-Assured; Aspiration – Successful Lineage 2/4; Unemployed
Blaine Wallace – Spare: Adult; Cheerful, Self-Assured, Evil +Family-Oriented +Neat +Creative; Career - Unemployed; Aspiration - Super Parent 3/4

Generation 3
Caillen Wallace - Heir
: Teen; Proper, Kleptomaniac; Aspiration – Jungle Explorer 3/4
Coinneach Wallace – Cadet: Teen; Cheerful, Self-Assured; Aspiration – Bestselling Author 1/4
Coirah Wallace – Spare: Child; Green Fiend; Aspiration – Whiz Kid
Colina Wallace – Cadet: Toddler; Angelic, Wanderer, Picky Eater, Loves Water
Catriona Wallace – Cadet: Toddler; Inquisitive


Assuming Caillen’s adult trait/aspiration doesn’t throw me off, her intended career will not need High School Graduation. Dropping Out of High School gave her both a Milestone and a Trait. Her fear of disappointing parents was not already on the list but fortunately my spreadsheet is easy to add to.. I wonder how many other fears I’ve missed. The thing I did forget was Bonnie’s need for a child with A at High School – Successful Lineage. Ah well, Coirah will get there.

The crystal ring giving more and better finds while excavating in Selvadorada, gave Baird the final (Jungle Adventure) crystal along with 2 others from the same dig site. The way I’m using the crystal jewellery is to try to keep it charging on the mats until I need them. Copypasto works on them too. That was handy for the jewellery that lets you find random crystals around the house while it’s charged. I had the household wearing that constantly!

I’m still having issues with the household not “owning” items, even ones that they’ve made themselves. In order to install them at the museum, I will need to move them in, arrange the collections from the household inventory and then move out again, selling furnishings. It’s quite a pain but I can work around it. At least the collection counter doesn’t forget.

Offline Deklitch

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.2: Every Breath You Take (19-Mar)
« Reply #116 on: March 19, 2024, 06:37:25 PM »
We Didn't Start the Fire clued me in on your inspiration for chapter titles.

I love eating haggis. I also love Haggis the Hamster ... I promise not to try to eat Haggis Hamster. :)

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.2: Every Breath You Take (19-Mar)
« Reply #117 on: March 19, 2024, 10:30:29 PM »
Now, Coinneach (and you too, Caillen), I can assure you your Watcher is far from insensitive! Ambitious? Yes. Mischievous? Why not? Creative? Absolutely! But Insensitive? Never!

Gratz on completing the full crystal collection! I agree the taking jewelry on and off to charge it is tedious. So glad the bug is fixed that was changing their bodies as you change jewelry! It's great to know that copypasto works on jewelry!

Thank you for mentioning that Fear of disappointing parents wasn't on your list - I added it to my copy.

You are making this look so easy - I'm sure all the careers will be a challenge in itself, but you are really rocking this!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.2: Every Breath You Take (19-Mar)
« Reply #118 on: March 19, 2024, 11:37:01 PM »
Very strange about your twins both getting Top-Notch Infant.  Does "full time allowance" mean you aged them up on their actual birthday?
When infants first came out, James Turner did a 7 Infants challenge and ended up with a couple of Unhappy Toddlers.

As for Bonnie, our favorite dropout, is she planning to get her GED after her YA birthday?
Congrats on completing the full Crystals collection.

Fish: I always catch Electric Eels in the area next to the Omiscan Baths. The archway is to the right of the Omiscan Baths archway.
To reach the area for catching Armored Catfish, face the temple archway then walk down to your right.
On the map, the area looks like a separate island.

Great progress! Blaine cracks me up! She's always so jealous of her sister Bonnie!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.2: Every Breath You Take (19-Mar)
« Reply #119 on: March 20, 2024, 01:06:39 PM »
We Didn't Start the Fire clued me in on your inspiration for chapter titles.

I love eating haggis. I also love Haggis the Hamster ... I promise not to try to eat Haggis Hamster. :)
I also love Haggis. Every Burn's Night - it's the only dish to have. It's the only time I eat oats - oh so healthy but one of my intolerances! We always have to say "wee timorous beasties" at least once and joke about how to hunt them. Haggis the hamster looks very like the mythical haggis creature. Basically a sporran with legs.
Now, Coinneach (and you too, Caillen), I can assure you your Watcher is far from insensitive! Ambitious? Yes. Mischievous? Why not? Creative? Absolutely! But Insensitive? Never!

Gratz on completing the full crystal collection! I agree the taking jewelry on and off to charge it is tedious. So glad the bug is fixed that was changing their bodies as you change jewelry! It's great to know that copypasto works on jewelry!

Thank you for mentioning that Fear of disappointing parents wasn't on your list - I added it to my copy.

You are making this look so easy - I'm sure all the careers will be a challenge in itself, but you are really rocking this!
My adult Sims could probably cover 3 careers each - 1 teen and 2 adult - but two of the achievements are 26 generations and the even-lengthier 100 gens - so I'm pacing them.
Very strange about your twins both getting Top-Notch Infant.  Does "full time allowance" mean you aged them up on their actual birthday?
When infants first came out, James Turner did a 7 Infants challenge and ended up with a couple of Unhappy Toddlers.

As for Bonnie, our favorite dropout, is she planning to get her GED after her YA birthday?
Congrats on completing the full Crystals collection.

Fish: I always catch Electric Eels in the area next to the Omiscan Baths. The archway is to the right of the Omiscan Baths archway.
To reach the area for catching Armored Catfish, face the temple archway then walk down to your right.
On the map, the area looks like a separate island.

Great progress! Blaine cracks me up! She's always so jealous of her sister Bonnie!
Yes - the Infants had the full calendar time. I'm only aging them up when the age bar is bubbling. They've been neglected by me quite a lot as everyone else is off treasure hunting or duelling in the Magic Realm. Having Googled it, I think an Infant aged up with a dirty nappy would be more likely to have the Unhappy Infant trait.

Bonnie shouldn't need to graduate to get her job but if it's slowing down promotions, I'll have her get it.

I wondered if that island is the only place to get the armoured catfish. That portal has not been available on any of the jungle jaunts so far. Still, wanting to complete the various collections, I'm sure it will be open at some point. Meanwhile, Baird is building his Archaeology skills and getting lots of artifact-shaped lumps.

I'm glad you're enjoying Blaine. We'll continue to pretend that she isn't full friends with everyone in the household because it's more fun that way ;)